# RUN: llc < %s -x mir -march=hexagon -run-pass=modulo-schedule-test -pipeliner-experimental-cg=true | FileCheck %s

# Simple check for this sanity test; ensure all instructions are in stage 0 in
# the prolog and stage 3 in the epilog.

# CHECK-NOT: Stage-3
# CHECK: J2_loop0r
# CHECK:    intregs = S2_addasl_rrri %{{[0-9]+}}, %{{[0-9]+}}, 1, post-instr-symbol <mcsymbol Stage-0_Cycle-0>
# CHECK:    intregs = L2_loadruh_io %{{[0-9]+}}, -4, post-instr-symbol <mcsymbol Stage-3_Cycle-0> :: (load 2 from %ir.cgep2, !tbaa !0)
# CHECK:    intregs = S2_storerh_pi %{{[0-9]+}}, -2, %{{[0-9]+}}, post-instr-symbol <mcsymbol Stage-3_Cycle-0> :: (store 2 into %ir.lsr.iv, !tbaa !0)
# CHECK:    intregs = nsw A2_addi %{{[0-9]+}}, -1, post-instr-symbol <mcsymbol Stage-0_Cycle-0>
# CHECK:    ENDLOOP0 %bb.{{[0-9]+}}, implicit-def $pc, implicit-def $lc0, implicit $sa0, implicit $lc0
# CHECK-NOT: Stage-0

--- |
  ; ModuleID = '/google/src/cloud/jmolloy/tc/google3/third_party/llvm/llvm/test/CodeGen/Hexagon/swp-phi-start.ll'
  source_filename = "/google/src/cloud/jmolloy/tc/google3/third_party/llvm/llvm/test/CodeGen/Hexagon/swp-phi-start.ll"
  target datalayout = "e-m:e-p:32:32:32-a:0-n16:32-i64:64:64-i32:32:32-i16:16:16-i1:8:8-f32:32:32-f64:64:64-v32:32:32-v64:64:64-v512:512:512-v1024:1024:1024-v2048:2048:2048"
  ; Function Attrs: nounwind
  define void @f0(i32 %a0, i16* nocapture %a1) #0 {
    br i1 undef, label %b1, label %b2.preheader
  b1:                                               ; preds = %b0
    br i1 undef, label %b3, label %b2.preheader
  b2.preheader:                                     ; preds = %b0, %b1
    %cgep = getelementptr i16, i16* %a1, i32 undef
    br label %b2
  b2:                                               ; preds = %b2.preheader, %b2
    %lsr.iv = phi i16* [ %cgep, %b2.preheader ], [ %cgep3, %b2 ]
    %v1 = phi i32 [ %v7, %b2 ], [ undef, %b2.preheader ]
    %v2 = phi i32 [ %v1, %b2 ], [ %a0, %b2.preheader ]
    %v3 = add nsw i32 %v2, -2
    %cgep2 = getelementptr inbounds i16, i16* %a1, i32 %v3
    %v5 = load i16, i16* %cgep2, align 2, !tbaa !0
    store i16 %v5, i16* %lsr.iv, align 2, !tbaa !0
    %v7 = add nsw i32 %v1, -1
    %v8 = icmp sgt i32 %v7, 0
    %cgep3 = getelementptr i16, i16* %lsr.iv, i32 -1
    br i1 %v8, label %b2, label %b3
  b3:                                               ; preds = %b2, %b1
    ret void
  attributes #0 = { nounwind "target-cpu"="hexagonv55" }
  !0 = !{!1, !1, i64 0}
  !1 = !{!"short", !2, i64 0}
  !2 = !{!"omnipotent char", !3, i64 0}
  !3 = !{!"Simple C/C++ TBAA"}

