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//===-- DataExtractor.h -----------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/Support/DataTypes.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
namespace llvm {
/// An auxiliary type to facilitate extraction of 3-byte entities.
struct Uint24 {
uint8_t Bytes[3];
Uint24(uint8_t U) {
Bytes[0] = Bytes[1] = Bytes[2] = U;
Uint24(uint8_t U0, uint8_t U1, uint8_t U2) {
Bytes[0] = U0; Bytes[1] = U1; Bytes[2] = U2;
uint32_t getAsUint32(bool IsLittleEndian) const {
int LoIx = IsLittleEndian ? 0 : 2;
return Bytes[LoIx] + (Bytes[1] << 8) + (Bytes[2-LoIx] << 16);
using uint24_t = Uint24;
static_assert(sizeof(uint24_t) == 3, "sizeof(uint24_t) != 3");
/// Needed by swapByteOrder().
inline uint24_t getSwappedBytes(uint24_t C) {
return uint24_t(C.Bytes[2], C.Bytes[1], C.Bytes[0]);
class DataExtractor {
StringRef Data;
uint8_t IsLittleEndian;
uint8_t AddressSize;
/// A class representing a position in a DataExtractor, as well as any error
/// encountered during extraction. It enables one to extract a sequence of
/// values without error-checking and then checking for errors in bulk at the
/// end. The class holds an Error object, so failing to check the result of
/// the parse will result in a runtime error. The error flag is sticky and
/// will cause all subsequent extraction functions to fail without even
/// attempting to parse and without updating the Cursor offset. After clearing
/// the error flag, one can again use the Cursor object for parsing.
class Cursor {
uint64_t Offset;
Error Err;
friend class DataExtractor;
/// Construct a cursor for extraction from the given offset.
explicit Cursor(uint64_t Offset) : Offset(Offset), Err(Error::success()) {}
/// Checks whether the cursor is valid (i.e. no errors were encountered). In
/// case of errors, this does not clear the error flag -- one must call
/// takeError() instead.
explicit operator bool() { return !Err; }
/// Return the current position of this Cursor. In the error state this is
/// the position of the Cursor before the first error was encountered.
uint64_t tell() const { return Offset; }
/// Return error contained inside this Cursor, if any. Clears the internal
/// Cursor state.
Error takeError() { return std::move(Err); }
/// Construct with a buffer that is owned by the caller.
/// This constructor allows us to use data that is owned by the
/// caller. The data must stay around as long as this object is
/// valid.
DataExtractor(StringRef Data, bool IsLittleEndian, uint8_t AddressSize)
: Data(Data), IsLittleEndian(IsLittleEndian), AddressSize(AddressSize) {}
DataExtractor(ArrayRef<uint8_t> Data, bool IsLittleEndian,
uint8_t AddressSize)
: Data(StringRef(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(Data.data()),
IsLittleEndian(IsLittleEndian), AddressSize(AddressSize) {}
/// Get the data pointed to by this extractor.
StringRef getData() const { return Data; }
/// Get the endianness for this extractor.
bool isLittleEndian() const { return IsLittleEndian; }
/// Get the address size for this extractor.
uint8_t getAddressSize() const { return AddressSize; }
/// Set the address size for this extractor.
void setAddressSize(uint8_t Size) { AddressSize = Size; }
/// Extract a C string from \a *offset_ptr.
/// Returns a pointer to a C String from the data at the offset
/// pointed to by \a offset_ptr. A variable length NULL terminated C
/// string will be extracted and the \a offset_ptr will be
/// updated with the offset of the byte that follows the NULL
/// terminator byte.
/// @param[in,out] OffsetPtr
/// A pointer to an offset within the data that will be advanced
/// by the appropriate number of bytes if the value is extracted
/// correctly. If the offset is out of bounds or there are not
/// enough bytes to extract this value, the offset will be left
/// unmodified.
/// @param[in,out] Err
/// A pointer to an Error object. Upon return the Error object is set to
/// indicate the result (success/failure) of the function. If the Error
/// object is already set when calling this function, no extraction is
/// performed.
/// @return
/// A pointer to the C string value in the data. If the offset
/// pointed to by \a offset_ptr is out of bounds, or if the
/// offset plus the length of the C string is out of bounds,
/// NULL will be returned.
const char *getCStr(uint64_t *OffsetPtr, Error *Err = nullptr) const {
return getCStrRef(OffsetPtr, Err).data();
/// Extract a C string from the location given by the cursor. In case of an
/// extraction error, or if the cursor is already in an error state, a
/// nullptr is returned.
const char *getCStr(Cursor &C) const { return getCStrRef(C).data(); }
/// Extract a C string from \a *offset_ptr.
