// Check struct:
//   First check compiling and printing of this file.
//   RUN: %clang -target x86_64-linux -Xclang -verify -S -emit-llvm \
//   RUN:        -DKW=struct -DBASES= -o - %s \
//   RUN: | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,LLVM %s
//   RUN: %clang_cc1 -verify -ast-print -DKW=struct -DBASES= %s > %t.c
//   RUN: FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,PRINT -DKW=struct -DBASES= \
//   RUN:           %s --input-file %t.c
//   Now check compiling and printing of the printed file.
//   RUN: echo "// expected""-warning@* 10 {{'T' is deprecated}}" >> %t.c
//   RUN: echo "// expected""-note@* 10 {{'T' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}}" >> %t.c
//   RUN: %clang -target x86_64-linux -Xclang -verify -S -emit-llvm -o - %t.c \
//   RUN: | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,LLVM %s
//   RUN: %clang_cc1 -verify -ast-print %t.c \
//   RUN: | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,PRINT -DKW=struct \
//   RUN:             -DBASES= %s

// Repeat for union:
//   First check compiling and printing of this file.
//   RUN: %clang -target x86_64-linux -Xclang -verify -S -emit-llvm \
//   RUN:        -DKW=union -DBASES= -o - %s \
//   RUN: | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,LLVM %s
//   RUN: %clang_cc1 -verify -ast-print -DKW=union -DBASES= %s > %t.c
//   RUN: FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,PRINT -DKW=union -DBASES= \
//   RUN:           %s --input-file %t.c
//   Now check compiling and printing of the printed file.
//   RUN: echo "// expected""-warning@* 10 {{'T' is deprecated}}" >> %t.c
//   RUN: echo "// expected""-note@* 10 {{'T' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}}" >> %t.c
//   RUN: %clang -target x86_64-linux -Xclang -verify -S -emit-llvm -o - %t.c \
//   RUN: | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,LLVM %s
//   RUN: %clang_cc1 -verify -ast-print %t.c \
//   RUN: | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,PRINT -DKW=union \
//   RUN:             -DBASES= %s

// Repeat for C++ (BASES helps ensure we're printing as C++ not as C):
//   First check compiling and printing of this file.
//   RUN: %clang -target x86_64-linux -Xclang -verify -S -emit-llvm \
//   RUN:        -DKW=struct -DBASES=' : B' -o - -xc++ %s \
//   RUN: | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,LLVM %s
//   RUN: %clang_cc1 -verify -ast-print -DKW=struct -DBASES=' : B' -xc++ %s \
//   RUN:            > %t.cpp
//   RUN: FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,PRINT,PRINT-CXX -DKW=struct \
//   RUN:           -DBASES=' : B' %s --input-file %t.cpp
//   Now check compiling and printing of the printed file.
//   RUN: echo "// expected""-warning@* 10 {{'T' is deprecated}}" > %t.diags
//   RUN: echo "// expected""-note@* 10 {{'T' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}}" >> %t.diags
//   RUN: cat %t.diags >> %t.cpp
//   RUN: %clang -target x86_64-linux -Xclang -verify -S -emit-llvm -o - %t.cpp \
//   RUN: | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,LLVM %s
//   RUN: %clang_cc1 -verify -ast-print %t.cpp \
//   RUN: | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,PRINT,PRINT-CXX -DKW=struct \
//   RUN:             -DBASES=' : B' %s
//   Make sure implicit attributes aren't printed.  See comments in inMemberPtr
//   for details.
//   RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple i686-pc-win32 -verify -ast-print -DKW=struct \
//   RUN:            -DBASES=' : B' -xc++ %s > %t.cpp
//   RUN: FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,PRINT,PRINT-CXX -DKW=struct \
//   RUN:           -DBASES=' : B' %s --input-file %t.cpp
//   RUN: cat %t.diags >> %t.cpp
//   RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple i686-pc-win32 -verify -ast-print %t.cpp \
//   RUN: | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,PRINT,PRINT-CXX -DKW=struct \
//   RUN:             -DBASES=' : B' %s

// END.

