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2061 lines
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# File: Casio.pm
# Description: Casio EXIF maker notes tags
# Revisions: 12/09/2003 - P. Harvey Created
# 09/10/2004 - P. Harvey Added MakerNote2 (thanks to Joachim Loehr)
# References: 1) http://park2.wakwak.com/~tsuruzoh/Computer/Digicams/exif-e.html
# 2) Joachim Loehr private communication
# 3) http://homepage3.nifty.com/kamisaka/makernote/makernote_casio.htm
# 4) http://gvsoft.homedns.org/exif/makernote-casio-type1.html
# 5) Robert Chi private communication (EX-F1)
# 6) http://u88.n24.queensu.ca/exiftool/forum/index.php/topic,3701.html
# JD) Jens Duttke private communication
package Image::ExifTool::Casio;
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);
use Image::ExifTool::Exif;
$VERSION = '1.38';
# older Casio maker notes (ref 1)
%Image::ExifTool::Casio::Main = (
WRITE_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::Exif::WriteExif,
CHECK_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::Exif::CheckExif,
GROUPS => { 0 => 'MakerNotes', 2 => 'Camera' },
0x0001 => {
Name => 'RecordingMode' ,
Writable => 'int16u',
PrintConv => {
1 => 'Single Shutter',
2 => 'Panorama',
3 => 'Night Scene',
4 => 'Portrait',
5 => 'Landscape',
7 => 'Panorama', #4
10 => 'Night Scene', #4
15 => 'Portrait', #4
16 => 'Landscape', #4
0x0002 => {
Name => 'Quality',
Writable => 'int16u',
PrintConv => { 1 => 'Economy', 2 => 'Normal', 3 => 'Fine' },
0x0003 => {
Name => 'FocusMode',
Writable => 'int16u',
PrintConv => {
2 => 'Macro',
3 => 'Auto',
4 => 'Manual',
5 => 'Infinity',
7 => 'Spot AF', #4
0x0004 => [
Name => 'FlashMode',
Condition => '$self->{Model} =~ /^QV-(3500EX|8000SX)/',
Writable => 'int16u',
PrintConv => {
1 => 'Auto',
2 => 'On',
3 => 'Off',
4 => 'Off', #4
5 => 'Red-eye Reduction', #4
Name => 'FlashMode',
Writable => 'int16u',
PrintConv => {
1 => 'Auto',
2 => 'On',
3 => 'Off',
4 => 'Red-eye Reduction',
0x0005 => {
Name => 'FlashIntensity',
Writable => 'int16u',
PrintConv => {
11 => 'Weak',
12 => 'Low', #4
13 => 'Normal',
14 => 'High', #4
15 => 'Strong',
0x0006 => {
Name => 'ObjectDistance',
Writable => 'int32u',
ValueConv => '$val / 1000', #4
ValueConvInv => '$val * 1000',
PrintConv => '"$val m"',
PrintConvInv => '$val=~s/\s*m$//;$val',
0x0007 => {
Name => 'WhiteBalance',
Writable => 'int16u',
PrintConv => {
1 => 'Auto',
2 => 'Tungsten',
3 => 'Daylight',
4 => 'Fluorescent',
5 => 'Shade',
129 => 'Manual',
# 0x0009 Bulb? (ref unknown)
0x000a => {
Name => 'DigitalZoom',
Writable => 'int32u',
PrintHex => 1,
PrintConv => {
0x10000 => 'Off',
0x10001 => '2x',
0x19999 => '1.6x', #4
0x20000 => '2x', #4
0x33333 => '3.2x', #4
0x40000 => '4x', #4
0x000b => {
Name => 'Sharpness',
Writable => 'int16u',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Normal',
1 => 'Soft',
2 => 'Hard',
16 => 'Normal', #4
17 => '+1', #4
18 => '-1', #4
0x000c => {
Name => 'Contrast',
Writable => 'int16u',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Normal',
1 => 'Low',
2 => 'High',
16 => 'Normal', #4
17 => '+1', #4
18 => '-1', #4
0x000d => {
Name => 'Saturation',
Writable => 'int16u',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Normal',
1 => 'Low',
2 => 'High',
16 => 'Normal', #4
17 => '+1', #4
18 => '-1', #4
0x0014 => {
Name => 'ISO',
Writable => 'int16u',
Priority => 0,
0x0015 => { #JD (Similar to Type2 0x2001)
Name => 'FirmwareDate',
Writable => 'string',
Format => 'undef', # the 'string' contains nulls
Count => 18,
PrintConv => q{
$_ = $val;
if (/^(\d{2})(\d{2})\0\0(\d{2})(\d{2})\0\0(\d{2})(.{2})\0{2}$/) {
my $yr = $1 + ($1 < 70 ? 2000 : 1900);
my $sec = $6;
$val = "$yr:$2:$3 $4:$5";
$val .= ":$sec" if $sec=~/^\d{2}$/;
return $val;
tr/\0/./; s/\.+$//;
return "Unknown ($_)";
PrintConvInv => q{
$_ = $val;
if (/^(19|20)(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}) (\d{2}):(\d{2})$/) {
return "$2$3\0\0$4$5\0\0$6\0\0\0\0";
} elsif (/^Unknown\s*\((.*)\)$/i) {
$_ = $1; tr/./\0/;
return $_;
} else {
return undef;
0x0016 => { #4
Name => 'Enhancement',
Writable => 'int16u',
PrintConv => {
1 => 'Off',
2 => 'Red',
3 => 'Green',
4 => 'Blue',
5 => 'Flesh Tones',
0x0017 => { #4
Name => 'ColorFilter',
Writable => 'int16u',
PrintConv => {
1 => 'Off',
2 => 'Black & White',
3 => 'Sepia',
4 => 'Red',
5 => 'Green',
6 => 'Blue',
7 => 'Yellow',
8 => 'Pink',
9 => 'Purple',
0x0018 => { #4
Name => 'AFPoint',
Writable => 'int16u',
Notes => 'may not be valid for all models', #JD
PrintConv => {
1 => 'Center',
2 => 'Upper Left',
3 => 'Upper Right',
4 => 'Near Left/Right of Center',
5 => 'Far Left/Right of Center',
6 => 'Far Left/Right of Center/Bottom',
7 => 'Top Near-left',
8 => 'Near Upper/Left',
9 => 'Top Near-right',
10 => 'Top Left',
11 => 'Top Center',
12 => 'Top Right',
13 => 'Center Left',
14 => 'Center Right',
15 => 'Bottom Left',
16 => 'Bottom Center',
17 => 'Bottom Right',
0x0019 => { #4
Name => 'FlashIntensity',
Writable => 'int16u',
PrintConv => {
1 => 'Normal',
2 => 'Weak',
3 => 'Strong',
0x0e00 => {
Name => 'PrintIM',
Description => 'Print Image Matching',
# crazy I know, but the offset for this value is entry-based
# (QV-2100, QV-2900UX, QV-3500EX and QV-4000) even though the
# offsets for other values isn't
EntryBased => 1,
SubDirectory => {
TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::PrintIM::Main',
# ref 2:
%Image::ExifTool::Casio::Type2 = (
WRITE_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::Exif::WriteExif,
CHECK_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::Exif::CheckExif,
