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This target emulates the behavior of bad sectors at arbitrary
locations, and the ability to enable the emulation of the failures
at an arbitrary time.
This target behaves similarly to a linear target. At a given time,
the user can send a message to the target to start failing read
requests on specific blocks (to emulate the behavior of a hard disk
drive with bad sectors).
When the failure behavior is enabled (i.e.: when the output of
"dmsetup status" displays "fail_read_on_bad_block"), reads of blocks
in the "bad block list" will fail with EIO ("Input/output error").
Writes of blocks in the "bad block list will result in the following:
1. Remove the block from the "bad block list".
2. Successfully complete the write.
This emulates the "remapped sector" behavior of a drive with bad
Normally, a drive that is encountering bad sectors will most likely
encounter more bad sectors, at an unknown time or location.
With dm-dust, the user can use the "addbadblock" and "removebadblock"
messages to add arbitrary bad blocks at new locations, and the
"enable" and "disable" messages to modulate the state of whether the
configured "bad blocks" will be treated as bad, or bypassed.
This allows the pre-writing of test data and metadata prior to
simulating a "failure" event where bad sectors start to appear.
Table parameters
<device_path> <offset> <blksz>
Mandatory parameters:
Path to the block device.
Offset to data area from start of device_path
Block size in bytes
(minimum 512, maximum 1073741824, must be a power of 2)
Usage instructions
First, find the size (in 512-byte sectors) of the device to be used::
$ sudo blockdev --getsz /dev/vdb1
Create the dm-dust device:
(For a device with a block size of 512 bytes)
$ sudo dmsetup create dust1 --table '0 33552384 dust /dev/vdb1 0 512'
(For a device with a block size of 4096 bytes)
$ sudo dmsetup create dust1 --table '0 33552384 dust /dev/vdb1 0 4096'
Check the status of the read behavior ("bypass" indicates that all I/O
will be passed through to the underlying device; "verbose" indicates that
bad block additions, removals, and remaps will be verbosely logged)::
$ sudo dmsetup status dust1
0 33552384 dust 252:17 bypass verbose
$ sudo dd if=/dev/mapper/dust1 of=/dev/null bs=512 count=128 iflag=direct
128+0 records in
128+0 records out
$ sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mapper/dust1 bs=512 count=128 oflag=direct
128+0 records in
128+0 records out
Adding and removing bad blocks
At any time (i.e.: whether the device has the "bad block" emulation
enabled or disabled), bad blocks may be added or removed from the
device via the "addbadblock" and "removebadblock" messages::
$ sudo dmsetup message dust1 0 addbadblock 60
kernel: device-mapper: dust: badblock added at block 60
$ sudo dmsetup message dust1 0 addbadblock 67
kernel: device-mapper: dust: badblock added at block 67
$ sudo dmsetup message dust1 0 addbadblock 72
kernel: device-mapper: dust: badblock added at block 72
These bad blocks will be stored in the "bad block list".
While the device is in "bypass" mode, reads and writes will succeed::
$ sudo dmsetup status dust1
0 33552384 dust 252:17 bypass
Enabling block read failures
To enable the "fail read on bad block" behavior, send the "enable" message::
$ sudo dmsetup message dust1 0 enable
kernel: device-mapper: dust: enabling read failures on bad sectors
$ sudo dmsetup status dust1
0 33552384 dust 252:17 fail_read_on_bad_block
With the device in "fail read on bad block" mode, attempting to read a
block will encounter an "Input/output error"::
$ sudo dd if=/dev/mapper/dust1 of=/dev/null bs=512 count=1 skip=67 iflag=direct
dd: error reading '/dev/mapper/dust1': Input/output error
0+0 records in
0+0 records out
0 bytes copied, 0.00040651 s, 0.0 kB/s
...and writing to the bad blocks will remove the blocks from the list,
therefore emulating the "remap" behavior of hard disk drives::
$ sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mapper/dust1 bs=512 count=128 oflag=direct
128+0 records in
128+0 records out
kernel: device-mapper: dust: block 60 removed from badblocklist by write
kernel: device-mapper: dust: block 67 removed from badblocklist by write
kernel: device-mapper: dust: block 72 removed from badblocklist by write
kernel: device-mapper: dust: block 87 removed from badblocklist by write
Bad block add/remove error handling
Attempting to add a bad block that already exists in the list will
result in an "Invalid argument" error, as well as a helpful message::
$ sudo dmsetup message dust1 0 addbadblock 88
