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2022-10-25 10:45:30 +02:00
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\title[Thesis Simon]{Open Thesis Topics}
\institute{ls9 tu Dortmund}
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%from file ../knn1//data/000.txt
{\huge\bfseries \par}
{\LARGE\itshape Simon Kluettermann\par}
{\scshape\Large Master Thesis in Physics\par}
{\Large submitted to the \par}
{\scshape\Large Faculty of Mathematics Computer Science and Natural Sciences \par}
{\Large \par}
{\scshape\Large RWTH Aachen University}
{\scshape\Large Department of Physics\par}
{\scshape\Large Insitute for theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology\par}
{ \Large\par}
{\Large First Referee: Prof. Dr. Michael Kraemer \par}
{\Large Second Referee: Prof. Dr. Felix Kahlhoefer}
% Bottom of the page
{\large November 2020 \par}
%from file ../knn1//data/001Thesis@ls9.txt
\item First: Find a topic and a supervisor
\item Work one month on this, to make sure
\item you still like your topic
\item and you are sure you can handle the topic
\item then short presentation in front of our chair (15min, relaxed)
\item get some feedback/suggestions
\item afterwards register the thesis
\item (different for CS/DS students)
\item Problem: We are not able to supervise more than 2 students at the same time (CS faculty rules)
%from file ../knn1//data/002Today.txt
\item First: A short summary of each Topic
\item Then time for questions/Talk with your supervisor about each topic that sounds interesting
\item Your own topics are always welcome;)
%from file ../knn1//data/003Anomaly Detection.txt
\begin{frame}[label=Anomaly Detection]
\frametitle{Anomaly Detection}
\begin{columns}[c] % align columns
\item Im working on Anomaly Detection
\item That means characterising an often very complex distributions, to find events that dont match the expected distribution
%from file ../knn1//data/004knn.txt
\item kNN algorithm can also be used for AD
\item if the k closest point is further away, a sample is considered more anomalous
\item $r=\frac{k}{2N\cdot pdf}$
\item Powerful method, as it can model the pdf directly
%from file ../knn1//data/005Better knn.txt
\begin{frame}[label=Better knn]
\frametitle{Better knn}
\item The model (mostly) ignores every known sample except one
\item So there are extensions
\item $avg=\frac{1}{N} \sum_i knn_i(x)$
\item $wavg=\frac{1}{N} \sum_i \frac{knn_i(x)}{i}$
%from file ../knn1//data/006Comparison.txt
Dataset & wavg & avg & 1 & 3 & 5 \\
$vertebral$ & $\textbf{0.4506}$ & $\textbf{0.4506}$ & $\textbf{0.4667}$ & $\textbf{0.4667}$ & $\textbf{0.45}$ \\
... & & & & & \\
$thyroid$ & $\textbf{0.9138}$ & $\textbf{0.9151}$ & $\textbf{0.8763}$ & $\textbf{0.9086}$ & $\textbf{0.914}$ \\
$Iris\_setosa$ & $\textbf{0.9333}$ & $\textbf{0.9333}$ & $\textbf{0.9333}$ & $\textbf{0.9}$ & $\textbf{0.9}$ \\
$breastw$ & $\textbf{0.9361}$ & $\textbf{0.9361}$ & $\textbf{0.9211}$ & $\textbf{0.9248}$ & $\textbf{0.9286}$ \\
$wine$ & $\textbf{0.95}$ & $\textbf{0.95}$ & $\textbf{0.9}$ & $\textbf{0.95}$ & $\textbf{0.95}$ \\
$pendigits$ & $\textbf{0.9487}$ & $\textbf{0.9487}$ & $\textbf{0.9391}$ & $\textbf{0.9295}$ & $\textbf{0.9359}$ \\
$segment$ & $\textbf{0.9747}$ & $\textbf{0.9747}$ & $\textbf{0.9495}$ & $\textbf{0.9545}$ & $\textbf{0.9394}$ \\
$banknote-authentication$ & $\textbf{0.9777}$ & $\textbf{0.9776}$ & $\textbf{0.9408}$ & $\textbf{0.943}$ & $\textbf{0.9583}$ \\
$vowels$ & $\textbf{0.9998}$ & $\textbf{0.9972}$ & $\textbf{0.99}$ & $\textbf{0.92}$ & $\textbf{0.93}$ \\
$Ecoli$ & $\textbf{1.0}$ & $\textbf{1.0}$ & $\textbf{0.9}$ & $\textbf{1.0}$ & $\textbf{1.0}$ \\
$$ & $$ & $$ & $$ & $$ & $$ \\
$Average$ & $\textbf{0.7528} $ & $\textbf{0.7520} $ & $0.7325 $ & $0.7229 $ & $0.7157 $ \\
%from file ../knn1//data/007What to do?.txt
\begin{frame}[label=What to do?]