/// Returns a StringRef for the C String from the data at the offset
/// pointed to by \a offset_ptr. A variable length NULL terminated C
/// string will be extracted and the \a offset_ptr will be
/// updated with the offset of the byte that follows the NULL
/// terminator byte.
/// \param[in,out] OffsetPtr
/// A pointer to an offset within the data that will be advanced
/// by the appropriate number of bytes if the value is extracted
/// correctly. If the offset is out of bounds or there are not
/// enough bytes to extract this value, the offset will be left
/// unmodified.
/// @param[in,out] Err
/// A pointer to an Error object. Upon return the Error object is set to
/// indicate the result (success/failure) of the function. If the Error
/// object is already set when calling this function, no extraction is
/// performed.
/// \return
/// A StringRef for the C string value in the data. If the offset
/// pointed to by \a offset_ptr is out of bounds, or if the
/// offset plus the length of the C string is out of bounds,
/// a default-initialized StringRef will be returned.
StringRef getCStrRef(uint64_t *OffsetPtr, Error *Err = nullptr) const;
/// Extract a C string (as a StringRef) from the location given by the cursor.
/// In case of an extraction error, or if the cursor is already in an error
/// state, a default-initialized StringRef is returned.
StringRef getCStrRef(Cursor &C) const {
return getCStrRef(&C.Offset, &C.Err);
/// Extract a fixed length string from \a *OffsetPtr and consume \a Length
/// bytes.
/// Returns a StringRef for the string from the data at the offset
/// pointed to by \a OffsetPtr. A fixed length C string will be extracted
/// and the \a OffsetPtr will be advanced by \a Length bytes.
/// \param[in,out] OffsetPtr
/// A pointer to an offset within the data that will be advanced
/// by the appropriate number of bytes if the value is extracted
/// correctly. If the offset is out of bounds or there are not
/// enough bytes to extract this value, the offset will be left
/// unmodified.
/// \param[in] Length
/// The length of the fixed length string to extract. If there are not
/// enough bytes in the data to extract the full string, the offset will
/// be left unmodified.
/// \param[in] TrimChars
/// A set of characters to trim from the end of the string. Fixed length
/// strings are commonly either NULL terminated by one or more zero
/// bytes. Some clients have one or more spaces at the end of the string,
/// but a good default is to trim the NULL characters.
/// \return
/// A StringRef for the C string value in the data. If the offset
/// pointed to by \a OffsetPtr is out of bounds, or if the
/// offset plus the length of the C string is out of bounds,
/// a default-initialized StringRef will be returned.
StringRef getFixedLengthString(uint64_t *OffsetPtr,
uint64_t Length, StringRef TrimChars = {"\0", 1}) const;
/// Extract a fixed number of bytes from the specified offset.
/// Returns a StringRef for the bytes from the data at the offset
/// pointed to by \a OffsetPtr. A fixed length C string will be extracted
/// and the \a OffsetPtr will be advanced by \a Length bytes.
/// \param[in,out] OffsetPtr
/// A pointer to an offset within the data that will be advanced
/// by the appropriate number of bytes if the value is extracted
/// correctly. If the offset is out of bounds or there are not
/// enough bytes to extract this value, the offset will be left
/// unmodified.
/// \param[in] Length
/// The number of bytes to extract. If there are not enough bytes in the
/// data to extract all of the bytes, the offset will be left unmodified.
/// @param[in,out] Err
/// A pointer to an Error object. Upon return the Error object is set to
/// indicate the result (success/failure) of the function. If the Error
/// object is already set when calling this function, no extraction is
/// performed.
/// \return
/// A StringRef for the extracted bytes. If the offset pointed to by
/// \a OffsetPtr is out of bounds, or if the offset plus the length
/// is out of bounds, a default-initialized StringRef will be returned.
StringRef getBytes(uint64_t *OffsetPtr, uint64_t Length,
Error *Err = nullptr) const;
/// Extract a fixed number of bytes from the location given by the cursor. In
/// case of an extraction error, or if the cursor is already in an error
/// state, a default-initialized StringRef is returned.
StringRef getBytes(Cursor &C, uint64_t Length) {
return getBytes(&C.Offset, Length, &C.Err);
/// Extract an unsigned integer of size \a byte_size from \a
/// *offset_ptr.
