2023-09-14 11:12:02 +02:00

1003 lines
38 KiB

# File: en_ca.pm
# Description: ExifTool Canadian English language translations
# Notes: This file generated automatically by Image::ExifTool::TagInfoXML
package Image::ExifTool::Lang::en_ca;
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '1.12';
%Image::ExifTool::Lang::en_ca::Translate = (
'AboveColor' => 'Above Colour',
'AdvancedFilter' => {
PrintConv => {
'Partial Color Blue' => 'Partial Colour Blue',
'Partial Color Green' => 'Partial Colour Green',
'Partial Color Orange' => 'Partial Colour Orange',
'Partial Color Purple' => 'Partial Colour Purple',
'Partial Color Red' => 'Partial Colour Red',
'Partial Color Yellow' => 'Partial Colour Yellow',
'Pop Color' => 'Pop Colour',
'AdvancedSceneMode' => {
PrintConv => {
'Color Select' => 'Colour Select',
'AllColorFlatField1' => 'All Colour Flat Field 1',
'AllColorFlatField2' => 'All Colour Flat Field 2',
'AllColorFlatField3' => 'All Colour Flat Field 3',
'Alpha' => {
PrintConv => {
'Alpha Exists (W color component)' => 'Alpha Exists (W colour component)',
'Alpha Exists (color not premultiplied)' => 'Alpha Exists (colour not premultiplied)',
'Alpha Exists (color premultiplied)' => 'Alpha Exists (colour premultiplied)',
'AlternateDuotoneColors' => 'Alternate Duotone Colours',
'AlternateSpotColors' => 'Alternate Spot Colours',
'ArtFilter' => {
PrintConv => {
'Pale & Light Color' => 'Pale & Light Colour',
'Pale & Light Color II' => 'Pale & Light Colour II',
'Partial Color' => 'Partial Colour',
'Partial Color II' => 'Partial Colour II',
'Partial Color III' => 'Partial Colour III',
'Watercolor' => 'Watercolour',
'Watercolor I' => 'Watercolour I',
'Watercolor II' => 'Watercolour II',
'ArtFilterEffect' => {
PrintConv => {
'Green Color Filter' => 'Green Colour Filter',
'No Color Filter' => 'No Colour Filter',
'Orange Color Filter' => 'Orange Colour Filter',
'Pale & Light Color' => 'Pale & Light Colour',
'Pale & Light Color II' => 'Pale & Light Colour II',
'Partial Color' => 'Partial Colour',
'Partial Color II' => 'Partial Colour II',
'Partial Color III' => 'Partial Colour III',
'Red Color Filter' => 'Red Colour Filter',
'Watercolor' => 'Watercolour',
'Watercolor I' => 'Watercolour I',
'Watercolor II' => 'Watercolour II',
'Yellow Color Filter' => 'Yellow Colour Filter',
'AutoAFPointColorTracking' => 'Auto AF Point Colour Tracking',
'BackgroundColor' => 'Background Colour',
'BackgroundColorIndicator' => {
Description => 'Background Colour Indicator',
PrintConv => {
'Specified Background Color' => 'Specified Background Colour',
'Unspecified Background Color' => 'Unspecified Background Colour',
'BackgroundColorValue' => 'Background Colour Value',
'BasicColorImageSequence' => 'Basic Colour Image Sequence',
'BelowColor' => 'Below Colour',
'BestShotMode' => {
PrintConv => {
'Water Color' => 'Water Colour',
'BkColor' => 'Background Colour',
'BluePaletteColorTableData' => 'Blue Palette Colour Table Data',
'BluePaletteColorTableDescriptor' => 'Blue Palette Colour Table Descriptor',
'BorderColor' => 'Border Colour',
'CFAPlaneColor' => 'CFA Plane Colour',
'CameraColorCalibration01' => 'Camera Colour Calibration 01',
'CameraColorCalibration02' => 'Camera Colour Calibration 02',
'CameraColorCalibration03' => 'Camera Colour Calibration 03',
'CameraColorCalibration04' => 'Camera Colour Calibration 04',
'CameraColorCalibration05' => 'Camera Colour Calibration 05',
'CameraColorCalibration06' => 'Camera Colour Calibration 06',
'CameraColorCalibration07' => 'Camera Colour Calibration 07',
'CameraColorCalibration08' => 'Camera Colour Calibration 08',
'CameraColorCalibration09' => 'Camera Colour Calibration 09',
'CameraColorCalibration10' => 'Camera Colour Calibration 10',
'CameraColorCalibration11' => 'Camera Colour Calibration 11',
'CameraColorCalibration12' => 'Camera Colour Calibration 12',
'CameraColorCalibration13' => 'Camera Colour Calibration 13',
'CameraColorCalibration14' => 'Camera Colour Calibration 14',
'CameraColorCalibration15' => 'Camera Colour Calibration 15',
'CameraRawColorTone' => 'Camera Raw Colour Tone',
'CanonColorInfo1' => 'Canon Colour Info 1',