#ifndef KW
# error KW undefined
# define KW struct // help syntax checkers

#ifndef BASES
# error BASES undefined
# define BASES // help syntax checkers

struct B {};

// CHECK-LABEL: defFirst
void defFirst() {
  // PRINT-NEXT: [[KW]]
  // PRINT-DAG:  __attribute__((aligned(16)))
  // PRINT-DAG:  __attribute__((deprecated("")))
  // PRINT-NOT:  __attribute__
  // PRINT-NEXT:   int i;
  // PRINT-NEXT: } *p0;
  // expected-warning@+2 {{'T' is deprecated}}
  // expected-note@+1 2 {{'T' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}}
  KW __attribute__((aligned(16))) __attribute__((deprecated(""))) T BASES {
    int i;
  } *p0;

  // PRINT-NEXT: [[KW]] T *p1;
  KW T *p1; // expected-warning {{'T' is deprecated}}

  // LLVM: store i64 16
  long s0 = sizeof *p0;
  // LLVM-NEXT: store i64 16
  long s1 = sizeof *p1;

// CHECK-LABEL: defLast
void defLast() {
  // PRINT-NEXT: [[KW]] __attribute__((aligned(16))) T *p0;
  KW __attribute__((aligned(16))) T *p0;

  // PRINT-NEXT: [[KW]] __attribute__((deprecated(""))) T[[BASES]] {
  // PRINT-NEXT:   int i;
  // PRINT-NEXT: } *p1;
  // expected-warning@+2 {{'T' is deprecated}}
  // expected-note@+1 {{'T' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}}
  KW __attribute__((deprecated(""))) T BASES { int i; } *p1;

  // LLVM: store i64 16
  long s0 = sizeof *p0;
  // LLVM-NEXT: store i64 16
  long s1 = sizeof *p1;

// CHECK-LABEL: defMiddle
void defMiddle() {
  // PRINT-NEXT: [[KW]] __attribute__((deprecated(""))) T *p0;
  // expected-warning@+2 {{'T' is deprecated}}
  // expected-note@+1 3 {{'T' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}}
  KW __attribute__((deprecated(""))) T *p0;

  // PRINT-NEXT: [[KW]] __attribute__((aligned(16))) T[[BASES]] {
  // PRINT-NEXT:   int i;
  // PRINT-NEXT: } *p1;
  KW __attribute__((aligned(16))) T BASES { int i; } *p1; // expected-warning {{'T' is deprecated}}

  // PRINT-NEXT: [[KW]] T *p2;
  KW T *p2; // expected-warning {{'T' is deprecated}}

  // LLVM: store i64 16
  long s0 = sizeof *p0;
  // LLVM-NEXT: store i64 16
  long s1 = sizeof *p1;
  // LLVM-NEXT: store i64 16
  long s2 = sizeof *p2;

// CHECK-LABEL: defSelfRef
void defSelfRef() {
  // PRINT-NEXT: [[KW]] __attribute__((deprecated(""))) T *p0;
  // expected-warning@+2 {{'T' is deprecated}}
  // expected-note@+1 2 {{'T' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}}
  KW __attribute__((deprecated(""))) T *p0;

  // PRINT-NEXT:  [[KW]] __attribute__((aligned(64))) T[[BASES]] {
  // PRINT-NEXT:    int i;
  // PRINT-NEXT:    [[KW]] T *p2;
  // PRINT-NEXT:    [[KW]] __attribute__((may_alias)) T *p3;
  // PRINT-NEXT:    [[KW]] T *p4;
  // PRINT-NEXT:  } *p1;
  KW __attribute__((aligned(64))) T BASES { // expected-warning {{'T' is deprecated}}
    int i;
    KW T *p2;
    // FIXME: For C++, T at p3 loses aligned and deprecated, perhaps because
    // that RecordDecl isn't in the same redecl list.  Perhaps the redecl lists
    // are split here but not in C due to the different scoping rules in C++
    // classes.
    KW __attribute__((may_alias)) T *p3;
    KW T *p4;
  } *p1;

