Nils Hölscher 7f403f4f1e added clang
2022-04-25 13:02:35 +02:00

573 lines
12 KiB

// RUN: %clang_analyze_cc1 -analyzer-checker=core,unix.Malloc,debug.ExprInspection,cplusplus -analyzer-config c++-inlining=destructors -Wno-null-dereference -Wno-inaccessible-base -verify -analyzer-config eagerly-assume=false %s
void clang_analyzer_eval(bool);
void clang_analyzer_checkInlined(bool);
class A {
~A() {
int *x = 0;
*x = 3; // expected-warning{{Dereference of null pointer}}
int main() {
A a;
typedef __typeof(sizeof(int)) size_t;
void *malloc(size_t);
void free(void *);
class SmartPointer {
void *X;
SmartPointer(void *x) : X(x) {}
~SmartPointer() {
void testSmartPointer() {
char *mem = (char*)malloc(4);
SmartPointer Deleter(mem);
// destructor called here
*mem = 0; // expected-warning{{Use of memory after it is freed}}
void doSomething();
void testSmartPointer2() {
char *mem = (char*)malloc(4);
SmartPointer Deleter(mem);
// Remove dead bindings...
// destructor called here
*mem = 0; // expected-warning{{Use of memory after it is freed}}
class Subclass : public SmartPointer {
Subclass(void *x) : SmartPointer(x) {}
void testSubclassSmartPointer() {
char *mem = (char*)malloc(4);
Subclass Deleter(mem);
// Remove dead bindings...
// destructor called here
*mem = 0; // expected-warning{{Use of memory after it is freed}}
class MultipleInheritance : public Subclass, public SmartPointer {
MultipleInheritance(void *a, void *b) : Subclass(a), SmartPointer(b) {}
void testMultipleInheritance1() {
char *mem = (char*)malloc(4);
MultipleInheritance Deleter(mem, 0);
// Remove dead bindings...
// destructor called here
*mem = 0; // expected-warning{{Use of memory after it is freed}}
void testMultipleInheritance2() {
char *mem = (char*)malloc(4);
MultipleInheritance Deleter(0, mem);
// Remove dead bindings...
// destructor called here
*mem = 0; // expected-warning{{Use of memory after it is freed}}
void testMultipleInheritance3() {
char *mem = (char*)malloc(4);
MultipleInheritance Deleter(mem, mem);
// Remove dead bindings...
// destructor called here
// expected-warning@28 {{Attempt to free released memory}}
class SmartPointerMember {
SmartPointer P;
SmartPointerMember(void *x) : P(x) {}
void testSmartPointerMember() {
char *mem = (char*)malloc(4);
SmartPointerMember Deleter(mem);
// Remove dead bindings...
// destructor called here
*mem = 0; // expected-warning{{Use of memory after it is freed}}
struct IntWrapper {
IntWrapper() : x(0) {}
int *x;
void testArrayInvalidation() {
int i = 42;
int j = 42;
IntWrapper arr[2];
// There should be no undefined value warnings here.
// Eventually these should be TRUE as well, but right now
// we can't handle array constructors.
clang_analyzer_eval(arr[0].x == 0); // expected-warning{{UNKNOWN}}
clang_analyzer_eval(arr[1].x == 0); // expected-warning{{UNKNOWN}}
arr[0].x = &i;
arr[1].x = &j;
clang_analyzer_eval(*arr[0].x == 42); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(*arr[1].x == 42); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
// The destructors should have invalidated i and j.
clang_analyzer_eval(i == 42); // expected-warning{{UNKNOWN}}
clang_analyzer_eval(j == 42); // expected-warning{{UNKNOWN}}
// Don't crash on a default argument inside an initializer.
struct DefaultArg {
DefaultArg(int x = 0) {}
struct InheritsDefaultArg : DefaultArg {
InheritsDefaultArg() {}
virtual ~InheritsDefaultArg();
void testDefaultArg() {
InheritsDefaultArg a;
// Force a bug to be emitted.
*(char *)0 = 1; // expected-warning{{Dereference of null pointer}}
namespace DestructorVirtualCalls {
class A {
int *out1, *out2, *out3;
virtual int get() { return 1; }
~A() {
*out1 = get();
class B : public A {
virtual int get() { return 2; }
~B() {
*out2 = get();
class C : public B {
virtual int get() { return 3; }
~C() {
*out3 = get();
void test() {
int a, b, c;
// New scope for the C object.
C obj;
clang_analyzer_eval(obj.get() == 3); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
// Sanity check for devirtualization.
A *base = &obj;
clang_analyzer_eval(base->get() == 3); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
obj.out1 = &a;
obj.out2 = &b;
obj.out3 = &c;
clang_analyzer_eval(a == 1); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(b == 2); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(c == 3); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
namespace DestructorsShouldNotAffectReturnValues {
class Dtor {
~Dtor() {
clang_analyzer_checkInlined(true); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
void *allocate() {
Dtor d;
return malloc(4); // no-warning
void test() {
// At one point we had an issue where the statements inside an
// inlined destructor kept us from finding the return statement,
// leading the analyzer to believe that the malloc'd memory had leaked.
void *p = allocate();
free(p); // no-warning
namespace MultipleInheritanceVirtualDtors {
class VirtualDtor {
virtual ~VirtualDtor() {
clang_analyzer_checkInlined(true); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
class NonVirtualDtor {
~NonVirtualDtor() {
clang_analyzer_checkInlined(true); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
class SubclassA : public VirtualDtor, public NonVirtualDtor {
virtual ~SubclassA() {}
class SubclassB : public NonVirtualDtor, public VirtualDtor {
virtual ~SubclassB() {}
void test() {
SubclassA a;
SubclassB b;
namespace ExplicitDestructorCall {
class VirtualDtor {
virtual ~VirtualDtor() {
clang_analyzer_checkInlined(true); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
class Subclass : public VirtualDtor {
virtual ~Subclass() {
clang_analyzer_checkInlined(false); // no-warning
void destroy(Subclass *obj) {
namespace MultidimensionalArrays {
void testArrayInvalidation() {
int i = 42;
int j = 42;
IntWrapper arr[2][2];
// There should be no undefined value warnings here.
