Nils Hölscher 7f403f4f1e added clang
2022-04-25 13:02:35 +02:00

1098 lines
29 KiB

// RUN: %clang_analyze_cc1 -analyzer-checker=core,osx.cocoa.RetainCount,osx.cocoa.Dealloc,debug.ExprInspection -analyzer-store=region -verify -Wno-objc-root-class -analyzer-config eagerly-assume=false %s
// RUN: %clang_analyze_cc1 -analyzer-checker=core,osx.cocoa.RetainCount,osx.cocoa.Dealloc,debug.ExprInspection -analyzer-store=region -verify -Wno-objc-root-class -fobjc-arc -analyzer-config eagerly-assume=false %s
void clang_analyzer_eval(int);
#define nil ((id)0)
typedef const void * CFTypeRef;
extern CFTypeRef CFRetain(CFTypeRef cf);
void CFRelease(CFTypeRef cf);
typedef signed char BOOL;
typedef unsigned int NSUInteger;
typedef struct _NSZone NSZone;
@class NSInvocation, NSMethodSignature, NSCoder, NSString, NSEnumerator;
@protocol NSObject - (BOOL)isEqual:(id)object; @end
@protocol NSCopying - (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone; @end
@protocol NSCoding - (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aCoder; @end
@protocol NSMutableCopying - (id)mutableCopyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone; @end
@interface NSObject <NSObject> {}
-(oneway void)release;
@interface NSString : NSObject <NSCopying, NSMutableCopying, NSCoding>
- (NSUInteger)length;
-(id)initWithFormat:(NSString *)f,...;
-(BOOL)isEqualToString:(NSString *)s;
+ (id)string;
@interface NSNumber : NSObject {}
// rdar://6946338
@interface Test1 : NSObject {
NSString *text;
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSString *text;
#if !__has_feature(objc_arc)
@implementation Test1
@synthesize text;
-(id)myMethod {
Test1 *cell = [[[Test1 alloc] init] autorelease];
NSString *string1 = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"test %f", 0.0]; // expected-warning {{Potential leak}}
cell.text = string1;
return cell;
// rdar://8824416
@interface MyNumber : NSObject
NSNumber* _myNumber;
- (id)initWithNumber:(NSNumber *)number;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSNumber* myNumber;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSNumber* newMyNumber;
@implementation MyNumber
@synthesize myNumber=_myNumber;
- (id)initWithNumber:(NSNumber *)number
self = [super init];
if ( self )
_myNumber = [number copy];
return self;
- (NSNumber*)newMyNumber
if ( _myNumber )
return [_myNumber retain];
return [[NSNumber alloc] initWithInteger:1];
- (id)valueForUndefinedKey:(NSString*)key
id value = 0;
if ([key isEqualToString:@"MyIvarNumberAsPropertyOverReleased"])
value = self.myNumber; // _myNumber will be over released, since the value returned from self.myNumber is not retained.
else if ([key isEqualToString:@"MyIvarNumberAsPropertyOk"])
value = [self.myNumber retain]; // this line fixes the over release
else if ([key isEqualToString:@"MyIvarNumberAsNewMyNumber"])
value = self.newMyNumber; // this one is ok, since value is returned retained
value = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithInteger:0];
return [value autorelease]; // expected-warning {{Object autoreleased too many times}}
NSNumber* numberFromMyNumberProperty(MyNumber* aMyNumber)
NSNumber* result = aMyNumber.myNumber;
return [result autorelease]; // expected-warning {{Object autoreleased too many times}}
// rdar://6611873
@interface Person : NSObject {
NSString *_name;
@property (retain) NSString * name;
@property (assign) id friend;
@implementation Person
@synthesize name = _name;
-(void)dealloc {
#if !__has_feature(objc_arc)
self.name = [[NSString alloc] init]; // expected-warning {{leak}}
[super dealloc]; // expected-warning {{The '_name' ivar in 'Person' was retained by a synthesized property but not released before '[super dealloc]}}
#if !__has_feature(objc_arc)
void rdar6611873() {
Person *p = [[[Person alloc] init] autorelease];
p.name = [[NSString string] retain]; // expected-warning {{leak}}
p.name = [[NSString alloc] init]; // expected-warning {{leak}}
p.friend = [[Person alloc] init]; // expected-warning {{leak}}
@interface SubPerson : Person
-(NSString *)foo;
@implementation SubPerson
-(NSString *)foo {
return super.name;
#if !__has_feature(objc_arc)
// <rdar://problem/9241180> Static analyzer doesn't detect uninitialized variable issues for property accesses
@interface RDar9241180
@property (readwrite,assign) id x;
-(id)testAnalyzer1:(int) y;
@implementation RDar9241180
@synthesize x;
-(id)testAnalyzer1:(int)y {
RDar9241180 *o;
if (y && o.x) // expected-warning {{Property access on an uninitialized object pointer}}
return o;