/// Extract a single unsigned integer value and update the offset
/// pointed to by \a offset_ptr. The size of the extracted integer
/// is specified by the \a byte_size argument. \a byte_size should
/// have a value greater than or equal to one and less than or equal
/// to eight since the return value is 64 bits wide. Any
/// \a byte_size values less than 1 or greater than 8 will result in
/// nothing being extracted, and zero being returned.
/// @param[in,out] offset_ptr
/// A pointer to an offset within the data that will be advanced
/// by the appropriate number of bytes if the value is extracted
/// correctly. If the offset is out of bounds or there are not
/// enough bytes to extract this value, the offset will be left
/// unmodified.
/// @param[in] byte_size
/// The size in byte of the integer to extract.
/// @param[in,out] Err
/// A pointer to an Error object. Upon return the Error object is set to
/// indicate the result (success/failure) of the function. If the Error
/// object is already set when calling this function, no extraction is
/// performed.
/// @return
/// The unsigned integer value that was extracted, or zero on
/// failure.
uint64_t getUnsigned(uint64_t *offset_ptr, uint32_t byte_size,
Error *Err = nullptr) const;
/// Extract an unsigned integer of the given size from the location given by
/// the cursor. In case of an extraction error, or if the cursor is already in
/// an error state, zero is returned.
uint64_t getUnsigned(Cursor &C, uint32_t Size) const {
return getUnsigned(&C.Offset, Size, &C.Err);
/// Extract an signed integer of size \a byte_size from \a *offset_ptr.
/// Extract a single signed integer value (sign extending if required)
/// and update the offset pointed to by \a offset_ptr. The size of
/// the extracted integer is specified by the \a byte_size argument.
/// \a byte_size should have a value greater than or equal to one
/// and less than or equal to eight since the return value is 64
/// bits wide. Any \a byte_size values less than 1 or greater than
/// 8 will result in nothing being extracted, and zero being returned.
/// @param[in,out] offset_ptr
/// A pointer to an offset within the data that will be advanced
/// by the appropriate number of bytes if the value is extracted
/// correctly. If the offset is out of bounds or there are not
/// enough bytes to extract this value, the offset will be left
/// unmodified.
/// @param[in] size
/// The size in bytes of the integer to extract.
/// @return
/// The sign extended signed integer value that was extracted,
/// or zero on failure.
int64_t getSigned(uint64_t *offset_ptr, uint32_t size) const;
/// Extract an pointer from \a *offset_ptr.
/// Extract a single pointer from the data and update the offset
/// pointed to by \a offset_ptr. The size of the extracted pointer
/// is \a getAddressSize(), so the address size has to be
/// set correctly prior to extracting any pointer values.
/// @param[in,out] offset_ptr
/// A pointer to an offset within the data that will be advanced
/// by the appropriate number of bytes if the value is extracted
/// correctly. If the offset is out of bounds or there are not
/// enough bytes to extract this value, the offset will be left
/// unmodified.
/// @return
/// The extracted pointer value as a 64 integer.
uint64_t getAddress(uint64_t *offset_ptr) const {
return getUnsigned(offset_ptr, AddressSize);
/// Extract a pointer-sized unsigned integer from the location given by the
/// cursor. In case of an extraction error, or if the cursor is already in
/// an error state, zero is returned.
uint64_t getAddress(Cursor &C) const { return getUnsigned(C, AddressSize); }
/// Extract a uint8_t value from \a *offset_ptr.
/// Extract a single uint8_t from the binary data at the offset
/// pointed to by \a offset_ptr, and advance the offset on success.
/// @param[in,out] offset_ptr
/// A pointer to an offset within the data that will be advanced
/// by the appropriate number of bytes if the value is extracted
/// correctly. If the offset is out of bounds or there are not
/// enough bytes to extract this value, the offset will be left
/// unmodified.
/// @param[in,out] Err
/// A pointer to an Error object. Upon return the Error object is set to
/// indicate the result (success/failure) of the function. If the Error
/// object is already set when calling this function, no extraction is
/// performed.
/// @return
/// The extracted uint8_t value.
uint8_t getU8(uint64_t *offset_ptr, Error *Err = nullptr) const;
/// Extract a single uint8_t value from the location given by the cursor. In
/// case of an extraction error, or if the cursor is already in an error
/// state, zero is returned.
uint8_t getU8(Cursor &C) const { return getU8(&C.Offset, &C.Err); }
/// Extract \a count uint8_t values from \a *offset_ptr.
