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478 lines
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// RUN: %clang_analyze_cc1 -analyzer-checker=core,debug.ExprInspection -verify %s
// RUN: %clang_analyze_cc1 -analyzer-checker=core,debug.ExprInspection -DCONSTRUCTORS=1 -analyzer-config c++-inlining=constructors -verify %s
void clang_analyzer_eval(bool);
void clang_analyzer_checkInlined(bool);
class A {
int x;
class B : public A {
void f();
void B::f() {
x = 3;
class C : public B {
void g() {
// This used to crash because we are upcasting through two bases.
x = 5;
namespace VirtualBaseClasses {
class A {
int x;
class B : public virtual A {
int getX() { return x; }
class C : public virtual A {
void setX() { x = 42; }
class D : public B, public C {};
class DV : virtual public B, public C {};
class DV2 : public B, virtual public C {};
void test() {
D d;
clang_analyzer_eval(d.getX() == 42); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
DV dv;
clang_analyzer_eval(dv.getX() == 42); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
DV2 dv2;
clang_analyzer_eval(dv2.getX() == 42); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
// Make sure we're consistent about the offset of the A subobject within an
// Intermediate virtual base class.
class Padding1 { int unused; };
class Padding2 { int unused; };
class Intermediate : public Padding1, public A, public Padding2 {};
class BI : public virtual Intermediate {
int getX() { return x; }
class CI : public virtual Intermediate {
void setX() { x = 42; }
class DI : public BI, public CI {};
void testIntermediate() {
DI d;
clang_analyzer_eval(d.getX() == 42); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
namespace DynamicVirtualUpcast {
class A {
virtual ~A();
class B : virtual public A {};
class C : virtual public B {};
class D : virtual public C {};
bool testCast(A *a) {
return dynamic_cast<B*>(a) && dynamic_cast<C*>(a);
void test() {
D d;
clang_analyzer_eval(testCast(&d)); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
namespace DynamicMultipleInheritanceUpcast {
class B {
virtual ~B();
class C {
virtual ~C();
class D : public B, public C {};
bool testCast(B *a) {
return dynamic_cast<C*>(a);
void test() {
D d;
clang_analyzer_eval(testCast(&d)); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
class DV : virtual public B, virtual public C {};
void testVirtual() {
DV d;
clang_analyzer_eval(testCast(&d)); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
namespace LazyBindings {
struct Base {
int x;
struct Derived : public Base {
int y;
struct DoubleDerived : public Derived {
int z;
int getX(const Base &obj) {
return obj.x;
int getY(const Derived &obj) {
return obj.y;
void testDerived() {
Derived d;
d.x = 1;
d.y = 2;
clang_analyzer_eval(getX(d) == 1); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(getY(d) == 2); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
Base b(d);
clang_analyzer_eval(getX(b) == 1); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
Derived d2(d);
clang_analyzer_eval(getX(d2) == 1); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(getY(d2) == 2); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
void testDoubleDerived() {
DoubleDerived d;
d.x = 1;
d.y = 2;
clang_analyzer_eval(getX(d) == 1); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(getY(d) == 2); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
Base b(d);
clang_analyzer_eval(getX(b) == 1); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
Derived d2(d);
clang_analyzer_eval(getX(d2) == 1); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(getY(d2) == 2); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
DoubleDerived d3(d);
clang_analyzer_eval(getX(d3) == 1); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(getY(d3) == 2); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
namespace WithOffset {
struct Offset {
int padding;
struct OffsetDerived : private Offset, public Base {
int y;
struct DoubleOffsetDerived : public OffsetDerived {
int z;
int getY(const OffsetDerived &obj) {
return obj.y;
void testDerived() {
OffsetDerived d;
d.x = 1;
d.y = 2;
clang_analyzer_eval(getX(d) == 1); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(getY(d) == 2); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
Base b(d);
clang_analyzer_eval(getX(b) == 1); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
OffsetDerived d2(d);
clang_analyzer_eval(getX(d2) == 1); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(getY(d2) == 2); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
void testDoubleDerived() {
DoubleOffsetDerived d;
d.x = 1;
d.y = 2;
clang_analyzer_eval(getX(d) == 1); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(getY(d) == 2); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
Base b(d);
