2023-09-14 11:12:02 +02:00

12424 lines
366 KiB
Executable File

ALGLIB 3.16.0 (source code generated 2019-12-19)
Copyright (c) Sergey Bochkanov (ALGLIB project).
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation (www.fsf.org); either version 2 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
#ifdef _MSC_VER
// if AE_OS==AE_LINUX (will be redefined to AE_POSIX in ap.h),
// set _GNU_SOURCE flag BEFORE any #includes to get affinity
// management functions
#if (AE_OS==AE_LINUX) && !defined(_GNU_SOURCE)
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "ap.h"
#include <limits>
#include <locale.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#if defined(AE_CPU)
#include <intrin.h>
// disable some irrelevant warnings
#pragma warning(disable:4100)
#pragma warning(disable:4127)
#pragma warning(disable:4611)
#pragma warning(disable:4702)
#pragma warning(disable:4996)
namespace alglib_impl
* OS-specific includes
#ifdef AE_USE_CPP
#ifndef _WIN32_WINNT
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501
#include <windows.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sched.h>
/* Debugging helpers for Windows */
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#ifdef AE_USE_CPP
namespace alglib_impl
* local definitions
#define x_nb 16
#define AE_DATA_ALIGN 64
#define AE_PTR_ALIGN sizeof(void*)
#define DYN_BOTTOM ((void*)1)
#define DYN_FRAME ((void*)2)
#define AE_BIG_ENDIAN 2
#define AE_SM_DEFAULT 0
#define AE_SM_ALLOC 1
#define AE_SM_READY2S 2
#define AE_SM_TO_STRING 10
#define AE_SM_TO_STREAM 12
#define AE_SM_FROM_STRING 20
#define AE_SM_FROM_STREAM 22
#define AE_LOCK_CYCLES 512
#define AE_CRITICAL_ASSERT(x) if( !(x) ) abort()
/* IDs for set_dbg_value */
/* IDs for get_dbg_value */
This is internal structure which implements lock functionality.
typedef struct
volatile ae_int_t * volatile p_lock;
char buf[sizeof(ae_int_t)+AE_LOCK_ALIGNMENT];
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
ae_bool is_locked;
} _lock;
* Error tracking facilities; this fields are modified every time ae_set_error_flag()
* is called with non-zero cond. Thread unsafe access, but it does not matter actually.
static const char * sef_file = "";
static int sef_line = 0;
static const char * sef_xdesc = "";
* Global flags, split into several char-sized variables in order
* to avoid problem with non-atomic reads/writes (single-byte ops
* are atomic on all modern architectures);
* Following variables are included:
* * threading-related settings
unsigned char _alglib_global_threading_flags = _ALGLIB_FLG_THREADING_SERIAL>>_ALGLIB_FLG_THREADING_SHIFT;
* DESCRIPTION: recommended number of active workers:
* * positive value >=1 is used to specify exact number of active workers
* * 0 means that ALL available cores are used
* * negative value means that all cores EXCEPT for cores_to_use will be used
* (say, -1 means that all cores except for one will be used). At least one
* core will be used in this case, even if you assign -9999999 to this field.
* Default value = 0 (fully parallel execution) when AE_NWORKERS is not defined
* = 0 for manually defined number of cores (AE_NWORKERS is defined)
* PROTECTION: not needed; runtime modification is possible, but we do not need exact
* synchronization.
#if defined(AE_NWORKERS) && (AE_NWORKERS<=0)
#error AE_NWORKERS must be positive number or not defined at all.
#if defined(AE_NWORKERS)
ae_int_t _alglib_cores_to_use = 0;
ae_int_t _alglib_cores_to_use = 0;
* Debug counters
ae_int_t _alloc_counter = 0;
ae_int_t _alloc_counter_total = 0;
ae_bool _use_alloc_counter = ae_false;
ae_int_t _dbg_alloc_total = 0;
ae_bool _use_dbg_counters = ae_false;
ae_bool _use_vendor_kernels = ae_true;
ae_bool debug_workstealing = ae_false; /* debug workstealing environment? False by default */
ae_int_t dbgws_pushroot_ok = 0;
ae_int_t dbgws_pushroot_failed = 0;
__declspec(align(AE_LOCK_ALIGNMENT)) volatile ae_int64_t _ae_dbg_lock_acquisitions = 0;
__declspec(align(AE_LOCK_ALIGNMENT)) volatile ae_int64_t _ae_dbg_lock_spinwaits = 0;
__declspec(align(AE_LOCK_ALIGNMENT)) volatile ae_int64_t _ae_dbg_lock_yields = 0;
* Allocation debugging
ae_bool _force_malloc_failure = ae_false;
ae_int_t _malloc_failure_after = 0;
* Trace-related declarations:
* alglib_trace_type - trace output type
* alglib_trace_file - file descriptor (to be used by ALGLIB code which
* sends messages to trace log
* alglib_fclose_trace - whether we have to call fclose() when disabling or
* changing trace output
* alglib_trace_tags - string buffer used to store tags + two additional
* characters (leading and trailing commas) + null
* terminator
static ae_int_t alglib_trace_type = ALGLIB_TRACE_NONE;
FILE *alglib_trace_file = NULL;
static ae_bool alglib_fclose_trace = ae_false;
static char alglib_trace_tags[ALGLIB_TRACE_BUFFER_LEN];
* Fields for memory allocation over static array
#error Basis static malloc is thread-unsafe; define AE_THREADING=AE_SERIAL_UNSAFE to prove that you know it
static ae_int_t sm_page_size = 0;
static ae_int_t sm_page_cnt = 0;
static ae_int_t *sm_page_tbl = NULL;
static unsigned char *sm_mem = NULL;
* These declarations are used to ensure that
* sizeof(ae_bool)=1, sizeof(ae_int32_t)==4, sizeof(ae_int64_t)==8, sizeof(ae_int_t)==sizeof(void*).
* they will lead to syntax error otherwise (array size will be negative).
* you can remove them, if you want - they are not used anywhere.
static char _ae_bool_must_be_8_bits_wide [1-2*((int)(sizeof(ae_bool))-1)*((int)(sizeof(ae_bool))-1)];
static char _ae_int32_t_must_be_32_bits_wide[1-2*((int)(sizeof(ae_int32_t))-4)*((int)(sizeof(ae_int32_t))-4)];
static char _ae_int64_t_must_be_64_bits_wide[1-2*((int)(sizeof(ae_int64_t))-8)*((int)(sizeof(ae_int64_t))-8)];
static char _ae_uint64_t_must_be_64_bits_wide[1-2*((int)(sizeof(ae_uint64_t))-8)*((int)(sizeof(ae_uint64_t))-8)];
static char _ae_int_t_must_be_pointer_sized [1-2*((int)(sizeof(ae_int_t))-(int)sizeof(void*))*((int)(sizeof(ae_int_t))-(int)(sizeof(void*)))];
* This variable is used to prevent some tricky optimizations which may degrade multithreaded performance.
* It is touched once in the ae_init_pool() function from smp.c in order to prevent optimizations.
static volatile ae_int_t ae_never_change_it = 1;
This function should never be called. It is here to prevent spurious
compiler warnings about unused variables (in fact: used).
void ae_never_call_it()
void ae_set_dbg_flag(ae_int64_t flag_id, ae_int64_t flag_val)
_use_alloc_counter = flag_val!=0;
_use_dbg_counters = flag_val!=0;
_use_vendor_kernels = flag_val!=0;
debug_workstealing = flag_val!=0;
if( flag_id==_ALGLIB_SET_NWORKERS )
_alglib_cores_to_use = (ae_int_t)flag_val;
ae_int64_t ae_get_dbg_value(ae_int64_t id)
return _alloc_counter;
return _dbg_alloc_total;
return _alloc_counter_total;
#if defined(AE_MKL)
return ae_mkl_memstat();
return 0;
/* workstealing counters */
#if defined(AE_SMP)
return ae_cores_count();
return 0;
return dbgws_pushroot_ok;
return dbgws_pushroot_failed;
#if defined(AE_SMP)
return ae_cores_count();
return 0;
return (ae_int64_t)ae_get_global_threading();
return (ae_int64_t)_alglib_cores_to_use;
/* unknown value */
return 0;
This function sets default (global) threading model:
* serial execution
* multithreading, if cores_to_use allows it
void ae_set_global_threading(ae_uint64_t flg_value)
flg_value = flg_value&_ALGLIB_FLG_THREADING_MASK;
_alglib_global_threading_flags = (unsigned char)(flg_value>>_ALGLIB_FLG_THREADING_SHIFT);
This function gets default (global) threading model:
* serial execution
* multithreading, if cores_to_use allows it
ae_uint64_t ae_get_global_threading()
return ((ae_uint64_t)_alglib_global_threading_flags)<<_ALGLIB_FLG_THREADING_SHIFT;
void ae_set_error_flag(ae_bool *p_flag, ae_bool cond, const char *filename, int lineno, const char *xdesc)
if( cond )
*p_flag = ae_true;
sef_file = filename;
sef_line = lineno;
sef_xdesc= xdesc;
printf("[ALGLIB] aborting on ae_set_error_flag(cond=true)\n");
printf("[ALGLIB] %s:%d\n", filename, lineno);
printf("[ALGLIB] %s\n", xdesc);
if( alglib_trace_file!=NULL ) fflush(alglib_trace_file);
This function returns file name for the last call of ae_set_error_flag()
with non-zero cond parameter.
const char * ae_get_last_error_file()
return sef_file;
This function returns line number for the last call of ae_set_error_flag()
with non-zero cond parameter.
int ae_get_last_error_line()
return sef_line;
This function returns extra description for the last call of ae_set_error_flag()
with non-zero cond parameter.
const char * ae_get_last_error_xdesc()
return sef_xdesc;
ae_int_t ae_misalignment(const void *ptr, size_t alignment)
union _u
const void *ptr;
ae_int_t iptr;
} u;
u.ptr = ptr;
return (ae_int_t)(u.iptr%alignment);
void* ae_align(void *ptr, size_t alignment)
char *result = (char*)ptr;
if( (result-(char*)0)%alignment!=0 )
result += alignment - (result-(char*)0)%alignment;
return result;
This function maps nworkers number (which can be positive, zero or
negative with 0 meaning "all cores", -1 meaning "all cores -1" and so on)
to "effective", strictly positive workers count.
This function is intended to be used by debugging/testing code which
tests different number of worker threads. It is NOT aligned in any way
with ALGLIB multithreading framework (i.e. it can return non-zero worker
count even for single-threaded GPLed ALGLIB).
ae_int_t ae_get_effective_workers(ae_int_t nworkers)
ae_int_t ncores;
/* determine cores count */
#if defined(AE_NWORKERS)
ncores = AE_NWORKERS;
ncores = (ae_int_t)(sysInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors);
long r = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN);
ncores = r<=0 ? 1 : r;
ncores = 1;
/* map nworkers to its effective value */
if( nworkers>=1 )
return nworkers>ncores ? ncores : nworkers;
return ncores+nworkers>=1 ? ncores+nworkers : 1;
This function belongs to the family of "optional atomics", i.e. atomic
functions which either perform atomic changes - or do nothing at all, if
current compiler settings do not allow us to generate atomic code.
All "optional atomics" are synchronized, i.e. either all of them work - or
no one of the works.
This particular function performs atomic addition on pointer-sized value,
which must be pointer-size aligned.
NOTE: this function is not intended to be extremely high performance one,
so use it only when necessary.
void ae_optional_atomic_add_i(ae_int_t *p, ae_int_t v)
/* perform conversion between ae_int_t* and void**
without compiler warnings about indirection levels */
union _u
PVOID volatile * volatile ptr;
volatile ae_int_t * volatile iptr;
} u;
u.iptr = p;
/* atomic read for initial value */
PVOID v0 = InterlockedCompareExchangePointer(u.ptr, NULL, NULL);
/* increment cached value and store */
if( InterlockedCompareExchangePointer(u.ptr, (PVOID)(((char*)v0)+v), v0)==v0 )
#elif (AE_COMPILER==AE_GNUC) && (AE_CPU==AE_INTEL) && (__GNUC__*100+__GNUC__>=470)
__atomic_add_fetch(p, v, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
This function belongs to the family of "optional atomics", i.e. atomic
functions which either perform atomic changes - or do nothing at all, if
current compiler settings do not allow us to generate atomic code.
All "optional atomics" are synchronized, i.e. either all of them work - or
no one of the works.
This particular function performs atomic subtraction on pointer-sized
value, which must be pointer-size aligned.
NOTE: this function is not intended to be extremely high performance one,
so use it only when necessary.
void ae_optional_atomic_sub_i(ae_int_t *p, ae_int_t v)
/* perform conversion between ae_int_t* and void**
without compiler warnings about indirection levels */
union _u
PVOID volatile * volatile ptr;
volatile ae_int_t * volatile iptr;
} u;
u.iptr = p;
/* atomic read for initial value, convert it to 1-byte pointer */
PVOID v0 = InterlockedCompareExchangePointer(u.ptr, NULL, NULL);
/* increment cached value and store */
if( InterlockedCompareExchangePointer(u.ptr, (PVOID)(((char*)v0)-v), v0)==v0 )
#elif (AE_COMPILER==AE_GNUC) && (AE_CPU==AE_INTEL) && (__GNUC__*100+__GNUC__>=470)
__atomic_sub_fetch(p, v, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
This function cleans up automatically managed memory before caller terminates
ALGLIB executing by ae_break() or by simply stopping calling callback.
For state!=NULL it calls thread_exception_handler() and the ae_state_clear().
For state==NULL it does nothing.
void ae_clean_up_before_breaking(ae_state *state)
if( state!=NULL )
if( state->thread_exception_handler!=NULL )
This function abnormally aborts program, using one of several ways:
* for state!=NULL and state->break_jump being initialized with call to
ae_state_set_break_jump() - it performs longjmp() to return site.
* otherwise, abort() is called
In all cases, for state!=NULL function sets state->last_error and
state->error_msg fields. It also clears state with ae_state_clear().
If state is not NULL and state->thread_exception_handler is set, it is
called prior to handling error and clearing state.
void ae_break(ae_state *state, ae_error_type error_type, const char *msg)
if( state!=NULL )
if( alglib_trace_type!=ALGLIB_TRACE_NONE )
ae_trace("---!!! CRITICAL ERROR !!!--- exception with message '%s' was generated\n", msg!=NULL ? msg : "");
state->last_error = error_type;
state->error_msg = msg;
if( state->break_jump!=NULL )
longjmp(*(state->break_jump), 1);
void set_memory_pool(void *ptr, size_t size)
* Integrity checks
* Align pointer
size -= ae_misalignment(ptr, sizeof(ae_int_t));
ptr = ae_align(ptr, sizeof(ae_int_t));
* Calculate page size and page count, prepare pointers to page table and memory
sm_page_size = 256;
AE_CRITICAL_ASSERT(size>=(sm_page_size+sizeof(ae_int_t))+sm_page_size); /* we expect to have memory for at least one page + table entry + alignment */
sm_page_cnt = (size-sm_page_size)/(sm_page_size+sizeof(ae_int_t));
sm_page_tbl = (ae_int_t*)ptr;
sm_mem = (unsigned char*)ae_align(sm_page_tbl+sm_page_cnt, sm_page_size);
* Mark all pages as free
memset(sm_page_tbl, 0, sm_page_cnt*sizeof(ae_int_t));
void* ae_static_malloc(size_t size, size_t alignment)
int rq_pages, i, j, cur_len;
if( size==0 )
return NULL;
if( _force_malloc_failure )
return NULL;
/* check that page alignment and requested alignment match each other */
/* search long enough sequence of pages */
rq_pages = size/sm_page_size;
if( size%sm_page_size )
cur_len = 0;
for(i=0; i<sm_page_cnt;)
/* determine length of the sequence of free pages */
if( sm_page_tbl[i]==0 )
i += sm_page_tbl[i];
/* found it? */
if( cur_len>=rq_pages )
/* update counters (if flag is set) */
if( _use_alloc_counter )
ae_optional_atomic_add_i(&_alloc_counter, 1);
ae_optional_atomic_add_i(&_alloc_counter_total, 1);
if( _use_dbg_counters )
ae_optional_atomic_add_i(&_dbg_alloc_total, size);
/* mark pages and return */
for(j=0; j<rq_pages; j++)
sm_page_tbl[i-j] = -1;
sm_page_tbl[i-(rq_pages-1)] = rq_pages;
return sm_mem+(i-(rq_pages-1))*sm_page_size;
/* next element */
return NULL;
void ae_static_free(void *block)
ae_int_t page_idx, page_cnt, i;
if( block==NULL )
page_idx = (unsigned char*)block-sm_mem;
page_idx = page_idx/sm_page_size;
page_cnt = sm_page_tbl[page_idx];
for(i=0; i<page_cnt; i++)
sm_page_tbl[page_idx+i] = 0;
/* update counters (if flag is set) */
if( _use_alloc_counter )
ae_optional_atomic_sub_i(&_alloc_counter, 1);
void memory_pool_stats(ae_int_t *bytes_used, ae_int_t *bytes_free)
int i;
/* scan page table */
*bytes_used = 0;
*bytes_free = 0;
for(i=0; i<sm_page_cnt;)
if( sm_page_tbl[i]==0 )
*bytes_used += sm_page_tbl[i];
i += sm_page_tbl[i];
*bytes_used *= sm_page_size;
*bytes_free *= sm_page_size;
void* aligned_malloc(size_t size, size_t alignment)
return ae_static_malloc(size, alignment);
char *result = NULL;
if( size==0 )
return NULL;
if( _force_malloc_failure )
return NULL;
if( _malloc_failure_after>0 && _alloc_counter_total>=_malloc_failure_after )
return NULL;
/* allocate */
if( alignment<=1 )
/* no alignment, just call alloc */
void *block;
void **p; ;
block = malloc(sizeof(void*)+size);
if( block==NULL )
return NULL;
p = (void**)block;
*p = block;
result = (char*)((char*)block+sizeof(void*));
/* align */
void *block;
block = malloc(alignment-1+sizeof(void*)+size);
if( block==NULL )
return NULL;
result = (char*)block+sizeof(void*);
/*if( (result-(char*)0)%alignment!=0 )
result += alignment - (result-(char*)0)%alignment;*/
result = (char*)ae_align(result, alignment);
*((void**)(result-sizeof(void*))) = block;
/* update counters (if flag is set) */
if( _use_alloc_counter )
ae_optional_atomic_add_i(&_alloc_counter, 1);
ae_optional_atomic_add_i(&_alloc_counter_total, 1);
if( _use_dbg_counters )
ae_optional_atomic_add_i(&_dbg_alloc_total, (ae_int64_t)size);
/* return */
return (void*)result;
void* aligned_extract_ptr(void *block)
return NULL;
if( block==NULL )
return NULL;
return *((void**)((char*)block-sizeof(void*)));
void aligned_free(void *block)
void *p;
if( block==NULL )
p = aligned_extract_ptr(block);
if( _use_alloc_counter )
ae_optional_atomic_sub_i(&_alloc_counter, 1);
void* eternal_malloc(size_t size)
if( size==0 )
return NULL;
if( _force_malloc_failure )
return NULL;
return malloc(size);
Allocate memory with automatic alignment.
Returns NULL when zero size is specified.
Error handling:
* if state is NULL, returns NULL on allocation error
* if state is not NULL, calls ae_break() on allocation error
void* ae_malloc(size_t size, ae_state *state)
void *result;
if( size==0 )
return NULL;
result = aligned_malloc(size,AE_DATA_ALIGN);
if( result==NULL && state!=NULL)
ae_break(state, ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "ae_malloc(): out of memory");
return result;
void ae_free(void *p)
if( p!=NULL )
Sets pointers to the matrix rows.
* dst must be correctly initialized matrix
* dst->data.ptr points to the beginning of memory block allocated for
row pointers.
* dst->ptr - undefined (initialized during algorithm processing)
* storage parameter points to the beginning of actual storage
void ae_matrix_update_row_pointers(ae_matrix *dst, void *storage)
char *p_base;
void **pp_ptr;
ae_int_t i;
if( dst->rows>0 && dst->cols>0 )
p_base = (char*)storage;
pp_ptr = (void**)dst->data.ptr;
dst->ptr.pp_void = pp_ptr;
for(i=0; i<dst->rows; i++, p_base+=dst->stride*ae_sizeof(dst->datatype))
pp_ptr[i] = p_base;
dst->ptr.pp_void = NULL;
Returns size of datatype.
Zero for dynamic types like strings or multiple precision types.
ae_int_t ae_sizeof(ae_datatype datatype)
case DT_BOOL: return (ae_int_t)sizeof(ae_bool);
case DT_INT: return (ae_int_t)sizeof(ae_int_t);
case DT_REAL: return (ae_int_t)sizeof(double);
case DT_COMPLEX: return 2*(ae_int_t)sizeof(double);
default: return 0;
Checks that n bytes pointed by ptr are zero.
This function is used in the constructors to check that instance fields
on entry are correctly initialized by zeros.
ae_bool ae_check_zeros(const void *ptr, ae_int_t n)
ae_int_t nu, nr, i;
unsigned long long c = 0x0;
* determine leading and trailing lengths
nu = n/sizeof(unsigned long long);
nr = n%sizeof(unsigned long long);
* handle leading nu long long elements
if( nu>0 )
const unsigned long long *p_ull;
p_ull = (const unsigned long long *)ptr;
for(i=0; i<nu; i++)
c |= p_ull[i];
* handle trailing nr char elements
if( nr>0 )
const unsigned char *p_uc;
p_uc = ((const unsigned char *)ptr)+nu*sizeof(unsigned long long);
for(i=0; i<nr; i++)
c |= p_uc[i];
* done
return c==0x0;
This dummy function is used to prevent compiler messages about unused
locals in automatically generated code.
It makes nothing - just accepts pointer, "touches" it - and that is all.
It performs several tricky operations without side effects which confuse
compiler so it does not compain about unused locals in THIS function.
void ae_touch_ptr(void *p)
void * volatile fake_variable0 = p;
void * volatile fake_variable1 = fake_variable0;
fake_variable0 = fake_variable1;
This function initializes ALGLIB environment state.
* stacks contain no frames, so ae_make_frame() must be called before
attaching dynamic blocks. Without it ae_leave_frame() will cycle
forever (which is intended behavior).
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
ae_int32_t *vp;
* Set flags
state->flags = 0x0;
* p_next points to itself because:
* * correct program should be able to detect end of the list
* by looking at the ptr field.
* * NULL p_next may be used to distinguish automatic blocks
* (in the list) from non-automatic (not in the list)
state->last_block.p_next = &(state->last_block);
state->last_block.deallocator = NULL;
state->last_block.ptr = DYN_BOTTOM;
state->p_top_block = &(state->last_block);
state->break_jump = NULL;
state->error_msg = "";
* determine endianness and initialize precomputed IEEE special quantities.
state->endianness = ae_get_endianness();
if( state->endianness==AE_LITTLE_ENDIAN )
vp = (ae_int32_t*)(&state->v_nan);
vp[0] = 0;
vp[1] = (ae_int32_t)0x7FF80000;
vp = (ae_int32_t*)(&state->v_posinf);
vp[0] = 0;
vp[1] = (ae_int32_t)0x7FF00000;
vp = (ae_int32_t*)(&state->v_neginf);
vp[0] = 0;
vp[1] = (ae_int32_t)0xFFF00000;
else if( state->endianness==AE_BIG_ENDIAN )
vp = (ae_int32_t*)(&state->v_nan);
vp[1] = 0;
vp[0] = (ae_int32_t)0x7FF80000;
vp = (ae_int32_t*)(&state->v_posinf);
vp[1] = 0;
vp[0] = (ae_int32_t)0x7FF00000;
vp = (ae_int32_t*)(&state->v_neginf);
vp[1] = 0;
vp[0] = (ae_int32_t)0xFFF00000;
* set threading information
state->worker_thread = NULL;
state->parent_task = NULL;
state->thread_exception_handler = NULL;
This function clears ALGLIB environment state.
All dynamic data controlled by state are freed.
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
while( state->p_top_block->ptr!=DYN_BOTTOM )
This function sets jump buffer for error handling.
buf may be NULL.
void ae_state_set_break_jump(ae_state *state, jmp_buf *buf)
state->break_jump = buf;
This function sets flags member of the ae_state structure
buf may be NULL.
void ae_state_set_flags(ae_state *state, ae_uint64_t flags)
state->flags = flags;
This function makes new stack frame.
This function takes two parameters: environment state and pointer to the
dynamic block which will be used as indicator of the frame beginning.
This dynamic block must be initialized by caller and mustn't be changed/
deallocated/reused till ae_leave_frame called. It may be global or local
variable (local is even better).
void ae_frame_make(ae_state *state, ae_frame *tmp)
tmp->db_marker.p_next = state->p_top_block;
tmp->db_marker.deallocator = NULL;
tmp->db_marker.ptr = DYN_FRAME;
state->p_top_block = &tmp->db_marker;
This function leaves current stack frame and deallocates all automatic
dynamic blocks which were attached to this frame.
void ae_frame_leave(ae_state *state)
while( state->p_top_block->ptr!=DYN_FRAME && state->p_top_block->ptr!=DYN_BOTTOM)
if( state->p_top_block->ptr!=NULL && state->p_top_block->deallocator!=NULL)
state->p_top_block = state->p_top_block->p_next;
state->p_top_block = state->p_top_block->p_next;
This function attaches block to the dynamic block list
block block
state ALGLIB environment state
This function does NOT generate exceptions.
* never call it for special blocks which marks frame boundaries!
void ae_db_attach(ae_dyn_block *block, ae_state *state)
block->p_next = state->p_top_block;
state->p_top_block = block;
This function initializes dynamic block:
block destination block, MUST be zero-filled on entry
size size (in bytes), >=0.
state ALGLIB environment state, non-NULL
make_automatic if true, vector is added to the dynamic block list
block is assumed to be uninitialized, its fields are ignored. You may
call this function with zero size in order to register block in the
dynamic list.
Error handling: calls ae_break() on allocation error. Block is left in
valid state (empty, but valid).
* never call it for blocks which are already in the list; use ae_db_realloc
for already allocated blocks.
NOTE: no memory allocation is performed for initialization with size=0
void ae_db_init(ae_dyn_block *block, ae_int_t size, ae_state *state, ae_bool make_automatic)
* NOTE: these strange dances around block->ptr are necessary
* in order to correctly handle possible exceptions during
* memory allocation.
ae_assert(size>=0, "ae_db_init(): negative size", state);
block->ptr = NULL;
block->valgrind_hint = NULL;
if( make_automatic )
ae_db_attach(block, state);
block->p_next = NULL;
if( size!=0 )
block->ptr = ae_malloc((size_t)size, state);
block->valgrind_hint = aligned_extract_ptr(block->ptr);
block->deallocator = ae_free;
This function realloc's dynamic block:
block destination block (initialized)
size new size (in bytes)
state ALGLIB environment state
block is assumed to be initialized.
This function:
* deletes old contents
* preserves automatic state
Error handling: calls ae_break() on allocation error. Block is left in
valid state - empty, but valid.
* never call it for special blocks which mark frame boundaries!
void ae_db_realloc(ae_dyn_block *block, ae_int_t size, ae_state *state)
* NOTE: these strange dances around block->ptr are necessary
* in order to correctly handle possible exceptions during
* memory allocation.
ae_assert(size>=0, "ae_db_realloc(): negative size", state);
if( block->ptr!=NULL )
block->ptr = NULL;
block->valgrind_hint = NULL;
block->ptr = ae_malloc((size_t)size, state);
block->valgrind_hint = aligned_extract_ptr(block->ptr);
block->deallocator = ae_free;
This function clears dynamic block (releases all dynamically allocated
memory). Dynamic block may be in automatic management list - in this case
it will NOT be removed from list.
block destination block (initialized)
* never call it for special blocks which marks frame boundaries!
void ae_db_free(ae_dyn_block *block)
if( block->ptr!=NULL )
block->ptr = NULL;
block->valgrind_hint = NULL;
block->deallocator = ae_free;
This function swaps contents of two dynamic blocks (pointers and
deallocators) leaving other parameters (automatic management settings,
etc.) unchanged.
* never call it for special blocks which marks frame boundaries!
void ae_db_swap(ae_dyn_block *block1, ae_dyn_block *block2)
void (*deallocator)(void*) = NULL;
void * volatile ptr;
void * valgrind_hint;
ptr = block1->ptr;
valgrind_hint = block1->valgrind_hint;
deallocator = block1->deallocator;
block1->ptr = block2->ptr;
block1->valgrind_hint = block2->valgrind_hint;
block1->deallocator = block2->deallocator;
block2->ptr = ptr;
block2->valgrind_hint = valgrind_hint;
block2->deallocator = deallocator;
This function creates ae_vector.
Vector size may be zero. Vector contents is uninitialized.
dst destination vector, MUST be zero-filled (we check it
and call abort() if *dst is non-zero; the rationale is
that we can not correctly handle errors in constructors
without zero-filling).
size vector size, may be zero
datatype guess what...
state pointer to current state structure. Can not be NULL.
used for exception handling (say, allocation error results
in longjmp call).
make_automatic if true, vector will be registered in the current frame
of the state structure;
NOTE: no memory allocation is performed for initialization with size=0
void ae_vector_init(ae_vector *dst, ae_int_t size, ae_datatype datatype, ae_state *state, ae_bool make_automatic)
* Integrity checks
ae_assert(size>=0, "ae_vector_init(): negative size", state);
/* prepare for possible errors during allocation */
dst->cnt = 0;
dst->ptr.p_ptr = NULL;
/* init */
ae_db_init(&dst->data, size*ae_sizeof(datatype), state, make_automatic);
dst->cnt = size;
dst->datatype = datatype;
dst->ptr.p_ptr = dst->data.ptr;
dst->is_attached = ae_false;
This function creates copy of ae_vector. New copy of the data is created,
which is managed and owned by newly initialized vector.
dst destination vector, MUST be zero-filled (we check it
and call abort() if *dst is non-zero; the rationale is
that we can not correctly handle errors in constructors
without zero-filling).
src well, it is source
state pointer to current state structure. Can not be NULL.
used for exception handling (say, allocation error results
in longjmp call).
make_automatic if true, vector will be registered in the current frame
of the state structure;
dst is assumed to be uninitialized, its fields are ignored.
void ae_vector_init_copy(ae_vector *dst, ae_vector *src, ae_state *state, ae_bool make_automatic)
ae_vector_init(dst, src->cnt, src->datatype, state, make_automatic);
if( src->cnt!=0 )
memmove(dst->ptr.p_ptr, src->ptr.p_ptr, (size_t)(src->cnt*ae_sizeof(src->datatype)));
This function initializes ae_vector using X-structure as source. New copy
of data is created, which is owned/managed by ae_vector structure. Both
structures (source and destination) remain completely independent after
this call.
dst destination vector, MUST be zero-filled (we check it
and call abort() if *dst is non-zero; the rationale is
that we can not correctly handle errors in constructors
without zero-filling).
src well, it is source
state pointer to current state structure. Can not be NULL.
used for exception handling (say, allocation error results
in longjmp call).
make_automatic if true, vector will be registered in the current frame
of the state structure;
dst is assumed to be uninitialized, its fields are ignored.
void ae_vector_init_from_x(ae_vector *dst, x_vector *src, ae_state *state, ae_bool make_automatic)
ae_vector_init(dst, (ae_int_t)src->cnt, (ae_datatype)src->datatype, state, make_automatic);
if( src->cnt>0 )
memmove(dst->ptr.p_ptr, src->x_ptr.p_ptr, (size_t)(((ae_int_t)src->cnt)*ae_sizeof((ae_datatype)src->datatype)));
This function initializes ae_vector using X-structure as source.
New vector is attached to source:
* DST shares memory with SRC
* both DST and SRC are writable - all writes to DST change elements of
SRC and vice versa.
* DST can be reallocated with ae_vector_set_length(), in this case SRC
remains untouched
NOTE: is_attached field is set to ae_true in order to indicate that
vector does not own its memory.
dst destination vector
src well, it is source
state pointer to current state structure. Can not be NULL.
used for exception handling (say, allocation error results
in longjmp call).
make_automatic if true, vector will be registered in the current frame
of the state structure;
dst is assumed to be uninitialized, its fields are ignored.
void ae_vector_init_attach_to_x(ae_vector *dst, x_vector *src, ae_state *state, ae_bool make_automatic)
volatile ae_int_t cnt;
cnt = (ae_int_t)src->cnt;
/* ensure that size is correct */
ae_assert(cnt==src->cnt, "ae_vector_init_attach_to_x(): 32/64 overflow", state);
ae_assert(cnt>=0, "ae_vector_init_attach_to_x(): negative length", state);
/* prepare for possible errors during allocation */
dst->cnt = 0;
dst->ptr.p_ptr = NULL;
dst->datatype = (ae_datatype)src->datatype;
/* zero-size init in order to correctly register in the frame */
ae_db_init(&dst->data, 0, state, make_automatic);
/* init */
dst->cnt = cnt;
dst->ptr.p_ptr = src->x_ptr.p_ptr;
dst->is_attached = ae_true;
This function changes length of ae_vector.
dst destination vector
newsize vector size, may be zero
state ALGLIB environment state, can not be NULL
Error handling: calls ae_break() on allocation error
* vector must be initialized
* all contents is destroyed during setlength() call
* new size may be zero.
void ae_vector_set_length(ae_vector *dst, ae_int_t newsize, ae_state *state)
ae_assert(newsize>=0, "ae_vector_set_length(): negative size", state);
if( dst->cnt==newsize )
/* realloc, being ready for exception during reallocation (cnt=ptr=0 on entry) */
dst->cnt = 0;
dst->ptr.p_ptr = NULL;
ae_db_realloc(&dst->data, newsize*ae_sizeof(dst->datatype), state);
dst->cnt = newsize;
dst->ptr.p_ptr = dst->data.ptr;
This function resized ae_vector, preserving previously existing elements.
Values of elements added during vector growth is undefined.
dst destination vector
newsize vector size, may be zero
state ALGLIB environment state, can not be NULL
Error handling: calls ae_break() on allocation error
* vector must be initialized
* new size may be zero.
void ae_vector_resize(ae_vector *dst, ae_int_t newsize, ae_state *state)
ae_vector tmp;
ae_int_t bytes_total;
memset(&tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp));
ae_vector_init(&tmp, newsize, dst->datatype, state, ae_false);
bytes_total = (dst->cnt<newsize ? dst->cnt : newsize)*ae_sizeof(dst->datatype);
if( bytes_total>0 )
memmove(tmp.ptr.p_ptr, dst->ptr.p_ptr, bytes_total);
ae_swap_vectors(dst, &tmp);
This function provides "CLEAR" functionality for vector (contents is
cleared, but structure still left in valid state).
The function clears vector contents (releases all dynamically allocated
memory). Vector may be in automatic management list - in this case it
will NOT be removed from list.
IMPORTANT: this function does NOT invalidates dst; it just releases all
dynamically allocated storage, but dst still may be used after call to
dst destination vector
void ae_vector_clear(ae_vector *dst)
dst->cnt = 0;
dst->ptr.p_ptr = 0;
dst->is_attached = ae_false;
This function provides "DESTROY" functionality for vector (contents is
cleared, all internal structures are destroyed). For vectors it is same
dst destination vector
void ae_vector_destroy(ae_vector *dst)
This function efficiently swaps contents of two vectors, leaving other
pararemeters (automatic management, etc.) unchanged.
void ae_swap_vectors(ae_vector *vec1, ae_vector *vec2)
ae_int_t cnt;
ae_datatype datatype;
void *p_ptr;
ae_assert(!vec1->is_attached, "ALGLIB: internal error, attempt to swap vectors attached to X-object", NULL);
ae_assert(!vec2->is_attached, "ALGLIB: internal error, attempt to swap vectors attached to X-object", NULL);
ae_db_swap(&vec1->data, &vec2->data);
cnt = vec1->cnt;
datatype = vec1->datatype;
p_ptr = vec1->ptr.p_ptr;
vec1->cnt = vec2->cnt;
vec1->datatype = vec2->datatype;
vec1->ptr.p_ptr = vec2->ptr.p_ptr;
vec2->cnt = cnt;
vec2->datatype = datatype;
vec2->ptr.p_ptr = p_ptr;
This function creates ae_matrix.
Matrix size may be zero, in such cases both rows and cols are zero.
Matrix contents is uninitialized.
dst destination matrix, must be zero-filled
rows rows count
cols cols count
datatype element type
state pointer to current state structure. Can not be NULL.
used for exception handling (say, allocation error results
in longjmp call).
make_automatic if true, matrix will be registered in the current frame
of the state structure;
dst is assumed to be uninitialized, its fields are ignored.
NOTE: no memory allocation is performed for initialization with rows=cols=0
void ae_matrix_init(ae_matrix *dst, ae_int_t rows, ae_int_t cols, ae_datatype datatype, ae_state *state, ae_bool make_automatic)
ae_assert(rows>=0 && cols>=0, "ae_matrix_init(): negative length", state);
/* if one of rows/cols is zero, another MUST be too; perform quick exit */
if( rows==0 || cols==0 )
dst->rows = 0;
dst->cols = 0;
dst->is_attached = ae_false;
dst->ptr.pp_void = NULL;
dst->stride = 0;
dst->datatype = datatype;
ae_db_init(&dst->data, 0, state, make_automatic);
/* init, being ready for exception during allocation (rows=cols=ptr=NULL on entry) */
dst->is_attached = ae_false;
dst->rows = 0;
dst->cols = 0;
dst->ptr.pp_void = NULL;
dst->stride = cols;
while( dst->stride*ae_sizeof(datatype)%AE_DATA_ALIGN!=0 )
dst->datatype = datatype;
ae_db_init(&dst->data, rows*((ae_int_t)sizeof(void*)+dst->stride*ae_sizeof(datatype))+AE_DATA_ALIGN-1, state, make_automatic);
dst->rows = rows;
dst->cols = cols;
ae_matrix_update_row_pointers(dst, ae_align((char*)dst->data.ptr+rows*sizeof(void*),AE_DATA_ALIGN));
This function creates copy of ae_matrix. A new copy of the data is created.
dst destination matrix, must be zero-filled
src well, it is source
state pointer to current state structure. Can not be NULL.
used for exception handling (say, allocation error results
in longjmp call).
make_automatic if true, matrix will be registered in the current frame
of the state structure;
dst is assumed to be uninitialized, its fields are ignored.
void ae_matrix_init_copy(ae_matrix *dst, ae_matrix *src, ae_state *state, ae_bool make_automatic)
ae_int_t i;
ae_matrix_init(dst, src->rows, src->cols, src->datatype, state, make_automatic);
if( src->rows!=0 && src->cols!=0 )
if( dst->stride==src->stride )
memmove(dst->ptr.pp_void[0], src->ptr.pp_void[0], (size_t)(src->rows*src->stride*ae_sizeof(src->datatype)));
for(i=0; i<dst->rows; i++)
memmove(dst->ptr.pp_void[i], src->ptr.pp_void[i], (size_t)(dst->cols*ae_sizeof(dst->datatype)));
This function initializes ae_matrix using X-structure as source. New copy
of data is created, which is owned/managed by ae_matrix structure. Both
structures (source and destination) remain completely independent after
this call.
dst destination matrix, must be zero-filled
src well, it is source
state pointer to current state structure. Can not be NULL.
used for exception handling (say, allocation error results
in longjmp call).
make_automatic if true, matrix will be registered in the current frame
of the state structure;
dst is assumed to be uninitialized, its fields are ignored.
void ae_matrix_init_from_x(ae_matrix *dst, x_matrix *src, ae_state *state, ae_bool make_automatic)
char *p_src_row;
char *p_dst_row;
ae_int_t row_size;
ae_int_t i;
ae_matrix_init(dst, (ae_int_t)src->rows, (ae_int_t)src->cols, (ae_datatype)src->datatype, state, make_automatic);
if( src->rows!=0 && src->cols!=0 )
p_src_row = (char*)src->x_ptr.p_ptr;
p_dst_row = (char*)(dst->ptr.pp_void[0]);
row_size = ae_sizeof((ae_datatype)src->datatype)*(ae_int_t)src->cols;
for(i=0; i<src->rows; i++, p_src_row+=src->stride*ae_sizeof((ae_datatype)src->datatype), p_dst_row+=dst->stride*ae_sizeof((ae_datatype)src->datatype))
memmove(p_dst_row, p_src_row, (size_t)(row_size));
This function initializes ae_matrix using X-structure as source.
