Nils Hölscher 7f403f4f1e added clang
2022-04-25 13:02:35 +02:00

209 lines
6.7 KiB

import json
import os
from enum import auto, Enum
from typing import Any, Dict, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple
JSON = Dict[str, Any]
DEFAULT_MAP_FILE = "projects.json"
class DownloadType(str, Enum):
GIT = "git"
ZIP = "zip"
SCRIPT = "script"
class Size(int, Enum):
Size of the project.
Sizes do not directly correspond to the number of lines or files in the
project. The key factor that is important for the developers of the
analyzer is the time it takes to analyze the project. Here is how
the following sizes map to times:
TINY: <1min
SMALL: 1min-10min
BIG: 10min-1h
HUGE: >1h
The borders are a bit of a blur, especially because analysis time varies
from one machine to another. However, the relative times will stay pretty
similar, and these groupings will still be helpful.
UNSPECIFIED is a very special case, which is intentionally last in the list
of possible sizes. If the user wants to filter projects by one of the
possible sizes, we want projects with UNSPECIFIED size to be filtered out
for any given size.
TINY = auto()
SMALL = auto()
BIG = auto()
HUGE = auto()
def from_str(raw_size: Optional[str]) -> "Size":
Construct a Size object from an optional string.
:param raw_size: optional string representation of the desired Size
object. None will produce UNSPECIFIED size.
This method is case-insensitive, so raw sizes 'tiny', 'TINY', and
'TiNy' will produce the same result.
if raw_size is None:
raw_size_upper = raw_size.upper()
# The implementation is decoupled from the actual values of the enum,
# so we can easily add or modify it without bothering about this
# function.
for possible_size in Size:
if possible_size.name == raw_size_upper:
return possible_size
possible_sizes = [size.name.lower() for size in Size
# no need in showing our users this size
if size != Size.UNSPECIFIED]
raise ValueError(f"Incorrect project size '{raw_size}'. "
f"Available sizes are {possible_sizes}")
class ProjectInfo(NamedTuple):
Information about a project to analyze.
name: str
mode: int
source: DownloadType = DownloadType.SCRIPT
origin: str = ""
commit: str = ""
enabled: bool = True
size: Size = Size.UNSPECIFIED
def with_fields(self, **kwargs) -> "ProjectInfo":
Create a copy of this project info with customized fields.
NamedTuple is immutable and this is a way to create modified copies.
info.enabled = True
info.mode = 1
can be done as follows:
modified = info.with_fields(enbled=True, mode=1)
return ProjectInfo(**{**self._asdict(), **kwargs})
class ProjectMap:
Project map stores info about all the "registered" projects.
def __init__(self, path: Optional[str] = None, should_exist: bool = True):
:param path: optional path to a project JSON file, when None defaults
:param should_exist: flag to tell if it's an exceptional situation when
the project file doesn't exist, creates an empty
project list instead if we are not expecting it to
if path is None:
path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.curdir), DEFAULT_MAP_FILE)
if not os.path.exists(path):
if should_exist:
raise ValueError(
f"Cannot find the project map file {path}"
f"\nRunning script for the wrong directory?\n")
self.path = path
def save(self):
Save project map back to its original file.
self._save(self.projects, self.path)
def _load_projects(self):
with open(self.path) as raw_data:
raw_projects = json.load(raw_data)
if not isinstance(raw_projects, list):
raise ValueError(
"Project map should be a list of JSON objects")
self.projects = self._parse(raw_projects)
def _parse(raw_projects: List[JSON]) -> List[ProjectInfo]:
return [ProjectMap._parse_project(raw_project)
for raw_project in raw_projects]
def _parse_project(raw_project: JSON) -> ProjectInfo:
name: str = raw_project["name"]
build_mode: int = raw_project["mode"]
enabled: bool = raw_project.get("enabled", True)
source: DownloadType = raw_project.get("source", "zip")
size = Size.from_str(raw_project.get("size", None))
if source == DownloadType.GIT:
origin, commit = ProjectMap._get_git_params(raw_project)
origin, commit = "", ""
return ProjectInfo(name, build_mode, source, origin, commit,
enabled, size)
except KeyError as e:
raise ValueError(
f"Project info is required to have a '{e.args[0]}' field")
def _get_git_params(raw_project: JSON) -> Tuple[str, str]:
return raw_project["origin"], raw_project["commit"]
except KeyError as e:
raise ValueError(
f"Profect info is required to have a '{e.args[0]}' field "
f"if it has a 'git' source")
def _create_empty(path: str):
ProjectMap._save([], path)
def _save(projects: List[ProjectInfo], path: str):
with open(path, "w") as output:
output, indent=2)
def _convert_infos_to_dicts(projects: List[ProjectInfo]) -> List[JSON]:
return [ProjectMap._convert_info_to_dict(project)
for project in projects]
def _convert_info_to_dict(project: ProjectInfo) -> JSON:
whole_dict = project._asdict()
defaults = project._field_defaults
# there is no need in serializing fields with default values
for field, default_value in defaults.items():
if whole_dict[field] == default_value:
del whole_dict[field]
return whole_dict