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// RUN: %clang_analyze_cc1 -triple x86_64-apple-darwin10 -analyzer-checker=core,osx.coreFoundation.CFRetainRelease,osx.cocoa.ClassRelease,osx.cocoa.RetainCount -analyzer-store=region -analyzer-output=text -verify %s
// RUN: %clang_analyze_cc1 -triple x86_64-apple-darwin10 -analyzer-checker=core,osx.coreFoundation.CFRetainRelease,osx.cocoa.ClassRelease,osx.cocoa.RetainCount -analyzer-store=region -analyzer-output=plist-multi-file %s -o %t
// RUN: %normalize_plist <%t | diff -ub %S/Inputs/expected-plists/retain-release-path-notes.m.plist -
This file is for testing the path-sensitive notes for retain/release errors.
Its goal is to have simple branch coverage of any path-based diagnostics,
not to actually check all possible retain/release errors.
This file includes notes that only appear in a ref-counted analysis.
GC-specific notes should go in retain-release-path-notes-gc.m.
@interface NSObject
+ (id)alloc;
- (id)init;
- (void)dealloc;
- (Class)class;
- (id)retain;
- (void)release;
- (void)autorelease;
@interface Foo : NSObject
- (id)methodWithValue;
@property(retain) id propertyValue;
- (id)objectAtIndexedSubscript:(unsigned)index;
- (id)objectForKeyedSubscript:(id)key;
typedef struct CFType *CFTypeRef;
CFTypeRef CFRetain(CFTypeRef);
void CFRelease(CFTypeRef);
CFTypeRef CFAutorelease(CFTypeRef __attribute__((cf_consumed)));
id NSMakeCollectable(CFTypeRef);
CFTypeRef CFMakeCollectable(CFTypeRef);
CFTypeRef CFCreateSomething();
CFTypeRef CFGetSomething();
void creationViaAlloc () {
id leaked = [[NSObject alloc] init]; // expected-note{{Method returns an instance of NSObject with a +1 retain count}}
return; // expected-warning{{leak}} expected-note{{Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'leaked' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1}}
void creationViaCFCreate () {
CFTypeRef leaked = CFCreateSomething(); // expected-note{{Call to function 'CFCreateSomething' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFTypeRef' with a +1 retain count}}
return; // expected-warning{{leak}} expected-note{{Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'leaked' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1}}
void acquisitionViaMethod (Foo *foo) {
id leaked = [foo methodWithValue]; // expected-note{{Method returns an Objective-C object with a +0 retain count}}
[leaked retain]; // expected-note{{Reference count incremented. The object now has a +1 retain count}}
[leaked retain]; // expected-note{{Reference count incremented. The object now has a +2 retain count}}
[leaked release]; // expected-note{{Reference count decremented. The object now has a +1 retain count}}
return; // expected-warning{{leak}} expected-note{{Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'leaked' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1}}
void acquisitionViaProperty (Foo *foo) {
id leaked = foo.propertyValue; // expected-note{{Property returns an Objective-C object with a +0 retain count}}
[leaked retain]; // expected-note{{Reference count incremented. The object now has a +1 retain count}}
return; // expected-warning{{leak}} expected-note{{Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'leaked' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1}}
void acquisitionViaCFFunction () {
CFTypeRef leaked = CFGetSomething(); // expected-note{{Call to function 'CFGetSomething' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFTypeRef' with a +0 retain count}}
CFRetain(leaked); // expected-note{{Reference count incremented. The object now has a +1 retain count}}
return; // expected-warning{{leak}} expected-note{{Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'leaked' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1}}
void explicitDealloc () {
id object = [[NSObject alloc] init]; // expected-note{{Method returns an instance of NSObject with a +1 retain count}}
[object dealloc]; // expected-note{{Object released by directly sending the '-dealloc' message}}
[object class]; // expected-warning{{Reference-counted object is used after it is released}} // expected-note{{Reference-counted object is used after it is released}}
void implicitDealloc () {
id object = [[NSObject alloc] init]; // expected-note{{Method returns an instance of NSObject with a +1 retain count}}
[object release]; // expected-note{{Object released}}
[object class]; // expected-warning{{Reference-counted object is used after it is released}} // expected-note{{Reference-counted object is used after it is released}}
void overAutorelease () {
id object = [[NSObject alloc] init]; // expected-note{{Method returns an instance of NSObject with a +1 retain count}}
[object autorelease]; // expected-note{{Object autoreleased}}
[object autorelease]; // expected-note{{Object autoreleased}}
return; // expected-warning{{Object autoreleased too many times}} expected-note{{Object was autoreleased 2 times but the object has a +1 retain count}}
void autoreleaseUnowned (Foo *foo) {
id object = foo.propertyValue; // expected-note{{Property returns an Objective-C object with a +0 retain count}}
[object autorelease]; // expected-note{{Object autoreleased}}
return; // expected-warning{{Object autoreleased too many times}} expected-note{{Object was autoreleased but has a +0 retain count}}
void makeCollectableIgnored() {