name:            f0
alignment:       16
exposesReturnsTwice: false
legalized:       false
regBankSelected: false
selected:        false
failedISel:      false
tracksRegLiveness: true
hasWinCFI:       false
  - { id: 0, class: intregs, preferred-register: '' }
  - { id: 1, class: intregs, preferred-register: '' }
  - { id: 2, class: intregs, preferred-register: '' }
  - { id: 3, class: intregs, preferred-register: '' }
  - { id: 4, class: intregs, preferred-register: '' }
  - { id: 5, class: intregs, preferred-register: '' }
  - { id: 6, class: intregs, preferred-register: '' }
  - { id: 7, class: intregs, preferred-register: '' }
  - { id: 8, class: predregs, preferred-register: '' }
  - { id: 9, class: predregs, preferred-register: '' }
  - { id: 10, class: intregs, preferred-register: '' }
  - { id: 11, class: intregs, preferred-register: '' }
  - { id: 12, class: intregs, preferred-register: '' }
  - { id: 13, class: predregs, preferred-register: '' }
  - { id: 14, class: intregs, preferred-register: '' }
  - { reg: '$r0', virtual-reg: '%6' }
  - { reg: '$r1', virtual-reg: '%7' }
  isFrameAddressTaken: false
  isReturnAddressTaken: false
  hasStackMap:     false
  hasPatchPoint:   false
  stackSize:       0
  offsetAdjustment: 0
  maxAlignment:    1
  adjustsStack:    false
  hasCalls:        false
  stackProtector:  ''
  maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
  cvBytesOfCalleeSavedRegisters: 0
  hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
  hasVAStart:      false
  hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
  localFrameSize:  0
  savePoint:       ''
  restorePoint:    ''
fixedStack:      []
stack:           []
callSites:       []
constants:       []
machineFunctionInfo: {}
body:             |
    successors: %bb.1(0x40000000), %bb.2(0x40000000)
    liveins: $r0, $r1
    %7:intregs = COPY $r1
    %6:intregs = COPY $r0
    %8:predregs = IMPLICIT_DEF
    J2_jumpt %8, %bb.2, implicit-def dead $pc
    J2_jump %bb.1, implicit-def dead $pc
    successors: %bb.4(0x40000000), %bb.2(0x40000000)
    %9:predregs = IMPLICIT_DEF
    J2_jumpt %9, %bb.4, implicit-def dead $pc
    J2_jump %bb.2, implicit-def dead $pc
    successors: %bb.3(0x80000000)
    %10:intregs = IMPLICIT_DEF
    %14:intregs = COPY %10
    J2_loop0r %bb.3, %14, implicit-def $lc0, implicit-def $sa0, implicit-def $usr
  bb.3.b2 (address-taken):
    successors: %bb.3(0x7c000000), %bb.4(0x04000000)
    %1:intregs = PHI %7, %bb.2, %5, %bb.3, post-instr-symbol <mcsymbol Stage-3_Cycle-0>
    %2:intregs = PHI %10, %bb.2, %4, %bb.3, post-instr-symbol <mcsymbol Stage-0_Cycle-0>
    %3:intregs = PHI %6, %bb.2, %2, %bb.3, post-instr-symbol <mcsymbol Stage-0_Cycle-0>
    %11:intregs = S2_addasl_rrri %7, %3, 1, post-instr-symbol <mcsymbol Stage-0_Cycle-0>
    %12:intregs = L2_loadruh_io %11, -4, post-instr-symbol <mcsymbol Stage-3_Cycle-0> :: (load 2 from %ir.cgep2, !tbaa !0)
    %5:intregs = S2_storerh_pi %1, -2, %12, post-instr-symbol <mcsymbol Stage-3_Cycle-0> :: (store 2 into %ir.lsr.iv, !tbaa !0)
    %4:intregs = nsw A2_addi %2, -1, post-instr-symbol <mcsymbol Stage-0_Cycle-0>
    ENDLOOP0 %bb.3, implicit-def $pc, implicit-def $lc0, implicit $sa0, implicit $lc0
    J2_jump %bb.4, implicit-def dead $pc
    PS_jmpret $r31, implicit-def dead $pc
