; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/update_llc_test_checks.py ; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=i686-unknown-unknown --show-mc-encoding | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=X86 ; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=x86_64-unknown --show-mc-encoding | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=X64 define void @adc_load_store_64_15(i64* inreg %x, i64* inreg %x2, i64 inreg %y) nounwind { ; X86-LABEL: adc_load_store_64_15: ; X86: # %bb.0: ; X86-NEXT: pushl %esi # encoding: [0x56] ; X86-NEXT: movl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %esi # encoding: [0x8b,0x74,0x24,0x08] ; X86-NEXT: addl $1, %ecx # encoding: [0x83,0xc1,0x01] ; X86-NEXT: adcl $0, %esi # encoding: [0x83,0xd6,0x00] ; X86-NEXT: adcl $15, (%eax) # encoding: [0x83,0x10,0x0f] ; X86-NEXT: adcl $0, 4(%eax) # encoding: [0x83,0x50,0x04,0x00] ; X86-NEXT: setb %al # encoding: [0x0f,0x92,0xc0] ; X86-NEXT: movzbl %al, %eax # encoding: [0x0f,0xb6,0xc0] ; X86-NEXT: movl %eax, (%edx) # encoding: [0x89,0x02] ; X86-NEXT: movl $0, 4(%edx) # encoding: [0xc7,0x42,0x04,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00] ; X86-NEXT: popl %esi # encoding: [0x5e] ; X86-NEXT: retl # encoding: [0xc3] ; ; X64-LABEL: adc_load_store_64_15: ; X64: # %bb.0: ; X64-NEXT: addq $1, %rdx # encoding: [0x48,0x83,0xc2,0x01] ; X64-NEXT: adcq $15, (%rdi) # encoding: [0x48,0x83,0x17,0x0f] ; X64-NEXT: setb %al # encoding: [0x0f,0x92,0xc0] ; X64-NEXT: movzbl %al, %eax # encoding: [0x0f,0xb6,0xc0] ; X64-NEXT: movq %rax, (%rsi) # encoding: [0x48,0x89,0x06] ; X64-NEXT: retq # encoding: [0xc3] %vx = load i64, i64* %x %zvx = zext i64 %vx to i192 %szvx = shl i192 %zvx, 64 %zy = zext i64 %y to i192 %op = or i192 %szvx, %zy %zsum = add i192 %op, 276701161105643274241 ; 0x0000_0000_0000_0000__0000_0000_0000_000F__0000_0000_0000_0001 %ssum = lshr i192 %zsum, 64 %val = trunc i192 %ssum to i64 store i64 %val, i64* %x %ssum2 = lshr i192 %zsum, 128 %val2 = trunc i192 %ssum2 to i64 store i64 %val2, i64* %x2 ret void } define void @adc_load_store_64_0x1000F(i64* inreg %x, i64* inreg %x2, i64 inreg %y) nounwind { ; X86-LABEL: adc_load_store_64_0x1000F: ; X86: # %bb.0: ; X86-NEXT: pushl %esi # encoding: [0x56] ; X86-NEXT: movl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %esi # encoding: [0x8b,0x74,0x24,0x08] ; X86-NEXT: addl $1, %ecx # encoding: [0x83,0xc1,0x01] ; X86-NEXT: adcl $0, %esi # encoding: [0x83,0xd6,0x00] ; X86-NEXT: adcl $65551, (%eax) # encoding: [0x81,0x10,0x0f,0x00,0x01,0x00] ; X86-NEXT: # imm = 0x1000F ; X86-NEXT: adcl $0, 4(%eax) # encoding: [0x83,0x50,0x04,0x00] ; X86-NEXT: setb %al # encoding: [0x0f,0x92,0xc0] ; X86-NEXT: movzbl %al, %eax # encoding: [0x0f,0xb6,0xc0] ; X86-NEXT: movl %eax, (%edx) # encoding: [0x89,0x02] ; X86-NEXT: movl $0, 4(%edx) # encoding: [0xc7,0x42,0x04,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00] ; X86-NEXT: popl %esi # encoding: [0x5e] ; X86-NEXT: retl # encoding: [0xc3] ; ; X64-LABEL: adc_load_store_64_0x1000F: ; X64: # %bb.0: ; X64-NEXT: addq $1, %rdx # encoding: [0x48,0x83,0xc2,0x01] ; X64-NEXT: adcq $65551, (%rdi) # encoding: [0x48,0x81,0x17,0x0f,0x00,0x01,0x00] ; X64-NEXT: # imm = 0x1000F ; X64-NEXT: setb %al # encoding: [0x0f,0x92,0xc0] ; X64-NEXT: movzbl %al, %eax # encoding: [0x0f,0xb6,0xc0] ; X64-NEXT: movq %rax, (%rsi) # encoding: [0x48,0x89,0x06] ; X64-NEXT: retq # encoding: [0xc3] %vx = load i64, i64* %x %zvx = zext i64 %vx to i192 %szvx = shl i192 %zvx, 64 %zy = zext i64 %y to i192 %op = or i192 %szvx, %zy %zsum = add i192 %op, 1209202520775734817980417 ; 0x0000_0000_0000_0000__0000_0000_0001_000F__0000_0000_0000_0001 %ssum = lshr i192 %zsum, 64 %val = trunc i192 %ssum to i64 store i64 %val, i64* %x %ssum2 = lshr i192 %zsum, 128 %val2 = trunc i192 %ssum2 to i64 store i64 %val2, i64* %x2 ret void } define void @adc_load_store_64_0x100001000F(i64* inreg %x, i64* inreg %x2, i64 inreg %y) nounwind { ; X86-LABEL: adc_load_store_64_0x100001000F: ; X86: # %bb.0: ; X86-NEXT: pushl %esi # encoding: [0x56] ; X86-NEXT: movl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %esi # encoding: [0x8b,0x74,0x24,0x08] ; X86-NEXT: addl $1, %ecx # encoding: [0x83,0xc1,0x01] ; X86-NEXT: adcl $0, %esi # encoding: [0x83,0xd6,0x00] ; X86-NEXT: adcl $15, (%eax) # encoding: [0x83,0x10,0x0f] ; X86-NEXT: adcl $16, 4(%eax) # encoding: [0x83,0x50,0x04,0x10] ; X86-NEXT: setb %al # encoding: [0x0f,0x92,0xc0] ; X86-NEXT: movzbl %al, %eax # encoding: [0x0f,0xb6,0xc0] ; X86-NEXT: movl %eax, (%edx) # encoding: [0x89,0x02] ; X86-NEXT: movl $0, 4(%edx) # encoding: [0xc7,0x42,0x04,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00] ; X86-NEXT: popl %esi # encoding: [0x5e] ; X86-NEXT: retl # encoding: [0xc3] ; ; X64-LABEL: adc_load_store_64_0x100001000F: ; X64: # %bb.0: ; X64-NEXT: addq $1, %rdx # encoding: [0x48,0x83,0xc2,0x01] ; X64-NEXT: movabsq $68719476751, %rax # encoding: [0x48,0xb8,0x0f,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x10,0x00,0x00,0x00] ; X64-NEXT: # imm = 0x100000000F ; X64-NEXT: adcq %rax, (%rdi) # encoding: [0x48,0x11,0x07] ; X64-NEXT: setb %al # encoding: [0x0f,0x92,0xc0] ; X64-NEXT: movzbl %al, %eax # encoding: [0x0f,0xb6,0xc0] ; X64-NEXT: movq %rax, (%rsi) # encoding: [0x48,0x89,0x06] ; X64-NEXT: retq # encoding: [0xc3] %vx = load i64, i64* %x %zvx = zext i64 %vx to i192 %szvx = shl i192 %zvx, 64 %zy = zext i64 %y to i192 %op = or i192 %szvx, %zy %zsum = add i192 %op, 1267650600504930562602346479617 ; 0x0000_0000_0000_0000__0000_0010_0000_000F__0000_0000_0000_0001 %ssum = lshr i192 %zsum, 64 %val = trunc i192 %ssum to i64 store i64 %val, i64* %x %ssum2 = lshr i192 %zsum, 128 %val2 = trunc i192 %ssum2 to i64 store i64 %val2, i64* %x2 ret void } define void @adc_load_store_32_127(i32* inreg %x, i32* inreg %x2, i32 inreg %y) nounwind { ; X86-LABEL: adc_load_store_32_127: ; X86: # %bb.0: ; X86-NEXT: addl $1, %ecx # encoding: [0x83,0xc1,0x01] ; X86-NEXT: adcl $127, (%eax) # encoding: [0x83,0x10,0x7f] ; X86-NEXT: setb %al # encoding: [0x0f,0x92,0xc0] ; X86-NEXT: movzbl %al, %eax # encoding: [0x0f,0xb6,0xc0] ; X86-NEXT: movl %eax, (%edx) # encoding: [0x89,0x02] ; X86-NEXT: retl # encoding: [0xc3] ; ; X64-LABEL: adc_load_store_32_127: ; X64: # %bb.0: ; X64-NEXT: movl (%rdi), %eax # encoding: [0x8b,0x07] ; X64-NEXT: shlq $32, %rax # encoding: [0x48,0xc1,0xe0,0x20] ; X64-NEXT: movl %edx, %ecx # encoding: [0x89,0xd1] ; X64-NEXT: orq %rax, %rcx # encoding: [0x48,0x09,0xc1] ; X64-NEXT: movabsq $545460846593, %rax # encoding: [0x48,0xb8,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x7f,0x00,0x00,0x00] ; X64-NEXT: # imm = 0x7F00000001 ; X64-NEXT: xorl %edx, %edx # encoding: [0x31,0xd2] ; X64-NEXT: addq %rcx, %rax # encoding: [0x48,0x01,0xc8] ; X64-NEXT: setb %dl # encoding: [0x0f,0x92,0xc2] ; X64-NEXT: shrq $32, %rax # encoding: [0x48,0xc1,0xe8,0x20] ; X64-NEXT: movl %eax, (%rdi) # encoding: [0x89,0x07] ; X64-NEXT: movl %edx, (%rsi) # encoding: [0x89,0x16] ; X64-NEXT: retq # encoding: [0xc3] %vx = load i32, i32* %x %zvx = zext i32 %vx to i96 %szvx = shl i96 %zvx, 32 %zy = zext i32 %y to i96 %op = or i96 %szvx, %zy %zsum = add i96 %op, 545460846593 ; 0x0000_0000__0000_007F__0000_0001 %ssum = lshr i96 %zsum, 32 %val = trunc i96 %ssum to i32 store i32 %val, i32* %x %ssum2 = lshr i96 %zsum, 64 %val2 = trunc i96 %ssum2 to i32 store i32 %val2, i32* %x2 ret void } define void @adc_load_store_32_128(i32* inreg %x, i32* inreg %x2, i32 inreg %y) nounwind { ; X86-LABEL: adc_load_store_32_128: ; X86: # %bb.0: ; X86-NEXT: addl $1, %ecx # encoding: [0x83,0xc1,0x01] ; X86-NEXT: adcl $128, (%eax) # encoding: [0x81,0x10,0x80,0x00,0x00,0x00] ; X86-NEXT: setb %al # encoding: [0x0f,0x92,0xc0] ; X86-NEXT: movzbl %al, %eax # encoding: [0x0f,0xb6,0xc0] ; X86-NEXT: movl %eax, (%edx) # encoding: [0x89,0x02] ; X86-NEXT: retl # encoding: [0xc3] ; ; X64-LABEL: adc_load_store_32_128: ; X64: # %bb.0: ; X64-NEXT: movl (%rdi), %eax # encoding: [0x8b,0x07] ; X64-NEXT: shlq $32, %rax # encoding: [0x48,0xc1,0xe0,0x20] ; X64-NEXT: movl %edx, %ecx # encoding: [0x89,0xd1] ; X64-NEXT: orq %rax, %rcx # encoding: [0x48,0x09,0xc1] ; X64-NEXT: movabsq $549755813889, %rax # encoding: [0x48,0xb8,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x80,0x00,0x00,0x00] ; X64-NEXT: # imm = 0x8000000001 ; X64-NEXT: xorl %edx, %edx # encoding: [0x31,0xd2] ; X64-NEXT: addq %rcx, %rax # encoding: [0x48,0x01,0xc8] ; X64-NEXT: setb %dl # encoding: [0x0f,0x92,0xc2] ; X64-NEXT: shrq $32, %rax # encoding: [0x48,0xc1,0xe8,0x20] ; X64-NEXT: movl %eax, (%rdi) # encoding: [0x89,0x07] ; X64-NEXT: movl %edx, (%rsi) # encoding: [0x89,0x16] ; X64-NEXT: retq # encoding: [0xc3] %vx = load i32, i32* %x %zvx = zext i32 %vx to i96 %szvx = shl i96 %zvx, 32 %zy = zext i32 %y to i96 %op = or i96 %szvx, %zy %zsum = add i96 %op, 549755813889 ; 0x0000_0000__0000_0080__0000_0001 %ssum = lshr i96 %zsum, 32 %val = trunc i96 %ssum to i32 store i32 %val, i32* %x %ssum2 = lshr i96 %zsum, 64 %val2 = trunc i96 %ssum2 to i32 store i32 %val2, i32* %x2 ret void } ; These tests all verify the load-op-store fusion does not generate ; larger instructions than mainline DAG Instruction selection. define void @adc_load_store_8_15(i64 inreg %ca, i64 inreg %cb, i8* inreg %x) nounwind { ; X86-LABEL: adc_load_store_8_15: ; X86: # %bb.0: ; X86-NEXT: pushl %esi # encoding: [0x56] ; X86-NEXT: movl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %esi # encoding: [0x8b,0x74,0x24,0x0c] ; X86-NEXT: addl %ecx, %eax # encoding: [0x01,0xc8] ; X86-NEXT: adcl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %edx # encoding: [0x13,0x54,0x24,0x08] ; X86-NEXT: adcb $15, (%esi) # encoding: [0x80,0x16,0x0f] ; X86-NEXT: popl %esi # encoding: [0x5e] ; X86-NEXT: retl # encoding: [0xc3] ; ; X64-LABEL: adc_load_store_8_15: ; X64: # %bb.0: ; X64-NEXT: addq %rsi, %rdi # encoding: [0x48,0x01,0xf7] ; X64-NEXT: adcb $15, (%rdx) # encoding: [0x80,0x12,0x0f] ; X64-NEXT: retq # encoding: [0xc3] %zca = zext i64 %ca to i65 %zcb = zext i64 %cb to i65 %zc = add i65 %zca, %zcb %ec = lshr i65 %zc, 64 %c = trunc i65 %ec to i1 %cc = zext i1 %c to i8 %vx = load i8, i8* %x %cc_off = add i8 15, %cc %vsum = add i8 %vx, %cc_off store i8 %vsum, i8* %x ret void } define void @adc_load_store_16_15(i64 inreg %ca, i64 inreg %cb, i16* inreg %x) nounwind { ; X86-LABEL: adc_load_store_16_15: ; X86: # %bb.0: ; X86-NEXT: pushl %esi # encoding: [0x56] ; X86-NEXT: movl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %esi # encoding: [0x8b,0x74,0x24,0x0c] ; X86-NEXT: addl %ecx, %eax # encoding: [0x01,0xc8] ; X86-NEXT: adcl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %edx # encoding: [0x13,0x54,0x24,0x08] ; X86-NEXT: adcw $15, (%esi) # encoding: [0x66,0x83,0x16,0x0f] ; X86-NEXT: popl %esi # encoding: [0x5e] ; X86-NEXT: retl # encoding: [0xc3] ; ; X64-LABEL: adc_load_store_16_15: ; X64: # %bb.0: ; X64-NEXT: addq %rsi, %rdi # encoding: [0x48,0x01,0xf7] ; X64-NEXT: adcw $15, (%rdx) # encoding: [0x66,0x83,0x12,0x0f] ; X64-NEXT: retq # encoding: [0xc3] %zca = zext i64 %ca to i65 %zcb = zext i64 %cb to i65 %zc = add i65 %zca, %zcb %ec = lshr i65 %zc, 64 %c = trunc i65 %ec to i1 %cc = zext i1 %c to i16 %vx = load i16, i16* %x %cc_off = add i16 15, %cc %vsum = add i16 %vx, %cc_off store i16 %vsum, i16* %x ret void } define void @adc_load_store_16_256(i64 inreg %ca, i64 inreg %cb, i16* inreg %x) nounwind { ; X86-LABEL: adc_load_store_16_256: ; X86: # %bb.0: ; X86-NEXT: pushl %esi # encoding: [0x56] ; X86-NEXT: movl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %esi # encoding: [0x8b,0x74,0x24,0x0c] ; X86-NEXT: addl %ecx, %eax # encoding: [0x01,0xc8] ; X86-NEXT: adcl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %edx # encoding: [0x13,0x54,0x24,0x08] ; X86-NEXT: adcw $256, (%esi) # encoding: [0x66,0x81,0x16,0x00,0x01] ; X86-NEXT: # imm = 0x100 ; X86-NEXT: popl %esi # encoding: [0x5e] ; X86-NEXT: retl # encoding: [0xc3] ; ; X64-LABEL: adc_load_store_16_256: ; X64: # %bb.0: ; X64-NEXT: addq %rsi, %rdi # encoding: [0x48,0x01,0xf7] ; X64-NEXT: adcw $256, (%rdx) # encoding: [0x66,0x81,0x12,0x00,0x01] ; X64-NEXT: # imm = 0x100 ; X64-NEXT: retq # encoding: [0xc3] %zca = zext i64 %ca to i65 %zcb = zext i64 %cb to i65 %zc = add i65 %zca, %zcb %ec = lshr i65 %zc, 64 %c = trunc i65 %ec to i1 %cc = zext i1 %c to i16 %vx = load i16, i16* %x %cc_off = add i16 256, %cc %vsum = add i16 %vx, %cc_off store i16 %vsum, i16* %x ret void }