GROUPS => { 0 => 'MakerNotes', 2 => 'Camera' },
0x0002 => {
Name => 'PreviewImageSize',
Groups => { 2 => 'Image' },
Writable => 'int16u',
Count => 2,
PrintConv => '$val =~ tr/ /x/; $val',
PrintConvInv => '$val =~ tr/x/ /; $val',
0x0003 => {
Name => 'PreviewImageLength',
Groups => { 2 => 'Image' },
OffsetPair => 0x0004, # point to associated offset
DataTag => 'PreviewImage',
Writable => 'int32u',
WriteGroup => 'MakerNotes',
Protected => 2,
0x0004 => {
Name => 'PreviewImageStart',
Groups => { 2 => 'Image' },
Flags => 'IsOffset',
OffsetPair => 0x0003, # point to associated byte count
DataTag => 'PreviewImage',
Writable => 'int32u',
WriteGroup => 'MakerNotes',
Protected => 2,
0x0008 => {
Name => 'QualityMode',
Writable => 'int16u',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Economy',
1 => 'Normal',
2 => 'Fine',
0x0009 => {
Name => 'CasioImageSize',
Groups => { 2 => 'Image' },
Writable => 'int16u',
PrintConv => {
0 => '640x480',
4 => '1600x1200',
5 => '2048x1536',
20 => '2288x1712',
21 => '2592x1944',
22 => '2304x1728',
36 => '3008x2008',
0x000d => {
Name => 'FocusMode',
Writable => 'int16u',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Normal',
1 => 'Macro',
0x0014 => {
Name => 'ISO',
Writable => 'int16u',
Priority => 0,
PrintConv => {
3 => 50,
4 => 64,
6 => 100,
9 => 200,
0x0019 => {
Name => 'WhiteBalance',
Writable => 'int16u',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Auto',
1 => 'Daylight',
2 => 'Shade',
3 => 'Tungsten',
4 => 'Fluorescent',
5 => 'Manual',
0x001d => {
Name => 'FocalLength',
Writable => 'rational64u',
PrintConv => 'sprintf("%.1f mm",$val)',
PrintConvInv => '$val=~s/\s*mm$//;$val',
0x001f => {
Name => 'Saturation',
Writable => 'int16u',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Low',
1 => 'Normal',
2 => 'High',
0x0020 => {
Name => 'Contrast',
Writable => 'int16u',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Low',
1 => 'Normal',
2 => 'High',
0x0021 => {
Name => 'Sharpness',
Writable => 'int16u',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Soft',
1 => 'Normal',
2 => 'Hard',
0x0e00 => {
Name => 'PrintIM',
Description => 'Print Image Matching',
Writable => 0,
SubDirectory => {
TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::PrintIM::Main',
0x2000 => {
# this image data is also referenced by tags 3 and 4
# (nasty that they double-reference the image!)
Groups => { 2 => 'Preview' },
0x2001 => { #PH
# I downloaded images from 12 different EX-Z50 cameras, and they showed
# only 3 distinct dates here (2004:08:31 18:55, 2004:09:13 14:14, and
# 2004:11:26 17:07), so I'm guessing this is a firmware version date - PH
Name => 'FirmwareDate',
Writable => 'string',
Format => 'undef', # the 'string' contains nulls
Count => 18,
PrintConv => q{
$_ = $val;
if (/^(\d{2})(\d{2})\0\0(\d{2})(\d{2})\0\0(\d{2})\0{4}$/) {
my $yr = $1 + ($1 < 70 ? 2000 : 1900);
return "$yr:$2:$3 $4:$5";
tr/\0/./; s/\.+$//;
return "Unknown ($_)";
PrintConvInv => q{
$_ = $val;
if (/^(19|20)(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}) (\d{2}):(\d{2})$/) {
return "$2$3\0\0$4$5\0\0$6\0\0\0\0";
} elsif (/^Unknown\s*\((.*)\)$/i) {
$_ = $1; tr/./\0/;
return $_;
} else {
return undef;
0x2011 => {
Name => 'WhiteBalanceBias',
Writable => 'int16u',
Count => 2,
0x2012 => {
Name => 'WhiteBalance',
Writable => 'int16u',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Manual',
1 => 'Daylight', #3
2 => 'Cloudy', #PH (EX-ZR20, NC)
3 => 'Shade', #3
4 => 'Flash?',
6 => 'Fluorescent', #3
9 => 'Tungsten?', #PH (EX-Z77)
10 => 'Tungsten', #3
12 => 'Flash',
0x2021 => { #JD (guess)
Name => 'AFPointPosition',
Writable => 'int16u',
Count => 4,
PrintConv => q{
my @v = split ' ', $val;
return 'n/a' if $v[0] == 65535 or not $v[1] or not $v[3];
sprintf "%.2g %.2g", $v[0]/$v[1], $v[2]/$v[3];
0x2022 => {
Name => 'ObjectDistance',
Writable => 'int32u',
ValueConv => '$val >= 0x20000000 ? "inf" : $val / 1000',
ValueConvInv => '$val eq "inf" ? 0x20000000 : $val * 1000',
PrintConv => '$val eq "inf" ? $val : "$val m"',
PrintConvInv => '$val=~s/\s*m$//;$val',
# 0x2023 looks interesting (values 0,1,2,3,5 in samples) - PH
# - 1 for makeup mode shots (portrait?) (EX-Z450)
0x2034 => {
Name => 'FlashDistance',
Writable => 'int16u',
# 0x203e - normally 62000, but 62001 for anti-shake mode - PH
0x2076 => { #PH (EX-Z450)
# ("Enhancement" was taken already, so call this "SpecialEffect" for lack of a better name)
Name => 'SpecialEffectMode',
Writable => 'int8u',
Count => 3,
PrintConv => {
'0 0 0' => 'Off',
'1 0 0' => 'Makeup',
'2 0 0' => 'Mist Removal',
'3 0 0' => 'Vivid Landscape',
# have also seen '1 1 1', '2 2 4', '4 3 3', '4 4 4'
# '0 0 14' and '0 0 42' - premium auto night shot (EX-Z2300)
# and '0 0 2' for Art HDR
0x2089 => [ #PH
Name => 'FaceInfo1',
Condition => '$$valPt =~ /^(\0\0|.\x02\x80\x01\xe0)/s', # (EX-H5)
SubDirectory => {
TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Casio::FaceInfo1',
ByteOrder => 'BigEndian',
Name => 'FaceInfo2',
Condition => '$$valPt =~ /^\x02\x01/', # (EX-H20G,EX-ZR100)
SubDirectory => {
TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Casio::FaceInfo2',
ByteOrder => 'LittleEndian',
Name => 'FaceInfoUnknown',
Unknown => 1,
# 0x208a - also some sort of face detection information - PH
0x211c => { #PH
Name => 'FacesDetected',
Format => 'int8u',
0x3000 => {
Name => 'RecordMode',
Writable => 'int16u',
PrintConv => {
2 => 'Program AE', #3
3 => 'Shutter Priority', #3
4 => 'Aperture Priority', #3
5 => 'Manual', #3
6 => 'Best Shot', #3
17 => 'Movie', #PH (UHQ?)