'CanonColorInfo2' => 'Canon Colour Info 2',
'ChromaticityColorant' => 'Chromaticity Colourant',
'CodingMethods' => {
PrintConv => {
'JBIG color' => 'JBIG colour',
'Color' => {
Description => 'Colour',
PrintConv => {
'Color' => 'Colour',
'ColorAberrationControl' => 'Colour Aberration Control',
'ColorAdjustment' => 'Colour Adjustment',
'ColorAdjustmentMode' => 'Colour Adjustment Mode',
'ColorAverages' => 'Colour Averages',
'ColorBW' => 'Colour BW',
'ColorBalance' => 'Colour Balance',
'ColorBalanceAdj' => 'Colour Balance Adj',
'ColorBalanceBlue' => 'Colour Balance Blue',
'ColorBalanceGreen' => 'Colour Balance Green',
'ColorBalanceRed' => 'Colour Balance Red',
'ColorBalanceUnknown' => 'Colour Balance Unknown',
'ColorBalanceVersion' => 'Colour Balance Version',
'ColorBitDepth' => 'Colour Bit Depth',
'ColorBlur' => 'Colour Blur',
'ColorBlurOn' => 'Colour Blur On',
'ColorBoostLevel' => 'Colour Boost Level',
'ColorBoostType' => 'Colour Boost Type',
'ColorBooster' => 'Colour Booster',
'ColorCalibrationMatrix' => 'Colour Calibration Matrix',
'ColorCasts' => 'Colour Casts',
'ColorCharacterization' => 'Colour Characterization',
'ColorClass' => 'Colour Class',
'ColorCompensationFilter' => 'Colour Compensation Filter',
'ColorCompensationFilterCustom' => 'Colour Compensation Filter Custom',
'ColorCompensationFilterSet' => 'Colour Compensation Filter Set',
'ColorComponents' => 'Colour Components',
'ColorControl' => 'Colour Control',
'ColorCorrection' => 'Colour Correction',
'ColorCreatorEffect' => 'Colour Creator Effect',
'ColorDataVersion' => 'Colour Data Version',
'ColorDescriptor' => 'Colour Descriptor',
'ColorEffect' => 'Colour Effect',
'ColorFieldCode' => 'Colour Field Code',
'ColorFilter' => 'Colour Filter',
'ColorGain' => 'Colour Gain',
'ColorGroup' => 'Colour Group',
'ColorHalftoningInfo' => 'Colour Halftoning Info',
'ColorHue' => 'Colour Hue',
'ColorImagePrintingFlag' => 'Colour Image Printing Flag',
'ColorLabel' => 'Colour Label',
'ColorMap' => 'Colour Map',
'ColorMatrix' => 'Colour Matrix',
'ColorMatrix1' => 'Colour Matrix 1',
'ColorMatrix2' => 'Colour Matrix 2',
'ColorMatrixA' => 'Colour Matrix A',
'ColorMatrixAdobeRGB' => 'Colour Matrix Adobe RGB',
'ColorMatrixB' => 'Colour Matrix B',
'ColorMatrixNumber' => 'Colour Matrix Number',
'ColorMatrixSRGB' => 'Colour Matrix sRGB',
'ColorMode' => {
Description => 'Colour Mode',
PrintConv => {
'Indexed Color' => 'Indexed Colour',
'Natural color' => 'Natural colour',
'Neutral Color' => 'Neutral Colour',
'RGB Color' => 'RGB Colour',
'Saturated Color' => 'Saturated Colour',
'Vivid color' => 'Vivid colour',
'ColorMoireReduction' => 'Colour Moire Reduction',
'ColorMoireReductionMode' => 'Colour Moire Reduction Mode',
'ColorNoiseReduction' => 'Colour Noise Reduction',
'ColorNoiseReductionDetail' => 'Colour Noise Reduction Detail',
'ColorNoiseReductionIntensity' => 'Colour Noise Reduction Intensity',
'ColorNoiseReductionSharpness' => 'Colour Noise Reduction Sharpness',
'ColorNoiseReductionSmoothness' => 'Colour Noise Reduction Smoothness',
'ColorObjBackType' => 'Colour Obj Back Type',
'ColorObjName' => 'Colour Obj Name',
'ColorObjType' => 'Colour Obj Type',
'ColorObjVersion' => 'Colour Obj Version',
'ColorPalette' => 'Colour Palette',
'ColorPlanes' => 'Colour Planes',
'ColorPrimaries' => 'Colour Primaries',
'ColorProfile' => 'Colour Profile',
'ColorProfileSettings' => 'Colour Profile Settings',
'ColorRangeLevels' => 'Colour Range Levels',
'ColorRepresentation' => 'Colour Representation',
'ColorReproduction' => 'Colour Reproduction',
'ColorResolutionDepth' => 'Colour Resolution Depth',
'ColorResponseUnit' => 'Colour Response Unit',
'ColorSamplersResource' => 'Colour Samplers Resource',
'ColorSamplersResource2' => 'Colour Samplers Resource 2',
'ColorSaturationAdj' => 'Colour Saturation Adj',
'ColorSequence' => 'Colour Sequence',
'ColorSiting' => 'Colour Siting',
'ColorSpace' => {
Description => 'Colour Space',
PrintConv => {
'Embedded Color Profile' => 'Embedded Colour Profile',
'Linked Color Profile' => 'Linked Colour Profile',
'No color space specified' => 'No colour space specified',
