2023-09-14 11:12:02 +02:00

1831 lines
67 KiB

# File: XMP2.pl
# Description: Additional XMP namespace definitions
# Revisions: 10/12/2008 - P. Harvey Created
# References: 1) PLUS - http://ns.useplus.org/
# 2) PRISM - http://www.prismstandard.org/
# 3) http://www.portfoliofaq.com/pfaq/v7mappings.htm
# 4) http://www.iptc.org/IPTC4XMP/
# 5) http://creativecommons.org/technology/xmp
# --> changed to http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Companion_File_metadata_specification (2007/12/21)
# 6) http://www.optimasc.com/products/fileid/xmp-extensions.pdf
# 9) http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/
# 11) http://www.extensis.com/en/support/kb_article.jsp?articleNumber=6102211
# 12) XMPSpecificationPart3_May2013, page 58
package Image::ExifTool::XMP;
use strict;
use Image::ExifTool qw(:Utils);
use Image::ExifTool::XMP;
# xmpDM structure definitions
my %sCuePointParam = (
STRUCT_NAME => 'CuePointParam',
key => { },
value => { },
my %sMarker = (
STRUCT_NAME => 'Marker',
comment => { },
duration => { },
location => { },
name => { },
startTime => { },
target => { },
type => { },
# added Oct 2008
cuePointParams => { Struct => \%sCuePointParam, List => 'Seq' },
cuePointType=> { },
probability => { Writable => 'real' },
speaker => { },
my %sTime = (
STRUCT_NAME => 'Time',
scale => { Writable => 'rational' },
value => { Writable => 'integer' },
my %sTimecode = (
STRUCT_NAME => 'Timecode',
timeFormat => {
PrintConv => {
'24Timecode' => '24 fps',
'25Timecode' => '25 fps',
'2997DropTimecode' => '29.97 fps (drop)',
'2997NonDropTimecode' => '29.97 fps (non-drop)',
'30Timecode' => '30 fps',
'50Timecode' => '50 fps',
'5994DropTimecode' => '59.94 fps (drop)',
'5994NonDropTimecode' => '59.94 fps (non-drop)',
'60Timecode' => '60 fps',
'23976Timecode' => '23.976 fps',
timeValue => { },
value => { Writable => 'integer', Notes => 'only in XMP 2008 spec; an error?' },
# XMP Dynamic Media namespace properties (xmpDM)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::xmpDM = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-xmpDM', 2 => 'Image' },
NOTES => 'XMP Dynamic Media namespace tags.',
absPeakAudioFilePath=> { },
album => { },
altTapeName => { },
altTimecode => { Struct => \%sTimecode },
artist => { Avoid => 1, Groups => { 2 => 'Author' } },
audioModDate => { Groups => { 2 => 'Time' }, %dateTimeInfo },
audioSampleRate => { Writable => 'integer' },
audioSampleType => {
PrintConv => {
'8Int' => '8-bit integer',
'16Int' => '16-bit integer',
'24Int' => '24-bit integer',
'32Int' => '32-bit integer',
'32Float' => '32-bit float',
'Compressed' => 'Compressed',
'Packed' => 'Packed',
'Other' => 'Other',
audioChannelType => {
PrintConv => {
'Mono' => 'Mono',
'Stereo' => 'Stereo',
'5.1' => '5.1',
'7.1' => '7.1',
'16 Channel' => '16 Channel',
'Other' => 'Other',
audioCompressor => { },
beatSpliceParams => {
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'BeatSpliceStretch',
riseInDecibel => { Writable => 'real' },
riseInTimeDuration => { Struct => \%sTime },
useFileBeatsMarker => { Writable => 'boolean' },
cameraAngle => { },
cameraLabel => { },
cameraModel => { },
cameraMove => { },
client => { },
comment => { Name => 'DMComment' },
composer => { Groups => { 2 => 'Author' } },
contributedMedia => {
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'Media',
duration => { Struct => \%sTime },
managed => { Writable => 'boolean' },
path => { },
startTime => { Struct => \%sTime },
track => { },
webStatement=> { },
List => 'Bag',
copyright => { Avoid => 1, Groups => { 2 => 'Author' } }, # (deprecated)
director => { },
directorPhotography => { },
discNumber => { }, #12
duration => { Struct => \%sTime },
engineer => { },
fileDataRate => { Writable => 'rational' },
genre => { },
good => { Writable => 'boolean' },
instrument => { },
introTime => { Struct => \%sTime },
key => {
PrintConvColumns => 3,
PrintConv => {
'C' => 'C', 'C#' => 'C#', 'D' => 'D', 'D#' => 'D#',
'E' => 'E', 'F' => 'F', 'F#' => 'F#', 'G' => 'G',
'G#' => 'G#', 'A' => 'A', 'A#' => 'A#', 'B' => 'B',
logComment => { },
loop => { Writable => 'boolean' },
lyrics => { }, #12
numberOfBeats => { Writable => 'real' },
markers => { Struct => \%sMarker, List => 'Seq' },
metadataModDate => { Groups => { 2 => 'Time' }, %dateTimeInfo },
outCue => { Struct => \%sTime },
partOfCompilation=>{ Writable => 'boolean' }, #12
projectName => { },
projectRef => {
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'ProjectLink',
path => { },
type => {
PrintConv => {
movie => 'Movie',
still => 'Still Image',
audio => 'Audio',
custom => 'Custom',
pullDown => {
PrintConvColumns => 2,
PrintConv => {
relativePeakAudioFilePath => { },
relativeTimestamp => { Struct => \%sTime },
releaseDate => { Groups => { 2 => 'Time' }, %dateTimeInfo },
resampleParams => {
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'ResampleStretch',
quality => { PrintConv => { Low => 'Low', Medium => 'Medium', High => 'High' } },
scaleType => {
PrintConv => {
Major => 'Major',
Minor => 'Minor',
Both => 'Both',
Neither => 'Neither',
scene => { Avoid => 1 },
shotDate => { Groups => { 2 => 'Time' }, %dateTimeInfo },
shotDay => { },
shotLocation => { },
shotName => { },
shotNumber => { },
shotSize => { },
speakerPlacement=> { },
startTimecode => { Struct => \%sTimecode },
startTimeSampleSize => { Writable => 'integer' }, #PH
startTimeScale => { }, #PH (real?)
