356 lines
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356 lines
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// RUN: %clang_cc1 -verify=expected,omp45 -fopenmp-version=45 -fopenmp -ferror-limit 200 -std=c++11 -o - %s -Wuninitialized
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -verify=expected,omp50 -fopenmp-version=50 -fopenmp -ferror-limit 200 -std=c++11 -o - %s -Wuninitialized
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -verify=expected,omp45 -fopenmp-version=45 -fopenmp-simd -ferror-limit 200 -std=c++11 -o - %s -Wuninitialized
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -verify=expected,omp50 -fopenmp-version=50 -fopenmp-simd -ferror-limit 200 -std=c++11 -o - %s -Wuninitialized
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -verify=expected,omp50 -fopenmp-version=51 -DOMP51 -fopenmp -ferror-limit 100 -std=c++11 -o - %s -Wuninitialized
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -verify=expected,omp50 -fopenmp-version=51 -DOMP51 -fopenmp-simd -ferror-limit 100 -std=c++11 -o - %s -Wuninitialized
void xxx(int argc) {
int x; // expected-note {{initialize the variable 'x' to silence this warning}}
#pragma omp task
argc = x; // expected-warning {{variable 'x' is uninitialized when used here}}
void foo() {
#pragma omp task detach(0) // omp45-error {{unexpected OpenMP clause 'detach' in directive '#pragma omp task'}} omp50-error {{'omp_event_handle_t' type not found; include <omp.h>}}
typedef unsigned long omp_event_handle_t;
namespace {
static int y = 0;
static int x = 0;
#pragma omp task // expected-error {{unexpected OpenMP directive '#pragma omp task'}}
class S {
S(const S &s) { a = s.a + 12; } // expected-note 16 {{implicitly declared private here}}
int a;
S() : a(0) {}
S(int a) : a(a) {}
operator int() { return a; }
S &operator++() { return *this; }
S operator+(const S &) { return *this; }
class S1 {
int a;
S1() : a(0) {}
S1 &operator++() { return *this; }
S1(const S1 &) = delete; // expected-note 2 {{'S1' has been explicitly marked deleted here}}
template <class T>
int foo() {
T a;
T &b = a;
int r;
S1 s1;
// expected-error@+1 2 {{call to deleted constructor of 'S1'}}
#pragma omp task
#pragma omp task default(none) // expected-note 2 {{explicit data sharing attribute requested here}}
#pragma omp task default(shared)
++a; // expected-error 2 {{variable 'a' must have explicitly specified data sharing attributes}}
#ifdef OMP51
#pragma omp task default(firstprivate) // expected-note 4 {{explicit data sharing attribute requested here}}
#pragma omp task
++x; // expected-error 2 {{variable 'x' must have explicitly specified data sharing attributes}}
++y; // expected-error 2 {{variable 'y' must have explicitly specified data sharing attributes}}
#pragma omp task default(none) // expected-note 2 {{explicit data sharing attribute requested here}}
#pragma omp task
// expected-error@+1 {{calling a private constructor of class 'S'}}
++a; // expected-error 2 {{variable 'a' must have explicitly specified data sharing attributes}}
#pragma omp task
#pragma omp task
// expected-error@+1 {{calling a private constructor of class 'S'}}
++a; // expected-error {{calling a private constructor of class 'S'}}
#pragma omp task default(shared)
#pragma omp task
// expected-error@+1 {{calling a private constructor of class 'S'}}
#pragma omp parallel shared(a)
#pragma omp task
#pragma omp task
#pragma omp parallel shared(a)
#pragma omp task default(shared)
#pragma omp task
#pragma omp task
#pragma omp parallel
++a; // expected-error {{calling a private constructor of class 'S'}}
// expected-error@+2 {{calling a private constructor of class 'S'}}
#pragma omp task
#pragma omp task
// expected-error@+1 2 {{calling a private constructor of class 'S'}}
#pragma omp parallel shared(a, b)
++a, ++b;
// expected-note@+1 2 {{defined as reduction}}
#pragma omp parallel reduction(+ : r)
// expected-error@+1 2 {{argument of a reduction clause of a parallel construct must not appear in a firstprivate clause on a task construct}}
#pragma omp task firstprivate(r)
// expected-note@+1 2 {{defined as reduction}}
#pragma omp parallel reduction(+ : r)
#pragma omp task default(shared)
// expected-error@+1 2 {{reduction variables may not be accessed in an explicit task}}
// expected-note@+1 2 {{defined as reduction}}
