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2009 lines
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ALGLIB 3.16.0 (source code generated 2019-12-19)
Copyright (c) Sergey Bochkanov (ALGLIB project).
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation (www.fsf.org); either version 2 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
#ifndef _alglibmisc_pkg_h
#define _alglibmisc_pkg_h
#include "ap.h"
#include "alglibinternal.h"
namespace alglib_impl
typedef struct
ae_vector x;
ae_vector boxmin;
ae_vector boxmax;
ae_int_t kneeded;
double rneeded;
ae_bool selfmatch;
double approxf;
ae_int_t kcur;
ae_vector idx;
ae_vector r;
ae_vector buf;
ae_vector curboxmin;
ae_vector curboxmax;
double curdist;
} kdtreerequestbuffer;
typedef struct
ae_int_t n;
ae_int_t nx;
ae_int_t ny;
ae_int_t normtype;
ae_matrix xy;
ae_vector tags;
ae_vector boxmin;
ae_vector boxmax;
ae_vector nodes;
ae_vector splits;
kdtreerequestbuffer innerbuf;
ae_int_t debugcounter;
} kdtree;
#if defined(AE_COMPILE_HQRND) || !defined(AE_PARTIAL_BUILD)
typedef struct
ae_int_t s1;
ae_int_t s2;
ae_int_t magicv;
} hqrndstate;
#if defined(AE_COMPILE_XDEBUG) || !defined(AE_PARTIAL_BUILD)
typedef struct
ae_int_t i;
ae_complex c;
ae_vector a;
} xdebugrecord1;
namespace alglib
Buffer object which is used to perform nearest neighbor requests in the
multithreaded mode (multiple threads working with same KD-tree object).
This object should be created with KDTreeCreateRequestBuffer().
class _kdtreerequestbuffer_owner
_kdtreerequestbuffer_owner(const _kdtreerequestbuffer_owner &rhs);
_kdtreerequestbuffer_owner& operator=(const _kdtreerequestbuffer_owner &rhs);
virtual ~_kdtreerequestbuffer_owner();
alglib_impl::kdtreerequestbuffer* c_ptr();
alglib_impl::kdtreerequestbuffer* c_ptr() const;
alglib_impl::kdtreerequestbuffer *p_struct;
class kdtreerequestbuffer : public _kdtreerequestbuffer_owner
kdtreerequestbuffer(const kdtreerequestbuffer &rhs);
kdtreerequestbuffer& operator=(const kdtreerequestbuffer &rhs);
virtual ~kdtreerequestbuffer();
KD-tree object.
class _kdtree_owner
_kdtree_owner(const _kdtree_owner &rhs);
_kdtree_owner& operator=(const _kdtree_owner &rhs);
virtual ~_kdtree_owner();
alglib_impl::kdtree* c_ptr();
alglib_impl::kdtree* c_ptr() const;
alglib_impl::kdtree *p_struct;
class kdtree : public _kdtree_owner
kdtree(const kdtree &rhs);
kdtree& operator=(const kdtree &rhs);
virtual ~kdtree();
#if defined(AE_COMPILE_HQRND) || !defined(AE_PARTIAL_BUILD)
Portable high quality random number generator state.
Initialized with HQRNDRandomize() or HQRNDSeed().
S1, S2 - seed values
V - precomputed value
MagicV - 'magic' value used to determine whether State structure
was correctly initialized.
class _hqrndstate_owner
_hqrndstate_owner(const _hqrndstate_owner &rhs);
_hqrndstate_owner& operator=(const _hqrndstate_owner &rhs);
virtual ~_hqrndstate_owner();
alglib_impl::hqrndstate* c_ptr();
alglib_impl::hqrndstate* c_ptr() const;
alglib_impl::hqrndstate *p_struct;
class hqrndstate : public _hqrndstate_owner
hqrndstate(const hqrndstate &rhs);
hqrndstate& operator=(const hqrndstate &rhs);
virtual ~hqrndstate();
#if defined(AE_COMPILE_XDEBUG) || !defined(AE_PARTIAL_BUILD)
class _xdebugrecord1_owner
_xdebugrecord1_owner(const _xdebugrecord1_owner &rhs);
_xdebugrecord1_owner& operator=(const _xdebugrecord1_owner &rhs);
virtual ~_xdebugrecord1_owner();
alglib_impl::xdebugrecord1* c_ptr();
alglib_impl::xdebugrecord1* c_ptr() const;
alglib_impl::xdebugrecord1 *p_struct;
class xdebugrecord1 : public _xdebugrecord1_owner
xdebugrecord1(const xdebugrecord1 &rhs);
xdebugrecord1& operator=(const xdebugrecord1 &rhs);
virtual ~xdebugrecord1();
ae_int_t &i;
alglib::complex &c;
real_1d_array a;
This function serializes data structure to string.
Important properties of s_out:
* it contains alphanumeric characters, dots, underscores, minus signs
* these symbols are grouped into words, which are separated by spaces
and Windows-style (CR+LF) newlines
* although serializer uses spaces and CR+LF as separators, you can
replace any separator character by arbitrary combination of spaces,
tabs, Windows or Unix newlines. It allows flexible reformatting of
the string in case you want to include it into text or XML file.
But you should not insert separators into the middle of the "words"
nor you should change case of letters.
* s_out can be freely moved between 32-bit and 64-bit systems, little
and big endian machines, and so on. You can serialize structure on
32-bit machine and unserialize it on 64-bit one (or vice versa), or
serialize it on SPARC and unserialize on x86. You can also
serialize it in C++ version of ALGLIB and unserialize in C# one,
and vice versa.
void kdtreeserialize(kdtree &obj, std::string &s_out);
This function unserializes data structure from string.
void kdtreeunserialize(const std::string &s_in, kdtree &obj);
This function serializes data structure to C++ stream.
Data stream generated by this function is same as string representation
generated by string version of serializer - alphanumeric characters,
dots, underscores, minus signs, which are grouped into words separated by
spaces and CR+LF.
We recommend you to read comments on string version of serializer to find
out more about serialization of AlGLIB objects.
void kdtreeserialize(kdtree &obj, std::ostream &s_out);
This function unserializes data structure from stream.
void kdtreeunserialize(const std::istream &s_in, kdtree &obj);
KD-tree creation
This subroutine creates KD-tree from set of X-values and optional Y-values
XY - dataset, array[0..N-1,0..NX+NY-1].
one row corresponds to one point.
first NX columns contain X-values, next NY (NY may be zero)
columns may contain associated Y-values
N - number of points, N>=0.
NX - space dimension, NX>=1.
NY - number of optional Y-values, NY>=0.
NormType- norm type:
* 0 denotes infinity-norm
* 1 denotes 1-norm
* 2 denotes 2-norm (Euclidean norm)
KDT - KD-tree
1. KD-tree creation have O(N*logN) complexity and O(N*(2*NX+NY)) memory
2. Although KD-trees may be used with any combination of N and NX, they
are more efficient than brute-force search only when N >> 4^NX. So they
are most useful in low-dimensional tasks (NX=2, NX=3). NX=1 is another
inefficient case, because simple binary search (without additional
structures) is much more efficient in such tasks than KD-trees.
