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113 lines
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; RUN: opt -mtriple x86_64-unknown-windows-msvc -objc-arc -S -o - %s | FileCheck %s
; bool g();
; id h();
; void f() {
; id a = nullptr;
; if (g())
; a = h();
; id b = nullptr;
; g();
; }
declare zeroext i1 @"\01?g@@YA_NXZ"() local_unnamed_addr
declare i8* @"\01?h@@YAPEAUobjc_object@@XZ"() local_unnamed_addr
declare dllimport void @llvm.objc.release(i8*) local_unnamed_addr
declare dllimport i8* @llvm.objc.retainAutoreleasedReturnValue(i8* returned) local_unnamed_addr
declare i32 @__CxxFrameHandler3(...)
define void @"\01?f@@YAXXZ"() local_unnamed_addr personality i8* bitcast (i32 (...)* @__CxxFrameHandler3 to i8*) {
%call = invoke zeroext i1 @"\01?g@@YA_NXZ"()
to label %invoke.cont unwind label %ehcleanup6
invoke.cont: ; preds = %entry
br i1 %call, label %if.then, label %if.end
if.then: ; preds = %invoke.cont
%call2 = invoke i8* @"\01?h@@YAPEAUobjc_object@@XZ"()
to label %invoke.cont1 unwind label %ehcleanup6
invoke.cont1: ; preds = %if.then
%0 = tail call i8* @llvm.objc.retainAutoreleasedReturnValue(i8* %call2)
tail call void @llvm.objc.release(i8* null), !clang.imprecise_release !1
br label %if.end
if.end: ; preds = %invoke.cont1, %invoke.cont
%a.0 = phi i8* [ %call2, %invoke.cont1 ], [ null, %invoke.cont ]
%call4 = invoke zeroext i1 @"\01?g@@YA_NXZ"()
to label %invoke.cont3 unwind label %ehcleanup
invoke.cont3: ; preds = %if.end
tail call void @llvm.objc.release(i8* null), !clang.imprecise_release !1
tail call void @llvm.objc.release(i8* %a.0), !clang.imprecise_release !1
ret void
ehcleanup: ; preds = %if.end
%1 = cleanuppad within none []
call void @llvm.objc.release(i8* null) [ "funclet"(token %1) ], !clang.imprecise_release !1
cleanupret from %1 unwind label %ehcleanup6
ehcleanup6: ; preds = %ehcleanup, %if.then, %entry
%a.1 = phi i8* [ %a.0, %ehcleanup ], [ null, %if.then ], [ null, %entry ]
%2 = cleanuppad within none []
call void @llvm.objc.release(i8* %a.1) [ "funclet"(token %2) ], !clang.imprecise_release !1
cleanupret from %2 unwind to caller
; CHECK: call void @llvm.objc.release(i8* {{.*}}) {{.*}}[ "funclet"(token %1) ]
; CHECK-NOT: call void @llvm.objc.release(i8* {{.*}}) {{.*}}[ "funclet"(token %2) ]
define void @"\01?i@@YAXXZ"() local_unnamed_addr personality i8* bitcast (i32 (...)* @__CxxFrameHandler3 to i8*) {
%call = invoke zeroext i1 @"\01?g@@YA_NXZ"()
to label %invoke.cont unwind label %ehcleanup6
invoke.cont: ; preds = %entry
br i1 %call, label %if.then, label %if.end
if.then: ; preds = %invoke.cont
%call2 = invoke i8* @"\01?h@@YAPEAUobjc_object@@XZ"()
to label %invoke.cont1 unwind label %ehcleanup6
invoke.cont1: ; preds = %if.then
%0 = tail call i8* @llvm.objc.retainAutoreleasedReturnValue(i8* %call2)
tail call void @llvm.objc.release(i8* null), !clang.imprecise_release !1
br label %if.end
if.end: ; preds = %invoke.cont1, %invoke.cont
%a.0 = phi i8* [ %call2, %invoke.cont1 ], [ null, %invoke.cont ]
%call4 = invoke zeroext i1 @"\01?g@@YA_NXZ"()
to label %invoke.cont3 unwind label %ehcleanup
invoke.cont3: ; preds = %if.end
tail call void @llvm.objc.release(i8* null), !clang.imprecise_release !1
tail call void @llvm.objc.release(i8* %a.0), !clang.imprecise_release !1
ret void
ehcleanup: ; preds = %if.end
%1 = cleanuppad within none []
call void @llvm.objc.release(i8* null) [ "funclet"(token %1) ], !clang.imprecise_release !1
br label %ehcleanup.1
cleanupret from %1 unwind label %ehcleanup6
ehcleanup6: ; preds = %ehcleanup, %if.then, %entry
%a.1 = phi i8* [ %a.0, %ehcleanup.1 ], [ null, %if.then ], [ null, %entry ]
%2 = cleanuppad within none []
call void @llvm.objc.release(i8* %a.1) [ "funclet"(token %2) ], !clang.imprecise_release !1
cleanupret from %2 unwind to caller
; CHECK: call void @llvm.objc.release(i8* {{.*}}) {{.*}}[ "funclet"(token %1) ]
; CHECK-NOT: call void @llvm.objc.release(i8* {{.*}}) {{.*}}[ "funclet"(token %2) ]
!1 = !{}