\frametitle{What to do?}
\item Evaluation as anomaly detector is complicated
\item Requires known anomalies
\item $\Rightarrow$So evaluate as density estimator
\item Does not require anomalies
\item Allows generating infinite amounts of training data
%from file ../knn1//data/008What to do?.txt
\begin{frame}[label=What to do?]
\frametitle{What to do?}
\item Collect Extensions of the oc-knn algorithm
\item Define some distance measure to a known pdf
\item Generate random datapoints following the pdf
\item Evaluate which algorithm finds the pdf the best
%from file ../knn1//data/009Requirements.txt
\item Knowledge of python ( sum([i for i in range(5) if i\%2]) )
\item Ideally incl numpy
\item Basic university level Math (you could argue that $r_k \propto \frac{k}{pdf}$)
\item Ideally some experience working on a ssh server
\item $\Rightarrow$Good as a Bachelor Thesis
\item For a Master Thesis, I would extend this a bit (Could you also find $k$?)
%from file ../knn1//data/010Normalising Flows.txt
\begin{frame}[label=Normalising Flows]
\frametitle{Normalising Flows}
\item Deep Learning Method, in which the output is normalised
\item $\int f(x) dx=1 \; \forall f(x)$
\item Can be used to estimate probability density functions
\item $\Rightarrow$Thus useful for AD
\item $\int f(h(x)) \|\frac{\delta x}{\delta h}\| dh=1 \; \forall h(x)$
%from file ../knn1//data/011Graph Normalising Flows.txt
\begin{frame}[label=Graph Normalising Flows]
\frametitle{Graph Normalising Flows}
\item How to apply this to graphs?
\item One Paper (Liu 2019) uses two NN:
\item Autoencoder graph$\Rightarrow$vector
\item NF on vector data
\item which is fine, but also not really graph specific
\item No interaction between encoding and transformation
%from file ../knn1//data/012Graph Normalising Flows.txt
\begin{frame}[label=Graph Normalising Flows]
\frametitle{Graph Normalising Flows}
\item So why not do this directly?
\item $\Rightarrow$Requires differentiating a graph
\item Why not use only one Network?
\item Graph$\Rightarrow$Vector$\Rightarrow$pdf
\item $\Rightarrow$Finds trivial solution, as $<pdf> \propto \frac{1}{\sigma_{Vector}}$
\item So regularise the standart deviation of the vector space!
\item Interplay between encoding and NF
\item Could also be useful for highdim data
%from file ../knn1//data/013Requirements.txt
\item Proficient in python ( [i for i in range(1,N) if not [j for j in range(2,i) if not i\%j]] )
\item Ideally incl numpy, tensorflow, keras
\item Some deep learning experience
\item University level math (google Cholesky Decomposition. Why is this useful for NF?)
\item Ideally some experience working on a ssh server
\item A bit more challenging$\Rightarrow$Better as a Master thesis
\item (Still we would start very slowly of course)
%from file ../knn1//data/014Old Thesis Sina.txt
\begin{frame}[label=Old Thesis Sina]
\begin{columns}[c] % align columns
\item Isolation Forest: Different Anomaly Detection Algorithm
\item Problem: Isolation Forests dont work on categorical data
\item $\Rightarrow$Extend them to categorical data
\includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{../prep/20Old_Thesis_Sina/Bildschirmfoto vom 2022-09-26 16-22-30.png}
\label{fig:prep20Old_Thesis_SinaBildschirmfoto vom 2022-09-26 16-22-30png}
%from file ../knn1//data/015Old Thesis Britta.txt
\begin{frame}[label=Old Thesis Britta]
\begin{columns}[c] % align columns
\item Reidentification: Find known objects in new images
\item Task: Find if two images of pallet blocks are of the same pallet block
\item Use AD to represent the pallet blocks
\includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{../prep/21Old_Thesis_Britta/Bildschirmfoto vom 2022-09-26 16-23-26.png}
\label{fig:prep21Old_Thesis_BrittaBildschirmfoto vom 2022-09-26 16-23-26png}
%from file ../knn1//data/016Old Thesis Hsin Ping.txt
\begin{frame}[label=Old Thesis Hsin Ping]
\frametitle{Hsin Ping}
\begin{columns}[c] % align columns
\item Ensemble: Combination of multiple models
\item Task: Explain the prediction of a model using the ensemble structure
\includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{../prep/22Old_Thesis_Hsin_Ping/Bildschirmfoto vom 2022-09-26 16-24-14.png}
\label{fig:prep22Old_Thesis_Hsin_PingBildschirmfoto vom 2022-09-26 16-24-14png}
%from file ../knn1//data/017Old Thesis Nikitha.txt
\begin{frame}[label=Old Thesis Nikitha]
\begin{columns}[c] % align columns
\item Task: Explore a new kind of ensemble
\item Instead of many uncorrelated models, let the models interact during training
\includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{../prep/23Old_Thesis_Nikitha/Bildschirmfoto vom 2022-09-26 16-25-06.png}
\label{fig:prep23Old_Thesis_NikithaBildschirmfoto vom 2022-09-26 16-25-06png}