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 28.02.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey
void kdtreebuild(const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t nx, const ae_int_t ny, const ae_int_t normtype, kdtree &kdt, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
void kdtreebuild(const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t nx, const ae_int_t ny, const ae_int_t normtype, kdtree &kdt, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
KD-tree creation
This subroutine creates KD-tree from set of X-values, integer tags and
optional Y-values
XY - dataset, array[0..N-1,0..NX+NY-1].
one row corresponds to one point.
first NX columns contain X-values, next NY (NY may be zero)
columns may contain associated Y-values
Tags - tags, array[0..N-1], contains integer tags associated
with points.
N - number of points, N>=0
NX - space dimension, NX>=1.
NY - number of optional Y-values, NY>=0.
NormType- norm type:
* 0 denotes infinity-norm
* 1 denotes 1-norm
* 2 denotes 2-norm (Euclidean norm)
KDT - KD-tree
1. KD-tree creation have O(N*logN) complexity and O(N*(2*NX+NY)) memory
2. Although KD-trees may be used with any combination of N and NX, they
are more efficient than brute-force search only when N >> 4^NX. So they
are most useful in low-dimensional tasks (NX=2, NX=3). NX=1 is another
inefficient case, because simple binary search (without additional
structures) is much more efficient in such tasks than KD-trees.
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 28.02.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey
void kdtreebuildtagged(const real_2d_array &xy, const integer_1d_array &tags, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t nx, const ae_int_t ny, const ae_int_t normtype, kdtree &kdt, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
void kdtreebuildtagged(const real_2d_array &xy, const integer_1d_array &tags, const ae_int_t nx, const ae_int_t ny, const ae_int_t normtype, kdtree &kdt, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
This function creates buffer structure which can be used to perform
parallel KD-tree requests.
KD-tree subpackage provides two sets of request functions - ones which use
internal buffer of KD-tree object (these functions are single-threaded
because they use same buffer, which can not shared between threads), and
ones which use external buffer.
This function is used to initialize external buffer.
KDT - KD-tree which is associated with newly created buffer
Buf - external buffer.
IMPORTANT: KD-tree buffer should be used only with KD-tree object which
was used to initialize buffer. Any attempt to use buffer with
different object is dangerous - you may get integrity check
failure (exception) because sizes of internal arrays do not fit
to dimensions of KD-tree structure.
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 18.03.2016 by Bochkanov Sergey
void kdtreecreaterequestbuffer(const kdtree &kdt, kdtreerequestbuffer &buf, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
K-NN query: K nearest neighbors
IMPORTANT: this function can not be used in multithreaded code because it
uses internal temporary buffer of kd-tree object, which can not
be shared between multiple threads. If you want to perform
parallel requests, use function which uses external request
buffer: KDTreeTsQueryKNN() ("Ts" stands for "thread-safe").
KDT - KD-tree
X - point, array[0..NX-1].
K - number of neighbors to return, K>=1
SelfMatch - whether self-matches are allowed:
* if True, nearest neighbor may be the point itself
(if it exists in original dataset)
* if False, then only points with non-zero distance
are returned
* if not given, considered True
number of actual neighbors found (either K or N, if K>N).
This subroutine performs query and stores its result in the internal
structures of the KD-tree. You can use following subroutines to obtain
these results:
* KDTreeQueryResultsX() to get X-values
* KDTreeQueryResultsXY() to get X- and Y-values
* KDTreeQueryResultsTags() to get tag values
* KDTreeQueryResultsDistances() to get distances
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 28.02.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey
ae_int_t kdtreequeryknn(const kdtree &kdt, const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t k, const bool selfmatch, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
ae_int_t kdtreequeryknn(const kdtree &kdt, const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t k, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
K-NN query: K nearest neighbors, using external thread-local buffer.
You can call this function from multiple threads for same kd-tree instance,
assuming that different instances of buffer object are passed to different
KDT - kd-tree
Buf - request buffer object created for this particular
instance of kd-tree structure with kdtreecreaterequestbuffer()
X - point, array[0..NX-1].
K - number of neighbors to return, K>=1
SelfMatch - whether self-matches are allowed:
* if True, nearest neighbor may be the point itself
(if it exists in original dataset)
* if False, then only points with non-zero distance
are returned
* if not given, considered True
number of actual neighbors found (either K or N, if K>N).
This subroutine performs query and stores its result in the internal
structures of the buffer object. You can use following subroutines to
obtain these results (pay attention to "buf" in their names):
* KDTreeTsQueryResultsX() to get X-values
* KDTreeTsQueryResultsXY() to get X- and Y-values
* KDTreeTsQueryResultsTags() to get tag values
* KDTreeTsQueryResultsDistances() to get distances
IMPORTANT: kd-tree buffer should be used only with KD-tree object which
was used to initialize buffer. Any attempt to use biffer with
different object is dangerous - you may get integrity check
failure (exception) because sizes of internal arrays do not fit
to dimensions of KD-tree structure.
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 18.03.2016 by Bochkanov Sergey
ae_int_t kdtreetsqueryknn(const kdtree &kdt, const kdtreerequestbuffer &buf, const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t k, const bool selfmatch, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
ae_int_t kdtreetsqueryknn(const kdtree &kdt, const kdtreerequestbuffer &buf, const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t k, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
R-NN query: all points within R-sphere centered at X, ordered by distance
between point and X (by ascending).
NOTE: it is also possible to perform undordered queries performed by means
of kdtreequeryrnnu() and kdtreetsqueryrnnu() functions. Such queries
are faster because we do not have to use heap structure for sorting.
IMPORTANT: this function can not be used in multithreaded code because it
uses internal temporary buffer of kd-tree object, which can not
be shared between multiple threads. If you want to perform
parallel requests, use function which uses external request
buffer: kdtreetsqueryrnn() ("Ts" stands for "thread-safe").
KDT - KD-tree
X - point, array[0..NX-1].
R - radius of sphere (in corresponding norm), R>0
SelfMatch - whether self-matches are allowed:
* if True, nearest neighbor may be the point itself
(if it exists in original dataset)
* if False, then only points with non-zero distance
are returned
* if not given, considered True
number of neighbors found, >=0
This subroutine performs query and stores its result in the internal
structures of the KD-tree. You can use following subroutines to obtain
actual results:
* KDTreeQueryResultsX() to get X-values
* KDTreeQueryResultsXY() to get X- and Y-values
* KDTreeQueryResultsTags() to get tag values
* KDTreeQueryResultsDistances() to get distances
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 28.02.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey
ae_int_t kdtreequeryrnn(const kdtree &kdt, const real_1d_array &x, const double r, const bool selfmatch, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
ae_int_t kdtreequeryrnn(const kdtree &kdt, const real_1d_array &x, const double r, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
R-NN query: all points within R-sphere centered at X, no ordering by
distance as undicated by "U" suffix (faster that ordered query, for large
queries - significantly faster).
IMPORTANT: this function can not be used in multithreaded code because it
uses internal temporary buffer of kd-tree object, which can not
be shared between multiple threads. If you want to perform
parallel requests, use function which uses external request
buffer: kdtreetsqueryrnn() ("Ts" stands for "thread-safe").
KDT - KD-tree
X - point, array[0..NX-1].
R - radius of sphere (in corresponding norm), R>0
SelfMatch - whether self-matches are allowed:
* if True, nearest neighbor may be the point itself
(if it exists in original dataset)
* if False, then only points with non-zero distance
are returned
* if not given, considered True
number of neighbors found, >=0
This subroutine performs query and stores its result in the internal
structures of the KD-tree. You can use following subroutines to obtain
actual results:
* KDTreeQueryResultsX() to get X-values
* KDTreeQueryResultsXY() to get X- and Y-values
* KDTreeQueryResultsTags() to get tag values
* KDTreeQueryResultsDistances() to get distances
As indicated by "U" suffix, this function returns unordered results.