19 => 'Movie (19)', #PH (HQ?, EX-P505)
20 => 'YouTube Movie', #PH
'2 0' => 'Program AE', #PH (NC)
'3 0' => 'Shutter Priority', #PH (NC)
'4 0' => 'Aperture Priority', #PH (NC)
'5 0' => 'Manual', #PH (NC)
'6 0' => 'Best Shot', #PH (NC)
0x3001 => { #3
Name => 'ReleaseMode',
Writable => 'int16u',
PrintConv => {
1 => 'Normal',
3 => 'AE Bracketing',
11 => 'WB Bracketing',
13 => 'Contrast Bracketing', #(not sure about translation - PH)
19 => 'High Speed Burst', #PH (EX-FH25, 40fps)
# have also seen: 2, 7(common), 14, 18 - PH
0x3002 => {
Name => 'Quality',
Writable => 'int16u',
PrintConv => {
1 => 'Economy',
2 => 'Normal',
3 => 'Fine',
0x3003 => {
Name => 'FocusMode',
Writable => 'int16u',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Manual', #(guess at translation)
1 => 'Focus Lock', #(guess at translation)
2 => 'Macro', #3
3 => 'Single-Area Auto Focus',
5 => 'Infinity', #PH
6 => 'Multi-Area Auto Focus',
8 => 'Super Macro', #PH (EX-Z2300)
0x3006 => {
Name => 'HometownCity',
Writable => 'string',
# unfortunately the BestShotMode numbers are model-dependent - PH
# NOTE: BestShotMode is not used unless RecordMode is "Best Shot"
0x3007 => [{
Name => 'BestShotMode',
Writable => 'int16u',
Condition => '$$self{Model} eq "EX-FC100"',
Notes => 'EX-FC100',
PrintConvColumns => 2,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Auto',
2 => 'Portrait',
3 => 'Scenery',
4 => 'Portrait with Scenery',
5 => 'Children',
6 => 'Sports',
7 => 'Pet',
8 => 'Flower',
9 => 'Natural Green',
10 => 'Autumn Leaves',
11 => 'Sundown',
12 => 'High Speed Night Scene',
13 => 'Night Scene Portrait',
14 => 'Fireworks',
15 => 'High Speed Anti Shake',
16 => 'Multi-motion Image',
17 => 'High Speed Best Selection',
18 => 'Move Out CS',
19 => 'Move In CS',
20 => 'Pre-record Movie',
21 => 'For YouTube',
Name => 'BestShotMode',
Writable => 'int16u',
Condition => '$$self{Model} eq "EX-FC150"',
Notes => 'EX-FC150',
PrintConvColumns => 2,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Auto',
2 => 'Expression CS',
3 => 'Baby CS',
4 => 'Child CS',
5 => 'Pet CS',
6 => 'Sports CS',
7 => 'Child High Speed Movie',
8 => 'Pet High Speed Movie',
9 => 'Sports High Speed Movie',
10 => 'Lag Correction',
11 => 'High Speed Lighting',
12 => 'High Speed Night Scene',
13 => 'High Speed Night Scene and Portrait',
14 => 'High Speed Anti Shake',
15 => 'High Speed Best Selection',
16 => 'Portrait',
17 => 'Scenery',
18 => 'Portrait With Scenery',
19 => 'Flower',
20 => 'Natural Green',
21 => 'Autumn Leaves',
22 => 'Sundown',
23 => 'Fireworks',
24 => 'Multi-motion Image',
25 => 'Move Out CS',
26 => 'Move In CS',
27 => 'Pre-record Movie',
28 => 'For YouTube',
Name => 'BestShotMode',
Writable => 'int16u',
Condition => '$$self{Model} eq "EX-FC200S"',
Notes => 'EX-FC200S',
PrintConvColumns => 2,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Slow Motion Swing (behind)',
2 => 'Slow Motion Swing (front)',
3 => 'Self Slow Motion (behind)',
4 => 'Self Slow Motion (front)',
5 => 'Swing Burst',
6 => 'HDR',
7 => 'HDR Art',
8 => 'High Speed Night Scene',
9 => 'High Speed Night Scene and Portrait',
10 => 'High Speed Anti Shake',
11 => 'Multi SR Zoom',
12 => 'Blurred Background',
13 => 'Wide Shot',
14 => 'Slide Panorama',
15 => 'High Speed Best Selection',
16 => 'Lag Correction',
17 => 'High Speed CS',
18 => 'Child CS',
19 => 'Pet CS',
20 => 'Sports CS',
21 => 'Child High Speed Movie',
22 => 'Pet High Speed Movie',
23 => 'Sports High Speed Movie',
24 => 'Portrait',
25 => 'Scenery',
26 => 'Portrait with Scenery',
27 => 'Children',
28 => 'Sports',
29 => 'Candlelight Portrait',
30 => 'Party',
31 => 'Pet',
32 => 'Flower',
33 => 'Natural Green',
34 => 'Autumn Leaves',
35 => 'Soft Flowing Water',
36 => 'Splashing Water',
37 => 'Sundown',
38 => 'Fireworks',
39 => 'Food',
40 => 'Text',
41 => 'Collection',
42 => 'Auction',
43 => 'Pre-record Movie',
44 => 'For YouTube',
Name => 'BestShotMode',
Writable => 'int16u',
Condition => '$$self{Model} eq "EX-FH100"',
Notes => 'EX-FH100',
PrintConvColumns => 2,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Expression CS',
2 => 'Baby CS',
3 => 'Child CS',
4 => 'Pet CS',
5 => 'Sports CS',
6 => 'Child High Speed Movie',
7 => 'Pet High Speed Movie',
8 => 'Sports High Speed Movie',
9 => 'Lag Correction',
10 => 'High Speed Lighting',
11 => 'High Speed Night Scene',
12 => 'High Speed Night Scene and Portrait',
13 => 'High Speed Anti Shake',
14 => 'High Speed Best Selection',
15 => 'Portrait',
16 => 'Scenery',
17 => 'Portrait With Scenery',
18 => 'Flower',
19 => 'Natural Green',
20 => 'Autumn Leaves',
21 => 'Sundown',
22 => 'Fireworks',
23 => 'Multi-motion Image',
24 => 'Move Out CS',
25 => 'Move In CS',
26 => 'Pre-record Movie',
27 => 'For YouTube',
Name => 'BestShotMode',
Writable => 'int16u',
Condition => '$$self{Model} eq "EX-G1"',
Notes => 'EX-G1',
PrintConvColumns => 3,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Auto',
2 => 'Auto Best Shot',
3 => 'Dynamic Photo',
4 => 'Interval Snapshot',
5 => 'Interval Movie',
6 => 'Portrait',
7 => 'Scenery',
8 => 'Portrait with Scenery',
9 => 'Underwater',
10 => 'Beach',
11 => 'Snow',
12 => 'Children',
13 => 'Sports',
14 => 'Pet',
15 => 'Flower',
16 => 'Sundown',
17 => 'Night Scene',
18 => 'Night Scene Portrait',
19 => 'Fireworks',
20 => 'Food',
21 => 'For eBay',
22 => 'Multi-motion Image',
23 => 'Pre-record Movie',
24 => 'For YouTube',
25 => 'Voice Recording',
Name => 'BestShotMode',
Writable => 'int16u',
Condition => '$$self{Model} eq "EX-S10"',