#pragma omp parallel reduction(+ : r)
#pragma omp task
// expected-error@+1 2 {{reduction variables may not be accessed in an explicit task}}
#pragma omp parallel
// expected-note@+1 2 {{defined as reduction}}
#pragma omp for reduction(+ : r)
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
// expected-error@+1 2 {{argument of a reduction clause of a for construct must not appear in a firstprivate clause on a task construct}}
#pragma omp task firstprivate(r)
#pragma omp parallel
// expected-note@+1 2 {{defined as reduction}}
#pragma omp for reduction(+ : r)
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
#pragma omp task default(shared)
// expected-error@+1 2 {{reduction variables may not be accessed in an explicit task}}
#pragma omp parallel
// expected-note@+1 2 {{defined as reduction}}
#pragma omp for reduction(+ : r)
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
#pragma omp task
// expected-error@+1 2 {{reduction variables may not be accessed in an explicit task}}
// expected-note@+1 {{non-shared variable in a task construct is predetermined as firstprivate}}
#pragma omp task
// expected-error@+2 {{reduction variable must be shared}}
// expected-error@+1 {{region cannot be closely nested inside 'task' region; perhaps you forget to enclose 'omp for' directive into a parallel region?}}
#pragma omp for reduction(+ : r)
// expected-error@+1 {{directive '#pragma omp task' cannot contain more than one 'untied' clause}}
#pragma omp task untied untied
// expected-error@+1 {{directive '#pragma omp task' cannot contain more than one 'mergeable' clause}}
#pragma omp task mergeable mergeable
volatile omp_event_handle_t evt;
const omp_event_handle_t cevt = 0;
omp_event_handle_t sevt;
omp_event_handle_t &revt = sevt;
#pragma omp task detach // omp45-error {{unexpected OpenMP clause 'detach' in directive '#pragma omp task'}} expected-error {{expected '(' after 'detach'}}
#pragma omp task detach( // omp45-error {{unexpected OpenMP clause 'detach' in directive '#pragma omp task'}} expected-error {{expected expression}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
#pragma omp task detach() // omp45-error {{unexpected OpenMP clause 'detach' in directive '#pragma omp task'}} expected-error {{expected expression}}
#pragma omp task detach(a) // omp45-error {{unexpected OpenMP clause 'detach' in directive '#pragma omp task'}} omp50-error {{expected variable of the 'omp_event_handle_t' type, not 'int'}} omp50-error {{expected variable of the 'omp_event_handle_t' type, not 'S'}}
#pragma omp task detach(evt) detach(evt) // omp45-error 2 {{unexpected OpenMP clause 'detach' in directive '#pragma omp task'}} expected-error {{directive '#pragma omp task' cannot contain more than one 'detach' clause}}
#pragma omp task detach(cevt) detach(revt) // omp45-error 2 {{unexpected OpenMP clause 'detach' in directive '#pragma omp task'}} expected-error {{directive '#pragma omp task' cannot contain more than one 'detach' clause}} omp50-error {{expected variable of the 'omp_event_handle_t' type, not 'const omp_event_handle_t' (aka 'const unsigned long')}} omp50-error {{expected variable of the 'omp_event_handle_t' type, not 'omp_event_handle_t &' (aka 'unsigned long &')}}
#pragma omp task detach(evt) mergeable // omp45-error {{unexpected OpenMP clause 'detach' in directive '#pragma omp task'}} omp50-error {{'mergeable' and 'detach' clause are mutually exclusive and may not appear on the same directive}} omp50-note {{'detach' clause is specified here}}
#pragma omp task mergeable detach(evt) // omp45-error {{unexpected OpenMP clause 'detach' in directive '#pragma omp task'}} omp50-error {{'detach' and 'mergeable' clause are mutually exclusive and may not appear on the same directive}} omp50-note {{'mergeable' clause is specified here}}
#pragma omp task detach(-evt) // omp45-error {{unexpected OpenMP clause 'detach' in directive '#pragma omp task'}} omp50-error {{expected variable of the 'omp_event_handle_t' type}}
#pragma omp task detach(evt) shared(evt) // omp45-error {{unexpected OpenMP clause 'detach' in directive '#pragma omp task'}}
#pragma omp task detach(evt) firstprivate(evt) // omp45-error {{unexpected OpenMP clause 'detach' in directive '#pragma omp task'}}