stretchMode => {
PrintConv => {
'Fixed length' => 'Fixed length',
'Time-Scale' => 'Time-Scale',
'Resample' => 'Resample',
'Beat Splice' => 'Beat Splice',
'Hybrid' => 'Hybrid',
takeNumber => { Writable => 'integer' },
tapeName => { },
tempo => { Writable => 'real' },
timeScaleParams => {
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'TimeScaleStretch',
frameOverlappingPercentage => { Writable => 'real' },
frameSize => { Writable => 'real' },
quality => { PrintConv => { Low => 'Low', Medium => 'Medium', High => 'High' } },
timeSignature => {
PrintConvColumns => 3,
PrintConv => {
'2/4' => '2/4', '3/4' => '3/4', '4/4' => '4/4',
'5/4' => '5/4', '7/4' => '7/4', '6/8' => '6/8',
'9/8' => '9/8', '12/8'=> '12/8', 'other' => 'other',
trackNumber => { Writable => 'integer' },
Tracks => {
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'Track',
frameRate => { },
markers => { Struct => \%sMarker, List => 'Seq' },
trackName => { },
trackType => { },
List => 'Bag',
videoAlphaMode => {
PrintConv => {
'straight' => 'Straight',
'pre-multiplied', => 'Pre-multiplied',
'none' => 'None',
videoAlphaPremultipleColor => { Struct => \%sColorant },
videoAlphaUnityIsTransparent => { Writable => 'boolean' },
videoColorSpace => {
PrintConv => {
'sRGB' => 'sRGB',
'CCIR-601' => 'CCIR-601',
'CCIR-709' => 'CCIR-709',
videoCompressor => { },
videoFieldOrder => {
PrintConv => {
Upper => 'Upper',
Lower => 'Lower',
Progressive => 'Progressive',
videoFrameRate => { Writable => 'real' },
videoFrameSize => { Struct => \%sDimensions },
videoModDate => { Groups => { 2 => 'Time' }, %dateTimeInfo },
videoPixelAspectRatio => { Writable => 'rational' },
videoPixelDepth => {
PrintConv => {
'8Int' => '8-bit integer',
'16Int' => '16-bit integer',
'24Int' => '24-bit integer',
'32Int' => '32-bit integer',
'32Float' => '32-bit float',
'Other' => 'Other',
# IPTC Extensions version 1.3 (+ proposed video extensions)
# IPTC Extension 1.0 structures
my %sLocationDetails = (
STRUCT_NAME => 'LocationDetails',
NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
GROUPS => { 2 => 'Location' },
Identifier => { List => 'Bag', Namespace => 'xmp' },
City => { },
CountryCode => { },
CountryName => { },
ProvinceState => { },
Sublocation => { },
WorldRegion => { },
LocationId => { List => 'Bag' },
LocationName => { Writable => 'lang-alt' },
GPSLatitude => { Namespace => 'exif', %latConv },
GPSLongitude => { Namespace => 'exif', %longConv },
GPSAltitude => {
Namespace => 'exif',
Writable => 'rational',
PrintConv => '$val =~ /^(inf|undef)$/ ? $val : "$val m"',
PrintConvInv => '$val=~s/\s*m$//;$val',
my %sCVTermDetails = (
STRUCT_NAME => 'CVTermDetails',
NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
CvTermId => { },
CvTermName => { Writable => 'lang-alt' },
CvId => { },
CvTermRefinedAbout => { },
# IPTC video extensions
my %sPublicationEvent = (
STRUCT_NAME => 'PublicationEvent',
NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
Date => { Groups => { 2 => 'Time' }, %dateTimeInfo },
Name => { },
Identifier => { },
my %sEntity = (
STRUCT_NAME => 'Entity',
NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
Identifier => { List => 'Bag', Namespace => 'xmp' },
Name => { Writable => 'lang-alt' },
my %sEntityWithRole = (
STRUCT_NAME => 'EntityWithRole',
NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
Identifier => { List => 'Bag', Namespace => 'xmp' },
Name => { Writable => 'lang-alt' },
Role => { List => 'Bag' },
# (no longer used)
#my %sFrameSize = (
# STRUCT_NAME => 'FrameSize',
# NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
# WidthPixels => { Writable => 'integer' },
# HeightPixels => { Writable => 'integer' },
my %sRating = (
STRUCT_NAME => 'Rating',
NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
RatingValue => { FlatName => 'Value' },
RatingSourceLink => { FlatName => 'SourceLink' },
RatingScaleMinValue => { FlatName => 'ScaleMinValue' },
RatingScaleMaxValue => { FlatName => 'ScaleMaxValue' },
RatingValueLogoLink => { FlatName => 'ValueLogoLink' },
RatingRegion => {
FlatName => 'RatingRegion',
Struct => \%sLocationDetails,
List => 'Bag',
my %sEpisode = (
STRUCT_NAME => 'EpisodeOrSeason',
NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
Name => { },
Number => { },
Identifier => { },
my %sSeries = (
STRUCT_NAME => 'Series',
NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
Name => { },
Identifier => { },
my %sTemporalCoverage = (
STRUCT_NAME => 'TemporalCoverage',
NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
tempCoverageFrom => { FlatName => 'From', %dateTimeInfo, Groups => { 2 => 'Time' } },
tempCoverageTo => { FlatName => 'To', %dateTimeInfo, Groups => { 2 => 'Time' } },
my %sQualifiedLink = (
STRUCT_NAME => 'QualifiedLink',
NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
Link => { },
LinkQualifier => { },
my %sTextRegion = (
STRUCT_NAME => 'TextRegion',
NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
RegionText => { },
Region => { Struct => \%Image::ExifTool::XMP::sArea },
my %sLinkedImage = (
STRUCT_NAME => 'LinkedImage',
NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
Link => { },
LinkQualifier => { List => 'Bag' },
ImageRole => { },
'format' => { Namespace => 'dc' },
WidthPixels => { Writable => 'integer' },
HeightPixels=> { Writable => 'integer' },
UsedVideoFrame => { Struct => \%sTimecode },
# IPTC Extension namespace properties (Iptc4xmpExt) (ref 4)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::iptcExt = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-iptcExt', 2 => 'Author' },
NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
TABLE_DESC => 'XMP IPTC Extension',
NOTES => q{
IPTC Extension namespace tags. The actual namespace prefix is
"Iptc4xmpExt", but ExifTool shortens this for the family 1 group name. (see
AboutCvTerm => {
Struct => \%sCVTermDetails,
List => 'Bag',
AboutCvTermCvId => { Flat => 1, Name => 'AboutCvTermCvId' },
AboutCvTermCvTermId => { Flat => 1, Name => 'AboutCvTermId' },
AboutCvTermCvTermName => { Flat => 1, Name => 'AboutCvTermName' },
AboutCvTermCvTermRefinedAbout => { Flat => 1, Name => 'AboutCvTermRefinedAbout' },
AddlModelInfo => { Name => 'AdditionalModelInformation' },
ArtworkOrObject => {
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'ArtworkOrObjectDetails',
NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
AOCopyrightNotice => { },
AOCreator => { List => 'Seq' },
AODateCreated=> { Groups => { 2 => 'Time' }, %dateTimeInfo },
AOSource => { },
AOSourceInvNo=> { },
AOTitle => { Writable => 'lang-alt' },