// Eventually these should be TRUE as well, but right now
// we can't handle array constructors.
clang_analyzer_eval(arr[0][0].x == 0); // expected-warning{{UNKNOWN}}
clang_analyzer_eval(arr[1][1].x == 0); // expected-warning{{UNKNOWN}}
arr[0][0].x = &i;
arr[1][1].x = &j;
clang_analyzer_eval(*arr[0][0].x == 42); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(*arr[1][1].x == 42); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
// The destructors should have invalidated i and j.
clang_analyzer_eval(i == 42); // expected-warning{{UNKNOWN}}
clang_analyzer_eval(j == 42); // expected-warning{{UNKNOWN}}
namespace LifetimeExtension {
struct IntWrapper {
int x;
IntWrapper(int y) : x(y) {}
IntWrapper() {
extern void use(int);
use(x); // no-warning
struct DerivedWrapper : public IntWrapper {
DerivedWrapper(int y) : IntWrapper(y) {}
DerivedWrapper get() {
return DerivedWrapper(1);
void test() {
const DerivedWrapper &d = get(); // lifetime extended here
class SaveOnDestruct {
static int lastOutput;
int value;
~SaveOnDestruct() {
lastOutput = value;
void testSimple() {
const SaveOnDestruct &obj = SaveOnDestruct();
if (obj.value != 42)
// destructor called here
clang_analyzer_eval(SaveOnDestruct::lastOutput == 42); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
struct NRCheck {
bool bool_;
NRCheck():bool_(true) {}
~NRCheck() __attribute__((noreturn));
operator bool() const { return bool_; }
struct CheckAutoDestructor {
bool bool_;
CheckAutoDestructor():bool_(true) {}
operator bool() const { return bool_; }
struct CheckCustomDestructor {
bool bool_;
CheckCustomDestructor():bool_(true) {}
operator bool() const { return bool_; }
bool testUnnamedNR() {
if (NRCheck())
return true;
return false;
bool testNamedNR() {
if (NRCheck c = NRCheck())
return true;
return false;
bool testUnnamedAutoDestructor() {
if (CheckAutoDestructor())
return true;
return false;
bool testNamedAutoDestructor() {
if (CheckAutoDestructor c = CheckAutoDestructor())
return true;
return false;
bool testUnnamedCustomDestructor() {
if (CheckCustomDestructor())
return true;
return false;
// This case used to cause an unexpected "Undefined or garbage value returned
// to caller" warning
bool testNamedCustomDestructor() {
if (CheckCustomDestructor c = CheckCustomDestructor())
return true;
return false;
bool testMultipleTemporariesCustomDestructor() {
if (CheckCustomDestructor c = (CheckCustomDestructor(), CheckCustomDestructor()))
return true;
return false;
class VirtualDtorBase {
int value;
virtual ~VirtualDtorBase() {}
class SaveOnVirtualDestruct : public VirtualDtorBase {
static int lastOutput;
virtual ~SaveOnVirtualDestruct() {
lastOutput = value;
void testVirtual() {
const VirtualDtorBase &obj = SaveOnVirtualDestruct();
if (obj.value != 42)
// destructor called here
clang_analyzer_eval(SaveOnVirtualDestruct::lastOutput == 42); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
namespace NoReturn {
struct NR {
~NR() __attribute__((noreturn));
void f(int **x) {
NR nr;
void g() {
int *x;
*x = 47; // no warning
void g2(int *x) {
if (! x) NR();
*x = 47; // no warning
namespace PseudoDtor {
template <typename T>
void destroy(T &obj) {
clang_analyzer_checkInlined(true); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
void test() {
int i;
clang_analyzer_eval(true); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
namespace Incomplete {
class Foo; // expected-note{{forward declaration}}
void f(Foo *foo) { delete foo; } // expected-warning{{deleting pointer to incomplete type}}
namespace TypeTraitExpr {
template <bool IsSimple, typename T>
struct copier {
static void do_copy(T *dest, const T *src, unsigned count);
template <typename T, typename U>
void do_copy(T *dest, const U *src, unsigned count) {
const bool IsSimple = __is_trivial(T) && __is_same(T, U);
copier<IsSimple, T>::do_copy(dest, src, count);
struct NonTrivial {
int *p;
NonTrivial() : p(new int[1]) { p[0] = 0; }
NonTrivial(const NonTrivial &other) {
p = new int[1];
do_copy(p, other.p, 1);
NonTrivial &operator=(const NonTrivial &other) {
p = other.p;
return *this;
~NonTrivial() {
delete[] p; // expected-warning {{free released memory}}
void f() {
NonTrivial nt1;
NonTrivial nt2(nt1);
nt1 = nt2;
clang_analyzer_eval(__is_trivial(NonTrivial)); // expected-warning{{FALSE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(__alignof(NonTrivial) > 0); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
namespace dtor_over_loc_concrete_int {
struct A {
~A() {}
struct B {
A a;
~B() {}
struct C : A {
~C() {}
void testB() {
B *b = (B *)-1;
b->~B(); // no-crash
void testC() {
C *c = (C *)-1;
c->~C(); // no-crash
void testAutoDtor() {
const A &a = *(A *)-1;
// no-crash
} // namespace dtor_over_loc_concrete_int