Notes => 'EX-S10',
PrintConvColumns => 3,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Auto',
2 => 'Portrait',
3 => 'Scenery',
4 => 'Portrait with Scenery',
5 => 'Self-portrait (1 person)',
6 => 'Self-portrait (2 people)',
7 => 'Children',
8 => 'Sports',
9 => 'Candlelight Portrait',
10 => 'Party',
11 => 'Pet',
12 => 'Flower',
13 => 'Natural Green',
14 => 'Autumn Leaves',
15 => 'Soft Flowing Water',
16 => 'Splashing Water',
17 => 'Sundown',
18 => 'Night Scene',
19 => 'Night Scene Portrait',
20 => 'Fireworks',
21 => 'Food',
22 => 'Text',
23 => 'Collection',
24 => 'Auction',
25 => 'Backlight',
26 => 'Anti Shake',
27 => 'High Sensitivity',
28 => 'Underwater',
29 => 'Monochrome',
30 => 'Retro',
31 => 'Business Cards',
32 => 'White Board',
33 => 'Silent',
34 => 'Pre-record Movie',
35 => 'For YouTube',
36 => 'Voice Recording',
Name => 'BestShotMode',
Writable => 'int16u',
Condition => '$$self{Model} eq "EX-S880"',
Notes => 'EX-S880',
PrintConvColumns => 3,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Auto',
2 => 'Portrait',
3 => 'Scenery',
4 => 'Portrait with Scenery',
5 => 'Children',
6 => 'Sports',
7 => 'Candlelight Portrait',
8 => 'Party',
9 => 'Pet',
10 => 'Flower',
11 => 'Natural Green',
12 => 'Autumn Leaves',
13 => 'Soft Flowing Water', # (wrong in documentation)
14 => 'Splashing Water',
15 => 'Sundown',
16 => 'Night Scene',
17 => 'Night Scene Portrait',
18 => 'Fireworks',
19 => 'Food',
20 => 'Text',
21 => 'Collection',
22 => 'Auction',
23 => 'Backlight',
24 => 'Anti Shake',
25 => 'High Sensitivity',
26 => 'Monochrome',
27 => 'Retro',
28 => 'Twilight',
29 => 'Layout (2 images)',
30 => 'Layout (3 images)',
31 => 'Auto Framing',
32 => 'Old Photo',
33 => 'Business Cards',
34 => 'White Board',
35 => 'Silent',
36 => 'Short Movie',
37 => 'Past Movie',
38 => 'For YouTube',
39 => 'Voice Recording',
Name => 'BestShotMode',
Writable => 'int16u',
Condition => '$$self{Model} eq "EX-Z16"',
Notes => 'EX-Z16',
PrintConvColumns => 3,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Auto',
2 => 'Portrait',
3 => 'Scenery',
4 => 'Portrait with Scenery',
5 => 'Children',
6 => 'Sports',
7 => 'Candlelight Portrait',
8 => 'Party',
9 => 'Pet',
10 => 'Flower',
11 => 'Soft Flowing Water',
12 => 'Sundown',
13 => 'Night Scene',
14 => 'Night Scene Portrait',
15 => 'Fireworks',
16 => 'Food',
17 => 'Text',
18 => 'For eBay',
19 => 'Backlight',
20 => 'Anti Shake',
21 => 'High Sensitivity',
22 => 'For YouTube',
23 => 'Voice Recording',
Name => 'BestShotMode',
Writable => 'int16u',
Condition => '$$self{Model} eq "EX-Z9"',
Notes => 'EX-Z9',
PrintConvColumns => 3,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Auto',
2 => 'Movie',
3 => 'Portrait',
4 => 'Scenery',
5 => 'Children',
6 => 'Sports',
7 => 'Candlelight Portrait',
8 => 'Party',
9 => 'Pet',
10 => 'Flower',
11 => 'Soft Flowing Water',
12 => 'Sundown',
13 => 'Night Scene',
14 => 'Night Scene Portrait',
15 => 'Fireworks',
16 => 'Food',
17 => 'Text',
18 => 'Auction',
19 => 'Backlight',
20 => 'Anti Shake',
21 => 'High Sensitivity',
22 => 'For YouTube',
23 => 'Voice Recording',
Name => 'BestShotMode',
Writable => 'int16u',
Condition => '$$self{Model} eq "EX-Z80"',
Notes => 'EX-Z80',
PrintConvColumns => 3,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Auto',
2 => 'Portrait',
3 => 'Scenery',
4 => 'Portrait with Scenery',
5 => 'Pet',
6 => 'Self-portrait (1 person)',
7 => 'Self-portrait (2 people)',
8 => 'Flower',
9 => 'Food',
10 => 'Fashion Accessories',
11 => 'Magazine',
12 => 'Monochrome',
13 => 'Retro',
14 => 'Cross Filter',
15 => 'Pastel',
16 => 'Night Scene',
17 => 'Night Scene Portrait',
18 => 'Party',
19 => 'Sports',
20 => 'Children',
21 => 'Sundown',
22 => 'Fireworks',
23 => 'Underwater',
24 => 'Backlight',
25 => 'High Sensitivity',
26 => 'Auction',
27 => 'White Board',
28 => 'Pre-record Movie',
29 => 'For YouTube',
30 => 'Voice Recording',
Name => 'BestShotMode',
Writable => 'int16u',
Condition => '$$self{Model} =~ /^EX-Z(100|200)$/',
Notes => 'EX-Z100 and EX-Z200',
PrintConvColumns => 3,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Auto',
2 => 'Auto Best Shot',
3 => 'Portrait',
4 => 'Scenery',
5 => 'Portrait with Scenery',
6 => 'Self-portrait (1 person)',
7 => 'Self-portrait (2 people)',
8 => 'Children',
9 => 'Sports',
10 => 'Candlelight Portrait',
11 => 'Party',
12 => 'Pet',
13 => 'Flower',
14 => 'Natural Green',
15 => 'Autumn Leaves',
16 => 'Soft Flowing Water',
17 => 'Splashing Water',
18 => 'Sundown',
19 => 'Night Scene',
20 => 'Night Scene Portrait',
21 => 'Fireworks',
22 => 'Food',
23 => 'Text',
24 => 'Collection',
25 => 'Auction',
26 => 'Backlight',
27 => 'Anti Shake',
28 => 'High Sensitivity',
29 => 'Underwater',
30 => 'Monochrome',
31 => 'Retro',
32 => 'Twilight',
33 => 'ID Photo',
34 => 'Business Cards',
35 => 'White Board',
36 => 'Silent',
37 => 'Pre-record Movie',
38 => 'For YouTube',
39 => 'Voice Recording',
Name => 'BestShotMode',
Writable => 'int16u',
# (Movies have different BestShot numbers for this camera)
Condition => '$$self{Model} eq "EX-Z750" and $$self{FILE_TYPE} eq "JPEG"',
Notes => 'EX-Z750 JPEG images',
PrintConvColumns => 3,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Portrait',
2 => 'Scenery',
3 => 'Portrait with Scenery',
4 => 'Children',
5 => 'Sports',
6 => 'Candlelight Portrait',
7 => 'Party',
8 => 'Pet',
9 => 'Flower',
10 => 'Natural Green',
11 => 'Soft Flowing Water',
12 => 'Splashing Water',
13 => 'Sundown',
14 => 'Night Scene',
15 => 'Night Scene Portrait',