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 01.11.2018 by Bochkanov Sergey
ae_int_t kdtreequeryrnnu(const kdtree &kdt, const real_1d_array &x, const double r, const bool selfmatch, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
ae_int_t kdtreequeryrnnu(const kdtree &kdt, const real_1d_array &x, const double r, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
R-NN query: all points within R-sphere centered at X, using external
thread-local buffer, sorted by distance between point and X (by ascending)
You can call this function from multiple threads for same kd-tree instance,
assuming that different instances of buffer object are passed to different
NOTE: it is also possible to perform undordered queries performed by means
of kdtreequeryrnnu() and kdtreetsqueryrnnu() functions. Such queries
are faster because we do not have to use heap structure for sorting.
KDT - KD-tree
Buf - request buffer object created for this particular
instance of kd-tree structure with kdtreecreaterequestbuffer()
X - point, array[0..NX-1].
R - radius of sphere (in corresponding norm), R>0
SelfMatch - whether self-matches are allowed:
* if True, nearest neighbor may be the point itself
(if it exists in original dataset)
* if False, then only points with non-zero distance
are returned
* if not given, considered True
number of neighbors found, >=0
This subroutine performs query and stores its result in the internal
structures of the buffer object. You can use following subroutines to
obtain these results (pay attention to "buf" in their names):
* KDTreeTsQueryResultsX() to get X-values
* KDTreeTsQueryResultsXY() to get X- and Y-values
* KDTreeTsQueryResultsTags() to get tag values
* KDTreeTsQueryResultsDistances() to get distances
IMPORTANT: kd-tree buffer should be used only with KD-tree object which
was used to initialize buffer. Any attempt to use biffer with
different object is dangerous - you may get integrity check
failure (exception) because sizes of internal arrays do not fit
to dimensions of KD-tree structure.
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 18.03.2016 by Bochkanov Sergey
ae_int_t kdtreetsqueryrnn(const kdtree &kdt, const kdtreerequestbuffer &buf, const real_1d_array &x, const double r, const bool selfmatch, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
ae_int_t kdtreetsqueryrnn(const kdtree &kdt, const kdtreerequestbuffer &buf, const real_1d_array &x, const double r, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
R-NN query: all points within R-sphere centered at X, using external
thread-local buffer, no ordering by distance as undicated by "U" suffix
(faster that ordered query, for large queries - significantly faster).
You can call this function from multiple threads for same kd-tree instance,
assuming that different instances of buffer object are passed to different
KDT - KD-tree
Buf - request buffer object created for this particular
instance of kd-tree structure with kdtreecreaterequestbuffer()
X - point, array[0..NX-1].
R - radius of sphere (in corresponding norm), R>0
SelfMatch - whether self-matches are allowed:
* if True, nearest neighbor may be the point itself
(if it exists in original dataset)
* if False, then only points with non-zero distance
are returned
* if not given, considered True
number of neighbors found, >=0
This subroutine performs query and stores its result in the internal
structures of the buffer object. You can use following subroutines to
obtain these results (pay attention to "buf" in their names):
* KDTreeTsQueryResultsX() to get X-values
* KDTreeTsQueryResultsXY() to get X- and Y-values
* KDTreeTsQueryResultsTags() to get tag values
* KDTreeTsQueryResultsDistances() to get distances
As indicated by "U" suffix, this function returns unordered results.
IMPORTANT: kd-tree buffer should be used only with KD-tree object which
was used to initialize buffer. Any attempt to use biffer with
different object is dangerous - you may get integrity check
failure (exception) because sizes of internal arrays do not fit
to dimensions of KD-tree structure.
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 18.03.2016 by Bochkanov Sergey
ae_int_t kdtreetsqueryrnnu(const kdtree &kdt, const kdtreerequestbuffer &buf, const real_1d_array &x, const double r, const bool selfmatch, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
ae_int_t kdtreetsqueryrnnu(const kdtree &kdt, const kdtreerequestbuffer &buf, const real_1d_array &x, const double r, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
K-NN query: approximate K nearest neighbors
IMPORTANT: this function can not be used in multithreaded code because it
uses internal temporary buffer of kd-tree object, which can not
be shared between multiple threads. If you want to perform
parallel requests, use function which uses external request
buffer: KDTreeTsQueryAKNN() ("Ts" stands for "thread-safe").
KDT - KD-tree
X - point, array[0..NX-1].
K - number of neighbors to return, K>=1
SelfMatch - whether self-matches are allowed:
* if True, nearest neighbor may be the point itself
(if it exists in original dataset)
* if False, then only points with non-zero distance
are returned
* if not given, considered True
Eps - approximation factor, Eps>=0. eps-approximate nearest
neighbor is a neighbor whose distance from X is at
most (1+eps) times distance of true nearest neighbor.
number of actual neighbors found (either K or N, if K>N).
significant performance gain may be achieved only when Eps is is on
the order of magnitude of 1 or larger.
This subroutine performs query and stores its result in the internal
structures of the KD-tree. You can use following subroutines to obtain
these results:
* KDTreeQueryResultsX() to get X-values
* KDTreeQueryResultsXY() to get X- and Y-values
* KDTreeQueryResultsTags() to get tag values
* KDTreeQueryResultsDistances() to get distances
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 28.02.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey
ae_int_t kdtreequeryaknn(const kdtree &kdt, const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t k, const bool selfmatch, const double eps, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
ae_int_t kdtreequeryaknn(const kdtree &kdt, const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t k, const double eps, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
K-NN query: approximate K nearest neighbors, using thread-local buffer.
You can call this function from multiple threads for same kd-tree instance,
assuming that different instances of buffer object are passed to different
KDT - KD-tree
Buf - request buffer object created for this particular
instance of kd-tree structure with kdtreecreaterequestbuffer()
X - point, array[0..NX-1].
K - number of neighbors to return, K>=1
SelfMatch - whether self-matches are allowed:
* if True, nearest neighbor may be the point itself
(if it exists in original dataset)
* if False, then only points with non-zero distance
are returned
* if not given, considered True
Eps - approximation factor, Eps>=0. eps-approximate nearest
neighbor is a neighbor whose distance from X is at
most (1+eps) times distance of true nearest neighbor.
number of actual neighbors found (either K or N, if K>N).
significant performance gain may be achieved only when Eps is is on
the order of magnitude of 1 or larger.
This subroutine performs query and stores its result in the internal
structures of the buffer object. You can use following subroutines to
obtain these results (pay attention to "buf" in their names):
* KDTreeTsQueryResultsX() to get X-values
* KDTreeTsQueryResultsXY() to get X- and Y-values
* KDTreeTsQueryResultsTags() to get tag values
* KDTreeTsQueryResultsDistances() to get distances
IMPORTANT: kd-tree buffer should be used only with KD-tree object which
was used to initialize buffer. Any attempt to use biffer with
different object is dangerous - you may get integrity check
failure (exception) because sizes of internal arrays do not fit
to dimensions of KD-tree structure.
