Nils Hölscher 7f403f4f1e added clang
2022-04-25 13:02:35 +02:00

181 lines
13 KiB

// RUN: %clang_cc1 -verify -fopenmp -fopenmp-version=50 -ferror-limit 150 %s
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -verify -fopenmp-simd -fopenmp-version=50 -ferror-limit 150 %s
template <class T>
T tmain() {
static T argc;
#pragma omp for
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
#pragma omp scan // expected-error {{exactly one of 'inclusive' or 'exclusive' clauses is expected}}
#pragma omp for
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
#pragma omp scan allocate(argc) // expected-error {{unexpected OpenMP clause 'allocate' in directive '#pragma omp scan'}} expected-error {{exactly one of 'inclusive' or 'exclusive' clauses is expected}}
#pragma omp scan untied // expected-error {{unexpected OpenMP clause 'untied' in directive '#pragma omp scan'}} expected-error {{exactly one of 'inclusive' or 'exclusive' clauses is expected}}
#pragma omp scan unknown // expected-warning {{extra tokens at the end of '#pragma omp scan' are ignored}} expected-error {{exactly one of 'inclusive' or 'exclusive' clauses is expected}}
#pragma omp for simd reduction(inscan, +: argc)
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
if (argc)
#pragma omp scan inclusive(argc) // expected-error {{'#pragma omp scan' cannot be an immediate substatement}} expected-error {{orphaned 'omp scan' directives are prohibited; perhaps you forget to enclose the directive into a for, simd, for simd, parallel for, or parallel for simd region?}}
if (argc) {
#pragma omp scan inclusive(argc) // expected-error {{orphaned 'omp scan' directives are prohibited; perhaps you forget to enclose the directive into a for, simd, for simd, parallel for, or parallel for simd region?}}
#pragma omp simd reduction(inscan, +: argc)
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
while (argc)
#pragma omp scan inclusive(argc) // expected-error {{'#pragma omp scan' cannot be an immediate substatement}} expected-error {{orphaned 'omp scan' directives are prohibited; perhaps you forget to enclose the directive into a for, simd, for simd, parallel for, or parallel for simd region?}}
while (argc) {
#pragma omp scan inclusive(argc) // expected-error {{orphaned 'omp scan' directives are prohibited; perhaps you forget to enclose the directive into a for, simd, for simd, parallel for, or parallel for simd region?}}
#pragma omp simd reduction(inscan, +: argc)
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
#pragma omp scan inclusive(argc) // expected-error {{'#pragma omp scan' cannot be an immediate substatement}} expected-error {{orphaned 'omp scan' directives are prohibited; perhaps you forget to enclose the directive into a for, simd, for simd, parallel for, or parallel for simd region?}}
while (argc)
#pragma omp simd reduction(inscan, +: argc) // expected-error {{the inscan reduction list item must appear as a list item in an 'inclusive' or 'exclusive' clause on an inner 'omp scan' directive}}
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
do {
#pragma omp scan inclusive(argc) // expected-error {{orphaned 'omp scan' directives are prohibited; perhaps you forget to enclose the directive into a for, simd, for simd, parallel for, or parallel for simd region?}}
} while (argc);
#pragma omp simd reduction(inscan, +: argc)
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
switch (argc)
#pragma omp scan inclusive(argc) // expected-error {{'#pragma omp scan' cannot be an immediate substatement}} expected-error {{orphaned 'omp scan' directives are prohibited; perhaps you forget to enclose the directive into a for, simd, for simd, parallel for, or parallel for simd region?}}
switch (argc)
case 1:
#pragma omp scan inclusive(argc) // expected-error {{'#pragma omp scan' cannot be an immediate substatement}} expected-error {{orphaned 'omp scan' directives are prohibited; perhaps you forget to enclose the directive into a for, simd, for simd, parallel for, or parallel for simd region?}}
switch (argc)
case 1: {
#pragma omp scan inclusive(argc) // expected-error {{orphaned 'omp scan' directives are prohibited; perhaps you forget to enclose the directive into a for, simd, for simd, parallel for, or parallel for simd region?}}
#pragma omp simd reduction(inscan, +: argc) // expected-error {{the inscan reduction list item must appear as a list item in an 'inclusive' or 'exclusive' clause on an inner 'omp scan' directive}}
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
switch (argc) {