AOCurrentCopyrightOwnerName => { },
AOCurrentCopyrightOwnerId => { },
AOCurrentLicensorName => { },
AOCurrentLicensorId => { },
AOCreatorId => { List => 'Seq' },
AOCircaDateCreated => { Groups => { 2 => 'Time' }, Protected => 1 },
AOStylePeriod => { List => 'Bag' },
AOSourceInvURL => { },
AOContentDescription => { Writable => 'lang-alt' },
AOContributionDescription => { Writable => 'lang-alt' },
AOPhysicalDescription => { Writable => 'lang-alt' },
List => 'Bag',
ArtworkOrObjectAOCopyrightNotice => { Flat => 1, Name => 'ArtworkCopyrightNotice' },
ArtworkOrObjectAOCreator => { Flat => 1, Name => 'ArtworkCreator' },
ArtworkOrObjectAODateCreated => { Flat => 1, Name => 'ArtworkDateCreated' },
ArtworkOrObjectAOSource => { Flat => 1, Name => 'ArtworkSource' },
ArtworkOrObjectAOSourceInvNo => { Flat => 1, Name => 'ArtworkSourceInventoryNo' },
ArtworkOrObjectAOTitle => { Flat => 1, Name => 'ArtworkTitle' },
ArtworkOrObjectAOCurrentCopyrightOwnerName => { Flat => 1, Name => 'ArtworkCopyrightOwnerName' },
ArtworkOrObjectAOCurrentCopyrightOwnerId => { Flat => 1, Name => 'ArtworkCopyrightOwnerID' },
ArtworkOrObjectAOCurrentLicensorName => { Flat => 1, Name => 'ArtworkLicensorName' },
ArtworkOrObjectAOCurrentLicensorId => { Flat => 1, Name => 'ArtworkLicensorID' },
ArtworkOrObjectAOCreatorId => { Flat => 1, Name => 'ArtworkCreatorID' },
ArtworkOrObjectAOCircaDateCreated => { Flat => 1, Name => 'ArtworkCircaDateCreated' },
ArtworkOrObjectAOStylePeriod => { Flat => 1, Name => 'ArtworkStylePeriod' },
ArtworkOrObjectAOSourceInvURL => { Flat => 1, Name => 'ArtworkSourceInvURL' },
ArtworkOrObjectAOContentDescription => { Flat => 1, Name => 'ArtworkContentDescription' },
ArtworkOrObjectAOContributionDescription => { Flat => 1, Name => 'ArtworkContributionDescription' },
ArtworkOrObjectAOPhysicalDescription => { Flat => 1, Name => 'ArtworkPhysicalDescription' },
CVterm => {
Name => 'ControlledVocabularyTerm',
List => 'Bag',
Notes => 'deprecated by version 1.2',
DigImageGUID => { Name => 'DigitalImageGUID' },
DigitalSourcefileType => {
Name => 'DigitalSourceFileType',
Notes => 'now deprecated -- replaced by DigitalSourceType',
DigitalSourceType => { Name => 'DigitalSourceType' },
EmbdEncRightsExpr => {
Struct => {
NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
EncRightsExpr => { },
RightsExprEncType => { },
RightsExprLangId => { },
List => 'Bag',
EmbdEncRightsExprEncRightsExpr => { Flat => 1, Name => 'EmbeddedEncodedRightsExpr' },
EmbdEncRightsExprRightsExprEncType => { Flat => 1, Name => 'EmbeddedEncodedRightsExprType' },
EmbdEncRightsExprRightsExprLangId => { Flat => 1, Name => 'EmbeddedEncodedRightsExprLangID' },
Event => { Writable => 'lang-alt' },
IptcLastEdited => {
Name => 'IPTCLastEdited',
Groups => { 2 => 'Time' },
LinkedEncRightsExpr => {
Struct => {
NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
LinkedRightsExpr => { },
RightsExprEncType => { },
RightsExprLangId => { },
List => 'Bag',
LinkedEncRightsExprLinkedRightsExpr => { Flat => 1, Name => 'LinkedEncodedRightsExpr' },
LinkedEncRightsExprRightsExprEncType => { Flat => 1, Name => 'LinkedEncodedRightsExprType' },
LinkedEncRightsExprRightsExprLangId => { Flat => 1, Name => 'LinkedEncodedRightsExprLangID' },
LocationCreated => {
Struct => \%sLocationDetails,
Groups => { 2 => 'Location' },
List => 'Bag',
LocationShown => {
Struct => \%sLocationDetails,
Groups => { 2 => 'Location' },
List => 'Bag',
MaxAvailHeight => { Writable => 'integer' },
MaxAvailWidth => { Writable => 'integer' },
ModelAge => { List => 'Bag', Writable => 'integer' },
OrganisationInImageCode => { List => 'Bag' },
OrganisationInImageName => { List => 'Bag' },
PersonInImage => { List => 'Bag' },
PersonInImageWDetails => {
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'PersonDetails',
NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
PersonId => { List => 'Bag' },
PersonName => { Writable => 'lang-alt' },
PersonCharacteristic => {
Struct => \%sCVTermDetails,
List => 'Bag',
PersonDescription => { Writable => 'lang-alt' },
List => 'Bag',
PersonInImageWDetailsPersonId => { Flat => 1, Name => 'PersonInImageId' },
PersonInImageWDetailsPersonName => { Flat => 1, Name => 'PersonInImageName' },
PersonInImageWDetailsPersonCharacteristic => { Flat => 1, Name => 'PersonInImageCharacteristic' },
PersonInImageWDetailsPersonCharacteristicCvId => { Flat => 1, Name => 'PersonInImageCvTermCvId' },
PersonInImageWDetailsPersonCharacteristicCvTermId => { Flat => 1, Name => 'PersonInImageCvTermId' },
PersonInImageWDetailsPersonCharacteristicCvTermName => { Flat => 1, Name => 'PersonInImageCvTermName' },
PersonInImageWDetailsPersonCharacteristicCvTermRefinedAbout => { Flat => 1, Name => 'PersonInImageCvTermRefinedAbout' },
PersonInImageWDetailsPersonDescription => { Flat => 1, Name => 'PersonInImageDescription' },
ProductInImage => {
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'ProductDetails',
NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
ProductName => { Writable => 'lang-alt' },
ProductGTIN => { },
ProductDescription => { Writable => 'lang-alt' },
List => 'Bag',
ProductInImageProductName => { Flat => 1, Name => 'ProductInImageName' },
ProductInImageProductGTIN => { Flat => 1, Name => 'ProductInImageGTIN' },
ProductInImageProductDescription => { Flat => 1, Name => 'ProductInImageDescription' },
RegistryId => {
Name => 'RegistryID',
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'RegistryEntryDetails',
NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
RegItemId => { },
RegOrgId => { },
RegEntryRole=> { }, # (new in 1.3)
List => 'Bag',
RegistryIdRegItemId => { Flat => 1, Name => 'RegistryItemID' },
RegistryIdRegOrgId => { Flat => 1, Name => 'RegistryOrganisationID' },
RegistryIdRegEntryRole => { Flat => 1, Name => 'RegistryEntryRole' },
# new Extension 1.3 properties
Genre => { Groups => { 2 => 'Image' }, List => 'Bag', Struct => \%sCVTermDetails },
# new video properties (Oct 2016, ref Michael Steidl)
# (see http://www.iptc.org/std/videometadatahub/recommendation/IPTC-VideoMetadataHub-props-Rec_1.0.html)
CircaDateCreated=> { Groups => { 2 => 'Time' } },
Episode => { Groups => { 2 => 'Video' }, Struct => \%sEpisode },
ExternalMetadataLink => { Groups => { 2 => 'Other' }, List => 'Bag' },
FeedIdentifier => { Groups => { 2 => 'Video' } },
PublicationEvent=> { Groups => { 2 => 'Video' }, List => 'Bag', Struct => \%sPublicationEvent },
Rating => {
Groups => { 2 => 'Other' },
Struct => \%sRating,
List => 'Bag',
ReleaseReady => { Groups => { 2 => 'Other' }, Writable => 'boolean' },