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 18.03.2016 by Bochkanov Sergey
ae_int_t kdtreetsqueryaknn(const kdtree &kdt, const kdtreerequestbuffer &buf, const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t k, const bool selfmatch, const double eps, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
ae_int_t kdtreetsqueryaknn(const kdtree &kdt, const kdtreerequestbuffer &buf, const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t k, const double eps, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
Box query: all points within user-specified box.
IMPORTANT: this function can not be used in multithreaded code because it
uses internal temporary buffer of kd-tree object, which can not
be shared between multiple threads. If you want to perform
parallel requests, use function which uses external request
buffer: KDTreeTsQueryBox() ("Ts" stands for "thread-safe").
KDT - KD-tree
BoxMin - lower bounds, array[0..NX-1].
BoxMax - upper bounds, array[0..NX-1].
number of actual neighbors found (in [0,N]).
This subroutine performs query and stores its result in the internal
structures of the KD-tree. You can use following subroutines to obtain
these results:
* KDTreeQueryResultsX() to get X-values
* KDTreeQueryResultsXY() to get X- and Y-values
* KDTreeQueryResultsTags() to get tag values
* KDTreeQueryResultsDistances() returns zeros for this request
NOTE: this particular query returns unordered results, because there is no
meaningful way of ordering points. Furthermore, no 'distance' is
associated with points - it is either INSIDE or OUTSIDE (so request
for distances will return zeros).
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 14.05.2016 by Bochkanov Sergey
ae_int_t kdtreequerybox(const kdtree &kdt, const real_1d_array &boxmin, const real_1d_array &boxmax, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
Box query: all points within user-specified box, using thread-local buffer.
You can call this function from multiple threads for same kd-tree instance,
assuming that different instances of buffer object are passed to different
KDT - KD-tree
Buf - request buffer object created for this particular
instance of kd-tree structure with kdtreecreaterequestbuffer()
BoxMin - lower bounds, array[0..NX-1].
BoxMax - upper bounds, array[0..NX-1].
number of actual neighbors found (in [0,N]).
This subroutine performs query and stores its result in the internal
structures of the buffer object. You can use following subroutines to
obtain these results (pay attention to "ts" in their names):
* KDTreeTsQueryResultsX() to get X-values
* KDTreeTsQueryResultsXY() to get X- and Y-values
* KDTreeTsQueryResultsTags() to get tag values
* KDTreeTsQueryResultsDistances() returns zeros for this query
NOTE: this particular query returns unordered results, because there is no
meaningful way of ordering points. Furthermore, no 'distance' is
associated with points - it is either INSIDE or OUTSIDE (so request
for distances will return zeros).
IMPORTANT: kd-tree buffer should be used only with KD-tree object which
was used to initialize buffer. Any attempt to use biffer with
different object is dangerous - you may get integrity check
failure (exception) because sizes of internal arrays do not fit
to dimensions of KD-tree structure.
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 14.05.2016 by Bochkanov Sergey
ae_int_t kdtreetsquerybox(const kdtree &kdt, const kdtreerequestbuffer &buf, const real_1d_array &boxmin, const real_1d_array &boxmax, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
X-values from last query.
This function retuns results stored in the internal buffer of kd-tree
object. If you performed buffered requests (ones which use instances of
kdtreerequestbuffer class), you should call buffered version of this
function - kdtreetsqueryresultsx().
KDT - KD-tree
X - possibly pre-allocated buffer. If X is too small to store
result, it is resized. If size(X) is enough to store
result, it is left unchanged.
X - rows are filled with X-values
1. points are ordered by distance from the query point (first = closest)
2. if XY is larger than required to store result, only leading part will
be overwritten; trailing part will be left unchanged. So if on input
XY = [[A,B],[C,D]], and result is [1,2], then on exit we will get
XY = [[1,2],[C,D]]. This is done purposely to increase performance; if
you want function to resize array according to result size, use
function with same name and suffix 'I'.
* KDTreeQueryResultsXY() X- and Y-values
* KDTreeQueryResultsTags() tag values
* KDTreeQueryResultsDistances() distances
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 28.02.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey
void kdtreequeryresultsx(const kdtree &kdt, real_2d_array &x, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
X- and Y-values from last query
This function retuns results stored in the internal buffer of kd-tree
object. If you performed buffered requests (ones which use instances of
kdtreerequestbuffer class), you should call buffered version of this
function - kdtreetsqueryresultsxy().
KDT - KD-tree
XY - possibly pre-allocated buffer. If XY is too small to store
result, it is resized. If size(XY) is enough to store
result, it is left unchanged.
XY - rows are filled with points: first NX columns with
X-values, next NY columns - with Y-values.
1. points are ordered by distance from the query point (first = closest)
2. if XY is larger than required to store result, only leading part will
be overwritten; trailing part will be left unchanged. So if on input
XY = [[A,B],[C,D]], and result is [1,2], then on exit we will get
XY = [[1,2],[C,D]]. This is done purposely to increase performance; if
you want function to resize array according to result size, use
function with same name and suffix 'I'.
* KDTreeQueryResultsX() X-values
* KDTreeQueryResultsTags() tag values
* KDTreeQueryResultsDistances() distances
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 28.02.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey
void kdtreequeryresultsxy(const kdtree &kdt, real_2d_array &xy, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
Tags from last query
This function retuns results stored in the internal buffer of kd-tree
object. If you performed buffered requests (ones which use instances of
kdtreerequestbuffer class), you should call buffered version of this
function - kdtreetsqueryresultstags().
KDT - KD-tree
Tags - possibly pre-allocated buffer. If X is too small to store
result, it is resized. If size(X) is enough to store
result, it is left unchanged.
Tags - filled with tags associated with points,
or, when no tags were supplied, with zeros
1. points are ordered by distance from the query point (first = closest)
2. if XY is larger than required to store result, only leading part will
be overwritten; trailing part will be left unchanged. So if on input
XY = [[A,B],[C,D]], and result is [1,2], then on exit we will get
XY = [[1,2],[C,D]]. This is done purposely to increase performance; if
you want function to resize array according to result size, use
function with same name and suffix 'I'.
* KDTreeQueryResultsX() X-values
* KDTreeQueryResultsXY() X- and Y-values
* KDTreeQueryResultsDistances() distances
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 28.02.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey
void kdtreequeryresultstags(const kdtree &kdt, integer_1d_array &tags, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
Distances from last query
This function retuns results stored in the internal buffer of kd-tree
object. If you performed buffered requests (ones which use instances of
kdtreerequestbuffer class), you should call buffered version of this
function - kdtreetsqueryresultsdistances().
KDT - KD-tree
R - possibly pre-allocated buffer. If X is too small to store
result, it is resized. If size(X) is enough to store
result, it is left unchanged.
R - filled with distances (in corresponding norm)
1. points are ordered by distance from the query point (first = closest)
2. if XY is larger than required to store result, only leading part will
be overwritten; trailing part will be left unchanged. So if on input
XY = [[A,B],[C,D]], and result is [1,2], then on exit we will get
XY = [[1,2],[C,D]]. This is done purposely to increase performance; if
you want function to resize array according to result size, use
function with same name and suffix 'I'.
* KDTreeQueryResultsX() X-values
* KDTreeQueryResultsXY() X- and Y-values
* KDTreeQueryResultsTags() tag values
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 28.02.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey
void kdtreequeryresultsdistances(const kdtree &kdt, real_1d_array &r, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
X-values from last query associated with kdtreerequestbuffer object.
KDT - KD-tree
Buf - request buffer object created for this particular
instance of kd-tree structure.