'Windows Color Space' => 'Windows Colour Space',
'ColorSpaceData' => 'Colour Space Data',
'ColorSpecApproximation' => 'Colour Spec Approximation',
'ColorSpecData' => 'Colour Spec Data',
'ColorSpecMethod' => {
Description => 'Colour Spec Method',
PrintConv => {
'Vendor Color' => 'Vendor Colour',
'ColorSpecPrecedence' => 'Colour Spec Precedence',
'ColorSpecification' => 'Colour Specification',
'ColorTable' => 'Colour Table',
'ColorTempAsShot' => 'Colour Temp As Shot',
'ColorTempAuto' => 'Colour Temp Auto',
'ColorTempCloudy' => 'Colour Temp Cloudy',
'ColorTempCustom' => 'Colour Temp Custom',
'ColorTempCustom1' => 'Colour Temp Custom 1',
'ColorTempCustom2' => 'Colour Temp Custom 2',
'ColorTempDaylight' => 'Colour Temp Daylight',
'ColorTempFlash' => 'Colour Temp Flash',
'ColorTempFlashData' => 'Colour Temp Flash Data',
'ColorTempFluorescent' => 'Colour Temp Fluorescent',
'ColorTempFluorescentD' => 'Colour Temp Fluorescent D',
'ColorTempFluorescentN' => 'Colour Temp Fluorescent N',
'ColorTempFluorescentW' => 'Colour Temp Fluorescent W',
'ColorTempKelvin' => 'Colour Temp Kelvin',
'ColorTempMeasured' => 'Colour Temp Measured',
'ColorTempPC1' => 'Colour Temp PC1',
'ColorTempPC2' => 'Colour Temp PC2',
'ColorTempPC3' => 'Colour Temp PC3',
'ColorTempShade' => 'Colour Temp Shade',
'ColorTempTungsten' => 'Colour Temp Tungsten',
'ColorTempUnknown' => 'Colour Temp Unknown',
'ColorTempUnknown10' => 'Colour Temp Unknown 10',
'ColorTempUnknown11' => 'Colour Temp Unknown 11',
'ColorTempUnknown12' => 'Colour Temp Unknown 12',
'ColorTempUnknown13' => 'Colour Temp Unknown 13',
'ColorTempUnknown14' => 'Colour Temp Unknown 14',
'ColorTempUnknown15' => 'Colour Temp Unknown 15',
'ColorTempUnknown16' => 'Colour Temp Unknown 16',
'ColorTempUnknown17' => 'Colour Temp Unknown 17',
'ColorTempUnknown18' => 'Colour Temp Unknown 18',
'ColorTempUnknown19' => 'Colour Temp Unknown 19',
'ColorTempUnknown2' => 'Colour Temp Unknown 2',
'ColorTempUnknown20' => 'Colour Temp Unknown 20',
'ColorTempUnknown21' => 'Colour Temp Unknown 21',
'ColorTempUnknown22' => 'Colour Temp Unknown 22',
'ColorTempUnknown23' => 'Colour Temp Unknown 23',
'ColorTempUnknown24' => 'Colour Temp Unknown 24',
'ColorTempUnknown25' => 'Colour Temp Unknown 25',
'ColorTempUnknown26' => 'Colour Temp Unknown 26',
'ColorTempUnknown27' => 'Colour Temp Unknown 27',
'ColorTempUnknown28' => 'Colour Temp Unknown 28',
'ColorTempUnknown29' => 'Colour Temp Unknown 29',
'ColorTempUnknown3' => 'Colour Temp Unknown 3',
'ColorTempUnknown30' => 'Colour Temp Unknown 30',
'ColorTempUnknown4' => 'Colour Temp Unknown 4',
'ColorTempUnknown5' => 'Colour Temp Unknown 5',
'ColorTempUnknown6' => 'Colour Temp Unknown 6',
'ColorTempUnknown7' => 'Colour Temp Unknown 7',
'ColorTempUnknown8' => 'Colour Temp Unknown 8',
'ColorTempUnknown9' => 'Colour Temp Unknown 9',
'ColorTemperature' => 'Colour Temperature',
'ColorTemperatureAdj' => 'Colour Temperature Adj',
'ColorTemperatureAuto' => 'Colour Temperature Auto',
'ColorTemperatureBG' => 'Colour Temperature BG',
'ColorTemperatureCustom' => 'Colour Temperature Custom',
'ColorTemperatureRG' => 'Colour Temperature RG',
'ColorTemperatureSet' => 'Colour Temperature Set',
'ColorTemperatureSetting' => {
Description => 'Colour Temperature Setting',
PrintConv => {
'Color Filter' => 'Colour Filter',
'ColorTone' => 'Colour Tone',
'ColorToneAdj' => 'Colour Tone Adj',
'ColorToneAuto' => 'Colour Tone Auto',
'ColorToneFaithful' => 'Colour Tone Faithful',
'ColorToneLandscape' => 'Colour Tone Landscape',
'ColorToneMonochrome' => 'Colour Tone Monochrome',
'ColorToneNeutral' => 'Colour Tone Neutral',
'ColorTonePortrait' => 'Colour Tone Portrait',
'ColorToneStandard' => 'Colour Tone Standard',
'ColorToneUserDef1' => 'Colour Tone User Def 1',
'ColorToneUserDef2' => 'Colour Tone User Def 2',
'ColorToneUserDef3' => 'Colour Tone User Def 3',
'ColorTransferFuncs' => 'Colour Transfer Funcs',
'ColorTransform' => 'Colour Transform',
'ColorTwistMatrix' => 'Colour Twist Matrix',
'ColorType' => {
Description => 'Colour Type',
PrintConv => {
'Color' => 'Colour',
'Color Alpha' => 'Colour Alpha',
'Colorant1Coordinates' => 'Colourant 1 Coordinates',
