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//===- DWARFVerifier.h ----------------------------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/DIContext.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/DWARF/DWARFAcceleratorTable.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/DWARF/DWARFDie.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/DWARF/DWARFUnitIndex.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <map>
#include <set>
namespace llvm {
class raw_ostream;
struct DWARFAddressRange;
struct DWARFAttribute;
class DWARFContext;
class DWARFDataExtractor;
class DWARFDebugAbbrev;
class DataExtractor;
struct DWARFSection;
class DWARFUnit;
/// A class that verifies DWARF debug information given a DWARF Context.
class DWARFVerifier {
/// A class that keeps the address range information for a single DIE.
struct DieRangeInfo {
/// Sorted DWARFAddressRanges.
std::vector<DWARFAddressRange> Ranges;
/// Sorted DWARFAddressRangeInfo.
std::set<DieRangeInfo> Children;
DieRangeInfo() = default;
DieRangeInfo(DWARFDie Die) : Die(Die) {}
/// Used for unit testing.
DieRangeInfo(std::vector<DWARFAddressRange> Ranges)
: Ranges(std::move(Ranges)) {}
typedef std::vector<DWARFAddressRange>::const_iterator
typedef std::set<DieRangeInfo>::const_iterator die_range_info_iterator;
/// Inserts the address range. If the range overlaps with an existing
/// range, the range that it overlaps with will be returned and the two
/// address ranges will be unioned together in "Ranges".
/// This is used for finding overlapping ranges in the DW_AT_ranges
/// attribute of a DIE. It is also used as a set of address ranges that
/// children address ranges must all be contained in.
Optional<DWARFAddressRange> insert(const DWARFAddressRange &R);
/// Finds an address range in the sorted vector of ranges.
address_range_iterator findRange(const DWARFAddressRange &R) const {
auto Begin = Ranges.begin();
auto End = Ranges.end();
auto Iter = std::upper_bound(Begin, End, R);
if (Iter != Begin)
return Iter;
/// Inserts the address range info. If any of its ranges overlaps with a
/// range in an existing range info, the range info is *not* added and an
/// iterator to the overlapping range info.
/// This is used for finding overlapping children of the same DIE.
die_range_info_iterator insert(const DieRangeInfo &RI);
/// Return true if ranges in this object contains all ranges within RHS.
bool contains(const DieRangeInfo &RHS) const;
/// Return true if any range in this object intersects with any range in
/// RHS.
bool intersects(const DieRangeInfo &RHS) const;
raw_ostream &OS;
DWARFContext &DCtx;
DIDumpOptions DumpOpts;
/// A map that tracks all references (converted absolute references) so we
/// can verify each reference points to a valid DIE and not an offset that
/// lies between to valid DIEs.
std::map<uint64_t, std::set<uint64_t>> ReferenceToDIEOffsets;
uint32_t NumDebugLineErrors = 0;
// Used to relax some checks that do not currently work portably
bool IsObjectFile;
bool IsMachOObject;
raw_ostream &error() const;
raw_ostream &warn() const;
raw_ostream ¬e() const;
raw_ostream &dump(const DWARFDie &Die, unsigned indent = 0) const;
/// Verifies the abbreviations section.
/// This function currently checks that:
/// --No abbreviation declaration has more than one attributes with the same
/// name.
/// \param Abbrev Pointer to the abbreviations section we are verifying
/// Abbrev can be a pointer to either .debug_abbrev or debug_abbrev.dwo.
/// \returns The number of errors that occurred during verification.
unsigned verifyAbbrevSection(const DWARFDebugAbbrev *Abbrev);
/// Verifies the header of a unit in a .debug_info or .debug_types section.
/// This function currently checks for:
/// - Unit is in 32-bit DWARF format. The function can be modified to
/// support 64-bit format.
