You need a checkout of clang with compiler-rt to generate the
binary file here.  These shell commands can be used to regenerate
$ SRC=path/to/llvm
$ CFE=$SRC/tools/clang
$ TESTDIR=$SRC/test/tools/llvm-profdata
$ CFE_TESTDIR=$CFE/test/Profile
$ clang -o a.out -fprofile-instr-generate $CFE_TESTDIR/c-general.c
$ LLVM_PROFILE_FILE=$TESTDIR/Inputs/compressed.profraw ./a.out

RUN: not llvm-profdata show %p/Inputs/compressed.profraw -o %t 2>&1 | FileCheck %s


CHECK: error: {{.*}} Profile uses zlib compression but the profile reader was built without zlib support