'Colorant1Name' => 'Colourant 1 Name',
'Colorant2Coordinates' => 'Colourant 2 Coordinates',
'Colorant2Name' => 'Colourant 2 Name',
'Colorant3Coordinates' => 'Colourant 3 Coordinates',
'Colorant3Name' => 'Colourant 3 Name',
'ColorantA' => 'Colourant A',
'ColorantB' => 'Colourant B',
'ColorantBlack' => 'Colourant Black',
'ColorantBlue' => 'Colourant Blue',
'ColorantCount' => 'Colourant Count',
'ColorantCyan' => 'Colourant Cyan',
'ColorantGray' => 'Colourant Gray',
'ColorantGreen' => 'Colourant Green',
'ColorantL' => 'Colourant L',
'ColorantMagenta' => 'Colourant Magenta',
'ColorantMode' => 'Colourant Mode',
'ColorantOrder' => 'Colourant Order',
'ColorantRed' => 'Colourant Red',
'ColorantSwatchName' => 'Colourant Swatch Name',
'ColorantTableOut' => 'Colourant Table Out',
'ColorantTint' => 'Colourant Tint',
'ColorantType' => 'Colourant Type',
'ColorantYellow' => 'Colourant Yellow',
'Colorants' => 'Colourants',
'ColorimetricIntentImageState' => 'Colourimetric Intent Image State',
'ColorimetricReference' => 'Colourimetric Reference',
'Colorimetry' => 'Colourimetry',
'ColorimetryCode' => 'Colourimetry Code',
'Colors' => 'Colours',
'Compression' => {
PrintConv => {
'JBIG Color' => 'JBIG Colour',
'ContrastMode' => {
PrintConv => {
'Dynamic (Color Film)' => 'Dynamic (Colour Film)',
'Dynamic Art (My Color)' => 'Dynamic Art (My Colour)',
'Elegant (My Color)' => 'Elegant (My Colour)',
'Nature (Color Film)' => 'Nature (Colour Film)',
'Nostalgic (Color Film)' => 'Nostalgic (Colour Film)',
'Retro (My Color)' => 'Retro (My Colour)',
'Smooth (Color Film) or Pure (My Color)' => 'Smooth (Colour Film) or Pure (My Colour)',
'Vibrant (Color Film) or Expressive (My Color)' => 'Vibrant (Colour Film) or Expressive (My Colour)',
'CustomColorTone' => 'Custom Colour Tone',
'D-LightingHQColorBoost' => 'D-Lighting HQ Colour Boost',
'D-LightingHSColorBoost' => 'D-Lighting HS Colour Boost',
'DefHilite' => 'Use Default Highlight Colour',
'DefaultImageColor' => 'Default Image Colour',
'DeltaType' => {
PrintConv => {
'Color Addition' => 'Colour Addition',
'Color Replacement' => 'Colour Replacement',
'DigitalFilter01' => {
PrintConv => {
'Color Filter' => 'Colour Filter',
'Extract Color' => 'Extract Colour',
'Invert Color' => 'Invert Colour',
'Replace Color' => 'Replace Colour',
'Unicolor Bold' => 'Unicolour Bold',
'Water Color' => 'Water Colour',
'DigitalFilter02' => {
PrintConv => {
'Color Filter' => 'Colour Filter',
'Extract Color' => 'Extract Colour',
'Invert Color' => 'Invert Colour',
'Water Color' => 'Water Colour',
'DigitalFilter03' => {
PrintConv => {
'Color Filter' => 'Colour Filter',
'Extract Color' => 'Extract Colour',
'Invert Color' => 'Invert Colour',
'Water Color' => 'Water Colour',
'DigitalFilter04' => {
PrintConv => {
'Color Filter' => 'Colour Filter',
'Extract Color' => 'Extract Colour',
'Invert Color' => 'Invert Colour',
'Water Color' => 'Water Colour',
'DigitalFilter05' => {
PrintConv => {
'Color Filter' => 'Colour Filter',
'Extract Color' => 'Extract Colour',
'Invert Color' => 'Invert Colour',
'Water Color' => 'Water Colour',
'DigitalFilter06' => {
PrintConv => {
'Color Filter' => 'Colour Filter',
'Extract Color' => 'Extract Colour',
'Invert Color' => 'Invert Colour',
'Water Color' => 'Water Colour',
'DigitalFilter07' => {
PrintConv => {
'Color Filter' => 'Colour Filter',
'Extract Color' => 'Extract Colour',
'Invert Color' => 'Invert Colour',
'Water Color' => 'Water Colour',
'DigitalFilter08' => {
PrintConv => {
'Color Filter' => 'Colour Filter',
'Extract Color' => 'Extract Colour',
'Invert Color' => 'Invert Colour',
'Water Color' => 'Water Colour',
'DigitalFilter09' => {
PrintConv => {
'Color Filter' => 'Colour Filter',
'Extract Color' => 'Extract Colour',
'Invert Color' => 'Invert Colour',
'Water Color' => 'Water Colour',
'DigitalFilter10' => {
PrintConv => {
'Color Filter' => 'Colour Filter',
'Extract Color' => 'Extract Colour',
'Invert Color' => 'Invert Colour',
'Water Color' => 'Water Colour',
'DigitalFilter11' => {
PrintConv => {
'Color Filter' => 'Colour Filter',
'Extract Color' => 'Extract Colour',
'Invert Color' => 'Invert Colour',