Season => { Groups => { 2 => 'Video' }, Struct => \%sEpisode },
Series => { Groups => { 2 => 'Video' }, Struct => \%sSeries },
StorylineIdentifier => { Groups => { 2 => 'Video' }, List => 'Bag' },
StylePeriod => { Groups => { 2 => 'Video' } },
TemporalCoverage=> { Groups => { 2 => 'Video' }, Struct => \%sTemporalCoverage },
WorkflowTag => { Groups => { 2 => 'Video' }, Struct => \%sCVTermDetails },
DataOnScreen => { Groups => { 2 => 'Video' }, List => 'Bag', Struct => \%sTextRegion },
Dopesheet => { Groups => { 2 => 'Video' }, Writable => 'lang-alt' },
DopesheetLink => { Groups => { 2 => 'Video' }, List => 'Bag', Struct => \%sQualifiedLink },
Headline => { Groups => { 2 => 'Video' }, Writable => 'lang-alt', Avoid => 1 },
PersonHeard => { Groups => { 2 => 'Audio' }, List => 'Bag', Struct => \%sEntity },
VideoShotType => { Groups => { 2 => 'Video' }, List => 'Bag', Struct => \%sEntity },
EventExt => { Groups => { 2 => 'Video' }, List => 'Bag', Struct => \%sEntity, Name => 'ShownEvent' },
Transcript => { Groups => { 2 => 'Video' }, Writable => 'lang-alt' },
TranscriptLink => { Groups => { 2 => 'Video' }, List => 'Bag', Struct => \%sQualifiedLink },
VisualColour => {
Name => 'VisualColor',
Groups => { 2 => 'Video' },
PrintConv => {
'bw-monochrome' => 'Monochrome',
'colour' => 'Color',
Contributor => { List => 'Bag', Struct => \%sEntityWithRole },
CopyrightYear => { Groups => { 2 => 'Time' }, Writable => 'integer' },
Creator => { List => 'Bag', Struct => \%sEntityWithRole },
SupplyChainSource => { Groups => { 2 => 'Other' }, List => 'Bag', Struct => \%sEntity },
audioBitRate => { Groups => { 2 => 'Audio' }, Writable => 'integer', Name => 'AudioBitrate' },
audioBitRateMode=> {
Name => 'AudioBitrateMode',
Groups => { 2 => 'Audio' },
PrintConv => {
fixed => 'Fixed',
variable => 'Variable',
audioChannelCount => { Groups => { 2 => 'Audio' }, Writable => 'integer' },
videoDisplayAspectRatio => { Groups => { 2 => 'Audio' }, Writable => 'rational' },
ContainerFormat => { Groups => { 2 => 'Video' }, Struct => \%sEntity },
StreamReady => {
Groups => { 2 => 'Video' },
PrintConv => {
true => 'True',
false => 'False',
unknown => 'Unknown',
videoBitRate => { Groups => { 2 => 'Video' }, Writable => 'integer', Name => 'VideoBitrate' },
videoBitRateMode => {
Name => 'VideoBitrateMode',
Groups => { 2 => 'Video' },
PrintConv => {
fixed => 'Fixed',
variable => 'Variable',
videoEncodingProfile => { Groups => { 2 => 'Video' } },
videoStreamsCount => { Groups => { 2 => 'Video' }, Writable => 'integer' },
# new IPTC video metadata 1.1 properties
# (ref https://www.iptc.org/std/videometadatahub/recommendation/IPTC-VideoMetadataHub-props-Rec_1.1.html)
SnapshotLink => { Groups => { 2 => 'Image' }, List => 'Bag', Struct => \%sLinkedImage, Name => 'Snapshot' },
# new IPTC video metadata 1.2 properties
# (ref http://www.iptc.org/std/videometadatahub/recommendation/IPTC-VideoMetadataHub-props-Rec_1.2.html)
RecDevice => {
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'Device',
NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
Manufacturer => { },
ModelName => { },
SerialNumber => { },
AttLensDescription => { },
OwnersDeviceId => { },
PlanningRef => { List => 'Bag', Struct => \%sEntityWithRole },
audioBitsPerSample => { Writable => 'integer' },
# NOTE: The "Avoid" flag is set for all PRISM tags (via tag table AVOID flag)
# my %obsolete = (
# Notes => 'obsolete in 2.0',
# ValueConvInv => sub {
# my ($val, $self) = @_;
# unless ($self->Options('IgnoreMinorErrors')) {
# warn "Warning: [minor] Attempt to write obsolete tag\n";
# return undef;
# }
# return $val;
# }
# );
# PRISM structure definitions
my %prismPublicationDate = (
STRUCT_NAME => 'prismPublicationDate',
NAMESPACE => 'prism',
date => { %dateTimeInfo, Groups => { 2 => 'Time'} },
'a-platform'=> { },
# Publishing Requirements for Industry Standard Metadata (prism) (ref 2)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::prism = (
GROUPS => { 0 => 'XMP', 1 => 'XMP-prism', 2 => 'Document' },
NAMESPACE => 'prism',
AVOID => 1,
NOTES => q{
Publishing Requirements for Industry Standard Metadata 3.0 namespace
tags. (see L<http://www.prismstandard.org/>)
academicField => { }, # (3.0)
aggregateIssueNumber => { Writable => 'integer' }, # (3.0)
aggregationType => { List => 'Bag' },
alternateTitle => {
List => 'Bag',
Struct => { # (becomes a structure in 3.0)
STRUCT_NAME => 'prismAlternateTitle',
NAMESPACE => 'prism',
text => { },
'a-platform'=> { },
'a-lang' => { },
blogTitle => { }, # (3.0)
blogURL => { }, # (3.0)
bookEdition => { }, # (3.0)
byteCount => { Writable => 'integer' },
channel => {
List => 'Bag',
Struct => { # (becomes a structure in 3.0)
STRUCT_NAME => 'prismChannel',
NAMESPACE => 'prism',
channel => { },
subchannel1 => { },
subchannel2 => { },
subchannel3 => { },
subchannel4 => { },
'a-lang' => { },
complianceProfile=>{ PrintConv => { three => 'Three' } },
contentType => { }, # (3.0)
copyrightYear => { }, # (3.0)
# copyright => { Groups => { 2 => 'Author' } }, # (deprecated in 3.0)
corporateEntity => { List => 'Bag' },
coverDate => { %dateTimeInfo, Groups => { 2 => 'Time'} },
coverDisplayDate=> { },
creationDate => { %dateTimeInfo, Groups => { 2 => 'Time'} },
dateRecieved => { %dateTimeInfo, Groups => { 2 => 'Time'} },
device => { }, # (3.0)
distributor => { },
doi => { Name => 'DOI', Description => 'Digital Object Identifier' },
edition => { },
eIssn => { },
#embargoDate => { List => 'Bag', %dateTimeInfo, Groups => { 2 => 'Time'} }, # (deprecated in 3.0)
endingPage => { },
event => { List => 'Bag' },
#expirationDate => { List => 'Bag', %dateTimeInfo, Groups => { 2 => 'Time'} }, # (deprecated in 3.0)
genre => { List => 'Bag' },
hasAlternative => { List => 'Bag' },
hasCorrection => {
Struct => { # (becomes a structure in 3.0)
STRUCT_NAME => 'prismHasCorrection',
NAMESPACE => 'prism',
text => { },
'a-platform'=> { },
'a-lang' => { },
# hasPreviousVersion => { }, # (not in 3.0)
hasTranslation => { List => 'Bag' },
industry => { List => 'Bag' },
isAlternativeOf => { List => 'Bag' }, # (3.0)
isbn => { Name => 'ISBN', List => 'Bag' }, # 2.1 (becomes a list in 3.0)
isCorrectionOf => { List => 'Bag' },
issn => { Name => 'ISSN' },
issueIdentifier => { },
issueName => { },
issueTeaser => { }, # (3.0)
issueType => { }, # (3.0)
isTranslationOf => { },
keyword => { List => 'Bag' },
killDate => {
Struct => { # (becomes a structure in 3.0)
STRUCT_NAME => 'prismKillDate',
NAMESPACE => 'prism',
date => { %dateTimeInfo, Groups => { 2 => 'Time'} },
'a-platform'=> { }, #PH (missed in spec?)