return o; // expected-warning {{Undefined or garbage value returned to caller}}
-(void)testAnalyzer2 {
id y;
self.x = y; // expected-warning {{Argument for property setter is an uninitialized value}}
// Property accessor synthesis
extern void doSomethingWithPerson(Person *p);
extern void doSomethingWithName(NSString *name);
void testConsistencyRetain(Person *p) {
clang_analyzer_eval(p.name == p.name); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
id origName = p.name;
clang_analyzer_eval(p.name == origName); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(p.name == origName); // expected-warning{{UNKNOWN}}
void testConsistencyAssign(Person *p) {
clang_analyzer_eval(p.friend == p.friend); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
id origFriend = p.friend;
clang_analyzer_eval(p.friend == origFriend); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(p.friend == origFriend); // expected-warning{{UNKNOWN}}
@interface ClassWithShadowedReadWriteProperty {
int _f;
@property (readonly) int someProp;
@interface ClassWithShadowedReadWriteProperty ()
@property (readwrite) int someProp;
@implementation ClassWithShadowedReadWriteProperty
- (void)testSynthesisForShadowedReadWriteProperties; {
clang_analyzer_eval(self.someProp == self.someProp); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
_f = 1;
// Read of shadowed property should not invalidate receiver.
clang_analyzer_eval(_f == 1); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
_f = 2;
// Call to getter of shadowed property should not invalidate receiver.
(void)[self someProp];
clang_analyzer_eval(_f == 2); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
// Tests for the analyzer fix that works around a Sema bug
// where multiple methods are created for properties in class extensions that
// are redeclared in a category method.
// The Sema bug is tracked as <rdar://problem/25481164>.
@interface ClassWithRedeclaredPropertyInExtensionFollowedByCategory
@interface ClassWithRedeclaredPropertyInExtensionFollowedByCategory ()
@interface ClassWithRedeclaredPropertyInExtensionFollowedByCategory ()
@property (readwrite) int someProp;
@property (readonly) int otherProp;
@interface ClassWithRedeclaredPropertyInExtensionFollowedByCategory (MyCat)
@property (readonly) int someProp;
@property (readonly) int otherProp;
@implementation ClassWithRedeclaredPropertyInExtensionFollowedByCategory
- (void)testSynthesisForRedeclaredProperties; {
clang_analyzer_eval(self.someProp == self.someProp); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval([self someProp] == self.someProp); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(self.otherProp == self.otherProp); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval([self otherProp] == self.otherProp); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
// The relative order of the extension and the category matter, so test both.
@interface ClassWithRedeclaredPropertyInCategoryFollowedByExtension
@interface ClassWithRedeclaredPropertyInCategoryFollowedByExtension ()
@property (readwrite) int someProp;
@interface ClassWithRedeclaredPropertyInCategoryFollowedByExtension (MyCat)
@property (readonly) int someProp;
@implementation ClassWithRedeclaredPropertyInCategoryFollowedByExtension
- (void)testSynthesisForRedeclaredProperties; {
clang_analyzer_eval(self.someProp == self.someProp); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval([self someProp] == self.someProp); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
@interface ClassWithSynthesizedPropertyAndGetter
@property (readonly) int someProp;
@implementation ClassWithSynthesizedPropertyAndGetter
@synthesize someProp;
// Make sure that the actual getter is inlined and not a getter created
// by BodyFarm
- (void)testBodyFarmGetterNotUsed {
int i = self.someProp;
clang_analyzer_eval(i == 22); // expected-warning {{TRUE}}
-(int)someProp {
return 22;
@interface ClassWithPrivatePropertyInClassExtensionWithProtocolShadowingCategory
@protocol HasStuff
@property (nonatomic, readonly) int stuffProperty;
@interface ClassWithPrivatePropertyInClassExtensionWithProtocolShadowingCategory (Private)
@property (nonatomic, readonly) int stuffProperty;
@interface ClassWithPrivatePropertyInClassExtensionWithProtocolShadowingCategory (Internal) <HasStuff>
@interface ClassWithPrivatePropertyInClassExtensionWithProtocolShadowingCategory() <HasStuff>
@implementation ClassWithPrivatePropertyInClassExtensionWithProtocolShadowingCategory
@synthesize stuffProperty = _stuffProperty;
-(void)foo {
// Setter ivar invalidation.