New matrix is attached to source:
* DST shares memory with SRC
* both DST and SRC are writable - all writes to DST change elements of
SRC and vice versa.
* DST can be reallocated with ae_matrix_set_length(), in this case SRC
remains untouched
dst destination matrix, must be zero-filled
src well, it is source
state pointer to current state structure. Can not be NULL.
used for exception handling (say, allocation error results
in longjmp call).
make_automatic if true, matrix will be registered in the current frame
of the state structure;
dst is assumed to be uninitialized, its fields are ignored.
void ae_matrix_init_attach_to_x(ae_matrix *dst, x_matrix *src, ae_state *state, ae_bool make_automatic)
ae_int_t rows, cols;
rows = (ae_int_t)src->rows;
cols = (ae_int_t)src->cols;
/* check that X-source is densely packed */
ae_assert(src->cols==src->stride, "ae_matrix_init_attach_to_x(): unsupported stride", state);
/* ensure that size is correct */
ae_assert(rows==src->rows, "ae_matrix_init_attach_to_x(): 32/64 overflow", state);
ae_assert(cols==src->cols, "ae_matrix_init_attach_to_x(): 32/64 overflow", state);
ae_assert(rows>=0 && cols>=0, "ae_matrix_init_attach_to_x(): negative length", state);
/* if one of rows/cols is zero, another MUST be too */
if( rows==0 || cols==0 )
rows = 0;
cols = 0;
/* init, being ready for allocation error */
dst->is_attached = ae_true;
dst->rows = 0;
dst->cols = 0;
dst->stride = cols;
dst->datatype = (ae_datatype)src->datatype;
dst->ptr.pp_void = NULL;
ae_db_init(&dst->data, rows*(ae_int_t)sizeof(void*), state, make_automatic);
dst->rows = rows;
dst->cols = cols;
if( dst->rows>0 && dst->cols>0 )
ae_int_t i, rowsize;
char *p_row;
void **pp_ptr;
p_row = (char*)src->x_ptr.p_ptr;
rowsize = dst->stride*ae_sizeof(dst->datatype);
pp_ptr = (void**)dst->data.ptr;
dst->ptr.pp_void = pp_ptr;
for(i=0; i<dst->rows; i++, p_row+=rowsize)
pp_ptr[i] = p_row;
This function changes length of ae_matrix.
dst destination matrix
rows size, may be zero
cols size, may be zero
state ALGLIB environment state
Error handling:
* if state is NULL, returns ae_false on allocation error
* if state is not NULL, calls ae_break() on allocation error
* returns ae_true on success
* matrix must be initialized
* all contents is destroyed during setlength() call
* new size may be zero.
void ae_matrix_set_length(ae_matrix *dst, ae_int_t rows, ae_int_t cols, ae_state *state)
ae_assert(rows>=0 && cols>=0, "ae_matrix_set_length(): negative length", state);
if( dst->rows==rows && dst->cols==cols )
/* prepare stride */
dst->stride = cols;
while( dst->stride*ae_sizeof(dst->datatype)%AE_DATA_ALIGN!=0 )
/* realloc, being ready for an exception during reallocation (rows=cols=0 on entry) */
dst->rows = 0;
dst->cols = 0;
dst->ptr.pp_void = NULL;
ae_db_realloc(&dst->data, rows*((ae_int_t)sizeof(void*)+dst->stride*ae_sizeof(dst->datatype))+AE_DATA_ALIGN-1, state);
dst->rows = rows;
dst->cols = cols;
/* update pointers to rows */
ae_matrix_update_row_pointers(dst, ae_align((char*)dst->data.ptr+dst->rows*sizeof(void*),AE_DATA_ALIGN));
This function provides "CLEAR" functionality for vector (contents is
cleared, but structure still left in valid state).
The function clears matrix contents (releases all dynamically allocated
memory). Matrix may be in automatic management list - in this case it
will NOT be removed from list.
IMPORTANT: this function does NOT invalidates dst; it just releases all
dynamically allocated storage, but dst still may be used after call to
dst destination matrix
void ae_matrix_clear(ae_matrix *dst)
dst->rows = 0;
dst->cols = 0;
dst->stride = 0;
dst->ptr.p_ptr = 0;
dst->is_attached = ae_false;
This function provides "DESTROY" functionality for matrix (contents is
cleared, but structure still left in valid state).
For matrices it is same as CLEAR.
dst destination matrix
void ae_matrix_destroy(ae_matrix *dst)
This function efficiently swaps contents of two vectors, leaving other
pararemeters (automatic management, etc.) unchanged.
void ae_swap_matrices(ae_matrix *mat1, ae_matrix *mat2)
ae_int_t rows;
ae_int_t cols;
ae_int_t stride;
ae_datatype datatype;
void *p_ptr;
ae_assert(!mat1->is_attached, "ALGLIB: internal error, attempt to swap matrices attached to X-object", NULL);
ae_assert(!mat2->is_attached, "ALGLIB: internal error, attempt to swap matrices attached to X-object", NULL);
ae_db_swap(&mat1->data, &mat2->data);
rows = mat1->rows;
cols = mat1->cols;
stride = mat1->stride;
datatype = mat1->datatype;
p_ptr = mat1->ptr.p_ptr;
mat1->rows = mat2->rows;
mat1->cols = mat2->cols;
mat1->stride = mat2->stride;
mat1->datatype = mat2->datatype;
mat1->ptr.p_ptr = mat2->ptr.p_ptr;
mat2->rows = rows;
mat2->cols = cols;
mat2->stride = stride;
mat2->datatype = datatype;
mat2->ptr.p_ptr = p_ptr;
This function creates smart pointer structure.
dst destination smart pointer, must be zero-filled
subscriber pointer to pointer which receives updates in the
internal object stored in ae_smart_ptr. Any update to
dst->ptr is translated to subscriber. Can be NULL.
state pointer to current state structure. Can not be NULL.
used for exception handling (say, allocation error results
in longjmp call).
make_automatic if true, pointer will be registered in the current frame
of the state structure;
Error handling:
* on failure calls ae_break() with NULL state pointer. Usually it results
in abort() call.
After initialization, smart pointer stores NULL pointer.
void ae_smart_ptr_init(ae_smart_ptr *dst, void **subscriber, ae_state *state, ae_bool make_automatic)
dst->subscriber = subscriber;
dst->ptr = NULL;
if( dst->subscriber!=NULL )
*(dst->subscriber) = dst->ptr;
dst->is_owner = ae_false;
dst->is_dynamic = ae_false;
dst->frame_entry.deallocator = ae_smart_ptr_destroy;
dst->frame_entry.ptr = dst;
if( make_automatic )
ae_db_attach(&dst->frame_entry, state);
This function clears smart pointer structure.
dst destination smart pointer.
After call to this function smart pointer contains NULL reference, which
is propagated to its subscriber (in cases non-NULL subscruber was
specified during pointer creation).
void ae_smart_ptr_clear(void *_dst)
ae_smart_ptr *dst = (ae_smart_ptr*)_dst;
if( dst->is_owner && dst->ptr!=NULL )
if( dst->is_dynamic )
dst->is_owner = ae_false;
dst->is_dynamic = ae_false;
dst->ptr = NULL;
dst->destroy = NULL;
if( dst->subscriber!=NULL )
*(dst->subscriber) = NULL;
This function dstroys smart pointer structure (same as clearing it).
dst destination smart pointer.
void ae_smart_ptr_destroy(void *_dst)
This function assigns pointer to ae_smart_ptr structure.
dst destination smart pointer.
new_ptr new pointer to assign
is_owner whether smart pointer owns new_ptr
is_dynamic whether object is dynamic - clearing such object
requires BOTH calling destructor function AND calling
ae_free() for memory occupied by object.
destroy destructor function
In case smart pointer already contains non-NULL value and owns this value,
it is freed before assigning new pointer.
Changes in pointer are propagated to its subscriber (in case non-NULL
subscriber was specified during pointer creation).
You can specify NULL new_ptr, in which case is_owner/destroy are ignored.
void ae_smart_ptr_assign(ae_smart_ptr *dst, void *new_ptr, ae_bool is_owner, ae_bool is_dynamic, void (*destroy)(void*))
if( dst->is_owner && dst->ptr!=NULL )
if( dst->is_dynamic )
if( new_ptr!=NULL )
dst->ptr = new_ptr;
dst->is_owner = is_owner;
dst->is_dynamic = is_dynamic;
dst->destroy = destroy;
dst->ptr = NULL;
dst->is_owner = ae_false;
dst->is_dynamic = ae_false;
dst->destroy = NULL;
if( dst->subscriber!=NULL )
*(dst->subscriber) = dst->ptr;
This function releases pointer owned by ae_smart_ptr structure:
* all internal fields are set to NULL
* destructor function for internal pointer is NOT called even when we own
this pointer. After this call ae_smart_ptr releases ownership of its
pointer and passes it to caller.
* changes in pointer are propagated to its subscriber (in case non-NULL
subscriber was specified during pointer creation).
dst destination smart pointer.
void ae_smart_ptr_release(ae_smart_ptr *dst)
dst->is_owner = ae_false;
dst->is_dynamic = ae_false;
dst->ptr = NULL;
dst->destroy = NULL;
if( dst->subscriber!=NULL )
*(dst->subscriber) = NULL;
This function copies contents of ae_vector (SRC) to x_vector (DST).
This function should not be called for DST which is attached to SRC
(opposite situation, when SRC is attached to DST, is possible).
Depending on situation, following actions are performed
* for SRC attached to DST, this function performs no actions (no need to
do anything)
* for independent vectors of different sizes it allocates storage in DST
and copy contents of SRC to DST. DST->last_action field is set to
ACT_NEW_LOCATION, and DST->owner is set to OWN_AE.
* for independent vectors of same sizes it does not perform memory
(re)allocation. It just copies SRC to already existing place.
DST->last_action is set to ACT_SAME_LOCATION (unless it was
ACT_NEW_LOCATION), DST->owner is unmodified.
dst destination vector
src source, vector in x-format
state ALGLIB environment state
* dst is assumed to be initialized. Its contents is freed before copying
data from src (if size / type are different) or overwritten (if
possible given destination size).
void ae_x_set_vector(x_vector *dst, ae_vector *src, ae_state *state)
if( src->ptr.p_ptr == dst->x_ptr.p_ptr )
/* src->ptr points to the beginning of dst, attached matrices, no need to copy */
if( dst->cnt!=src->cnt || dst->datatype!=src->datatype )
if( dst->owner==OWN_AE )
dst->x_ptr.p_ptr = ae_malloc((size_t)(src->cnt*ae_sizeof(src->datatype)), state);
if( src->cnt!=0 && dst->x_ptr.p_ptr==NULL )
ae_break(state, ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "ae_malloc(): out of memory");
dst->last_action = ACT_NEW_LOCATION;
dst->cnt = src->cnt;
dst->datatype = src->datatype;
dst->owner = OWN_AE;
if( dst->last_action==ACT_UNCHANGED )
dst->last_action = ACT_SAME_LOCATION;
else if( dst->last_action==ACT_SAME_LOCATION )
dst->last_action = ACT_SAME_LOCATION;
else if( dst->last_action==ACT_NEW_LOCATION )
dst->last_action = ACT_NEW_LOCATION;
ae_assert(ae_false, "ALGLIB: internal error in ae_x_set_vector()", state);
if( src->cnt )
memmove(dst->x_ptr.p_ptr, src->ptr.p_ptr, (size_t)(src->cnt*ae_sizeof(src->datatype)));
This function copies contents of ae_matrix to x_matrix.
This function should not be called for DST which is attached to SRC
(opposite situation, when SRC is attached to DST, is possible).
Depending on situation, following actions are performed
* for SRC attached to DST, this function performs no actions (no need to
do anything)
* for independent matrices of different sizes it allocates storage in DST
and copy contents of SRC to DST. DST->last_action field is set to
ACT_NEW_LOCATION, and DST->owner is set to OWN_AE.
* for independent matrices of same sizes it does not perform memory
(re)allocation. It just copies SRC to already existing place.
DST->last_action is set to ACT_SAME_LOCATION (unless it was
ACT_NEW_LOCATION), DST->owner is unmodified.
dst destination vector
src source, matrix in x-format
state ALGLIB environment state
* dst is assumed to be initialized. Its contents is freed before copying
data from src (if size / type are different) or overwritten (if
possible given destination size).
void ae_x_set_matrix(x_matrix *dst, ae_matrix *src, ae_state *state)
char *p_src_row;
char *p_dst_row;
ae_int_t i;
ae_int_t row_size;
if( src->ptr.pp_void!=NULL && src->ptr.pp_void[0] == dst->x_ptr.p_ptr )
/* src->ptr points to the beginning of dst, attached matrices, no need to copy */
if( dst->rows!=src->rows || dst->cols!=src->cols || dst->datatype!=src->datatype )
if( dst->owner==OWN_AE )
dst->rows = src->rows;
dst->cols = src->cols;
dst->stride = src->cols;
dst->datatype = src->datatype;
dst->x_ptr.p_ptr = ae_malloc((size_t)(dst->rows*((ae_int_t)dst->stride)*ae_sizeof(src->datatype)), state);
if( dst->rows!=0 && dst->stride!=0 && dst->x_ptr.p_ptr==NULL )
ae_break(state, ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "ae_malloc(): out of memory");
dst->last_action = ACT_NEW_LOCATION;
dst->owner = OWN_AE;
if( dst->last_action==ACT_UNCHANGED )
dst->last_action = ACT_SAME_LOCATION;
else if( dst->last_action==ACT_SAME_LOCATION )
dst->last_action = ACT_SAME_LOCATION;
else if( dst->last_action==ACT_NEW_LOCATION )
dst->last_action = ACT_NEW_LOCATION;
ae_assert(ae_false, "ALGLIB: internal error in ae_x_set_vector()", state);
if( src->rows!=0 && src->cols!=0 )
p_src_row = (char*)(src->ptr.pp_void[0]);
p_dst_row = (char*)dst->x_ptr.p_ptr;
row_size = ae_sizeof(src->datatype)*src->cols;
for(i=0; i<src->rows; i++, p_src_row+=src->stride*ae_sizeof(src->datatype), p_dst_row+=dst->stride*ae_sizeof(src->datatype))
memmove(p_dst_row, p_src_row, (size_t)(row_size));
This function attaches x_vector to ae_vector's contents.
Ownership of memory allocated is not changed (it is still managed by
dst destination vector
src source, vector in x-format
state ALGLIB environment state
* dst is assumed to be initialized. Its contents is freed before
attaching to src.
* this function doesn't need ae_state parameter because it can't fail
(assuming correctly initialized src)
void ae_x_attach_to_vector(x_vector *dst, ae_vector *src)
if( dst->owner==OWN_AE )
dst->x_ptr.p_ptr = src->ptr.p_ptr;
dst->last_action = ACT_NEW_LOCATION;
dst->cnt = src->cnt;
dst->datatype = src->datatype;
dst->owner = OWN_CALLER;
This function attaches x_matrix to ae_matrix's contents.
Ownership of memory allocated is not changed (it is still managed by
dst destination vector
src source, matrix in x-format
state ALGLIB environment state
* dst is assumed to be initialized. Its contents is freed before
attaching to src.
* this function doesn't need ae_state parameter because it can't fail
(assuming correctly initialized src)
void ae_x_attach_to_matrix(x_matrix *dst, ae_matrix *src)
if( dst->owner==OWN_AE )
dst->rows = src->rows;
dst->cols = src->cols;
dst->stride = src->stride;
dst->datatype = src->datatype;
dst->x_ptr.p_ptr = &(src->ptr.pp_double[0][0]);
dst->last_action = ACT_NEW_LOCATION;
dst->owner = OWN_CALLER;
This function clears x_vector. It does nothing if vector is not owned by
ALGLIB environment.
dst vector
void x_vector_clear(x_vector *dst)
if( dst->owner==OWN_AE )
dst->x_ptr.p_ptr = NULL;
dst->cnt = 0;
For non-NULL state it allows to gracefully leave ALGLIB session,
removing all frames and deallocating registered dynamic data structure.
For NULL state it just abort()'s program.
IMPORTANT: this function ALWAYS evaluates its argument. It can not be
replaced by macro which does nothing. So, you may place actual
function calls at cond, and these will always be performed.
void ae_assert(ae_bool cond, const char *msg, ae_state *state)
if( !cond )
ae_break(state, ERR_ASSERTION_FAILED, msg);
Returns information about features CPU and compiler support.
You must tell ALGLIB what CPU family is used by defining AE_CPU symbol
(without this hint zero will be returned).
Note: results of this function depend on both CPU and compiler;
if compiler doesn't support SSE intrinsics, function won't set
corresponding flag.
static volatile ae_bool _ae_cpuid_initialized = ae_false;
static volatile ae_bool _ae_cpuid_has_sse2 = ae_false;
ae_int_t ae_cpuid()
* to speed up CPU detection we cache results from previous attempts
* there is no synchronization, but it is still thread safe.
* thread safety is guaranteed on all modern architectures which
* have following property: simultaneous writes by different cores
* to the same location will be executed in serial manner.
ae_int_t result;
* if not initialized, determine system properties
if( !_ae_cpuid_initialized )
* SSE2
#if defined(AE_CPU)
int CPUInfo[4];
__cpuid(CPUInfo, 1);
if( (CPUInfo[3]&0x04000000)!=0 )
_ae_cpuid_has_sse2 = ae_true;
ae_int_t a,b,c,d;
__asm__ __volatile__ ("cpuid": "=a" (a), "=b" (b), "=c" (c), "=d" (d) : "a" (1));
if( (d&0x04000000)!=0 )
_ae_cpuid_has_sse2 = ae_true;
ae_int_t a,b,c,d;
__asm__ __volatile__ ("cpuid": "=a" (a), "=b" (b), "=c" (c), "=d" (d) : "a" (1));
if( (d&0x04000000)!=0 )
_ae_cpuid_has_sse2 = ae_true;
* Perform one more CPUID call to generate memory fence
{ int CPUInfo[4]; __cpuid(CPUInfo, 1); }
{ ae_int_t a,b,c,d; __asm__ __volatile__ ("cpuid": "=a" (a), "=b" (b), "=c" (c), "=d" (d) : "a" (1)); }
{ ae_int_t a,b,c,d; __asm__ __volatile__ ("cpuid": "=a" (a), "=b" (b), "=c" (c), "=d" (d) : "a" (1)); }
* set initialization flag
_ae_cpuid_initialized = ae_true;
* return
result = 0;
if( _ae_cpuid_has_sse2 )
result = result|CPU_SSE2;
return result;
Activates tracing to file
IMPORTANT: this function is NOT thread-safe! Calling it from multiple
threads will result in undefined behavior. Calling it when
some thread calls ALGLIB functions may result in undefined
void ae_trace_file(const char *tags, const char *filename)
* clean up previous call
if( alglib_fclose_trace )
if( alglib_trace_file!=NULL )
alglib_trace_file = NULL;
alglib_fclose_trace = ae_false;
* store ",tags," to buffer. Leading and trailing commas allow us
* to perform checks for various tags by simply calling strstr().
memset(alglib_trace_tags, 0, ALGLIB_TRACE_BUFFER_LEN);
strcat(alglib_trace_tags, ",");
strncat(alglib_trace_tags, tags, ALGLIB_TRACE_TAGS_LEN);
strcat(alglib_trace_tags, ",");
for(int i=0; alglib_trace_tags[i]!=0; i++)
alglib_trace_tags[i] = tolower(alglib_trace_tags[i]);
* set up trace
alglib_trace_type = ALGLIB_TRACE_FILE;
alglib_trace_file = fopen(filename, "ab");
alglib_fclose_trace = ae_true;
Disables tracing
void ae_trace_disable()
alglib_trace_type = ALGLIB_TRACE_NONE;
if( alglib_fclose_trace )
alglib_trace_file = NULL;
alglib_fclose_trace = ae_false;
Checks whether specific kind of tracing is enabled
ae_bool ae_is_trace_enabled(const char *tag)
/* check global trace status */
if( alglib_trace_type==ALGLIB_TRACE_NONE || alglib_trace_file==NULL )
return ae_false;
/* copy tag to buffer, lowercase it */
memset(buf, 0, ALGLIB_TRACE_BUFFER_LEN);
strcat(buf, ",");
strncat(buf, tag, ALGLIB_TRACE_TAGS_LEN);
strcat(buf, "?");
for(int i=0; buf[i]!=0; i++)
buf[i] = tolower(buf[i]);
/* contains tag (followed by comma, which means exact match) */
buf[strlen(buf)-1] = ',';
if( strstr(alglib_trace_tags,buf)!=NULL )
return ae_true;
/* contains tag (followed by dot, which means match with child) */
buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '.';
if( strstr(alglib_trace_tags,buf)!=NULL )
return ae_true;
/* nothing */
return ae_false;
void ae_trace(const char * printf_fmt, ...)
/* check global trace status */
if( alglib_trace_type==ALGLIB_TRACE_FILE && alglib_trace_file!=NULL )
va_list args;
/* fprintf() */
va_start(args, printf_fmt);
vfprintf(alglib_trace_file, printf_fmt, args);
/* flush output */
Real math functions
ae_bool ae_fp_eq(double v1, double v2)
/* IEEE-strict floating point comparison */
volatile double x = v1;
volatile double y = v2;
return x==y;
ae_bool ae_fp_neq(double v1, double v2)
/* IEEE-strict floating point comparison */
return !ae_fp_eq(v1,v2);
ae_bool ae_fp_less(double v1, double v2)
/* IEEE-strict floating point comparison */
volatile double x = v1;
volatile double y = v2;
return x<y;
ae_bool ae_fp_less_eq(double v1, double v2)
/* IEEE-strict floating point comparison */
volatile double x = v1;
volatile double y = v2;
return x<=y;
ae_bool ae_fp_greater(double v1, double v2)
/* IEEE-strict floating point comparison */
volatile double x = v1;
volatile double y = v2;
return x>y;
ae_bool ae_fp_greater_eq(double v1, double v2)
/* IEEE-strict floating point comparison */
volatile double x = v1;
volatile double y = v2;
return x>=y;
ae_bool ae_isfinite_stateless(double x, ae_int_t endianness)
union _u
double a;
ae_int32_t p[2];
} u;
ae_int32_t high;
u.a = x;
if( endianness==AE_LITTLE_ENDIAN )
high = u.p[1];
high = u.p[0];
return (high & (ae_int32_t)0x7FF00000)!=(ae_int32_t)0x7FF00000;
ae_bool ae_isnan_stateless(double x, ae_int_t endianness)
union _u
double a;
ae_int32_t p[2];
} u;
ae_int32_t high, low;
u.a = x;
if( endianness==AE_LITTLE_ENDIAN )
high = u.p[1];
low = u.p[0];
high = u.p[0];
low = u.p[1];
return ((high &0x7FF00000)==0x7FF00000) && (((high &0x000FFFFF)!=0) || (low!=0));
ae_bool ae_isinf_stateless(double x, ae_int_t endianness)
union _u
double a;
ae_int32_t p[2];
} u;
ae_int32_t high, low;
u.a = x;
if( endianness==AE_LITTLE_ENDIAN )
high = u.p[1];
low = u.p[0];
high = u.p[0];
low = u.p[1];
/* 31 least significant bits of high are compared */
return ((high&0x7FFFFFFF)==0x7FF00000) && (low==0);
ae_bool ae_isposinf_stateless(double x, ae_int_t endianness)
union _u
double a;
ae_int32_t p[2];
} u;
ae_int32_t high, low;
u.a = x;
if( endianness==AE_LITTLE_ENDIAN )
high = u.p[1];
low = u.p[0];
high = u.p[0];
low = u.p[1];
/* all 32 bits of high are compared */
return (high==(ae_int32_t)0x7FF00000) && (low==0);
ae_bool ae_isneginf_stateless(double x, ae_int_t endianness)
union _u
double a;
ae_int32_t p[2];
} u;
ae_int32_t high, low;
u.a = x;
if( endianness==AE_LITTLE_ENDIAN )
high = u.p[1];
low = u.p[0];
high = u.p[0];
low = u.p[1];
/* this code is a bit tricky to avoid comparison of high with 0xFFF00000, which may be unsafe with some buggy compilers */
return ((high&0x7FFFFFFF)==0x7FF00000) && (high!=(ae_int32_t)0x7FF00000) && (low==0);
ae_int_t ae_get_endianness()
double a;
ae_int32_t p[2];
} u;
* determine endianness
* two types are supported: big-endian and little-endian.
* mixed-endian hardware is NOT supported.
* 1983 is used as magic number because its non-periodic double
* representation allow us to easily distinguish between upper
* and lower halfs and to detect mixed endian hardware.
u.a = 1.0/1983.0;
if( u.p[1]==(ae_int32_t)0x3f408642 )
if( u.p[0]==(ae_int32_t)0x3f408642 )
ae_bool ae_isfinite(double x,ae_state *state)
return ae_isfinite_stateless(x, state->endianness);
ae_bool ae_isnan(double x, ae_state *state)
return ae_isnan_stateless(x, state->endianness);
ae_bool ae_isinf(double x, ae_state *state)
return ae_isinf_stateless(x, state->endianness);
ae_bool ae_isposinf(double x,ae_state *state)
return ae_isposinf_stateless(x, state->endianness);
ae_bool ae_isneginf(double x,ae_state *state)
return ae_isneginf_stateless(x, state->endianness);
double ae_fabs(double x, ae_state *state)
return fabs(x);
ae_int_t ae_iabs(ae_int_t x, ae_state *state)
return x>=0 ? x : -x;
double ae_sqr(double x, ae_state *state)
return x*x;
double ae_sqrt(double x, ae_state *state)
return sqrt(x);
ae_int_t ae_sign(double x, ae_state *state)
if( x>0 ) return 1;
if( x<0 ) return -1;
return 0;
ae_int_t ae_round(double x, ae_state *state)
return (ae_int_t)(ae_ifloor(x+0.5,state));
ae_int_t ae_trunc(double x, ae_state *state)
return (ae_int_t)(x>0 ? ae_ifloor(x,state) : ae_iceil(x,state));
ae_int_t ae_ifloor(double x, ae_state *state)
return (ae_int_t)(floor(x));
ae_int_t ae_iceil(double x, ae_state *state)
return (ae_int_t)(ceil(x));
ae_int_t ae_maxint(ae_int_t m1, ae_int_t m2, ae_state *state)
return m1>m2 ? m1 : m2;
ae_int_t ae_minint(ae_int_t m1, ae_int_t m2, ae_state *state)
return m1>m2 ? m2 : m1;
double ae_maxreal(double m1, double m2, ae_state *state)
return m1>m2 ? m1 : m2;
double ae_minreal(double m1, double m2, ae_state *state)
return m1>m2 ? m2 : m1;
double ae_randomreal(ae_state *state)
int i1 = rand();
int i2 = rand();
double mx = (double)(RAND_MAX)+1.0;
volatile double tmp0 = i2/mx;
volatile double tmp1 = i1+tmp0;
return tmp1/mx;
ae_int_t ae_randominteger(ae_int_t maxv, ae_state *state)
return rand()%maxv;
double ae_sin(double x, ae_state *state)
return sin(x);
double ae_cos(double x, ae_state *state)
return cos(x);
double ae_tan(double x, ae_state *state)
return tan(x);
double ae_sinh(double x, ae_state *state)
return sinh(x);
double ae_cosh(double x, ae_state *state)
return cosh(x);
double ae_tanh(double x, ae_state *state)
return tanh(x);
double ae_asin(double x, ae_state *state)
return asin(x);
double ae_acos(double x, ae_state *state)
return acos(x);
double ae_atan(double x, ae_state *state)
return atan(x);
double ae_atan2(double y, double x, ae_state *state)
return atan2(y,x);
double ae_log(double x, ae_state *state)
return log(x);
double ae_pow(double x, double y, ae_state *state)
return pow(x,y);
double ae_exp(double x, ae_state *state)
return exp(x);
Symmetric/Hermitian properties: check and force
static void x_split_length(ae_int_t n, ae_int_t nb, ae_int_t* n1, ae_int_t* n2)
ae_int_t r;
if( n<=nb )
*n1 = n;
*n2 = 0;
if( n%nb!=0 )
*n2 = n%nb;
*n1 = n-(*n2);
*n2 = n/2;
*n1 = n-(*n2);
if( *n1%nb==0 )
r = nb-*n1%nb;
*n1 = *n1+r;
*n2 = *n2-r;
static double x_safepythag2(double x, double y)
double w;
double xabs;
double yabs;
double z;
xabs = fabs(x);
yabs = fabs(y);
w = xabs>yabs ? xabs : yabs;
z = xabs<yabs ? xabs : yabs;
if( z==0 )
return w;
double t;
t = z/w;
return w*sqrt(1+t*t);
* this function checks difference between offdiagonal blocks BL and BU
* (see below). Block BL is specified by offsets (offset0,offset1) and
* sizes (len0,len1).
* [ . ]
* [ A0 BU ]
* A = [ BL A1 ]
* [ . ]
* this subroutine updates current values of:
* a) mx maximum value of A[i,j] found so far
* b) err componentwise difference between elements of BL and BU^T
static void is_symmetric_rec_off_stat(x_matrix *a, ae_int_t offset0, ae_int_t offset1, ae_int_t len0, ae_int_t len1, ae_bool *nonfinite, double *mx, double *err, ae_state *_state)
/* try to split problem into two smaller ones */
if( len0>x_nb || len1>x_nb )
ae_int_t n1, n2;
if( len0>len1 )
x_split_length(len0, x_nb, &n1, &n2);
is_symmetric_rec_off_stat(a, offset0, offset1, n1, len1, nonfinite, mx, err, _state);
is_symmetric_rec_off_stat(a, offset0+n1, offset1, n2, len1, nonfinite, mx, err, _state);
x_split_length(len1, x_nb, &n1, &n2);
is_symmetric_rec_off_stat(a, offset0, offset1, len0, n1, nonfinite, mx, err, _state);
is_symmetric_rec_off_stat(a, offset0, offset1+n1, len0, n2, nonfinite, mx, err, _state);
/* base case */
double *p1, *p2, *prow, *pcol;
double v;
ae_int_t i, j;
p1 = (double*)(a->x_ptr.p_ptr)+offset0*a->stride+offset1;
p2 = (double*)(a->x_ptr.p_ptr)+offset1*a->stride+offset0;
for(i=0; i<len0; i++)
pcol = p2+i;
prow = p1+i*a->stride;
for(j=0; j<len1; j++)
if( !ae_isfinite(*pcol,_state) || !ae_isfinite(*prow,_state) )
*nonfinite = ae_true;
v = fabs(*pcol);
*mx = *mx>v ? *mx : v;
v = fabs(*prow);
*mx = *mx>v ? *mx : v;
v = fabs(*pcol-*prow);
*err = *err>v ? *err : v;
pcol += a->stride;
* this function checks that diagonal block A0 is symmetric.
* Block A0 is specified by its offset and size.
* [ . ]
* [ A0 ]
* A = [ . ]
* [ . ]
* this subroutine updates current values of:
* a) mx maximum value of A[i,j] found so far
* b) err componentwise difference between A0 and A0^T
static void is_symmetric_rec_diag_stat(x_matrix *a, ae_int_t offset, ae_int_t len, ae_bool *nonfinite, double *mx, double *err, ae_state *_state)
double *p, *prow, *pcol;
double v;
ae_int_t i, j;
/* try to split problem into two smaller ones */
if( len>x_nb )
ae_int_t n1, n2;
x_split_length(len, x_nb, &n1, &n2);
is_symmetric_rec_diag_stat(a, offset, n1, nonfinite, mx, err, _state);
is_symmetric_rec_diag_stat(a, offset+n1, n2, nonfinite, mx, err, _state);
is_symmetric_rec_off_stat(a, offset+n1, offset, n2, n1, nonfinite, mx, err, _state);
/* base case */
p = (double*)(a->x_ptr.p_ptr)+offset*a->stride+offset;
for(i=0; i<len; i++)
pcol = p+i;
prow = p+i*a->stride;
for(j=0; j<i; j++,pcol+=a->stride,prow++)
if( !ae_isfinite(*pcol,_state) || !ae_isfinite(*prow,_state) )
*nonfinite = ae_true;
v = fabs(*pcol);
*mx = *mx>v ? *mx : v;
v = fabs(*prow);
*mx = *mx>v ? *mx : v;
v = fabs(*pcol-*prow);
*err = *err>v ? *err : v;
v = fabs(p[i+i*a->stride]);
*mx = *mx>v ? *mx : v;
* this function checks difference between offdiagonal blocks BL and BU
* (see below). Block BL is specified by offsets (offset0,offset1) and
* sizes (len0,len1).
* [ . ]
* [ A0 BU ]
* A = [ BL A1 ]
* [ . ]
* this subroutine updates current values of:
* a) mx maximum value of A[i,j] found so far
* b) err componentwise difference between elements of BL and BU^H
static void is_hermitian_rec_off_stat(x_matrix *a, ae_int_t offset0, ae_int_t offset1, ae_int_t len0, ae_int_t len1, ae_bool *nonfinite, double *mx, double *err, ae_state *_state)
/* try to split problem into two smaller ones */
if( len0>x_nb || len1>x_nb )
ae_int_t n1, n2;
if( len0>len1 )
x_split_length(len0, x_nb, &n1, &n2);
is_hermitian_rec_off_stat(a, offset0, offset1, n1, len1, nonfinite, mx, err, _state);
is_hermitian_rec_off_stat(a, offset0+n1, offset1, n2, len1, nonfinite, mx, err, _state);
x_split_length(len1, x_nb, &n1, &n2);
is_hermitian_rec_off_stat(a, offset0, offset1, len0, n1, nonfinite, mx, err, _state);
is_hermitian_rec_off_stat(a, offset0, offset1+n1, len0, n2, nonfinite, mx, err, _state);
/* base case */
ae_complex *p1, *p2, *prow, *pcol;
double v;
ae_int_t i, j;
p1 = (ae_complex*)(a->x_ptr.p_ptr)+offset0*a->stride+offset1;
p2 = (ae_complex*)(a->x_ptr.p_ptr)+offset1*a->stride+offset0;
for(i=0; i<len0; i++)
pcol = p2+i;
prow = p1+i*a->stride;
for(j=0; j<len1; j++)
if( !ae_isfinite(pcol->x, _state) || !ae_isfinite(pcol->y, _state) || !ae_isfinite(prow->x, _state) || !ae_isfinite(prow->y, _state) )
*nonfinite = ae_true;
v = x_safepythag2(pcol->x, pcol->y);
*mx = *mx>v ? *mx : v;
v = x_safepythag2(prow->x, prow->y);
*mx = *mx>v ? *mx : v;
v = x_safepythag2(pcol->x-prow->x, pcol->y+prow->y);
*err = *err>v ? *err : v;
pcol += a->stride;
* this function checks that diagonal block A0 is Hermitian.
* Block A0 is specified by its offset and size.
* [ . ]
* [ A0 ]
* A = [ . ]
* [ . ]
* this subroutine updates current values of:
* a) mx maximum value of A[i,j] found so far
* b) err componentwise difference between A0 and A0^H
static void is_hermitian_rec_diag_stat(x_matrix *a, ae_int_t offset, ae_int_t len, ae_bool *nonfinite, double *mx, double *err, ae_state *_state)
ae_complex *p, *prow, *pcol;
double v;
ae_int_t i, j;
/* try to split problem into two smaller ones */
if( len>x_nb )
ae_int_t n1, n2;
x_split_length(len, x_nb, &n1, &n2);
is_hermitian_rec_diag_stat(a, offset, n1, nonfinite, mx, err, _state);
is_hermitian_rec_diag_stat(a, offset+n1, n2, nonfinite, mx, err, _state);
is_hermitian_rec_off_stat(a, offset+n1, offset, n2, n1, nonfinite, mx, err, _state);
/* base case */
p = (ae_complex*)(a->x_ptr.p_ptr)+offset*a->stride+offset;
for(i=0; i<len; i++)
pcol = p+i;
prow = p+i*a->stride;
for(j=0; j<i; j++,pcol+=a->stride,prow++)
if( !ae_isfinite(pcol->x, _state) || !ae_isfinite(pcol->y, _state) || !ae_isfinite(prow->x, _state) || !ae_isfinite(prow->y, _state) )
*nonfinite = ae_true;
v = x_safepythag2(pcol->x, pcol->y);
*mx = *mx>v ? *mx : v;
v = x_safepythag2(prow->x, prow->y);
*mx = *mx>v ? *mx : v;
v = x_safepythag2(pcol->x-prow->x, pcol->y+prow->y);
*err = *err>v ? *err : v;
if( !ae_isfinite(p[i+i*a->stride].x, _state) || !ae_isfinite(p[i+i*a->stride].y, _state) )
*nonfinite = ae_true;
v = fabs(p[i+i*a->stride].x);
*mx = *mx>v ? *mx : v;
v = fabs(p[i+i*a->stride].y);
*err = *err>v ? *err : v;
* this function copies offdiagonal block BL to its symmetric counterpart
* BU (see below). Block BL is specified by offsets (offset0,offset1)
* and sizes (len0,len1).