#pragma omp scan exclusive(argc) // expected-error {{orphaned 'omp scan' directives are prohibited; perhaps you forget to enclose the directive into a for, simd, for simd, parallel for, or parallel for simd region?}}
case 1:
#pragma omp scan exclusive(argc) // expected-error {{orphaned 'omp scan' directives are prohibited; perhaps you forget to enclose the directive into a for, simd, for simd, parallel for, or parallel for simd region?}}
default: {
#pragma omp scan exclusive(argc) // expected-error {{orphaned 'omp scan' directives are prohibited; perhaps you forget to enclose the directive into a for, simd, for simd, parallel for, or parallel for simd region?}}
} break;
#pragma omp simd reduction(inscan, +: argc)
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
for (;;)
#pragma omp scan exclusive(argc) // expected-error {{'#pragma omp scan' cannot be an immediate substatement}} expected-error {{orphaned 'omp scan' directives are prohibited; perhaps you forget to enclose the directive into a for, simd, for simd, parallel for, or parallel for simd region?}}
for (;;) {
#pragma omp scan exclusive(argc) // expected-error {{orphaned 'omp scan' directives are prohibited; perhaps you forget to enclose the directive into a for, simd, for simd, parallel for, or parallel for simd region?}}
#pragma omp simd reduction(inscan, +: argc)
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
#pragma omp scan exclusive(argc)
#pragma omp simd reduction(inscan, +: argc)
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
#pragma omp scan inclusive(argc) // expected-note {{previous 'scan' directive used here}}
#pragma omp scan inclusive(argc) // expected-error {{exactly one 'scan' directive must appear in the loop body of an enclosing directive}}
label1 : {
#pragma omp scan inclusive(argc) // expected-error {{orphaned 'omp scan' directives are prohibited; perhaps you forget to enclose the directive into a for, simd, for simd, parallel for, or parallel for simd region?}}
return T();
int main() {
static int argc;
#pragma omp simd reduction(inscan, +: argc)
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
#pragma omp scan inclusive(argc) inclusive(argc) // expected-error {{exactly one of 'inclusive' or 'exclusive' clauses is expected}}
#pragma omp simd reduction(inscan, +: argc)
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
#pragma omp scan exclusive(argc) inclusive(argc) // expected-error {{exactly one of 'inclusive' or 'exclusive' clauses is expected}}
#pragma omp simd reduction(inscan, +: argc)
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
#pragma omp scan exclusive(argc) exclusive(argc) // expected-error {{exactly one of 'inclusive' or 'exclusive' clauses is expected}}
#pragma omp simd reduction(inscan, +: argc) // expected-error {{the inscan reduction list item must appear as a list item in an 'inclusive' or 'exclusive' clause on an inner 'omp scan' directive}}
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
#pragma omp scan untied // expected-error {{unexpected OpenMP clause 'untied' in directive '#pragma omp scan'}} expected-error {{exactly one of 'inclusive' or 'exclusive' clauses is expected}}
#pragma omp scan unknown // expected-warning {{extra tokens at the end of '#pragma omp scan' are ignored}} expected-error {{exactly one of 'inclusive' or 'exclusive' clauses is expected}}
#pragma omp simd reduction(inscan, +: argc)
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
if (argc)
#pragma omp scan inclusive(argc) // expected-error {{'#pragma omp scan' cannot be an immediate substatement}} expected-error {{orphaned 'omp scan' directives are prohibited; perhaps you forget to enclose the directive into a for, simd, for simd, parallel for, or parallel for simd region?}}
if (argc) {
#pragma omp scan inclusive(argc) // expected-error {{orphaned 'omp scan' directives are prohibited; perhaps you forget to enclose the directive into a for, simd, for simd, parallel for, or parallel for simd region?}} expected-error {{the list item must appear in 'reduction' clause with the 'inscan' modifier of the parent directive}}
#pragma omp simd reduction(inscan, +: argc)
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
while (argc)
#pragma omp scan inclusive(argc) // expected-error {{'#pragma omp scan' cannot be an immediate substatement}} expected-error {{orphaned 'omp scan' directives are prohibited; perhaps you forget to enclose the directive into a for, simd, for simd, parallel for, or parallel for simd region?}}
while (argc) {
