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/*! \file
* \brief \ref IDT "Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT)" containing the entry points for interrupt handling.
#pragma once
#include "types.h"
/*! \brief "Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT)
* \ingroup interrupt
* \see [ISDMv3 6.14 Exception and Interrupt Handling in 64-bit Mode](intel_manual_vol3.pdf#page=200)
namespace IDT {
/*! \brief Gate types
* \see [ISDMv3 3.5 System Descriptor Types](intel_manual_vol3.pdf#page=99)
enum Gate {
GATE_TASK = 0x5, ///< Task Gate
GATE_INT = 0x6, ///< Interrupt Gate
GATE_TRAP = 0x7, ///< Trap Gate
/*! \brief Segment type
* \see [ISDMv3 3.5 System Descriptor Types](intel_manual_vol3.pdf#page=99)
enum GateSize {
GATE_SIZE_16 = 0, ///< 16 bit
GATE_SIZE_32 = 1, ///< 32 / 64 bit
/*! \brief Descriptor Privilege Level
enum DPL {
DPL_KERNEL = 0, ///< Ring 0 / Kernel mode
/* DPLs 1 and 2 are unused */
DPL_USER = 3, ///< Ring 3 / User mode
/*! \brief Load the IDT's address and size into the IDT-Register via `idtr`.
void load();
/*! \brief Configure entry point for interrupt handling
* The provided entry function ("handler") is required to, as first step, save the registers.
* \param vector Interrupt vector number for which the handler is to be set/changed
* \param handler Low-level entry point for interrupt handling
* \param type Gate type (Interrupt, Trap, or Task)
* \param size 16- or 32-bit
* \param dpl Permissions required for enter this interrupt handler (kernel- or user space)
* \param present Denotes whether the IDT descriptor is marked as available
void handle(uint8_t vector, void * handler, enum Gate type = Gate::GATE_INT,
enum GateSize size = GateSize::GATE_SIZE_32, enum DPL dpl = DPL::DPL_KERNEL, bool present = true);
} // namespace IDT