return a + b;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int a;
int &b = a;
S sa;
S &sb = sa;
int r;
#pragma omp task { // expected-warning {{extra tokens at the end of '#pragma omp task' are ignored}}
#pragma omp task( // expected-warning {{extra tokens at the end of '#pragma omp task' are ignored}}
#pragma omp task[ // expected-warning {{extra tokens at the end of '#pragma omp task' are ignored}}
#pragma omp task] // expected-warning {{extra tokens at the end of '#pragma omp task' are ignored}}
#pragma omp task) // expected-warning {{extra tokens at the end of '#pragma omp task' are ignored}}
#pragma omp task } // expected-warning {{extra tokens at the end of '#pragma omp task' are ignored}}
#pragma omp task
// expected-warning@+1 {{extra tokens at the end of '#pragma omp task' are ignored}}
#pragma omp task unknown()
#pragma omp task
#pragma omp task
goto L1; // expected-error {{use of undeclared label 'L1'}}
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
switch (argc) {
case (0):
#pragma omp task
break; // expected-error {{'break' statement not in loop or switch statement}}
continue; // expected-error {{'continue' statement not in loop statement}}
#pragma omp task default(none) // expected-note {{explicit data sharing attribute requested here}}
++argc; // expected-error {{variable 'argc' must have explicitly specified data sharing attributes}}
goto L2; // expected-error {{use of undeclared label 'L2'}}
#pragma omp task
#pragma omp task
return 1; // expected-error {{cannot return from OpenMP region}}
[[]] // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
#pragma omp task
for (int n = 0; n < 100; ++n) {
#pragma omp task default(none) // expected-note {{explicit data sharing attribute requested here}}
#pragma omp task default(shared)
++a; // expected-error {{variable 'a' must have explicitly specified data sharing attributes}}
#pragma omp task default(none) // expected-note {{explicit data sharing attribute requested here}}
#pragma omp task
++a; // expected-error {{variable 'a' must have explicitly specified data sharing attributes}}
#pragma omp task default(shared)
#pragma omp task
#pragma omp task
#pragma omp parallel
#pragma omp task
#pragma omp task
#pragma omp parallel shared(a, b)
++a, ++b;
#pragma omp task default(none) // expected-note {{explicit data sharing attribute requested here}}
#pragma omp task default(shared)
++sa; // expected-error {{variable 'sa' must have explicitly specified data sharing attributes}}
#pragma omp task default(none) // expected-note {{explicit data sharing attribute requested here}}
#pragma omp task
// expected-error@+1 {{calling a private constructor of class 'S'}}
++sa; // expected-error {{variable 'sa' must have explicitly specified data sharing attributes}}
#pragma omp task
#pragma omp task
// expected-error@+1 {{calling a private constructor of class 'S'}}
++sa; // expected-error {{calling a private constructor of class 'S'}}
#pragma omp task default(shared)
#pragma omp task
// expected-error@+1 {{calling a private constructor of class 'S'}}
#pragma omp parallel shared(sa)
#pragma omp task
#pragma omp task
#pragma omp parallel shared(sa)
#pragma omp task default(shared)
#pragma omp task
#pragma omp task
#pragma omp parallel
++sa; // expected-error {{calling a private constructor of class 'S'}}
// expected-error@+2 {{calling a private constructor of class 'S'}}
#pragma omp task
// expected-error@+2 2 {{calling a private constructor of class 'S'}}
#pragma omp task
#pragma omp parallel shared(sa, sb)
++sa, ++sb;
// expected-note@+1 2 {{defined as reduction}}
#pragma omp parallel reduction(+ : r)
// expected-error@+1 {{argument of a reduction clause of a parallel construct must not appear in a firstprivate clause on a task construct}}
#pragma omp task firstprivate(r)
// expected-error@+1 {{reduction variables may not be accessed in an explicit task}}
// expected-note@+1 {{defined as reduction}}
#pragma omp parallel reduction(+ : r)
#pragma omp task default(shared)
// expected-error@+1 {{reduction variables may not be accessed in an explicit task}}
// expected-note@+1 {{defined as reduction}}
#pragma omp parallel reduction(+ : r)
#pragma omp task
// expected-error@+1 {{reduction variables may not be accessed in an explicit task}}
#pragma omp parallel