* [ . ]
* [ A0 BU ]
* A = [ BL A1 ]
* [ . ]
static void force_symmetric_rec_off_stat(x_matrix *a, ae_int_t offset0, ae_int_t offset1, ae_int_t len0, ae_int_t len1)
/* try to split problem into two smaller ones */
if( len0>x_nb || len1>x_nb )
ae_int_t n1, n2;
if( len0>len1 )
x_split_length(len0, x_nb, &n1, &n2);
force_symmetric_rec_off_stat(a, offset0, offset1, n1, len1);
force_symmetric_rec_off_stat(a, offset0+n1, offset1, n2, len1);
x_split_length(len1, x_nb, &n1, &n2);
force_symmetric_rec_off_stat(a, offset0, offset1, len0, n1);
force_symmetric_rec_off_stat(a, offset0, offset1+n1, len0, n2);
/* base case */
double *p1, *p2, *prow, *pcol;
ae_int_t i, j;
p1 = (double*)(a->x_ptr.p_ptr)+offset0*a->stride+offset1;
p2 = (double*)(a->x_ptr.p_ptr)+offset1*a->stride+offset0;
for(i=0; i<len0; i++)
pcol = p2+i;
prow = p1+i*a->stride;
for(j=0; j<len1; j++)
*pcol = *prow;
pcol += a->stride;
* this function copies lower part of diagonal block A0 to its upper part
* Block is specified by offset and size.
* [ . ]
* [ A0 ]
* A = [ . ]
* [ . ]
static void force_symmetric_rec_diag_stat(x_matrix *a, ae_int_t offset, ae_int_t len)
double *p, *prow, *pcol;
ae_int_t i, j;
/* try to split problem into two smaller ones */
if( len>x_nb )
ae_int_t n1, n2;
x_split_length(len, x_nb, &n1, &n2);
force_symmetric_rec_diag_stat(a, offset, n1);
force_symmetric_rec_diag_stat(a, offset+n1, n2);
force_symmetric_rec_off_stat(a, offset+n1, offset, n2, n1);
/* base case */
p = (double*)(a->x_ptr.p_ptr)+offset*a->stride+offset;
for(i=0; i<len; i++)
pcol = p+i;
prow = p+i*a->stride;
for(j=0; j<i; j++,pcol+=a->stride,prow++)
*pcol = *prow;
* this function copies Hermitian transpose of offdiagonal block BL to
* its symmetric counterpart BU (see below). Block BL is specified by
* offsets (offset0,offset1) and sizes (len0,len1).
* [ . ]
* [ A0 BU ]
* A = [ BL A1 ]
* [ . ]
static void force_hermitian_rec_off_stat(x_matrix *a, ae_int_t offset0, ae_int_t offset1, ae_int_t len0, ae_int_t len1)
/* try to split problem into two smaller ones */
if( len0>x_nb || len1>x_nb )
ae_int_t n1, n2;
if( len0>len1 )
x_split_length(len0, x_nb, &n1, &n2);
force_hermitian_rec_off_stat(a, offset0, offset1, n1, len1);
force_hermitian_rec_off_stat(a, offset0+n1, offset1, n2, len1);
x_split_length(len1, x_nb, &n1, &n2);
force_hermitian_rec_off_stat(a, offset0, offset1, len0, n1);
force_hermitian_rec_off_stat(a, offset0, offset1+n1, len0, n2);
/* base case */
ae_complex *p1, *p2, *prow, *pcol;
ae_int_t i, j;
p1 = (ae_complex*)(a->x_ptr.p_ptr)+offset0*a->stride+offset1;
p2 = (ae_complex*)(a->x_ptr.p_ptr)+offset1*a->stride+offset0;
for(i=0; i<len0; i++)
pcol = p2+i;
prow = p1+i*a->stride;
for(j=0; j<len1; j++)
*pcol = *prow;
pcol += a->stride;
* this function copies Hermitian transpose of lower part of
* diagonal block A0 to its upper part Block is specified by offset and size.
* [ . ]
* [ A0 ]
* A = [ . ]
* [ . ]
static void force_hermitian_rec_diag_stat(x_matrix *a, ae_int_t offset, ae_int_t len)
ae_complex *p, *prow, *pcol;
ae_int_t i, j;
/* try to split problem into two smaller ones */
if( len>x_nb )
ae_int_t n1, n2;
x_split_length(len, x_nb, &n1, &n2);
force_hermitian_rec_diag_stat(a, offset, n1);
force_hermitian_rec_diag_stat(a, offset+n1, n2);
force_hermitian_rec_off_stat(a, offset+n1, offset, n2, n1);
/* base case */
p = (ae_complex*)(a->x_ptr.p_ptr)+offset*a->stride+offset;
for(i=0; i<len; i++)
pcol = p+i;
prow = p+i*a->stride;
for(j=0; j<i; j++,pcol+=a->stride,prow++)
*pcol = *prow;
ae_bool x_is_symmetric(x_matrix *a)
double mx, err;
ae_bool nonfinite;
ae_state _alglib_env_state;
if( a->datatype!=DT_REAL )
return ae_false;
if( a->cols!=a->rows )
return ae_false;
if( a->cols==0 || a->rows==0 )
return ae_true;
mx = 0;
err = 0;
nonfinite = ae_false;
is_symmetric_rec_diag_stat(a, 0, (ae_int_t)a->rows, &nonfinite, &mx, &err, &_alglib_env_state);
if( nonfinite )
return ae_false;
if( mx==0 )
return ae_true;
return err/mx<=1.0E-14;
ae_bool x_is_hermitian(x_matrix *a)
double mx, err;
ae_bool nonfinite;
ae_state _alglib_env_state;
if( a->datatype!=DT_COMPLEX )
return ae_false;
if( a->cols!=a->rows )
return ae_false;
if( a->cols==0 || a->rows==0 )
return ae_true;
mx = 0;
err = 0;
nonfinite = ae_false;
is_hermitian_rec_diag_stat(a, 0, (ae_int_t)a->rows, &nonfinite, &mx, &err, &_alglib_env_state);
if( nonfinite )
return ae_false;
if( mx==0 )
return ae_true;
return err/mx<=1.0E-14;
ae_bool x_force_symmetric(x_matrix *a)
if( a->datatype!=DT_REAL )
return ae_false;
if( a->cols!=a->rows )
return ae_false;
if( a->cols==0 || a->rows==0 )
return ae_true;
force_symmetric_rec_diag_stat(a, 0, (ae_int_t)a->rows);
return ae_true;
ae_bool x_force_hermitian(x_matrix *a)
if( a->datatype!=DT_COMPLEX )
return ae_false;
if( a->cols!=a->rows )
return ae_false;
if( a->cols==0 || a->rows==0 )
return ae_true;
force_hermitian_rec_diag_stat(a, 0, (ae_int_t)a->rows);
return ae_true;
ae_bool ae_is_symmetric(ae_matrix *a)
x_matrix x;
x.owner = OWN_CALLER;
ae_x_attach_to_matrix(&x, a);
return x_is_symmetric(&x);
ae_bool ae_is_hermitian(ae_matrix *a)
x_matrix x;
x.owner = OWN_CALLER;
ae_x_attach_to_matrix(&x, a);
return x_is_hermitian(&x);
ae_bool ae_force_symmetric(ae_matrix *a)
x_matrix x;
x.owner = OWN_CALLER;
ae_x_attach_to_matrix(&x, a);
return x_force_symmetric(&x);
ae_bool ae_force_hermitian(ae_matrix *a)
x_matrix x;
x.owner = OWN_CALLER;
ae_x_attach_to_matrix(&x, a);
return x_force_hermitian(&x);
This function converts six-bit value (from 0 to 63) to character (only
digits, lowercase and uppercase letters, minus and underscore are used).
If v is negative or greater than 63, this function returns '?'.
static char _sixbits2char_tbl[64] = {
'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',
'8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F',
'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N',
'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V',
'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd',
'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l',
'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't',
'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '-', '_' };
char ae_sixbits2char(ae_int_t v)
if( v<0 || v>63 )
return '?';
return _sixbits2char_tbl[v];
/* v is correct, process it */
/*if( v<10 )
return '0'+v;
v -= 10;
if( v<26 )
return 'A'+v;
v -= 26;
if( v<26 )
return 'a'+v;
v -= 26;
return v==0 ? '-' : '_';*/
This function converts character to six-bit value (from 0 to 63).
This function is inverse of ae_sixbits2char()
If c is not correct character, this function returns -1.
static ae_int_t _ae_char2sixbits_tbl[] = {
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 62, -1, -1,
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
8, 9, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24,
25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32,
33, 34, 35, -1, -1, -1, -1, 63,
-1, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42,
43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50,
51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58,
59, 60, 61, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 };
ae_int_t ae_char2sixbits(char c)
return (c>=0 && c<127) ? _ae_char2sixbits_tbl[(int)c] : -1;
This function converts three bytes (24 bits) to four six-bit values
(24 bits again).
src pointer to three bytes
dst pointer to four ints
void ae_threebytes2foursixbits(const unsigned char *src, ae_int_t *dst)
dst[0] = src[0] & 0x3F;
dst[1] = (src[0]>>6) | ((src[1]&0x0F)<<2);
dst[2] = (src[1]>>4) | ((src[2]&0x03)<<4);
dst[3] = src[2]>>2;
This function converts four six-bit values (24 bits) to three bytes
(24 bits again).
src pointer to four ints
dst pointer to three bytes
void ae_foursixbits2threebytes(const ae_int_t *src, unsigned char *dst)
dst[0] = (unsigned char)( src[0] | ((src[1]&0x03)<<6));
dst[1] = (unsigned char)((src[1]>>2) | ((src[2]&0x0F)<<4));
dst[2] = (unsigned char)((src[2]>>4) | (src[3]<<2));
This function serializes boolean value into buffer
v boolean value to be serialized
buf buffer, at least 12 characters wide
(11 chars for value, one for trailing zero)
state ALGLIB environment state
void ae_bool2str(ae_bool v, char *buf, ae_state *state)
char c = v ? '1' : '0';
ae_int_t i;
for(i=0; i<AE_SER_ENTRY_LENGTH; i++)
buf[i] = c;
This function unserializes boolean value from buffer
buf buffer which contains value; leading spaces/tabs/newlines are
ignored, traling spaces/tabs/newlines are treated as end of
the boolean value.
state ALGLIB environment state
This function raises an error in case unexpected symbol is found
ae_bool ae_str2bool(const char *buf, ae_state *state, const char **pasttheend)
ae_bool was0, was1;
const char *emsg = "ALGLIB: unable to read boolean value from stream";
was0 = ae_false;
was1 = ae_false;
while( *buf==' ' || *buf=='\t' || *buf=='\n' || *buf=='\r' )
while( *buf!=' ' && *buf!='\t' && *buf!='\n' && *buf!='\r' && *buf!=0 )
if( *buf=='0' )
was0 = ae_true;
if( *buf=='1' )
was1 = ae_true;
ae_break(state, ERR_ASSERTION_FAILED, emsg);
*pasttheend = buf;
if( (!was0) && (!was1) )
ae_break(state, ERR_ASSERTION_FAILED, emsg);
if( was0 && was1 )
ae_break(state, ERR_ASSERTION_FAILED, emsg);
return was1 ? ae_true : ae_false;
This function serializes integer value into buffer
v integer value to be serialized
buf buffer, at least 12 characters wide
(11 chars for value, one for trailing zero)
state ALGLIB environment state
void ae_int2str(ae_int_t v, char *buf, ae_state *state)
union _u
ae_int_t ival;
unsigned char bytes[9];
} u;
ae_int_t i;
ae_int_t sixbits[12];
unsigned char c;
* copy v to array of chars, sign extending it and
* converting to little endian order
* because we don't want to mention size of ae_int_t explicitly,
* we do it as follows:
* 1. we fill u.bytes by zeros or ones (depending on sign of v)
* 2. we copy v to u.ival
* 3. if we run on big endian architecture, we reorder u.bytes
* 4. now we have signed 64-bit representation of v stored in u.bytes
* 5. additionally, we set 9th byte of u.bytes to zero in order to
* simplify conversion to six-bit representation
c = v<0 ? (unsigned char)0xFF : (unsigned char)0x00;
u.ival = v;
for(i=sizeof(ae_int_t); i<=8; i++) /* <=8 is preferred because it avoids unnecessary compiler warnings*/
u.bytes[i] = c;
u.bytes[8] = 0;
if( state->endianness==AE_BIG_ENDIAN )
for(i=0; i<(ae_int_t)(sizeof(ae_int_t)/2); i++)
unsigned char tc;
tc = u.bytes[i];
u.bytes[i] = u.bytes[sizeof(ae_int_t)-1-i];
u.bytes[sizeof(ae_int_t)-1-i] = tc;
* convert to six-bit representation, output
* NOTE: last 12th element of sixbits is always zero, we do not output it
ae_threebytes2foursixbits(u.bytes+0, sixbits+0);
ae_threebytes2foursixbits(u.bytes+3, sixbits+4);
ae_threebytes2foursixbits(u.bytes+6, sixbits+8);
for(i=0; i<AE_SER_ENTRY_LENGTH; i++)
buf[i] = ae_sixbits2char(sixbits[i]);
buf[AE_SER_ENTRY_LENGTH] = 0x00;
This function serializes 64-bit integer value into buffer
v integer value to be serialized
buf buffer, at least 12 characters wide
(11 chars for value, one for trailing zero)
state ALGLIB environment state
void ae_int642str(ae_int64_t v, char *buf, ae_state *state)
unsigned char bytes[9];
ae_int_t i;
ae_int_t sixbits[12];
* copy v to array of chars, sign extending it and
* converting to little endian order
* because we don't want to mention size of ae_int_t explicitly,
* we do it as follows:
* 1. we fill bytes by zeros or ones (depending on sign of v)
* 2. we memmove v to bytes
* 3. if we run on big endian architecture, we reorder bytes
* 4. now we have signed 64-bit representation of v stored in bytes
* 5. additionally, we set 9th byte of bytes to zero in order to
* simplify conversion to six-bit representation
memset(bytes, v<0 ? 0xFF : 0x00, 8);
memmove(bytes, &v, 8);
bytes[8] = 0;
if( state->endianness==AE_BIG_ENDIAN )
for(i=0; i<(ae_int_t)(sizeof(ae_int_t)/2); i++)
unsigned char tc;
tc = bytes[i];
bytes[i] = bytes[sizeof(ae_int_t)-1-i];
bytes[sizeof(ae_int_t)-1-i] = tc;
* convert to six-bit representation, output
* NOTE: last 12th element of sixbits is always zero, we do not output it
ae_threebytes2foursixbits(bytes+0, sixbits+0);
ae_threebytes2foursixbits(bytes+3, sixbits+4);
ae_threebytes2foursixbits(bytes+6, sixbits+8);
for(i=0; i<AE_SER_ENTRY_LENGTH; i++)
buf[i] = ae_sixbits2char(sixbits[i]);
buf[AE_SER_ENTRY_LENGTH] = 0x00;
This function unserializes integer value from string
buf buffer which contains value; leading spaces/tabs/newlines are
ignored, traling spaces/tabs/newlines are treated as end of
the boolean value.
state ALGLIB environment state
This function raises an error in case unexpected symbol is found
ae_int_t ae_str2int(const char *buf, ae_state *state, const char **pasttheend)
const char *emsg = "ALGLIB: unable to read integer value from stream";
ae_int_t sixbits[12];
ae_int_t sixbitsread, i;
union _u
ae_int_t ival;
unsigned char bytes[9];
} u;
* 1. skip leading spaces
* 2. read and decode six-bit digits
* 3. set trailing digits to zeros
* 4. convert to little endian 64-bit integer representation
* 5. convert to big endian representation, if needed
while( *buf==' ' || *buf=='\t' || *buf=='\n' || *buf=='\r' )
sixbitsread = 0;
while( *buf!=' ' && *buf!='\t' && *buf!='\n' && *buf!='\r' && *buf!=0 )
ae_int_t d;
d = ae_char2sixbits(*buf);
if( d<0 || sixbitsread>=AE_SER_ENTRY_LENGTH )
ae_break(state, ERR_ASSERTION_FAILED, emsg);
sixbits[sixbitsread] = d;
*pasttheend = buf;
if( sixbitsread==0 )
ae_break(state, ERR_ASSERTION_FAILED, emsg);
for(i=sixbitsread; i<12; i++)
sixbits[i] = 0;
ae_foursixbits2threebytes(sixbits+0, u.bytes+0);
ae_foursixbits2threebytes(sixbits+4, u.bytes+3);
ae_foursixbits2threebytes(sixbits+8, u.bytes+6);
if( state->endianness==AE_BIG_ENDIAN )
for(i=0; i<(ae_int_t)(sizeof(ae_int_t)/2); i++)
unsigned char tc;
tc = u.bytes[i];
u.bytes[i] = u.bytes[sizeof(ae_int_t)-1-i];
u.bytes[sizeof(ae_int_t)-1-i] = tc;
return u.ival;
This function unserializes 64-bit integer value from string
buf buffer which contains value; leading spaces/tabs/newlines are
ignored, traling spaces/tabs/newlines are treated as end of
the boolean value.
state ALGLIB environment state
This function raises an error in case unexpected symbol is found
ae_int64_t ae_str2int64(const char *buf, ae_state *state, const char **pasttheend)
const char *emsg = "ALGLIB: unable to read integer value from stream";
ae_int_t sixbits[12];
ae_int_t sixbitsread, i;
unsigned char bytes[9];
ae_int64_t result;
* 1. skip leading spaces
* 2. read and decode six-bit digits
* 3. set trailing digits to zeros
* 4. convert to little endian 64-bit integer representation
* 5. convert to big endian representation, if needed
while( *buf==' ' || *buf=='\t' || *buf=='\n' || *buf=='\r' )
sixbitsread = 0;
while( *buf!=' ' && *buf!='\t' && *buf!='\n' && *buf!='\r' && *buf!=0 )
ae_int_t d;
d = ae_char2sixbits(*buf);
if( d<0 || sixbitsread>=AE_SER_ENTRY_LENGTH )
ae_break(state, ERR_ASSERTION_FAILED, emsg);
sixbits[sixbitsread] = d;
*pasttheend = buf;
if( sixbitsread==0 )
ae_break(state, ERR_ASSERTION_FAILED, emsg);
for(i=sixbitsread; i<12; i++)
sixbits[i] = 0;
ae_foursixbits2threebytes(sixbits+0, bytes+0);
ae_foursixbits2threebytes(sixbits+4, bytes+3);
ae_foursixbits2threebytes(sixbits+8, bytes+6);
if( state->endianness==AE_BIG_ENDIAN )
for(i=0; i<(ae_int_t)(sizeof(ae_int_t)/2); i++)
unsigned char tc;
tc = bytes[i];
bytes[i] = bytes[sizeof(ae_int_t)-1-i];
bytes[sizeof(ae_int_t)-1-i] = tc;
memmove(&result, bytes, sizeof(result));
return result;
This function serializes double value into buffer
v double value to be serialized
buf buffer, at least 12 characters wide
(11 chars for value, one for trailing zero)
state ALGLIB environment state
void ae_double2str(double v, char *buf, ae_state *state)
union _u
double dval;
unsigned char bytes[9];
} u;
ae_int_t i;
ae_int_t sixbits[12];
* handle special quantities
if( ae_isnan(v, state) )
const char *s = ".nan_______";
memmove(buf, s, strlen(s)+1);
if( ae_isposinf(v, state) )
const char *s = ".posinf____";
memmove(buf, s, strlen(s)+1);
if( ae_isneginf(v, state) )
const char *s = ".neginf____";
memmove(buf, s, strlen(s)+1);
* process general case:
* 1. copy v to array of chars
* 2. set 9th byte of u.bytes to zero in order to
* simplify conversion to six-bit representation
* 3. convert to little endian (if needed)
* 4. convert to six-bit representation
* (last 12th element of sixbits is always zero, we do not output it)
u.dval = v;
u.bytes[8] = 0;
if( state->endianness==AE_BIG_ENDIAN )
for(i=0; i<(ae_int_t)(sizeof(double)/2); i++)
unsigned char tc;
tc = u.bytes[i];
u.bytes[i] = u.bytes[sizeof(double)-1-i];
u.bytes[sizeof(double)-1-i] = tc;
ae_threebytes2foursixbits(u.bytes+0, sixbits+0);
ae_threebytes2foursixbits(u.bytes+3, sixbits+4);
ae_threebytes2foursixbits(u.bytes+6, sixbits+8);
for(i=0; i<AE_SER_ENTRY_LENGTH; i++)
buf[i] = ae_sixbits2char(sixbits[i]);
buf[AE_SER_ENTRY_LENGTH] = 0x00;
This function unserializes double value from string
buf buffer which contains value; leading spaces/tabs/newlines are
ignored, traling spaces/tabs/newlines are treated as end of
the boolean value.
state ALGLIB environment state
This function raises an error in case unexpected symbol is found
double ae_str2double(const char *buf, ae_state *state, const char **pasttheend)
const char *emsg = "ALGLIB: unable to read double value from stream";
ae_int_t sixbits[12];
ae_int_t sixbitsread, i;
union _u
double dval;
unsigned char bytes[9];
} u;
* skip leading spaces
while( *buf==' ' || *buf=='\t' || *buf=='\n' || *buf=='\r' )
* Handle special cases
if( *buf=='.' )
const char *s_nan = ".nan_______";
const char *s_posinf = ".posinf____";
const char *s_neginf = ".neginf____";
if( strncmp(buf, s_nan, strlen(s_nan))==0 )
*pasttheend = buf+strlen(s_nan);
return state->v_nan;
if( strncmp(buf, s_posinf, strlen(s_posinf))==0 )
*pasttheend = buf+strlen(s_posinf);
return state->v_posinf;
if( strncmp(buf, s_neginf, strlen(s_neginf))==0 )
*pasttheend = buf+strlen(s_neginf);
return state->v_neginf;
ae_break(state, ERR_ASSERTION_FAILED, emsg);
* General case:
* 1. read and decode six-bit digits
* 2. check that all 11 digits were read
* 3. set last 12th digit to zero (needed for simplicity of conversion)
* 4. convert to 8 bytes
* 5. convert to big endian representation, if needed
sixbitsread = 0;
while( *buf!=' ' && *buf!='\t' && *buf!='\n' && *buf!='\r' && *buf!=0 )
ae_int_t d;
d = ae_char2sixbits(*buf);
if( d<0 || sixbitsread>=AE_SER_ENTRY_LENGTH )
ae_break(state, ERR_ASSERTION_FAILED, emsg);
sixbits[sixbitsread] = d;
*pasttheend = buf;
if( sixbitsread!=AE_SER_ENTRY_LENGTH )
ae_break(state, ERR_ASSERTION_FAILED, emsg);
sixbits[AE_SER_ENTRY_LENGTH] = 0;
ae_foursixbits2threebytes(sixbits+0, u.bytes+0);
ae_foursixbits2threebytes(sixbits+4, u.bytes+3);
ae_foursixbits2threebytes(sixbits+8, u.bytes+6);
if( state->endianness==AE_BIG_ENDIAN )
for(i=0; i<(ae_int_t)(sizeof(double)/2); i++)
unsigned char tc;
tc = u.bytes[i];
u.bytes[i] = u.bytes[sizeof(double)-1-i];
u.bytes[sizeof(double)-1-i] = tc;
return u.dval;
This function performs given number of spin-wait iterations
void ae_spin_wait(ae_int_t cnt)
* these strange operations with ae_never_change_it are necessary to
* prevent compiler optimization of the loop.
volatile ae_int_t i;
/* very unlikely because no one will wait for such amount of cycles */
if( cnt>0x12345678 )
ae_never_change_it = cnt%10;
/* spin wait, test condition which will never be true */
for(i=0; i<cnt; i++)
if( ae_never_change_it>0 )
This function causes the calling thread to relinquish the CPU. The thread
is moved to the end of the queue and some other thread gets to run.
NOTE: this function should NOT be called when AE_OS is AE_UNKNOWN - the
whole program will be abnormally terminated.
void ae_yield()
if( !SwitchToThread() )
This function initializes _lock structure which is internally used by
ae_lock high-level structure.
_lock structure is statically allocated, no malloc() calls is performed
during its allocation. However, you have to call _ae_free_lock_raw() in
order to deallocate this lock properly.
void _ae_init_lock_raw(_lock *p)
p->p_lock = (ae_int_t*)ae_align((void*)(&p->buf),AE_LOCK_ALIGNMENT);
p->p_lock[0] = 0;
pthread_mutex_init(&p->mutex, NULL);
p->is_locked = ae_false;
This function acquires _lock structure.
It is low-level workhorse utilized by ae_acquire_lock().
void _ae_acquire_lock_raw(_lock *p)
ae_int_t cnt = 0;
InterlockedIncrement((LONG volatile *)&_ae_dbg_lock_acquisitions);
if( InterlockedCompareExchange((LONG volatile *)p->p_lock, 1, 0)==0 )
InterlockedIncrement((LONG volatile *)&_ae_dbg_lock_spinwaits);
InterlockedIncrement((LONG volatile *)&_ae_dbg_lock_yields);
ae_int_t cnt = 0;
if( pthread_mutex_trylock(&p->mutex)==0 )
p->is_locked = ae_true;
This function releases _lock structure.
It is low-level lock function which is used by ae_release_lock.
void _ae_release_lock_raw(_lock *p)
InterlockedExchange((LONG volatile *)p->p_lock, 0);
p->is_locked = ae_false;
This function frees _lock structure.
void _ae_free_lock_raw(_lock *p)
This function initializes ae_lock structure.
lock - pointer to lock structure, must be zero-filled
state - pointer to state structure, used for exception
handling and management of automatic objects.
make_automatic - if true, lock object is added to automatic
memory management list.
NOTE: as a special exception, this function allows you to specify NULL
state pointer. In this case all exception arising during construction
are handled as critical failures, with abort() being called.
make_automatic must be false on such calls.
void ae_init_lock(ae_lock *lock, ae_state *state, ae_bool make_automatic)
_lock *p;
ae_state _tmp_state;
ae_init_lock(lock, &_tmp_state, ae_false);
lock->eternal = ae_false;
ae_db_init(&lock->db, sizeof(_lock), state, make_automatic);
lock->lock_ptr = lock->db.ptr;
p = (_lock*)lock->lock_ptr;
This function initializes "eternal" ae_lock structure which is expected
to persist until the end of the execution of the program. Eternal locks
can not be deallocated (cleared) and do not increase debug allocation
counters. Errors during allocation of eternal locks are considered
critical exceptions and handled by calling abort().
lock - pointer to lock structure, must be zero-filled
state - pointer to state structure, used for exception
handling and management of automatic objects;
make_automatic - if true, lock object is added to automatic
memory management list.
void ae_init_lock_eternal(ae_lock *lock)
_lock *p;
lock->eternal = ae_true;
lock->lock_ptr = eternal_malloc(sizeof(_lock));
p = (_lock*)lock->lock_ptr;
This function acquires lock. In case lock is busy, we perform several
iterations inside tight loop before trying again.
void ae_acquire_lock(ae_lock *lock)
_lock *p;
p = (_lock*)lock->lock_ptr;
This function releases lock.
void ae_release_lock(ae_lock *lock)
_lock *p;
p = (_lock*)lock->lock_ptr;
This function frees ae_lock structure.
void ae_free_lock(ae_lock *lock)
_lock *p;
p = (_lock*)lock->lock_ptr;
if( p!=NULL )
This function creates ae_shared_pool structure.
dst destination shared pool, must be zero-filled
already allocated, but not initialized.
state pointer to current state structure. Can not be NULL.
used for exception handling (say, allocation error results
in longjmp call).
make_automatic if true, vector will be registered in the current frame
of the state structure;
Error handling:
* on failure calls ae_break() with NULL state pointer. Usually it results
in abort() call.
dst is assumed to be uninitialized, its fields are ignored.
void ae_shared_pool_init(void *_dst, ae_state *state, ae_bool make_automatic)
ae_shared_pool *dst;
dst = (ae_shared_pool*)_dst;
/* init */
dst->seed_object = NULL;
dst->recycled_objects = NULL;
dst->recycled_entries = NULL;
dst->enumeration_counter = NULL;
dst->size_of_object = 0;
dst->init = NULL;
dst->init_copy = NULL;
dst->destroy = NULL;
dst->frame_entry.deallocator = ae_shared_pool_destroy;
dst->frame_entry.ptr = dst;
if( make_automatic )
ae_db_attach(&dst->frame_entry, state);
ae_init_lock(&dst->pool_lock, state, ae_false);
This function clears all dynamically allocated fields of the pool except
for the lock. It does NOT try to acquire pool_lock.
NOTE: this function is NOT thread-safe, it is not protected by lock.
static void ae_shared_pool_internalclear(ae_shared_pool *dst)
ae_shared_pool_entry *ptr, *tmp;
/* destroy seed */
if( dst->seed_object!=NULL )
dst->seed_object = NULL;
/* destroy recycled objects */
for(ptr=dst->recycled_objects; ptr!=NULL;)
tmp = (ae_shared_pool_entry*)ptr->next_entry;
ptr = tmp;
dst->recycled_objects = NULL;
/* destroy recycled entries */
for(ptr=dst->recycled_entries; ptr!=NULL;)
tmp = (ae_shared_pool_entry*)ptr->next_entry;
ptr = tmp;
dst->recycled_entries = NULL;
This function creates copy of ae_shared_pool.
dst destination pool, must be zero-filled
src source pool
state pointer to current state structure. Can not be NULL.
used for exception handling (say, allocation error results
in longjmp call).
make_automatic if true, vector will be registered in the current frame
of the state structure;
dst is assumed to be uninitialized, its fields are ignored.
NOTE: this function is NOT thread-safe. It does not acquire pool lock, so
you should NOT call it when lock can be used by another thread.
void ae_shared_pool_init_copy(void *_dst, void *_src, ae_state *state, ae_bool make_automatic)
ae_shared_pool *dst, *src;
ae_shared_pool_entry *ptr;
/* state!=NULL, allocation errors result in exception */
dst = (ae_shared_pool*)_dst;
src = (ae_shared_pool*)_src;
ae_shared_pool_init(dst, state, make_automatic);
/* copy non-pointer fields */
dst->size_of_object = src->size_of_object;
dst->init = src->init;
dst->init_copy = src->init_copy;
dst->destroy = src->destroy;
/* copy seed object */
if( src->seed_object!=NULL )
dst->seed_object = ae_malloc(dst->size_of_object, state);
memset(dst->seed_object, 0, dst->size_of_object);
dst->init_copy(dst->seed_object, src->seed_object, state, ae_false);
/* copy recycled objects */
dst->recycled_objects = NULL;
for(ptr=src->recycled_objects; ptr!=NULL; ptr=(ae_shared_pool_entry*)ptr->next_entry)
ae_shared_pool_entry *tmp;
/* allocate entry, immediately add to the recycled list
(we do not want to lose it in case of future malloc failures) */
tmp = (ae_shared_pool_entry*)ae_malloc(sizeof(ae_shared_pool_entry), state);
memset(tmp, 0, sizeof(*tmp));
tmp->next_entry = dst->recycled_objects;
dst->recycled_objects = tmp;
/* prepare place for object, init_copy() it */
tmp->obj = ae_malloc(dst->size_of_object, state);
memset(tmp->obj, 0, dst->size_of_object);
dst->init_copy(tmp->obj, ptr->obj, state, ae_false);
/* recycled entries are not copied because they do not store any information */
dst->recycled_entries = NULL;
/* enumeration counter is reset on copying */
dst->enumeration_counter = NULL;
/* initialize frame record */
dst->frame_entry.deallocator = ae_shared_pool_destroy;
dst->frame_entry.ptr = dst;
This function performs destruction of the pool object.
NOTE: this function is NOT thread-safe. It does not acquire pool lock, so
you should NOT call it when pool can be used by another thread.
void ae_shared_pool_clear(void *_dst)
ae_shared_pool *dst = (ae_shared_pool*)_dst;
/* clear seed and lists */
/* clear fields */
dst->seed_object = NULL;
dst->recycled_objects = NULL;
dst->recycled_entries = NULL;
dst->enumeration_counter = NULL;
dst->size_of_object = 0;
dst->init = NULL;
dst->init_copy = NULL;
dst->destroy = NULL;
void ae_shared_pool_destroy(void *_dst)
ae_shared_pool *dst = (ae_shared_pool*)_dst;
This function returns True, if internal seed object was set. It returns
False for un-seeded pool.
dst destination pool (initialized by constructor function)
NOTE: this function is NOT thread-safe. It does not acquire pool lock, so
you should NOT call it when lock can be used by another thread.
ae_bool ae_shared_pool_is_initialized(void *_dst)
ae_shared_pool *dst = (ae_shared_pool*)_dst;
return dst->seed_object!=NULL;
This function sets internal seed object. All objects owned by the pool
(current seed object, recycled objects) are automatically freed.
dst destination pool (initialized by constructor function)
seed_object new seed object
size_of_object sizeof(), used to allocate memory
init constructor function
init_copy copy constructor
clear destructor function
state ALGLIB environment state
NOTE: this function is NOT thread-safe. It does not acquire pool lock, so
you should NOT call it when lock can be used by another thread.
void ae_shared_pool_set_seed(
ae_shared_pool *dst,
void *seed_object,
ae_int_t size_of_object,
void (*init)(void* dst, ae_state* state, ae_bool make_automatic),
void (*init_copy)(void* dst, void* src, ae_state* state, ae_bool make_automatic),
void (*destroy)(void* ptr),
ae_state *state)
/* state!=NULL, allocation errors result in exception */
/* destroy internal objects */
/* set non-pointer fields */
dst->size_of_object = size_of_object;
dst->init = init;
dst->init_copy = init_copy;
dst->destroy = destroy;
/* set seed object */
dst->seed_object = ae_malloc(size_of_object, state);
memset(dst->seed_object, 0, size_of_object);
init_copy(dst->seed_object, seed_object, state, ae_false);
This function retrieves a copy of the seed object from the pool and
stores it to target smart pointer ptr.
In case target pointer owns non-NULL value, it is deallocated before
storing value retrieved from pool. Target pointer becomes owner of the
value which was retrieved from pool.
pool pool
pptr pointer to ae_smart_ptr structure
state ALGLIB environment state
NOTE: this function IS thread-safe. It acquires pool lock during its
operation and can be used simultaneously from several threads.
void ae_shared_pool_retrieve(
ae_shared_pool *pool,
ae_smart_ptr *pptr,
ae_state *state)
void *new_obj;
/* state!=NULL, allocation errors are handled by throwing exception from ae_malloc() */
/* assert that pool was seeded */
"ALGLIB: shared pool is not seeded, PoolRetrieve() failed",
/* acquire lock */
/* try to reuse recycled objects */
if( pool->recycled_objects!=NULL )
ae_shared_pool_entry *result;
/* retrieve entry/object from list of recycled objects */
result = pool->recycled_objects;
pool->recycled_objects = (ae_shared_pool_entry*)pool->recycled_objects->next_entry;
new_obj = result->obj;
result->obj = NULL;
/* move entry to list of recycled entries */
result->next_entry = pool->recycled_entries;
pool->recycled_entries = result;
/* release lock */
/* assign object to smart pointer */
ae_smart_ptr_assign(pptr, new_obj, ae_true, ae_true, pool->destroy);
/* release lock; we do not need it anymore because copy constructor does not modify source variable */
/* create new object from seed, immediately assign object to smart pointer
(do not want to lose it in case of future failures) */
new_obj = ae_malloc(pool->size_of_object, state);
memset(new_obj, 0, pool->size_of_object);
ae_smart_ptr_assign(pptr, new_obj, ae_true, ae_true, pool->destroy);
/* perform actual copying; before this line smartptr points to zero-filled instance */
pool->init_copy(new_obj, pool->seed_object, state, ae_false);
This function recycles object owned by smart pointer by moving it to
internal storage of the shared pool.
Source pointer must own the object. After function is over, it owns NULL
pool pool
pptr pointer to ae_smart_ptr structure
state ALGLIB environment state
NOTE: this function IS thread-safe. It acquires pool lock during its
operation and can be used simultaneously from several threads.
void ae_shared_pool_recycle(
ae_shared_pool *pool,
ae_smart_ptr *pptr,
ae_state *state)
ae_shared_pool_entry *new_entry;
/* state!=NULL, allocation errors are handled by throwing exception from ae_malloc() */
/* assert that pool was seeded */
"ALGLIB: shared pool is not seeded, PoolRecycle() failed",
/* assert that pointer non-null and owns the object */
ae_assert(pptr->is_owner, "ALGLIB: pptr in ae_shared_pool_recycle() does not own its pointer", state);
ae_assert(pptr->ptr!=NULL, "ALGLIB: pptr in ae_shared_pool_recycle() is NULL", state);
/* acquire lock */
/* acquire shared pool entry (reuse one from recycled_entries or allocate new one) */
if( pool->recycled_entries!=NULL )
/* reuse previously allocated entry */
new_entry = pool->recycled_entries;
pool->recycled_entries = (ae_shared_pool_entry*)new_entry->next_entry;
* Allocate memory for new entry.
* NOTE: we release pool lock during allocation because ae_malloc() may raise
* exception and we do not want our pool to be left in the locked state.
new_entry = (ae_shared_pool_entry*)ae_malloc(sizeof(ae_shared_pool_entry), state);
/* add object to the list of recycled objects */
new_entry->obj = pptr->ptr;
new_entry->next_entry = pool->recycled_objects;
pool->recycled_objects = new_entry;
/* release lock object */
/* release source pointer */
This function clears internal list of recycled objects, but does not
change seed object managed by the pool.
pool pool
state ALGLIB environment state
NOTE: this function is NOT thread-safe. It does not acquire pool lock, so
you should NOT call it when lock can be used by another thread.
void ae_shared_pool_clear_recycled(
ae_shared_pool *pool,
ae_state *state)
ae_shared_pool_entry *ptr, *tmp;
/* clear recycled objects */
for(ptr=pool->recycled_objects; ptr!=NULL;)
tmp = (ae_shared_pool_entry*)ptr->next_entry;
ptr = tmp;
pool->recycled_objects = NULL;
This function allows to enumerate recycled elements of the shared pool.
It stores pointer to the first recycled object in the smart pointer.
* in case target pointer owns non-NULL value, it is deallocated before
storing value retrieved from pool.
* recycled object IS NOT removed from pool
* target pointer DOES NOT become owner of the new value
* this function IS NOT thread-safe
* you SHOULD NOT modify shared pool during enumeration (although you can
modify state of the objects retrieved from pool)
* in case there is no recycled objects in the pool, NULL is stored to pptr
* in case pool is not seeded, NULL is stored to pptr
pool pool
pptr pointer to ae_smart_ptr structure
state ALGLIB environment state
void ae_shared_pool_first_recycled(
ae_shared_pool *pool,
ae_smart_ptr *pptr,
ae_state *state)
/* modify internal enumeration counter */
pool->enumeration_counter = pool->recycled_objects;
/* exit on empty list */
if( pool->enumeration_counter==NULL )
ae_smart_ptr_assign(pptr, NULL, ae_false, ae_false, NULL);
/* assign object to smart pointer */
ae_smart_ptr_assign(pptr, pool->enumeration_counter->obj, ae_false, ae_false, pool->destroy);
This function allows to enumerate recycled elements of the shared pool.
It stores pointer to the next recycled object in the smart pointer.
* in case target pointer owns non-NULL value, it is deallocated before
storing value retrieved from pool.