  // LLVM: store i64 64
  long s0 = sizeof *p0;
  // LLVM-NEXT: store i64 64
  long s1 = sizeof *p1;
  // LLVM-NEXT: store i64 64
  long s2 = sizeof *p0->p2;
  // LLVM-NEXT: store i64 64
  long s3 = sizeof *p1->p3;
  // LLVM-NEXT: store i64 64
  long s4 = sizeof *p1->p4->p2;

// CHECK-LABEL: declsOnly
void declsOnly() {
  // PRINT-NEXT: [[KW]] T *p0;
  KW T *p0;

  // PRINT-NEXT: [[KW]] __attribute__((may_alias)) T *p1;
  KW __attribute__((may_alias)) T *p1;

  // PRINT-NEXT: [[KW]] T *p2;
  KW T *p2;

  // PRINT-NEXT: [[KW]] __attribute__((deprecated(""))) T *p3;
  // expected-warning@+2 {{'T' is deprecated}}
  // expected-note@+1 2 {{'T' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}}
  KW __attribute__((deprecated(""))) T *p3;

  // PRINT-NEXT: [[KW]] T *p4;
  KW T *p4; // expected-warning {{'T' is deprecated}}

// Make sure expanded printing of tag types is turned back off in other parts
// of a tag declaration.  The base class list is checked above.

// CHECK-LABEL: inMembers
void inMembers() {
  // PRINT-NEXT: [[KW]] T1 {
  // PRINT-NEXT:   int i;
  // PRINT-NEXT: };
  KW T1 { int i; };
  // PRINT-NEXT: [[KW]] T2 {
  // PRINT-NEXT:   [[KW]] T1 i;
  // PRINT-NEXT: };
  KW T2 { KW T1 i; };

// CHECK-LABEL: inInit
void inInit() {
  // PRINT-NEXT: [[KW]] T1 {
  // PRINT-NEXT:   int i;
  // PRINT-NEXT: };
  KW T1 { int i; };
  // PRINT-NEXT: [[KW]] T2 {
  // PRINT-NEXT:   long i;
  // PRINT-NEXT: } t2 = {sizeof([[KW]] T1)};
  KW T2 { long i; } t2 = {sizeof(KW T1)};

#ifdef __cplusplus
// PRINT-CXX-LABEL: inMemberPtr
void inMemberPtr() {
  // Under windows, the implicit attribute __single_inheritance used to print
  // between KW and T1 here, but that wasn't faithful to the original source.
  // PRINT-CXX-NEXT: [[KW]] T1 {
  // PRINT-CXX-NEXT:   int i;
  KW T1 { int i; };
  // PRINT-CXX-NEXT: [[KW]] T2 {
  // PRINT-CXX-NEXT: } T1::*p;
  KW T2 {} T1::*p;

// Check that tag decl groups stay together in decl contexts.

// PRINT-LABEL: DeclGroupAtFileScope {
// PRINT-NEXT:    int i;
// PRINT-NEXT:  } *DeclGroupAtFileScopePtr;
KW DeclGroupAtFileScope { int i; } *DeclGroupAtFileScopePtr;

// PRINT-LABEL: DeclGroupInMemberList {
KW DeclGroupInMemberList {
  // PRINT-NEXT:  struct  T1 {
  // PRINT-NEXT:    int i;
  // PRINT-NEXT:  } t1;
  struct T1 { int i; } t1;
  // PRINT-NEXT:  union T2 {
  // PRINT-NEXT:    int i;
  // PRINT-NEXT:  } *t20, t21[2];
  union T2 { int i; } *t20, t21[2];
  // PRINT-NEXT:  enum T3 {
  // PRINT-NEXT:    T30
  // PRINT-NEXT:  } t30;
  enum T3 { T30 } t30;
  // PRINT-NEXT: };

// A tag decl group in the tag decl's own member list is exercised in
// defSelfRef above.