'Water Color' => 'Water Colour',
'DigitalFilter12' => {
PrintConv => {
'Color Filter' => 'Colour Filter',
'Extract Color' => 'Extract Colour',
'Invert Color' => 'Invert Colour',
'Water Color' => 'Water Colour',
'DigitalFilter13' => {
PrintConv => {
'Color Filter' => 'Colour Filter',
'Extract Color' => 'Extract Colour',
'Invert Color' => 'Invert Colour',
'Water Color' => 'Water Colour',
'DigitalFilter14' => {
PrintConv => {
'Color Filter' => 'Colour Filter',
'Extract Color' => 'Extract Colour',
'Invert Color' => 'Invert Colour',
'Water Color' => 'Water Colour',
'DigitalFilter15' => {
PrintConv => {
'Color Filter' => 'Colour Filter',
'Extract Color' => 'Extract Colour',
'Invert Color' => 'Invert Colour',
'Water Color' => 'Water Colour',
'DigitalFilter16' => {
PrintConv => {
'Color Filter' => 'Colour Filter',
'Extract Color' => 'Extract Colour',
'Invert Color' => 'Invert Colour',
'Water Color' => 'Water Colour',
'DigitalFilter17' => {
PrintConv => {
'Color Filter' => 'Colour Filter',
'Extract Color' => 'Extract Colour',
'Invert Color' => 'Invert Colour',
'Water Color' => 'Water Colour',
'DigitalFilter18' => {
PrintConv => {
'Color Filter' => 'Colour Filter',
'Extract Color' => 'Extract Colour',
'Invert Color' => 'Invert Colour',
'Water Color' => 'Water Colour',
'DigitalFilter19' => {
PrintConv => {
'Color Filter' => 'Colour Filter',
'Extract Color' => 'Extract Colour',
'Invert Color' => 'Invert Colour',
'Water Color' => 'Water Colour',
'DigitalFilter20' => {
PrintConv => {
'Color Filter' => 'Colour Filter',
'Extract Color' => 'Extract Colour',
'Invert Color' => 'Invert Colour',
'Water Color' => 'Water Colour',
'DisplayUnits' => {
PrintConv => {
'meters' => 'Metres',
'EasyMode' => {
PrintConv => {
'Color Accent' => 'Colour Accent',
'Color Swap' => 'Colour Swap',
'My Colors' => 'My Colours',
'EmbeddedImageColorSpace' => 'Embedded Image Colour Space',
'ExposureProgram' => {
PrintConv => {
'Partial Color Blue' => 'Partial Colour Blue',
'Partial Color Green' => 'Partial Colour Green',
'Partial Color Red' => 'Partial Colour Red',
'Partial Color Yellow' => 'Partial Colour Yellow',
'Pop Color' => 'Pop Colour',
'FaithfulRawColorTone' => 'Faithful Raw Colour Tone',
'FaxProfile' => {
PrintConv => {
'Lossless color and grayscale, L' => 'Lossless colour and grayscale, L',
'Lossy color and grayscale, C' => 'Lossy colour and grayscale, C',
'FgColor' => 'Foreground Colour',
'FilmColorProcess' => 'Film Colour Process',
'FilmMode' => {
PrintConv => {
'Dynamic (color)' => 'Dynamic (colour)',
'Nature (color)' => 'Nature (colour)',
'Smooth (color)' => 'Smooth (colour)',
'Standard (color)' => 'Standard (colour)',
'FlagColor' => 'Flag Colour',
'FlashColorFilter' => 'Flash Colour Filter',
'FocalPlaneColorimetryEstimates' => 'Focal Plane Colourimetry Estimates',
'GammaColorTone' => 'Gamma Colour Tone',
'GenOpColor' => 'Gen Op Colour',
'GenreID' => {
PrintConv => {
'Books|Kids|Basic Concepts|Colors' => 'Books|Kids|Basic Concepts|Colours',
'GreenPaletteColorTableData' => 'Green Palette Colour Table Data',
'GreenPaletteColorTableDescriptor' => 'Green Palette Colour Table Descriptor',
'HasColorMap' => 'Has Colour Map',
'HighlightColorDistortReduct' => 'Highlight Colour Distort Reduct',
'HiliteColor' => 'Highlight Colour',
'ImageAlterationConstraints' => {
PrintConv => {
'No Colorization' => 'No Colourization',
'No De-Colorization' => 'No De-Colourization',
'ImageColor' => 'Image Colour',
'ImageColorIndicator' => {
Description => 'Image Colour Indicator',
PrintConv => {
'Specified Image Color' => 'Specified Image Colour',
'Unspecified Image Color' => 'Unspecified Image Colour',
'ImageColorValue' => 'Image Colour Value',
'ImageMedium' => {
PrintConv => {
'Color hard copy' => 'Colour hard copy',
'Color negative' => 'Colour negative',
'Color reversal' => 'Colour reversal',
'IndexedColorTableCount' => 'Indexed Colour Table Count',
'InterchangeColorSpace' => 'Interchange Colour Space',
'Isotherm1Color' => 'Isotherm 1 Colour',
'Isotherm2Color' => 'Isotherm 2 Colour',
'LandscapeRawColorTone' => 'Landscape Raw Colour Tone',
