// REQUIRES: x86-registered-target // System directory and sysroot option causes warning. // RUN: %clang -Wpoison-system-directories -target x86_64 -I/usr/include --sysroot %S/Inputs/sysroot_x86_64_cross_linux_tree -c -o - %s 2> %t.1.stderr // RUN: FileCheck -check-prefix=WARN < %t.1.stderr %s // RUN: %clang -Wpoison-system-directories -target x86_64 -cxx-isystem/usr/include --sysroot %S/Inputs/sysroot_x86_64_cross_linux_tree -c -o - %s 2> %t.1.stderr // RUN: FileCheck -check-prefix=WARN < %t.1.stderr %s // RUN: %clang -Wpoison-system-directories -target x86_64 -iquote/usr/local/include --sysroot %S/Inputs/sysroot_x86_64_cross_linux_tree -c -o - %s 2> %t.1.stderr // RUN: FileCheck -check-prefix=WARN < %t.1.stderr %s // RUN: %clang -Wpoison-system-directories -target x86_64 -isystem/usr/local/include --sysroot %S/Inputs/sysroot_x86_64_cross_linux_tree -c -o - %s 2> %t.1.stderr // RUN: FileCheck -check-prefix=WARN < %t.1.stderr %s // Missing target but included sysroot still causes the warning. // RUN: %clang -Wpoison-system-directories -I/usr/include --sysroot %S/Inputs/sysroot_x86_64_cross_linux_tree -c -o - %s 2> %t.2.stderr // RUN: FileCheck -check-prefix=WARN < %t.2.stderr %s // With -Werror the warning causes the failure. // RUN: not %clang -Werror=poison-system-directories -target x86_64 -I/usr/include --sysroot %S/Inputs/sysroot_x86_64_cross_linux_tree -c -o - %s 2> %t.3.stderr // RUN: FileCheck -check-prefix=ERROR < %t.3.stderr %s // Cros target without sysroot causes no warning. // RUN: %clang -Wpoison-system-directories -Werror -target x86_64 -I/usr/include -c -o - %s // By default the warning is off. // RUN: %clang -Werror -target x86_64 -I/usr/include --sysroot %S/Inputs/sysroot_x86_64_cross_linux_tree -c -o - %s // WARN: warning: include location {{[^ ]+}} is unsafe for cross-compilation [-Wpoison-system-directories] // ERROR: error: include location {{[^ ]+}} is unsafe for cross-compilation [-Werror,-Wpoison-system-directories]