# RUN: llvm-mc -arch=hexagon -filetype=asm %s 2>%t; FileCheck %s <%t # # Check that proper packets are not wrongly flagged as invalid. 1-3-4-f: { r3 = memub(r2++#1) if (cmp.eq(r3.new,#0)) jump:nt . jumpr lr r4 = #4 } # CHECK-NOT: rror: invalid instruction packet 1-3-f-f: { r3 = memub(r2++#1) if (cmp.eq(r3.new,#0)) jump:nt . r5 = #5 r4 = #4 } # CHECK-NOT: rror: invalid instruction packet # Special case of a fat packet that will slim when a compound is formed. 3-3-8-c: { LOOP0(3-3-8-c, R7) P0 = CMP.GT(R7, #0) IF (!P0.NEW) JUMP:NT . R21:20 = MEMD(R0+#16) R23:22 = MEMD(R0+#24) } # CHECK-NOT: rror: invalid instruction packet 1-f-f-f: { r3 = #3 if (cmp.eq(r3.new,#0)) jump:nt . r5 = #5 r4 = #4 } # CHECK-NOT: rror: invalid instruction packet 4: jumpr lr # CHECK-NOT: rror: invalid instruction packet f-f-f-f: { r3 = #3 r2 = #2 r5 = #5 r4 = #4 } # CHECK-NOT: rror: invalid instruction packet