'LargeBluePaletteColorTableData' => 'Large Blue Palette Colour Table Data',
'LargeBluePaletteColorTableDescr' => 'Large Blue Palette Colour Table Descr',
'LargeGreenPaletteColorTableData' => 'Large Green Palette Colour Table Data',
'LargeGreenPaletteColorTableDescr' => 'Large Green Palette Colour Table Descr',
'LargePaletteColorLookupTableUID' => 'Large Palette Colour Lookup Table UID',
'LargeRedPaletteColorTableData' => 'Large Red Palette Colour Table Data',
'LargeRedPaletteColorTableDescr' => 'Large Red Palette Colour Table Descr',
'LayerBlendModes' => {
PrintConv => {
'Color' => 'Colour',
'Color Burn' => 'Colour Burn',
'Color Dodge' => 'Colour Dodge',
'Darker Color' => 'Darker Colour',
'Lighter Color' => 'Lighter Colour',
'MDColorTable' => 'MD Colour Table',
'MDItemColorSpace' => 'MD Item Colour Space',
'MagicFilter' => {
PrintConv => {
'Pale & Light Color' => 'Pale & Light Colour',
'Pale & Light Color II' => 'Pale & Light Colour II',
'Partial Color' => 'Partial Colour',
'Partial Color II' => 'Partial Colour II',
'Partial Color III' => 'Partial Colour III',
'Watercolor' => 'Watercolour',
'Watercolor I' => 'Watercolour I',
'Watercolor II' => 'Watercolour II',
'MandatoryBackground' => {
PrintConv => {
'Color Advisory, Image Mandatory' => 'Colour Advisory, Image Mandatory',
'Color Mandatory, Image Advisory' => 'Colour Mandatory, Image Advisory',
'Color and Image Advisory' => 'Colour and Image Advisory',
'Color and Image Mandatory' => 'Colour and Image Mandatory',
'MattColor' => 'Matt Colour',
'MediaColor' => 'Media Colour',
'ModifiedColorTemp' => 'Modified Colour Temp',
'MonochromeColor' => 'Monochrome Colour',
'MyColorMode' => {
Description => 'My Colour Mode',
PrintConv => {
'Color Accent' => 'Colour Accent',
'Color Swap' => 'Colour Swap',
'NamedColor' => 'Named Colour',
'NamedColor2' => 'Named Colour 2',
'NeutralRawColorTone' => 'Neutral Raw Colour Tone',
'NewColorType' => 'New Colour Type',
'NumColors' => 'Num Colours',
'NumImportantColors' => 'Num Important Colours',
'OpColor' => 'Op Colour',
'OverflowColor' => 'Overflow Colour',
'PF25ColorMatrix' => 'PF25 Colour Matrix',
'PaletteColorTableUID' => 'Palette Colour Table UID',
'PaletteColors' => 'Palette Colours',
'PhotoEffect' => {
PrintConv => {
'My Color Data' => 'My Colour Data',
'PhotometricInterpretation' => {
PrintConv => {
'Color Filter Array' => 'Colour Filter Array',
'Photoshop2ColorTable' => 'Photoshop 2 Colour Table',
'PictureEffect' => {
PrintConv => {
'Partial Color (blue)' => 'Partial Colour (blue)',
'Partial Color (green)' => 'Partial Colour (green)',
'Partial Color (red)' => 'Partial Colour (red)',
'Partial Color (yellow)' => 'Partial Colour (yellow)',
'Pop Color' => 'Pop Colour',
'Water Color' => 'Water Colour',
'Water Color 2' => 'Water Colour 2',
'PictureEffect2' => {
PrintConv => {
'Partial Color' => 'Partial Colour',
'Pop Color' => 'Pop Colour',
'Water Color' => 'Water Colour',
'PictureIndexedColors' => 'Picture Indexed Colours',
'PictureMode' => {
PrintConv => {
'Color Creator' => 'Colour Creator',
'Color Profile 1' => 'Colour Profile 1',
'Color Profile 2' => 'Colour Profile 2',
'Color Profile 3' => 'Colour Profile 3',
'PictureType' => {
PrintConv => {
'Bright(ly) Colored Fish' => 'Bright(ly) Coloured Fish',
'PictureWizardColor' => 'Picture Wizard Colour',
'PortraitRawColorTone' => 'Portrait Raw Colour Tone',
'PresetWhiteBalance' => {
PrintConv => {
'Color Temperature' => 'Colour Temperature',
'PreviewColorSpace' => 'Preview Colour Space',
'ProfileClass' => {
PrintConv => {
'ColorSpace Conversion Profile' => 'ColourSpace Conversion Profile',
'NamedColor Profile' => 'Named Colour Profile',
'PseudoColorType' => 'Pseudo Colour Type',
'QuantizationMethod' => {
PrintConv => {
'Color Space Specific' => 'Colour Space Specific',
'RGBBkCol' => 'Background Colour',
'RGBFgCol' => 'Foreground Colour',
'ROIDisplayColor' => 'ROI Display Colour',
'RawColorAdj' => 'Raw Colour Adj',
'RawDevArtFilter' => {
PrintConv => {
'Pale & Light Color' => 'Pale & Light Colour',
'Pale & Light Color II' => 'Pale & Light Colour II',
'Partial Color' => 'Partial Colour',
'Partial Color II' => 'Partial Colour II',