/// - The DWARF version is valid
/// - The unit type is valid (if unit is in version >=5)
/// - The unit doesn't extend beyond the containing section
/// - The address size is valid
/// - The offset in the .debug_abbrev section is valid
/// \param DebugInfoData The section data
/// \param Offset A reference to the offset start of the unit. The offset will
/// be updated to point to the next unit in the section
/// \param UnitIndex The index of the unit to be verified
/// \param UnitType A reference to the type of the unit
/// \param isUnitDWARF64 A reference to a flag that shows whether the unit is
/// in 64-bit format.
/// \returns true if the header is verified successfully, false otherwise.
bool verifyUnitHeader(const DWARFDataExtractor DebugInfoData,
uint64_t *Offset, unsigned UnitIndex, uint8_t &UnitType,
bool &isUnitDWARF64);
/// Verifies the header of a unit in a .debug_info or .debug_types section.
/// This function currently verifies:
/// - The debug info attributes.
/// - The debug info form=s.
/// - The presence of a root DIE.
/// - That the root DIE is a unit DIE.
/// - If a unit type is provided, that the unit DIE matches the unit type.
/// - The DIE ranges.
/// - That call site entries are only nested within subprograms with a
/// DW_AT_call attribute.
/// \param Unit The DWARF Unit to verify.
/// \returns The number of errors that occurred during verification.
unsigned verifyUnitContents(DWARFUnit &Unit);
/// Verifies the unit headers and contents in a .debug_info or .debug_types
/// section.
/// \param S The DWARF Section to verify.
/// \param SectionKind The object-file section kind that S comes from.
/// \returns The number of errors that occurred during verification.
unsigned verifyUnitSection(const DWARFSection &S,
DWARFSectionKind SectionKind);
/// Verifies that a call site entry is nested within a subprogram with a
/// DW_AT_call attribute.
/// \returns Number of errors that occurred during verification.
unsigned verifyDebugInfoCallSite(const DWARFDie &Die);
/// Verify that all Die ranges are valid.
/// This function currently checks for:
/// - cases in which lowPC >= highPC
/// \returns Number of errors that occurred during verification.
unsigned verifyDieRanges(const DWARFDie &Die, DieRangeInfo &ParentRI);
/// Verifies the attribute's DWARF attribute and its value.
/// This function currently checks for:
/// - DW_AT_ranges values is a valid .debug_ranges offset
/// - DW_AT_stmt_list is a valid .debug_line offset
/// \param Die The DWARF DIE that owns the attribute value
/// \param AttrValue The DWARF attribute value to check
/// \returns NumErrors The number of errors occurred during verification of
/// attributes' values in a unit
unsigned verifyDebugInfoAttribute(const DWARFDie &Die,
DWARFAttribute &AttrValue);
/// Verifies the attribute's DWARF form.
/// This function currently checks for:
/// - All DW_FORM_ref values that are CU relative have valid CU offsets
/// - All DW_FORM_ref_addr values have valid section offsets
/// - All DW_FORM_strp values have valid .debug_str offsets
/// \param Die The DWARF DIE that owns the attribute value
/// \param AttrValue The DWARF attribute value to check
/// \returns NumErrors The number of errors occurred during verification of
/// attributes' forms in a unit
unsigned verifyDebugInfoForm(const DWARFDie &Die, DWARFAttribute &AttrValue);
/// Verifies the all valid references that were found when iterating through
/// all of the DIE attributes.
/// This function will verify that all references point to DIEs whose DIE
/// offset matches. This helps to ensure if a DWARF link phase moved things
/// around, that it doesn't create invalid references by failing to relocate
/// CU relative and absolute references.
/// \returns NumErrors The number of errors occurred during verification of
/// references for the .debug_info and .debug_types sections
unsigned verifyDebugInfoReferences();
/// Verify the DW_AT_stmt_list encoding and value and ensure that no
/// compile units that have the same DW_AT_stmt_list value.
void verifyDebugLineStmtOffsets();
/// Verify that all of the rows in the line table are valid.