16 => 'Fireworks',
17 => 'Food',
18 => 'Text',
19 => 'Collection',
20 => 'Backlight',
21 => 'Anti Shake',
22 => 'Pastel',
23 => 'Illustration',
24 => 'Cross Filter',
25 => 'Monochrome',
26 => 'Retro',
27 => 'Twilight',
28 => 'Old Photo',
29 => 'ID Photo',
30 => 'Business Cards',
31 => 'White Board',
Name => 'BestShotMode',
Writable => 'int16u',
# (Movies have different BestShot numbers for this camera)
Condition => '$$self{Model} eq "EX-Z750" and $$self{FILE_TYPE} =~ /^(MOV|AVI)$/',
Notes => 'EX-Z750 movies',
PrintConvColumns => 3,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Portrait',
2 => 'Scenery',
3 => 'Night Scene',
4 => 'Fireworks',
5 => 'Backlight',
6 => 'Silent',
Name => 'BestShotMode',
Writable => 'int16u',
# (Movies have different BestShot numbers for this camera)
Condition => '$$self{Model} eq "EX-Z850" and $$self{FILE_TYPE} eq "JPEG"',
Notes => 'EX-Z850 JPEG images',
PrintConvColumns => 3,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Portrait',
2 => 'Scenery',
3 => 'Portrait with Scenery',
4 => 'Children',
5 => 'Sports',
6 => 'Candlelight Portrait',
7 => 'Party',
8 => 'Pet',
9 => 'Flower',
10 => 'Natural Green',
11 => 'Autumn Leaves',
12 => 'Soft Flowing Water',
13 => 'Splashing Water',
14 => 'Sundown',
15 => 'Night Scene',
16 => 'Night Scene Portrait',
17 => 'Fireworks',
18 => 'Food',
19 => 'Text',
20 => 'Collection',
21 => 'For eBay',
22 => 'Backlight',
23 => 'Anti Shake',
24 => 'High Sensitivity',
25 => 'Pastel',
26 => 'Illustration',
27 => 'Cross Filter',
28 => 'Monochrome',
29 => 'Retro',
30 => 'Twilight',
31 => 'ID Photo',
32 => 'Old Photo',
33 => 'Business Cards',
34 => 'White Board',
Name => 'BestShotMode',
Writable => 'int16u',
# (Movies have different BestShot numbers for this camera)
Condition => '$$self{Model} eq "EX-Z850" and $$self{FILE_TYPE} =~ /^(MOV|AVI)$/',
Notes => 'EX-Z850 movies',
PrintConvColumns => 3,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Portrait',
2 => 'Scenery',
3 => 'Night Scene',
4 => 'Fireworks',
5 => 'Backlight',
6 => 'High Sensitivity',
7 => 'Silent',
8 => 'Short Movie',
9 => 'Past Movie',
Name => 'BestShotMode',
Writable => 'int16u',
# (Movies have different BestShot numbers for this camera)
Condition => '$$self{Model} eq "EX-Z1050"',
Notes => 'EX-Z1050',
PrintConvColumns => 3,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Auto',
2 => 'Movie',
3 => 'Portrait',
4 => 'Scenery',
5 => 'Portrait with Scenery',
6 => 'Children',
7 => 'Sports',
8 => 'Candlelight Portrait',
9 => 'Party',
10 => 'Pet',
11 => 'Flower',
12 => 'Natural Green',
13 => 'Autumn Leaves',
14 => 'Soft Flowing Water',
15 => 'Splashing Water',
16 => 'Sundown',
17 => 'Night Scene',
18 => 'Night Scene Portrait',
19 => 'Fireworks',
20 => 'Food',
21 => 'Text',
22 => 'Collection',
23 => 'For eBay',
24 => 'Backlight',
25 => 'Anti Shake',
26 => 'High Sensitivity',
27 => 'Underwater',
28 => 'Monochrome',
29 => 'Retro',
30 => 'Twilight',
31 => 'Layout (2 images)',
32 => 'Layout (3 images)',
33 => 'Auto Framing',
34 => 'ID Photo',
35 => 'Old Photo',
36 => 'Business Cards',
37 => 'White Board',
38 => 'Voice Recording',
Name => 'BestShotMode',
Writable => 'int16u',
# (Movies have different BestShot numbers for this camera)
Condition => '$$self{Model} eq "EX-Z1080"',
Notes => 'EX-Z1080',
PrintConvColumns => 3,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Auto',
2 => 'Movie',
3 => 'Portrait',
4 => 'Scenery',
5 => 'Portrait with Scenery',
6 => 'Children',
7 => 'Sports',
8 => 'Candlelight Portrait',
9 => 'Party',
10 => 'Pet',
11 => 'Flower',
12 => 'Natural Green',
13 => 'Autumn Leaves',
14 => 'Soft Flowing Water',
15 => 'Splashing Water',
16 => 'Sundown',
17 => 'Night Scene',
18 => 'Night Scene Portrait',
19 => 'Fireworks',
20 => 'Food',
21 => 'Text',
22 => 'Collection',
23 => 'For eBay',
24 => 'Backlight',
25 => 'Anti Shake',
26 => 'High Sensitivity',
27 => 'Underwater',
28 => 'Monochrome',
29 => 'Retro',
30 => 'Twilight',
31 => 'Layout (2 images)',
32 => 'Layout (3 images)',
33 => 'Auto Framing',
34 => 'ID Photo',
35 => 'Old Photo',
36 => 'Business Cards',
37 => 'White Board',
38 => 'Short Movie',
39 => 'Past Movie',
40 => 'For YouTube',
41 => 'Voice Recording',
Name => 'BestShotMode',
Writable => 'int16u',
# (Movies have different BestShot numbers for this camera)
Condition => '$$self{Model} eq "EX-Z1200" and $$self{FILE_TYPE} eq "JPEG"',
Notes => 'EX-Z1200 JPEG images',
PrintConvColumns => 3,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Portrait',
2 => 'Scenery',
3 => 'Portrait with Scenery',
4 => 'Children',
5 => 'Sports',
6 => 'Candlelight Portrait',
7 => 'Party',
8 => 'Pet',
9 => 'Flower',
10 => 'Natural Green',
11 => 'Autumn Leaves',
12 => 'Soft Flowing Water',
13 => 'Splashing Water',
14 => 'Sundown',
15 => 'Night Scene',
16 => 'Night Scene Portrait',
17 => 'Fireworks',
18 => 'Food',
19 => 'Text',
20 => 'Collection',
21 => 'Auction',
22 => 'Backlight',
23 => 'High Sensitivity',
24 => 'Underwater',
25 => 'Monochrome',
26 => 'Retro',
27 => 'Twilight',
28 => 'Layout (2 images)',
29 => 'Layout (3 images)',
30 => 'Auto Framing',
31 => 'ID Photo',
32 => 'Old Photo',
33 => 'Business Cards',
34 => 'White Board',
Name => 'BestShotMode',
Writable => 'int16u',
# (Movies have different BestShot numbers for this camera)
Condition => '$$self{Model} eq "EX-Z1200" and $$self{FILE_TYPE} =~ /^(MOV|AVI)$/',
Notes => 'EX-Z1200 movies',
PrintConvColumns => 3,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Portrait',