* recycled object IS NOT removed from pool
* target pointer DOES NOT become owner of the new value
* this function IS NOT thread-safe
* you SHOULD NOT modify shared pool during enumeration (although you can
modify state of the objects retrieved from pool)
* in case there is no recycled objects left in the pool, NULL is stored.
* in case pool is not seeded, NULL is stored.
pool pool
pptr pointer to ae_smart_ptr structure
state ALGLIB environment state
void ae_shared_pool_next_recycled(
ae_shared_pool *pool,
ae_smart_ptr *pptr,
ae_state *state)
/* exit on end of list */
if( pool->enumeration_counter==NULL )
ae_smart_ptr_assign(pptr, NULL, ae_false, ae_false, NULL);
/* modify internal enumeration counter */
pool->enumeration_counter = (ae_shared_pool_entry*)pool->enumeration_counter->next_entry;
/* exit on empty list */
if( pool->enumeration_counter==NULL )
ae_smart_ptr_assign(pptr, NULL, ae_false, ae_false, NULL);
/* assign object to smart pointer */
ae_smart_ptr_assign(pptr, pool->enumeration_counter->obj, ae_false, ae_false, pool->destroy);
This function clears internal list of recycled objects and seed object.
However, pool still can be used (after initialization with another seed).
pool pool
state ALGLIB environment state
NOTE: this function is NOT thread-safe. It does not acquire pool lock, so
you should NOT call it when lock can be used by another thread.
void ae_shared_pool_reset(
ae_shared_pool *pool,
ae_state *state)
/* clear seed and lists */
/* clear fields */
pool->seed_object = NULL;
pool->recycled_objects = NULL;
pool->recycled_entries = NULL;
pool->enumeration_counter = NULL;
pool->size_of_object = 0;
pool->init = NULL;
pool->init_copy = NULL;
pool->destroy = NULL;
This function initializes serializer
void ae_serializer_init(ae_serializer *serializer)
serializer->mode = AE_SM_DEFAULT;
serializer->entries_needed = 0;
serializer->bytes_asked = 0;
void ae_serializer_clear(ae_serializer *serializer)
void ae_serializer_alloc_start(ae_serializer *serializer)
serializer->entries_needed = 0;
serializer->bytes_asked = 0;
serializer->mode = AE_SM_ALLOC;
void ae_serializer_alloc_entry(ae_serializer *serializer)
void ae_serializer_alloc_byte_array(ae_serializer *serializer, ae_vector *bytes)
ae_int_t n;
n = bytes->cnt;
n = n/8 + (n%8>0 ? 1 : 0);
serializer->entries_needed += 1+n;
After allocation phase is done, this function returns required size of
the output string buffer (including trailing zero symbol). Actual size of
the data being stored can be a few characters smaller than requested.
ae_int_t ae_serializer_get_alloc_size(ae_serializer *serializer)
ae_int_t rows, lastrowsize, result;
serializer->mode = AE_SM_READY2S;
/* if no entries needes (degenerate case) */
if( serializer->entries_needed==0 )
serializer->bytes_asked = 4; /* a pair of chars for \r\n, one for dot, one for trailing zero */
return serializer->bytes_asked;
/* non-degenerate case */
rows = serializer->entries_needed/AE_SER_ENTRIES_PER_ROW;
lastrowsize = AE_SER_ENTRIES_PER_ROW;
if( serializer->entries_needed%AE_SER_ENTRIES_PER_ROW )
lastrowsize = serializer->entries_needed%AE_SER_ENTRIES_PER_ROW;
/* calculate result size */
result = ((rows-1)*AE_SER_ENTRIES_PER_ROW+lastrowsize)*AE_SER_ENTRY_LENGTH; /* data size */
result += (rows-1)*(AE_SER_ENTRIES_PER_ROW-1)+(lastrowsize-1); /* space symbols */
result += rows*2; /* newline symbols */
result += 1; /* trailing dot */
result += 1; /* trailing zero */
serializer->bytes_asked = result;
return result;
void ae_serializer_sstart_str(ae_serializer *serializer, std::string *buf)
serializer->mode = AE_SM_TO_CPPSTRING;
serializer->out_cppstr = buf;
serializer->entries_saved = 0;
serializer->bytes_written = 0;
void ae_serializer_ustart_str(ae_serializer *serializer, const std::string *buf)
serializer->mode = AE_SM_FROM_STRING;
serializer->in_str = buf->c_str();
static char cpp_writer(const char *p_string, ae_int_t aux)
std::ostream *stream = reinterpret_cast<std::ostream*>(aux);
stream->write(p_string, strlen(p_string));
return stream->bad() ? 1 : 0;
static char cpp_reader(ae_int_t aux, ae_int_t cnt, char *p_buf)
std::istream *stream = reinterpret_cast<std::istream*>(aux);
int c;
if( cnt<=0 )
return 1; /* unexpected cnt */
c = stream->get();
if( c<0 || c>255 )
return 1; /* failure! */
if( c!=' ' && c!='\t' && c!='\n' && c!='\r' )
p_buf[0] = (char)c;
for(int k=1; k<cnt; k++)
c = stream->get();
if( c<0 || c>255 || c==' ' || c=='\t' || c=='\n' || c=='\r' )
return 1; /* failure! */
p_buf[k] = (char)c;
p_buf[cnt] = 0;
return 0; /* success */
void ae_serializer_sstart_stream(ae_serializer *serializer, std::ostream *stream)
serializer->mode = AE_SM_TO_STREAM;
serializer->stream_writer = cpp_writer;
serializer->stream_aux = reinterpret_cast<ae_int_t>(stream);
serializer->entries_saved = 0;
serializer->bytes_written = 0;
void ae_serializer_ustart_stream(ae_serializer *serializer, const std::istream *stream)
serializer->mode = AE_SM_FROM_STREAM;
serializer->stream_reader = cpp_reader;
serializer->stream_aux = reinterpret_cast<ae_int_t>(stream);
void ae_serializer_sstart_str(ae_serializer *serializer, char *buf)
serializer->mode = AE_SM_TO_STRING;
serializer->out_str = buf;
serializer->out_str[0] = 0;
serializer->entries_saved = 0;
serializer->bytes_written = 0;
void ae_serializer_ustart_str(ae_serializer *serializer, const char *buf)
serializer->mode = AE_SM_FROM_STRING;
serializer->in_str = buf;
void ae_serializer_sstart_stream(ae_serializer *serializer, ae_stream_writer writer, ae_int_t aux)
serializer->mode = AE_SM_TO_STREAM;
serializer->stream_writer = writer;
serializer->stream_aux = aux;
serializer->entries_saved = 0;
serializer->bytes_written = 0;
void ae_serializer_ustart_stream(ae_serializer *serializer, ae_stream_reader reader, ae_int_t aux)
serializer->mode = AE_SM_FROM_STREAM;
serializer->stream_reader = reader;
serializer->stream_aux = aux;
void ae_serializer_serialize_bool(ae_serializer *serializer, ae_bool v, ae_state *state)
char buf[AE_SER_ENTRY_LENGTH+2+1];
const char *emsg = "ALGLIB: serialization integrity error";
ae_int_t bytes_appended;
/* prepare serialization, check consistency */
ae_bool2str(v, buf, state);
if( serializer->entries_saved%AE_SER_ENTRIES_PER_ROW )
strcat(buf, " ");
strcat(buf, "\r\n");
bytes_appended = (ae_int_t)strlen(buf);
ae_assert(serializer->bytes_written+bytes_appended<serializer->bytes_asked, emsg, state); /* strict "less" because we need space for trailing zero */
serializer->bytes_written += bytes_appended;
/* append to buffer */
if( serializer->mode==AE_SM_TO_CPPSTRING )
*(serializer->out_cppstr) += buf;
if( serializer->mode==AE_SM_TO_STRING )
strcat(serializer->out_str, buf);
serializer->out_str += bytes_appended;
if( serializer->mode==AE_SM_TO_STREAM )
ae_assert(serializer->stream_writer(buf, serializer->stream_aux)==0, "serializer: error writing to stream", state);
ae_break(state, ERR_ASSERTION_FAILED, emsg);
void ae_serializer_serialize_int(ae_serializer *serializer, ae_int_t v, ae_state *state)
char buf[AE_SER_ENTRY_LENGTH+2+1];
const char *emsg = "ALGLIB: serialization integrity error";
ae_int_t bytes_appended;
/* prepare serialization, check consistency */
ae_int2str(v, buf, state);
if( serializer->entries_saved%AE_SER_ENTRIES_PER_ROW )
strcat(buf, " ");
strcat(buf, "\r\n");
bytes_appended = (ae_int_t)strlen(buf);
ae_assert(serializer->bytes_written+bytes_appended<serializer->bytes_asked, emsg, state); /* strict "less" because we need space for trailing zero */
serializer->bytes_written += bytes_appended;
/* append to buffer */
if( serializer->mode==AE_SM_TO_CPPSTRING )
*(serializer->out_cppstr) += buf;
if( serializer->mode==AE_SM_TO_STRING )
strcat(serializer->out_str, buf);
serializer->out_str += bytes_appended;
if( serializer->mode==AE_SM_TO_STREAM )
ae_assert(serializer->stream_writer(buf, serializer->stream_aux)==0, "serializer: error writing to stream", state);
ae_break(state, ERR_ASSERTION_FAILED, emsg);
void ae_serializer_serialize_int64(ae_serializer *serializer, ae_int64_t v, ae_state *state)
char buf[AE_SER_ENTRY_LENGTH+2+1];
const char *emsg = "ALGLIB: serialization integrity error";
ae_int_t bytes_appended;
/* prepare serialization, check consistency */
ae_int642str(v, buf, state);
if( serializer->entries_saved%AE_SER_ENTRIES_PER_ROW )
strcat(buf, " ");
strcat(buf, "\r\n");
bytes_appended = (ae_int_t)strlen(buf);
ae_assert(serializer->bytes_written+bytes_appended<serializer->bytes_asked, emsg, state); /* strict "less" because we need space for trailing zero */
serializer->bytes_written += bytes_appended;
/* append to buffer */
if( serializer->mode==AE_SM_TO_CPPSTRING )
*(serializer->out_cppstr) += buf;
if( serializer->mode==AE_SM_TO_STRING )
strcat(serializer->out_str, buf);
serializer->out_str += bytes_appended;
if( serializer->mode==AE_SM_TO_STREAM )
ae_assert(serializer->stream_writer(buf, serializer->stream_aux)==0, "serializer: error writing to stream", state);
ae_break(state, ERR_ASSERTION_FAILED, emsg);
void ae_serializer_serialize_double(ae_serializer *serializer, double v, ae_state *state)
char buf[AE_SER_ENTRY_LENGTH+2+1];
const char *emsg = "ALGLIB: serialization integrity error";
ae_int_t bytes_appended;
/* prepare serialization, check consistency */
ae_double2str(v, buf, state);
if( serializer->entries_saved%AE_SER_ENTRIES_PER_ROW )
strcat(buf, " ");
strcat(buf, "\r\n");
bytes_appended = (ae_int_t)strlen(buf);
ae_assert(serializer->bytes_written+bytes_appended<serializer->bytes_asked, emsg, state); /* strict "less" because we need space for trailing zero */
serializer->bytes_written += bytes_appended;
/* append to buffer */
if( serializer->mode==AE_SM_TO_CPPSTRING )
*(serializer->out_cppstr) += buf;
if( serializer->mode==AE_SM_TO_STRING )
strcat(serializer->out_str, buf);
serializer->out_str += bytes_appended;
if( serializer->mode==AE_SM_TO_STREAM )
ae_assert(serializer->stream_writer(buf, serializer->stream_aux)==0, "serializer: error writing to stream", state);
ae_break(state, ERR_ASSERTION_FAILED, emsg);
void ae_serializer_serialize_byte_array(ae_serializer *serializer, ae_vector *bytes, ae_state *state)
ae_int_t chunk_size, entries_count;
chunk_size = 8;
/* save array length */
ae_serializer_serialize_int(serializer, bytes->cnt, state);
/* determine entries count */
entries_count = bytes->cnt/chunk_size + (bytes->cnt%chunk_size>0 ? 1 : 0);
for(ae_int_t eidx=0; eidx<entries_count; eidx++)
ae_int64_t tmpi;
ae_int_t elen;
elen = bytes->cnt - eidx*chunk_size;
elen = elen>chunk_size ? chunk_size : elen;
memset(&tmpi, 0, sizeof(tmpi));
memmove(&tmpi, bytes->ptr.p_ubyte + eidx*chunk_size, elen);
ae_serializer_serialize_int64(serializer, tmpi, state);
void ae_serializer_unserialize_bool(ae_serializer *serializer, ae_bool *v, ae_state *state)
if( serializer->mode==AE_SM_FROM_STRING )
*v = ae_str2bool(serializer->in_str, state, &serializer->in_str);
if( serializer->mode==AE_SM_FROM_STREAM )
char buf[AE_SER_ENTRY_LENGTH+2+1];
const char *p = buf;
ae_assert(serializer->stream_reader(serializer->stream_aux, AE_SER_ENTRY_LENGTH, buf)==0, "serializer: error reading from stream", state);
*v = ae_str2bool(buf, state, &p);
ae_break(state, ERR_ASSERTION_FAILED, "ae_serializer: integrity check failed");
void ae_serializer_unserialize_int(ae_serializer *serializer, ae_int_t *v, ae_state *state)
if( serializer->mode==AE_SM_FROM_STRING )
*v = ae_str2int(serializer->in_str, state, &serializer->in_str);
if( serializer->mode==AE_SM_FROM_STREAM )
char buf[AE_SER_ENTRY_LENGTH+2+1];
const char *p = buf;
ae_assert(serializer->stream_reader(serializer->stream_aux, AE_SER_ENTRY_LENGTH, buf)==0, "serializer: error reading from stream", state);
*v = ae_str2int(buf, state, &p);
ae_break(state, ERR_ASSERTION_FAILED, "ae_serializer: integrity check failed");
void ae_serializer_unserialize_int64(ae_serializer *serializer, ae_int64_t *v, ae_state *state)
if( serializer->mode==AE_SM_FROM_STRING )
*v = ae_str2int64(serializer->in_str, state, &serializer->in_str);
if( serializer->mode==AE_SM_FROM_STREAM )
char buf[AE_SER_ENTRY_LENGTH+2+1];
const char *p = buf;
ae_assert(serializer->stream_reader(serializer->stream_aux, AE_SER_ENTRY_LENGTH, buf)==0, "serializer: error reading from stream", state);
*v = ae_str2int64(buf, state, &p);
ae_break(state, ERR_ASSERTION_FAILED, "ae_serializer: integrity check failed");
void ae_serializer_unserialize_double(ae_serializer *serializer, double *v, ae_state *state)
if( serializer->mode==AE_SM_FROM_STRING )
*v = ae_str2double(serializer->in_str, state, &serializer->in_str);
if( serializer->mode==AE_SM_FROM_STREAM )
char buf[AE_SER_ENTRY_LENGTH+2+1];
const char *p = buf;
ae_assert(serializer->stream_reader(serializer->stream_aux, AE_SER_ENTRY_LENGTH, buf)==0, "serializer: error reading from stream", state);
*v = ae_str2double(buf, state, &p);
ae_break(state, ERR_ASSERTION_FAILED, "ae_serializer: integrity check failed");
void ae_serializer_unserialize_byte_array(ae_serializer *serializer, ae_vector *bytes, ae_state *state)
ae_int_t chunk_size, n, entries_count;
chunk_size = 8;
/* read array length, allocate output */
ae_serializer_unserialize_int(serializer, &n, state);
ae_vector_set_length(bytes, n, state);
/* determine entries count, read entries */
entries_count = n/chunk_size + (n%chunk_size>0 ? 1 : 0);
for(ae_int_t eidx=0; eidx<entries_count; eidx++)
ae_int_t elen;
ae_int64_t tmp64;
elen = n-eidx*chunk_size;
elen = elen>chunk_size ? chunk_size : elen;
ae_serializer_unserialize_int64(serializer, &tmp64, state);
memmove(bytes->ptr.p_ubyte+eidx*chunk_size, &tmp64, elen);
void ae_serializer_stop(ae_serializer *serializer, ae_state *state)
if( serializer->mode==AE_SM_TO_CPPSTRING )
ae_assert(serializer->bytes_written+1<serializer->bytes_asked, "ae_serializer: integrity check failed", state);/* strict "less" because we need space for trailing zero */
*(serializer->out_cppstr) += ".";
if( serializer->mode==AE_SM_TO_STRING )
ae_assert(serializer->bytes_written+1<serializer->bytes_asked, "ae_serializer: integrity check failed", state); /* strict "less" because we need space for trailing zero */
strcat(serializer->out_str, ".");
serializer->out_str += 1;
if( serializer->mode==AE_SM_TO_STREAM )
ae_assert(serializer->bytes_written+1<serializer->bytes_asked, "ae_serializer: integrity check failed", state); /* strict "less" because we need space for trailing zero */
ae_assert(serializer->stream_writer(".", serializer->stream_aux)==0, "ae_serializer: error writing to stream", state);
if( serializer->mode==AE_SM_FROM_STRING )
* because input string may be from pre-3.11 serializer,
* which does not include trailing dot, we do not test
* string for presence of "." symbol. Anyway, because string
* is not stream, we do not have to read ALL trailing symbols.
if( serializer->mode==AE_SM_FROM_STREAM )
* Read trailing dot, perform integrity check
char buf[2];
ae_assert(serializer->stream_reader(serializer->stream_aux, 1, buf)==0, "ae_serializer: error reading from stream", state);
ae_assert(buf[0]=='.', "ae_serializer: trailing . is not found in the stream", state);
ae_break(state, ERR_ASSERTION_FAILED, "ae_serializer: integrity check failed");
Complex math functions
ae_complex ae_complex_from_i(ae_int_t v)
ae_complex r;
r.x = (double)v;
r.y = 0.0;
return r;
ae_complex ae_complex_from_d(double v)
ae_complex r;
r.x = v;
r.y = 0.0;
return r;
ae_complex ae_c_neg(ae_complex lhs)
ae_complex result;
result.x = -lhs.x;
result.y = -lhs.y;
return result;
ae_complex ae_c_conj(ae_complex lhs, ae_state *state)
ae_complex result;
result.x = +lhs.x;
result.y = -lhs.y;
return result;
ae_complex ae_c_sqr(ae_complex lhs, ae_state *state)
ae_complex result;
result.x = lhs.x*lhs.x-lhs.y*lhs.y;
result.y = 2*lhs.x*lhs.y;
return result;
double ae_c_abs(ae_complex z, ae_state *state)
double w;
double xabs;
double yabs;
double v;
xabs = fabs(z.x);
yabs = fabs(z.y);
w = xabs>yabs ? xabs : yabs;
v = xabs<yabs ? xabs : yabs;
if( v==0 )
return w;
double t = v/w;
return w*sqrt(1+t*t);
ae_bool ae_c_eq(ae_complex lhs, ae_complex rhs)
volatile double x1 = lhs.x;
volatile double x2 = rhs.x;
volatile double y1 = lhs.y;
volatile double y2 = rhs.y;
return x1==x2 && y1==y2;
ae_bool ae_c_neq(ae_complex lhs, ae_complex rhs)
volatile double x1 = lhs.x;
volatile double x2 = rhs.x;
volatile double y1 = lhs.y;
volatile double y2 = rhs.y;
return x1!=x2 || y1!=y2;
ae_complex ae_c_add(ae_complex lhs, ae_complex rhs)
ae_complex result;
result.x = lhs.x+rhs.x;
result.y = lhs.y+rhs.y;
return result;
ae_complex ae_c_mul(ae_complex lhs, ae_complex rhs)
ae_complex result;
result.x = lhs.x*rhs.x-lhs.y*rhs.y;
result.y = lhs.x*rhs.y+lhs.y*rhs.x;
return result;
ae_complex ae_c_sub(ae_complex lhs, ae_complex rhs)
ae_complex result;
result.x = lhs.x-rhs.x;
result.y = lhs.y-rhs.y;
return result;
ae_complex ae_c_div(ae_complex lhs, ae_complex rhs)
ae_complex result;
double e;
double f;
if( fabs(rhs.y)<fabs(rhs.x) )
e = rhs.y/rhs.x;
f = rhs.x+rhs.y*e;
result.x = (lhs.x+lhs.y*e)/f;
result.y = (lhs.y-lhs.x*e)/f;
e = rhs.x/rhs.y;
f = rhs.y+rhs.x*e;
result.x = (lhs.y+lhs.x*e)/f;
result.y = (-lhs.x+lhs.y*e)/f;
return result;
ae_bool ae_c_eq_d(ae_complex lhs, double rhs)
volatile double x1 = lhs.x;
volatile double x2 = rhs;
volatile double y1 = lhs.y;
volatile double y2 = 0;
return x1==x2 && y1==y2;
ae_bool ae_c_neq_d(ae_complex lhs, double rhs)
volatile double x1 = lhs.x;
volatile double x2 = rhs;
volatile double y1 = lhs.y;
volatile double y2 = 0;
return x1!=x2 || y1!=y2;
ae_complex ae_c_add_d(ae_complex lhs, double rhs)
ae_complex result;
result.x = lhs.x+rhs;
result.y = lhs.y;
return result;
ae_complex ae_c_mul_d(ae_complex lhs, double rhs)
ae_complex result;
result.x = lhs.x*rhs;
result.y = lhs.y*rhs;
return result;
ae_complex ae_c_sub_d(ae_complex lhs, double rhs)
ae_complex result;
result.x = lhs.x-rhs;
result.y = lhs.y;
return result;
ae_complex ae_c_d_sub(double lhs, ae_complex rhs)
ae_complex result;
result.x = lhs-rhs.x;
result.y = -rhs.y;
return result;
ae_complex ae_c_div_d(ae_complex lhs, double rhs)
ae_complex result;
result.x = lhs.x/rhs;
result.y = lhs.y/rhs;
return result;
ae_complex ae_c_d_div(double lhs, ae_complex rhs)
ae_complex result;
double e;
double f;
if( fabs(rhs.y)<fabs(rhs.x) )
e = rhs.y/rhs.x;
f = rhs.x+rhs.y*e;
result.x = lhs/f;
result.y = -lhs*e/f;
e = rhs.x/rhs.y;
f = rhs.y+rhs.x*e;
result.x = lhs*e/f;
result.y = -lhs/f;
return result;
Complex BLAS operations
ae_complex ae_v_cdotproduct(const ae_complex *v0, ae_int_t stride0, const char *conj0, const ae_complex *v1, ae_int_t stride1, const char *conj1, ae_int_t n)
double rx = 0, ry = 0;
ae_int_t i;
ae_bool bconj0 = !((conj0[0]=='N') || (conj0[0]=='n'));
ae_bool bconj1 = !((conj1[0]=='N') || (conj1[0]=='n'));
ae_complex result;
if( bconj0 && bconj1 )
double v0x, v0y, v1x, v1y;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, v0+=stride0, v1+=stride1)
v0x = v0->x;
v0y = -v0->y;
v1x = v1->x;
v1y = -v1->y;
rx += v0x*v1x-v0y*v1y;
ry += v0x*v1y+v0y*v1x;
if( !bconj0 && bconj1 )
double v0x, v0y, v1x, v1y;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, v0+=stride0, v1+=stride1)
v0x = v0->x;
v0y = v0->y;
v1x = v1->x;
v1y = -v1->y;
rx += v0x*v1x-v0y*v1y;
ry += v0x*v1y+v0y*v1x;
if( bconj0 && !bconj1 )
double v0x, v0y, v1x, v1y;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, v0+=stride0, v1+=stride1)
v0x = v0->x;
v0y = -v0->y;
v1x = v1->x;
v1y = v1->y;
rx += v0x*v1x-v0y*v1y;
ry += v0x*v1y+v0y*v1x;
if( !bconj0 && !bconj1 )
double v0x, v0y, v1x, v1y;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, v0+=stride0, v1+=stride1)
v0x = v0->x;
v0y = v0->y;
v1x = v1->x;
v1y = v1->y;
rx += v0x*v1x-v0y*v1y;
ry += v0x*v1y+v0y*v1x;
result.x = rx;
result.y = ry;
return result;
void ae_v_cmove(ae_complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const ae_complex* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, const char *conj_src, ae_int_t n)
ae_bool bconj = !((conj_src[0]=='N') || (conj_src[0]=='n'));
ae_int_t i;
if( stride_dst!=1 || stride_src!=1 )
* general unoptimized case
if( bconj )
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
vdst->x = vsrc->x;
vdst->y = -vsrc->y;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
*vdst = *vsrc;
* optimized case
if( bconj )
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
vdst->x = vsrc->x;
vdst->y = -vsrc->y;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
*vdst = *vsrc;
void ae_v_cmoveneg(ae_complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const ae_complex* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, const char *conj_src, ae_int_t n)
ae_bool bconj = !((conj_src[0]=='N') || (conj_src[0]=='n'));
ae_int_t i;
if( stride_dst!=1 || stride_src!=1 )
* general unoptimized case
if( bconj )
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
vdst->x = -vsrc->x;
vdst->y = vsrc->y;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
vdst->x = -vsrc->x;
vdst->y = -vsrc->y;
* optimized case
if( bconj )
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
vdst->x = -vsrc->x;
vdst->y = vsrc->y;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
vdst->x = -vsrc->x;
vdst->y = -vsrc->y;
void ae_v_cmoved(ae_complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const ae_complex* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, const char *conj_src, ae_int_t n, double alpha)
ae_bool bconj = !((conj_src[0]=='N') || (conj_src[0]=='n'));
ae_int_t i;
if( stride_dst!=1 || stride_src!=1 )
* general unoptimized case
if( bconj )
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
vdst->x = alpha*vsrc->x;
vdst->y = -alpha*vsrc->y;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
vdst->x = alpha*vsrc->x;
vdst->y = alpha*vsrc->y;
* optimized case
if( bconj )
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
vdst->x = alpha*vsrc->x;
vdst->y = -alpha*vsrc->y;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
vdst->x = alpha*vsrc->x;
vdst->y = alpha*vsrc->y;
void ae_v_cmovec(ae_complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const ae_complex* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, const char *conj_src, ae_int_t n, ae_complex alpha)
ae_bool bconj = !((conj_src[0]=='N') || (conj_src[0]=='n'));
ae_int_t i;
if( stride_dst!=1 || stride_src!=1 )
* general unoptimized case
if( bconj )
double ax = alpha.x, ay = alpha.y;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
vdst->x = ax*vsrc->x+ay*vsrc->y;
vdst->y = -ax*vsrc->y+ay*vsrc->x;
double ax = alpha.x, ay = alpha.y;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
vdst->x = ax*vsrc->x-ay*vsrc->y;
vdst->y = ax*vsrc->y+ay*vsrc->x;
* highly optimized case
if( bconj )
double ax = alpha.x, ay = alpha.y;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
vdst->x = ax*vsrc->x+ay*vsrc->y;
vdst->y = -ax*vsrc->y+ay*vsrc->x;
double ax = alpha.x, ay = alpha.y;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
vdst->x = ax*vsrc->x-ay*vsrc->y;
vdst->y = ax*vsrc->y+ay*vsrc->x;
void ae_v_cadd(ae_complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const ae_complex *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, const char *conj_src, ae_int_t n)
ae_bool bconj = !((conj_src[0]=='N') || (conj_src[0]=='n'));
ae_int_t i;
if( stride_dst!=1 || stride_src!=1 )
* general unoptimized case
if( bconj )
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
vdst->x += vsrc->x;
vdst->y -= vsrc->y;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
vdst->x += vsrc->x;
vdst->y += vsrc->y;
* optimized case
if( bconj )
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
vdst->x += vsrc->x;
vdst->y -= vsrc->y;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
vdst->x += vsrc->x;
vdst->y += vsrc->y;
void ae_v_caddd(ae_complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const ae_complex *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, const char *conj_src, ae_int_t n, double alpha)
ae_bool bconj = !((conj_src[0]=='N') || (conj_src[0]=='n'));
ae_int_t i;
if( stride_dst!=1 || stride_src!=1 )
* general unoptimized case
if( bconj )
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
vdst->x += alpha*vsrc->x;
vdst->y -= alpha*vsrc->y;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
vdst->x += alpha*vsrc->x;
vdst->y += alpha*vsrc->y;
* optimized case
if( bconj )
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
vdst->x += alpha*vsrc->x;
vdst->y -= alpha*vsrc->y;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
vdst->x += alpha*vsrc->x;
vdst->y += alpha*vsrc->y;
void ae_v_caddc(ae_complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const ae_complex *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, const char *conj_src, ae_int_t n, ae_complex alpha)
ae_bool bconj = !((conj_src[0]=='N') || (conj_src[0]=='n'));
ae_int_t i;
if( stride_dst!=1 || stride_src!=1 )
* general unoptimized case
double ax = alpha.x, ay = alpha.y;
if( bconj )
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
vdst->x += ax*vsrc->x+ay*vsrc->y;
vdst->y -= ax*vsrc->y-ay*vsrc->x;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
vdst->x += ax*vsrc->x-ay*vsrc->y;
vdst->y += ax*vsrc->y+ay*vsrc->x;
* highly optimized case
double ax = alpha.x, ay = alpha.y;
if( bconj )
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
vdst->x += ax*vsrc->x+ay*vsrc->y;
vdst->y -= ax*vsrc->y-ay*vsrc->x;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
vdst->x += ax*vsrc->x-ay*vsrc->y;
vdst->y += ax*vsrc->y+ay*vsrc->x;
void ae_v_csub(ae_complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const ae_complex *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, const char *conj_src, ae_int_t n)
ae_bool bconj = !((conj_src[0]=='N') || (conj_src[0]=='n'));
ae_int_t i;
if( stride_dst!=1 || stride_src!=1 )
* general unoptimized case
if( bconj )
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
vdst->x -= vsrc->x;
vdst->y += vsrc->y;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
vdst->x -= vsrc->x;
vdst->y -= vsrc->y;
* highly optimized case
if( bconj )
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
vdst->x -= vsrc->x;
vdst->y += vsrc->y;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
vdst->x -= vsrc->x;
vdst->y -= vsrc->y;
void ae_v_csubd(ae_complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const ae_complex *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, const char *conj_src, ae_int_t n, double alpha)
ae_v_caddd(vdst, stride_dst, vsrc, stride_src, conj_src, n, -alpha);
void ae_v_csubc(ae_complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const ae_complex *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, const char *conj_src, ae_int_t n, ae_complex alpha)
alpha.x = -alpha.x;
alpha.y = -alpha.y;
ae_v_caddc(vdst, stride_dst, vsrc, stride_src, conj_src, n, alpha);
void ae_v_cmuld(ae_complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, ae_int_t n, double alpha)
ae_int_t i;
if( stride_dst!=1 )
* general unoptimized case
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst)
vdst->x *= alpha;
vdst->y *= alpha;
* optimized case
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++)
vdst->x *= alpha;
vdst->y *= alpha;
void ae_v_cmulc(ae_complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, ae_int_t n, ae_complex alpha)
ae_int_t i;
if( stride_dst!=1 )
* general unoptimized case
double ax = alpha.x, ay = alpha.y;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst)
double dstx = vdst->x, dsty = vdst->y;
vdst->x = ax*dstx-ay*dsty;
vdst->y = ax*dsty+ay*dstx;
* highly optimized case
double ax = alpha.x, ay = alpha.y;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++)
double dstx = vdst->x, dsty = vdst->y;
vdst->x = ax*dstx-ay*dsty;
vdst->y = ax*dsty+ay*dstx;
Real BLAS operations
double ae_v_dotproduct(const double *v0, ae_int_t stride0, const double *v1, ae_int_t stride1, ae_int_t n)
double result = 0;
ae_int_t i;
if( stride0!=1 || stride1!=1 )
* slow general code
for(i=0; i<n; i++, v0+=stride0, v1+=stride1)
result += (*v0)*(*v1);
* optimized code for stride=1
ae_int_t n4 = n/4;
ae_int_t nleft = n%4;
for(i=0; i<n4; i++, v0+=4, v1+=4)
result += v0[0]*v1[0]+v0[1]*v1[1]+v0[2]*v1[2]+v0[3]*v1[3];
for(i=0; i<nleft; i++, v0++, v1++)
result += v0[0]*v1[0];
return result;
void ae_v_move(double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n)
ae_int_t i;
if( stride_dst!=1 || stride_src!=1 )
* general unoptimized case
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
*vdst = *vsrc;
* optimized case
ae_int_t n2 = n/2;
for(i=0; i<n2; i++, vdst+=2, vsrc+=2)
vdst[0] = vsrc[0];
vdst[1] = vsrc[1];
if( n%2!=0 )
vdst[0] = vsrc[0];
void ae_v_moveneg(double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n)
ae_int_t i;
if( stride_dst!=1 || stride_src!=1 )
* general unoptimized case
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
*vdst = -*vsrc;
* optimized case
ae_int_t n2 = n/2;
for(i=0; i<n2; i++, vdst+=2, vsrc+=2)
vdst[0] = -vsrc[0];
vdst[1] = -vsrc[1];
if( n%2!=0 )
vdst[0] = -vsrc[0];
void ae_v_moved(double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n, double alpha)
ae_int_t i;
if( stride_dst!=1 || stride_src!=1 )
* general unoptimized case
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
*vdst = alpha*(*vsrc);
* optimized case
ae_int_t n2 = n/2;
for(i=0; i<n2; i++, vdst+=2, vsrc+=2)
vdst[0] = alpha*vsrc[0];
vdst[1] = alpha*vsrc[1];
if( n%2!=0 )
vdst[0] = alpha*vsrc[0];
void ae_v_add(double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n)
ae_int_t i;
if( stride_dst!=1 || stride_src!=1 )
* general unoptimized case
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
*vdst += *vsrc;
* optimized case
ae_int_t n2 = n/2;
for(i=0; i<n2; i++, vdst+=2, vsrc+=2)
vdst[0] += vsrc[0];
vdst[1] += vsrc[1];
if( n%2!=0 )
vdst[0] += vsrc[0];
void ae_v_addd(double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n, double alpha)
ae_int_t i;
if( stride_dst!=1 || stride_src!=1 )
* general unoptimized case
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
*vdst += alpha*(*vsrc);
* optimized case
ae_int_t n2 = n/2;
for(i=0; i<n2; i++, vdst+=2, vsrc+=2)
vdst[0] += alpha*vsrc[0];
vdst[1] += alpha*vsrc[1];
if( n%2!=0 )
vdst[0] += alpha*vsrc[0];
void ae_v_sub(double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n)
ae_int_t i;
if( stride_dst!=1 || stride_src!=1 )
* general unoptimized case
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
*vdst -= *vsrc;
* highly optimized case
ae_int_t n2 = n/2;
for(i=0; i<n2; i++, vdst+=2, vsrc+=2)
vdst[0] -= vsrc[0];
vdst[1] -= vsrc[1];
if( n%2!=0 )
vdst[0] -= vsrc[0];
void ae_v_subd(double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n, double alpha)
ae_v_addd(vdst, stride_dst, vsrc, stride_src, n, -alpha);
void ae_v_muld(double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, ae_int_t n, double alpha)
ae_int_t i;
if( stride_dst!=1 )
* general unoptimized case
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst)
*vdst *= alpha;
* highly optimized case
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++)
*vdst *= alpha;
Other functions
ae_int_t ae_v_len(ae_int_t a, ae_int_t b)
return b-a+1;
RComm functions
void _rcommstate_init(rcommstate* p, ae_state *_state, ae_bool make_automatic)
/* initial zero-filling */
memset(&p->ba, 0, sizeof(p->ba));
memset(&p->ia, 0, sizeof(p->ia));
memset(&p->ra, 0, sizeof(p->ra));
memset(&p->ca, 0, sizeof(p->ca));
/* initialization */
ae_vector_init(&p->ba, 0, DT_BOOL, _state, make_automatic);
ae_vector_init(&p->ia, 0, DT_INT, _state, make_automatic);
ae_vector_init(&p->ra, 0, DT_REAL, _state, make_automatic);
ae_vector_init(&p->ca, 0, DT_COMPLEX, _state, make_automatic);
void _rcommstate_init_copy(rcommstate* dst, rcommstate* src, ae_state *_state, ae_bool make_automatic)
/* initial zero-filling */
memset(&dst->ba, 0, sizeof(dst->ba));
memset(&dst->ia, 0, sizeof(dst->ia));
memset(&dst->ra, 0, sizeof(dst->ra));
memset(&dst->ca, 0, sizeof(dst->ca));
/* initialization */
ae_vector_init_copy(&dst->ba, &src->ba, _state, make_automatic);
ae_vector_init_copy(&dst->ia, &src->ia, _state, make_automatic);
ae_vector_init_copy(&dst->ra, &src->ra, _state, make_automatic);
ae_vector_init_copy(&dst->ca, &src->ca, _state, make_automatic);
dst->stage = src->stage;
void _rcommstate_clear(rcommstate* p)
void _rcommstate_destroy(rcommstate* p)
int _tickcount()
return GetTickCount();
#include <sys/time.h>
int _tickcount()
struct timeval now;
ae_int64_t r, v;
gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
v = now.tv_sec;
r = v*1000;
v = now.tv_usec/1000;
r = r+v;
return r;
/*struct timespec now;
if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now) )
return 0;
return now.tv_sec * 1000.0 + now.tv_nsec / 1000000.0;*/
Internal forwards
namespace alglib
double get_aenv_nan();
double get_aenv_posinf();
double get_aenv_neginf();
ae_int_t my_stricmp(const char *s1, const char *s2);
char* filter_spaces(const char *s);
void str_vector_create(const char *src, bool match_head_only, std::vector<const char*> *p_vec);
void str_matrix_create(const char *src, std::vector< std::vector<const char*> > *p_mat);
ae_bool parse_bool_delim(const char *s, const char *delim);
ae_int_t parse_int_delim(const char *s, const char *delim);
bool _parse_real_delim(const char *s, const char *delim, double *result, const char **new_s);
double parse_real_delim(const char *s, const char *delim);
alglib::complex parse_complex_delim(const char *s, const char *delim);
std::string arraytostring(const bool *ptr, ae_int_t n);
std::string arraytostring(const ae_int_t *ptr, ae_int_t n);
std::string arraytostring(const double *ptr, ae_int_t n, int dps);
std::string arraytostring(const alglib::complex *ptr, ae_int_t n, int dps);
Global and local constants/variables
const double alglib::machineepsilon = 5E-16;
const double alglib::maxrealnumber = 1E300;
const double alglib::minrealnumber = 1E-300;
const alglib::ae_int_t alglib::endianness = alglib_impl::ae_get_endianness();
const double alglib::fp_nan = alglib::get_aenv_nan();
const double alglib::fp_posinf = alglib::get_aenv_posinf();
const double alglib::fp_neginf = alglib::get_aenv_neginf();
#if defined(AE_NO_EXCEPTIONS)
static const char *_alglib_last_error = NULL;
static const alglib_impl::ae_uint64_t _i64_xdefault = 0x0;
static const alglib_impl::ae_uint64_t _i64_xserial = _ALGLIB_FLG_THREADING_SERIAL;
static const alglib_impl::ae_uint64_t _i64_xparallel = _ALGLIB_FLG_THREADING_PARALLEL;
const alglib::xparams &alglib::xdefault = *((const alglib::xparams *)(&_i64_xdefault));
const alglib::xparams &alglib::serial = *((const alglib::xparams *)(&_i64_xserial));
const alglib::xparams &alglib::parallel = *((const alglib::xparams *)(&_i64_xparallel));
Exception handling
#if !defined(AE_NO_EXCEPTIONS)
alglib::ap_error::ap_error(const char *s)
msg = s;
void alglib::ap_error::make_assertion(bool bClause)
void alglib::ap_error::make_assertion(bool bClause, const char *p_msg)
void alglib::set_error_flag(const char *s)
if( s==NULL )
s = "ALGLIB: unknown error";
_alglib_last_error = s;
bool alglib::get_error_flag(const char **p_msg)
if( _alglib_last_error==NULL )
return false;
if( p_msg!=NULL )
*p_msg = _alglib_last_error;
return true;
void alglib::clear_error_flag()
_alglib_last_error = NULL;
Complex number with double precision.