/// Extract \a count uint8_t values from the binary data at the
/// offset pointed to by \a offset_ptr, and advance the offset on
/// success. The extracted values are copied into \a dst.
/// @param[in,out] offset_ptr
/// A pointer to an offset within the data that will be advanced
/// by the appropriate number of bytes if the value is extracted
/// correctly. If the offset is out of bounds or there are not
/// enough bytes to extract this value, the offset will be left
/// unmodified.
/// @param[out] dst
/// A buffer to copy \a count uint8_t values into. \a dst must
/// be large enough to hold all requested data.
/// @param[in] count
/// The number of uint8_t values to extract.
/// @return
/// \a dst if all values were properly extracted and copied,
/// NULL otherise.
uint8_t *getU8(uint64_t *offset_ptr, uint8_t *dst, uint32_t count) const;
/// Extract \a Count uint8_t values from the location given by the cursor and
/// store them into the destination buffer. In case of an extraction error, or
/// if the cursor is already in an error state, a nullptr is returned and the
/// destination buffer is left unchanged.
uint8_t *getU8(Cursor &C, uint8_t *Dst, uint32_t Count) const;
/// Extract \a Count uint8_t values from the location given by the cursor and
/// store them into the destination vector. The vector is resized to fit the
/// extracted data. In case of an extraction error, or if the cursor is
/// already in an error state, the destination vector is left unchanged and
/// cursor is placed into an error state.
void getU8(Cursor &C, SmallVectorImpl<uint8_t> &Dst, uint32_t Count) const {
if (isValidOffsetForDataOfSize(C.Offset, Count))
// This relies on the fact that getU8 will not attempt to write to the
// buffer if isValidOffsetForDataOfSize(C.Offset, Count) is false.
getU8(C, Dst.data(), Count);
/// Extract a uint16_t value from \a *offset_ptr.
/// Extract a single uint16_t from the binary data at the offset
/// pointed to by \a offset_ptr, and update the offset on success.
/// @param[in,out] offset_ptr
/// A pointer to an offset within the data that will be advanced
/// by the appropriate number of bytes if the value is extracted
/// correctly. If the offset is out of bounds or there are not
/// enough bytes to extract this value, the offset will be left
/// unmodified.
/// @param[in,out] Err
/// A pointer to an Error object. Upon return the Error object is set to
/// indicate the result (success/failure) of the function. If the Error
/// object is already set when calling this function, no extraction is
/// performed.
/// @return
/// The extracted uint16_t value.
uint16_t getU16(uint64_t *offset_ptr, Error *Err = nullptr) const;
/// Extract a single uint16_t value from the location given by the cursor. In
/// case of an extraction error, or if the cursor is already in an error
/// state, zero is returned.
uint16_t getU16(Cursor &C) const { return getU16(&C.Offset, &C.Err); }
/// Extract \a count uint16_t values from \a *offset_ptr.
/// Extract \a count uint16_t values from the binary data at the
/// offset pointed to by \a offset_ptr, and advance the offset on
/// success. The extracted values are copied into \a dst.
/// @param[in,out] offset_ptr
/// A pointer to an offset within the data that will be advanced
/// by the appropriate number of bytes if the value is extracted
/// correctly. If the offset is out of bounds or there are not
/// enough bytes to extract this value, the offset will be left
/// unmodified.
/// @param[out] dst
/// A buffer to copy \a count uint16_t values into. \a dst must
/// be large enough to hold all requested data.
/// @param[in] count
/// The number of uint16_t values to extract.
/// @return
/// \a dst if all values were properly extracted and copied,
/// NULL otherise.
uint16_t *getU16(uint64_t *offset_ptr, uint16_t *dst, uint32_t count) const;
/// Extract a 24-bit unsigned value from \a *offset_ptr and return it
/// in a uint32_t.
/// Extract 3 bytes from the binary data at the offset pointed to by
/// \a offset_ptr, construct a uint32_t from them and update the offset
/// on success.
/// @param[in,out] OffsetPtr
/// A pointer to an offset within the data that will be advanced
/// by the 3 bytes if the value is extracted correctly. If the offset
/// is out of bounds or there are not enough bytes to extract this value,
/// the offset will be left unmodified.