2 => 'Scenery',
3 => 'Night Scene',
4 => 'Fireworks',
5 => 'Backlight',
6 => 'High Sensitivity',
7 => 'Silent',
8 => 'Short Movie',
9 => 'Past Movie',
# (the following weren't numbered in the documentation:
# G1, Z300, Z250, Z85, Z19, Z150, F1, FH20)
Name => 'BestShotMode',
Writable => 'int16u',
Condition => '$$self{Model} eq "EX-Z2000"',
Notes => 'EX-Z2000',
PrintConvColumns => 3,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Auto',
2 => 'Premium Auto',
3 => 'Dynamic Photo',
4 => 'Portrait',
5 => 'Scenery',
6 => 'Portrait with Scenery',
7 => 'Children',
8 => 'Sports',
9 => 'Candlelight Portrait',
10 => 'Party',
11 => 'Pet',
12 => 'Flower',
13 => 'Natural Green',
14 => 'Autumn Leaves',
15 => 'Soft Flowing Water',
16 => 'Splashing Water',
17 => 'Sundown',
18 => 'Night Scene',
19 => 'Night Scene Portrait',
20 => 'Fireworks',
21 => 'Food',
22 => 'Text',
23 => 'Collection',
24 => 'For eBay',
25 => 'Backlight',
26 => 'High Sensitivity',
27 => 'Oil Painting',
28 => 'Crayon',
29 => 'Water Color',
30 => 'Monochrome',
31 => 'Retro',
32 => 'Twilight',
33 => 'Multi-motion Image',
34 => 'ID Photo',
35 => 'Business Cards',
36 => 'White Board',
37 => 'Silent',
38 => 'Pre-record Movie',
39 => 'For YouTube',
40 => 'Voice Recording',
Name => 'BestShotMode',
Writable => 'int16u',
# (Movies have different BestShot numbers for this camera)
Condition => '$$self{Model} eq "EX-Z2300"',
Notes => 'EX-Z2300',
PrintConvColumns => 3,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Auto',
2 => 'Premium Auto',
3 => 'Dynamic Photo',
4 => 'Portrait',
5 => 'Scenery',
6 => 'Portrait with Scenery',
7 => 'Children',
8 => 'Sports',
9 => 'Candlelight Portrait',
10 => 'Party',
11 => 'Pet',
12 => 'Flower',
13 => 'Natural Green',
14 => 'Autumn Leaves',
15 => 'Soft Flowing Water',
16 => 'Splashing Water',
17 => 'Sundown',
18 => 'Night Scene',
19 => 'Night Scene Portrait',
20 => 'Fireworks',
21 => 'Food',
22 => 'Text',
23 => 'Collection',
24 => 'Auction',
25 => 'Backlight',
26 => 'High Sensitivity',
27 => 'Oil Painting',
28 => 'Crayon',
29 => 'Water Color',
30 => 'Monochrome',
31 => 'Retro',
32 => 'Twilight',
33 => 'Multi-motion Image',
34 => 'ID Photo',
35 => 'Business Cards',
36 => 'White Board',
37 => 'Silent',
38 => 'Pre-record Movie',
39 => 'For YouTube',
40 => 'Voice Recording',
Name => 'BestShotMode',
Writable => 'int16u',
Condition => '$$self{Model} eq "EX-Z3000"',
Notes => 'EX-Z3000',
PrintConvColumns => 3,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Portrait',
2 => 'Scenery',
3 => 'Portrait With Scenery',
4 => 'Children',
5 => 'Sports',
6 => 'Night Scene',
Name => 'BestShotMode',
Writable => 'int16u',
Condition => '$$self{Model} eq "EX-ZR100"',
Notes => 'EX-ZR100',
PrintConvColumns => 2,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Child CS',
2 => 'Pet CS',
3 => 'Sports CS',
4 => 'Child High Speed Movie',
5 => 'Pet High Speed Movie',
6 => 'Sports High Speed Movie',
7 => 'Multi SR Zoom',
8 => 'Lag Correction',
9 => 'High Speed Night Scene',
10 => 'High Speed Night Scene and Portrait',
11 => 'High Speed Anti Shake',
12 => 'Portrait',
13 => 'Scenery',
14 => 'Portrait with Scenery',
15 => 'Children',
16 => 'Sports',
17 => 'Candlelight Portrait',
18 => 'Party',
19 => 'Pet',
20 => 'Flower',
21 => 'Natural Green',
22 => 'Autumn Leaves',
23 => 'Soft Flowing Water',
24 => 'Splashing Water',
25 => 'Sundown',
26 => 'Fireworks',
27 => 'Food',
28 => 'Text',
29 => 'Collection',
30 => 'For eBay',
31 => 'Pre-record Movie',
32 => 'For YouTube',
Name => 'BestShotMode',
Writable => 'int16u',
Condition => '$$self{Model} eq "EX-ZR200"',
Notes => 'EX-ZR200',
PrintConvColumns => 2,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'High Speed Night Scene',
2 => 'High Speed Night Scene and Portrait',
3 => 'High Speed Anti Shake',
4 => 'Blurred Background',
5 => 'Wide Shot',
6 => 'High Speed Best Selection',
7 => 'Lag Correction',
8 => 'Child CS',
9 => 'Pet CS',
10 => 'Sports CS',
11 => 'Child High Speed Movie',
12 => 'Pet High Speed Movie',
13 => 'Sports High Speed Movie',
14 => 'Portrait',
15 => 'Scenery',
16 => 'Portrait with Scenery',
17 => 'Children',
18 => 'Sports',
19 => 'Candlelight Portrait',
20 => 'Party',
21 => 'Pet',
22 => 'Flower',
23 => 'Natural Green',
24 => 'Autumn Leaves',
25 => 'Soft Flowing Water',
26 => 'Splashing Water',
27 => 'Sundown',
28 => 'Fireworks',
29 => 'Food',
30 => 'Text',
31 => 'Collection',
32 => 'Auction',
33 => 'Pre-record Movie',
34 => 'For YouTube',
},{ #http://ftp.casio.co.jp/pub/world_manual/qv/en/qv_4000/BS.pdf
Name => 'BestShotMode',
Writable => 'int16u',
Condition => '$$self{Model} eq "QV-4000"',
Notes => 'QV-4000',
PrintConvColumns => 3,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'People',
2 => 'Scenery',
3 => 'Flower',
4 => 'Night Scene',
5 => 'Soft Focus',
# this camera also supports 100 modes that you can apparently load
# from a CD-ROM, but I don't know how these map into these numbers
},{ #Manfred, email
Name => 'BestShotMode',
Writable => 'int16u',
Condition => '$$self{Model} eq "EX-ZR300"',
Notes => 'EX-ZR300',
PrintConvColumns => 2,
PrintConv => {
1 => 'High Speed Night Shot',
2 => 'Blurred Background',
3 => 'Toy Camera',
4 => 'Soft Focus',
5 => 'Light Tone',
6 => 'Pop',
7 => 'Sepia',
8 => 'Monochrome',
9 => 'Miniature',
10 => 'Wide Shot',
11 => 'High Speed Best Selection',
12 => 'Lag Correction',
13 => 'High Speed Night Scene',
14 => 'High Speed Night Scene and Portrait',
15 => 'High Speed Anti Shake',