alglib::complex::complex(const double &_x):x(_x),y(0.0)
alglib::complex::complex(const double &_x, const double &_y):x(_x),y(_y)
alglib::complex::complex(const alglib::complex &z):x(z.x),y(z.y)
alglib::complex& alglib::complex::operator= (const double& v)
x = v;
y = 0.0;
return *this;
alglib::complex& alglib::complex::operator+=(const double& v)
x += v;
return *this;
alglib::complex& alglib::complex::operator-=(const double& v)
x -= v;
return *this;
alglib::complex& alglib::complex::operator*=(const double& v)
x *= v;
y *= v;
return *this;
alglib::complex& alglib::complex::operator/=(const double& v)
x /= v;
y /= v;
return *this;
alglib::complex& alglib::complex::operator= (const alglib::complex& z)
x = z.x;
y = z.y;
return *this;
alglib::complex& alglib::complex::operator+=(const alglib::complex& z)
x += z.x;
y += z.y;
return *this;
alglib::complex& alglib::complex::operator-=(const alglib::complex& z)
x -= z.x;
y -= z.y;
return *this;
alglib::complex& alglib::complex::operator*=(const alglib::complex& z)
double t = x*z.x-y*z.y;
y = x*z.y+y*z.x;
x = t;
return *this;
alglib::complex& alglib::complex::operator/=(const alglib::complex& z)
alglib::complex result;
double e;
double f;
if( fabs(z.y)<fabs(z.x) )
e = z.y/z.x;
f = z.x+z.y*e;
result.x = (x+y*e)/f;
result.y = (y-x*e)/f;
e = z.x/z.y;
f = z.y+z.x*e;
result.x = (y+x*e)/f;
result.y = (-x+y*e)/f;
*this = result;
return *this;
alglib_impl::ae_complex* alglib::complex::c_ptr()
return (alglib_impl::ae_complex*)this;
const alglib_impl::ae_complex* alglib::complex::c_ptr() const
return (const alglib_impl::ae_complex*)this;
#if !defined(AE_NO_EXCEPTIONS)
std::string alglib::complex::tostring(int _dps) const
char mask[32];
char buf_x[32];
char buf_y[32];
char buf_zero[32];
int dps = _dps>=0 ? _dps : -_dps;
if( dps<=0 || dps>=20 )
_ALGLIB_CPP_EXCEPTION("complex::tostring(): incorrect dps");
// handle IEEE special quantities
if( fp_isnan(x) || fp_isnan(y) )
return "NAN";
if( fp_isinf(x) || fp_isinf(y) )
return "INF";
// generate mask
if( sprintf(mask, "%%.%d%s", dps, _dps>=0 ? "f" : "e")>=(int)sizeof(mask) )
_ALGLIB_CPP_EXCEPTION("complex::tostring(): buffer overflow");
// print |x|, |y| and zero with same mask and compare
if( sprintf(buf_x, mask, (double)(fabs(x)))>=(int)sizeof(buf_x) )
_ALGLIB_CPP_EXCEPTION("complex::tostring(): buffer overflow");
if( sprintf(buf_y, mask, (double)(fabs(y)))>=(int)sizeof(buf_y) )
_ALGLIB_CPP_EXCEPTION("complex::tostring(): buffer overflow");
if( sprintf(buf_zero, mask, (double)0)>=(int)sizeof(buf_zero) )
_ALGLIB_CPP_EXCEPTION("complex::tostring(): buffer overflow");
// different zero/nonzero patterns
if( strcmp(buf_x,buf_zero)!=0 && strcmp(buf_y,buf_zero)!=0 )
return std::string(x>0 ? "" : "-")+buf_x+(y>0 ? "+" : "-")+buf_y+"i";
if( strcmp(buf_x,buf_zero)!=0 && strcmp(buf_y,buf_zero)==0 )
return std::string(x>0 ? "" : "-")+buf_x;
if( strcmp(buf_x,buf_zero)==0 && strcmp(buf_y,buf_zero)!=0 )
return std::string(y>0 ? "" : "-")+buf_y+"i";
return std::string("0");
bool alglib::operator==(const alglib::complex& lhs, const alglib::complex& rhs)
volatile double x1 = lhs.x;
volatile double x2 = rhs.x;
volatile double y1 = lhs.y;
volatile double y2 = rhs.y;
return x1==x2 && y1==y2;
bool alglib::operator!=(const alglib::complex& lhs, const alglib::complex& rhs)
{ return !(lhs==rhs); }
const alglib::complex alglib::operator+(const alglib::complex& lhs)
{ return lhs; }
const alglib::complex alglib::operator-(const alglib::complex& lhs)
{ return alglib::complex(-lhs.x, -lhs.y); }
const alglib::complex alglib::operator+(const alglib::complex& lhs, const alglib::complex& rhs)
{ alglib::complex r = lhs; r += rhs; return r; }
const alglib::complex alglib::operator+(const alglib::complex& lhs, const double& rhs)
{ alglib::complex r = lhs; r += rhs; return r; }
const alglib::complex alglib::operator+(const double& lhs, const alglib::complex& rhs)
{ alglib::complex r = rhs; r += lhs; return r; }
const alglib::complex alglib::operator-(const alglib::complex& lhs, const alglib::complex& rhs)
{ alglib::complex r = lhs; r -= rhs; return r; }
const alglib::complex alglib::operator-(const alglib::complex& lhs, const double& rhs)
{ alglib::complex r = lhs; r -= rhs; return r; }
const alglib::complex alglib::operator-(const double& lhs, const alglib::complex& rhs)
{ alglib::complex r = lhs; r -= rhs; return r; }
const alglib::complex alglib::operator*(const alglib::complex& lhs, const alglib::complex& rhs)
{ return alglib::complex(lhs.x*rhs.x - lhs.y*rhs.y, lhs.x*rhs.y + lhs.y*rhs.x); }
const alglib::complex alglib::operator*(const alglib::complex& lhs, const double& rhs)
{ return alglib::complex(lhs.x*rhs, lhs.y*rhs); }
const alglib::complex alglib::operator*(const double& lhs, const alglib::complex& rhs)
{ return alglib::complex(lhs*rhs.x, lhs*rhs.y); }
const alglib::complex alglib::operator/(const alglib::complex& lhs, const alglib::complex& rhs)
alglib::complex result;
double e;
double f;
if( fabs(rhs.y)<fabs(rhs.x) )
e = rhs.y/rhs.x;
f = rhs.x+rhs.y*e;
result.x = (lhs.x+lhs.y*e)/f;
result.y = (lhs.y-lhs.x*e)/f;
e = rhs.x/rhs.y;
f = rhs.y+rhs.x*e;
result.x = (lhs.y+lhs.x*e)/f;
result.y = (-lhs.x+lhs.y*e)/f;
return result;
const alglib::complex alglib::operator/(const double& lhs, const alglib::complex& rhs)
alglib::complex result;
double e;
double f;
if( fabs(rhs.y)<fabs(rhs.x) )
e = rhs.y/rhs.x;
f = rhs.x+rhs.y*e;
result.x = lhs/f;
result.y = -lhs*e/f;
e = rhs.x/rhs.y;
f = rhs.y+rhs.x*e;
result.x = lhs*e/f;
result.y = -lhs/f;
return result;
const alglib::complex alglib::operator/(const alglib::complex& lhs, const double& rhs)
{ return alglib::complex(lhs.x/rhs, lhs.y/rhs); }
double alglib::abscomplex(const alglib::complex &z)
double w;
double xabs;
double yabs;
double v;
xabs = fabs(z.x);
yabs = fabs(z.y);
w = xabs>yabs ? xabs : yabs;
v = xabs<yabs ? xabs : yabs;
if( v==0 )
return w;
double t = v/w;
return w*sqrt(1+t*t);
alglib::complex alglib::conj(const alglib::complex &z)
{ return alglib::complex(z.x, -z.y); }
alglib::complex alglib::csqr(const alglib::complex &z)
{ return alglib::complex(z.x*z.x-z.y*z.y, 2*z.x*z.y); }
void alglib::setnworkers(alglib::ae_int_t nworkers)
#ifdef AE_HPC
void alglib::setglobalthreading(const alglib::xparams settings)
#ifdef AE_HPC
alglib::ae_int_t alglib::getnworkers()
#ifdef AE_HPC
return alglib_impl::ae_get_cores_to_use();
return 1;
alglib::ae_int_t alglib::_ae_cores_count()
#ifdef AE_HPC
return alglib_impl::ae_cores_count();
return 1;
void alglib::_ae_set_global_threading(alglib_impl::ae_uint64_t flg_value)
#ifdef AE_HPC
alglib_impl::ae_uint64_t alglib::_ae_get_global_threading()
#ifdef AE_HPC
return alglib_impl::ae_get_global_threading();
Level 1 BLAS functions
double alglib::vdotproduct(const double *v0, ae_int_t stride0, const double *v1, ae_int_t stride1, ae_int_t n)
double result = 0;
ae_int_t i;
if( stride0!=1 || stride1!=1 )
// slow general code
for(i=0; i<n; i++, v0+=stride0, v1+=stride1)
result += (*v0)*(*v1);
// optimized code for stride=1
ae_int_t n4 = n/4;
ae_int_t nleft = n%4;
for(i=0; i<n4; i++, v0+=4, v1+=4)
result += v0[0]*v1[0]+v0[1]*v1[1]+v0[2]*v1[2]+v0[3]*v1[3];
for(i=0; i<nleft; i++, v0++, v1++)
result += v0[0]*v1[0];
return result;
double alglib::vdotproduct(const double *v1, const double *v2, ae_int_t N)
return vdotproduct(v1, 1, v2, 1, N);
alglib::complex alglib::vdotproduct(const alglib::complex *v0, ae_int_t stride0, const char *conj0, const alglib::complex *v1, ae_int_t stride1, const char *conj1, ae_int_t n)
double rx = 0, ry = 0;
ae_int_t i;
bool bconj0 = !((conj0[0]=='N') || (conj0[0]=='n'));
bool bconj1 = !((conj1[0]=='N') || (conj1[0]=='n'));
if( bconj0 && bconj1 )
double v0x, v0y, v1x, v1y;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, v0+=stride0, v1+=stride1)
v0x = v0->x;
v0y = -v0->y;
v1x = v1->x;
v1y = -v1->y;
rx += v0x*v1x-v0y*v1y;
ry += v0x*v1y+v0y*v1x;
if( !bconj0 && bconj1 )
double v0x, v0y, v1x, v1y;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, v0+=stride0, v1+=stride1)
v0x = v0->x;
v0y = v0->y;
v1x = v1->x;
v1y = -v1->y;
rx += v0x*v1x-v0y*v1y;
ry += v0x*v1y+v0y*v1x;
if( bconj0 && !bconj1 )
double v0x, v0y, v1x, v1y;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, v0+=stride0, v1+=stride1)
v0x = v0->x;
v0y = -v0->y;
v1x = v1->x;
v1y = v1->y;
rx += v0x*v1x-v0y*v1y;
ry += v0x*v1y+v0y*v1x;
if( !bconj0 && !bconj1 )
double v0x, v0y, v1x, v1y;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, v0+=stride0, v1+=stride1)
v0x = v0->x;
v0y = v0->y;
v1x = v1->x;
v1y = v1->y;
rx += v0x*v1x-v0y*v1y;
ry += v0x*v1y+v0y*v1x;
return alglib::complex(rx,ry);
alglib::complex alglib::vdotproduct(const alglib::complex *v1, const alglib::complex *v2, ae_int_t N)
return vdotproduct(v1, 1, "N", v2, 1, "N", N);
void alglib::vmove(double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n)
ae_int_t i;
if( stride_dst!=1 || stride_src!=1 )
// general unoptimized case
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
*vdst = *vsrc;
// optimized case
ae_int_t n2 = n/2;
for(i=0; i<n2; i++, vdst+=2, vsrc+=2)
vdst[0] = vsrc[0];
vdst[1] = vsrc[1];
if( n%2!=0 )
vdst[0] = vsrc[0];
void alglib::vmove(double *vdst, const double* vsrc, ae_int_t N)
vmove(vdst, 1, vsrc, 1, N);
void alglib::vmove(alglib::complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const alglib::complex* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, const char *conj_src, ae_int_t n)
bool bconj = !((conj_src[0]=='N') || (conj_src[0]=='n'));
ae_int_t i;
if( stride_dst!=1 || stride_src!=1 )
// general unoptimized case
if( bconj )
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
vdst->x = vsrc->x;
vdst->y = -vsrc->y;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
*vdst = *vsrc;
// optimized case
if( bconj )
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
vdst->x = vsrc->x;
vdst->y = -vsrc->y;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
*vdst = *vsrc;
void alglib::vmove(alglib::complex *vdst, const alglib::complex* vsrc, ae_int_t N)
vmove(vdst, 1, vsrc, 1, "N", N);
void alglib::vmoveneg(double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n)
ae_int_t i;
if( stride_dst!=1 || stride_src!=1 )
// general unoptimized case
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
*vdst = -*vsrc;
// optimized case
ae_int_t n2 = n/2;
for(i=0; i<n2; i++, vdst+=2, vsrc+=2)
vdst[0] = -vsrc[0];
vdst[1] = -vsrc[1];
if( n%2!=0 )
vdst[0] = -vsrc[0];
void alglib::vmoveneg(double *vdst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t N)
vmoveneg(vdst, 1, vsrc, 1, N);
void alglib::vmoveneg(alglib::complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const alglib::complex* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, const char *conj_src, ae_int_t n)
bool bconj = !((conj_src[0]=='N') || (conj_src[0]=='n'));
ae_int_t i;
if( stride_dst!=1 || stride_src!=1 )
// general unoptimized case
if( bconj )
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
vdst->x = -vsrc->x;
vdst->y = vsrc->y;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
vdst->x = -vsrc->x;
vdst->y = -vsrc->y;
// optimized case
if( bconj )
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
vdst->x = -vsrc->x;
vdst->y = vsrc->y;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
vdst->x = -vsrc->x;
vdst->y = -vsrc->y;
void alglib::vmoveneg(alglib::complex *vdst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t N)
vmoveneg(vdst, 1, vsrc, 1, "N", N);
void alglib::vmove(double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n, double alpha)
ae_int_t i;
if( stride_dst!=1 || stride_src!=1 )
// general unoptimized case
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
*vdst = alpha*(*vsrc);
// optimized case
ae_int_t n2 = n/2;
for(i=0; i<n2; i++, vdst+=2, vsrc+=2)
vdst[0] = alpha*vsrc[0];
vdst[1] = alpha*vsrc[1];
if( n%2!=0 )
vdst[0] = alpha*vsrc[0];
void alglib::vmove(double *vdst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t N, double alpha)
vmove(vdst, 1, vsrc, 1, N, alpha);
void alglib::vmove(alglib::complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const alglib::complex* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, const char *conj_src, ae_int_t n, double alpha)
bool bconj = !((conj_src[0]=='N') || (conj_src[0]=='n'));
ae_int_t i;
if( stride_dst!=1 || stride_src!=1 )
// general unoptimized case
if( bconj )
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
vdst->x = alpha*vsrc->x;
vdst->y = -alpha*vsrc->y;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
vdst->x = alpha*vsrc->x;
vdst->y = alpha*vsrc->y;
// optimized case
if( bconj )
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
vdst->x = alpha*vsrc->x;
vdst->y = -alpha*vsrc->y;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
vdst->x = alpha*vsrc->x;
vdst->y = alpha*vsrc->y;
void alglib::vmove(alglib::complex *vdst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t N, double alpha)
vmove(vdst, 1, vsrc, 1, "N", N, alpha);
void alglib::vmove(alglib::complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const alglib::complex* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, const char *conj_src, ae_int_t n, alglib::complex alpha)
bool bconj = !((conj_src[0]=='N') || (conj_src[0]=='n'));
ae_int_t i;
if( stride_dst!=1 || stride_src!=1 )
// general unoptimized case
if( bconj )
double ax = alpha.x, ay = alpha.y;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
vdst->x = ax*vsrc->x+ay*vsrc->y;
vdst->y = -ax*vsrc->y+ay*vsrc->x;
double ax = alpha.x, ay = alpha.y;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
vdst->x = ax*vsrc->x-ay*vsrc->y;
vdst->y = ax*vsrc->y+ay*vsrc->x;
// optimized case
if( bconj )
double ax = alpha.x, ay = alpha.y;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
vdst->x = ax*vsrc->x+ay*vsrc->y;
vdst->y = -ax*vsrc->y+ay*vsrc->x;
double ax = alpha.x, ay = alpha.y;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
vdst->x = ax*vsrc->x-ay*vsrc->y;
vdst->y = ax*vsrc->y+ay*vsrc->x;
void alglib::vmove(alglib::complex *vdst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t N, alglib::complex alpha)
vmove(vdst, 1, vsrc, 1, "N", N, alpha);
void alglib::vadd(double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n)
ae_int_t i;
if( stride_dst!=1 || stride_src!=1 )
// general unoptimized case
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
*vdst += *vsrc;
// optimized case
ae_int_t n2 = n/2;
for(i=0; i<n2; i++, vdst+=2, vsrc+=2)
vdst[0] += vsrc[0];
vdst[1] += vsrc[1];
if( n%2!=0 )
vdst[0] += vsrc[0];
void alglib::vadd(double *vdst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t N)
vadd(vdst, 1, vsrc, 1, N);
void alglib::vadd(alglib::complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, const char *conj_src, ae_int_t n)
bool bconj = !((conj_src[0]=='N') || (conj_src[0]=='n'));
ae_int_t i;
if( stride_dst!=1 || stride_src!=1 )
// general unoptimized case
if( bconj )
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
vdst->x += vsrc->x;
vdst->y -= vsrc->y;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
vdst->x += vsrc->x;
vdst->y += vsrc->y;
// optimized case
if( bconj )
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
vdst->x += vsrc->x;
vdst->y -= vsrc->y;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
vdst->x += vsrc->x;
vdst->y += vsrc->y;
void alglib::vadd(alglib::complex *vdst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t N)
vadd(vdst, 1, vsrc, 1, "N", N);
void alglib::vadd(double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n, double alpha)
ae_int_t i;
if( stride_dst!=1 || stride_src!=1 )
// general unoptimized case
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
*vdst += alpha*(*vsrc);
// optimized case
ae_int_t n2 = n/2;
for(i=0; i<n2; i++, vdst+=2, vsrc+=2)
vdst[0] += alpha*vsrc[0];
vdst[1] += alpha*vsrc[1];
if( n%2!=0 )
vdst[0] += alpha*vsrc[0];
void alglib::vadd(double *vdst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t N, double alpha)
vadd(vdst, 1, vsrc, 1, N, alpha);
void alglib::vadd(alglib::complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, const char *conj_src, ae_int_t n, double alpha)
bool bconj = !((conj_src[0]=='N') || (conj_src[0]=='n'));
ae_int_t i;
if( stride_dst!=1 || stride_src!=1 )
// general unoptimized case
if( bconj )
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
vdst->x += alpha*vsrc->x;
vdst->y -= alpha*vsrc->y;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
vdst->x += alpha*vsrc->x;
vdst->y += alpha*vsrc->y;
// optimized case
if( bconj )
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
vdst->x += alpha*vsrc->x;
vdst->y -= alpha*vsrc->y;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
vdst->x += alpha*vsrc->x;
vdst->y += alpha*vsrc->y;
void alglib::vadd(alglib::complex *vdst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t N, double alpha)
vadd(vdst, 1, vsrc, 1, "N", N, alpha);
void alglib::vadd(alglib::complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, const char *conj_src, ae_int_t n, alglib::complex alpha)
bool bconj = !((conj_src[0]=='N') || (conj_src[0]=='n'));
ae_int_t i;
if( stride_dst!=1 || stride_src!=1 )
// general unoptimized case
double ax = alpha.x, ay = alpha.y;
if( bconj )
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
vdst->x += ax*vsrc->x+ay*vsrc->y;
vdst->y -= ax*vsrc->y-ay*vsrc->x;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
vdst->x += ax*vsrc->x-ay*vsrc->y;
vdst->y += ax*vsrc->y+ay*vsrc->x;
// optimized case
double ax = alpha.x, ay = alpha.y;
if( bconj )
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
vdst->x += ax*vsrc->x+ay*vsrc->y;
vdst->y -= ax*vsrc->y-ay*vsrc->x;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
vdst->x += ax*vsrc->x-ay*vsrc->y;
vdst->y += ax*vsrc->y+ay*vsrc->x;
void alglib::vadd(alglib::complex *vdst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t N, alglib::complex alpha)
vadd(vdst, 1, vsrc, 1, "N", N, alpha);
void alglib::vsub(double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n)
ae_int_t i;
if( stride_dst!=1 || stride_src!=1 )
// general unoptimized case
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
*vdst -= *vsrc;
// optimized case
ae_int_t n2 = n/2;
for(i=0; i<n2; i++, vdst+=2, vsrc+=2)
vdst[0] -= vsrc[0];
vdst[1] -= vsrc[1];
if( n%2!=0 )
vdst[0] -= vsrc[0];
void alglib::vsub(double *vdst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t N)
vsub(vdst, 1, vsrc, 1, N);
void alglib::vsub(alglib::complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, const char *conj_src, ae_int_t n)
bool bconj = !((conj_src[0]=='N') || (conj_src[0]=='n'));
ae_int_t i;
if( stride_dst!=1 || stride_src!=1 )
// general unoptimized case
if( bconj )
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
vdst->x -= vsrc->x;
vdst->y += vsrc->y;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
vdst->x -= vsrc->x;
vdst->y -= vsrc->y;
// optimized case
if( bconj )
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
vdst->x -= vsrc->x;
vdst->y += vsrc->y;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
vdst->x -= vsrc->x;
vdst->y -= vsrc->y;
void alglib::vsub(alglib::complex *vdst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t N)
vsub(vdst, 1, vsrc, 1, "N", N);
void alglib::vsub(double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n, double alpha)
vadd(vdst, stride_dst, vsrc, stride_src, n, -alpha);
void alglib::vsub(double *vdst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t N, double alpha)
vadd(vdst, 1, vsrc, 1, N, -alpha);
void alglib::vsub(alglib::complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, const char *conj_src, ae_int_t n, double alpha)
vadd(vdst, stride_dst, vsrc, stride_src, conj_src, n, -alpha);
void alglib::vsub(alglib::complex *vdst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t n, double alpha)
vadd(vdst, 1, vsrc, 1, "N", n, -alpha);
void alglib::vsub(alglib::complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, const char *conj_src, ae_int_t n, alglib::complex alpha)
vadd(vdst, stride_dst, vsrc, stride_src, conj_src, n, -alpha);
void alglib::vsub(alglib::complex *vdst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t n, alglib::complex alpha)
vadd(vdst, 1, vsrc, 1, "N", n, -alpha);
void alglib::vmul(double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, ae_int_t n, double alpha)
ae_int_t i;
if( stride_dst!=1 )
// general unoptimized case
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst)
*vdst *= alpha;
// optimized case
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++)
*vdst *= alpha;
void alglib::vmul(double *vdst, ae_int_t N, double alpha)
vmul(vdst, 1, N, alpha);
void alglib::vmul(alglib::complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, ae_int_t n, double alpha)
ae_int_t i;
if( stride_dst!=1 )
// general unoptimized case
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst)
vdst->x *= alpha;
vdst->y *= alpha;
// optimized case
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++)
vdst->x *= alpha;
vdst->y *= alpha;
void alglib::vmul(alglib::complex *vdst, ae_int_t N, double alpha)
vmul(vdst, 1, N, alpha);
void alglib::vmul(alglib::complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, ae_int_t n, alglib::complex alpha)
ae_int_t i;
if( stride_dst!=1 )
// general unoptimized case
double ax = alpha.x, ay = alpha.y;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst)
double dstx = vdst->x, dsty = vdst->y;
vdst->x = ax*dstx-ay*dsty;
vdst->y = ax*dsty+ay*dstx;
// optimized case
double ax = alpha.x, ay = alpha.y;
for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++)
double dstx = vdst->x, dsty = vdst->y;
vdst->x = ax*dstx-ay*dsty;
vdst->y = ax*dsty+ay*dstx;
void alglib::vmul(alglib::complex *vdst, ae_int_t N, alglib::complex alpha)
vmul(vdst, 1, N, alpha);
alglib::ae_int_t alglib::vlen(ae_int_t n1, ae_int_t n2)
return n2-n1+1;
Matrices and vectors
alglib::ae_vector_wrapper::ae_vector_wrapper(alglib_impl::ae_vector *e_ptr, alglib_impl::ae_datatype datatype)
if( e_ptr==NULL || e_ptr->datatype!=datatype )
const char *msg = "ALGLIB: ae_vector_wrapper datatype check failed";
#if !defined(AE_NO_EXCEPTIONS)
ptr = NULL;
is_frozen_proxy = false;
ptr = e_ptr;
is_frozen_proxy = true;
alglib::ae_vector_wrapper::ae_vector_wrapper(alglib_impl::ae_datatype datatype)
jmp_buf _break_jump;
alglib_impl::ae_state _state;
if( setjmp(_break_jump) )
#if !defined(AE_NO_EXCEPTIONS)
ptr = NULL;
is_frozen_proxy = false;
alglib_impl::ae_state_set_break_jump(&_state, &_break_jump);
ptr = &inner_vec;
is_frozen_proxy = false;
memset(ptr, 0, sizeof(*ptr));
ae_vector_init(ptr, 0, datatype, &_state, ae_false);
alglib::ae_vector_wrapper::ae_vector_wrapper(const ae_vector_wrapper &rhs, alglib_impl::ae_datatype datatype)
jmp_buf _break_jump;
alglib_impl::ae_state _state;
if( setjmp(_break_jump) )
#if !defined(AE_NO_EXCEPTIONS)
ptr = NULL;
is_frozen_proxy = false;
alglib_impl::ae_state_set_break_jump(&_state, &_break_jump);
alglib_impl::ae_assert(rhs.ptr!=NULL, "ALGLIB: ae_vector_wrapper source is not initialized", &_state);
alglib_impl::ae_assert(rhs.ptr->datatype==datatype, "ALGLIB: ae_vector_wrapper datatype check failed", &_state);
ptr = &inner_vec;
is_frozen_proxy = false;
memset(ptr, 0, sizeof(*ptr));
ae_vector_init_copy(ptr, rhs.ptr, &_state, ae_false);
if( ptr==&inner_vec )
void alglib::ae_vector_wrapper::setlength(ae_int_t iLen)
jmp_buf _break_jump;
alglib_impl::ae_state _state;
if( setjmp(_break_jump) )
#if !defined(AE_NO_EXCEPTIONS)
alglib_impl::ae_state_set_break_jump(&_state, &_break_jump);
alglib_impl::ae_assert(ptr!=NULL, "ALGLIB: setlength() error, ptr==NULL (array was not correctly initialized)", &_state);
alglib_impl::ae_assert(!is_frozen_proxy, "ALGLIB: setlength() error, ptr is frozen proxy array", &_state);
alglib_impl::ae_vector_set_length(ptr, iLen, &_state);
alglib::ae_int_t alglib::ae_vector_wrapper::length() const
if( ptr==NULL )
return 0;
return ptr->cnt;
void alglib::ae_vector_wrapper::attach_to(alglib_impl::x_vector *new_ptr, alglib_impl::ae_state *_state)
if( ptr==&inner_vec )
ptr = &inner_vec;
memset(ptr, 0, sizeof(*ptr));
ae_vector_init_attach_to_x(ptr, new_ptr, _state, ae_false);
is_frozen_proxy = true;
const alglib::ae_vector_wrapper& alglib::ae_vector_wrapper::assign(const alglib::ae_vector_wrapper &rhs)
jmp_buf _break_jump;
alglib_impl::ae_state _state;
if( this==&rhs )
return *this;
if( setjmp(_break_jump) )
#if !defined(AE_NO_EXCEPTIONS)
return *this;
alglib_impl::ae_state_set_break_jump(&_state, &_break_jump);
ae_assert(ptr!=NULL, "ALGLIB: incorrect assignment (uninitialized destination)", &_state);
ae_assert(rhs.ptr!=NULL, "ALGLIB: incorrect assignment (uninitialized source)", &_state);
ae_assert(rhs.ptr->datatype==ptr->datatype, "ALGLIB: incorrect assignment to array (types do not match)", &_state);
if( is_frozen_proxy )
ae_assert(rhs.ptr->cnt==ptr->cnt, "ALGLIB: incorrect assignment to proxy array (sizes do not match)", &_state);
if( rhs.ptr->cnt!=ptr->cnt )
ae_vector_set_length(ptr, rhs.ptr->cnt, &_state);
memcpy(ptr->ptr.p_ptr, rhs.ptr->ptr.p_ptr, ptr->cnt*alglib_impl::ae_sizeof(ptr->datatype));
return *this;
const alglib_impl::ae_vector* alglib::ae_vector_wrapper::c_ptr() const
return ptr;
alglib_impl::ae_vector* alglib::ae_vector_wrapper::c_ptr()
return ptr;
#if !defined(AE_NO_EXCEPTIONS)
alglib::ae_vector_wrapper::ae_vector_wrapper(const char *s, alglib_impl::ae_datatype datatype)
std::vector<const char*> svec;
size_t i;
char *p = filter_spaces(s);
if( p==NULL )
_ALGLIB_CPP_EXCEPTION("ALGLIB: allocation error");
str_vector_create(p, true, &svec);
jmp_buf _break_jump;
alglib_impl::ae_state _state;
if( setjmp(_break_jump) )
alglib_impl::ae_state_set_break_jump(&_state, &_break_jump);
ptr = &inner_vec;
is_frozen_proxy = false;
memset(ptr, 0, sizeof(*ptr));
ae_vector_init(ptr, (ae_int_t)(svec.size()), datatype, &_state, ae_false);
for(i=0; i<svec.size(); i++)
if( datatype==alglib_impl::DT_BOOL )
ptr->ptr.p_bool[i] = parse_bool_delim(svec[i],",]");
if( datatype==alglib_impl::DT_INT )
ptr->ptr.p_int[i] = parse_int_delim(svec[i],",]");
if( datatype==alglib_impl::DT_REAL )
ptr->ptr.p_double[i] = parse_real_delim(svec[i],",]");
if( datatype==alglib_impl::DT_COMPLEX )
alglib::complex t = parse_complex_delim(svec[i],",]");
ptr->ptr.p_complex[i].x = t.x;
ptr->ptr.p_complex[i].y = t.y;
alglib::boolean_1d_array::boolean_1d_array(const alglib::boolean_1d_array &rhs):ae_vector_wrapper(rhs,alglib_impl::DT_BOOL)
alglib::boolean_1d_array::boolean_1d_array(alglib_impl::ae_vector *p):ae_vector_wrapper(p,alglib_impl::DT_BOOL)
const alglib::boolean_1d_array& alglib::boolean_1d_array::operator=(const alglib::boolean_1d_array &rhs)
return static_cast<const alglib::boolean_1d_array&>(assign(rhs));
const ae_bool& alglib::boolean_1d_array::operator()(ae_int_t i) const
return ptr->ptr.p_bool[i];
ae_bool& alglib::boolean_1d_array::operator()(ae_int_t i)
return ptr->ptr.p_bool[i];
const ae_bool& alglib::boolean_1d_array::operator[](ae_int_t i) const
return ptr->ptr.p_bool[i];
ae_bool& alglib::boolean_1d_array::operator[](ae_int_t i)
return ptr->ptr.p_bool[i];
void alglib::boolean_1d_array::setcontent(ae_int_t iLen, const bool *pContent )
ae_int_t i;
// setlength, with exception-free error handling fallback code
if( ptr==NULL || ptr->cnt!=iLen )
// copy
for(i=0; i<iLen; i++)
ptr->ptr.p_bool[i] = pContent[i];
ae_bool* alglib::boolean_1d_array::getcontent()
return ptr->ptr.p_bool;
const ae_bool* alglib::boolean_1d_array::getcontent() const
return ptr->ptr.p_bool;
#if !defined(AE_NO_EXCEPTIONS)
alglib::boolean_1d_array::boolean_1d_array(const char *s):ae_vector_wrapper(s, alglib_impl::DT_BOOL)
std::string alglib::boolean_1d_array::tostring() const
if( length()==0 )
return "[]";
return arraytostring(&(operator()(0)), length());
alglib::integer_1d_array::integer_1d_array(alglib_impl::ae_vector *p):ae_vector_wrapper(p,alglib_impl::DT_INT)
alglib::integer_1d_array::integer_1d_array(const alglib::integer_1d_array &rhs):ae_vector_wrapper(rhs,alglib_impl::DT_INT)
const alglib::integer_1d_array& alglib::integer_1d_array::operator=(const alglib::integer_1d_array &rhs)
return static_cast<const alglib::integer_1d_array&>(assign(rhs));
const alglib::ae_int_t& alglib::integer_1d_array::operator()(ae_int_t i) const
return ptr->ptr.p_int[i];
alglib::ae_int_t& alglib::integer_1d_array::operator()(ae_int_t i)
return ptr->ptr.p_int[i];
const alglib::ae_int_t& alglib::integer_1d_array::operator[](ae_int_t i) const
return ptr->ptr.p_int[i];
alglib::ae_int_t& alglib::integer_1d_array::operator[](ae_int_t i)
return ptr->ptr.p_int[i];
void alglib::integer_1d_array::setcontent(ae_int_t iLen, const ae_int_t *pContent )
ae_int_t i;
// setlength(), handle possible exception-free errors
if( ptr==NULL || ptr->cnt!=iLen )
// copy
for(i=0; i<iLen; i++)
ptr->ptr.p_int[i] = pContent[i];
alglib::ae_int_t* alglib::integer_1d_array::getcontent()
return ptr->ptr.p_int;
const alglib::ae_int_t* alglib::integer_1d_array::getcontent() const
return ptr->ptr.p_int;
#if !defined(AE_NO_EXCEPTIONS)
alglib::integer_1d_array::integer_1d_array(const char *s):ae_vector_wrapper(s, alglib_impl::DT_INT)
std::string alglib::integer_1d_array::tostring() const
if( length()==0 )
return "[]";
return arraytostring(&operator()(0), length());
alglib::real_1d_array::real_1d_array(alglib_impl::ae_vector *p):ae_vector_wrapper(p,alglib_impl::DT_REAL)
alglib::real_1d_array::real_1d_array(const alglib::real_1d_array &rhs):ae_vector_wrapper(rhs,alglib_impl::DT_REAL)
const alglib::real_1d_array& alglib::real_1d_array::operator=(const alglib::real_1d_array &rhs)
return static_cast<const alglib::real_1d_array&>(assign(rhs));
const double& alglib::real_1d_array::operator()(ae_int_t i) const
return ptr->ptr.p_double[i];
double& alglib::real_1d_array::operator()(ae_int_t i)
return ptr->ptr.p_double[i];
const double& alglib::real_1d_array::operator[](ae_int_t i) const
return ptr->ptr.p_double[i];
double& alglib::real_1d_array::operator[](ae_int_t i)
return ptr->ptr.p_double[i];
void alglib::real_1d_array::setcontent(ae_int_t iLen, const double *pContent )
ae_int_t i;
// setlength(), handle possible exception-free errors
if( ptr==NULL || ptr->cnt!=iLen )
// copy
for(i=0; i<iLen; i++)
ptr->ptr.p_double[i] = pContent[i];
void alglib::real_1d_array::attach_to_ptr(ae_int_t iLen, double *pContent ) // TODO: convert to constructor!!!!!!!