device-mapper: message ioctl on dust1 failed: Invalid argument
kernel: device-mapper: dust: block 88 already in badblocklist
Attempting to remove a bad block that doesn't exist in the list will
result in an "Invalid argument" error, as well as a helpful message::
$ sudo dmsetup message dust1 0 removebadblock 87
device-mapper: message ioctl on dust1 failed: Invalid argument
kernel: device-mapper: dust: block 87 not found in badblocklist
Counting the number of bad blocks in the bad block list
To count the number of bad blocks configured in the device, run the
following message command::
$ sudo dmsetup message dust1 0 countbadblocks
A message will print with the number of bad blocks currently
configured on the device::
countbadblocks: 895 badblock(s) found
Querying for specific bad blocks
To find out if a specific block is in the bad block list, run the
following message command::
$ sudo dmsetup message dust1 0 queryblock 72
The following message will print if the block is in the list::
dust_query_block: block 72 found in badblocklist
The following message will print if the block is not in the list::
dust_query_block: block 72 not found in badblocklist
The "queryblock" message command will work in both the "enabled"
and "disabled" modes, allowing the verification of whether a block
will be treated as "bad" without having to issue I/O to the device,
or having to "enable" the bad block emulation.
Clearing the bad block list
To clear the bad block list (without needing to individually run
a "removebadblock" message command for every block), run the
following message command::
$ sudo dmsetup message dust1 0 clearbadblocks
After clearing the bad block list, the following message will appear::
dust_clear_badblocks: badblocks cleared
If there were no bad blocks to clear, the following message will
dust_clear_badblocks: no badblocks found
Listing the bad block list
To list all bad blocks in the bad block list (using an example device
with blocks 1 and 2 in the bad block list), run the following message
$ sudo dmsetup message dust1 0 listbadblocks
If there are no bad blocks in the bad block list, the command will
execute with no output::
$ sudo dmsetup message dust1 0 listbadblocks
Message commands list
Below is a list of the messages that can be sent to a dust device:
Operations on blocks (requires a <blknum> argument)::
addbadblock <blknum>
queryblock <blknum>
removebadblock <blknum>
...where <blknum> is a block number within range of the device
(corresponding to the block size of the device.)
Single argument message commands::
Device removal
When finished, remove the device via the "dmsetup remove" command::
$ sudo dmsetup remove dust1
Quiet mode
On test runs with many bad blocks, it may be desirable to avoid
excessive logging (from bad blocks added, removed, or "remapped").
This can be done by enabling "quiet mode" via the following message::
$ sudo dmsetup message dust1 0 quiet
This will suppress log messages from add / remove / removed by write
operations. Log messages from "countbadblocks" or "queryblock"
message commands will still print in quiet mode.
The status of quiet mode can be seen by running "dmsetup status"::
$ sudo dmsetup status dust1
0 33552384 dust 252:17 fail_read_on_bad_block quiet
To disable quiet mode, send the "quiet" message again::
$ sudo dmsetup message dust1 0 quiet
$ sudo dmsetup status dust1
0 33552384 dust 252:17 fail_read_on_bad_block verbose
(The presence of "verbose" indicates normal logging.)
"Why not...?"
scsi_debug has a "medium error" mode that can fail reads on one
specified sector (sector 0x1234, hardcoded in the source code), but
it uses RAM for the persistent storage, which drastically decreases
the potential device size.
dm-flakey fails all I/O from all block locations at a specified time
frequency, and not a given point in time.
When a bad sector occurs on a hard disk drive, reads to that sector
are failed by the device, usually resulting in an error code of EIO
("I/O error") or ENODATA ("No data available"). However, a write to
the sector may succeed, and result in the sector becoming readable
after the device controller no longer experiences errors reading the
sector (or after a reallocation of the sector). However, there may
be bad sectors that occur on the device in the future, in a different,
unpredictable location.
This target seeks to provide a device that can exhibit the behavior
of a bad sector at a known sector location, at a known time, based
on a large storage device (at least tens of gigabytes, not occupying
system memory).