// expected-note@+1 2 {{defined as reduction}}
#pragma omp for reduction(+ : r)
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
// expected-error@+1 {{argument of a reduction clause of a for construct must not appear in a firstprivate clause on a task construct}}
#pragma omp task firstprivate(r)
// expected-error@+1 {{reduction variables may not be accessed in an explicit task}}
#pragma omp parallel
// expected-note@+1 {{defined as reduction}}
#pragma omp for reduction(+ : r)
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
#pragma omp task default(shared)
// expected-error@+1 {{reduction variables may not be accessed in an explicit task}}
#pragma omp parallel
// expected-note@+1 {{defined as reduction}}
#pragma omp for reduction(+ : r)
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
#pragma omp task
// expected-error@+1 {{reduction variables may not be accessed in an explicit task}}
// expected-note@+1 {{non-shared variable in a task construct is predetermined as firstprivate}}
#pragma omp task
// expected-error@+2 {{reduction variable must be shared}}
// expected-error@+1 {{region cannot be closely nested inside 'task' region; perhaps you forget to enclose 'omp for' directive into a parallel region?}}
#pragma omp for reduction(+ : r)
// expected-error@+1 {{directive '#pragma omp task' cannot contain more than one 'untied' clause}}
#pragma omp task untied untied
// expected-error@+1 {{directive '#pragma omp task' cannot contain more than one 'mergeable' clause}}
#pragma omp task mergeable mergeable
volatile omp_event_handle_t evt;
omp_event_handle_t sevt;
const omp_event_handle_t cevt = evt;
omp_event_handle_t &revt = sevt;
#pragma omp task detach // omp45-error {{unexpected OpenMP clause 'detach' in directive '#pragma omp task'}} expected-error {{expected '(' after 'detach'}}
#pragma omp task detach( // omp45-error {{unexpected OpenMP clause 'detach' in directive '#pragma omp task'}} expected-error {{expected expression}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
#pragma omp task detach() // omp45-error {{unexpected OpenMP clause 'detach' in directive '#pragma omp task'}} expected-error {{expected expression}}
#pragma omp task detach(a) // omp45-error {{unexpected OpenMP clause 'detach' in directive '#pragma omp task'}} omp50-error {{expected variable of the 'omp_event_handle_t' type, not 'int'}}
#pragma omp task detach(evt) detach(evt) // omp45-error 2 {{unexpected OpenMP clause 'detach' in directive '#pragma omp task'}} expected-error {{directive '#pragma omp task' cannot contain more than one 'detach' clause}}
#pragma omp task detach(cevt) detach(revt) // omp45-error 2 {{unexpected OpenMP clause 'detach' in directive '#pragma omp task'}} expected-error {{directive '#pragma omp task' cannot contain more than one 'detach' clause}} omp50-error {{expected variable of the 'omp_event_handle_t' type, not 'const omp_event_handle_t' (aka 'const unsigned long')}} omp50-error {{expected variable of the 'omp_event_handle_t' type, not 'omp_event_handle_t &' (aka 'unsigned long &')}}
#pragma omp task detach(evt) mergeable // omp45-error {{unexpected OpenMP clause 'detach' in directive '#pragma omp task'}} omp50-error {{'mergeable' and 'detach' clause are mutually exclusive and may not appear on the same directive}} omp50-note {{'detach' clause is specified here}}
#pragma omp task mergeable detach(evt) // omp45-error {{unexpected OpenMP clause 'detach' in directive '#pragma omp task'}} omp50-error {{'detach' and 'mergeable' clause are mutually exclusive and may not appear on the same directive}} omp50-note {{'mergeable' clause is specified here}}
#pragma omp task detach(-evt) // omp45-error {{unexpected OpenMP clause 'detach' in directive '#pragma omp task'}} omp50-error {{expected variable of the 'omp_event_handle_t' type}}
#pragma omp task detach(evt) shared(evt) // omp45-error {{unexpected OpenMP clause 'detach' in directive '#pragma omp task'}}
#pragma omp task detach(evt) firstprivate(evt) // omp45-error {{unexpected OpenMP clause 'detach' in directive '#pragma omp task'}}
// expected-note@+2 {{in instantiation of function template specialization 'foo<int>' requested here}}
// expected-note@+1 {{in instantiation of function template specialization 'foo<S>' requested here}}
return foo<int>() + foo<S>();