alglib_impl::x_vector x;
jmp_buf _break_jump;
alglib_impl::ae_state _state;
if( setjmp(_break_jump) )
#if !defined(AE_NO_EXCEPTIONS)
ptr = NULL;
is_frozen_proxy = false;
alglib_impl::ae_state_set_break_jump(&_state, &_break_jump);
alglib_impl::ae_assert(!is_frozen_proxy, "ALGLIB: unable to attach proxy object to something else", &_state);
alglib_impl::ae_assert(iLen>0, "ALGLIB: non-positive length for attach_to_ptr()", &_state);
x.cnt = iLen;
x.datatype = alglib_impl::DT_REAL;
x.owner = alglib_impl::OWN_CALLER;
x.last_action = alglib_impl::ACT_UNCHANGED;
x.x_ptr.p_ptr = pContent;
attach_to(&x, &_state);
double* alglib::real_1d_array::getcontent()
return ptr->ptr.p_double;
const double* alglib::real_1d_array::getcontent() const
return ptr->ptr.p_double;
#if !defined(AE_NO_EXCEPTIONS)
alglib::real_1d_array::real_1d_array(const char *s):ae_vector_wrapper(s, alglib_impl::DT_REAL)
std::string alglib::real_1d_array::tostring(int dps) const
if( length()==0 )
return "[]";
return arraytostring(&operator()(0), length(), dps);
alglib::complex_1d_array::complex_1d_array(alglib_impl::ae_vector *p):ae_vector_wrapper(p,alglib_impl::DT_COMPLEX)
alglib::complex_1d_array::complex_1d_array(const alglib::complex_1d_array &rhs):ae_vector_wrapper(rhs,alglib_impl::DT_COMPLEX)
const alglib::complex_1d_array& alglib::complex_1d_array::operator=(const alglib::complex_1d_array &rhs)
return static_cast<const alglib::complex_1d_array&>(assign(rhs));
const alglib::complex& alglib::complex_1d_array::operator()(ae_int_t i) const
return *((const alglib::complex*)(ptr->ptr.p_complex+i));
alglib::complex& alglib::complex_1d_array::operator()(ae_int_t i)
return *((alglib::complex*)(ptr->ptr.p_complex+i));
const alglib::complex& alglib::complex_1d_array::operator[](ae_int_t i) const
return *((const alglib::complex*)(ptr->ptr.p_complex+i));
alglib::complex& alglib::complex_1d_array::operator[](ae_int_t i)
return *((alglib::complex*)(ptr->ptr.p_complex+i));
void alglib::complex_1d_array::setcontent(ae_int_t iLen, const alglib::complex *pContent )
ae_int_t i;
// setlength(), handle possible exception-free errors
if( ptr==NULL || ptr->cnt!=iLen )
// copy
for(i=0; i<iLen; i++)
ptr->ptr.p_complex[i].x = pContent[i].x;
ptr->ptr.p_complex[i].y = pContent[i].y;
alglib::complex* alglib::complex_1d_array::getcontent()
return (alglib::complex*)ptr->ptr.p_complex;
const alglib::complex* alglib::complex_1d_array::getcontent() const
return (const alglib::complex*)ptr->ptr.p_complex;
#if !defined(AE_NO_EXCEPTIONS)
alglib::complex_1d_array::complex_1d_array(const char *s):ae_vector_wrapper(s, alglib_impl::DT_COMPLEX)
std::string alglib::complex_1d_array::tostring(int dps) const
if( length()==0 )
return "[]";
return arraytostring(&operator()(0), length(), dps);
alglib::ae_matrix_wrapper::ae_matrix_wrapper(alglib_impl::ae_matrix *e_ptr, alglib_impl::ae_datatype datatype)
if( e_ptr->datatype!=datatype )
const char *msg = "ALGLIB: ae_vector_wrapper datatype check failed";
#if !defined(AE_NO_EXCEPTIONS)
ptr = NULL;
is_frozen_proxy = false;
ptr = e_ptr;
is_frozen_proxy = true;
alglib::ae_matrix_wrapper::ae_matrix_wrapper(alglib_impl::ae_datatype datatype)
jmp_buf _break_jump;
alglib_impl::ae_state _state;
if( setjmp(_break_jump) )
#if !defined(AE_NO_EXCEPTIONS)
ptr = NULL;
is_frozen_proxy = false;
alglib_impl::ae_state_set_break_jump(&_state, &_break_jump);
ptr = &inner_mat;
is_frozen_proxy = false;
memset(ptr, 0, sizeof(*ptr));
ae_matrix_init(ptr, 0, 0, datatype, &_state, ae_false);
alglib::ae_matrix_wrapper::ae_matrix_wrapper(const ae_matrix_wrapper &rhs, alglib_impl::ae_datatype datatype)
jmp_buf _break_jump;
alglib_impl::ae_state _state;
if( setjmp(_break_jump) )
#if !defined(AE_NO_EXCEPTIONS)
ptr = NULL;
is_frozen_proxy = false;
alglib_impl::ae_state_set_break_jump(&_state, &_break_jump);
is_frozen_proxy = false;
ptr = NULL;
alglib_impl::ae_assert(rhs.ptr->datatype==datatype, "ALGLIB: ae_matrix_wrapper datatype check failed", &_state);
if( rhs.ptr!=NULL )
ptr = &inner_mat;
memset(ptr, 0, sizeof(*ptr));
ae_matrix_init_copy(ptr, rhs.ptr, &_state, ae_false);
if( ptr==&inner_mat )
#if !defined(AE_NO_EXCEPTIONS)
alglib::ae_matrix_wrapper::ae_matrix_wrapper(const char *s, alglib_impl::ae_datatype datatype)
std::vector< std::vector<const char*> > smat;
size_t i, j;
char *p = filter_spaces(s);
if( p==NULL )
_ALGLIB_CPP_EXCEPTION("ALGLIB: allocation error");
str_matrix_create(p, &smat);
jmp_buf _break_jump;
alglib_impl::ae_state _state;
if( setjmp(_break_jump) )
alglib_impl::ae_state_set_break_jump(&_state, &_break_jump);
ptr = &inner_mat;
is_frozen_proxy = false;
memset(ptr, 0, sizeof(*ptr));
if( smat.size()!=0 )
ae_matrix_init(ptr, (ae_int_t)(smat.size()), (ae_int_t)(smat[0].size()), datatype, &_state, ae_false);
ae_matrix_init(ptr, 0, 0, datatype, &_state, ae_false);
for(i=0; i<smat.size(); i++)
for(j=0; j<smat[0].size(); j++)
if( datatype==alglib_impl::DT_BOOL )
ptr->ptr.pp_bool[i][j] = parse_bool_delim(smat[i][j],",]");
if( datatype==alglib_impl::DT_INT )
ptr->ptr.pp_int[i][j] = parse_int_delim(smat[i][j],",]");
if( datatype==alglib_impl::DT_REAL )
ptr->ptr.pp_double[i][j] = parse_real_delim(smat[i][j],",]");
if( datatype==alglib_impl::DT_COMPLEX )
alglib::complex t = parse_complex_delim(smat[i][j],",]");
ptr->ptr.pp_complex[i][j].x = t.x;
ptr->ptr.pp_complex[i][j].y = t.y;
void alglib::ae_matrix_wrapper::setlength(ae_int_t rows, ae_int_t cols) // TODO: automatic allocation of NULL ptr!!!!!
jmp_buf _break_jump;
alglib_impl::ae_state _state;
if( setjmp(_break_jump) )
#if !defined(AE_NO_EXCEPTIONS)
alglib_impl::ae_state_set_break_jump(&_state, &_break_jump);
alglib_impl::ae_assert(ptr!=NULL, "ALGLIB: setlength() error, p_mat==NULL (array was not correctly initialized)", &_state);
alglib_impl::ae_assert(!is_frozen_proxy, "ALGLIB: setlength() error, attempt to resize proxy array", &_state);
alglib_impl::ae_matrix_set_length(ptr, rows, cols, &_state);
alglib::ae_int_t alglib::ae_matrix_wrapper::rows() const
if( ptr==NULL )
return 0;
return ptr->rows;
alglib::ae_int_t alglib::ae_matrix_wrapper::cols() const
if( ptr==NULL )
return 0;
return ptr->cols;
bool alglib::ae_matrix_wrapper::isempty() const
return rows()==0 || cols()==0;
alglib::ae_int_t alglib::ae_matrix_wrapper::getstride() const
if( ptr==NULL )
return 0;
return ptr->stride;
void alglib::ae_matrix_wrapper::attach_to(alglib_impl::x_matrix *new_ptr, alglib_impl::ae_state *_state)
if( ptr==&inner_mat )
ptr = &inner_mat;
memset(ptr, 0, sizeof(*ptr));
ae_matrix_init_attach_to_x(ptr, new_ptr, _state, ae_false);
is_frozen_proxy = true;
const alglib::ae_matrix_wrapper& alglib::ae_matrix_wrapper::assign(const alglib::ae_matrix_wrapper &rhs)
ae_int_t i;
jmp_buf _break_jump;
alglib_impl::ae_state _state;
if( this==&rhs )
return *this;
if( setjmp(_break_jump) )
#if !defined(AE_NO_EXCEPTIONS)
return *this;
alglib_impl::ae_state_set_break_jump(&_state, &_break_jump);
ae_assert(ptr!=NULL, "ALGLIB: incorrect assignment to matrix (uninitialized destination)", &_state);
ae_assert(rhs.ptr!=NULL, "ALGLIB: incorrect assignment to array (uninitialized source)", &_state);
ae_assert(rhs.ptr->datatype==ptr->datatype, "ALGLIB: incorrect assignment to array (types dont match)", &_state);
if( is_frozen_proxy )
ae_assert(rhs.ptr->rows==ptr->rows, "ALGLIB: incorrect assignment to proxy array (sizes dont match)", &_state);
ae_assert(rhs.ptr->cols==ptr->cols, "ALGLIB: incorrect assignment to proxy array (sizes dont match)", &_state);
if( (rhs.ptr->rows!=ptr->rows) || (rhs.ptr->cols!=ptr->cols) )
ae_matrix_set_length(ptr, rhs.ptr->rows, rhs.ptr->cols, &_state);
for(i=0; i<ptr->rows; i++)
memcpy(ptr->ptr.pp_void[i], rhs.ptr->ptr.pp_void[i], ptr->cols*alglib_impl::ae_sizeof(ptr->datatype));
return *this;
const alglib_impl::ae_matrix* alglib::ae_matrix_wrapper::c_ptr() const
return ptr;
alglib_impl::ae_matrix* alglib::ae_matrix_wrapper::c_ptr()
return ptr;
alglib::boolean_2d_array::boolean_2d_array(const alglib::boolean_2d_array &rhs):ae_matrix_wrapper(rhs,alglib_impl::DT_BOOL)
alglib::boolean_2d_array::boolean_2d_array(alglib_impl::ae_matrix *p):ae_matrix_wrapper(p,alglib_impl::DT_BOOL)
const alglib::boolean_2d_array& alglib::boolean_2d_array::operator=(const alglib::boolean_2d_array &rhs)
return static_cast<const boolean_2d_array&>(assign(rhs));
const ae_bool& alglib::boolean_2d_array::operator()(ae_int_t i, ae_int_t j) const
return ptr->ptr.pp_bool[i][j];
ae_bool& alglib::boolean_2d_array::operator()(ae_int_t i, ae_int_t j)
return ptr->ptr.pp_bool[i][j];
const ae_bool* alglib::boolean_2d_array::operator[](ae_int_t i) const
return ptr->ptr.pp_bool[i];
ae_bool* alglib::boolean_2d_array::operator[](ae_int_t i)
return ptr->ptr.pp_bool[i];
void alglib::boolean_2d_array::setcontent(ae_int_t irows, ae_int_t icols, const bool *pContent )
ae_int_t i, j;
// setlength(), handle possible exception-free errors
setlength(irows, icols);
if( ptr==NULL || ptr->rows!=irows || ptr->cols!=icols )
// copy
for(i=0; i<irows; i++)
for(j=0; j<icols; j++)
ptr->ptr.pp_bool[i][j] = pContent[i*icols+j];
#if !defined(AE_NO_EXCEPTIONS)
alglib::boolean_2d_array::boolean_2d_array(const char *s):ae_matrix_wrapper(s, alglib_impl::DT_BOOL)
std::string alglib::boolean_2d_array::tostring() const
std::string result;
ae_int_t i;
if( isempty() )
return "[[]]";
result = "[";
for(i=0; i<rows(); i++)
if( i!=0 )
result += ",";
result += arraytostring(&operator()(i,0), cols());
result += "]";
return result;
alglib::integer_2d_array::integer_2d_array(const alglib::integer_2d_array &rhs):ae_matrix_wrapper(rhs,alglib_impl::DT_INT)
alglib::integer_2d_array::integer_2d_array(alglib_impl::ae_matrix *p):ae_matrix_wrapper(p,alglib_impl::DT_INT)
const alglib::integer_2d_array& alglib::integer_2d_array::operator=(const alglib::integer_2d_array &rhs)
return static_cast<const integer_2d_array&>(assign(rhs));
const alglib::ae_int_t& alglib::integer_2d_array::operator()(ae_int_t i, ae_int_t j) const
return ptr->ptr.pp_int[i][j];
alglib::ae_int_t& alglib::integer_2d_array::operator()(ae_int_t i, ae_int_t j)
return ptr->ptr.pp_int[i][j];
const alglib::ae_int_t* alglib::integer_2d_array::operator[](ae_int_t i) const
return ptr->ptr.pp_int[i];
alglib::ae_int_t* alglib::integer_2d_array::operator[](ae_int_t i)
return ptr->ptr.pp_int[i];
void alglib::integer_2d_array::setcontent(ae_int_t irows, ae_int_t icols, const ae_int_t *pContent )
ae_int_t i, j;
// setlength(), handle possible exception-free errors
setlength(irows, icols);
if( ptr==NULL || ptr->rows!=irows || ptr->cols!=icols )
// copy
for(i=0; i<irows; i++)
for(j=0; j<icols; j++)
ptr->ptr.pp_int[i][j] = pContent[i*icols+j];
#if !defined(AE_NO_EXCEPTIONS)
alglib::integer_2d_array::integer_2d_array(const char *s):ae_matrix_wrapper(s, alglib_impl::DT_INT)
std::string alglib::integer_2d_array::tostring() const
std::string result;
ae_int_t i;
if( isempty() )
return "[[]]";
result = "[";
for(i=0; i<rows(); i++)
if( i!=0 )
result += ",";
result += arraytostring(&operator()(i,0), cols());
result += "]";
return result;
alglib::real_2d_array::real_2d_array(const alglib::real_2d_array &rhs):ae_matrix_wrapper(rhs,alglib_impl::DT_REAL)
alglib::real_2d_array::real_2d_array(alglib_impl::ae_matrix *p):ae_matrix_wrapper(p,alglib_impl::DT_REAL)
const alglib::real_2d_array& alglib::real_2d_array::operator=(const alglib::real_2d_array &rhs)
return static_cast<const real_2d_array&>(assign(rhs));
const double& alglib::real_2d_array::operator()(ae_int_t i, ae_int_t j) const
return ptr->ptr.pp_double[i][j];
double& alglib::real_2d_array::operator()(ae_int_t i, ae_int_t j)
return ptr->ptr.pp_double[i][j];
const double* alglib::real_2d_array::operator[](ae_int_t i) const
return ptr->ptr.pp_double[i];
double* alglib::real_2d_array::operator[](ae_int_t i)
return ptr->ptr.pp_double[i];
void alglib::real_2d_array::setcontent(ae_int_t irows, ae_int_t icols, const double *pContent )
ae_int_t i, j;
// setlength(), handle possible exception-free errors
setlength(irows, icols);
if( ptr==NULL || ptr->rows!=irows || ptr->cols!=icols )
// copy
for(i=0; i<irows; i++)
for(j=0; j<icols; j++)
ptr->ptr.pp_double[i][j] = pContent[i*icols+j];
void alglib::real_2d_array::attach_to_ptr(ae_int_t irows, ae_int_t icols, double *pContent )
jmp_buf _break_jump;
alglib_impl::ae_state _state;
alglib_impl::x_matrix x;
if( setjmp(_break_jump) )
#if !defined(AE_NO_EXCEPTIONS)
ptr = NULL;
is_frozen_proxy = false;
alglib_impl::ae_state_set_break_jump(&_state, &_break_jump);
alglib_impl::ae_assert(!is_frozen_proxy, "ALGLIB: unable to attach proxy object to something else", &_state);
alglib_impl::ae_assert(irows>0&&icols>0, "ALGLIB: non-positive length for attach_to_ptr()", &_state);
x.rows = irows;
x.cols = icols;
x.stride = icols;
x.datatype = alglib_impl::DT_REAL;
x.owner = alglib_impl::OWN_CALLER;
x.last_action = alglib_impl::ACT_UNCHANGED;
x.x_ptr.p_ptr = pContent;
attach_to(&x, &_state);
#if !defined(AE_NO_EXCEPTIONS)
alglib::real_2d_array::real_2d_array(const char *s):ae_matrix_wrapper(s, alglib_impl::DT_REAL)
std::string alglib::real_2d_array::tostring(int dps) const
std::string result;
ae_int_t i;
if( isempty() )
return "[[]]";
result = "[";
for(i=0; i<rows(); i++)
if( i!=0 )
result += ",";
result += arraytostring(&operator()(i,0), cols(), dps);
result += "]";
return result;
alglib::complex_2d_array::complex_2d_array(const alglib::complex_2d_array &rhs):ae_matrix_wrapper(rhs,alglib_impl::DT_COMPLEX)
alglib::complex_2d_array::complex_2d_array(alglib_impl::ae_matrix *p):ae_matrix_wrapper(p,alglib_impl::DT_COMPLEX)
const alglib::complex_2d_array& alglib::complex_2d_array::operator=(const alglib::complex_2d_array &rhs)
return static_cast<const complex_2d_array&>(assign(rhs));
const alglib::complex& alglib::complex_2d_array::operator()(ae_int_t i, ae_int_t j) const
return *((const alglib::complex*)(ptr->ptr.pp_complex[i]+j));
alglib::complex& alglib::complex_2d_array::operator()(ae_int_t i, ae_int_t j)
return *((alglib::complex*)(ptr->ptr.pp_complex[i]+j));
const alglib::complex* alglib::complex_2d_array::operator[](ae_int_t i) const
return (const alglib::complex*)(ptr->ptr.pp_complex[i]);
alglib::complex* alglib::complex_2d_array::operator[](ae_int_t i)
return (alglib::complex*)(ptr->ptr.pp_complex[i]);
void alglib::complex_2d_array::setcontent(ae_int_t irows, ae_int_t icols, const alglib::complex *pContent )
ae_int_t i, j;
// setlength(), handle possible exception-free errors
setlength(irows, icols);
if( ptr==NULL || ptr->rows!=irows || ptr->cols!=icols )
// copy
for(i=0; i<irows; i++)
for(j=0; j<icols; j++)
ptr->ptr.pp_complex[i][j].x = pContent[i*icols+j].x;
ptr->ptr.pp_complex[i][j].y = pContent[i*icols+j].y;
#if !defined(AE_NO_EXCEPTIONS)
alglib::complex_2d_array::complex_2d_array(const char *s):ae_matrix_wrapper(s, alglib_impl::DT_COMPLEX)
std::string alglib::complex_2d_array::tostring(int dps) const
std::string result;
ae_int_t i;
if( isempty() )
return "[[]]";
result = "[";
for(i=0; i<rows(); i++)
if( i!=0 )
result += ",";
result += arraytostring(&operator()(i,0), cols(), dps);
result += "]";
return result;
Internal functions
double alglib::get_aenv_nan()
double r;
alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
r = _alglib_env_state.v_nan;
return r;
double alglib::get_aenv_posinf()
double r;
alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
r = _alglib_env_state.v_posinf;
return r;
double alglib::get_aenv_neginf()
double r;
alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
r = _alglib_env_state.v_neginf;
return r;
alglib::ae_int_t alglib::my_stricmp(const char *s1, const char *s2)
int c1, c2;
// handle special cases
if(s1==NULL && s2!=NULL)
return -1;
if(s1!=NULL && s2==NULL)
return +1;
if(s1==NULL && s2==NULL)
return 0;
// compare
for (;;)
c1 = *s1;
c2 = *s2;
if( c1==0 )
return c2==0 ? 0 : -1;
if( c2==0 )
return c1==0 ? 0 : +1;
c1 = tolower(c1);
c2 = tolower(c2);
if( c1<c2 )
return -1;
if( c1>c2 )
return +1;
#if !defined(AE_NO_EXCEPTIONS)
// This function filters out all spaces from the string.
// It returns string allocated with ae_malloc().
// On allocaction failure returns NULL.
char* alglib::filter_spaces(const char *s)
size_t i, n;
char *r;
char *r0;
n = strlen(s);
r = (char*)alglib_impl::ae_malloc(n+1,NULL);
if( r==NULL )
return r;
for(i=0,r0=r; i<=n; i++,s++)
if( !isspace(*s) )
*r0 = *s;
return r;
void alglib::str_vector_create(const char *src, bool match_head_only, std::vector<const char*> *p_vec)
// parse beginning of the string.
// try to handle "[]" string
if( *src!='[' )
_ALGLIB_CPP_EXCEPTION("Incorrect initializer for vector");
if( *src==']' )
if( *src==0 )
_ALGLIB_CPP_EXCEPTION("Incorrect initializer for vector");
if( *src==']' )
if( src[1]==0 || !match_head_only)
_ALGLIB_CPP_EXCEPTION("Incorrect initializer for vector");
if( *src==',' )
void alglib::str_matrix_create(const char *src, std::vector< std::vector<const char*> > *p_mat)
// Try to handle "[[]]" string
if( strcmp(src, "[[]]")==0 )
// Parse non-empty string
if( *src!='[' )
_ALGLIB_CPP_EXCEPTION("Incorrect initializer for matrix");
p_mat->push_back(std::vector<const char*>());
str_vector_create(src, false, &p_mat->back());
if( p_mat->back().size()==0 || p_mat->back().size()!=(*p_mat)[0].size() )
_ALGLIB_CPP_EXCEPTION("Incorrect initializer for matrix");
src = strchr(src, ']');
if( src==NULL )
_ALGLIB_CPP_EXCEPTION("Incorrect initializer for matrix");
if( *src==',' )
if( *src==']' )
_ALGLIB_CPP_EXCEPTION("Incorrect initializer for matrix");
if( *src!=0 )
_ALGLIB_CPP_EXCEPTION("Incorrect initializer for matrix");
ae_bool alglib::parse_bool_delim(const char *s, const char *delim)
const char *p;
char buf[8];
// try to parse false
p = "false";
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
strncpy(buf, s, strlen(p));
if( my_stricmp(buf, p)==0 )
if( s[strlen(p)]==0 || strchr(delim,s[strlen(p)])==NULL )
_ALGLIB_CPP_EXCEPTION("Cannot parse value");
return ae_false;
// try to parse true
p = "true";
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
strncpy(buf, s, strlen(p));
if( my_stricmp(buf, p)==0 )
if( s[strlen(p)]==0 || strchr(delim,s[strlen(p)])==NULL )
_ALGLIB_CPP_EXCEPTION("Cannot parse value");
return ae_true;
// error
_ALGLIB_CPP_EXCEPTION("Cannot parse value");
alglib::ae_int_t alglib::parse_int_delim(const char *s, const char *delim)
const char *p;
long long_val;
volatile ae_int_t ae_val;
p = s;
// check string structure:
// * leading sign
// * at least one digit
// * delimiter
if( *s=='-' || *s=='+' )
if( *s==0 || strchr("1234567890",*s)==NULL)
_ALGLIB_CPP_EXCEPTION("Cannot parse value");
while( *s!=0 && strchr("1234567890",*s)!=NULL )
if( *s==0 || strchr(delim,*s)==NULL )
_ALGLIB_CPP_EXCEPTION("Cannot parse value");
// convert and ensure that value fits into ae_int_t
s = p;
long_val = atol(s);
ae_val = long_val;
if( ae_val!=long_val )
_ALGLIB_CPP_EXCEPTION("Cannot parse value");
return ae_val;
bool alglib::_parse_real_delim(const char *s, const char *delim, double *result, const char **new_s)
const char *p;
char *t;
bool has_digits;
char buf[64];
int isign;
lconv *loc;
p = s;
// check string structure and decide what to do
isign = 1;
if( *s=='-' || *s=='+' )
isign = *s=='-' ? -1 : +1;
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
strncpy(buf, s, 3);
if( my_stricmp(buf,"nan")!=0 && my_stricmp(buf,"inf")!=0 )
// [sign] [ddd] [.] [ddd] [e|E[sign]ddd]
has_digits = false;
if( *s!=0 && strchr("1234567890",*s)!=NULL )
has_digits = true;
while( *s!=0 && strchr("1234567890",*s)!=NULL )
if( *s=='.' )
if( *s!=0 && strchr("1234567890",*s)!=NULL )
has_digits = true;
while( *s!=0 && strchr("1234567890",*s)!=NULL )
if (!has_digits )
return false;
if( *s=='e' || *s=='E' )
if( *s=='-' || *s=='+' )
if( *s==0 || strchr("1234567890",*s)==NULL )
return false;
while( *s!=0 && strchr("1234567890",*s)!=NULL )
if( *s==0 || strchr(delim,*s)==NULL )
return false;
*new_s = s;
// finite value conversion
if( *new_s-p>=(int)sizeof(buf) )
return false;
strncpy(buf, p, (size_t)(*new_s-p));
buf[*new_s-p] = 0;
loc = localeconv();
t = strchr(buf,'.');
if( t!=NULL )
*t = *loc->decimal_point;
*result = atof(buf);
return true;
// check delimiter and update *new_s
s += 3;
if( *s==0 || strchr(delim,*s)==NULL )
return false;
*new_s = s;
// NAN, INF conversion
if( my_stricmp(buf,"nan")==0 )
*result = fp_nan;
if( my_stricmp(buf,"inf")==0 )
*result = isign>0 ? fp_posinf : fp_neginf;
return true;
double alglib::parse_real_delim(const char *s, const char *delim)
double result;
const char *new_s;
if( !_parse_real_delim(s, delim, &result, &new_s) )
_ALGLIB_CPP_EXCEPTION("Cannot parse value");
return result;
alglib::complex alglib::parse_complex_delim(const char *s, const char *delim)
double d_result;
const char *new_s;
alglib::complex c_result;
// parse as real value
if( _parse_real_delim(s, delim, &d_result, &new_s) )
return d_result;
// parse as "a+bi" or "a-bi"
if( _parse_real_delim(s, "+-", &c_result.x, &new_s) )
s = new_s;
if( !_parse_real_delim(s, "i", &c_result.y, &new_s) )
_ALGLIB_CPP_EXCEPTION("Cannot parse value");
s = new_s+1;
if( *s==0 || strchr(delim,*s)==NULL )
_ALGLIB_CPP_EXCEPTION("Cannot parse value");
return c_result;
// parse as complex value "bi+a" or "bi-a"
if( _parse_real_delim(s, "i", &c_result.y, &new_s) )
s = new_s+1;
if( *s==0 )
_ALGLIB_CPP_EXCEPTION("Cannot parse value");
if( strchr(delim,*s)!=NULL )
c_result.x = 0;
return c_result;
if( strchr("+-",*s)!=NULL )
if( !_parse_real_delim(s, delim, &c_result.x, &new_s) )
_ALGLIB_CPP_EXCEPTION("Cannot parse value");
return c_result;
_ALGLIB_CPP_EXCEPTION("Cannot parse value");
// error
_ALGLIB_CPP_EXCEPTION("Cannot parse value");
std::string alglib::arraytostring(const bool *ptr, ae_int_t n)
std::string result;
ae_int_t i;
result = "[";
for(i=0; i<n; i++)
if( i!=0 )
result += ",";
result += ptr[i] ? "true" : "false";
result += "]";
return result;
std::string alglib::arraytostring(const ae_int_t *ptr, ae_int_t n)
std::string result;
ae_int_t i;
char buf[64];
result = "[";
for(i=0; i<n; i++)
if( sprintf(buf, i==0 ? "%ld" : ",%ld", long(ptr[i]))>=(int)sizeof(buf) )
_ALGLIB_CPP_EXCEPTION("arraytostring(): buffer overflow");
result += buf;
result += "]";
return result;
std::string alglib::arraytostring(const double *ptr, ae_int_t n, int _dps)
std::string result;
ae_int_t i;
char buf[64];
char mask1[64];
char mask2[64];
int dps = _dps>=0 ? _dps : -_dps;
result = "[";
if( sprintf(mask1, "%%.%d%s", dps, _dps>=0 ? "f" : "e")>=(int)sizeof(mask1) )
_ALGLIB_CPP_EXCEPTION("arraytostring(): buffer overflow");
if( sprintf(mask2, ",%s", mask1)>=(int)sizeof(mask2) )
_ALGLIB_CPP_EXCEPTION("arraytostring(): buffer overflow");
for(i=0; i<n; i++)
buf[0] = 0;
if( fp_isfinite(ptr[i]) )
if( sprintf(buf, i==0 ? mask1 : mask2, double(ptr[i]))>=(int)sizeof(buf) )
_ALGLIB_CPP_EXCEPTION("arraytostring(): buffer overflow");
else if( fp_isnan(ptr[i]) )
strcpy(buf, i==0 ? "NAN" : ",NAN");
else if( fp_isposinf(ptr[i]) )
strcpy(buf, i==0 ? "+INF" : ",+INF");
else if( fp_isneginf(ptr[i]) )
strcpy(buf, i==0 ? "-INF" : ",-INF");
result += buf;
result += "]";
return result;
std::string alglib::arraytostring(const alglib::complex *ptr, ae_int_t n, int dps)
std::string result;
ae_int_t i;
result = "[";
for(i=0; i<n; i++)
if( i!=0 )
result += ",";
result += ptr[i].tostring(dps);
result += "]";
return result;
standard functions
int alglib::sign(double x)
if( x>0 ) return 1;
if( x<0 ) return -1;
return 0;
double alglib::randomreal()
int i1 = rand();
int i2 = rand();
double mx = (double)(RAND_MAX)+1.0;
volatile double tmp0 = i2/mx;
volatile double tmp1 = i1+tmp0;
return tmp1/mx;
alglib::ae_int_t alglib::randominteger(alglib::ae_int_t maxv)
return ((alglib::ae_int_t)rand())%maxv;
int alglib::round(double x)
{ return int(floor(x+0.5)); }
int alglib::trunc(double x)
{ return int(x>0 ? floor(x) : ceil(x)); }
int alglib::ifloor(double x)
{ return int(floor(x)); }
int alglib::iceil(double x)
{ return int(ceil(x)); }
double alglib::pi()
{ return 3.14159265358979323846; }
double alglib::sqr(double x)
{ return x*x; }
int alglib::maxint(int m1, int m2)
return m1>m2 ? m1 : m2;
int alglib::minint(int m1, int m2)
return m1>m2 ? m2 : m1;
double alglib::maxreal(double m1, double m2)
return m1>m2 ? m1 : m2;
double alglib::minreal(double m1, double m2)
return m1>m2 ? m2 : m1;
bool alglib::fp_eq(double v1, double v2)
// IEEE-strict floating point comparison
volatile double x = v1;
volatile double y = v2;
return x==y;
bool alglib::fp_neq(double v1, double v2)
// IEEE-strict floating point comparison
return !fp_eq(v1,v2);
bool alglib::fp_less(double v1, double v2)
// IEEE-strict floating point comparison
volatile double x = v1;
volatile double y = v2;
return x<y;
bool alglib::fp_less_eq(double v1, double v2)
// IEEE-strict floating point comparison
volatile double x = v1;
volatile double y = v2;
return x<=y;
bool alglib::fp_greater(double v1, double v2)
// IEEE-strict floating point comparison
volatile double x = v1;
volatile double y = v2;
return x>y;
bool alglib::fp_greater_eq(double v1, double v2)
// IEEE-strict floating point comparison
volatile double x = v1;
volatile double y = v2;
return x>=y;
bool alglib::fp_isnan(double x)
return alglib_impl::ae_isnan_stateless(x,endianness);
bool alglib::fp_isposinf(double x)
return alglib_impl::ae_isposinf_stateless(x,endianness);
bool alglib::fp_isneginf(double x)
return alglib_impl::ae_isneginf_stateless(x,endianness);
bool alglib::fp_isinf(double x)
return alglib_impl::ae_isinf_stateless(x,endianness);
bool alglib::fp_isfinite(double x)
return alglib_impl::ae_isfinite_stateless(x,endianness);
CSV functions
#if !defined(AE_NO_EXCEPTIONS)
void alglib::read_csv(const char *filename, char separator, int flags, alglib::real_2d_array &out)
int flag;
// Parameters
bool skip_first_row = (flags&CSV_SKIP_HEADERS)!=0;
// Prepare empty output array
// Open file, determine size, read contents
FILE *f_in = fopen(filename, "rb");
if( f_in==NULL )
_ALGLIB_CPP_EXCEPTION("read_csv: unable to open input file");
flag = fseek(f_in, 0, SEEK_END);
long int _filesize = ftell(f_in);
if( _filesize==0 )
// empty file, return empty array, success
size_t filesize = _filesize;
std::vector<char> v_buf;
v_buf.resize(filesize+2, 0);
char *p_buf = &v_buf[0];
flag = fseek(f_in, 0, SEEK_SET);
size_t bytes_read = fread ((void*)p_buf, 1, filesize, f_in);
// Normalize file contents:
// * replace 0x0 by spaces
// * remove trailing spaces and newlines
// * append trailing '\n' and '\0' characters
// Return if file contains only spaces/newlines.
for(size_t i=0; i<filesize; i++)
if( p_buf[i]==0 )
p_buf[i] = ' ';
for(; filesize>0; )
char c = p_buf[filesize-1];
if( c==' ' || c=='\t' || c=='\n' || c=='\r' )
if( filesize==0 )
p_buf[filesize+0] = '\n';
p_buf[filesize+1] = '\0';
// Scan dataset.
size_t rows_count = 0, cols_count = 0, max_length = 0;
std::vector<size_t> offsets, lengths;
for(size_t row_start=0; p_buf[row_start]!=0x0; )
// determine row length
size_t row_length;
for(row_length=0; p_buf[row_start+row_length]!='\n'; row_length++);
// determine cols count, perform integrity check
size_t cur_cols_cnt=1;
for(size_t idx=0; idx<row_length; idx++)
if( p_buf[row_start+idx]==separator )
if( cols_count>0 && cols_count!=cur_cols_cnt )
_ALGLIB_CPP_EXCEPTION("read_csv: non-rectangular contents, rows have different sizes");
cols_count = cur_cols_cnt;
// store offsets and lengths of the fields
size_t cur_offs = 0;
for(size_t idx=0; idx<row_length+1; idx++)
if( p_buf[row_start+idx]==separator || p_buf[row_start+idx]=='\n' )
max_length = idx-cur_offs>max_length ? idx-cur_offs : max_length;
cur_offs = idx+1;
// advance row start
row_start = row_start+row_length+1;
if( rows_count==1 && skip_first_row ) // empty output, return
// Convert
size_t row0 = skip_first_row ? 1 : 0;
size_t row1 = rows_count;
lconv *loc = localeconv();
out.setlength(row1-row0, cols_count);
for(size_t ridx=row0; ridx<row1; ridx++)
for(size_t cidx=0; cidx<cols_count; cidx++)
char *p_field = p_buf+offsets[ridx*cols_count+cidx];
size_t field_len = lengths[ridx*cols_count+cidx];
for(size_t idx=0; idx<field_len; idx++)
if( p_field[idx]=='.' || p_field[idx]==',' )
p_field[idx] = *loc->decimal_point;
out[ridx-row0][cidx] = atof(p_field);
Trace functions
void alglib::trace_file(std::string tags, std::string filename)
alglib_impl::ae_trace_file(tags.c_str(), filename.c_str());
void alglib::trace_disable()
namespace alglib_impl
#define alglib_simd_alignment 16
#define alglib_r_block 32
#define alglib_half_r_block 16
#define alglib_twice_r_block 64
#define alglib_c_block 16
#define alglib_half_c_block 8
#define alglib_twice_c_block 32
This subroutine calculates fast 32x32 real matrix-vector product:
y := beta*y + alpha*A*x
using either generic C code or native optimizations (if available)
* A must be stored in row-major order,
stride is alglib_r_block,
aligned on alglib_simd_alignment boundary
* X must be aligned on alglib_simd_alignment boundary
* Y may be non-aligned
void _ialglib_mv_32(const double *a, const double *x, double *y, ae_int_t stride, double alpha, double beta)
ae_int_t i, k;
const double *pa0, *pa1, *pb;
pa0 = a;
pa1 = a+alglib_r_block;
pb = x;
for(i=0; i<16; i++)
double v0 = 0, v1 = 0;
for(k=0; k<4; k++)
v0 += pa0[0]*pb[0];
v1 += pa1[0]*pb[0];
v0 += pa0[1]*pb[1];
v1 += pa1[1]*pb[1];
v0 += pa0[2]*pb[2];
v1 += pa1[2]*pb[2];
v0 += pa0[3]*pb[3];
v1 += pa1[3]*pb[3];
v0 += pa0[4]*pb[4];
v1 += pa1[4]*pb[4];
v0 += pa0[5]*pb[5];
v1 += pa1[5]*pb[5];
v0 += pa0[6]*pb[6];
v1 += pa1[6]*pb[6];
v0 += pa0[7]*pb[7];
v1 += pa1[7]*pb[7];
pa0 += 8;
pa1 += 8;
pb += 8;
y[0] = beta*y[0]+alpha*v0;
y[stride] = beta*y[stride]+alpha*v1;
* now we've processed rows I and I+1,
* pa0 and pa1 are pointing to rows I+1 and I+2.
* move to I+2 and I+3.
pa0 += alglib_r_block;
pa1 += alglib_r_block;
pb = x;
This function calculates MxN real matrix-vector product:
y := beta*y + alpha*A*x
using generic C code. It calls _ialglib_mv_32 if both M=32 and N=32.
If beta is zero, we do not use previous values of y (they are overwritten
by alpha*A*x without ever being read). If alpha is zero, no matrix-vector
product is calculated (only beta is updated); however, this update is not
efficient and this function should NOT be used for multiplication of
vector and scalar.
* 0<=M<=alglib_r_block, 0<=N<=alglib_r_block
* A must be stored in row-major order with stride equal to alglib_r_block
void _ialglib_rmv(ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, const double *a, const double *x, double *y, ae_int_t stride, double alpha, double beta)
* Handle special cases:
* - alpha is zero or n is zero
* - m is zero
if( m==0 )
if( alpha==0.0 || n==0 )
ae_int_t i;
if( beta==0.0 )
for(i=0; i<m; i++)
*y = 0.0;
y += stride;
for(i=0; i<m; i++)
*y *= beta;
y += stride;
* Handle general case: nonzero alpha, n and m
if( m==32 && n==32 )
* 32x32, may be we have something better than general implementation
_ialglib_mv_32(a, x, y, stride, alpha, beta);
ae_int_t i, k, m2, n8, n2, ntrail2;
const double *pa0, *pa1, *pb;
* First M/2 rows of A are processed in pairs.
* optimized code is used.
m2 = m/2;
n8 = n/8;
ntrail2 = (n-8*n8)/2;
for(i=0; i<m2; i++)
double v0 = 0, v1 = 0;
* 'a' points to the part of the matrix which
* is not processed yet
pb = x;
pa0 = a;
pa1 = a+alglib_r_block;
a += alglib_twice_r_block;
* 8 elements per iteration
for(k=0; k<n8; k++)
v0 += pa0[0]*pb[0];
v1 += pa1[0]*pb[0];
v0 += pa0[1]*pb[1];
v1 += pa1[1]*pb[1];
v0 += pa0[2]*pb[2];
v1 += pa1[2]*pb[2];
v0 += pa0[3]*pb[3];
v1 += pa1[3]*pb[3];
v0 += pa0[4]*pb[4];
v1 += pa1[4]*pb[4];
v0 += pa0[5]*pb[5];
v1 += pa1[5]*pb[5];
v0 += pa0[6]*pb[6];
v1 += pa1[6]*pb[6];
v0 += pa0[7]*pb[7];
v1 += pa1[7]*pb[7];
pa0 += 8;
pa1 += 8;
pb += 8;
* 2 elements per iteration
for(k=0; k<ntrail2; k++)
v0 += pa0[0]*pb[0];
v1 += pa1[0]*pb[0];
v0 += pa0[1]*pb[1];
v1 += pa1[1]*pb[1];
pa0 += 2;
pa1 += 2;
pb += 2;
* last element, if needed
if( n%2!=0 )
v0 += pa0[0]*pb[0];
v1 += pa1[0]*pb[0];
* final update
if( beta!=0 )
y[0] = beta*y[0]+alpha*v0;
y[stride] = beta*y[stride]+alpha*v1;
y[0] = alpha*v0;
y[stride] = alpha*v1;
* move to the next pair of elements
* Last (odd) row is processed with less optimized code.
if( m%2!=0 )
double v0 = 0;
* 'a' points to the part of the matrix which
* is not processed yet
pb = x;
pa0 = a;
* 2 elements per iteration
n2 = n/2;
for(k=0; k<n2; k++)
v0 += pa0[0]*pb[0]+pa0[1]*pb[1];
pa0 += 2;
pb += 2;
* last element, if needed
if( n%2!=0 )
v0 += pa0[0]*pb[0];
* final update
if( beta!=0 )
y[0] = beta*y[0]+alpha*v0;
y[0] = alpha*v0;
This function calculates MxN real matrix-vector product:
y := beta*y + alpha*A*x
using generic C code. It calls _ialglib_mv_32 if both M=32 and N=32.