'link' => { List => 'Bag' }, # (3.0)
location => { List => 'Bag' },
# metadataContainer => { }, (not valid for PRISM XMP)
modificationDate=> { %dateTimeInfo, Groups => { 2 => 'Time'} },
nationalCatalogNumber => { }, # (3.0)
number => { },
object => { List => 'Bag' },
onSaleDate => { # (3.0)
List => 'Bag',
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'prismOnSaleDate',
NAMESPACE => 'prism',
date => { %dateTimeInfo, Groups => { 2 => 'Time'} },
'a-platform'=> { },
onSaleDay => { # (3.0)
List => 'Bag',
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'prismOnSaleDay',
NAMESPACE => 'prism',
day => { }, #PH (not named in spec)
'a-platform'=> { },
offSaleDate => { # (3.0)
List => 'Bag',
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'prismOffSaleDate',
NAMESPACE => 'prism',
date => { %dateTimeInfo, Groups => { 2 => 'Time'} },
'a-platform'=> { },
organization => { List => 'Bag' },
originPlatform => {
List => 'Bag',
PrintConv => {
email => 'E-Mail',
mobile => 'Mobile',
broadcast => 'Broadcast',
web => 'Web',
'print' => 'Print',
recordableMedia => 'Recordable Media',
other => 'Other',
pageCount => { Writable => 'integer' }, # (3.0)
pageProgressionDirection => { # (3.0)
PrintConv => { LTR => 'Left to Right', RTL => 'Right to Left' },
pageRange => { List => 'Bag' },
person => { },
platform => { }, # (3.0)
productCode => { }, # (3.0)
profession => { }, # (3.0)
publicationDate => {
List => 'Bag',
Struct => \%prismPublicationDate, # (becomes a structure in 3.0)
publicationDisplayDate => { # (3.0)
List => 'Bag',
Struct => \%prismPublicationDate,
publicationName => { },
publishingFrequency => { }, # (3.0)
rating => { },
# rightsAgent => { }, # (deprecated in 3.0)
samplePageRange => { }, # (3.0)
section => { },
sellingAgency => { }, # (3.0)
seriesNumber => { Writable => 'integer' }, # (3.0)
seriesTitle => { }, # (3.0)
sport => { }, # (3.0)
startingPage => { },
subsection1 => { },
subsection2 => { },
subsection3 => { },
subsection4 => { },
subtitle => { }, # (3.0)
supplementDisplayID => { }, # (3.0)
supplementStartingPage => { }, # (3.0)
supplementTitle => { }, # (3.0)
teaser => { List => 'Bag' },
ticker => { List => 'Bag' },
timePeriod => { },
url => {
Name => 'URL',
List => 'Bag',
Struct => { # (becomes a structure in 3.0)
STRUCT_NAME => 'prismUrl',
NAMESPACE => 'prism',
url => { },
'a-platform'=> { },
uspsNumber => { }, # (3.0)
versionIdentifier => { },
volume => { },
wordCount => { Writable => 'integer' },
# tags that existed in version 1.3
# category => { %obsolete, List => 'Bag' },
# hasFormat => { %obsolete, List => 'Bag' },
# hasPart => { %obsolete, List => 'Bag' },
# isFormatOf => { %obsolete, List => 'Bag' },
# isPartOf => { %obsolete },
# isReferencedBy => { %obsolete, List => 'Bag' },
# isRequiredBy => { %obsolete, List => 'Bag' },
# isVersionOf => { %obsolete },
# objectTitle => { %obsolete, List => 'Bag' },
# receptionDate => { %obsolete },
# references => { %obsolete, List => 'Bag' },
# requires => { %obsolete, List => 'Bag' },
# tags in older versions
# page
# contentLength
# creationTime
# expirationTime
# hasVersion
# isAlternativeFor
# isBasedOn
# isBasisFor
# modificationTime
# publicationTime
# receptionTime
# releaseTime
# PRISM Rights Language namespace (prl) (ref 2)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::prl = (
GROUPS => { 0 => 'XMP', 1 => 'XMP-prl', 2 => 'Document' },
NAMESPACE => 'prl',
AVOID => 1,
NOTES => q{
PRISM Rights Language 2.1 namespace tags. These tags have been deprecated
since the release of the PRISM Usage Rights 3.0. (see
geography => { List => 'Bag' },
industry => { List => 'Bag' },
usage => { List => 'Bag' },
# PRISM Usage Rights namespace (prismusagerights) (ref 2)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::pur = (
GROUPS => { 0 => 'XMP', 1 => 'XMP-pur', 2 => 'Document' },
NAMESPACE => 'pur',
AVOID => 1,
NOTES => q{
PRISM Usage Rights 3.0 namespace tags. (see
adultContentWarning => { List => 'Bag' },
agreement => { List => 'Bag' },
copyright => {
# (not clear in 3.0 spec, which lists only "bag Text", and called
# "copyrightDate" instead of "copyright" the PRISM basic 3.0 spec)
Writable => 'lang-alt',
Groups => { 2 => 'Author' },
creditLine => { List => 'Bag' },
embargoDate => { List => 'Bag', %dateTimeInfo, Groups => { 2 => 'Time'} },
exclusivityEndDate => { List => 'Bag', %dateTimeInfo, Groups => { 2 => 'Time'} },
expirationDate => { List => 'Bag', %dateTimeInfo, Groups => { 2 => 'Time'} },
imageSizeRestriction=> { },
optionEndDate => { List => 'Bag', %dateTimeInfo, Groups => { 2 => 'Time'} },
permissions => { List => 'Bag' },
restrictions => { List => 'Bag' },
reuseProhibited => { Writable => 'boolean' },
rightsAgent => { },
rightsOwner => { },
# usageFee => { List => 'Bag' }, # (not in 3.0)
# PRISM Metadata for Images namespace (pmi) (ref 2)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::pmi = (
GROUPS => { 0 => 'XMP', 1 => 'XMP-pmi', 2 => 'Image' },
NAMESPACE => 'pmi',
AVOID => 1,
NOTES => q{
PRISM Metadata for Images 3.0 namespace tags. (see
color => {
PrintConv => {
bw => 'BW',
color => 'Color',
sepia => 'Sepia',
duotone => 'Duotone',
tritone => 'Tritone',
quadtone => 'Quadtone',
contactInfo => { },
displayName => { },
distributorProductID => { },
eventAlias => { },
eventEnd => { },
eventStart => { },
eventSubtype => { },
eventType => { },
field => { },
framing => { },
location => { },
make => { },
manufacturer => { },
model => { },
modelYear => { },
objectDescription=>{ },
objectSubtype => { },
objectType => { },
orientation => {
PrintConv => {
horizontal => 'Horizontal',
vertical => 'Vertical',
positionDescriptor => { },
productID => { },
productIDType => { },
season => {
PrintConv => {
spring => 'Spring',
summer => 'Summer',
fall => 'Fall',
winter => 'Winter',
sequenceName => { },
sequenceNumber => { },
sequenceTotalNumber => { },
setting => { },
shootID => { },
slideshowName => { },
slideshowNumber => { Writable => 'integer' },
slideshowTotalNumber => { Writable => 'integer' },
viewpoint => { },
visualTechnique => { },
# PRISM Recipe Metadata (prm) (ref 2)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::prm = (
GROUPS => { 0 => 'XMP', 1 => 'XMP-prm', 2 => 'Document' },
NAMESPACE => 'prm',
AVOID => 1,
NOTES => q{
PRISM Recipe Metadata 3.0 namespace tags. (see
cookingEquipment => { },
cookingMethod => { },
course => { },
cuisine => { },
dietaryNeeds => { },
dishType => { },
duration => { },
ingredientExclusion => { },
mainIngredient => { },
meal => { },
recipeEndingPage => { },
recipePageRange => { },
recipeSource => { },
recipeStartingPage => { },
recipeTitle => { },
servingSize => { },
skillLevel => { },
specialOccasion => { },
yield => { },
# DICOM namespace properties (DICOM) (ref PH, written by CS3)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::DICOM = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-DICOM', 2 => 'Image' },
NOTES => q{
DICOM namespace tags. These XMP tags allow some DICOM information to be
stored in files of other than DICOM format. See the
L<DICOM Tags documentation|Image::ExifTool::TagNames/DICOM Tags> for a list
of tags available in DICOM-format files.
# change some tag names to correspond with DICOM tags
PatientName => { },
PatientID => { },
PatientSex => { },
PatientDOB => {
Name => 'PatientBirthDate',
Groups => { 2 => 'Time' },
StudyID => { },
StudyPhysician => { },
StudyDateTime => { Groups => { 2 => 'Time' }, %dateTimeInfo },
StudyDescription => { },
SeriesNumber => { },
SeriesModality => { },
SeriesDateTime => { Groups => { 2 => 'Time' }, %dateTimeInfo },
SeriesDescription => { },
EquipmentInstitution => { },
EquipmentManufacturer => { },
# PixelLive namespace properties (PixelLive) (ref 3)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::PixelLive = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-PixelLive', 2 => 'Image' },
NAMESPACE => 'PixelLive',
AVOID => 1,
NOTES => q{
PixelLive namespace tags. These tags are not writable becase they are very
uncommon and I haven't been able to locate a reference which gives the
namespace URI.