CFTypeRef leaked = CFCreateSomething(); // expected-note{{Call to function 'CFCreateSomething' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFTypeRef' with a +1 retain count}}
return; // expected-warning{{leak}} expected-note{{Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'leaked' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1}}
CFTypeRef CFCopyRuleViolation () {
CFTypeRef object = CFGetSomething(); // expected-note{{Call to function 'CFGetSomething' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFTypeRef' with a +0 retain count}}
return object; // expected-warning{{Object with a +0 retain count returned to caller where a +1 (owning) retain count is expected}} expected-note{{Object with a +0 retain count returned to caller where a +1 (owning) retain count is expected}}
CFTypeRef CFGetRuleViolation () {
CFTypeRef object = CFCreateSomething(); // expected-note{{Call to function 'CFCreateSomething' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFTypeRef' with a +1 retain count}}
return object; // expected-warning{{leak}} expected-note{{Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'object' is returned from a function whose name ('CFGetRuleViolation') does not contain 'Copy' or 'Create'. This violates the naming convention rules given in the Memory Management Guide for Core Foundation}}
@implementation Foo (FundamentalMemoryManagementRules)
- (id)copyViolation {
id result = self.propertyValue; // expected-note{{Property returns an Objective-C object with a +0 retain count}}
return result; // expected-warning{{Object with a +0 retain count returned to caller where a +1 (owning) retain count is expected}} expected-note{{Object with a +0 retain count returned to caller where a +1 (owning) retain count is expected}}
- (id)copyViolationIndexedSubscript {
id result = self[0]; // expected-note{{Subscript returns an Objective-C object with a +0 retain count}}
return result; // expected-warning{{Object with a +0 retain count returned to caller where a +1 (owning) retain count is expected}} expected-note{{Object with a +0 retain count returned to caller where a +1 (owning) retain count is expected}}
- (id)copyViolationKeyedSubscript {
id result = self[self]; // expected-note{{Subscript returns an Objective-C object with a +0 retain count}}
return result; // expected-warning{{Object with a +0 retain count returned to caller where a +1 (owning) retain count is expected}} expected-note{{Object with a +0 retain count returned to caller where a +1 (owning) retain count is expected}}
- (id)getViolation {
id result = [[Foo alloc] init]; // expected-note{{Method returns an instance of Foo with a +1 retain count}}
return result; // expected-warning{{leak}} expected-note{{Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'result' is returned from a method whose name ('getViolation') does not start with 'copy', 'mutableCopy', 'alloc' or 'new'. This violates the naming convention rules given in the Memory Management Guide for Cocoa}}
- (id)copyAutorelease {
id result = [[Foo alloc] init]; // expected-note{{Method returns an instance of Foo with a +1 retain count}}
[result autorelease]; // expected-note{{Object autoreleased}}
return result; // expected-warning{{Object with a +0 retain count returned to caller where a +1 (owning) retain count is expected}} expected-note{{Object with a +0 retain count returned to caller where a +1 (owning) retain count is expected}}
typedef unsigned long NSUInteger;
@interface NSValue : NSObject
@interface NSNumber : NSValue
+ (NSNumber *)numberWithInt:(int)i;
@interface NSString : NSObject
+ (NSString *)stringWithUTF8String:(const char *)str;
@interface NSArray : NSObject
+ (NSArray *)arrayWithObjects:(const id [])objects count:(NSUInteger)count;
@interface NSDictionary : NSObject
+ (id)dictionaryWithObjects:(const id [])objects forKeys:(const id /* <NSCopying> */ [])keys count:(NSUInteger)count;
void testNumericLiteral() {
id result = @1; // expected-note{{NSNumber literal is an object with a +0 retain count}}
[result release]; // expected-warning{{decrement}} expected-note{{Incorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller}}
void testBoxedInt(int x) {
id result = @(x); // expected-note{{NSNumber boxed expression produces an object with a +0 retain count}}
[result release]; // expected-warning{{decrement}} expected-note{{Incorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller}}
void testBoxedString(const char *str) {
id result = @(str); // expected-note{{NSString boxed expression produces an object with a +0 retain count}}
[result release]; // expected-warning{{decrement}} expected-note{{Incorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller}}
void testArray(id obj) {
id result = @[obj]; // expected-note{{NSArray literal is an object with a +0 retain count}}
[result release]; // expected-warning{{decrement}} expected-note{{Incorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller}}
void testDictionary(id key, id value) {
id result = @{key: value}; // expected-note{{NSDictionary literal is an object with a +0 retain count}}
[result release]; // expected-warning{{decrement}} expected-note{{Incorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller}}
// Test that we step into the init method when the allocated object is leaked due to early escape within init.