If beta is zero, we do not use previous values of y (they are overwritten
by alpha*A*x without ever being read). If alpha is zero, no matrix-vector
product is calculated (only beta is updated); however, this update is not
efficient and this function should NOT be used for multiplication of
vector and scalar.
* 0<=M<=alglib_r_block, 0<=N<=alglib_r_block
* A must be stored in row-major order with stride equal to alglib_r_block
* y may be non-aligned
* both A and x must have same offset with respect to 16-byte boundary:
either both are aligned, or both are aligned with offset 8. Function
will crash your system if you try to call it with misaligned or
incorrectly aligned data.
This function supports SSE2; it can be used when:
1. AE_HAS_SSE2_INTRINSICS was defined (checked at compile-time)
2. ae_cpuid() result contains CPU_SSE2 (checked at run-time)
If (1) is failed, this function will be undefined. If (2) is failed, call
to this function will probably crash your system.
If you want to know whether it is safe to call it, you should check
results of ae_cpuid(). If CPU_SSE2 bit is set, this function is callable
and will do its work.
void _ialglib_rmv_sse2(ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, const double *a, const double *x, double *y, ae_int_t stride, double alpha, double beta)
ae_int_t i, k, n2;
ae_int_t mb3, mtail, nhead, nb8, nb2, ntail;
const double *pa0, *pa1, *pa2, *pb;
__m128d v0, v1, v2, va0, va1, va2, vx, vtmp;
* Handle special cases:
* - alpha is zero or n is zero
* - m is zero
if( m==0 )
if( alpha==0.0 || n==0 )
if( beta==0.0 )
for(i=0; i<m; i++)
*y = 0.0;
y += stride;
for(i=0; i<m; i++)
*y *= beta;
y += stride;
* Handle general case: nonzero alpha, n and m
* We divide problem as follows...
* Rows M are divided into:
* - mb3 blocks, each 3xN
* - mtail blocks, each 1xN
* Within a row, elements are divided into:
* - nhead 1x1 blocks (used to align the rest, either 0 or 1)
* - nb8 1x8 blocks, aligned to 16-byte boundary
* - nb2 1x2 blocks, aligned to 16-byte boundary
* - ntail 1x1 blocks, aligned too (altough we don't rely on it)
n2 = n/2;
mb3 = m/3;
mtail = m%3;
nhead = ae_misalignment(a,alglib_simd_alignment)==0 ? 0 : 1;
nb8 = (n-nhead)/8;
nb2 = (n-nhead-8*nb8)/2;
ntail = n-nhead-8*nb8-2*nb2;
for(i=0; i<mb3; i++)
double row0, row1, row2;
row0 = 0;
row1 = 0;
row2 = 0;
pb = x;
pa0 = a;
pa1 = a+alglib_r_block;
pa2 = a+alglib_twice_r_block;
a += 3*alglib_r_block;
if( nhead==1 )
vx = _mm_load_sd(pb);
v0 = _mm_load_sd(pa0);
v1 = _mm_load_sd(pa1);
v2 = _mm_load_sd(pa2);
v0 = _mm_mul_sd(v0,vx);
v1 = _mm_mul_sd(v1,vx);
v2 = _mm_mul_sd(v2,vx);
v0 = _mm_setzero_pd();
v1 = _mm_setzero_pd();
v2 = _mm_setzero_pd();
for(k=0; k<nb8; k++)
* this code is a shuffle of simultaneous dot product.
* see below for commented unshuffled original version.
vx = _mm_load_pd(pb);
va0 = _mm_load_pd(pa0);
va1 = _mm_load_pd(pa1);
va0 = _mm_mul_pd(va0,vx);
va2 = _mm_load_pd(pa2);
v0 = _mm_add_pd(va0,v0);
va1 = _mm_mul_pd(va1,vx);
va0 = _mm_load_pd(pa0+2);
v1 = _mm_add_pd(va1,v1);
va2 = _mm_mul_pd(va2,vx);
va1 = _mm_load_pd(pa1+2);
v2 = _mm_add_pd(va2,v2);
vx = _mm_load_pd(pb+2);
va0 = _mm_mul_pd(va0,vx);
va2 = _mm_load_pd(pa2+2);
v0 = _mm_add_pd(va0,v0);
va1 = _mm_mul_pd(va1,vx);
va0 = _mm_load_pd(pa0+4);
v1 = _mm_add_pd(va1,v1);
va2 = _mm_mul_pd(va2,vx);
va1 = _mm_load_pd(pa1+4);
v2 = _mm_add_pd(va2,v2);
vx = _mm_load_pd(pb+4);
va0 = _mm_mul_pd(va0,vx);
va2 = _mm_load_pd(pa2+4);
v0 = _mm_add_pd(va0,v0);
va1 = _mm_mul_pd(va1,vx);
va0 = _mm_load_pd(pa0+6);
v1 = _mm_add_pd(va1,v1);
va2 = _mm_mul_pd(va2,vx);
va1 = _mm_load_pd(pa1+6);
v2 = _mm_add_pd(va2,v2);
vx = _mm_load_pd(pb+6);
va0 = _mm_mul_pd(va0,vx);
v0 = _mm_add_pd(va0,v0);
va2 = _mm_load_pd(pa2+6);
va1 = _mm_mul_pd(va1,vx);
v1 = _mm_add_pd(va1,v1);
va2 = _mm_mul_pd(va2,vx);
v2 = _mm_add_pd(va2,v2);
pa0 += 8;
pa1 += 8;
pa2 += 8;
pb += 8;
this is unshuffled version of code above
vx = _mm_load_pd(pb);
va0 = _mm_load_pd(pa0);
va1 = _mm_load_pd(pa1);
va2 = _mm_load_pd(pa2);
va0 = _mm_mul_pd(va0,vx);
va1 = _mm_mul_pd(va1,vx);
va2 = _mm_mul_pd(va2,vx);
v0 = _mm_add_pd(va0,v0);
v1 = _mm_add_pd(va1,v1);
v2 = _mm_add_pd(va2,v2);
vx = _mm_load_pd(pb+2);
va0 = _mm_load_pd(pa0+2);
va1 = _mm_load_pd(pa1+2);
va2 = _mm_load_pd(pa2+2);
va0 = _mm_mul_pd(va0,vx);
va1 = _mm_mul_pd(va1,vx);
va2 = _mm_mul_pd(va2,vx);
v0 = _mm_add_pd(va0,v0);
v1 = _mm_add_pd(va1,v1);
v2 = _mm_add_pd(va2,v2);
vx = _mm_load_pd(pb+4);
va0 = _mm_load_pd(pa0+4);
va1 = _mm_load_pd(pa1+4);
va2 = _mm_load_pd(pa2+4);
va0 = _mm_mul_pd(va0,vx);
va1 = _mm_mul_pd(va1,vx);
va2 = _mm_mul_pd(va2,vx);
v0 = _mm_add_pd(va0,v0);
v1 = _mm_add_pd(va1,v1);
v2 = _mm_add_pd(va2,v2);
vx = _mm_load_pd(pb+6);
va0 = _mm_load_pd(pa0+6);
va1 = _mm_load_pd(pa1+6);
va2 = _mm_load_pd(pa2+6);
va0 = _mm_mul_pd(va0,vx);
va1 = _mm_mul_pd(va1,vx);
va2 = _mm_mul_pd(va2,vx);
v0 = _mm_add_pd(va0,v0);
v1 = _mm_add_pd(va1,v1);
v2 = _mm_add_pd(va2,v2);
for(k=0; k<nb2; k++)
vx = _mm_load_pd(pb);
va0 = _mm_load_pd(pa0);
va1 = _mm_load_pd(pa1);
va2 = _mm_load_pd(pa2);
va0 = _mm_mul_pd(va0,vx);
v0 = _mm_add_pd(va0,v0);
va1 = _mm_mul_pd(va1,vx);
v1 = _mm_add_pd(va1,v1);
va2 = _mm_mul_pd(va2,vx);
v2 = _mm_add_pd(va2,v2);
pa0 += 2;
pa1 += 2;
pa2 += 2;
pb += 2;
for(k=0; k<ntail; k++)
vx = _mm_load1_pd(pb);
va0 = _mm_load1_pd(pa0);
va1 = _mm_load1_pd(pa1);
va2 = _mm_load1_pd(pa2);
va0 = _mm_mul_sd(va0,vx);
v0 = _mm_add_sd(v0,va0);
va1 = _mm_mul_sd(va1,vx);
v1 = _mm_add_sd(v1,va1);
va2 = _mm_mul_sd(va2,vx);
v2 = _mm_add_sd(v2,va2);
vtmp = _mm_add_pd(_mm_unpacklo_pd(v0,v1),_mm_unpackhi_pd(v0,v1));
_mm_storel_pd(&row0, vtmp);
_mm_storeh_pd(&row1, vtmp);
v2 = _mm_add_sd(_mm_shuffle_pd(v2,v2,1),v2);
_mm_storel_pd(&row2, v2);
if( beta!=0 )
y[0] = beta*y[0]+alpha*row0;
y[stride] = beta*y[stride]+alpha*row1;
y[2*stride] = beta*y[2*stride]+alpha*row2;
y[0] = alpha*row0;
y[stride] = alpha*row1;
y[2*stride] = alpha*row2;
for(i=0; i<mtail; i++)
double row0;
row0 = 0;
pb = x;
pa0 = a;
a += alglib_r_block;
for(k=0; k<n2; k++)
row0 += pb[0]*pa0[0]+pb[1]*pa0[1];
pa0 += 2;
pb += 2;
if( n%2 )
row0 += pb[0]*pa0[0];
if( beta!=0 )
y[0] = beta*y[0]+alpha*row0;
y[0] = alpha*row0;
This subroutine calculates fast MxN complex matrix-vector product:
y := beta*y + alpha*A*x
using generic C code, where A, x, y, alpha and beta are complex.
If beta is zero, we do not use previous values of y (they are overwritten
by alpha*A*x without ever being read). However, when alpha is zero, we
still calculate A*x and multiply it by alpha (this distinction can be
important when A or x contain infinities/NANs).
* 0<=M<=alglib_c_block, 0<=N<=alglib_c_block
* A must be stored in row-major order, as sequence of double precision
pairs. Stride is alglib_c_block (it is measured in pairs of doubles, not
in doubles).
* Y may be referenced by cy (pointer to ae_complex) or
dy (pointer to array of double precision pair) depending on what type of
output you wish. Pass pointer to Y as one of these parameters,
* both A and x must be aligned; y may be non-aligned.
void _ialglib_cmv(ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, const double *a, const double *x, ae_complex *cy, double *dy, ae_int_t stride, ae_complex alpha, ae_complex beta)
ae_int_t i, j;
const double *pa, *parow, *pb;
parow = a;
for(i=0; i<m; i++)
double v0 = 0, v1 = 0;
pa = parow;
pb = x;
for(j=0; j<n; j++)
v0 += pa[0]*pb[0];
v1 += pa[0]*pb[1];
v0 -= pa[1]*pb[1];
v1 += pa[1]*pb[0];
pa += 2;
pb += 2;
if( cy!=NULL )
double tx = (beta.x*cy->x-beta.y*cy->y)+(alpha.x*v0-alpha.y*v1);
double ty = (beta.x*cy->y+beta.y*cy->x)+(alpha.x*v1+alpha.y*v0);
cy->x = tx;
cy->y = ty;
double tx = (beta.x*dy[0]-beta.y*dy[1])+(alpha.x*v0-alpha.y*v1);
double ty = (beta.x*dy[1]+beta.y*dy[0])+(alpha.x*v1+alpha.y*v0);
dy[0] = tx;
dy[1] = ty;
dy += 2*stride;
parow += 2*alglib_c_block;
This subroutine calculates fast MxN complex matrix-vector product:
y := beta*y + alpha*A*x
using generic C code, where A, x, y, alpha and beta are complex.
If beta is zero, we do not use previous values of y (they are overwritten
by alpha*A*x without ever being read). However, when alpha is zero, we
still calculate A*x and multiply it by alpha (this distinction can be
important when A or x contain infinities/NANs).
* 0<=M<=alglib_c_block, 0<=N<=alglib_c_block
* A must be stored in row-major order, as sequence of double precision
pairs. Stride is alglib_c_block (it is measured in pairs of doubles, not
in doubles).
* Y may be referenced by cy (pointer to ae_complex) or
dy (pointer to array of double precision pair) depending on what type of
output you wish. Pass pointer to Y as one of these parameters,
* both A and x must be aligned; y may be non-aligned.
This function supports SSE2; it can be used when:
1. AE_HAS_SSE2_INTRINSICS was defined (checked at compile-time)
2. ae_cpuid() result contains CPU_SSE2 (checked at run-time)
If (1) is failed, this function will be undefined. If (2) is failed, call
to this function will probably crash your system.
If you want to know whether it is safe to call it, you should check
results of ae_cpuid(). If CPU_SSE2 bit is set, this function is callable
and will do its work.
void _ialglib_cmv_sse2(ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, const double *a, const double *x, ae_complex *cy, double *dy, ae_int_t stride, ae_complex alpha, ae_complex beta)
ae_int_t i, j, m2;
const double *pa0, *pa1, *parow, *pb;
__m128d vbeta, vbetax, vbetay;
__m128d valpha, valphax, valphay;
m2 = m/2;
parow = a;
if( cy!=NULL )
dy = (double*)cy;
cy = NULL;
vbeta = _mm_loadh_pd(_mm_load_sd(&beta.x),&beta.y);
vbetax = _mm_unpacklo_pd(vbeta,vbeta);
vbetay = _mm_unpackhi_pd(vbeta,vbeta);
valpha = _mm_loadh_pd(_mm_load_sd(&alpha.x),&alpha.y);
valphax = _mm_unpacklo_pd(valpha,valpha);
valphay = _mm_unpackhi_pd(valpha,valpha);
for(i=0; i<m2; i++)
__m128d vx, vy, vt0, vt1, vt2, vt3, vt4, vt5, vrx, vry, vtx, vty;
pa0 = parow;
pa1 = parow+2*alglib_c_block;
pb = x;
vx = _mm_setzero_pd();
vy = _mm_setzero_pd();
for(j=0; j<n; j++)
vt0 = _mm_load1_pd(pb);
vt1 = _mm_load1_pd(pb+1);
vt2 = _mm_load_pd(pa0);
vt3 = _mm_load_pd(pa1);
vt5 = _mm_unpacklo_pd(vt2,vt3);
vt4 = _mm_unpackhi_pd(vt2,vt3);
vt2 = vt5;
vt3 = vt4;
vt2 = _mm_mul_pd(vt2,vt0);
vx = _mm_add_pd(vx,vt2);
vt3 = _mm_mul_pd(vt3,vt1);
vx = _mm_sub_pd(vx,vt3);
vt4 = _mm_mul_pd(vt4,vt0);
vy = _mm_add_pd(vy,vt4);
vt5 = _mm_mul_pd(vt5,vt1);
vy = _mm_add_pd(vy,vt5);
pa0 += 2;
pa1 += 2;
pb += 2;
if( beta.x==0.0 && beta.y==0.0 )
vrx = _mm_setzero_pd();
vry = _mm_setzero_pd();
vtx = _mm_loadh_pd(_mm_load_sd(dy+0),dy+2*stride+0);
vty = _mm_loadh_pd(_mm_load_sd(dy+1),dy+2*stride+1);
vrx = _mm_sub_pd(_mm_mul_pd(vbetax,vtx),_mm_mul_pd(vbetay,vty));
vry = _mm_add_pd(_mm_mul_pd(vbetax,vty),_mm_mul_pd(vbetay,vtx));
vtx = _mm_sub_pd(_mm_mul_pd(valphax,vx),_mm_mul_pd(valphay,vy));
vty = _mm_add_pd(_mm_mul_pd(valphax,vy),_mm_mul_pd(valphay,vx));
vrx = _mm_add_pd(vrx,vtx);
vry = _mm_add_pd(vry,vty);
_mm_storel_pd(dy+0, vrx);
_mm_storeh_pd(dy+2*stride+0, vrx);
_mm_storel_pd(dy+1, vry);
_mm_storeh_pd(dy+2*stride+1, vry);
dy += 4*stride;
parow += 4*alglib_c_block;
if( m%2 )
double v0 = 0, v1 = 0;
double tx, ty;
pa0 = parow;
pb = x;
for(j=0; j<n; j++)
v0 += pa0[0]*pb[0];
v1 += pa0[0]*pb[1];
v0 -= pa0[1]*pb[1];
v1 += pa0[1]*pb[0];
pa0 += 2;
pb += 2;
if( beta.x==0.0 && beta.y==0.0 )
tx = 0.0;
ty = 0.0;
tx = beta.x*dy[0]-beta.y*dy[1];
ty = beta.x*dy[1]+beta.y*dy[0];
tx += alpha.x*v0-alpha.y*v1;
ty += alpha.x*v1+alpha.y*v0;
dy[0] = tx;
dy[1] = ty;
dy += 2*stride;
parow += 2*alglib_c_block;
This subroutine sets vector to zero
void _ialglib_vzero(ae_int_t n, double *p, ae_int_t stride)
ae_int_t i;
if( stride==1 )
for(i=0; i<n; i++,p++)
*p = 0.0;
for(i=0; i<n; i++,p+=stride)
*p = 0.0;
This subroutine sets vector to zero
void _ialglib_vzero_complex(ae_int_t n, ae_complex *p, ae_int_t stride)
ae_int_t i;
if( stride==1 )
for(i=0; i<n; i++,p++)
p->x = 0.0;
p->y = 0.0;
for(i=0; i<n; i++,p+=stride)
p->x = 0.0;
p->y = 0.0;
This subroutine copies unaligned real vector
void _ialglib_vcopy(ae_int_t n, const double *a, ae_int_t stridea, double *b, ae_int_t strideb)
ae_int_t i, n2;
if( stridea==1 && strideb==1 )
n2 = n/2;
for(i=n2; i!=0; i--, a+=2, b+=2)
b[0] = a[0];
b[1] = a[1];
if( n%2!=0 )
b[0] = a[0];
for(i=0; i<n; i++,a+=stridea,b+=strideb)
*b = *a;
This subroutine copies unaligned complex vector
(passed as ae_complex*)
1. strideb is stride measured in complex numbers, not doubles
2. conj may be "N" (no conj.) or "C" (conj.)
void _ialglib_vcopy_complex(ae_int_t n, const ae_complex *a, ae_int_t stridea, double *b, ae_int_t strideb, const char *conj)
ae_int_t i;
* more general case
if( conj[0]=='N' || conj[0]=='n' )
for(i=0; i<n; i++,a+=stridea,b+=2*strideb)
b[0] = a->x;
b[1] = a->y;
for(i=0; i<n; i++,a+=stridea,b+=2*strideb)
b[0] = a->x;
b[1] = -a->y;
This subroutine copies unaligned complex vector (passed as double*)
1. strideb is stride measured in complex numbers, not doubles
2. conj may be "N" (no conj.) or "C" (conj.)
void _ialglib_vcopy_dcomplex(ae_int_t n, const double *a, ae_int_t stridea, double *b, ae_int_t strideb, const char *conj)
ae_int_t i;
* more general case
if( conj[0]=='N' || conj[0]=='n' )
for(i=0; i<n; i++,a+=2*stridea,b+=2*strideb)
b[0] = a[0];
b[1] = a[1];
for(i=0; i<n; i++,a+=2*stridea,b+=2*strideb)
b[0] = a[0];
b[1] = -a[1];
This subroutine copies matrix from non-aligned non-contigous storage
to aligned contigous storage
* MxN
* non-aligned
* non-contigous
* may be transformed during copying (as prescribed by op)
* alglib_r_block*alglib_r_block (only MxN/NxM submatrix is used)
* aligned
* stride is alglib_r_block
Transformation types:
* 0 - no transform
* 1 - transposition
void _ialglib_mcopyblock(ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, const double *a, ae_int_t op, ae_int_t stride, double *b)
ae_int_t i, j, n2;
const double *psrc;
double *pdst;
if( op==0 )
n2 = n/2;
for(i=0,psrc=a; i<m; i++,a+=stride,b+=alglib_r_block,psrc=a)
for(j=0,pdst=b; j<n2; j++,pdst+=2,psrc+=2)
pdst[0] = psrc[0];
pdst[1] = psrc[1];
if( n%2!=0 )
pdst[0] = psrc[0];
n2 = n/2;
for(i=0,psrc=a; i<m; i++,a+=stride,b+=1,psrc=a)
for(j=0,pdst=b; j<n2; j++,pdst+=alglib_twice_r_block,psrc+=2)
pdst[0] = psrc[0];
pdst[alglib_r_block] = psrc[1];
if( n%2!=0 )
pdst[0] = psrc[0];
This subroutine copies matrix from non-aligned non-contigous storage
to aligned contigous storage
* MxN
* non-aligned
* non-contigous
* may be transformed during copying (as prescribed by op)
* alglib_r_block*alglib_r_block (only MxN/NxM submatrix is used)
* aligned
* stride is alglib_r_block
Transformation types:
* 0 - no transform
* 1 - transposition
This function supports SSE2; it can be used when:
1. AE_HAS_SSE2_INTRINSICS was defined (checked at compile-time)
2. ae_cpuid() result contains CPU_SSE2 (checked at run-time)
If (1) is failed, this function will be undefined. If (2) is failed, call
to this function will probably crash your system.
If you want to know whether it is safe to call it, you should check
results of ae_cpuid(). If CPU_SSE2 bit is set, this function is callable
and will do its work.
void _ialglib_mcopyblock_sse2(ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, const double *a, ae_int_t op, ae_int_t stride, double *b)
ae_int_t i, j, mb2;
const double *psrc0, *psrc1;
double *pdst;
if( op==0 )
ae_int_t nb8, ntail;
nb8 = n/8;
ntail = n-8*nb8;
for(i=0,psrc0=a; i<m; i++,a+=stride,b+=alglib_r_block,psrc0=a)
for(j=0; j<nb8; j++)
__m128d v0, v1;
v0 = _mm_loadu_pd(psrc0);
_mm_store_pd(pdst, v0);
v1 = _mm_loadu_pd(psrc0+2);
_mm_store_pd(pdst+2, v1);
v1 = _mm_loadu_pd(psrc0+4);
_mm_store_pd(pdst+4, v1);
v1 = _mm_loadu_pd(psrc0+6);
_mm_store_pd(pdst+6, v1);
for(j=0; j<ntail; j++)
pdst[j] = psrc0[j];
const double *arow0, *arow1;
double *bcol0, *bcol1, *pdst0, *pdst1;
ae_int_t nb4, ntail, n2;
n2 = n/2;
mb2 = m/2;
nb4 = n/4;
ntail = n-4*nb4;
arow0 = a;
arow1 = a+stride;
bcol0 = b;
bcol1 = b+1;
for(i=0; i<mb2; i++)
psrc0 = arow0;
psrc1 = arow1;
pdst0 = bcol0;
pdst1 = bcol1;
for(j=0; j<nb4; j++)
__m128d v0, v1, v2, v3;
v0 = _mm_loadu_pd(psrc0);
v1 = _mm_loadu_pd(psrc1);
v2 = _mm_loadu_pd(psrc0+2);
v3 = _mm_loadu_pd(psrc1+2);
_mm_store_pd(pdst0, _mm_unpacklo_pd(v0,v1));
_mm_store_pd(pdst0+alglib_r_block, _mm_unpackhi_pd(v0,v1));
_mm_store_pd(pdst0+2*alglib_r_block, _mm_unpacklo_pd(v2,v3));
_mm_store_pd(pdst0+3*alglib_r_block, _mm_unpackhi_pd(v2,v3));
pdst0 += 4*alglib_r_block;
pdst1 += 4*alglib_r_block;
psrc0 += 4;
psrc1 += 4;
for(j=0; j<ntail; j++)
pdst0[0] = psrc0[0];
pdst1[0] = psrc1[0];
pdst0 += alglib_r_block;
pdst1 += alglib_r_block;
psrc0 += 1;
psrc1 += 1;
arow0 += 2*stride;
arow1 += 2*stride;
bcol0 += 2;
bcol1 += 2;
if( m%2 )
psrc0 = arow0;
pdst0 = bcol0;
for(j=0; j<n2; j++)
pdst0[0] = psrc0[0];
pdst0[alglib_r_block] = psrc0[1];
pdst0 += alglib_twice_r_block;
psrc0 += 2;
if( n%2!=0 )
pdst0[0] = psrc0[0];
This subroutine copies matrix from aligned contigous storage to non-
aligned non-contigous storage
* MxN
* aligned
* contigous
* stride is alglib_r_block
* may be transformed during copying (as prescribed by op)
* alglib_r_block*alglib_r_block (only MxN/NxM submatrix is used)
* non-aligned, non-contigous
Transformation types:
* 0 - no transform
* 1 - transposition
void _ialglib_mcopyunblock(ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, const double *a, ae_int_t op, double *b, ae_int_t stride)
ae_int_t i, j, n2;
const double *psrc;
double *pdst;
if( op==0 )
n2 = n/2;
for(i=0,psrc=a; i<m; i++,a+=alglib_r_block,b+=stride,psrc=a)
for(j=0,pdst=b; j<n2; j++,pdst+=2,psrc+=2)
pdst[0] = psrc[0];
pdst[1] = psrc[1];
if( n%2!=0 )
pdst[0] = psrc[0];
n2 = n/2;
for(i=0,psrc=a; i<m; i++,a++,b+=stride,psrc=a)
for(j=0,pdst=b; j<n2; j++,pdst+=2,psrc+=alglib_twice_r_block)
pdst[0] = psrc[0];
pdst[1] = psrc[alglib_r_block];
if( n%2!=0 )
pdst[0] = psrc[0];
This subroutine copies matrix from non-aligned non-contigous storage
to aligned contigous storage
* MxN
* non-aligned
* non-contigous
* may be transformed during copying (as prescribed by op)
* pointer to ae_complex is passed
* 2*alglib_c_block*alglib_c_block doubles (only MxN/NxM submatrix is used)
* aligned
* stride is alglib_c_block
* pointer to double is passed
Transformation types:
* 0 - no transform
* 1 - transposition
* 2 - conjugate transposition
* 3 - conjugate, but no transposition
void _ialglib_mcopyblock_complex(ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, const ae_complex *a, ae_int_t op, ae_int_t stride, double *b)
ae_int_t i, j;
const ae_complex *psrc;
double *pdst;
if( op==0 )
for(i=0,psrc=a; i<m; i++,a+=stride,b+=alglib_twice_c_block,psrc=a)
for(j=0,pdst=b; j<n; j++,pdst+=2,psrc++)
pdst[0] = psrc->x;
pdst[1] = psrc->y;
if( op==1 )
for(i=0,psrc=a; i<m; i++,a+=stride,b+=2,psrc=a)
for(j=0,pdst=b; j<n; j++,pdst+=alglib_twice_c_block,psrc++)
pdst[0] = psrc->x;
pdst[1] = psrc->y;
if( op==2 )
for(i=0,psrc=a; i<m; i++,a+=stride,b+=2,psrc=a)
for(j=0,pdst=b; j<n; j++,pdst+=alglib_twice_c_block,psrc++)
pdst[0] = psrc->x;
pdst[1] = -psrc->y;
if( op==3 )
for(i=0,psrc=a; i<m; i++,a+=stride,b+=alglib_twice_c_block,psrc=a)
for(j=0,pdst=b; j<n; j++,pdst+=2,psrc++)
pdst[0] = psrc->x;
pdst[1] = -psrc->y;
This subroutine copies matrix from aligned contigous storage to
non-aligned non-contigous storage
* 2*alglib_c_block*alglib_c_block doubles (only MxN submatrix is used)
* aligned
* stride is alglib_c_block
* pointer to double is passed
* may be transformed during copying (as prescribed by op)
* MxN
* non-aligned
* non-contigous
* pointer to ae_complex is passed
Transformation types:
* 0 - no transform
* 1 - transposition
* 2 - conjugate transposition
* 3 - conjugate, but no transposition
void _ialglib_mcopyunblock_complex(ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, const double *a, ae_int_t op, ae_complex* b, ae_int_t stride)
ae_int_t i, j;
const double *psrc;
ae_complex *pdst;
if( op==0 )
for(i=0,psrc=a; i<m; i++,a+=alglib_twice_c_block,b+=stride,psrc=a)
for(j=0,pdst=b; j<n; j++,pdst++,psrc+=2)
pdst->x = psrc[0];
pdst->y = psrc[1];
if( op==1 )
for(i=0,psrc=a; i<m; i++,a+=2,b+=stride,psrc=a)
for(j=0,pdst=b; j<n; j++,pdst++,psrc+=alglib_twice_c_block)
pdst->x = psrc[0];
pdst->y = psrc[1];
if( op==2 )
for(i=0,psrc=a; i<m; i++,a+=2,b+=stride,psrc=a)
for(j=0,pdst=b; j<n; j++,pdst++,psrc+=alglib_twice_c_block)
pdst->x = psrc[0];
pdst->y = -psrc[1];
if( op==3 )
for(i=0,psrc=a; i<m; i++,a+=alglib_twice_c_block,b+=stride,psrc=a)
for(j=0,pdst=b; j<n; j++,pdst++,psrc+=2)
pdst->x = psrc[0];
pdst->y = -psrc[1];
Real GEMM kernel
ae_bool _ialglib_rmatrixgemm(ae_int_t m,
ae_int_t n,
ae_int_t k,
double alpha,
double *_a,
ae_int_t _a_stride,
ae_int_t optypea,
double *_b,
ae_int_t _b_stride,
ae_int_t optypeb,
double beta,
double *_c,
ae_int_t _c_stride)
int i;
double *crow;
double _abuf[alglib_r_block+alglib_simd_alignment];
double _bbuf[alglib_r_block*alglib_r_block+alglib_simd_alignment];
double * const abuf = (double * ) ae_align(_abuf,alglib_simd_alignment);
double * const b = (double * ) ae_align(_bbuf,alglib_simd_alignment);
void (*rmv)(ae_int_t, ae_int_t, const double *, const double *, double *, ae_int_t, double, double) = &_ialglib_rmv;
void (*mcopyblock)(ae_int_t, ae_int_t, const double *, ae_int_t, ae_int_t, double *) = &_ialglib_mcopyblock;
if( m>alglib_r_block || n>alglib_r_block || k>alglib_r_block || m<=0 || n<=0 || k<=0 || alpha==0.0 )
return ae_false;
* Check for SSE2 support
if( ae_cpuid() & CPU_SSE2 )
rmv = &_ialglib_rmv_sse2;
mcopyblock = &_ialglib_mcopyblock_sse2;
* copy b
if( optypeb==0 )
mcopyblock(k, n, _b, 1, _b_stride, b);
mcopyblock(n, k, _b, 0, _b_stride, b);
* multiply B by A (from the right, by rows)
* and store result in C
crow = _c;
if( optypea==0 )
const double *arow = _a;
for(i=0; i<m; i++)
_ialglib_vcopy(k, arow, 1, abuf, 1);
if( beta==0 )
_ialglib_vzero(n, crow, 1);
rmv(n, k, b, abuf, crow, 1, alpha, beta);
crow += _c_stride;
arow += _a_stride;
const double *acol = _a;
for(i=0; i<m; i++)
_ialglib_vcopy(k, acol, _a_stride, abuf, 1);
if( beta==0 )
_ialglib_vzero(n, crow, 1);
rmv(n, k, b, abuf, crow, 1, alpha, beta);
crow += _c_stride;
return ae_true;
Complex GEMM kernel
ae_bool _ialglib_cmatrixgemm(ae_int_t m,
ae_int_t n,
ae_int_t k,
ae_complex alpha,
ae_complex *_a,
ae_int_t _a_stride,
ae_int_t optypea,
ae_complex *_b,
ae_int_t _b_stride,
ae_int_t optypeb,
ae_complex beta,
ae_complex *_c,
ae_int_t _c_stride)
const ae_complex *arow;
ae_complex *crow;
ae_int_t i;
double _loc_abuf[2*alglib_c_block+alglib_simd_alignment];
double _loc_b[2*alglib_c_block*alglib_c_block+alglib_simd_alignment];
double * const abuf = (double *)ae_align(_loc_abuf,alglib_simd_alignment);
double * const b = (double *)ae_align(_loc_b, alglib_simd_alignment);
ae_int_t brows;
ae_int_t bcols;
void (*cmv)(ae_int_t, ae_int_t, const double *, const double *, ae_complex *, double *, ae_int_t, ae_complex, ae_complex) = &_ialglib_cmv;
if( m>alglib_c_block || n>alglib_c_block || k>alglib_c_block )
return ae_false;
* Check for SSE2 support
if( ae_cpuid() & CPU_SSE2 )
cmv = &_ialglib_cmv_sse2;
* copy b
brows = optypeb==0 ? k : n;
bcols = optypeb==0 ? n : k;
if( optypeb==0 )
_ialglib_mcopyblock_complex(brows, bcols, _b, 1, _b_stride, b);
if( optypeb==1 )
_ialglib_mcopyblock_complex(brows, bcols, _b, 0, _b_stride, b);
if( optypeb==2 )
_ialglib_mcopyblock_complex(brows, bcols, _b, 3, _b_stride, b);
* multiply B by A (from the right, by rows)
* and store result in C
arow = _a;
crow = _c;
for(i=0; i<m; i++)
if( optypea==0 )
_ialglib_vcopy_complex(k, arow, 1, abuf, 1, "No conj");
arow += _a_stride;
else if( optypea==1 )
_ialglib_vcopy_complex(k, arow, _a_stride, abuf, 1, "No conj");
_ialglib_vcopy_complex(k, arow, _a_stride, abuf, 1, "Conj");
if( beta.x==0 && beta.y==0 )
_ialglib_vzero_complex(n, crow, 1);
cmv(n, k, b, abuf, crow, NULL, 1, alpha, beta);
crow += _c_stride;
return ae_true;
complex TRSM kernel
ae_bool _ialglib_cmatrixrighttrsm(ae_int_t m,
ae_int_t n,
ae_complex *_a,
ae_int_t _a_stride,
ae_bool isupper,
ae_bool isunit,
ae_int_t optype,
ae_complex *_x,
ae_int_t _x_stride)
* local buffers
double *pdiag;
ae_int_t i;
double _loc_abuf[2*alglib_c_block*alglib_c_block+alglib_simd_alignment];
double _loc_xbuf[2*alglib_c_block*alglib_c_block+alglib_simd_alignment];
double _loc_tmpbuf[2*alglib_c_block+alglib_simd_alignment];
double * const abuf = (double*)ae_align(_loc_abuf, alglib_simd_alignment);
double * const xbuf = (double*)ae_align(_loc_xbuf, alglib_simd_alignment);
double * const tmpbuf = (double*)ae_align(_loc_tmpbuf,alglib_simd_alignment);
ae_bool uppera;
void (*cmv)(ae_int_t, ae_int_t, const double *, const double *, ae_complex *, double *, ae_int_t, ae_complex, ae_complex) = &_ialglib_cmv;
if( m>alglib_c_block || n>alglib_c_block )
return ae_false;
* Check for SSE2 support
if( ae_cpuid() & CPU_SSE2 )
cmv = &_ialglib_cmv_sse2;
* Prepare
_ialglib_mcopyblock_complex(n, n, _a, optype, _a_stride, abuf);
_ialglib_mcopyblock_complex(m, n, _x, 0, _x_stride, xbuf);
if( isunit )
for(i=0,pdiag=abuf; i<n; i++,pdiag+=2*(alglib_c_block+1))
pdiag[0] = 1.0;
pdiag[1] = 0.0;
if( optype==0 )
uppera = isupper;
uppera = !isupper;
* Solve Y*A^-1=X where A is upper or lower triangular
if( uppera )
for(i=0,pdiag=abuf; i<n; i++,pdiag+=2*(alglib_c_block+1))
ae_complex tmp_c;
ae_complex beta;
ae_complex alpha;
tmp_c.x = pdiag[0];
tmp_c.y = pdiag[1];
beta = ae_c_d_div(1.0, tmp_c);
alpha.x = -beta.x;
alpha.y = -beta.y;
_ialglib_vcopy_dcomplex(i, abuf+2*i, alglib_c_block, tmpbuf, 1, "No conj");
cmv(m, i, xbuf, tmpbuf, NULL, xbuf+2*i, alglib_c_block, alpha, beta);
_ialglib_mcopyunblock_complex(m, n, xbuf, 0, _x, _x_stride);
for(i=n-1,pdiag=abuf+2*((n-1)*alglib_c_block+(n-1)); i>=0; i--,pdiag-=2*(alglib_c_block+1))
ae_complex tmp_c;
ae_complex beta;
ae_complex alpha;
tmp_c.x = pdiag[0];
tmp_c.y = pdiag[1];
beta = ae_c_d_div(1.0, tmp_c);
alpha.x = -beta.x;
alpha.y = -beta.y;
_ialglib_vcopy_dcomplex(n-1-i, pdiag+2*alglib_c_block, alglib_c_block, tmpbuf, 1, "No conj");
cmv(m, n-1-i, xbuf+2*(i+1), tmpbuf, NULL, xbuf+2*i, alglib_c_block, alpha, beta);
_ialglib_mcopyunblock_complex(m, n, xbuf, 0, _x, _x_stride);
return ae_true;
real TRSM kernel
ae_bool _ialglib_rmatrixrighttrsm(ae_int_t m,
ae_int_t n,
double *_a,
ae_int_t _a_stride,
ae_bool isupper,
ae_bool isunit,
ae_int_t optype,
double *_x,
ae_int_t _x_stride)
* local buffers
double *pdiag;
ae_int_t i;
double _loc_abuf[alglib_r_block*alglib_r_block+alglib_simd_alignment];
double _loc_xbuf[alglib_r_block*alglib_r_block+alglib_simd_alignment];
double _loc_tmpbuf[alglib_r_block+alglib_simd_alignment];
double * const abuf = (double *) ae_align(_loc_abuf, alglib_simd_alignment);
double * const xbuf = (double *) ae_align(_loc_xbuf, alglib_simd_alignment);
double * const tmpbuf = (double *) ae_align(_loc_tmpbuf,alglib_simd_alignment);
ae_bool uppera;
void (*rmv)(ae_int_t, ae_int_t, const double *, const double *, double *, ae_int_t, double, double) = &_ialglib_rmv;
void (*mcopyblock)(ae_int_t, ae_int_t, const double *, ae_int_t, ae_int_t, double *) = &_ialglib_mcopyblock;
if( m>alglib_r_block || n>alglib_r_block )
return ae_false;
* Check for SSE2 support
if( ae_cpuid() & CPU_SSE2 )
rmv = &_ialglib_rmv_sse2;
mcopyblock = &_ialglib_mcopyblock_sse2;
* Prepare
mcopyblock(n, n, _a, optype, _a_stride, abuf);
mcopyblock(m, n, _x, 0, _x_stride, xbuf);
if( isunit )
for(i=0,pdiag=abuf; i<n; i++,pdiag+=alglib_r_block+1)
*pdiag = 1.0;
if( optype==0 )
uppera = isupper;
uppera = !isupper;
* Solve Y*A^-1=X where A is upper or lower triangular
if( uppera )
for(i=0,pdiag=abuf; i<n; i++,pdiag+=alglib_r_block+1)
double beta = 1.0/(*pdiag);
double alpha = -beta;
_ialglib_vcopy(i, abuf+i, alglib_r_block, tmpbuf, 1);
rmv(m, i, xbuf, tmpbuf, xbuf+i, alglib_r_block, alpha, beta);
_ialglib_mcopyunblock(m, n, xbuf, 0, _x, _x_stride);
for(i=n-1,pdiag=abuf+(n-1)*alglib_r_block+(n-1); i>=0; i--,pdiag-=alglib_r_block+1)
double beta = 1.0/(*pdiag);
double alpha = -beta;
_ialglib_vcopy(n-1-i, pdiag+alglib_r_block, alglib_r_block, tmpbuf+i+1, 1);
rmv(m, n-1-i, xbuf+i+1, tmpbuf+i+1, xbuf+i, alglib_r_block, alpha, beta);
_ialglib_mcopyunblock(m, n, xbuf, 0, _x, _x_stride);
return ae_true;
complex TRSM kernel
ae_bool _ialglib_cmatrixlefttrsm(ae_int_t m,
ae_int_t n,
ae_complex *_a,
ae_int_t _a_stride,
ae_bool isupper,
ae_bool isunit,
ae_int_t optype,
ae_complex *_x,
ae_int_t _x_stride)
* local buffers
double *pdiag, *arow;
ae_int_t i;
double _loc_abuf[2*alglib_c_block*alglib_c_block+alglib_simd_alignment];
double _loc_xbuf[2*alglib_c_block*alglib_c_block+alglib_simd_alignment];
double _loc_tmpbuf[2*alglib_c_block+alglib_simd_alignment];
double * const abuf = (double *) ae_align(_loc_abuf, alglib_simd_alignment);
double * const xbuf = (double *) ae_align(_loc_xbuf, alglib_simd_alignment);
double * const tmpbuf = (double *) ae_align(_loc_tmpbuf,alglib_simd_alignment);
ae_bool uppera;
void (*cmv)(ae_int_t, ae_int_t, const double *, const double *, ae_complex *, double *, ae_int_t, ae_complex, ae_complex) = &_ialglib_cmv;
if( m>alglib_c_block || n>alglib_c_block )
return ae_false;
* Check for SSE2 support
if( ae_cpuid() & CPU_SSE2 )
cmv = &_ialglib_cmv_sse2;
* Prepare
* Transpose X (so we may use mv, which calculates A*x, but not x*A)
_ialglib_mcopyblock_complex(m, m, _a, optype, _a_stride, abuf);
_ialglib_mcopyblock_complex(m, n, _x, 1, _x_stride, xbuf);
if( isunit )
for(i=0,pdiag=abuf; i<m; i++,pdiag+=2*(alglib_c_block+1))
pdiag[0] = 1.0;
pdiag[1] = 0.0;
if( optype==0 )
uppera = isupper;
uppera = !isupper;
* Solve A^-1*Y^T=X^T where A is upper or lower triangular
if( uppera )
for(i=m-1,pdiag=abuf+2*((m-1)*alglib_c_block+(m-1)); i>=0; i--,pdiag-=2*(alglib_c_block+1))
ae_complex tmp_c;
ae_complex beta;
ae_complex alpha;
tmp_c.x = pdiag[0];
tmp_c.y = pdiag[1];
beta = ae_c_d_div(1.0, tmp_c);
alpha.x = -beta.x;
alpha.y = -beta.y;
_ialglib_vcopy_dcomplex(m-1-i, pdiag+2, 1, tmpbuf, 1, "No conj");
cmv(n, m-1-i, xbuf+2*(i+1), tmpbuf, NULL, xbuf+2*i, alglib_c_block, alpha, beta);
_ialglib_mcopyunblock_complex(m, n, xbuf, 1, _x, _x_stride);
{ for(i=0,pdiag=abuf,arow=abuf; i<m; i++,pdiag+=2*(alglib_c_block+1),arow+=2*alglib_c_block)
ae_complex tmp_c;
ae_complex beta;
ae_complex alpha;
tmp_c.x = pdiag[0];
tmp_c.y = pdiag[1];
beta = ae_c_d_div(1.0, tmp_c);
alpha.x = -beta.x;
alpha.y = -beta.y;
_ialglib_vcopy_dcomplex(i, arow, 1, tmpbuf, 1, "No conj");
cmv(n, i, xbuf, tmpbuf, NULL, xbuf+2*i, alglib_c_block, alpha, beta);
_ialglib_mcopyunblock_complex(m, n, xbuf, 1, _x, _x_stride);
return ae_true;
real TRSM kernel
ae_bool _ialglib_rmatrixlefttrsm(ae_int_t m,
ae_int_t n,
double *_a,
ae_int_t _a_stride,
ae_bool isupper,
ae_bool isunit,
ae_int_t optype,
double *_x,
ae_int_t _x_stride)
* local buffers
double *pdiag, *arow;
ae_int_t i;
double _loc_abuf[alglib_r_block*alglib_r_block+alglib_simd_alignment];
double _loc_xbuf[alglib_r_block*alglib_r_block+alglib_simd_alignment];
double _loc_tmpbuf[alglib_r_block+alglib_simd_alignment];
double * const abuf = (double *) ae_align(_loc_abuf, alglib_simd_alignment);
double * const xbuf = (double *) ae_align(_loc_xbuf, alglib_simd_alignment);
double * const tmpbuf = (double *) ae_align(_loc_tmpbuf,alglib_simd_alignment);
ae_bool uppera;
void (*rmv)(ae_int_t, ae_int_t, const double *, const double *, double *, ae_int_t, double, double) = &_ialglib_rmv;
void (*mcopyblock)(ae_int_t, ae_int_t, const double *, ae_int_t, ae_int_t, double *) = &_ialglib_mcopyblock;
if( m>alglib_r_block || n>alglib_r_block )
return ae_false;
* Check for SSE2 support
if( ae_cpuid() & CPU_SSE2 )
rmv = &_ialglib_rmv_sse2;
mcopyblock = &_ialglib_mcopyblock_sse2;
* Prepare
* Transpose X (so we may use mv, which calculates A*x, but not x*A)
mcopyblock(m, m, _a, optype, _a_stride, abuf);
mcopyblock(m, n, _x, 1, _x_stride, xbuf);
if( isunit )
for(i=0,pdiag=abuf; i<m; i++,pdiag+=alglib_r_block+1)
*pdiag = 1.0;
if( optype==0 )
uppera = isupper;
uppera = !isupper;
* Solve A^-1*Y^T=X^T where A is upper or lower triangular
if( uppera )
for(i=m-1,pdiag=abuf+(m-1)*alglib_r_block+(m-1); i>=0; i--,pdiag-=alglib_r_block+1)
double beta = 1.0/(*pdiag);
double alpha = -beta;
_ialglib_vcopy(m-1-i, pdiag+1, 1, tmpbuf+i+1, 1);
rmv(n, m-1-i, xbuf+i+1, tmpbuf+i+1, xbuf+i, alglib_r_block, alpha, beta);
_ialglib_mcopyunblock(m, n, xbuf, 1, _x, _x_stride);
{ for(i=0,pdiag=abuf,arow=abuf; i<m; i++,pdiag+=alglib_r_block+1,arow+=alglib_r_block)
double beta = 1.0/(*pdiag);
double alpha = -beta;
_ialglib_vcopy(i, arow, 1, tmpbuf, 1);
rmv(n, i, xbuf, tmpbuf, xbuf+i, alglib_r_block, alpha, beta);
_ialglib_mcopyunblock(m, n, xbuf, 1, _x, _x_stride);
return ae_true;
complex SYRK kernel
ae_bool _ialglib_cmatrixherk(ae_int_t n,
ae_int_t k,
double alpha,
ae_complex *_a,
ae_int_t _a_stride,
ae_int_t optypea,
double beta,
ae_complex *_c,
ae_int_t _c_stride,
ae_bool isupper)
* local buffers
double *arow, *crow;
ae_complex c_alpha, c_beta;
ae_int_t i;
double _loc_abuf[2*alglib_c_block*alglib_c_block+alglib_simd_alignment];
double _loc_cbuf[2*alglib_c_block*alglib_c_block+alglib_simd_alignment];
double _loc_tmpbuf[2*alglib_c_block+alglib_simd_alignment];
double * const abuf = (double *) ae_align(_loc_abuf, alglib_simd_alignment);
double * const cbuf = (double *) ae_align(_loc_cbuf, alglib_simd_alignment);
double * const tmpbuf = (double *) ae_align(_loc_tmpbuf,alglib_simd_alignment);
if( n>alglib_c_block || k>alglib_c_block )
return ae_false;
if( n==0 )
return ae_true;
* copy A and C, task is transformed to "A*A^H"-form.