AUTHOR => { Name => 'Author', Groups => { 2 => 'Author' } },
COMMENTS => { Name => 'Comments' },
COPYRIGHT => { Name => 'Copyright', Groups => { 2 => 'Author' } },
DATE => { Name => 'Date', Groups => { 2 => 'Time' } },
GENRE => { Name => 'Genre' },
TITLE => { Name => 'Title' },
# Extensis Portfolio tags (extensis) (ref 11)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::extensis = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-extensis', 2 => 'Image' },
NAMESPACE => 'extensis',
NOTES => 'Tags used by Extensis Portfolio.',
Approved => { Writable => 'boolean' },
ApprovedBy => { },
ClientName => { },
JobName => { },
JobStatus => { },
RoutedTo => { },
RoutingNotes => { },
WorkToDo => { },
# IDimager structures (ref PH)
my %sTagStruct;
%sTagStruct = (
STRUCT_NAME => 'TagStructure',
NAMESPACE => 'ics',
LabelName => { },
Reference => { },
ParentReference => { },
SubLabels => { Struct => \%sTagStruct, List => 'Bag' },
my %sSubVersion = (
STRUCT_NAME => 'SubVersion',
NAMESPACE => 'ics',
VersRef => { },
FileName => { },
# IDimager namespace (ics) (ref PH)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::ics = (
GROUPS => { 0 => 'XMP', 1 => 'XMP-ics', 2 => 'Image' },
NAMESPACE => 'ics',
NOTES => q{
Tags used by IDimager. Nested TagStructure structures are unrolled to an
arbitrary depth of 6 to avoid infinite recursion.
ImageRef => { },
TagStructure => { Struct => \%sTagStruct, List => 'Bag' },
TagStructureLabelName => { Name => 'LabelName1', Flat => 1 },
TagStructureReference => { Name => 'Reference1', Flat => 1 },
TagStructureSubLabels => { Name => 'SubLables1', Flat => 1 },
TagStructureParentReference => { Name => 'ParentReference1', Flat => 1 },
TagStructureSubLabelsLabelName => { Name => 'LabelName2', Flat => 1 },
TagStructureSubLabelsReference => { Name => 'Reference2', Flat => 1 },
TagStructureSubLabelsSubLabels => { Name => 'SubLables2', Flat => 1 },
TagStructureSubLabelsParentReference => { Name => 'ParentReference2', Flat => 1 },
TagStructureSubLabelsSubLabelsLabelName => { Name => 'LabelName3', Flat => 1 },
TagStructureSubLabelsSubLabelsReference => { Name => 'Reference3', Flat => 1 },
TagStructureSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabels => { Name => 'SubLables3', Flat => 1 },
TagStructureSubLabelsSubLabelsParentReference => { Name => 'ParentReference3', Flat => 1 },
TagStructureSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabelsLabelName => { Name => 'LabelName4', Flat => 1 },
TagStructureSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabelsReference => { Name => 'Reference4', Flat => 1 },
TagStructureSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabels => { Name => 'SubLabels4', Flat => 1 },
TagStructureSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabelsParentReference => { Name => 'ParentReference4', Flat => 1 },
TagStructureSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabelsLabelName => { Name => 'LabelName5', Flat => 1 },
TagStructureSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabelsReference => { Name => 'Reference5', Flat => 1 },
TagStructureSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabels => { Name => 'SubLabels5', Flat => 1, NoSubStruct => 1 }, # break infinite recursion
TagStructureSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabelsParentReference => { Name => 'ParentReference5', Flat => 1 },
TagStructureSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabelsLabelName => { Name => 'LabelName6', Flat => 1 },
TagStructureSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabelsReference => { Name => 'Reference6', Flat => 1 },
TagStructureSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabelsParentReference => { Name => 'ParentReference6', Flat => 1 },
SubVersions => { Struct => \%sSubVersion, List => 'Bag' },
SubVersionsVersRef => { Name => 'SubVersionReference', Flat => 1 },
SubVersionsFileName => { Name => 'SubVersionFileName', Flat => 1 },
TimeStamp => { Avoid => 1, Groups => { 2 => 'Time' }, %dateTimeInfo },
AppVersion => { Avoid => 1 },
# ACDSee namespace (acdsee) (ref PH)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::acdsee = (
GROUPS => { 0 => 'XMP', 1 => 'XMP-acdsee', 2 => 'Image' },
NAMESPACE => 'acdsee',
AVOID => 1,
NOTES => q{
ACD Systems ACDSee namespace tags.
(A note to software developers: Re-inventing your own private tags instead
of using the equivalent tags in standard XMP namespaces defeats one of the
most valuable features of metadata: interoperability. Your applications
mumble to themselves instead of speaking out for the rest of the world to
author => { Groups => { 2 => 'Author' } },
caption => { },
categories => { },
collections=> { },
datetime => { Name => 'DateTime', Groups => { 2 => 'Time' }, %dateTimeInfo },
keywords => { List => 'Bag' },
notes => { },
rating => { Writable => 'real' }, # integer?
tagged => { Writable => 'boolean' },
rawrppused => { Writable => 'boolean' },
rpp => {
Name => 'RPP',
Writable => 'lang-alt',
Notes => 'raw processing settings in XML format',
Binary => 1,
dpp => {
Name => 'DPP',
Writable => 'lang-alt',
Notes => 'newer version of XML raw processing settings',
Binary => 1,
# more tags (ref forum6840)
FixtureIdentifier => { },
EditStatus => { },
ReleaseDate => { },
ReleaseTime => { },
OriginatingProgram => { },
ObjectCycle => { },
Snapshots => { List => 'Bag', Binary => 1 },
# Picture Licensing Universal System namespace properties (xmpPLUS)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::xmpPLUS = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-xmpPLUS', 2 => 'Author' },
AVOID => 1,
NOTES => q{
XMP Picture Licensing Universal System (PLUS) tags as written by some older
Adobe applications. See L<PLUS XMP Tags|Image::ExifTool::TagNames/PLUS XMP Tags>
for the current PLUS tags.
CreditLineReq => { Writable => 'boolean' },
ReuseAllowed => { Writable => 'boolean' },
# Creative Commons namespace properties (cc) (ref 5)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::cc = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-cc', 2 => 'Author' },
NAMESPACE => 'cc',
NOTES => q{
Creative Commons namespace tags. Note that the CC specification for XMP is
non-existent, so ExifTool must make some assumptions about the format of the
specific properties in XMP (see L<http://creativecommons.org/ns>).
# Work properties
license => { Resource => 1 },
attributionName => { },
attributionURL => { Resource => 1 },
morePermissions => { Resource => 1 },
useGuidelines => { Resource => 1 },
# License properties
permits => {
List => 'Bag',
Resource => 1,
PrintConv => {
'cc:Sharing' => 'Sharing',
'cc:DerivativeWorks' => 'Derivative Works',
'cc:Reproduction' => 'Reproduction',
'cc:Distribution' => 'Distribution',
requires => {
List => 'Bag',
Resource => 1,
PrintConv => {
'cc:Copyleft' => 'Copyleft',
'cc:LesserCopyleft' => 'Lesser Copyleft',
'cc:SourceCode' => 'Source Code',
'cc:ShareAlike' => 'Share Alike',
'cc:Notice' => 'Notice',
'cc:Attribution' => 'Attribution',
prohibits => {
List => 'Bag',
Resource => 1,
PrintConv => {
'cc:HighIncomeNationUse' => 'High Income Nation Use',
'cc:CommercialUse' => 'Commercial Use',
jurisdiction => { Resource => 1 },
legalcode => { Name => 'LegalCode', Resource => 1 },
deprecatedOn => { %dateTimeInfo, Groups => { 2 => 'Time' } },
# Description Explorer namespace properties (dex) (ref 6)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::dex = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-dex', 2 => 'Image' },
NAMESPACE => 'dex',
NOTES => q{
Description Explorer namespace tags. These tags are not very common. The
Source and Rating tags are avoided when writing due to name conflicts with
other XMP tags. (see L<http://www.optimasc.com/products/fileid/>)
crc32 => { Name => 'CRC32', Writable => 'integer' },
source => { Avoid => 1 },
shortdescription => {
Name => 'ShortDescription',
Writable => 'lang-alt',
licensetype => {
Name => 'LicenseType',
PrintConv => {
unknown => 'Unknown',
shareware => 'Shareware',
freeware => 'Freeware',
adware => 'Adware',
demo => 'Demo',
commercial => 'Commercial',
'public domain' => 'Public Domain',
'open source' => 'Open Source',
revision => { },
rating => { Avoid => 1 },
os => { Name => 'OS', Writable => 'integer' },
ffid => { Name => 'FFID' },
# iView MediaPro namespace properties (mediapro) (ref PH)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::MediaPro = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-mediapro', 2 => 'Image' },
NAMESPACE => 'mediapro',
NOTES => 'iView MediaPro namespace tags.',
Event => {
Avoid => 1,
Notes => 'avoided due to conflict with XMP-iptcExt:Event',
Location => {
Avoid => 1,
Groups => { 2 => 'Location' },
Notes => 'avoided due to conflict with XMP-iptcCore:Location',
Status => { },
People => { List => 'Bag' },
UserFields => { List => 'Bag' },
CatalogSets => { List => 'Bag' },
# Microsoft ExpressionMedia namespace properties (expressionmedia)
# (ref http://u88.n24.queensu.ca/exiftool/forum/index.php/topic,4235.0.html)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::ExpressionMedia = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-expressionmedia', 2 => 'Image' },
NAMESPACE => 'expressionmedia',
AVOID => 1,
NOTES => q{
Microsoft Expression Media namespace tags. These tags are avoided when
writing due to name conflicts with tags in other schemas.