X - possibly pre-allocated buffer. If X is too small to store
result, it is resized. If size(X) is enough to store
result, it is left unchanged.
X - rows are filled with X-values
1. points are ordered by distance from the query point (first = closest)
2. if XY is larger than required to store result, only leading part will
be overwritten; trailing part will be left unchanged. So if on input
XY = [[A,B],[C,D]], and result is [1,2], then on exit we will get
XY = [[1,2],[C,D]]. This is done purposely to increase performance; if
you want function to resize array according to result size, use
function with same name and suffix 'I'.
* KDTreeQueryResultsXY() X- and Y-values
* KDTreeQueryResultsTags() tag values
* KDTreeQueryResultsDistances() distances
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 28.02.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey
void kdtreetsqueryresultsx(const kdtree &kdt, const kdtreerequestbuffer &buf, real_2d_array &x, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
X- and Y-values from last query associated with kdtreerequestbuffer object.
KDT - KD-tree
Buf - request buffer object created for this particular
instance of kd-tree structure.
XY - possibly pre-allocated buffer. If XY is too small to store
result, it is resized. If size(XY) is enough to store
result, it is left unchanged.
XY - rows are filled with points: first NX columns with
X-values, next NY columns - with Y-values.
1. points are ordered by distance from the query point (first = closest)
2. if XY is larger than required to store result, only leading part will
be overwritten; trailing part will be left unchanged. So if on input
XY = [[A,B],[C,D]], and result is [1,2], then on exit we will get
XY = [[1,2],[C,D]]. This is done purposely to increase performance; if
you want function to resize array according to result size, use
function with same name and suffix 'I'.
* KDTreeQueryResultsX() X-values
* KDTreeQueryResultsTags() tag values
* KDTreeQueryResultsDistances() distances
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 28.02.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey
void kdtreetsqueryresultsxy(const kdtree &kdt, const kdtreerequestbuffer &buf, real_2d_array &xy, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
Tags from last query associated with kdtreerequestbuffer object.
This function retuns results stored in the internal buffer of kd-tree
object. If you performed buffered requests (ones which use instances of
kdtreerequestbuffer class), you should call buffered version of this
function - KDTreeTsqueryresultstags().
KDT - KD-tree
Buf - request buffer object created for this particular
instance of kd-tree structure.
Tags - possibly pre-allocated buffer. If X is too small to store
result, it is resized. If size(X) is enough to store
result, it is left unchanged.
Tags - filled with tags associated with points,
or, when no tags were supplied, with zeros
1. points are ordered by distance from the query point (first = closest)
2. if XY is larger than required to store result, only leading part will
be overwritten; trailing part will be left unchanged. So if on input
XY = [[A,B],[C,D]], and result is [1,2], then on exit we will get
XY = [[1,2],[C,D]]. This is done purposely to increase performance; if
you want function to resize array according to result size, use
function with same name and suffix 'I'.
* KDTreeQueryResultsX() X-values
* KDTreeQueryResultsXY() X- and Y-values
* KDTreeQueryResultsDistances() distances
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 28.02.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey
void kdtreetsqueryresultstags(const kdtree &kdt, const kdtreerequestbuffer &buf, integer_1d_array &tags, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
Distances from last query associated with kdtreerequestbuffer object.
This function retuns results stored in the internal buffer of kd-tree
object. If you performed buffered requests (ones which use instances of
kdtreerequestbuffer class), you should call buffered version of this
function - KDTreeTsqueryresultsdistances().
KDT - KD-tree
Buf - request buffer object created for this particular
instance of kd-tree structure.
R - possibly pre-allocated buffer. If X is too small to store
result, it is resized. If size(X) is enough to store
result, it is left unchanged.
R - filled with distances (in corresponding norm)
1. points are ordered by distance from the query point (first = closest)
2. if XY is larger than required to store result, only leading part will
be overwritten; trailing part will be left unchanged. So if on input
XY = [[A,B],[C,D]], and result is [1,2], then on exit we will get
XY = [[1,2],[C,D]]. This is done purposely to increase performance; if
you want function to resize array according to result size, use
function with same name and suffix 'I'.
* KDTreeQueryResultsX() X-values
* KDTreeQueryResultsXY() X- and Y-values
* KDTreeQueryResultsTags() tag values
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 28.02.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey
void kdtreetsqueryresultsdistances(const kdtree &kdt, const kdtreerequestbuffer &buf, real_1d_array &r, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
X-values from last query; 'interactive' variant for languages like Python
which support constructs like "X = KDTreeQueryResultsXI(KDT)" and
interactive mode of interpreter.
This function allocates new array on each call, so it is significantly
slower than its 'non-interactive' counterpart, but it is more convenient
when you call it from command line.
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 28.02.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey
void kdtreequeryresultsxi(const kdtree &kdt, real_2d_array &x, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
XY-values from last query; 'interactive' variant for languages like Python
which support constructs like "XY = KDTreeQueryResultsXYI(KDT)" and
interactive mode of interpreter.
This function allocates new array on each call, so it is significantly
slower than its 'non-interactive' counterpart, but it is more convenient
when you call it from command line.
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 28.02.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey
void kdtreequeryresultsxyi(const kdtree &kdt, real_2d_array &xy, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
Tags from last query; 'interactive' variant for languages like Python
which support constructs like "Tags = KDTreeQueryResultsTagsI(KDT)" and
interactive mode of interpreter.
This function allocates new array on each call, so it is significantly
slower than its 'non-interactive' counterpart, but it is more convenient
when you call it from command line.
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 28.02.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey
void kdtreequeryresultstagsi(const kdtree &kdt, integer_1d_array &tags, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
Distances from last query; 'interactive' variant for languages like Python
which support constructs like "R = KDTreeQueryResultsDistancesI(KDT)"
and interactive mode of interpreter.
This function allocates new array on each call, so it is significantly
slower than its 'non-interactive' counterpart, but it is more convenient
when you call it from command line.
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 28.02.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey
void kdtreequeryresultsdistancesi(const kdtree &kdt, real_1d_array &r, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
#if defined(AE_COMPILE_HQRND) || !defined(AE_PARTIAL_BUILD)
HQRNDState initialization with random values which come from standard
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 02.12.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey
void hqrndrandomize(hqrndstate &state, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
HQRNDState initialization with seed values
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 02.12.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey
void hqrndseed(const ae_int_t s1, const ae_int_t s2, hqrndstate &state, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
This function generates random real number in (0,1),
not including interval boundaries
State structure must be initialized with HQRNDRandomize() or HQRNDSeed().
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 02.12.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey
double hqrnduniformr(const hqrndstate &state, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
This function generates random integer number in [0, N)
1. State structure must be initialized with HQRNDRandomize() or HQRNDSeed()
2. N can be any positive number except for very large numbers:
* close to 2^31 on 32-bit systems
* close to 2^62 on 64-bit systems
An exception will be generated if N is too large.
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 02.12.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey
ae_int_t hqrnduniformi(const hqrndstate &state, const ae_int_t n, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
Random number generator: normal numbers
This function generates one random number from normal distribution.
Its performance is equal to that of HQRNDNormal2()
State structure must be initialized with HQRNDRandomize() or HQRNDSeed().
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 02.12.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey
double hqrndnormal(const hqrndstate &state, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
Random number generator: random X and Y such that X^2+Y^2=1
State structure must be initialized with HQRNDRandomize() or HQRNDSeed().