'Partial Color III' => 'Partial Colour III',
'Watercolor' => 'Watercolour',
'Watercolor I' => 'Watercolour I',
'Watercolor II' => 'Watercolour II',
'RawDevColorSpace' => 'Raw Dev Colour Space',
'RawDevMemoryColorEmphasis' => 'Raw Dev Memory Colour Emphasis',
'RawDevSettings' => {
PrintConv => {
'Color Space' => 'Colour Space',
'WB Color Temp' => 'WB Colour Temp',
'RawDevWhiteBalance' => {
PrintConv => {
'Color Temperature' => 'Colour Temperature',
'RedPaletteColorTableData' => 'Red Palette Colour Table Data',
'RedPaletteColorTableDescriptor' => 'Red Palette Colour Table Descriptor',
'ReflectionHardcopyOrigColorimetry' => 'Reflection Hardcopy Orig Colourimetry',
'ReflectionPrintOutputColorimetry' => 'Reflection Print Output Colourimetry',
'RenderingIntent' => {
PrintConv => {
'Absolute Colorimetric (LCS_GM_ABS_COLORIMETRIC)' => 'Absolute Colourimetric (LCS_GM_ABS_COLORIMETRIC)',
'ICC-Absolute Colorimetric' => 'ICC-Absolute Colourimetric',
'Media-Relative Colorimetric' => 'Media-Relative Colourimetric',
'RetouchHistory' => {
PrintConv => {
'Color Custom' => 'Colour Custom',
'Color Outline' => 'Colour Outline',
'Color Sketch' => 'Colour Sketch',
'Selective Color' => 'Selective Colour',
'SBAInputImageColorspace' => 'SBA Input Image Colourspace',
'SRGBRendering' => {
PrintConv => {
'Absolute Colorimetric' => 'Absolute Colourimetric',
'Relative Colorimetric' => 'Relative Colourimetric',
'SceneBalanceAlgorithmCommand' => {
PrintConv => {
'Neutral SBA Off, Color SBA Off' => 'Neutral SBA Off, Colour SBA Off',
'Neutral SBA Off, Color SBA On' => 'Neutral SBA Off, Colour SBA On',
'Neutral SBA On, Color SBA Off' => 'Neutral SBA On, Colour SBA Off',
'Neutral SBA On, Color SBA On' => 'Neutral SBA On, Colour SBA On',
'SceneColorimetryEstimates' => 'Scene Colourimetry Estimates',
'SceneMode' => {
PrintConv => {
'Color Effects' => 'Colour Effects',
'My Color' => 'My Colour',
'ScreenMinimumColorBitDepth' => 'Screen Minimum Colour Bit Depth',
'SegmentedBlueColorTableData' => 'Segmented Blue Colour Table Data',
'SegmentedGreenColorTableData' => 'Segmented Green Colour Table Data',
'SegmentedRedColorTableData' => 'Segmented Red Colour Table Data',
'SensingMethod' => {
PrintConv => {
'Color sequential area' => 'Colour sequential area',
'Color sequential linear' => 'Colour sequential linear',
'One-chip color area' => 'One-chip colour area',
'Three-chip color area' => 'Three-chip colour area',
'Two-chip color area' => 'Two-chip colour area',
'ShootingMode' => {
PrintConv => {
'Color Effects' => 'Colour Effects',
'My Color' => 'My Colour',
'ShutterPresentationColorCIELabVal' => 'Shutter Presentation Colour CIE Lab Val',
'SmartAlbumColor' => 'Smart Album Colour',
'SpecialEffectsOpticalFilter' => {
PrintConv => {
'Colored' => 'Coloured',
'StandardRawColorTone' => 'Standard Raw Colour Tone',
'StdOutputColorMode' => 'Std Output Colour Mode',
'StreamColor' => 'Stream Colour',
'SubfileType' => {
PrintConv => {
'Color IW44' => 'Colour IW44',
'SubimageColor' => 'Subimage Colour',
'SwatchColorantA' => 'Swatch Colourant A',
'SwatchColorantB' => 'Swatch Colourant B',
'SwatchColorantBlack' => 'Swatch Colourant Black',
'SwatchColorantBlue' => 'Swatch Colourant Blue',
'SwatchColorantCyan' => 'Swatch Colourant Cyan',
'SwatchColorantGray' => 'Swatch Colourant Gray',
'SwatchColorantGreen' => 'Swatch Colourant Green',
'SwatchColorantL' => 'Swatch Colourant L',
'SwatchColorantMagenta' => 'Swatch Colourant Magenta',
'SwatchColorantMode' => 'Swatch Colourant Mode',
'SwatchColorantRed' => 'Swatch Colourant Red',
'SwatchColorantSwatchName' => 'Swatch Colourant Swatch Name',
'SwatchColorantTint' => 'Swatch Colourant Tint',
'SwatchColorantType' => 'Swatch Colourant Type',
'SwatchColorantYellow' => 'Swatch Colourant Yellow',
'SwatchGroupsColorants' => 'Swatch Groups Colourants',
'TestTarget' => {
PrintConv => {
'Color Chart' => 'Colour Chart',
'TextColor' => 'Text Colour',
'ToneCurveColorSpace' => 'Tone Curve Colour Space',
'ToningEffect' => {
PrintConv => {
'Color' => 'Colour',
'TypeOfOriginal' => {
PrintConv => {
'Color Document' => 'Colour Document',
'Color Print' => 'Colour Print',
