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//===------------------------- __complex_cmath.h --------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// std::complex header copied from the libcxx source and simplified for use in
// OpenMP target offload regions.
#ifndef _OPENMP
#error "This file is for OpenMP compilation only."
#ifndef __cplusplus
#error "This file is for C++ compilation only."
#include <cmath>
#include <type_traits>
#define __DEVICE__ static constexpr __attribute__((nothrow))
namespace std {
// abs
template <class _Tp> __DEVICE__ _Tp abs(const std::complex<_Tp> &__c) {
return hypot(__c.real(), __c.imag());
// arg
template <class _Tp> __DEVICE__ _Tp arg(const std::complex<_Tp> &__c) {
return atan2(__c.imag(), __c.real());
template <class _Tp>
typename enable_if<is_integral<_Tp>::value || is_same<_Tp, double>::value,
arg(_Tp __re) {
return atan2(0., __re);
template <class _Tp>
typename enable_if<is_same<_Tp, float>::value, float>::type arg(_Tp __re) {
return atan2f(0.F, __re);
// norm
template <class _Tp> __DEVICE__ _Tp norm(const std::complex<_Tp> &__c) {
if (std::isinf(__c.real()))
return abs(__c.real());
if (std::isinf(__c.imag()))
return abs(__c.imag());
return __c.real() * __c.real() + __c.imag() * __c.imag();
// conj
template <class _Tp> std::complex<_Tp> conj(const std::complex<_Tp> &__c) {
return std::complex<_Tp>(__c.real(), -__c.imag());
// proj
template <class _Tp> std::complex<_Tp> proj(const std::complex<_Tp> &__c) {
std::complex<_Tp> __r = __c;
if (std::isinf(__c.real()) || std::isinf(__c.imag()))
__r = std::complex<_Tp>(INFINITY, copysign(_Tp(0), __c.imag()));
return __r;
// polar
template <class _Tp>
complex<_Tp> polar(const _Tp &__rho, const _Tp &__theta = _Tp()) {
if (std::isnan(__rho) || signbit(__rho))
return std::complex<_Tp>(_Tp(NAN), _Tp(NAN));
if (std::isnan(__theta)) {
if (std::isinf(__rho))
return std::complex<_Tp>(__rho, __theta);
return std::complex<_Tp>(__theta, __theta);
if (std::isinf(__theta)) {
if (std::isinf(__rho))
return std::complex<_Tp>(__rho, _Tp(NAN));
return std::complex<_Tp>(_Tp(NAN), _Tp(NAN));
_Tp __x = __rho * cos(__theta);
if (std::isnan(__x))
__x = 0;
_Tp __y = __rho * sin(__theta);
if (std::isnan(__y))
__y = 0;
return std::complex<_Tp>(__x, __y);
// log
template <class _Tp> std::complex<_Tp> log(const std::complex<_Tp> &__x) {
return std::complex<_Tp>(log(abs(__x)), arg(__x));
// log10
template <class _Tp> std::complex<_Tp> log10(const std::complex<_Tp> &__x) {
return log(__x) / log(_Tp(10));
// sqrt
template <class _Tp>
__DEVICE__ std::complex<_Tp> sqrt(const std::complex<_Tp> &__x) {
if (std::isinf(__x.imag()))
return std::complex<_Tp>(_Tp(INFINITY), __x.imag());
if (std::isinf(__x.real())) {
if (__x.real() > _Tp(0))
return std::complex<_Tp>(__x.real(), std::isnan(__x.imag())
? __x.imag()
: copysign(_Tp(0), __x.imag()));
return std::complex<_Tp>(std::isnan(__x.imag()) ? __x.imag() : _Tp(0),
copysign(__x.real(), __x.imag()));
return polar(sqrt(abs(__x)), arg(__x) / _Tp(2));
// exp
template <class _Tp>
__DEVICE__ std::complex<_Tp> exp(const std::complex<_Tp> &__x) {
_Tp __i = __x.imag();
if (std::isinf(__x.real())) {
if (__x.real() < _Tp(0)) {
if (!std::isfinite(__i))
__i = _Tp(1);
} else if (__i == 0 || !std::isfinite(__i)) {
if (std::isinf(__i))
__i = _Tp(NAN);
return std::complex<_Tp>(__x.real(), __i);
} else if (std::isnan(__x.real()) && __x.imag() == 0)
return __x;
_Tp __e = exp(__x.real());
return std::complex<_Tp>(__e * cos(__i), __e * sin(__i));
// pow
template <class _Tp>