@interface ClassWithSetters
// Note: These properties have implicit @synthesize implementations to be
// backed with ivars.
@property (assign) int propWithIvar1;
@property (assign) int propWithIvar2;
@property (retain) NSNumber *retainedProperty;
@interface ClassWithSetters (InOtherTranslationUnit)
// The implementation of this property is in another translation unit.
// We don't know whether it is backed by an ivar or not.
@property (assign) int propInOther;
@implementation ClassWithSetters
- (void) testSettingPropWithIvarInvalidatesExactlyThatIvar; {
_propWithIvar1 = 1;
_propWithIvar2 = 2;
self.propWithIvar1 = 66;
// Calling the setter of a property backed by the instance variable
// should invalidate the storage for the instance variable but not
// the rest of the receiver. Ideally we would model the setter completely
// but doing so would cause the new value to escape when it is bound
// to the ivar. This would cause bad false negatives in the retain count
// checker. (There is a test for this scenario in
// testWriteRetainedValueToRetainedProperty below).
clang_analyzer_eval(_propWithIvar1 == 66); // expected-warning{{UNKNOWN}}
clang_analyzer_eval(_propWithIvar2 == 2); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
_propWithIvar1 = 1;
[self setPropWithIvar1:66];
clang_analyzer_eval(_propWithIvar1 == 66); // expected-warning{{UNKNOWN}}
clang_analyzer_eval(_propWithIvar2 == 2); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
- (void) testSettingPropWithoutIvarInvalidatesEntireInstance; {
_propWithIvar1 = 1;
_propWithIvar2 = 2;
self.propInOther = 66;
clang_analyzer_eval(_propWithIvar1 == 66); // expected-warning{{UNKNOWN}}
clang_analyzer_eval(_propWithIvar2 == 2); // expected-warning{{UNKNOWN}}
_propWithIvar1 = 1;
_propWithIvar2 = 2;
[self setPropInOther:66];
clang_analyzer_eval(_propWithIvar1 == 66); // expected-warning{{UNKNOWN}}
clang_analyzer_eval(_propWithIvar2 == 2); // expected-warning{{UNKNOWN}}
#if !__has_feature(objc_arc)
- (void) testWriteRetainedValueToRetainedProperty; {
NSNumber *number = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithInteger:5]; // expected-warning {{Potential leak of an object stored into 'number'}}
// Make sure we catch this leak.
self.retainedProperty = number;
// class properties
int gBackingForReadWriteClassProp = 0;
@interface ClassWithClassProperties
@property(class, readonly) int readOnlyClassProp;
@property(class) int readWriteClassProp;
// Make sure we handle when a class and instance property have the same
// name. Test both when instance comes first and when class comes first.