'UCRBG' => 'Under Colour Removal & Black Gen.',
'USPTOOriginalContentType' => {
PrintConv => {
'Color' => 'Colour',
'UltrasoundColorDataPresent' => 'Ultrasound Colour Data Present',
'UnderflowColor' => 'Underflow Colour',
'Unsharp1Color' => 'Unsharp 1 Colour',
'Unsharp2Color' => 'Unsharp 2 Colour',
'Unsharp3Color' => 'Unsharp 3 Colour',
'Unsharp4Color' => 'Unsharp 4 Colour',
'VideoAlphaPremultipleColor' => 'Video Alpha Premultiple Colour',
'VideoAlphaPremultipleColorA' => 'Video Alpha Premultiple Colour A',
'VideoAlphaPremultipleColorB' => 'Video Alpha Premultiple Colour B',
'VideoAlphaPremultipleColorBlack' => 'Video Alpha Premultiple Colour Black',
'VideoAlphaPremultipleColorBlue' => 'Video Alpha Premultiple Colour Blue',
'VideoAlphaPremultipleColorCyan' => 'Video Alpha Premultiple Colour Cyan',
'VideoAlphaPremultipleColorGray' => 'Video Alpha Premultiple Colour Gray',
'VideoAlphaPremultipleColorGreen' => 'Video Alpha Premultiple Colour Green',
'VideoAlphaPremultipleColorL' => 'Video Alpha Premultiple Colour L',
'VideoAlphaPremultipleColorMagenta' => 'Video Alpha Premultiple Colour Magenta',
'VideoAlphaPremultipleColorMode' => 'Video Alpha Premultiple Colour Mode',
'VideoAlphaPremultipleColorRed' => 'Video Alpha Premultiple Colour Red',
'VideoAlphaPremultipleColorSwatchName' => 'Video Alpha Premultiple Colour Swatch Name',
'VideoAlphaPremultipleColorTint' => 'Video Alpha Premultiple Colour Tint',
'VideoAlphaPremultipleColorType' => 'Video Alpha Premultiple Colour Type',
'VideoAlphaPremultipleColorYellow' => 'Video Alpha Premultiple Colour Yellow',
'VideoColorKind' => 'Video Colour Kind',
'VideoColorSpace' => 'Video Colour Space',
'VisualColor' => {
Description => 'Visual Colour',
PrintConv => {
'Color' => 'Colour',
'WBAdjColorTemp' => 'WB Adj Colour Temp',
'WBAdjLighting' => {
PrintConv => {
'High Color Rendering Fluorescent (3700K)' => 'High Colour Rendering Fluorescent (1)',
'High Color Rendering Fluorescent (5000K)' => 'High Colour Rendering Fluorescent (3)',
'High Color Rendering Fluorescent (cool white)' => 'High Colour Rendering Fluorescent (2)',
'High Color Rendering Fluorescent (daylight)' => 'High Colour Rendering Fluorescent (4)',
'High Color Rendering Fluorescent (warm white)' => 'High Colour Rendering Fluorescent (0)',
'Sodium Vapor Lamps' => 'Sodium Vapour Lamps',
'Standard Fluorescent (high temperature mercury vapor)' => 'Standard Fluorescent (high temperature mercury vapour)',
'WatercolorFilter' => 'Watercolour Filter',
'WhiteBalance' => {
PrintConv => {
'Color Filter' => 'Colour Filter',
'Color Temperature' => 'Colour Temperature',
'Color Temperature Enhancement' => 'Colour Temperature Enhancement',
'Color Temperature/Color Filter' => 'Colour Temperature/Colour Filter',
'WhiteBalance2' => {
PrintConv => {
'Auto (Keep Warm Color Off)' => 'Auto (Keep Warm Colour Off)',
'WhiteBalanceSet' => {
PrintConv => {
'Set Color Temperature 1' => 'Set Colour Temperature 1',
'Set Color Temperature 2' => 'Set Colour Temperature 2',
'Set Color Temperature 3' => 'Set Colour Temperature 3',
'WhiteBalanceSetting' => {
PrintConv => {
'Color Temperature/Color Filter' => 'Colour Temperature/Colour Filter',
'WorkColorSpace' => {
Description => 'Work Colour Space',
PrintConv => {
'ColorMatch RGB' => 'ColourMatch RGB',
'XMethod' => {
PrintConv => {
'Color Closest Pixel and Alpha Linear Interpolation' => 'Colour Closest Pixel and Alpha Linear Interpolation',
'Color Linear Interpolation and Alpha Closest Pixel' => 'Colour Linear Interpolation and Alpha Closest Pixel',
'YMethod' => {
PrintConv => {
'Color Closest Pixel and Alpha Linear Interpolation' => 'Colour Closest Pixel and Alpha Linear Interpolation',
'Color Linear Interpolation and Alpha Closest Pixel' => 'Colour Linear Interpolation and Alpha Closest Pixel',
1; # end
=head1 NAME
Image::ExifTool::Lang::en_ca.pm - ExifTool Canadian English language translations
This file is used by Image::ExifTool to generate localized tag descriptions
and values.
=head1 AUTHOR
Copyright 2003-2018, Phil Harvey (phil at owl.phy.queensu.ca)
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 SEE ALSO