112 lines
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112 lines
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// RUN: rm -rf %t
// RUN: mkdir -p %t/Inputs
// RUN: cp %s %t/ctu-on-demand-parsing.cpp
// RUN: cp %S/ctu-hdr.h %t/ctu-hdr.h
// RUN: cp %S/Inputs/ctu-chain.cpp %t/Inputs/ctu-chain.cpp
// RUN: cp %S/Inputs/ctu-other.cpp %t/Inputs/ctu-other.cpp
// Path substitutions on Windows platform could contain backslashes. These are escaped in the json file.
// compile_commands.json is only needed for the extdef_mapping, not for the analysis itself.
// RUN: echo '[{"directory":"%t/Inputs","command":"clang++ ctu-chain.cpp","file":"ctu-chain.cpp"},{"directory":"%t/Inputs","command":"clang++ ctu-other.cpp","file":"ctu-other.cpp"}]' | sed -e 's/\\/\\\\/g' > %t/compile_commands.json
// RUN: echo '{"%t/Inputs/ctu-chain.cpp": ["g++", "%t/Inputs/ctu-chain.cpp"], "%t/Inputs/ctu-other.cpp": ["g++", "%t/Inputs/ctu-other.cpp"]}' | sed -e 's/\\/\\\\/g' > %t/invocations.yaml
// RUN: cd "%t" && %clang_extdef_map Inputs/ctu-chain.cpp Inputs/ctu-other.cpp > externalDefMap.txt
// RUN: cd "%t" && %clang_analyze_cc1 \
// RUN: -analyzer-checker=core,debug.ExprInspection \
// RUN: -analyzer-config experimental-enable-naive-ctu-analysis=true \
// RUN: -analyzer-config ctu-dir=. \
// RUN: -analyzer-config ctu-invocation-list=invocations.yaml \
// RUN: -verify ctu-on-demand-parsing.cpp
// RUN: cd "%t" && %clang_analyze_cc1 \
// RUN: -analyzer-checker=core,debug.ExprInspection \
// RUN: -analyzer-config experimental-enable-naive-ctu-analysis=true \
// RUN: -analyzer-config ctu-dir=. \
// RUN: -analyzer-config ctu-invocation-list=invocations.yaml \
// RUN: -analyzer-config display-ctu-progress=true ctu-on-demand-parsing.cpp 2>&1 | FileCheck %t/ctu-on-demand-parsing.cpp
// CHECK: CTU loaded AST file: {{.*}}ctu-other.cpp
// CHECK: CTU loaded AST file: {{.*}}ctu-chain.cpp
// FIXME: Path handling should work on all platforms.
// REQUIRES: system-linux
#include "ctu-hdr.h"
void clang_analyzer_eval(int);
int f(int);
int g(int);
int h(int);
int callback_to_main(int x) { return x + 1; }
namespace myns {
int fns(int x);
namespace embed_ns {
int fens(int x);
class embed_cls {
int fecl(int x);
} // namespace myns
class mycls {
int fcl(int x);
virtual int fvcl(int x);
static int fscl(int x);
class embed_cls2 {
int fecl2(int x);
class derived : public mycls {
virtual int fvcl(int x) override;
namespace chns {
int chf1(int x);
int fun_using_anon_struct(int);
int other_macro_diag(int);
void test_virtual_functions(mycls *obj) {
// The dynamic type is known.
clang_analyzer_eval(mycls().fvcl(1) == 8); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(derived().fvcl(1) == 9); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
// We cannot decide about the dynamic type.
clang_analyzer_eval(obj->fvcl(1) == 8); // expected-warning{{FALSE}} expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(obj->fvcl(1) == 9); // expected-warning{{FALSE}} expected-warning{{TRUE}}
int main() {
clang_analyzer_eval(f(3) == 2); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(f(4) == 3); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(f(5) == 3); // expected-warning{{FALSE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(g(4) == 6); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(h(2) == 8); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(myns::fns(2) == 9); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(myns::embed_ns::fens(2) == -1); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(mycls().fcl(1) == 6); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(mycls::fscl(1) == 7); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(myns::embed_cls().fecl(1) == -6); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(mycls::embed_cls2().fecl2(0) == -11); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(chns::chf1(4) == 12); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(fun_using_anon_struct(8) == 8); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
clang_analyzer_eval(other_macro_diag(1) == 1); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
// expected-warning@Inputs/ctu-other.cpp:93{{REACHABLE}}
MACRODIAG(); // expected-warning{{REACHABLE}}