#pragma omp scan inclusive(argc) // expected-error {{orphaned 'omp scan' directives are prohibited; perhaps you forget to enclose the directive into a for, simd, for simd, parallel for, or parallel for simd region?}} expected-error {{the list item must appear in 'reduction' clause with the 'inscan' modifier of the parent directive}}
#pragma omp simd reduction(inscan, +: argc)
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
#pragma omp scan inclusive(argc) // expected-error {{'#pragma omp scan' cannot be an immediate substatement}} expected-error {{orphaned 'omp scan' directives are prohibited; perhaps you forget to enclose the directive into a for, simd, for simd, parallel for, or parallel for simd region?}}
while (argc)
#pragma omp simd reduction(inscan, +: argc)
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
do {
#pragma omp scan exclusive(argc) // expected-error {{orphaned 'omp scan' directives are prohibited; perhaps you forget to enclose the directive into a for, simd, for simd, parallel for, or parallel for simd region?}}
} while (argc);
#pragma omp simd reduction(inscan, +: argc)
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
switch (argc)
#pragma omp scan exclusive(argc) // expected-error {{'#pragma omp scan' cannot be an immediate substatement}} expected-error {{orphaned 'omp scan' directives are prohibited; perhaps you forget to enclose the directive into a for, simd, for simd, parallel for, or parallel for simd region?}}
switch (argc)
case 1:
#pragma omp scan exclusive(argc) // expected-error {{'#pragma omp scan' cannot be an immediate substatement}} expected-error {{orphaned 'omp scan' directives are prohibited; perhaps you forget to enclose the directive into a for, simd, for simd, parallel for, or parallel for simd region?}} expected-error {{the list item must appear in 'reduction' clause with the 'inscan' modifier of the parent directive}}
switch (argc)
case 1: {
#pragma omp scan exclusive(argc) // expected-error {{orphaned 'omp scan' directives are prohibited; perhaps you forget to enclose the directive into a for, simd, for simd, parallel for, or parallel for simd region?}} expected-error {{the list item must appear in 'reduction' clause with the 'inscan' modifier of the parent directive}}
#pragma omp simd reduction(inscan, +: argc)
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
switch (argc) {
#pragma omp scan inclusive(argc) // expected-error {{orphaned 'omp scan' directives are prohibited; perhaps you forget to enclose the directive into a for, simd, for simd, parallel for, or parallel for simd region?}}
case 1:
#pragma omp scan inclusive(argc) // expected-error {{orphaned 'omp scan' directives are prohibited; perhaps you forget to enclose the directive into a for, simd, for simd, parallel for, or parallel for simd region?}}
default: {
#pragma omp scan inclusive(argc) // expected-error {{orphaned 'omp scan' directives are prohibited; perhaps you forget to enclose the directive into a for, simd, for simd, parallel for, or parallel for simd region?}}
} break;
#pragma omp simd reduction(inscan, +: argc)
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
for (;;)
#pragma omp scan inclusive(argc) // expected-error {{'#pragma omp scan' cannot be an immediate substatement}} expected-error {{orphaned 'omp scan' directives are prohibited; perhaps you forget to enclose the directive into a for, simd, for simd, parallel for, or parallel for simd region?}}
for (;;) {
#pragma omp scan inclusive(argc) // expected-error {{orphaned 'omp scan' directives are prohibited; perhaps you forget to enclose the directive into a for, simd, for simd, parallel for, or parallel for simd region?}} expected-error {{the list item must appear in 'reduction' clause with the 'inscan' modifier of the parent directive}}
#pragma omp simd reduction(inscan, +: argc)
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
#pragma omp scan inclusive(argc)
#pragma omp simd reduction(inscan, +: argc)
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
#pragma omp scan inclusive(argc) // expected-note {{previous 'scan' directive used here}}
#pragma omp scan inclusive(argc) // expected-error {{exactly one 'scan' directive must appear in the loop body of an enclosing directive}}
label1 : {
#pragma omp scan inclusive(argc) // expected-error {{orphaned 'omp scan' directives are prohibited; perhaps you forget to enclose the directive into a for, simd, for simd, parallel for, or parallel for simd region?}}
return tmain<int>(); // expected-note {{in instantiation of function template specialization 'tmain<int>' requested here}}