static int Cond;
@interface MyObj : NSObject
@implementation MyObj
-(id)initX {
if (Cond) // expected-note {{Assuming 'Cond' is not equal to 0}}
// expected-note@-1{{Taking true branch}}
return 0;
self = [super init];
return self;
-(id)initY {
self = [super init]; //expected-note {{Method returns an instance of MyObj with a +1 retain count}}
return self;
-(id)initZ {
self = [super init];
return self;
+(void)test {
// initX is inlined since we explicitly mark it as interesting
id x = [[MyObj alloc] initX]; // expected-warning {{Potential leak of an object}}
// expected-note@-1 {{Method returns an instance of MyObj with a +1 retain count}}
// expected-note@-2 {{Calling 'initX'}}
// expected-note@-3 {{Returning from 'initX'}}
// expected-note@-4 {{Object leaked: allocated object of type 'MyObj *' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1}}
// initI is inlined because the allocation happens within initY
id y = [[MyObj alloc] initY];
// expected-note@-1 {{Calling 'initY'}}
// expected-note@-2 {{Returning from 'initY'}}
// initZ is not inlined
id z = [[MyObj alloc] initZ]; // expected-warning {{Potential leak of an object}}
// expected-note@-1 {{Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'y' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1}}
[x release];
[z release];
void CFOverAutorelease() {
CFTypeRef object = CFCreateSomething(); // expected-note{{Call to function 'CFCreateSomething' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFTypeRef' with a +1 retain count}}
CFAutorelease(object); // expected-note{{Object autoreleased}}
CFAutorelease(object); // expected-note{{Object autoreleased}}
return; // expected-warning{{Object autoreleased too many times}} expected-note{{Object was autoreleased 2 times but the object has a +1 retain count}}
void CFAutoreleaseUnowned() {
CFTypeRef object = CFGetSomething(); // expected-note{{Call to function 'CFGetSomething' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFTypeRef' with a +0 retain count}}
CFAutorelease(object); // expected-note{{Object autoreleased}}
return; // expected-warning{{Object autoreleased too many times}} expected-note{{Object was autoreleased but has a +0 retain count}}
void CFAutoreleaseUnownedMixed() {
CFTypeRef object = CFGetSomething(); // expected-note{{Call to function 'CFGetSomething' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFTypeRef' with a +0 retain count}}
CFAutorelease(object); // expected-note{{Object autoreleased}}
[(id)object autorelease]; // expected-note{{Object autoreleased}}
return; // expected-warning{{Object autoreleased too many times}} expected-note{{Object was autoreleased 2 times but the object has a +0 retain count}}
@interface PropertiesAndIvars : NSObject
@property (strong) id ownedProp;
@property (unsafe_unretained) id unownedProp;
@property (nonatomic, strong) id manualProp;
@interface NSObject (PropertiesAndIvarsHelper)
- (void)myMethod;
@implementation PropertiesAndIvars {
id _ivarOnly;
- (id)manualProp {
return _manualProp;
- (void)testOverreleaseUnownedIvar {
[_unownedProp retain]; // FIXME-note {{Object loaded from instance variable}}
// FIXME-note@-1 {{Reference count incremented. The object now has a +1 retain count}}
[_unownedProp release]; // FIXME-note {{Reference count decremented}}
[_unownedProp release]; // FIXME-note {{Incorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller}}
// FIXME-warning@-1 {{not owned at this point by the caller}}
- (void)testOverreleaseOwnedIvarUse {
[_ownedProp retain]; // FIXME-note {{Object loaded from instance variable}}
// FIXME-note@-1 {{Reference count incremented. The object now has a +1 retain count}}
[_ownedProp release]; // FIXME-note {{Reference count decremented}}
[_ownedProp release]; // FIXME-note {{Strong instance variable relinquished. Object released}}
[_ownedProp myMethod]; // FIXME-note {{Reference-counted object is used after it is released}}
// FIXME-warning@-1 {{used after it is released}}
- (void)testOverreleaseIvarOnlyUse {
[_ivarOnly retain]; // FIXME-note {{Object loaded from instance variable}}
// FIXME-note@-1 {{Reference count incremented. The object now has a +1 retain count}}
[_ivarOnly release]; // FIXME-note {{Reference count decremented}}
[_ivarOnly release]; // FIXME-note {{Strong instance variable relinquished. Object released}}
[_ivarOnly myMethod]; // FIXME-note {{Reference-counted object is used after it is released}}
// FIXME-warning@-1 {{used after it is released}}
- (void)testOverreleaseOwnedIvarAutorelease {
[_ownedProp retain]; // FIXME-note {{Object loaded from instance variable}}
// FIXME-note@-1 {{Reference count incremented. The object now has a +1 retain count}}
[_ownedProp release]; // FIXME-note {{Reference count decremented}}
[_ownedProp autorelease]; // FIXME-note {{Object autoreleased}}
[_ownedProp autorelease]; // FIXME-note {{Object autoreleased}}
// FIXME-note@+1 {{Object was autoreleased 2 times but the object has a +0 retain count}}
} // FIXME-warning{{Object autoreleased too many times}}
- (void)testOverreleaseIvarOnlyAutorelease {
[_ivarOnly retain]; // FIXME-note {{Object loaded from instance variable}}
// FIXME-note@-1 {{Reference count incremented. The object now has a +1 retain count}}
[_ivarOnly release]; // FIXME-note {{Reference count decremented}}
[_ivarOnly autorelease]; // FIXME-note {{Object autoreleased}}
[_ivarOnly autorelease]; // FIXME-note {{Object autoreleased}}
// FIXME-note@+1 {{Object was autoreleased 2 times but the object has a +0 retain count}}
} // FIXME-warning{{Object autoreleased too many times}}