Nils Hölscher 7f403f4f1e added clang
2022-04-25 13:02:35 +02:00

62 lines
1.1 KiB

// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify %s
namespace A {
int VA;
void FA() {}
struct SA { int V; };
using A::VA;
using A::FA;
using typename A::SA;
int main()
VA = 1;
SA x; //Still needs handling.
struct B {
void f(char){};
void g(char){};
struct D : B {
using B::f;
void f(int);
void g(int);
void D::f(int) { f('c'); } // calls B::f(char)
void D::g(int) { g('c'); } // recursively calls D::g(int)
namespace E {
template <typename TYPE> int funcE(TYPE arg) { return(arg); }
using E::funcE<int>; // expected-error{{using declaration cannot refer to a template specialization}}
namespace F {
struct X;
using F::X;
// Should have some errors here. Waiting for implementation.
void X(int);
struct X *x;
namespace ShadowedTagNotes {
namespace foo {
class Bar {};
void Bar(int); // expected-note{{class 'Bar' is hidden by a non-type declaration of 'Bar' here}}
using foo::Bar;
void ambiguity() {
const Bar *x; // expected-error{{must use 'class' tag to refer to type 'Bar' in this scope}}
} // namespace ShadowedTagNotes