std::complex<_Tp> pow(const std::complex<_Tp> &__x,
const std::complex<_Tp> &__y) {
return exp(__y * log(__x));
// __sqr, computes pow(x, 2)
template <class _Tp> std::complex<_Tp> __sqr(const std::complex<_Tp> &__x) {
return std::complex<_Tp>((__x.real() - __x.imag()) *
(__x.real() + __x.imag()),
_Tp(2) * __x.real() * __x.imag());
// asinh
template <class _Tp>
__DEVICE__ std::complex<_Tp> asinh(const std::complex<_Tp> &__x) {
const _Tp __pi(atan2(+0., -0.));
if (std::isinf(__x.real())) {
if (std::isnan(__x.imag()))
return __x;
if (std::isinf(__x.imag()))
return std::complex<_Tp>(__x.real(),
copysign(__pi * _Tp(0.25), __x.imag()));
return std::complex<_Tp>(__x.real(), copysign(_Tp(0), __x.imag()));
if (std::isnan(__x.real())) {
if (std::isinf(__x.imag()))
return std::complex<_Tp>(__x.imag(), __x.real());
if (__x.imag() == 0)
return __x;
return std::complex<_Tp>(__x.real(), __x.real());
if (std::isinf(__x.imag()))
return std::complex<_Tp>(copysign(__x.imag(), __x.real()),
copysign(__pi / _Tp(2), __x.imag()));
std::complex<_Tp> __z = log(__x + sqrt(__sqr(__x) + _Tp(1)));
return std::complex<_Tp>(copysign(__z.real(), __x.real()),
copysign(__z.imag(), __x.imag()));
// acosh
template <class _Tp>
__DEVICE__ std::complex<_Tp> acosh(const std::complex<_Tp> &__x) {
const _Tp __pi(atan2(+0., -0.));
if (std::isinf(__x.real())) {
if (std::isnan(__x.imag()))
return std::complex<_Tp>(abs(__x.real()), __x.imag());
if (std::isinf(__x.imag())) {
if (__x.real() > 0)
return std::complex<_Tp>(__x.real(),
copysign(__pi * _Tp(0.25), __x.imag()));
return std::complex<_Tp>(-__x.real(),
copysign(__pi * _Tp(0.75), __x.imag()));
if (__x.real() < 0)
return std::complex<_Tp>(-__x.real(), copysign(__pi, __x.imag()));
return std::complex<_Tp>(__x.real(), copysign(_Tp(0), __x.imag()));
if (std::isnan(__x.real())) {
if (std::isinf(__x.imag()))
return std::complex<_Tp>(abs(__x.imag()), __x.real());
return std::complex<_Tp>(__x.real(), __x.real());
if (std::isinf(__x.imag()))
return std::complex<_Tp>(abs(__x.imag()),
copysign(__pi / _Tp(2), __x.imag()));
std::complex<_Tp> __z = log(__x + sqrt(__sqr(__x) - _Tp(1)));
return std::complex<_Tp>(copysign(__z.real(), _Tp(0)),
copysign(__z.imag(), __x.imag()));
// atanh
template <class _Tp>
__DEVICE__ std::complex<_Tp> atanh(const std::complex<_Tp> &__x) {
const _Tp __pi(atan2(+0., -0.));
if (std::isinf(__x.imag())) {
return std::complex<_Tp>(copysign(_Tp(0), __x.real()),
copysign(__pi / _Tp(2), __x.imag()));
if (std::isnan(__x.imag())) {
if (std::isinf(__x.real()) || __x.real() == 0)
return std::complex<_Tp>(copysign(_Tp(0), __x.real()), __x.imag());
return std::complex<_Tp>(__x.imag(), __x.imag());
if (std::isnan(__x.real())) {
return std::complex<_Tp>(__x.real(), __x.real());
if (std::isinf(__x.real())) {
return std::complex<_Tp>(copysign(_Tp(0), __x.real()),
copysign(__pi / _Tp(2), __x.imag()));
if (abs(__x.real()) == _Tp(1) && __x.imag() == _Tp(0)) {
return std::complex<_Tp>(copysign(_Tp(INFINITY), __x.real()),
copysign(_Tp(0), __x.imag()));
std::complex<_Tp> __z = log((_Tp(1) + __x) / (_Tp(1) - __x)) / _Tp(2);
return std::complex<_Tp>(copysign(__z.real(), __x.real()),
copysign(__z.imag(), __x.imag()));
// sinh
template <class _Tp>
__DEVICE__ std::complex<_Tp> sinh(const std::complex<_Tp> &__x) {
if (std::isinf(__x.real()) && !std::isfinite(__x.imag()))
return std::complex<_Tp>(__x.real(), _Tp(NAN));
if (__x.real() == 0 && !std::isfinite(__x.imag()))
return std::complex<_Tp>(__x.real(), _Tp(NAN));
if (__x.imag() == 0 && !std::isfinite(__x.real()))