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 02.12.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey
void hqrndunit2(const hqrndstate &state, double &x, double &y, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
Random number generator: normal numbers
This function generates two independent random numbers from normal
distribution. Its performance is equal to that of HQRNDNormal()
State structure must be initialized with HQRNDRandomize() or HQRNDSeed().
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 02.12.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey
void hqrndnormal2(const hqrndstate &state, double &x1, double &x2, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
Random number generator: exponential distribution
State structure must be initialized with HQRNDRandomize() or HQRNDSeed().
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 11.08.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey
double hqrndexponential(const hqrndstate &state, const double lambdav, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
This function generates random number from discrete distribution given by
finite sample X.
State - high quality random number generator, must be
initialized with HQRNDRandomize() or HQRNDSeed().
X - finite sample
N - number of elements to use, N>=1
this function returns one of the X[i] for random i=0..N-1
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 08.11.2011 by Bochkanov Sergey
double hqrnddiscrete(const hqrndstate &state, const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t n, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
This function generates random number from continuous distribution given
by finite sample X.
State - high quality random number generator, must be
initialized with HQRNDRandomize() or HQRNDSeed().
X - finite sample, array[N] (can be larger, in this case only
leading N elements are used). THIS ARRAY MUST BE SORTED BY
N - number of elements to use, N>=1
this function returns random number from continuous distribution which
tries to approximate X as mush as possible. min(X)<=Result<=max(X).
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 08.11.2011 by Bochkanov Sergey
double hqrndcontinuous(const hqrndstate &state, const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t n, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
#if defined(AE_COMPILE_XDEBUG) || !defined(AE_PARTIAL_BUILD)
This is debug function intended for testing ALGLIB interface generator.
Never use it in any real life project.
Creates and returns XDebugRecord1 structure:
* integer and complex fields of Rec1 are set to 1 and 1+i correspondingly
* array field of Rec1 is set to [2,3]
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 27.05.2014 by Bochkanov Sergey
void xdebuginitrecord1(xdebugrecord1 &rec1, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
This is debug function intended for testing ALGLIB interface generator.
Never use it in any real life project.
Counts number of True values in the boolean 1D array.
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 11.10.2013 by Bochkanov Sergey
ae_int_t xdebugb1count(const boolean_1d_array &a, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
This is debug function intended for testing ALGLIB interface generator.
Never use it in any real life project.
Replace all values in array by NOT(a[i]).
Array is passed using "shared" convention.
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 11.10.2013 by Bochkanov Sergey
void xdebugb1not(const boolean_1d_array &a, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
This is debug function intended for testing ALGLIB interface generator.
Never use it in any real life project.
Appends copy of array to itself.
Array is passed using "var" convention.
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 11.10.2013 by Bochkanov Sergey
void xdebugb1appendcopy(boolean_1d_array &a, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
This is debug function intended for testing ALGLIB interface generator.
Never use it in any real life project.
Generate N-element array with even-numbered elements set to True.
Array is passed using "out" convention.
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 11.10.2013 by Bochkanov Sergey
void xdebugb1outeven(const ae_int_t n, boolean_1d_array &a, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
This is debug function intended for testing ALGLIB interface generator.
Never use it in any real life project.
Returns sum of elements in the array.
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 11.10.2013 by Bochkanov Sergey
ae_int_t xdebugi1sum(const integer_1d_array &a, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
This is debug function intended for testing ALGLIB interface generator.
Never use it in any real life project.
Replace all values in array by -A[I]
Array is passed using "shared" convention.
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 11.10.2013 by Bochkanov Sergey
void xdebugi1neg(const integer_1d_array &a, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
This is debug function intended for testing ALGLIB interface generator.
Never use it in any real life project.
Appends copy of array to itself.
Array is passed using "var" convention.
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 11.10.2013 by Bochkanov Sergey
void xdebugi1appendcopy(integer_1d_array &a, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
This is debug function intended for testing ALGLIB interface generator.
Never use it in any real life project.
Generate N-element array with even-numbered A[I] set to I, and odd-numbered
ones set to 0.
Array is passed using "out" convention.
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 11.10.2013 by Bochkanov Sergey
void xdebugi1outeven(const ae_int_t n, integer_1d_array &a, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
This is debug function intended for testing ALGLIB interface generator.
Never use it in any real life project.
Returns sum of elements in the array.
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 11.10.2013 by Bochkanov Sergey
double xdebugr1sum(const real_1d_array &a, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
This is debug function intended for testing ALGLIB interface generator.
Never use it in any real life project.
Replace all values in array by -A[I]
Array is passed using "shared" convention.
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 11.10.2013 by Bochkanov Sergey
void xdebugr1neg(const real_1d_array &a, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
This is debug function intended for testing ALGLIB interface generator.
Never use it in any real life project.
Appends copy of array to itself.
Array is passed using "var" convention.
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 11.10.2013 by Bochkanov Sergey
void xdebugr1appendcopy(real_1d_array &a, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
This is debug function intended for testing ALGLIB interface generator.
Never use it in any real life project.
Generate N-element array with even-numbered A[I] set to I*0.25,
and odd-numbered ones are set to 0.
Array is passed using "out" convention.
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 11.10.2013 by Bochkanov Sergey
void xdebugr1outeven(const ae_int_t n, real_1d_array &a, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
This is debug function intended for testing ALGLIB interface generator.
Never use it in any real life project.
Returns sum of elements in the array.
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 11.10.2013 by Bochkanov Sergey
alglib::complex xdebugc1sum(const complex_1d_array &a, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
This is debug function intended for testing ALGLIB interface generator.
Never use it in any real life project.
Replace all values in array by -A[I]
Array is passed using "shared" convention.
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 11.10.2013 by Bochkanov Sergey
void xdebugc1neg(const complex_1d_array &a, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
This is debug function intended for testing ALGLIB interface generator.
Never use it in any real life project.
Appends copy of array to itself.
Array is passed using "var" convention.
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 11.10.2013 by Bochkanov Sergey
void xdebugc1appendcopy(complex_1d_array &a, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
This is debug function intended for testing ALGLIB interface generator.
Never use it in any real life project.
Generate N-element array with even-numbered A[K] set to (x,y) = (K*0.25, K*0.125)
and odd-numbered ones are set to 0.
Array is passed using "out" convention.
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 11.10.2013 by Bochkanov Sergey
void xdebugc1outeven(const ae_int_t n, complex_1d_array &a, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
This is debug function intended for testing ALGLIB interface generator.
Never use it in any real life project.
Counts number of True values in the boolean 2D array.
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 11.10.2013 by Bochkanov Sergey
ae_int_t xdebugb2count(const boolean_2d_array &a, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
This is debug function intended for testing ALGLIB interface generator.
Never use it in any real life project.
Replace all values in array by NOT(a[i]).
Array is passed using "shared" convention.
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 11.10.2013 by Bochkanov Sergey
void xdebugb2not(const boolean_2d_array &a, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
This is debug function intended for testing ALGLIB interface generator.
Never use it in any real life project.
Transposes array.
Array is passed using "var" convention.
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 11.10.2013 by Bochkanov Sergey
void xdebugb2transpose(boolean_2d_array &a, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
This is debug function intended for testing ALGLIB interface generator.
Never use it in any real life project.
Generate MxN matrix with elements set to "Sin(3*I+5*J)>0"
Array is passed using "out" convention.