16 => 'Portrait',
17 => 'Scenery',
18 => 'Portrait with Scenery',
19 => 'Children',
20 => 'Sports',
21 => 'Candlelight Portrait',
22 => 'Party',
23 => 'Pet',
24 => 'Flower',
25 => 'Natural Green',
26 => 'Autumn Leaves',
27 => 'Soft Flowing Water',
28 => 'Splashing Water',
29 => 'Sundown',
30 => 'Fireworks',
31 => 'Food',
32 => 'Text',
33 => 'Collection',
34 => 'Auction',
35 => 'Prerecord (Movie)',
36 => 'For YouTube',
Name => 'BestShotMode',
Writable => 'int16u',
Notes => 'other models not yet decoded',
# so we can't use a lookup as usual - PH
PrintConv => '$val ? $val : "Off"',
PrintConvInv => '$val=~/(\d+)/ ? $1 : 0',
0x3008 => { #3
Name => 'AutoISO',
Writable => 'int16u',
PrintConv => {
1 => 'On',
2 => 'Off',
7 => 'On (high sensitivity)', #PH
8 => 'On (anti-shake)', #PH
10 => 'High Speed', #PH (EX-FC150)
0x3009 => { #6
Name => 'AFMode',
Writable => 'int16u',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Spot',
2 => 'Multi',
3 => 'Face Detection',
4 => 'Tracking', # (but saw this for "Family First" mode with EX-Z77 - PH)
5 => 'Intelligent',
0x3011 => { #3
Name => 'Sharpness',
Format => 'int16s',
Writable => 'undef',
0x3012 => { #3
Name => 'Contrast',
Format => 'int16s',
Writable => 'undef',
0x3013 => { #3
Name => 'Saturation',
Format => 'int16s',
Writable => 'undef',
0x3014 => {
Name => 'ISO',
Writable => 'int16u',
Priority => 0,
0x3015 => {
Name => 'ColorMode',
Writable => 'int16u',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
2 => 'Black & White', #PH (EX-Z400,FH20)
3 => 'Sepia', #PH (EX-Z400)
0x3016 => {
Name => 'Enhancement',
Writable => 'int16u',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Scenery', #PH (NC) (EX-Z77)
3 => 'Green', #PH (EX-Z77)
5 => 'Underwater', #PH (NC) (EX-Z77)
9 => 'Flesh Tones', #PH (EX-Z77)
0x3017 => {
Name => 'ColorFilter',
Writable => 'int16u',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Blue', #PH (FH20,Z400)
3 => 'Green', #PH (FH20)
4 => 'Yellow', #PH (FH20)
5 => 'Red', #PH (FH20,Z77)
6 => 'Purple', #PH (FH20,Z77,Z400)
7 => 'Pink', #PH (FH20)
0x301b => { #PH
Name => 'ArtMode',
Writable => 'int16u',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Normal',
8 => 'Silent Movie',
39 => 'HDR', # (EX-ZR10)
45 => 'Premium Auto', # (EX-2300)
47 => 'Painting', # (EX-2300)
49 => 'Crayon Drawing', # (EX-2300)
51 => 'Panorama', # (EX-ZR10)
52 => 'Art HDR', # (EX-ZR10,EX-Z3000)
62 => 'High Speed Night Shot', # (EX-ZR20)
64 => 'Monochrome', # (EX-ZR20)
67 => 'Toy Camera', # (EX-ZR20)
68 => 'Pop Art', # (EX-ZR20)
69 => 'Light Tone', # (EX-ZR20)
0x301c => { #3
Name => 'SequenceNumber', # for continuous shooting
Writable => 'int16u',
0x301d => { #3
Name => 'BracketSequence',
Writable => 'int16u',
Count => 2,
# 0x301e - MultiBracket ? (ref 3)
0x3020 => { #3
Name => 'ImageStabilization',
Writable => 'int16u',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'On',
2 => 'Best Shot',
3 => 'Movie Anti-Shake', # (EX-V7, EX-TR100)
# (newer models write 2 numbers here - PH)
'0 0' => 'Off', #PH
'16 0' => 'Slow Shutter', #PH (EX-Z77)
'18 0' => 'Anti-Shake', #PH (EX-Z77)
'20 0' => 'High Sensitivity', #PH (EX-Z77)
# EX-Z2000 in 'Auto' mode gives '0 3' or '2 3' (ref 6)
'0 1' => 'Off (1)', #6
'0 3' => 'CCD Shift', #PH/6 ("Camera AS" in EX-Z2000 manual)
'2 1' => 'High Sensitivity', #6
'2 3' => 'CCD Shift + High Sensitivity', #PH (EX-FC150)
# have also seen:
# '2 0' - EX-Z15 1/60s ISO 200, EX-Z77 1/1000s ISO 50
# '16 1' - EX-Z2300 1/125s ISO 50
0x302a => { #PH (EX-Z450)
Name => 'LightingMode', #(just guessing here)
Writable => 'int16u',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'High Dynamic Range', # (EX-Z77 anti-blur shot)
5 => 'Shadow Enhance Low', #(NC)
6 => 'Shadow Enhance High', #(NC)
0x302b => { #PH (EX-Z77)
Name => 'PortraitRefiner',
Writable => 'int16u',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => '+1',
2 => '+2',
0x3030 => { #PH (EX-Z450)
Name => 'SpecialEffectLevel',
Writable => 'int16u',
0x3031 => { #PH (EX-Z450)
Name => 'SpecialEffectSetting',
Writable => 'int16u',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Makeup',
2 => 'Mist Removal',
3 => 'Vivid Landscape',
16 => 'Art Shot', # (EX-Z2300)
0x3103 => { #5
Name => 'DriveMode',
Writable => 'int16u',
PrintConvColumns => 2,
PrintConv => {
OTHER => sub {
# handle new values of future models
my ($val, $inv) = @_;
return $val =~ /(\d+)/ ? $1 : undef if $inv;
return "Continuous ($val fps)";
0 => 'Single Shot', #PH (NC)
1 => 'Continuous Shooting', # (1 fps for the EX-F1)
2 => 'Continuous (2 fps)',
3 => 'Continuous (3 fps)',
4 => 'Continuous (4 fps)',
5 => 'Continuous (5 fps)',
6 => 'Continuous (6 fps)',
7 => 'Continuous (7 fps)',
10 => 'Continuous (10 fps)',
12 => 'Continuous (12 fps)',
15 => 'Continuous (15 fps)',
20 => 'Continuous (20 fps)',
30 => 'Continuous (30 fps)',
40 => 'Continuous (40 fps)', #PH (EX-FH25)
60 => 'Continuous (60 fps)',
240 => 'Auto-N',
0x310b => { #PH (NC)
Name => 'ArtModeParameters',
Writable => 'int8u',
Count => 3,
# "0 1 0" = Toy camera 1
# "0 2 0" = Toy camera 1
# "0 3 0" = Toy camera 1
# Have also seen "0 0 0" and "2 0 0"
0x4001 => { #PH (AVI videos)
Name => 'CaptureFrameRate',
Writable => 'int16u',
Count => -1,
ValueConv => q{
my @v=split(" ",$val);
return $val / 1000 if @v == 1;
return $v[1] ? "$v[1]-$v[0]" : ($v[0] > 10000 ? $v[0] / 1000 : $v[0]);
ValueConvInv => '$val <= 60 ? $val * 1000 : int($val) . " 0"',
# 0x4002 - AVI videos, related to video quality or size - PH
0x4003 => { #PH (AVI and MOV videos)