/// @param[in,out] Err
/// A pointer to an Error object. Upon return the Error object is set to
/// indicate the result (success/failure) of the function. If the Error
/// object is already set when calling this function, no extraction is
/// performed.
/// @return
/// The extracted 24-bit value represented in a uint32_t.
uint32_t getU24(uint64_t *OffsetPtr, Error *Err = nullptr) const;
/// Extract a single 24-bit unsigned value from the location given by the
/// cursor. In case of an extraction error, or if the cursor is already in an
/// error state, zero is returned.
uint32_t getU24(Cursor &C) const { return getU24(&C.Offset, &C.Err); }
/// Extract a uint32_t value from \a *offset_ptr.
/// Extract a single uint32_t from the binary data at the offset
/// pointed to by \a offset_ptr, and update the offset on success.
/// @param[in,out] offset_ptr
/// A pointer to an offset within the data that will be advanced
/// by the appropriate number of bytes if the value is extracted
/// correctly. If the offset is out of bounds or there are not
/// enough bytes to extract this value, the offset will be left
/// unmodified.
/// @param[in,out] Err
/// A pointer to an Error object. Upon return the Error object is set to
/// indicate the result (success/failure) of the function. If the Error
/// object is already set when calling this function, no extraction is
/// performed.
/// @return
/// The extracted uint32_t value.
uint32_t getU32(uint64_t *offset_ptr, Error *Err = nullptr) const;
/// Extract a single uint32_t value from the location given by the cursor. In
/// case of an extraction error, or if the cursor is already in an error
/// state, zero is returned.
uint32_t getU32(Cursor &C) const { return getU32(&C.Offset, &C.Err); }
/// Extract \a count uint32_t values from \a *offset_ptr.
/// Extract \a count uint32_t values from the binary data at the
/// offset pointed to by \a offset_ptr, and advance the offset on
/// success. The extracted values are copied into \a dst.
/// @param[in,out] offset_ptr
/// A pointer to an offset within the data that will be advanced
/// by the appropriate number of bytes if the value is extracted
/// correctly. If the offset is out of bounds or there are not
/// enough bytes to extract this value, the offset will be left
/// unmodified.
/// @param[out] dst
/// A buffer to copy \a count uint32_t values into. \a dst must
/// be large enough to hold all requested data.
/// @param[in] count
/// The number of uint32_t values to extract.
/// @return
/// \a dst if all values were properly extracted and copied,
/// NULL otherise.
uint32_t *getU32(uint64_t *offset_ptr, uint32_t *dst, uint32_t count) const;
/// Extract a uint64_t value from \a *offset_ptr.
/// Extract a single uint64_t from the binary data at the offset
/// pointed to by \a offset_ptr, and update the offset on success.
/// @param[in,out] offset_ptr
/// A pointer to an offset within the data that will be advanced
/// by the appropriate number of bytes if the value is extracted
/// correctly. If the offset is out of bounds or there are not
/// enough bytes to extract this value, the offset will be left
/// unmodified.
/// @param[in,out] Err
/// A pointer to an Error object. Upon return the Error object is set to
/// indicate the result (success/failure) of the function. If the Error
/// object is already set when calling this function, no extraction is
/// performed.
/// @return
/// The extracted uint64_t value.
uint64_t getU64(uint64_t *offset_ptr, Error *Err = nullptr) const;
/// Extract a single uint64_t value from the location given by the cursor. In
/// case of an extraction error, or if the cursor is already in an error
/// state, zero is returned.
uint64_t getU64(Cursor &C) const { return getU64(&C.Offset, &C.Err); }
/// Extract \a count uint64_t values from \a *offset_ptr.
/// Extract \a count uint64_t values from the binary data at the
/// offset pointed to by \a offset_ptr, and advance the offset on
/// success. The extracted values are copied into \a dst.
/// @param[in,out] offset_ptr
/// A pointer to an offset within the data that will be advanced
/// by the appropriate number of bytes if the value is extracted
/// correctly. If the offset is out of bounds or there are not
/// enough bytes to extract this value, the offset will be left
/// unmodified.
/// @param[out] dst
/// A buffer to copy \a count uint64_t values into. \a dst must
/// be large enough to hold all requested data.
/// @param[in] count
/// The number of uint64_t values to extract.
/// @return
/// \a dst if all values were properly extracted and copied,
/// NULL otherise.
uint64_t *getU64(uint64_t *offset_ptr, uint64_t *dst, uint32_t count) const;
/// Extract a signed LEB128 value from \a *offset_ptr.