@property(readonly) int classAndInstancePropWithSameNameOrderInstanceFirst;
@property(class, readonly) int classAndInstancePropWithSameNameOrderInstanceFirst;
@property(class, readonly) int classAndInstancePropWithSameNameOrderClassFirst;
@property(readonly) int classAndInstancePropWithSameNameOrderClassFirst;
@property(class, readonly) int dynamicClassProp;
@interface ClassWithClassProperties (OtherTranslationUnit)
@property(class, assign) id propInOtherTranslationUnit;
@implementation ClassWithClassProperties
@dynamic dynamicClassProp;
+ (int)readOnlyClassProp {
return 1;
+ (int)readWriteClassProp {
return gBackingForReadWriteClassProp;
+ (void)setReadWriteClassProp:(int)val {
gBackingForReadWriteClassProp = val;
- (int)classAndInstancePropWithSameNameOrderInstanceFirst {
return 12;
+ (int)classAndInstancePropWithSameNameOrderInstanceFirst {
return 13;
+ (int)classAndInstancePropWithSameNameOrderClassFirst {
return 14;
- (int)classAndInstancePropWithSameNameOrderClassFirst {
return 15;
- (void)testInlineClassProp {
clang_analyzer_eval(ClassWithClassProperties.readOnlyClassProp == 1); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
ClassWithClassProperties.readWriteClassProp = 7;
clang_analyzer_eval(ClassWithClassProperties.readWriteClassProp == 7); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
ClassWithClassProperties.readWriteClassProp = 8;
clang_analyzer_eval(ClassWithClassProperties.readWriteClassProp == 8); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
- (void)testUnknownClassProp {
clang_analyzer_eval(ClassWithClassProperties.propInOtherTranslationUnit == ClassWithClassProperties.propInOtherTranslationUnit); // expected-warning{{UNKNOWN}}
- (void)testEscapeGlobalOnUnknownProp {
gBackingForReadWriteClassProp = 33;
ClassWithClassProperties.propInOtherTranslationUnit = 0;
clang_analyzer_eval(gBackingForReadWriteClassProp == 33); // expected-warning{{UNKNOWN}}
- (void)testClassAndInstancePropertyWithSameName {
clang_analyzer_eval(self.classAndInstancePropWithSameNameOrderInstanceFirst == 12); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(ClassWithClassProperties.classAndInstancePropWithSameNameOrderInstanceFirst == 13); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(ClassWithClassProperties.classAndInstancePropWithSameNameOrderClassFirst == 14); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(self.classAndInstancePropWithSameNameOrderClassFirst == 15); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
- (void)testDynamicClassProp {
clang_analyzer_eval(ClassWithClassProperties.dynamicClassProp == 16); // expected-warning{{UNKNOWN}}
@interface SubclassOfClassWithClassProperties : ClassWithClassProperties
@implementation SubclassOfClassWithClassProperties
+ (int)dynamicClassProp; {
return 16;
- (void)testDynamicClassProp {
clang_analyzer_eval(SubclassOfClassWithClassProperties.dynamicClassProp == 16); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
#if !__has_feature(objc_arc)
void testOverrelease(Person *p, int coin) {
switch (coin) {
case 0:
[p.name release]; // expected-warning{{not owned}}
case 1:
[p.friend release]; // expected-warning{{not owned}}
case 2: {
id friend = p.friend;
[friend release]; // expected-warning{{not owned}}
// <rdar://problem/16333368>
@implementation Person (Rdar16333368)
- (void)testDeliberateRelease:(Person *)other {
[_name release]; // no-warning
self->_name = 0;
[other.name release]; // no-warning
- (void)deliberateReleaseFalseNegative {
// This is arguably a false negative because the result of p.friend shouldn't
// be released, even though we are manipulating the ivar in between the two
// actions.
id name = self.name;
_name = 0;
[name release];
- (void)testRetainAndRelease {
[self.name retain];
[self.name release];
[self.name release]; // expected-warning{{not owned}}
- (void)testRetainAndReleaseIVar {
[self.name retain];
[_name release];
[_name release];
@interface IntWrapper
@property int value;
@implementation IntWrapper
@synthesize value;
void testConsistencyInt(IntWrapper *w) {
clang_analyzer_eval(w.value == w.value); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
int origValue = w.value;
if (origValue != 42)
clang_analyzer_eval(w.value == 42); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
void testConsistencyInt2(IntWrapper *w) {
if (w.value != 42)
clang_analyzer_eval(w.value == 42); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
@interface IntWrapperAuto
@property int value;
@implementation IntWrapperAuto
void testConsistencyIntAuto(IntWrapperAuto *w) {
clang_analyzer_eval(w.value == w.value); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
int origValue = w.value;
if (origValue != 42)
clang_analyzer_eval(w.value == 42); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
void testConsistencyIntAuto2(IntWrapperAuto *w) {
if (w.value != 42)
clang_analyzer_eval(w.value == 42); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
typedef struct {
int value;
} IntWrapperStruct;
@interface StructWrapper
@property IntWrapperStruct inner;
@implementation StructWrapper
@synthesize inner;
void testConsistencyStruct(StructWrapper *w) {
clang_analyzer_eval(w.inner.value == w.inner.value); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
int origValue = w.inner.value;
if (origValue != 42)
clang_analyzer_eval(w.inner.value == 42); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
@interface OpaqueIntWrapper
@property int value;
// For now, don't assume a property is implemented using an ivar unless we can
// actually see that it is.
void testOpaqueConsistency(OpaqueIntWrapper *w) {
clang_analyzer_eval(w.value == w.value); // expected-warning{{UNKNOWN}}
#if !__has_feature(objc_arc)
// Test quite a few cases of retain/release issues.
