Nils Hölscher 7f403f4f1e added clang
2022-04-25 13:02:35 +02:00

369 lines
7.3 KiB

// RUN: %clang_analyze_cc1 -w -verify %s\
// RUN: -analyzer-checker=core,unix.Malloc,cplusplus.NewDeleteLeaks\
// RUN: -analyzer-checker=debug.ExprInspection -std=c++11
// RUN: %clang_analyze_cc1 -w -verify %s\
// RUN: -analyzer-checker=core,unix.Malloc,cplusplus.NewDeleteLeaks\
// RUN: -analyzer-checker=debug.ExprInspection -std=c++17
// RUN: %clang_analyze_cc1 -w -verify %s\
// RUN: -analyzer-checker=core,unix.Malloc,cplusplus.NewDeleteLeaks\
// RUN: -analyzer-checker=debug.ExprInspection -std=c++11\
// RUN: %clang_analyze_cc1 -w -verify %s\
// RUN: -analyzer-checker=core,unix.Malloc,cplusplus.NewDeleteLeaks\
// RUN: -analyzer-checker=debug.ExprInspection -std=c++17\
void clang_analyzer_eval(bool);
#include "Inputs/system-header-simulator-cxx.h"
class A {
int x;
A::A() : x(0) {
clang_analyzer_eval(x == 0); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
class DirectMember {
int x;
DirectMember(int value) : x(value) {}
int getX() { return x; }
void testDirectMember() {
DirectMember obj(3);
clang_analyzer_eval(obj.getX() == 3); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
class IndirectMember {
struct {
int x;
IndirectMember(int value) : x(value) {}
int getX() { return x; }
void testIndirectMember() {
IndirectMember obj(3);
clang_analyzer_eval(obj.getX() == 3); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
struct DelegatingConstructor {
int x;
DelegatingConstructor(int y) { x = y; }
DelegatingConstructor() : DelegatingConstructor(42) {}
void testDelegatingConstructor() {
DelegatingConstructor obj;
clang_analyzer_eval(obj.x == 42); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
struct RefWrapper {
RefWrapper(int *p) : x(*p) {}
RefWrapper(int &r) : x(r) {}
int &x;
void testReferenceMember() {
int *p = 0;
RefWrapper X(p); // expected-warning@-7 {{Dereference of null pointer}}
void testReferenceMember2() {
int *p = 0;
RefWrapper X(*p); // expected-warning {{Forming reference to null pointer}}
extern "C" char *strdup(const char *);
class StringWrapper {
char *str;
StringWrapper(const char *input) : str(strdup(input)) {} // no-warning
// PR15070 - Constructing a type containing a non-POD array mistakenly
// tried to perform a bind instead of relying on the CXXConstructExpr,
// which caused a cast<> failure in RegionStore.
namespace DefaultConstructorWithCleanups {
class Element {
int value;
class Helper {
Element(Helper h = Helper());
class Wrapper {
Element arr[2];
Wrapper::Wrapper() /* initializers synthesized */ {}
int test() {
Wrapper w;
return w.arr[0].value; // no-warning
namespace DefaultMemberInitializers {
struct Wrapper {
int value = 42;
Wrapper() {}
Wrapper(int x) : value(x) {}
Wrapper(bool) {}
void test() {
Wrapper w1;
clang_analyzer_eval(w1.value == 42); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
Wrapper w2(50);
clang_analyzer_eval(w2.value == 50); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
Wrapper w3(false);
clang_analyzer_eval(w3.value == 42); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
struct StringWrapper {
const char s[4] = "abc";
const char *p = "xyz";
StringWrapper(bool) {}
void testString() {
StringWrapper w(true);
clang_analyzer_eval(w.s[1] == 'b'); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(w.p[1] == 'y'); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
namespace ReferenceInitialization {
struct OtherStruct {
OtherStruct(int i);
struct MyStruct {
MyStruct(int i);
MyStruct(OtherStruct os);
void method() const;
void referenceInitializeLocal() {
const MyStruct &myStruct(5);
myStruct.method(); // no-warning
void referenceInitializeMultipleLocals() {
const MyStruct &myStruct1(5), myStruct2(5), &myStruct3(5);
myStruct1.method(); // no-warning
myStruct2.method(); // no-warning
myStruct3.method(); // no-warning
void referenceInitializeLocalWithCleanup() {
const MyStruct &myStruct(OtherStruct(5));
myStruct.method(); // no-warning
namespace PR31592 {
struct C {
C() : f("}") { } // no-crash
const char(&f)[2];
namespace CXX_initializer_lists {
struct C {
C(std::initializer_list<int *> list);
void testPointerEscapeIntoLists() {
C empty{}; // no-crash
// Do not warn that 'x' leaks. It might have been deleted by
// the destructor of 'c'.
int *x = new int;
C c{x}; // no-warning
void testPassListsWithExplicitConstructors() {
(void)(std::initializer_list<int>){12}; // no-crash
namespace CXX17_aggregate_construction {
struct A {
struct B: public A {
struct C: public B {
struct D: public virtual A {
// In C++17, classes B and C are aggregates, so they will be constructed
// without actually calling their trivial constructor. Used to crash.
void foo() {
B b = {}; // no-crash
const B &bl = {}; // no-crash
B &&br = {}; // no-crash
C c = {}; // no-crash
const C &cl = {}; // no-crash
C &&cr = {}; // no-crash
D d = {}; // no-crash
#if __cplusplus >= 201703L
C cd = {{}}; // no-crash
const C &cdl = {{}}; // no-crash
C &&cdr = {{}}; // no-crash
const B &bll = {{}}; // no-crash
const B &bcl = C({{}}); // no-crash
B &&bcr = C({{}}); // no-crash
} // namespace CXX17_aggregate_construction
namespace CXX17_transparent_init_list_exprs {
class A {};
class B: private A {};
B boo();
void foo1() {
B b { boo() }; // no-crash
class C: virtual public A {};
C coo();
void foo2() {
C c { coo() }; // no-crash
B foo_recursive() {
B b { foo_recursive() };
} // namespace CXX17_transparent_init_list_exprs
namespace skip_vbase_initializer_side_effects {
int glob;
struct S {
S() { ++glob; }
struct A {
A() {}
A(S s) {}
struct B : virtual A {
B() : A(S()) {}
struct C : B {
C() {}
void foo() {
glob = 0;
B b;
clang_analyzer_eval(glob == 1); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
C c; // no-crash
clang_analyzer_eval(glob == 1); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
} // namespace skip_vbase_initializer_side_effects
namespace dont_skip_vbase_initializers_in_most_derived_class {
struct A {
static int a;
A() { a = 0; }
A(int x) { a = x; }
struct B {
static int b;
B() { b = 0; }
B(int y) { b = y; }
struct C : virtual A {
C() : A(1) {}
struct D : C, virtual B {
D() : B(2) {}
void testD() {
D d;
clang_analyzer_eval(A::a == 0); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(B::b == 2); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
struct E : virtual B, C {
E() : B(2) {}
void testE() {
E e;
clang_analyzer_eval(A::a == 0); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(B::b == 2); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
struct F : virtual A, virtual B {
F() : A(1) {}
struct G : F {
G(): B(2) {}
void testG() {
G g;
clang_analyzer_eval(A::a == 0); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(B::b == 2); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
struct H : virtual B, virtual A {
H(): A(1) {}
struct I : H {
I(): B(2) {}
void testI() {
I i;
clang_analyzer_eval(A::a == 0); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(B::b == 2); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
} // namespace dont_skip_vbase_initializers_in_most_derived_class