Event => { },
Status => { },
People => { List => 'Bag' },
CatalogSets => { List => 'Bag' },
# DigiKam namespace tags (ref PH)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::digiKam = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-digiKam', 2 => 'Image' },
NAMESPACE => 'digiKam',
NOTES => 'DigiKam namespace tags.',
CaptionsAuthorNames => { Writable => 'lang-alt' },
CaptionsDateTimeStamps => { Writable => 'lang-alt', Groups => { 2 => 'Time' } },
TagsList => { List => 'Seq' },
ColorLabel => { },
PickLabel => { },
ImageHistory => { Avoid => 1, Notes => 'different format from EXIF:ImageHistory' },
LensCorrectionSettings => { },
ImageUniqueID => { Avoid => 1 },
# SWF namespace tags (ref PH)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::swf = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-swf', 2 => 'Image' },
NAMESPACE => 'swf',
NOTES => 'Adobe SWF namespace tags.',
type => { Avoid => 1 },
bgalpha => { Name => 'BackgroundAlpha', Writable => 'integer' },
forwardlock => { Name => 'ForwardLock', Writable => 'boolean' },
maxstorage => { Name => 'MaxStorage', Writable => 'integer' }, # (CS5)
# Sony Ericsson cell phone location tags
# refs: http://www.opencellid.org/api
# http://zonetag.research.yahoo.com/faq_location.php
# http://www.cs.columbia.edu/sip/drafts/LIF%20TS%20101%20v2.0.0.pdf
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::cell = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-cell', 2 => 'Location' },
NAMESPACE => 'cell',
NOTES => 'Location tags written by some Sony Ericsson phones.',
mcc => { Name => 'MobileCountryCode' },
mnc => { Name => 'MobileNetworkCode' },
lac => { Name => 'LocationAreaCode' },
cellid => { Name => 'CellTowerID' },
cgi => { Name => 'CellGlobalID' },
r => { Name => 'CellR' }, # (what is this? Radius?)
# Apple adjustment settings (ref PH)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::aas = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-aas', 2 => 'Image' },
NAMESPACE => 'aas',
NOTES => 'Apple Adjustment Settings used by iPhone/iPad.',
CropX => { Writable => 'integer', Avoid => 1 },
CropY => { Writable => 'integer', Avoid => 1 },
CropW => { Writable => 'integer', Avoid => 1 },
CropH => { Writable => 'integer', Avoid => 1 },
AffineA => { Writable => 'real' },
AffineB => { Writable => 'real' },
AffineC => { Writable => 'real' },
AffineD => { Writable => 'real' },
AffineX => { Writable => 'real' },
AffineY => { Writable => 'real' },
Vibrance => { Writable => 'real', Avoid => 1 },
Curve0x => { Writable => 'real' },
Curve0y => { Writable => 'real' },
Curve1x => { Writable => 'real' },
Curve1y => { Writable => 'real' },
Curve2x => { Writable => 'real' },
Curve2y => { Writable => 'real' },
Curve3x => { Writable => 'real' },
Curve3y => { Writable => 'real' },
Curve4x => { Writable => 'real' },
Curve4y => { Writable => 'real' },
Shadows => { Writable => 'real', Avoid => 1 },
Highlights => { Writable => 'real', Avoid => 1 },
# the following from StarGeek
FaceBalanceOrigI => { Writable => 'real' },
FaceBalanceOrigQ => { Writable => 'real' },
FaceBalanceStrength => { Writable => 'real' },
FaceBalanceWarmth => { Writable => 'real' },
# Adobe creatorAtom properties (ref PH)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::creatorAtom = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-creatorAtom', 2 => 'Image' },
NAMESPACE => 'creatorAtom',
NOTES => 'Adobe creatorAtom tags, written by After Effects.',
macAtom => {
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'MacAtom',
NAMESPACE => 'creatorAtom',
applicationCode => { },
invocationAppleEvent => { },
posixProjectPath => { },
windowsAtom => {
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'WindowsAtom',
NAMESPACE => 'creatorAtom',
extension => { },
invocationFlags => { },
uncProjectPath => { },
aeProjectLink => { # (After Effects Project Link)
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'AEProjectLink',
NAMESPACE => 'creatorAtom',
renderTimeStamp => { Writable => 'integer' },
compositionID => { },
renderQueueItemID => { },
renderOutputModuleIndex => { },
fullPath => { },
# FastPictureViewer namespace properties (http://www.fastpictureviewer.com/help/#rtfcomments)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::fpv = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-fpv', 2 => 'Image' },
NAMESPACE => 'fpv',
NOTES => q{
Fast Picture Viewer tags (see
RichTextComment => { },
# Apple FaceInfo namespace properties (ref PH)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::apple_fi = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-apple-fi', 2 => 'Image' },
NAMESPACE => 'apple-fi',
NOTES => q{
Face information tags written by the Apple iPhone 5 inside the mwg-rs
Timestamp => {
Name => 'TimeStamp',
Writable => 'integer',
# (don't know how to convert this)
FaceID => { Writable => 'integer' },
AngleInfoRoll => { Writable => 'integer' },
AngleInfoYaw => { Writable => 'integer' },
ConfidenceLevel => { Writable => 'integer' },
# Google audio namespace
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::GAudio = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-GAudio', 2 => 'Audio' },
NAMESPACE => 'GAudio',
Data => {
Name => 'AudioData',
ValueConv => 'Image::ExifTool::XMP::DecodeBase64($val)',
ValueConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::XMP::EncodeBase64($val)',
Mime => { Name => 'AudioMimeType' },
# Google image namespace
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::GImage = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-GImage', 2 => 'Image' },
NAMESPACE => 'GImage',
Data => {
Name => 'ImageData',
ValueConv => 'Image::ExifTool::XMP::DecodeBase64($val)',
ValueConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::XMP::EncodeBase64($val)',
Mime => { Name => 'ImageMimeType' },
# Google panorama namespace properties
# (ref http://u88.n24.queensu.ca/exiftool/forum/index.php/topic,4569.0.html)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::GPano = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-GPano', 2 => 'Image' },
NOTES => q{
Panorama tags written by Google Photosphere. See
L<https://developers.google.com/panorama/metadata/> for the specification.