@interface RetainCountTesting
@property (strong) id ownedProp;
@property (unsafe_unretained) id unownedProp;
@property (nonatomic, strong) id manualProp;
@property (readonly) id readonlyProp;
@property (nonatomic, readwrite/*, assign */) id implicitManualProp; // expected-warning {{'assign' is assumed}} expected-warning {{'assign' not appropriate}}
@property (nonatomic, readwrite/*, assign */) id implicitSynthProp; // expected-warning {{'assign' is assumed}} expected-warning {{'assign' not appropriate}}
@property CFTypeRef cfProp;
@implementation RetainCountTesting {
id _ivarOnly;
- (id)manualProp {
return _manualProp;
- (void)setImplicitManualProp:(id)newValue {}
- (void)testOverreleaseOwnedIvar {
[_ownedProp retain];
[_ownedProp release];
[_ownedProp release];
[_ownedProp release]; // FIXME-warning{{used after it is released}}
- (void)testOverreleaseUnownedIvar {
[_unownedProp retain];
[_unownedProp release];
[_unownedProp release]; // FIXME-warning{{not owned at this point by the caller}}
- (void)testOverreleaseIvarOnly {
[_ivarOnly retain];
[_ivarOnly release];
[_ivarOnly release];
[_ivarOnly release]; // FIXME-warning{{used after it is released}}
- (void)testOverreleaseReadonlyIvar {
[_readonlyProp retain];
[_readonlyProp release];
[_readonlyProp release];
[_readonlyProp release]; // FIXME-warning{{used after it is released}}
- (void)testOverreleaseImplicitManualIvar {
[_implicitManualProp retain];
[_implicitManualProp release];
[_implicitManualProp release];
[_implicitManualProp release]; // FIXME-warning{{used after it is released}}
- (void)testOverreleaseImplicitSynthIvar {
[_implicitSynthProp retain];
[_implicitSynthProp release];
[_implicitSynthProp release]; // FIXME-warning{{not owned at this point by the caller}}
- (void)testOverreleaseCF {
CFRelease(_cfProp); // FIXME-warning{{used after it is released}}
- (void)testOverreleaseOwnedIvarUse {
[_ownedProp retain];
[_ownedProp release];
[_ownedProp release];
[_ownedProp myMethod]; // FIXME-warning{{used after it is released}}
- (void)testOverreleaseIvarOnlyUse {
[_ivarOnly retain];
[_ivarOnly release];
[_ivarOnly release];
[_ivarOnly myMethod]; // FIXME-warning{{used after it is released}}
- (void)testOverreleaseCFUse {
extern void CFUse(CFTypeRef);
CFUse(_cfProp); // FIXME-warning{{used after it is released}}
- (void)testOverreleaseOwnedIvarAutoreleaseOkay {
[_ownedProp retain];
[_ownedProp release];
[_ownedProp autorelease];
} // no-warning
- (void)testOverreleaseIvarOnlyAutoreleaseOkay {
[_ivarOnly retain];
[_ivarOnly release];
[_ivarOnly autorelease];
} // no-warning
- (void)testOverreleaseOwnedIvarAutorelease {
[_ownedProp retain];
[_ownedProp release];
[_ownedProp autorelease];
[_ownedProp autorelease];
} // FIXME-warning{{Object autoreleased too many times}}
- (void)testOverreleaseIvarOnlyAutorelease {
[_ivarOnly retain];
[_ivarOnly release];
[_ivarOnly autorelease];
[_ivarOnly autorelease];
} // FIXME-warning{{Object autoreleased too many times}}
- (void)testPropertyAccessThenReleaseOwned {
id owned = [self.ownedProp retain];
[owned release];
[_ownedProp release];
clang_analyzer_eval(owned == _ownedProp); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
- (void)testPropertyAccessThenReleaseOwned2 {
id fromIvar = _ownedProp;
id owned = [self.ownedProp retain];
[owned release];
[fromIvar release];
clang_analyzer_eval(owned == fromIvar); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
- (void)testPropertyAccessThenReleaseUnowned {
id unowned = [self.unownedProp retain];
[unowned release];
[_unownedProp release]; // FIXME-warning{{not owned}}
- (void)testPropertyAccessThenReleaseUnowned2 {
id fromIvar = _unownedProp;
id unowned = [self.unownedProp retain];
[unowned release];
clang_analyzer_eval(unowned == fromIvar); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
[fromIvar release]; // FIXME-warning{{not owned}}
- (void)testPropertyAccessThenReleaseManual {
id prop = [self.manualProp retain];
[prop release];
[_manualProp release]; // no-warning
- (void)testPropertyAccessThenReleaseManual2 {
id fromIvar = _manualProp;
id prop = [self.manualProp retain];
[prop release];