/// Extracts an signed LEB128 number from this object's data
/// starting at the offset pointed to by \a offset_ptr. The offset
/// pointed to by \a offset_ptr will be updated with the offset of
/// the byte following the last extracted byte.
/// @param[in,out] OffsetPtr
/// A pointer to an offset within the data that will be advanced
/// by the appropriate number of bytes if the value is extracted
/// correctly. If the offset is out of bounds or there are not
/// enough bytes to extract this value, the offset will be left
/// unmodified.
/// @param[in,out] Err
/// A pointer to an Error object. Upon return the Error object is set to
/// indicate the result (success/failure) of the function. If the Error
/// object is already set when calling this function, no extraction is
/// performed.
/// @return
/// The extracted signed integer value.
int64_t getSLEB128(uint64_t *OffsetPtr, Error *Err = nullptr) const;
/// Extract an signed LEB128 value from the location given by the cursor.
/// In case of an extraction error, or if the cursor is already in an error
/// state, zero is returned.
int64_t getSLEB128(Cursor &C) const { return getSLEB128(&C.Offset, &C.Err); }
/// Extract a unsigned LEB128 value from \a *offset_ptr.
/// Extracts an unsigned LEB128 number from this object's data
/// starting at the offset pointed to by \a offset_ptr. The offset
/// pointed to by \a offset_ptr will be updated with the offset of
/// the byte following the last extracted byte.
/// @param[in,out] offset_ptr
/// A pointer to an offset within the data that will be advanced
/// by the appropriate number of bytes if the value is extracted
/// correctly. If the offset is out of bounds or there are not
/// enough bytes to extract this value, the offset will be left
/// unmodified.
/// @param[in,out] Err
/// A pointer to an Error object. Upon return the Error object is set to
/// indicate the result (success/failure) of the function. If the Error
/// object is already set when calling this function, no extraction is
/// performed.
/// @return
/// The extracted unsigned integer value.
uint64_t getULEB128(uint64_t *offset_ptr, llvm::Error *Err = nullptr) const;
/// Extract an unsigned LEB128 value from the location given by the cursor.
/// In case of an extraction error, or if the cursor is already in an error
/// state, zero is returned.
uint64_t getULEB128(Cursor &C) const { return getULEB128(&C.Offset, &C.Err); }
/// Advance the Cursor position by the given number of bytes. No-op if the
/// cursor is in an error state.
void skip(Cursor &C, uint64_t Length) const;
/// Return true iff the cursor is at the end of the buffer, regardless of the
/// error state of the cursor. The only way both eof and error states can be
/// true is if one attempts a read while the cursor is at the very end of the
/// data buffer.
bool eof(const Cursor &C) const { return size() == C.Offset; }
/// Test the validity of \a offset.
/// @return
/// \b true if \a offset is a valid offset into the data in this
/// object, \b false otherwise.
bool isValidOffset(uint64_t offset) const { return size() > offset; }
/// Test the availability of \a length bytes of data from \a offset.
/// @return
/// \b true if \a offset is a valid offset and there are \a
/// length bytes available at that offset, \b false otherwise.
bool isValidOffsetForDataOfSize(uint64_t offset, uint64_t length) const {
return offset + length >= offset && isValidOffset(offset + length - 1);
/// Test the availability of enough bytes of data for a pointer from
/// \a offset. The size of a pointer is \a getAddressSize().
/// @return
/// \b true if \a offset is a valid offset and there are enough
/// bytes for a pointer available at that offset, \b false
/// otherwise.
bool isValidOffsetForAddress(uint64_t offset) const {
return isValidOffsetForDataOfSize(offset, AddressSize);
/// Return the number of bytes in the underlying buffer.
size_t size() const { return Data.size(); }
// Make it possible for subclasses to access these fields without making them
// public.
static uint64_t &getOffset(Cursor &C) { return C.Offset; }
static Error &getError(Cursor &C) { return C.Err; }
/// If it is possible to read \a Size bytes at offset \a Offset, returns \b
/// true. Otherwise, returns \b false. If \a E is not nullptr, also sets the
/// error object to indicate an error.
bool prepareRead(uint64_t Offset, uint64_t Size, Error *E) const;
template <typename T> T getU(uint64_t *OffsetPtr, Error *Err) const;
template <typename T>
T *getUs(uint64_t *OffsetPtr, T *Dst, uint32_t Count, Error *Err) const;
} // namespace llvm