/// This function currently checks for:
/// - addresses within a sequence that decrease in value
/// - invalid file indexes
void verifyDebugLineRows();
/// Verify that an Apple-style accelerator table is valid.
/// This function currently checks that:
/// - The fixed part of the header fits in the section
/// - The size of the section is as large as what the header describes
/// - There is at least one atom
/// - The form for each atom is valid
/// - The tag for each DIE in the table is valid
/// - The buckets have a valid index, or they are empty
/// - Each hashdata offset is valid
/// - Each DIE is valid
/// \param AccelSection pointer to the section containing the acceleration table
/// \param StrData pointer to the string section
/// \param SectionName the name of the table we're verifying
/// \returns The number of errors occurred during verification
unsigned verifyAppleAccelTable(const DWARFSection *AccelSection,
DataExtractor *StrData,
const char *SectionName);
unsigned verifyDebugNamesCULists(const DWARFDebugNames &AccelTable);
unsigned verifyNameIndexBuckets(const DWARFDebugNames::NameIndex &NI,
const DataExtractor &StrData);
unsigned verifyNameIndexAbbrevs(const DWARFDebugNames::NameIndex &NI);
unsigned verifyNameIndexAttribute(const DWARFDebugNames::NameIndex &NI,
const DWARFDebugNames::Abbrev &Abbr,
DWARFDebugNames::AttributeEncoding AttrEnc);
unsigned verifyNameIndexEntries(const DWARFDebugNames::NameIndex &NI,
const DWARFDebugNames::NameTableEntry &NTE);
unsigned verifyNameIndexCompleteness(const DWARFDie &Die,
const DWARFDebugNames::NameIndex &NI);
/// Verify that the DWARF v5 accelerator table is valid.
/// This function currently checks that:
/// - Headers individual Name Indices fit into the section and can be parsed.
/// - Abbreviation tables can be parsed and contain valid index attributes
/// with correct form encodings.
/// - The CU lists reference existing compile units.
/// - The buckets have a valid index, or they are empty.
/// - All names are reachable via the hash table (they have the correct hash,
/// and the hash is in the correct bucket).
/// - Information in the index entries is complete (all required entries are
/// present) and consistent with the debug_info section DIEs.
/// \param AccelSection section containing the acceleration table
/// \param StrData string section
/// \returns The number of errors occurred during verification
unsigned verifyDebugNames(const DWARFSection &AccelSection,
const DataExtractor &StrData);
DWARFVerifier(raw_ostream &S, DWARFContext &D,
DIDumpOptions DumpOpts = DIDumpOptions::getForSingleDIE());
/// Verify the information in any of the following sections, if available:
/// .debug_abbrev, debug_abbrev.dwo
/// Any errors are reported to the stream that was this object was
/// constructed with.
/// \returns true if .debug_abbrev and .debug_abbrev.dwo verify successfully,
/// false otherwise.
bool handleDebugAbbrev();
/// Verify the information in the .debug_info and .debug_types sections.
/// Any errors are reported to the stream that this object was
/// constructed with.
/// \returns true if all sections verify successfully, false otherwise.
bool handleDebugInfo();
/// Verify the information in the .debug_line section.
/// Any errors are reported to the stream that was this object was
/// constructed with.
/// \returns true if the .debug_line verifies successfully, false otherwise.
bool handleDebugLine();
/// Verify the information in accelerator tables, if they exist.
/// Any errors are reported to the stream that was this object was
/// constructed with.
/// \returns true if the existing Apple-style accelerator tables verify
/// successfully, false otherwise.
bool handleAccelTables();
static inline bool operator<(const DWARFVerifier::DieRangeInfo &LHS,
const DWARFVerifier::DieRangeInfo &RHS) {
return std::tie(LHS.Ranges, LHS.Die) < std::tie(RHS.Ranges, RHS.Die);
} // end namespace llvm