clang_analyzer_eval(getX(b) == 1); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
OffsetDerived d2(d);
clang_analyzer_eval(getX(d2) == 1); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(getY(d2) == 2); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
DoubleOffsetDerived d3(d);
clang_analyzer_eval(getX(d3) == 1); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(getY(d3) == 2); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
namespace WithVTable {
struct DerivedVTBL : public Base {
int y;
virtual void method();
struct DoubleDerivedVTBL : public DerivedVTBL {
int z;
int getY(const DerivedVTBL &obj) {
return obj.y;
int getZ(const DoubleDerivedVTBL &obj) {
return obj.z;
void testDerived() {
DerivedVTBL d;
d.x = 1;
d.y = 2;
clang_analyzer_eval(getX(d) == 1); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(getY(d) == 2); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
Base b(d);
clang_analyzer_eval(getX(b) == 1); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
DerivedVTBL d2(d);
clang_analyzer_eval(getX(d2) == 1); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(getY(d2) == 2); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
void testDoubleDerived() {
DoubleDerivedVTBL d;
d.x = 1;
d.y = 2;
d.z = 3;
clang_analyzer_eval(getX(d) == 1); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(getY(d) == 2); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(getZ(d) == 3); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
Base b(d);
clang_analyzer_eval(getX(b) == 1); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
DerivedVTBL d2(d);
clang_analyzer_eval(getX(d2) == 1); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(getY(d2) == 2); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
DoubleDerivedVTBL d3(d);
clang_analyzer_eval(getX(d3) == 1); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(getY(d3) == 2); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(getZ(d3) == 3); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
namespace Nested {
struct NonTrivialCopy {
int padding;
NonTrivialCopy() {}
NonTrivialCopy(const NonTrivialCopy &) {}
struct FullyDerived : private NonTrivialCopy, public Derived {
int z;
struct Wrapper {
FullyDerived d;
int zz;
Wrapper(const FullyDerived &d) : d(d), zz(0) {}
void test5() {
Wrapper w((FullyDerived()));
w.d.x = 1;
Wrapper w2(w);
clang_analyzer_eval(getX(w2.d) == 1); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
namespace Redeclaration {
class Base;
class Base {
virtual int foo();
int get() { return value; }
int value;
class Derived : public Base {
virtual int bar();
void test(Derived d) {
d.foo(); // don't crash
d.bar(); // sanity check
Base &b = d;
b.foo(); // don't crash
d.value = 42; // don't crash
clang_analyzer_eval(d.get() == 42); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(b.get() == 42); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
namespace PR15394 {
namespace Original {
class Base {
virtual int f() = 0;
int i;
class Derived1 : public Base {
int j;
class Derived2 : public Derived1 {
virtual int f() {
clang_analyzer_checkInlined(true); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
return i + j;
void testXXX() {
Derived1 *d1p = reinterpret_cast<Derived1*>(new Derived2);
d1p->i = 1;
d1p->j = 2;
clang_analyzer_eval(d1p->f() == 3); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
namespace VirtualInDerived {
class Base {
int i;
class Derived1 : public Base {
virtual int f() = 0;
int j;
class Derived2 : public Derived1 {
virtual int f() {
clang_analyzer_checkInlined(true); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
return i + j;
void test() {
Derived1 *d1p = reinterpret_cast<Derived1*>(new Derived2);
d1p->i = 1;
d1p->j = 2;
clang_analyzer_eval(d1p->f() == 3); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
namespace NoCast {
class Base {
int i;
class Derived1 : public Base {
virtual int f() = 0;
int j;
class Derived2 : public Derived1 {
virtual int f() {
clang_analyzer_checkInlined(true); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
return i + j;
void test() {
Derived1 *d1p = new Derived2;
d1p->i = 1;
d1p->j = 2;
clang_analyzer_eval(d1p->f() == 3); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
namespace Bug16309 {
struct Incomplete;
struct Base { virtual ~Base(); };
struct Derived : public Base { int x; };
void* f(Incomplete *i) {
Base *b = reinterpret_cast<Base *>(i);
// This used to crash because of the reinterpret_cast above.
Derived *d = dynamic_cast<Derived *>(b);
return d;
// And check that reinterpret+dynamic casts work correctly after the fix.
void g() {
Derived d;
d.x = 47;
Base *b = &d;
Incomplete *i = reinterpret_cast<Incomplete *>(b);
Base *b2 = reinterpret_cast<Base *>(i);
Derived *d2 = dynamic_cast<Derived *>(b2);
clang_analyzer_eval(d2->x == 47); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}