return __x;
return std::complex<_Tp>(sinh(__x.real()) * cos(__x.imag()),
cosh(__x.real()) * sin(__x.imag()));
// cosh
template <class _Tp>
__DEVICE__ std::complex<_Tp> cosh(const std::complex<_Tp> &__x) {
if (std::isinf(__x.real()) && !std::isfinite(__x.imag()))
return std::complex<_Tp>(abs(__x.real()), _Tp(NAN));
if (__x.real() == 0 && !std::isfinite(__x.imag()))
return std::complex<_Tp>(_Tp(NAN), __x.real());
if (__x.real() == 0 && __x.imag() == 0)
return std::complex<_Tp>(_Tp(1), __x.imag());
if (__x.imag() == 0 && !std::isfinite(__x.real()))
return std::complex<_Tp>(abs(__x.real()), __x.imag());
return std::complex<_Tp>(cosh(__x.real()) * cos(__x.imag()),
sinh(__x.real()) * sin(__x.imag()));
// tanh
template <class _Tp>
__DEVICE__ std::complex<_Tp> tanh(const std::complex<_Tp> &__x) {
if (std::isinf(__x.real())) {
if (!std::isfinite(__x.imag()))
return std::complex<_Tp>(_Tp(1), _Tp(0));
return std::complex<_Tp>(_Tp(1),
copysign(_Tp(0), sin(_Tp(2) * __x.imag())));
if (std::isnan(__x.real()) && __x.imag() == 0)
return __x;
_Tp __2r(_Tp(2) * __x.real());
_Tp __2i(_Tp(2) * __x.imag());
_Tp __d(cosh(__2r) + cos(__2i));
_Tp __2rsh(sinh(__2r));
if (std::isinf(__2rsh) && std::isinf(__d))
return std::complex<_Tp>(__2rsh > _Tp(0) ? _Tp(1) : _Tp(-1),
__2i > _Tp(0) ? _Tp(0) : _Tp(-0.));
return std::complex<_Tp>(__2rsh / __d, sin(__2i) / __d);
// asin
template <class _Tp>
__DEVICE__ std::complex<_Tp> asin(const std::complex<_Tp> &__x) {
std::complex<_Tp> __z = asinh(complex<_Tp>(-__x.imag(), __x.real()));
return std::complex<_Tp>(__z.imag(), -__z.real());
// acos
template <class _Tp>
__DEVICE__ std::complex<_Tp> acos(const std::complex<_Tp> &__x) {
const _Tp __pi(atan2(+0., -0.));
if (std::isinf(__x.real())) {
if (std::isnan(__x.imag()))
return std::complex<_Tp>(__x.imag(), __x.real());
if (std::isinf(__x.imag())) {
if (__x.real() < _Tp(0))
return std::complex<_Tp>(_Tp(0.75) * __pi, -__x.imag());
return std::complex<_Tp>(_Tp(0.25) * __pi, -__x.imag());
if (__x.real() < _Tp(0))
return std::complex<_Tp>(__pi,
signbit(__x.imag()) ? -__x.real() : __x.real());
return std::complex<_Tp>(_Tp(0),
signbit(__x.imag()) ? __x.real() : -__x.real());
if (std::isnan(__x.real())) {
if (std::isinf(__x.imag()))
return std::complex<_Tp>(__x.real(), -__x.imag());
return std::complex<_Tp>(__x.real(), __x.real());
if (std::isinf(__x.imag()))
return std::complex<_Tp>(__pi / _Tp(2), -__x.imag());
if (__x.real() == 0 && (__x.imag() == 0 || isnan(__x.imag())))
return std::complex<_Tp>(__pi / _Tp(2), -__x.imag());
std::complex<_Tp> __z = log(__x + sqrt(__sqr(__x) - _Tp(1)));
if (signbit(__x.imag()))
return std::complex<_Tp>(abs(__z.imag()), abs(__z.real()));
return std::complex<_Tp>(abs(__z.imag()), -abs(__z.real()));
// atan
template <class _Tp>
__DEVICE__ std::complex<_Tp> atan(const std::complex<_Tp> &__x) {
std::complex<_Tp> __z = atanh(complex<_Tp>(-__x.imag(), __x.real()));
return std::complex<_Tp>(__z.imag(), -__z.real());
// sin
template <class _Tp>
__DEVICE__ std::complex<_Tp> sin(const std::complex<_Tp> &__x) {
std::complex<_Tp> __z = sinh(complex<_Tp>(-__x.imag(), __x.real()));
return std::complex<_Tp>(__z.imag(), -__z.real());
// cos
template <class _Tp> std::complex<_Tp> cos(const std::complex<_Tp> &__x) {
return cosh(complex<_Tp>(-__x.imag(), __x.real()));
// tan
template <class _Tp>
__DEVICE__ std::complex<_Tp> tan(const std::complex<_Tp> &__x) {
std::complex<_Tp> __z = tanh(complex<_Tp>(-__x.imag(), __x.real()));
return std::complex<_Tp>(__z.imag(), -__z.real());
} // namespace std