Name => 'VideoQuality',
Writable => 'int16u',
PrintConv => {
1 => 'Standard',
# 2 - could this be LP?
3 => 'HD (720p)',
4 => 'Full HD (1080p)', # (EX-ZR10, 30fps 1920x1080)
5 => 'Low', # used in High Speed modes
# face detection information (ref PH) (EX-H5)
%Image::ExifTool::Casio::FaceInfo1 = (
PROCESS_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::ProcessBinaryData,
WRITE_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::WriteBinaryData,
CHECK_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::CheckBinaryData,
GROUPS => { 0 => 'MakerNotes', 2 => 'Image' },
DATAMEMBER => [ 0 ],
NOTES => 'Face-detect tags extracted from models such as the EX-H5.',
0x00 => { # (NC)
Name => 'FacesDetected',
DataMember => 'FacesDetected',
RawConv => '$$self{FacesDetected} = $val',
0x01 => {
Name => 'FaceDetectFrameSize',
Condition => '$$self{FacesDetected} >= 1', # (otherwise zeros)
Format => 'int16u[2]',
0x0d => {
Name => 'Face1Position',
Condition => '$$self{FacesDetected} >= 1',
Format => 'int16u[4]',
Notes => q{
left, top, right and bottom of detected face in coordinates of
FaceDetectFrameSize, with increasing Y downwards
# decoding NOT CONFIRMED (NC) for faces 2-10!
0x7c => {
Name => 'Face2Position',
Condition => '$$self{FacesDetected} >= 2',
Format => 'int16u[4]',
0xeb => {
Name => 'Face3Position',
Condition => '$$self{FacesDetected} >= 3',
Format => 'int16u[4]',
0x15a => {
Name => 'Face4Position',
Condition => '$$self{FacesDetected} >= 4',
Format => 'int16u[4]',
0x1c9 => {
Name => 'Face5Position',
Condition => '$$self{FacesDetected} >= 5',
Format => 'int16u[4]',
0x238 => {
Name => 'Face6Position',
Condition => '$$self{FacesDetected} >= 6',
Format => 'int16u[4]',
0x2a7 => {
Name => 'Face7Position',
Condition => '$$self{FacesDetected} >= 7',
Format => 'int16u[4]',
0x316 => {
Name => 'Face8Position',
Condition => '$$self{FacesDetected} >= 8',
Format => 'int16u[4]',
0x385 => {
Name => 'Face9Position',
Condition => '$$self{FacesDetected} >= 9',
Format => 'int16u[4]',
0x3f4 => {
Name => 'Face10Position',
Condition => '$$self{FacesDetected} >= 10',
Format => 'int16u[4]',
# face detection information (ref PH) (EX-ZR100)
%Image::ExifTool::Casio::FaceInfo2 = (
PROCESS_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::ProcessBinaryData,
WRITE_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::WriteBinaryData,
CHECK_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::CheckBinaryData,
GROUPS => { 0 => 'MakerNotes', 2 => 'Image' },
DATAMEMBER => [ 2 ],
NOTES => 'Face-detect tags extracted from models such as the EX-H20G and EX-ZR100.',
0x02 => {
Name => 'FacesDetected',
DataMember => 'FacesDetected',
RawConv => '$$self{FacesDetected} = $val',
0x04 => {
Name => 'FaceDetectFrameSize',
Condition => '$$self{FacesDetected} >= 1',
Format => 'int16u[2]',
0x08 => {
Name => 'FaceOrientation',
Condition => '$$self{FacesDetected} >= 1',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Horizontal (normal)',
1 => 'Rotate 90 CW',
2 => 'Rotate 270 CW',
3 => 'Rotate 180', # (NC)
# (have seen 64 here, but image had no face)
Notes => 'orientation of face relative to unrotated image',
# 0x0a - FaceDetectFrameSize again
# 0x11 - Face1Detected flag (1=detected)
0x18 => {
Name => 'Face1Position',
Condition => '$$self{FacesDetected} >= 1',
Format => 'int16u[4]',
Notes => q{
left, top, right and bottom of detected face in coordinates of
FaceDetectFrameSize, with increasing Y downwards
# 0x45 - Face2Detected, etc...
0x4c => {
Name => 'Face2Position',
Condition => '$$self{FacesDetected} >= 2',
Format => 'int16u[4]',
0x80 => {
Name => 'Face3Position',
Condition => '$$self{FacesDetected} >= 3',
Format => 'int16u[4]',
0xb4 => {
Name => 'Face4Position',
Condition => '$$self{FacesDetected} >= 4',
Format => 'int16u[4]',
0xe8 => {
Name => 'Face5Position',
Condition => '$$self{FacesDetected} >= 5',
Format => 'int16u[4]',
0x11c => {
Name => 'Face6Position',
Condition => '$$self{FacesDetected} >= 6',
Format => 'int16u[4]',
0x150 => {
Name => 'Face7Position',
Condition => '$$self{FacesDetected} >= 7',
Format => 'int16u[4]',
0x184 => {
Name => 'Face8Position',
Condition => '$$self{FacesDetected} >= 8',
Format => 'int16u[4]',
0x1b8 => {
Name => 'Face9Position',
Condition => '$$self{FacesDetected} >= 9',
Format => 'int16u[4]',
0x1ec => {
Name => 'Face10Position',
Condition => '$$self{FacesDetected} >= 10',
Format => 'int16u[4]',
# Casio APP1 QVCI segment found in QV-7000SX images (ref PH)
%Image::ExifTool::Casio::QVCI = (
PROCESS_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::ProcessBinaryData,
GROUPS => { 0 => 'MakerNotes', 2 => 'Camera' },
NOTES => q{
This information is found in the APP1 QVCI segment of JPEG images from the
Casio QV-7000SX.
0x2c => {
Name => 'CasioQuality',
PrintConv => {
1 => 'Economy',
2 => 'Normal',
3 => 'Fine',
4 => 'Super Fine',
0x37 => {
Name => 'FocalRange',
Unknown => 1,
0x4d => {
Name => 'DateTimeOriginal',
Description => 'Date/Time Original',
Format => 'string[20]',
Groups => { 2 => 'Time' },
ValueConv => '$val=~tr/./:/; $val=~s/(\d+:\d+:\d+):/$1 /; $val',
PrintConv => '$self->ConvertDateTime($val)',
0x62 => {
Name => 'ModelType',
Format => 'string[7]',
0x72 => { # could be serial number or manufacture date in form YYMMDDxx ?
Name => 'ManufactureIndex',
Format => 'string[9]',
0x7c => {
Name => 'ManufactureCode',
Format => 'string[9]',
# tags in Casio AVI videos (ref PH)
%Image::ExifTool::Casio::AVI = (
PROCESS_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::ProcessBinaryData,
GROUPS => { 0 => 'MakerNotes', 2 => 'Camera' },
NOTES => 'This information is found in Casio GV-10 AVI videos.',
0 => {
Name => 'Software', # (equivalent to RIFF Software tag)
Format => 'string',
1; # end
=head1 NAME
Image::ExifTool::Casio - Casio EXIF maker notes tags
This module is loaded automatically by Image::ExifTool when required.
This module contains definitions required by Image::ExifTool to interpret
Casio maker notes in EXIF information.
=head1 AUTHOR
Copyright 2003-2018, Phil Harvey (phil at owl.phy.queensu.ca)
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
=over 4
=item L<http://park2.wakwak.com/~tsuruzoh/Computer/Digicams/exif-e.html>
Thanks to Joachim Loehr for adding support for the type 2 maker notes, and
Jens Duttke and Robert Chi for decoding some tags.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Image::ExifTool::TagNames/Casio Tags>,