clang_analyzer_eval(prop == fromIvar); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
[fromIvar release]; // no-warning
- (void)testPropertyAccessThenReleaseCF {
CFTypeRef owned = CFRetain(self.cfProp);
CFRelease(_cfProp); // no-warning
clang_analyzer_eval(owned == _cfProp); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
- (void)testPropertyAccessThenReleaseCF2 {
CFTypeRef fromIvar = _cfProp;
CFTypeRef owned = CFRetain(self.cfProp);
clang_analyzer_eval(owned == fromIvar); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
- (void)testPropertyAccessThenReleaseReadonly {
id prop = [self.readonlyProp retain];
[prop release];
[_readonlyProp release]; // no-warning
- (void)testPropertyAccessThenReleaseReadonly2 {
id fromIvar = _readonlyProp;
id prop = [self.readonlyProp retain];
[prop release];
clang_analyzer_eval(prop == fromIvar); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
[fromIvar release]; // no-warning
- (void)testPropertyAccessThenReleaseImplicitManual {
id prop = [self.implicitManualProp retain];
[prop release];
[_implicitManualProp release]; // no-warning
- (void)testPropertyAccessThenReleaseImplicitManual2 {
id fromIvar = _implicitManualProp;
id prop = [self.implicitManualProp retain];
[prop release];
clang_analyzer_eval(prop == fromIvar); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
[fromIvar release]; // no-warning
- (void)testPropertyAccessThenReleaseImplicitSynth {
id prop = [self.implicitSynthProp retain];
[prop release];
[_implicitSynthProp release]; // FIXME-warning{{not owned}}
- (void)testPropertyAccessThenReleaseImplicitSynth2 {
id fromIvar = _implicitSynthProp;
id prop = [self.implicitSynthProp retain];
[prop release];
clang_analyzer_eval(prop == fromIvar); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
[fromIvar release]; // FIXME-warning{{not owned}}
- (id)getUnownedFromProperty {
[_ownedProp retain];
[_ownedProp autorelease];
return _ownedProp; // no-warning
- (id)transferUnownedFromProperty {
[_ownedProp retain];
[_ownedProp autorelease];
return [_ownedProp autorelease]; // no-warning
- (id)transferOwnedFromProperty __attribute__((ns_returns_retained)) {
[_ownedProp retain];
[_ownedProp autorelease];
return _ownedProp; // no-warning
- (void)testAssignOwned:(id)newValue {
_ownedProp = newValue;
[_ownedProp release]; // FIXME: no-warning{{not owned}}
- (void)testAssignUnowned:(id)newValue {
_unownedProp = newValue;
[_unownedProp release]; // FIXME: no-warning{{not owned}}
- (void)testAssignIvarOnly:(id)newValue {
_ivarOnly = newValue;
[_ivarOnly release]; // FIXME: no-warning{{not owned}}
- (void)testAssignCF:(CFTypeRef)newValue {
_cfProp = newValue;
CFRelease(_cfProp); // FIXME: no-warning{{not owned}}
- (void)testAssignReadonly:(id)newValue {
_readonlyProp = newValue;
[_readonlyProp release]; // FIXME: no-warning{{not owned}}
- (void)testAssignImplicitManual:(id)newValue {
_implicitManualProp = newValue;
[_implicitManualProp release]; // FIXME: no-warning{{not owned}}
- (void)testAssignImplicitSynth:(id)newValue {
_implicitSynthProp = newValue;
[_implicitSynthProp release]; // FIXME: no-warning{{not owned}}
- (void)testAssignOwnedOkay:(id)newValue {
_ownedProp = [newValue retain];
[_ownedProp release]; // no-warning
- (void)testAssignUnownedOkay:(id)newValue {
_unownedProp = [newValue retain];
[_unownedProp release]; // no-warning
- (void)testAssignIvarOnlyOkay:(id)newValue {
_ivarOnly = [newValue retain];
[_ivarOnly release]; // no-warning
- (void)testAssignCFOkay:(CFTypeRef)newValue {
_cfProp = CFRetain(newValue);
CFRelease(_cfProp); // no-warning
- (void)testAssignReadonlyOkay:(id)newValue {
_readonlyProp = [newValue retain];
[_readonlyProp release]; // FIXME: no-warning{{not owned}}
- (void)testAssignImplicitManualOkay:(id)newValue {
_implicitManualProp = [newValue retain];
[_implicitManualProp release]; // FIXME: no-warning{{not owned}}
- (void)testAssignImplicitSynthOkay:(id)newValue {
_implicitSynthProp = [newValue retain];
[_implicitSynthProp release]; // FIXME: no-warning{{not owned}}
// rdar://problem/19862648
- (void)establishIvarIsNilDuringLoops {
extern id getRandomObject();
int i = 4; // Must be at least 4 to trigger the bug.