UsePanoramaViewer => { Writable => 'boolean' },
CaptureSoftware => { },
StitchingSoftware => { },
ProjectionType => { },
PoseHeadingDegrees => { Writable => 'real' },
PosePitchDegrees => { Writable => 'real' },
PoseRollDegrees => { Writable => 'real' },
InitialViewHeadingDegrees => { Writable => 'real' },
InitialViewPitchDegrees => { Writable => 'real' },
InitialViewRollDegrees => { Writable => 'real' },
InitialHorizontalFOVDegrees => { Writable => 'real' },
FirstPhotoDate => { %dateTimeInfo, Groups => { 2 => 'Time' } },
LastPhotoDate => { %dateTimeInfo, Groups => { 2 => 'Time' } },
SourcePhotosCount => { Writable => 'integer' },
ExposureLockUsed => { Writable => 'boolean' },
CroppedAreaImageWidthPixels => { Writable => 'real' },
CroppedAreaImageHeightPixels => { Writable => 'real' },
FullPanoWidthPixels => { Writable => 'real' },
FullPanoHeightPixels => { Writable => 'real' },
CroppedAreaLeftPixels => { Writable => 'real' },
CroppedAreaTopPixels => { Writable => 'real' },
InitialCameraDolly => { Writable => 'real' },
# (the following have been observed, but are not in the specification)
LargestValidInteriorRectLeft => { Writable => 'real' },
LargestValidInteriorRectTop => { Writable => 'real' },
LargestValidInteriorRectWidth => { Writable => 'real' },
LargestValidInteriorRectHeight => { Writable => 'real' },
# Google Spherical Images namespace (ref https://github.com/google/spatial-media/blob/master/docs/spherical-video-rfc.md)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::GSpherical = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-GSpherical', 2 => 'Image' },
NAMESPACE => 'GSpherical',
AVOID => 1,
NOTES => q{
Not actually XMP. These RDF/XML tags are used in Google spherical MP4
videos. See
for the specification.
# (avoid due to conflicts with XMP-GPano tags)
Spherical => { Writable => 'boolean' },
Stitched => { Writable => 'boolean' },
StitchingSoftware => { },
ProjectionType => { },
StereoMode => { },
SourceCount => { Writable => 'integer' },
InitialViewHeadingDegrees => { Writable => 'real' },
InitialViewPitchDegrees => { Writable => 'real' },
InitialViewRollDegrees => { Writable => 'real' },
Timestamp => {
Name => 'TimeStamp',
Groups => { 2 => 'Time' },
Writable => 'integer',
Shift => 'Time',
ValueConv => 'ConvertUnixTime($val)', #(NC)
ValueConvInv => 'GetUnixTime($val)',
PrintConv => '$self->ConvertDateTime($val)',
PrintConvInv => '$self->InverseDateTime($val)',
FullPanoWidthPixels => { Writable => 'integer' },
FullPanoHeightPixels => { Writable => 'integer' },
CroppedAreaImageWidthPixels => { Writable => 'integer' },
CroppedAreaImageHeightPixels=> { Writable => 'integer' },
CroppedAreaLeftPixels => { Writable => 'integer' },
CroppedAreaTopPixels => { Writable => 'integer' },
# Google depthmap information (ref https://developers.google.com/depthmap-metadata/reference)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::GDepth = (
GROUPS => { 0 => 'XMP', 1 => 'XMP-GDepth', 2 => 'Image' },
NAMESPACE => { 'GDepth' => 'http://ns.google.com/photos/1.0/depthmap/' },
AVOID => 1, # (too potential tag name conflicts)
NOTES => q{
Google depthmap information. See
L<https://developers.google.com/depthmap-metadata/> for the specification.
WRITABLE => 'string', # (default to string-type tags)
Format => {
PrintConv => {
RangeInverse => 'RangeInverse',
RangeLinear => 'RangeLinear',
Near => { Writable => 'real' },
Far => { Writable => 'real' },
Mime => { },
Data => {
ValueConv => 'Image::ExifTool::XMP::DecodeBase64($val)',
ValueConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::XMP::EncodeBase64($val)',
Units => { },
MeasureType => {
PrintConv => {
OpticalAxis => 'OpticalAxis',
OpticalRay => 'OpticalRay',
ConfidenceMime => { },
Confidence => {
ValueConv => 'Image::ExifTool::XMP::DecodeBase64($val)',
ValueConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::XMP::EncodeBase64($val)',
Manufacturer=> { },
Model => { },
Software => { },
ImageWidth => { Writable => 'real' },
ImageHeight => { Writable => 'real' },
# Google focus namespace
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::GFocus = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-GFocus', 2 => 'Image' },
NAMESPACE => 'GFocus',
NOTES => 'Focus information found in Google depthmap images.',
BlurAtInfinity => { Writable => 'real' },
FocalDistance => { Writable => 'real' },
FocalPointX => { Writable => 'real' },
FocalPointY => { Writable => 'real' },
# Getty Images namespace (ref PH)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::GettyImages = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-getty', 2 => 'Image' },
NAMESPACE => 'GettyImagesGIFT',
NOTES => q{
The actual Getty Images namespace prefix is "GettyImagesGIFT", which is the
prefix recorded in the file, but ExifTool shortens this for the family 1
group name.
Personality => { },
OriginalFilename => { Name => 'OriginalFileName' },
ParentMEID => { },
# the following from StarGeek
AssetID => { },
CallForImage => { },
CameraFilename => { },
CameraMakeModel => { Avoid => 1 },
Composition => { },
CameraSerialNumber => { Avoid => 1 },
ExclusiveCoverage => { },
GIFTFtpPriority => { },
ImageRank => { },
MediaEventIdDate => { },
OriginalCreateDateTime => { %dateTimeInfo, Groups => { 2 => 'Time' }, Avoid => 1 },
ParentMediaEventID => { },
PrimaryFTP => { List => 'Bag' },
RoutingDestinations => { List => 'Bag' },
RoutingExclusions => { List => 'Bag' },
SecondaryFTP => { List => 'Bag' },
TimeShot => { },
# RED smartphone images (ref PH)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::LImage = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-LImage', 2 => 'Image' },
NAMESPACE => 'LImage',
NOTES => 'Tags written by RED smartphones.',
MajorVersion => { },
MinorVersion => { },
RightAlbedo => {
Notes => 'Right stereoscopic image',
ValueConv => 'Image::ExifTool::XMP::DecodeBase64($val)',
ValueConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::XMP::EncodeBase64($val)',
# SVG namespace properties (ref 9)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::SVG = (
GROUPS => { 0 => 'SVG', 1 => 'SVG', 2 => 'Image' },
NAMESPACE => 'svg',
LANG_INFO => \&GetLangInfo,
NOTES => q{
SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) image tags. By default, only the top-level
SVG and Metadata tags are extracted from these images, but all graphics tags
may be extracted by setting the Unknown option to 2 (-U on the command
line). The SVG tags are not part of XMP as such, but are included with the
XMP module for convenience. (see L<http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/>)
version => 'SVGVersion',
id => 'ID',
metadataId => 'MetadataID',
width => {
Name => 'ImageWidth',
ValueConv => '$val =~ s/px$//; $val',
height => {
Name => 'ImageHeight',
ValueConv => '$val =~ s/px$//; $val',
# table to add tags in other namespaces
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::otherSVG = (
GROUPS => { 0 => 'SVG', 2 => 'Unknown' },
LANG_INFO => \&GetLangInfo,
NAMESPACE => undef, # variable namespace
1; #end
=head1 NAME
Image::ExifTool::XMP2.pl - Additional XMP namespace definitions
This module is loaded automatically by Image::ExifTool when required.
This file contains definitions for less common XMP namespaces.
=head1 AUTHOR
Copyright 2003-2018, Phil Harvey (phil at owl.phy.queensu.ca)
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
=over 4
=item L<http://ns.useplus.org/>
=item L<http://www.prismstandard.org/>
=item L<http://www.portfoliofaq.com/pfaq/v7mappings.htm>
=item L<http://www.iptc.org/IPTC4XMP/>
=item L<http://creativecommons.org/technology/xmp>
=item L<http://www.optimasc.com/products/fileid/xmp-extensions.pdf>
=item L<http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/>
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Image::ExifTool::TagNames/XMP Tags>,