* if beta==0, then C is filled by zeros (and not referenced)
* alpha==0 or k==0 are correctly processed (A is not referenced)
c_alpha.x = alpha;
c_alpha.y = 0;
c_beta.x = beta;
c_beta.y = 0;
if( alpha==0 )
k = 0;
if( k>0 )
if( optypea==0 )
_ialglib_mcopyblock_complex(n, k, _a, 3, _a_stride, abuf);
_ialglib_mcopyblock_complex(k, n, _a, 1, _a_stride, abuf);
_ialglib_mcopyblock_complex(n, n, _c, 0, _c_stride, cbuf);
if( beta==0 )
for(i=0,crow=cbuf; i<n; i++,crow+=2*alglib_c_block)
if( isupper )
_ialglib_vzero(2*(n-i), crow+2*i, 1);
_ialglib_vzero(2*(i+1), crow, 1);
* update C
if( isupper )
for(i=0,arow=abuf,crow=cbuf; i<n; i++,arow+=2*alglib_c_block,crow+=2*alglib_c_block)
_ialglib_vcopy_dcomplex(k, arow, 1, tmpbuf, 1, "Conj");
_ialglib_cmv(n-i, k, arow, tmpbuf, NULL, crow+2*i, 1, c_alpha, c_beta);
for(i=0,arow=abuf,crow=cbuf; i<n; i++,arow+=2*alglib_c_block,crow+=2*alglib_c_block)
_ialglib_vcopy_dcomplex(k, arow, 1, tmpbuf, 1, "Conj");
_ialglib_cmv(i+1, k, abuf, tmpbuf, NULL, crow, 1, c_alpha, c_beta);
* copy back
_ialglib_mcopyunblock_complex(n, n, cbuf, 0, _c, _c_stride);
return ae_true;
real SYRK kernel
ae_bool _ialglib_rmatrixsyrk(ae_int_t n,
ae_int_t k,
double alpha,
double *_a,
ae_int_t _a_stride,
ae_int_t optypea,
double beta,
double *_c,
ae_int_t _c_stride,
ae_bool isupper)
* local buffers
double *arow, *crow;
ae_int_t i;
double _loc_abuf[alglib_r_block*alglib_r_block+alglib_simd_alignment];
double _loc_cbuf[alglib_r_block*alglib_r_block+alglib_simd_alignment];
double * const abuf = (double *) ae_align(_loc_abuf, alglib_simd_alignment);
double * const cbuf = (double *) ae_align(_loc_cbuf, alglib_simd_alignment);
if( n>alglib_r_block || k>alglib_r_block )
return ae_false;
if( n==0 )
return ae_true;
* copy A and C, task is transformed to "A*A^T"-form.
* if beta==0, then C is filled by zeros (and not referenced)
* alpha==0 or k==0 are correctly processed (A is not referenced)
if( alpha==0 )
k = 0;
if( k>0 )
if( optypea==0 )
_ialglib_mcopyblock(n, k, _a, 0, _a_stride, abuf);
_ialglib_mcopyblock(k, n, _a, 1, _a_stride, abuf);
_ialglib_mcopyblock(n, n, _c, 0, _c_stride, cbuf);
if( beta==0 )
for(i=0,crow=cbuf; i<n; i++,crow+=alglib_r_block)
if( isupper )
_ialglib_vzero(n-i, crow+i, 1);
_ialglib_vzero(i+1, crow, 1);
* update C
if( isupper )
for(i=0,arow=abuf,crow=cbuf; i<n; i++,arow+=alglib_r_block,crow+=alglib_r_block)
_ialglib_rmv(n-i, k, arow, arow, crow+i, 1, alpha, beta);
for(i=0,arow=abuf,crow=cbuf; i<n; i++,arow+=alglib_r_block,crow+=alglib_r_block)
_ialglib_rmv(i+1, k, abuf, arow, crow, 1, alpha, beta);
* copy back
_ialglib_mcopyunblock(n, n, cbuf, 0, _c, _c_stride);
return ae_true;
complex rank-1 kernel
ae_bool _ialglib_cmatrixrank1(ae_int_t m,
ae_int_t n,
ae_complex *_a,
ae_int_t _a_stride,
ae_complex *_u,
ae_complex *_v)
* Locals
ae_complex *arow, *pu, *pv, *vtmp, *dst;
ae_int_t n2 = n/2;
ae_int_t i, j;
* Quick exit
if( m<=0 || n<=0 )
return ae_false;
* update pairs of rows
arow = _a;
pu = _u;
vtmp = _v;
for(i=0; i<m; i++, arow+=_a_stride, pu++)
* update by two
for(j=0,pv=vtmp, dst=arow; j<n2; j++, dst+=2, pv+=2)
double ux = pu[0].x;
double uy = pu[0].y;
double v0x = pv[0].x;
double v0y = pv[0].y;
double v1x = pv[1].x;
double v1y = pv[1].y;
dst[0].x += ux*v0x-uy*v0y;
dst[0].y += ux*v0y+uy*v0x;
dst[1].x += ux*v1x-uy*v1y;
dst[1].y += ux*v1y+uy*v1x;
* final update
if( n%2!=0 )
double ux = pu[0].x;
double uy = pu[0].y;
double vx = pv[0].x;
double vy = pv[0].y;
dst[0].x += ux*vx-uy*vy;
dst[0].y += ux*vy+uy*vx;
return ae_true;
real rank-1 kernel
deprecated version
ae_bool _ialglib_rmatrixrank1(ae_int_t m,
ae_int_t n,
double *_a,
ae_int_t _a_stride,
double *_u,
double *_v)
* Locals
double *arow0, *arow1, *pu, *pv, *vtmp, *dst0, *dst1;
ae_int_t m2 = m/2;
ae_int_t n2 = n/2;
ae_int_t stride = _a_stride;
ae_int_t stride2 = 2*_a_stride;
ae_int_t i, j;
* Quick exit
if( m<=0 || n<=0 )
return ae_false;
* update pairs of rows
arow0 = _a;
arow1 = arow0+stride;
pu = _u;
vtmp = _v;
for(i=0; i<m2; i++,arow0+=stride2,arow1+=stride2,pu+=2)
* update by two
for(j=0,pv=vtmp, dst0=arow0, dst1=arow1; j<n2; j++, dst0+=2, dst1+=2, pv+=2)
dst0[0] += pu[0]*pv[0];
dst0[1] += pu[0]*pv[1];
dst1[0] += pu[1]*pv[0];
dst1[1] += pu[1]*pv[1];
* final update
if( n%2!=0 )
dst0[0] += pu[0]*pv[0];
dst1[0] += pu[1]*pv[0];
* update last row
if( m%2!=0 )
* update by two
for(j=0,pv=vtmp, dst0=arow0; j<n2; j++, dst0+=2, pv+=2)
dst0[0] += pu[0]*pv[0];
dst0[1] += pu[0]*pv[1];
* final update
if( n%2!=0 )
dst0[0] += pu[0]*pv[0];
return ae_true;
real rank-1 kernel
deprecated version
ae_bool _ialglib_rmatrixger(ae_int_t m,
ae_int_t n,
double *_a,
ae_int_t _a_stride,
double alpha,
double *_u,
double *_v)
* Locals
double *arow0, *arow1, *pu, *pv, *vtmp, *dst0, *dst1;
ae_int_t m2 = m/2;
ae_int_t n2 = n/2;
ae_int_t stride = _a_stride;
ae_int_t stride2 = 2*_a_stride;
ae_int_t i, j;
* Quick exit
if( m<=0 || n<=0 || alpha==0.0 )
return ae_false;
* update pairs of rows
arow0 = _a;
arow1 = arow0+stride;
pu = _u;
vtmp = _v;
for(i=0; i<m2; i++,arow0+=stride2,arow1+=stride2,pu+=2)
double au0 = alpha*pu[0];
double au1 = alpha*pu[1];
* update by two
for(j=0,pv=vtmp, dst0=arow0, dst1=arow1; j<n2; j++, dst0+=2, dst1+=2, pv+=2)
dst0[0] += au0*pv[0];
dst0[1] += au0*pv[1];
dst1[0] += au1*pv[0];
dst1[1] += au1*pv[1];
* final update
if( n%2!=0 )
dst0[0] += au0*pv[0];
dst1[0] += au1*pv[0];
* update last row
if( m%2!=0 )
double au0 = alpha*pu[0];
* update by two
for(j=0,pv=vtmp, dst0=arow0; j<n2; j++, dst0+=2, pv+=2)
dst0[0] += au0*pv[0];
dst0[1] += au0*pv[1];
* final update
if( n%2!=0 )
dst0[0] += au0*pv[0];
return ae_true;
Interface functions for efficient kernels
ae_bool _ialglib_i_rmatrixgemmf(ae_int_t m,
ae_int_t n,
ae_int_t k,
double alpha,
ae_matrix *_a,
ae_int_t ia,
ae_int_t ja,
ae_int_t optypea,
ae_matrix *_b,
ae_int_t ib,
ae_int_t jb,
ae_int_t optypeb,
double beta,
ae_matrix *_c,
ae_int_t ic,
ae_int_t jc)
/* handle degenerate cases like zero matrices by ALGLIB - greatly simplifies passing data to ALGLIB kernel */
if( alpha==0.0 || k==0 || n==0 || m==0)
return ae_false;
/* handle with optimized ALGLIB kernel */
return _ialglib_rmatrixgemm(m, n, k, alpha, _a->ptr.pp_double[ia]+ja, _a->stride, optypea, _b->ptr.pp_double[ib]+jb, _b->stride, optypeb, beta, _c->ptr.pp_double[ic]+jc, _c->stride);
ae_bool _ialglib_i_cmatrixgemmf(ae_int_t m,
ae_int_t n,
ae_int_t k,
ae_complex alpha,
ae_matrix *_a,
ae_int_t ia,
ae_int_t ja,
ae_int_t optypea,
ae_matrix *_b,
ae_int_t ib,
ae_int_t jb,
ae_int_t optypeb,
ae_complex beta,
ae_matrix *_c,
ae_int_t ic,
ae_int_t jc)
/* handle degenerate cases like zero matrices by ALGLIB - greatly simplifies passing data to ALGLIB kernel */
if( (alpha.x==0.0 && alpha.y==0) || k==0 || n==0 || m==0 )
return ae_false;
/* handle with optimized ALGLIB kernel */
return _ialglib_cmatrixgemm(m, n, k, alpha, _a->ptr.pp_complex[ia]+ja, _a->stride, optypea, _b->ptr.pp_complex[ib]+jb, _b->stride, optypeb, beta, _c->ptr.pp_complex[ic]+jc, _c->stride);
ae_bool _ialglib_i_cmatrixrighttrsmf(ae_int_t m,
ae_int_t n,
ae_matrix *a,
ae_int_t i1,
ae_int_t j1,
ae_bool isupper,
ae_bool isunit,
ae_int_t optype,
ae_matrix *x,
ae_int_t i2,
ae_int_t j2)
/* handle degenerate cases like zero matrices by ALGLIB - greatly simplifies passing data to ALGLIB kernel */
if( m==0 || n==0)
return ae_false;
/* handle with optimized ALGLIB kernel */
return _ialglib_cmatrixrighttrsm(m, n, &a->ptr.pp_complex[i1][j1], a->stride, isupper, isunit, optype, &x->ptr.pp_complex[i2][j2], x->stride);
ae_bool _ialglib_i_rmatrixrighttrsmf(ae_int_t m,
ae_int_t n,
ae_matrix *a,
ae_int_t i1,
ae_int_t j1,
ae_bool isupper,
ae_bool isunit,
ae_int_t optype,
ae_matrix *x,
ae_int_t i2,
ae_int_t j2)
/* handle degenerate cases like zero matrices by ALGLIB - greatly simplifies passing data to ALGLIB kernel */
if( m==0 || n==0)
return ae_false;
/* handle with optimized ALGLIB kernel */
return _ialglib_rmatrixrighttrsm(m, n, &a->ptr.pp_double[i1][j1], a->stride, isupper, isunit, optype, &x->ptr.pp_double[i2][j2], x->stride);
ae_bool _ialglib_i_cmatrixlefttrsmf(ae_int_t m,
ae_int_t n,
ae_matrix *a,
ae_int_t i1,
ae_int_t j1,
ae_bool isupper,
ae_bool isunit,
ae_int_t optype,
ae_matrix *x,
ae_int_t i2,
ae_int_t j2)
/* handle degenerate cases like zero matrices by ALGLIB - greatly simplifies passing data to ALGLIB kernel */
if( m==0 || n==0)
return ae_false;
/* handle with optimized ALGLIB kernel */
return _ialglib_cmatrixlefttrsm(m, n, &a->ptr.pp_complex[i1][j1], a->stride, isupper, isunit, optype, &x->ptr.pp_complex[i2][j2], x->stride);
ae_bool _ialglib_i_rmatrixlefttrsmf(ae_int_t m,
ae_int_t n,
ae_matrix *a,
ae_int_t i1,
ae_int_t j1,
ae_bool isupper,
ae_bool isunit,
ae_int_t optype,
ae_matrix *x,
ae_int_t i2,
ae_int_t j2)
/* handle degenerate cases like zero matrices by ALGLIB - greatly simplifies passing data to ALGLIB kernel */
if( m==0 || n==0)
return ae_false;
/* handle with optimized ALGLIB kernel */
return _ialglib_rmatrixlefttrsm(m, n, &a->ptr.pp_double[i1][j1], a->stride, isupper, isunit, optype, &x->ptr.pp_double[i2][j2], x->stride);
ae_bool _ialglib_i_cmatrixherkf(ae_int_t n,
ae_int_t k,
double alpha,
ae_matrix *a,
ae_int_t ia,
ae_int_t ja,
ae_int_t optypea,
double beta,
ae_matrix *c,
ae_int_t ic,
ae_int_t jc,
ae_bool isupper)
/* handle degenerate cases like zero matrices by ALGLIB - greatly simplifies passing data to ALGLIB kernel */
if( alpha==0.0 || k==0 || n==0)
return ae_false;
/* ALGLIB kernel */
return _ialglib_cmatrixherk(n, k, alpha, &a->ptr.pp_complex[ia][ja], a->stride, optypea, beta, &c->ptr.pp_complex[ic][jc], c->stride, isupper);
ae_bool _ialglib_i_rmatrixsyrkf(ae_int_t n,
ae_int_t k,
double alpha,
ae_matrix *a,
ae_int_t ia,
ae_int_t ja,
ae_int_t optypea,
double beta,
ae_matrix *c,
ae_int_t ic,
ae_int_t jc,
ae_bool isupper)
/* handle degenerate cases like zero matrices by ALGLIB - greatly simplifies passing data to ALGLIB kernel */
if( alpha==0.0 || k==0 || n==0)
return ae_false;
/* ALGLIB kernel */
return _ialglib_rmatrixsyrk(n, k, alpha, &a->ptr.pp_double[ia][ja], a->stride, optypea, beta, &c->ptr.pp_double[ic][jc], c->stride, isupper);
ae_bool _ialglib_i_cmatrixrank1f(ae_int_t m,
ae_int_t n,
ae_matrix *a,
ae_int_t ia,
ae_int_t ja,
ae_vector *u,
ae_int_t uoffs,
ae_vector *v,
ae_int_t voffs)
return _ialglib_cmatrixrank1(m, n, &a->ptr.pp_complex[ia][ja], a->stride, &u->ptr.p_complex[uoffs], &v->ptr.p_complex[voffs]);
ae_bool _ialglib_i_rmatrixrank1f(ae_int_t m,
ae_int_t n,
ae_matrix *a,
ae_int_t ia,
ae_int_t ja,
ae_vector *u,
ae_int_t uoffs,
ae_vector *v,
ae_int_t voffs)
return _ialglib_rmatrixrank1(m, n, &a->ptr.pp_double[ia][ja], a->stride, &u->ptr.p_double[uoffs], &v->ptr.p_double[voffs]);
ae_bool _ialglib_i_rmatrixgerf(ae_int_t m,
ae_int_t n,
ae_matrix *a,
ae_int_t ia,
ae_int_t ja,
double alpha,
ae_vector *u,
ae_int_t uoffs,
ae_vector *v,
ae_int_t voffs)
return _ialglib_rmatrixger(m, n, &a->ptr.pp_double[ia][ja], a->stride, alpha, &u->ptr.p_double[uoffs], &v->ptr.p_double[voffs]);
This function reads rectangular matrix A given by two column pointers
col0 and col1 and stride src_stride and moves it into contiguous row-
by-row storage given by dst.
It can handle following special cases:
* col1==NULL in this case second column of A is filled by zeros
void _ialglib_pack_n2(
double *col0,
double *col1,
ae_int_t n,
ae_int_t src_stride,
double *dst)
ae_int_t n2, j, stride2;
* handle special case
if( col1==NULL )
for(j=0; j<n; j++)
dst[0] = *col0;
dst[1] = 0.0;
col0 += src_stride;
dst += 2;
* handle general case
n2 = n/2;
stride2 = src_stride*2;
for(j=0; j<n2; j++)
dst[0] = *col0;
dst[1] = *col1;
dst[2] = col0[src_stride];
dst[3] = col1[src_stride];
col0 += stride2;
col1 += stride2;
dst += 4;
if( n%2 )
dst[0] = *col0;
dst[1] = *col1;
This function reads rectangular matrix A given by two column pointers col0
and col1 and stride src_stride and moves it into contiguous row-by-row
storage given by dst.
dst must be aligned, col0 and col1 may be non-aligned.
It can handle following special cases:
* col1==NULL in this case second column of A is filled by zeros
* src_stride==1 efficient SSE-based code is used
* col1-col0==1 efficient SSE-based code is used
This function supports SSE2; it can be used when:
1. AE_HAS_SSE2_INTRINSICS was defined (checked at compile-time)
2. ae_cpuid() result contains CPU_SSE2 (checked at run-time)
If you want to know whether it is safe to call it, you should check
results of ae_cpuid(). If CPU_SSE2 bit is set, this function is callable
and will do its work.
void _ialglib_pack_n2_sse2(
double *col0,
double *col1,
ae_int_t n,
ae_int_t src_stride,
double *dst)
ae_int_t n2, j, stride2;
* handle special case: col1==NULL
if( col1==NULL )
for(j=0; j<n; j++)
dst[0] = *col0;
dst[1] = 0.0;
col0 += src_stride;
dst += 2;
* handle unit stride
if( src_stride==1 )
__m128d v0, v1;
n2 = n/2;
for(j=0; j<n2; j++)
v0 = _mm_loadu_pd(col0);
col0 += 2;
v1 = _mm_loadu_pd(col1);
col1 += 2;
_mm_store_pd(dst, _mm_unpacklo_pd(v0,v1));
dst += 4;
if( n%2 )
dst[0] = *col0;
dst[1] = *col1;
* handle col1-col0==1
if( col1-col0==1 )
__m128d v0, v1;
n2 = n/2;
stride2 = 2*src_stride;
for(j=0; j<n2; j++)
v0 = _mm_loadu_pd(col0);
v1 = _mm_loadu_pd(col0+src_stride);
_mm_store_pd(dst, v0);
col0 += stride2;
dst += 4;
if( n%2 )
dst[0] = col0[0];
dst[1] = col0[1];
* handle general case
n2 = n/2;
stride2 = src_stride*2;
for(j=0; j<n2; j++)
dst[0] = *col0;
dst[1] = *col1;
dst[2] = col0[src_stride];
dst[3] = col1[src_stride];
col0 += stride2;
col1 += stride2;
dst += 4;
if( n%2 )
dst[0] = *col0;
dst[1] = *col1;
This function calculates R := alpha*A'*B+beta*R where A and B are Kx2
matrices stored in contiguous row-by-row storage, R is 2x2 matrix
stored in non-contiguous row-by-row storage.
A and B must be aligned; R may be non-aligned.
If beta is zero, contents of R is ignored (not multiplied by zero -
just ignored).
However, when alpha is zero, we still calculate A'*B, which is
multiplied by zero afterwards.
Function accepts additional parameter store_mode:
* if 0, full R is stored
* if 1, only first row of R is stored
* if 2, only first column of R is stored
* if 3, only top left element of R is stored
void _ialglib_mm22(double alpha, const double *a, const double *b, ae_int_t k, double beta, double *r, ae_int_t stride, ae_int_t store_mode)
double v00, v01, v10, v11;
ae_int_t t;
v00 = 0.0;
v01 = 0.0;
v10 = 0.0;
v11 = 0.0;
for(t=0; t<k; t++)
v00 += a[0]*b[0];
v01 += a[0]*b[1];
v10 += a[1]*b[0];
v11 += a[1]*b[1];
if( store_mode==0 )
if( beta==0 )
r[0] = alpha*v00;
r[1] = alpha*v01;
r[stride+0] = alpha*v10;
r[stride+1] = alpha*v11;
r[0] = beta*r[0] + alpha*v00;
r[1] = beta*r[1] + alpha*v01;
r[stride+0] = beta*r[stride+0] + alpha*v10;
r[stride+1] = beta*r[stride+1] + alpha*v11;
if( store_mode==1 )
if( beta==0 )
r[0] = alpha*v00;
r[1] = alpha*v01;
r[0] = beta*r[0] + alpha*v00;
r[1] = beta*r[1] + alpha*v01;
if( store_mode==2 )
if( beta==0 )
r[0] =alpha*v00;
r[stride+0] = alpha*v10;
r[0] = beta*r[0] + alpha*v00;
r[stride+0] = beta*r[stride+0] + alpha*v10;
if( store_mode==3 )
if( beta==0 )
r[0] = alpha*v00;
r[0] = beta*r[0] + alpha*v00;
This function calculates R := alpha*A'*B+beta*R where A and B are Kx2
matrices stored in contiguous row-by-row storage, R is 2x2 matrix
stored in non-contiguous row-by-row storage.
A and B must be aligned; R may be non-aligned.
If beta is zero, contents of R is ignored (not multiplied by zero -
just ignored).
However, when alpha is zero, we still calculate A'*B, which is
multiplied by zero afterwards.
Function accepts additional parameter store_mode:
* if 0, full R is stored
* if 1, only first row of R is stored
* if 2, only first column of R is stored
* if 3, only top left element of R is stored
This function supports SSE2; it can be used when:
1. AE_HAS_SSE2_INTRINSICS was defined (checked at compile-time)
2. ae_cpuid() result contains CPU_SSE2 (checked at run-time)
If (1) is failed, this function will still be defined and callable, but it
will do nothing. If (2) is failed , call to this function will probably
crash your system.
If you want to know whether it is safe to call it, you should check
results of ae_cpuid(). If CPU_SSE2 bit is set, this function is callable
and will do its work.
void _ialglib_mm22_sse2(double alpha, const double *a, const double *b, ae_int_t k, double beta, double *r, ae_int_t stride, ae_int_t store_mode)
* We calculate product of two Kx2 matrices (result is 2x2).
* VA and VB store result as follows:
* [ VD[0] VE[0] ]
* A'*B = [ ]
* [ VE[1] VD[1] ]
__m128d va, vb, vd, ve, vt, r0, r1, valpha, vbeta;
ae_int_t t, k2;
* calculate product
k2 = k/2;
vd = _mm_setzero_pd();
ve = _mm_setzero_pd();
for(t=0; t<k2; t++)
vb = _mm_load_pd(b);
va = _mm_load_pd(a);
vt = vb;
vb = _mm_mul_pd(va,vb);
vt = _mm_shuffle_pd(vt, vt, 1);
vd = _mm_add_pd(vb,vd);
vt = _mm_mul_pd(va,vt);
vb = _mm_load_pd(b+2);
ve = _mm_add_pd(vt,ve);
va = _mm_load_pd(a+2);
vt = vb;
vb = _mm_mul_pd(va,vb);
vt = _mm_shuffle_pd(vt, vt, 1);
vd = _mm_add_pd(vb,vd);
vt = _mm_mul_pd(va,vt);
ve = _mm_add_pd(vt,ve);
if( k%2 )
va = _mm_load_pd(a);
vb = _mm_load_pd(b);
vt = _mm_shuffle_pd(vb, vb, 1);
vd = _mm_add_pd(_mm_mul_pd(va,vb),vd);
ve = _mm_add_pd(_mm_mul_pd(va,vt),ve);
* r0 is first row of alpha*A'*B, r1 is second row
valpha = _mm_load1_pd(&alpha);
r0 = _mm_mul_pd(_mm_unpacklo_pd(vd,ve),valpha);
r1 = _mm_mul_pd(_mm_unpackhi_pd(ve,vd),valpha);
* store
if( store_mode==0 )
if( beta==0 )
vbeta = _mm_load1_pd(&beta);
if( store_mode==1 )
if( beta==0 )
if( store_mode==2 )
double buf[4];
if( beta==0 )
r[0] =buf[0];
r[stride+0] = buf[2];
r[0] = beta*r[0] + buf[0];
r[stride+0] = beta*r[stride+0] + buf[2];
if( store_mode==3 )
double buf[2];
if( beta==0 )
r[0] = buf[0];
r[0] = beta*r[0] + buf[0];
This function calculates R := alpha*A'*(B0|B1)+beta*R where A, B0 and B1
are Kx2 matrices stored in contiguous row-by-row storage, R is 2x4 matrix
stored in non-contiguous row-by-row storage.
A, B0 and B1 must be aligned; R may be non-aligned.
Note that B0 and B1 are two separate matrices stored in different
If beta is zero, contents of R is ignored (not multiplied by zero - just
However, when alpha is zero , we still calculate MM product, which is
multiplied by zero afterwards.
Unlike mm22 functions, this function does NOT support partial output of R
- we always store full 2x4 matrix.
void _ialglib_mm22x2(double alpha, const double *a, const double *b0, const double *b1, ae_int_t k, double beta, double *r, ae_int_t stride)
_ialglib_mm22(alpha, a, b0, k, beta, r, stride, 0);
_ialglib_mm22(alpha, a, b1, k, beta, r+2, stride, 0);
This function calculates R := alpha*A'*(B0|B1)+beta*R where A, B0 and B1
are Kx2 matrices stored in contiguous row-by-row storage, R is 2x4 matrix
stored in non-contiguous row-by-row storage.
A, B0 and B1 must be aligned; R may be non-aligned.
Note that B0 and B1 are two separate matrices stored in different
If beta is zero, contents of R is ignored (not multiplied by zero - just
However, when alpha is zero , we still calculate MM product, which is
multiplied by zero afterwards.
Unlike mm22 functions, this function does NOT support partial output of R
- we always store full 2x4 matrix.
This function supports SSE2; it can be used when:
1. AE_HAS_SSE2_INTRINSICS was defined (checked at compile-time)
2. ae_cpuid() result contains CPU_SSE2 (checked at run-time)
If (1) is failed, this function will still be defined and callable, but it
will do nothing. If (2) is failed , call to this function will probably
crash your system.
If you want to know whether it is safe to call it, you should check
results of ae_cpuid(). If CPU_SSE2 bit is set, this function is callable
and will do its work.
void _ialglib_mm22x2_sse2(double alpha, const double *a, const double *b0, const double *b1, ae_int_t k, double beta, double *r, ae_int_t stride)
* We calculate product of two Kx2 matrices (result is 2x2).
* V0, V1, V2, V3 store result as follows:
* [ V0[0] V1[1] V2[0] V3[1] ]
* R = [ ]
* [ V1[0] V0[1] V3[0] V2[1] ]
* VA0 stores current 1x2 block of A, VA1 stores shuffle of VA0,
* VB0 and VB1 are used to store two copies of 1x2 block of B0 or B1
* (both vars store same data - either B0 or B1). Results from multiplication
* by VA0/VA1 are stored in VB0/VB1 too.
__m128d v0, v1, v2, v3, va0, va1, vb0, vb1;
__m128d r00, r01, r10, r11, valpha, vbeta;
ae_int_t t;
v0 = _mm_setzero_pd();
v1 = _mm_setzero_pd();
v2 = _mm_setzero_pd();
v3 = _mm_setzero_pd();
for(t=0; t<k; t++)
va0 = _mm_load_pd(a);
vb0 = _mm_load_pd(b0);
va1 = _mm_load_pd(a);
vb0 = _mm_mul_pd(va0,vb0);
vb1 = _mm_load_pd(b0);
v0 = _mm_add_pd(v0,vb0);
vb1 = _mm_mul_pd(va1,vb1);
vb0 = _mm_load_pd(b1);
v1 = _mm_add_pd(v1,vb1);
vb0 = _mm_mul_pd(va0,vb0);
vb1 = _mm_load_pd(b1);
v2 = _mm_add_pd(v2,vb0);
vb1 = _mm_mul_pd(va1,vb1);
v3 = _mm_add_pd(v3,vb1);
* shuffle V1 and V3 (conversion to more convenient storage format):
* [ V0[0] V1[0] V2[0] V3[0] ]
* R = [ ]
* [ V1[1] V0[1] V3[1] V2[1] ]
* unpack results to
* [ r00 r01 ]
* [ r10 r11 ]
valpha = _mm_load1_pd(&alpha);
v1 = _mm_shuffle_pd(v1, v1, 1);
v3 = _mm_shuffle_pd(v3, v3, 1);
r00 = _mm_mul_pd(_mm_unpacklo_pd(v0,v1),valpha);
r10 = _mm_mul_pd(_mm_unpackhi_pd(v1,v0),valpha);
r01 = _mm_mul_pd(_mm_unpacklo_pd(v2,v3),valpha);
r11 = _mm_mul_pd(_mm_unpackhi_pd(v3,v2),valpha);
* store
if( beta==0 )
vbeta = _mm_load1_pd(&beta);
_mm_storeu_pd(r, _mm_add_pd(_mm_mul_pd(_mm_loadu_pd(r),vbeta),r00));
_mm_storeu_pd(r+2, _mm_add_pd(_mm_mul_pd(_mm_loadu_pd(r+2),vbeta),r01));
_mm_storeu_pd(r+stride, _mm_add_pd(_mm_mul_pd(_mm_loadu_pd(r+stride),vbeta),r10));
_mm_storeu_pd(r+stride+2, _mm_add_pd(_mm_mul_pd(_mm_loadu_pd(r+stride+2),vbeta),r11));
namespace alglib_impl