
1014 B

SQL Parser (C++)

This is a SQL Parser for C++. It parses the given SQL query into C++ objects. It is developed for integration in hyrise (https://github.com/hyrise/hyrise), but can be used in other environments as well.

General Usage


To create the full parser code run make build. The parser library code is created in build/.

To use the SQL Parser in your own code, you only need to include SQLParser.h and build+link all the source files from the parser with your project. See hyrise/src/lib/access/sql/SQLQueryParser.cpp for how it's used in Hyrise.

Update in Hyrise

Run ./deploy_to_hyris.sh path/to/hyrise to update the SQL parser within Hyrise.

Capabilities (Can and Can't do)


  • Most of select statements
  • Join expressions
  • Create tables
  • Insert statements

Can't (yet)

  • Union clauses
  • Update statements
  • Create anything other than tables