2024-07-16 15:50:57 +02:00

209 lines
6.6 KiB

"id": "8b6e",
"name": "Create RED with no flags",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$IP link add dev $DUMMY type dummy || /bin/true"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC qdisc add dev $DUMMY handle 1: root red limit 1M avpkt 1500 min 100K max 300K",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC qdisc show dev $DUMMY",
"matchPattern": "qdisc red 1: root .* limit 1Mb min 100Kb max 300Kb $",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DUMMY handle 1: root",
"$IP link del dev $DUMMY type dummy"
"id": "342e",
"name": "Create RED with adaptive flag",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$IP link add dev $DUMMY type dummy || /bin/true"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC qdisc add dev $DUMMY handle 1: root red adaptive limit 1M avpkt 1500 min 100K max 300K",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC qdisc show dev $DUMMY",
"matchPattern": "qdisc red 1: root .* limit 1Mb min 100Kb max 300Kb adaptive $",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DUMMY handle 1: root",
"$IP link del dev $DUMMY type dummy"
"id": "2d4b",
"name": "Create RED with ECN flag",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$IP link add dev $DUMMY type dummy || /bin/true"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC qdisc add dev $DUMMY handle 1: root red ecn limit 1M avpkt 1500 min 100K max 300K",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC qdisc show dev $DUMMY",
"matchPattern": "qdisc red 1: root .* limit 1Mb min 100Kb max 300Kb ecn $",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DUMMY handle 1: root",
"$IP link del dev $DUMMY type dummy"
"id": "650f",
"name": "Create RED with flags ECN, adaptive",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$IP link add dev $DUMMY type dummy || /bin/true"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC qdisc add dev $DUMMY handle 1: root red ecn adaptive limit 1M avpkt 1500 min 100K max 300K",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC qdisc show dev $DUMMY",
"matchPattern": "qdisc red 1: root .* limit 1Mb min 100Kb max 300Kb ecn adaptive $",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DUMMY handle 1: root",
"$IP link del dev $DUMMY type dummy"
"id": "5f15",
"name": "Create RED with flags ECN, harddrop",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$IP link add dev $DUMMY type dummy || /bin/true"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC qdisc add dev $DUMMY handle 1: root red ecn harddrop limit 1M avpkt 1500 min 100K max 300K",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC qdisc show dev $DUMMY",
"matchPattern": "qdisc red 1: root .* limit 1Mb min 100Kb max 300Kb ecn harddrop $",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DUMMY handle 1: root",
"$IP link del dev $DUMMY type dummy"
"id": "53e8",
"name": "Create RED with flags ECN, nodrop",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$IP link add dev $DUMMY type dummy || /bin/true"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC qdisc add dev $DUMMY handle 1: root red ecn nodrop limit 1M avpkt 1500 min 100K max 300K",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC qdisc show dev $DUMMY",
"matchPattern": "qdisc red 1: root .* limit 1Mb min 100Kb max 300Kb ecn nodrop $",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DUMMY handle 1: root",
"$IP link del dev $DUMMY type dummy"
"id": "d091",
"name": "Fail to create RED with only nodrop flag",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$IP link add dev $DUMMY type dummy || /bin/true"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC qdisc add dev $DUMMY handle 1: root red nodrop limit 1M avpkt 1500 min 100K max 300K",
"expExitCode": "2",
"verifyCmd": "$TC qdisc show dev $DUMMY",
"matchPattern": "qdisc red",
"matchCount": "0",
"teardown": [
"$IP link del dev $DUMMY type dummy"
"id": "af8e",
"name": "Create RED with flags ECN, nodrop, harddrop",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$IP link add dev $DUMMY type dummy || /bin/true"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC qdisc add dev $DUMMY handle 1: root red ecn harddrop nodrop limit 1M avpkt 1500 min 100K max 300K",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC qdisc show dev $DUMMY",
"matchPattern": "qdisc red 1: root .* limit 1Mb min 100Kb max 300Kb ecn harddrop nodrop $",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DUMMY handle 1: root",
"$IP link del dev $DUMMY type dummy"
"id": "290a",
"name": "Show RED class",
"category": [
"plugins": {
"requires": "nsPlugin"
"setup": [
"$IP link add dev $DUMMY type dummy || /bin/true"
"cmdUnderTest": "$TC qdisc add dev $DUMMY handle 1: root red limit 1M avpkt 1500 min 100K max 300K",
"expExitCode": "0",
"verifyCmd": "$TC class show dev $DUMMY",
"matchPattern": "class red 1:[0-9]+ parent 1:",
"matchCount": "1",
"teardown": [
"$TC qdisc del dev $DUMMY handle 1: root",
"$IP link del dev $DUMMY type dummy"