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 11.10.2013 by Bochkanov Sergey
void xdebugb2outsin(const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, boolean_2d_array &a, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
This is debug function intended for testing ALGLIB interface generator.
Never use it in any real life project.
Returns sum of elements in the array.
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 11.10.2013 by Bochkanov Sergey
ae_int_t xdebugi2sum(const integer_2d_array &a, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
This is debug function intended for testing ALGLIB interface generator.
Never use it in any real life project.
Replace all values in array by -a[i,j]
Array is passed using "shared" convention.
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 11.10.2013 by Bochkanov Sergey
void xdebugi2neg(const integer_2d_array &a, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
This is debug function intended for testing ALGLIB interface generator.
Never use it in any real life project.
Transposes array.
Array is passed using "var" convention.
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 11.10.2013 by Bochkanov Sergey
void xdebugi2transpose(integer_2d_array &a, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
This is debug function intended for testing ALGLIB interface generator.
Never use it in any real life project.
Generate MxN matrix with elements set to "Sign(Sin(3*I+5*J))"
Array is passed using "out" convention.
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 11.10.2013 by Bochkanov Sergey
void xdebugi2outsin(const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, integer_2d_array &a, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
This is debug function intended for testing ALGLIB interface generator.
Never use it in any real life project.
Returns sum of elements in the array.
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 11.10.2013 by Bochkanov Sergey
double xdebugr2sum(const real_2d_array &a, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
This is debug function intended for testing ALGLIB interface generator.
Never use it in any real life project.
Replace all values in array by -a[i,j]
Array is passed using "shared" convention.
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 11.10.2013 by Bochkanov Sergey
void xdebugr2neg(const real_2d_array &a, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
This is debug function intended for testing ALGLIB interface generator.
Never use it in any real life project.
Transposes array.
Array is passed using "var" convention.
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 11.10.2013 by Bochkanov Sergey
void xdebugr2transpose(real_2d_array &a, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
This is debug function intended for testing ALGLIB interface generator.
Never use it in any real life project.
Generate MxN matrix with elements set to "Sin(3*I+5*J)"
Array is passed using "out" convention.
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 11.10.2013 by Bochkanov Sergey
void xdebugr2outsin(const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, real_2d_array &a, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
This is debug function intended for testing ALGLIB interface generator.
Never use it in any real life project.
Returns sum of elements in the array.
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 11.10.2013 by Bochkanov Sergey
alglib::complex xdebugc2sum(const complex_2d_array &a, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
This is debug function intended for testing ALGLIB interface generator.
Never use it in any real life project.
Replace all values in array by -a[i,j]
Array is passed using "shared" convention.
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 11.10.2013 by Bochkanov Sergey
void xdebugc2neg(const complex_2d_array &a, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
This is debug function intended for testing ALGLIB interface generator.
Never use it in any real life project.
Transposes array.
Array is passed using "var" convention.
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 11.10.2013 by Bochkanov Sergey
void xdebugc2transpose(complex_2d_array &a, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
This is debug function intended for testing ALGLIB interface generator.
Never use it in any real life project.
Generate MxN matrix with elements set to "Sin(3*I+5*J),Cos(3*I+5*J)"
Array is passed using "out" convention.
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 11.10.2013 by Bochkanov Sergey
void xdebugc2outsincos(const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, complex_2d_array &a, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
This is debug function intended for testing ALGLIB interface generator.
Never use it in any real life project.
Returns sum of a[i,j]*(1+b[i,j]) such that c[i,j] is True
-- ALGLIB --
Copyright 11.10.2013 by Bochkanov Sergey
double xdebugmaskedbiasedproductsum(const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, const real_2d_array &a, const real_2d_array &b, const boolean_2d_array &c, const xparams _xparams = alglib::xdefault);
namespace alglib_impl
void kdtreebuild(/* Real */ ae_matrix* xy,
ae_int_t n,
ae_int_t nx,
ae_int_t ny,
ae_int_t normtype,
kdtree* kdt,
ae_state *_state);
void kdtreebuildtagged(/* Real */ ae_matrix* xy,
/* Integer */ ae_vector* tags,
ae_int_t n,
ae_int_t nx,
ae_int_t ny,
ae_int_t normtype,
kdtree* kdt,
ae_state *_state);
void kdtreecreaterequestbuffer(kdtree* kdt,
kdtreerequestbuffer* buf,
ae_state *_state);
ae_int_t kdtreequeryknn(kdtree* kdt,
/* Real */ ae_vector* x,
ae_int_t k,
ae_bool selfmatch,
ae_state *_state);
ae_int_t kdtreetsqueryknn(kdtree* kdt,
kdtreerequestbuffer* buf,
/* Real */ ae_vector* x,
ae_int_t k,
ae_bool selfmatch,
ae_state *_state);
ae_int_t kdtreequeryrnn(kdtree* kdt,
/* Real */ ae_vector* x,
double r,
ae_bool selfmatch,
ae_state *_state);
ae_int_t kdtreequeryrnnu(kdtree* kdt,
/* Real */ ae_vector* x,
double r,
ae_bool selfmatch,
ae_state *_state);
ae_int_t kdtreetsqueryrnn(kdtree* kdt,
kdtreerequestbuffer* buf,
/* Real */ ae_vector* x,
double r,
ae_bool selfmatch,
ae_state *_state);
ae_int_t kdtreetsqueryrnnu(kdtree* kdt,
kdtreerequestbuffer* buf,
/* Real */ ae_vector* x,
double r,
ae_bool selfmatch,
ae_state *_state);
ae_int_t kdtreequeryaknn(kdtree* kdt,
/* Real */ ae_vector* x,
ae_int_t k,
ae_bool selfmatch,
double eps,
ae_state *_state);
ae_int_t kdtreetsqueryaknn(kdtree* kdt,
kdtreerequestbuffer* buf,
