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2022-04-25 13:02:35 +02:00
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++11 -fsyntax-only -verify %s
struct one { char c; };
struct two { char c[2]; };
namespace reference {
struct A {
int i1, i2;
void single_init() {
const int &cri1a = {1};
const int &cri1b{1};
int i = 1;
int &ri1a = {i};
int &ri1b{i};
int &ri2 = {1}; // expected-error {{cannot bind to an initializer list temporary}}
A a{1, 2};
A &ra1a = {a};
A &ra1b{a};
void reference_to_aggregate() {
const A &ra1{1, 2};
A &ra2{1, 2}; // expected-error {{cannot bind to an initializer list temporary}}
const int (&arrayRef)[] = {1, 2, 3};
static_assert(sizeof(arrayRef) == 3 * sizeof(int), "bad array size");
struct B {
int i1;
void call() {
one f(const int&);
one g(int&); // expected-note {{passing argument}}
g({1}); // expected-error {{cannot bind to an initializer list temporary}}
int i = 0;
void h(const B&);
void a(B&); // expected-note {{passing argument}}
a({1}); // expected-error {{cannot bind to an initializer list temporary}}
B b{1};
void overloading() {
one f(const int&);
two f(const B&);
// First is identity conversion, second is user-defined conversion.
static_assert(sizeof(f({1})) == sizeof(one), "bad overload resolution");
one g(int&);
two g(const B&);
static_assert(sizeof(g({1})) == sizeof(two), "bad overload resolution");
one h(const int&);
two h(const A&);
static_assert(sizeof(h({1, 2})) == sizeof(two), "bad overload resolution");
struct X {};
void edge_cases() {
int const &b({0}); // expected-error {{cannot initialize reference type 'const int &' with a parenthesized initializer list}}
const int (&arr)[3] ({1, 2, 3}); // expected-error {{cannot initialize reference type 'const int (&)[3]' with a parenthesized initializer list}}
const X &x({}); // expected-error {{cannot initialize reference type 'const reference::X &' with a parenthesized initializer list}}
template<typename T> void dependent_edge_cases() {
T b({}); // expected-error-re 3{{cannot initialize reference type {{.*}} with a parenthesized init}}
T({}); // expected-error-re 3{{cannot initialize reference type {{.*}} with a parenthesized init}}
template void dependent_edge_cases<X>(); // ok
template void dependent_edge_cases<const int&>(); // expected-note {{instantiation of}}
template void dependent_edge_cases<const int(&)[1]>(); // expected-note {{instantiation of}}
template void dependent_edge_cases<const X&>(); // expected-note {{instantiation of}}
namespace PR12182 {
void f(int const(&)[3]);
void g() {
f({1, 2});
namespace PR12660 {
const int &i { 1 };
struct S { S(int); } const &s { 2 };
namespace b7891773 {
typedef void (*ptr)();
template <class T> void f();
int g(const ptr &);
int k = g({ f<int> });
namespace inner_init {
struct A { int n; };
struct B { A &&r; };
B b1 { 0 }; // expected-error {{reference to type 'inner_init::A' could not bind to an rvalue of type 'int'}}
B b2 { { 0 } };
B b3 { { { 0 } } }; // expected-warning {{braces around scalar init}}
struct C { C(int); }; // expected-note 2{{candidate constructor (the implicit}} \
// expected-note {{candidate constructor not viable: cannot convert initializer list argument to 'int'}}
struct D { C &&r; };
D d1 { 0 }; // ok, 0 implicitly converts to C
D d2 { { 0 } }; // ok, { 0 } calls C(0)
D d3 { { { 0 } } }; // ok, { { 0 } } calls C({ 0 }), expected-warning {{braces around scalar init}}
D d4 { { { { 0 } } } }; // expected-error {{no matching constructor for initialization of 'inner_init::C &&'}}
struct E { explicit E(int); }; // expected-note 2{{here}}
struct F { E &&r; };
F f1 { 0 }; // expected-error {{could not bind to an rvalue of type 'int'}}
F f2 { { 0 } }; // expected-error {{chosen constructor is explicit}}
F f3 { { { 0 } } }; // expected-error {{chosen constructor is explicit}}
namespace PR20844 {
struct A {};
struct B { operator A&(); } b;
A &a{b}; // expected-error {{excess elements}} expected-note {{in initialization of temporary of type 'PR20844::A'}}
namespace PR21834 {
const int &a = (const int &){0}; // expected-error {{cannot bind to an initializer list}}