while (--i) {
id x = 0;
if (getRandomObject())
x = _ivarOnly;
if (!x)
x = getRandomObject();
[x myMethod];
// rdar://problem/20335433
- (void)retainIvarAndInvalidateSelf {
extern void invalidate(id);
[_unownedProp retain];
[_unownedProp release]; // no-warning
@interface Wrapper
@property(nonatomic, readonly) int value;
@implementation Wrapper
@synthesize value;
void testNoCrashWhenAccessPropertyAndThereAreNoDirectBindingsAtAll() {
union {
Wrapper *wrapper;
} u = { 0 };
[u.wrapper value];
#endif // non-ARC
@interface ExplicitAccessorInCategory : NSObject
@property(readonly) int normal;
- (int)normal;
@property(readonly) int no_custom_accessor;
@interface ExplicitAccessorInCategory ()
@property(readonly) int in_category;
@property(readonly) int still_no_custom_accessor;
// This is an ordinary method, not a getter.
- (int)still_no_custom_accessor;
@interface ExplicitAccessorInCategory ()
- (int)in_category;
// This is an ordinary method, not a getter.
- (int)no_custom_accessor;
@implementation ExplicitAccessorInCategory
- (void)foo {
// Make sure we don't farm bodies for explicit accessors: in particular,
// we're not sure that the accessor always returns the same value.
clang_analyzer_eval(self.normal == self.normal); // expected-warning{{UNKNOWN}}
// Also this used to crash.
clang_analyzer_eval(self.in_category == self.in_category); // expected-warning{{UNKNOWN}}
// When there is no explicit accessor defined (even if it looks like there is),
// farm the getter body and see if it does actually always yield the same value.
clang_analyzer_eval(self.no_custom_accessor == self.no_custom_accessor); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(self.still_no_custom_accessor == self.still_no_custom_accessor); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
@interface Shadowed
@property (assign) NSObject *o;
- (NSObject *)getShadowedIvar;
- (void)clearShadowedIvar;
- (NSObject *)getShadowedProp;
- (void)clearShadowedProp;
@property (assign) NSObject *o2;
@implementation Shadowed
- (NSObject *)getShadowedIvar {
return self->_o;
- (void)clearShadowedIvar {
self->_o = nil;
- (NSObject *)getShadowedProp {
return self.o;
- (void)clearShadowedProp {
self.o = nil;
@interface Shadowing : Shadowed
@implementation Shadowing
// Property 'o' is declared in the superclass but synthesized here.
// This creates a separate ivar that shadows the superclass's ivar,
// but the old ivar is still accessible from the methods of the superclass.
// The old property, however, is not accessible with the property syntax
// even from the superclass methods.
@synthesize o;
-(void)testPropertyShadowing {
NSObject *oo = self.o; // no-crash
clang_analyzer_eval(self.o == oo); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval([self getShadowedIvar] == oo); // expected-warning{{UNKNOWN}}
[self clearShadowedIvar];
clang_analyzer_eval(self.o == oo); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval([self getShadowedIvar] == oo); // expected-warning{{UNKNOWN}}
clang_analyzer_eval([self getShadowedIvar] == nil); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
@synthesize o2 = ooo2;
-(void)testPropertyShadowingWithExplicitIvar {
NSObject *oo2 = self.o2; // no-crash