/* Real */ ae_vector* x,
ae_int_t k,
ae_bool selfmatch,
double eps,
ae_state *_state);
ae_int_t kdtreequerybox(kdtree* kdt,
/* Real */ ae_vector* boxmin,
/* Real */ ae_vector* boxmax,
ae_state *_state);
ae_int_t kdtreetsquerybox(kdtree* kdt,
kdtreerequestbuffer* buf,
/* Real */ ae_vector* boxmin,
/* Real */ ae_vector* boxmax,
ae_state *_state);
void kdtreequeryresultsx(kdtree* kdt,
/* Real */ ae_matrix* x,
ae_state *_state);
void kdtreequeryresultsxy(kdtree* kdt,
/* Real */ ae_matrix* xy,
ae_state *_state);
void kdtreequeryresultstags(kdtree* kdt,
/* Integer */ ae_vector* tags,
ae_state *_state);
void kdtreequeryresultsdistances(kdtree* kdt,
/* Real */ ae_vector* r,
ae_state *_state);
void kdtreetsqueryresultsx(kdtree* kdt,
kdtreerequestbuffer* buf,
/* Real */ ae_matrix* x,
ae_state *_state);
void kdtreetsqueryresultsxy(kdtree* kdt,
kdtreerequestbuffer* buf,
/* Real */ ae_matrix* xy,
ae_state *_state);
void kdtreetsqueryresultstags(kdtree* kdt,
kdtreerequestbuffer* buf,
/* Integer */ ae_vector* tags,
ae_state *_state);
void kdtreetsqueryresultsdistances(kdtree* kdt,
kdtreerequestbuffer* buf,
/* Real */ ae_vector* r,
ae_state *_state);
void kdtreequeryresultsxi(kdtree* kdt,
/* Real */ ae_matrix* x,
ae_state *_state);
void kdtreequeryresultsxyi(kdtree* kdt,
/* Real */ ae_matrix* xy,
ae_state *_state);
void kdtreequeryresultstagsi(kdtree* kdt,
/* Integer */ ae_vector* tags,
ae_state *_state);
void kdtreequeryresultsdistancesi(kdtree* kdt,
/* Real */ ae_vector* r,
ae_state *_state);
void kdtreeexplorebox(kdtree* kdt,
/* Real */ ae_vector* boxmin,
/* Real */ ae_vector* boxmax,
ae_state *_state);
void kdtreeexplorenodetype(kdtree* kdt,
ae_int_t node,
ae_int_t* nodetype,
ae_state *_state);
void kdtreeexploreleaf(kdtree* kdt,
ae_int_t node,
/* Real */ ae_matrix* xy,
ae_int_t* k,
ae_state *_state);
void kdtreeexploresplit(kdtree* kdt,
ae_int_t node,
ae_int_t* d,
double* s,
ae_int_t* nodele,
ae_int_t* nodege,
ae_state *_state);
void kdtreealloc(ae_serializer* s, kdtree* tree, ae_state *_state);
void kdtreeserialize(ae_serializer* s, kdtree* tree, ae_state *_state);
void kdtreeunserialize(ae_serializer* s, kdtree* tree, ae_state *_state);
void _kdtreerequestbuffer_init(void* _p, ae_state *_state, ae_bool make_automatic);
void _kdtreerequestbuffer_init_copy(void* _dst, void* _src, ae_state *_state, ae_bool make_automatic);
void _kdtreerequestbuffer_clear(void* _p);
void _kdtreerequestbuffer_destroy(void* _p);
void _kdtree_init(void* _p, ae_state *_state, ae_bool make_automatic);
void _kdtree_init_copy(void* _dst, void* _src, ae_state *_state, ae_bool make_automatic);
void _kdtree_clear(void* _p);
void _kdtree_destroy(void* _p);
#if defined(AE_COMPILE_HQRND) || !defined(AE_PARTIAL_BUILD)
void hqrndrandomize(hqrndstate* state, ae_state *_state);
void hqrndseed(ae_int_t s1,
ae_int_t s2,
hqrndstate* state,
ae_state *_state);
double hqrnduniformr(hqrndstate* state, ae_state *_state);
ae_int_t hqrnduniformi(hqrndstate* state, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state);
double hqrndnormal(hqrndstate* state, ae_state *_state);
void hqrndunit2(hqrndstate* state, double* x, double* y, ae_state *_state);
void hqrndnormal2(hqrndstate* state,
double* x1,
double* x2,
ae_state *_state);
double hqrndexponential(hqrndstate* state,
double lambdav,
ae_state *_state);
double hqrnddiscrete(hqrndstate* state,
/* Real */ ae_vector* x,
ae_int_t n,
ae_state *_state);
double hqrndcontinuous(hqrndstate* state,
/* Real */ ae_vector* x,
ae_int_t n,
ae_state *_state);
void _hqrndstate_init(void* _p, ae_state *_state, ae_bool make_automatic);
void _hqrndstate_init_copy(void* _dst, void* _src, ae_state *_state, ae_bool make_automatic);
void _hqrndstate_clear(void* _p);
void _hqrndstate_destroy(void* _p);
#if defined(AE_COMPILE_XDEBUG) || !defined(AE_PARTIAL_BUILD)
void xdebuginitrecord1(xdebugrecord1* rec1, ae_state *_state);
ae_int_t xdebugb1count(/* Boolean */ ae_vector* a, ae_state *_state);
void xdebugb1not(/* Boolean */ ae_vector* a, ae_state *_state);
void xdebugb1appendcopy(/* Boolean */ ae_vector* a, ae_state *_state);
void xdebugb1outeven(ae_int_t n,
/* Boolean */ ae_vector* a,
ae_state *_state);
ae_int_t xdebugi1sum(/* Integer */ ae_vector* a, ae_state *_state);
void xdebugi1neg(/* Integer */ ae_vector* a, ae_state *_state);
void xdebugi1appendcopy(/* Integer */ ae_vector* a, ae_state *_state);
void xdebugi1outeven(ae_int_t n,
/* Integer */ ae_vector* a,
ae_state *_state);
double xdebugr1sum(/* Real */ ae_vector* a, ae_state *_state);
void xdebugr1neg(/* Real */ ae_vector* a, ae_state *_state);
void xdebugr1appendcopy(/* Real */ ae_vector* a, ae_state *_state);
void xdebugr1outeven(ae_int_t n,
/* Real */ ae_vector* a,
ae_state *_state);
ae_complex xdebugc1sum(/* Complex */ ae_vector* a, ae_state *_state);
void xdebugc1neg(/* Complex */ ae_vector* a, ae_state *_state);
void xdebugc1appendcopy(/* Complex */ ae_vector* a, ae_state *_state);
void xdebugc1outeven(ae_int_t n,
/* Complex */ ae_vector* a,
ae_state *_state);
ae_int_t xdebugb2count(/* Boolean */ ae_matrix* a, ae_state *_state);
void xdebugb2not(/* Boolean */ ae_matrix* a, ae_state *_state);
void xdebugb2transpose(/* Boolean */ ae_matrix* a, ae_state *_state);
void xdebugb2outsin(ae_int_t m,
ae_int_t n,
/* Boolean */ ae_matrix* a,
ae_state *_state);
ae_int_t xdebugi2sum(/* Integer */ ae_matrix* a, ae_state *_state);
void xdebugi2neg(/* Integer */ ae_matrix* a, ae_state *_state);
void xdebugi2transpose(/* Integer */ ae_matrix* a, ae_state *_state);
void xdebugi2outsin(ae_int_t m,
ae_int_t n,
/* Integer */ ae_matrix* a,
ae_state *_state);
double xdebugr2sum(/* Real */ ae_matrix* a, ae_state *_state);
void xdebugr2neg(/* Real */ ae_matrix* a, ae_state *_state);
void xdebugr2transpose(/* Real */ ae_matrix* a, ae_state *_state);
void xdebugr2outsin(ae_int_t m,
ae_int_t n,
/* Real */ ae_matrix* a,
ae_state *_state);
ae_complex xdebugc2sum(/* Complex */ ae_matrix* a, ae_state *_state);
void xdebugc2neg(/* Complex */ ae_matrix* a, ae_state *_state);
void xdebugc2transpose(/* Complex */ ae_matrix* a, ae_state *_state);
void xdebugc2outsincos(ae_int_t m,
ae_int_t n,
/* Complex */ ae_matrix* a,
ae_state *_state);
double xdebugmaskedbiasedproductsum(ae_int_t m,
ae_int_t n,
/* Real */ ae_matrix* a,
/* Real */ ae_matrix* b,
/* Boolean */ ae_matrix* c,
ae_state *_state);
void _xdebugrecord1_init(void* _p, ae_state *_state, ae_bool make_automatic);
void _xdebugrecord1_init_copy(void* _dst, void* _src, ae_state *_state, ae_bool make_automatic);
void _xdebugrecord1_clear(void* _p);
void _xdebugrecord1_destroy(void* _p);