// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -cl-std=CL2.0 -ffake-address-space-map -O0 -emit-llvm -o - -triple "spir-unknown-unknown" | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=COMMON --check-prefix=B32 // RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -cl-std=CL2.0 -ffake-address-space-map -O0 -emit-llvm -o - -triple "spir64-unknown-unknown" | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=COMMON --check-prefix=B64 // RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -cl-std=CL2.0 -ffake-address-space-map -O1 -emit-llvm -o - -triple "spir64-unknown-unknown" | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-LIFETIMES #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_subgroups : enable typedef void (^bl_t)(local void *); typedef struct {int a;} ndrange_t; // COMMON: %struct.__opencl_block_literal_generic = type { i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } // For a block global variable, first emit the block literal as a global variable, then emit the block variable itself. // COMMON: [[BL_GLOBAL:@__block_literal_global[^ ]*]] = internal addrspace(1) constant { i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } { i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast (void (i8 addrspace(4)*, i8 addrspace(3)*)* [[INV_G:@[^ ]+]] to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*) } // COMMON: @block_G ={{.*}} addrspace(1) constant %struct.__opencl_block_literal_generic addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (%struct.__opencl_block_literal_generic addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BL_GLOBAL]] to %struct.__opencl_block_literal_generic addrspace(1)*) to %struct.__opencl_block_literal_generic addrspace(4)*) // For anonymous blocks without captures, emit block literals as global variable. // COMMON: [[BLG1:@__block_literal_global[^ ]*]] = internal addrspace(1) constant { i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } { i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast (void (i8 addrspace(4)*, i8 addrspace(3)*)* {{@[^ ]+}} to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*) } // COMMON: [[BLG2:@__block_literal_global[^ ]*]] = internal addrspace(1) constant { i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } { i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast (void (i8 addrspace(4)*, i8 addrspace(3)*)* {{@[^ ]+}} to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*) } // COMMON: [[BLG3:@__block_literal_global[^ ]*]] = internal addrspace(1) constant { i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } { i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast (void (i8 addrspace(4)*, i8 addrspace(3)*)* {{@[^ ]+}} to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*) } // COMMON: [[BLG4:@__block_literal_global[^ ]*]] = internal addrspace(1) constant { i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } { i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast (void (i8 addrspace(4)*, i8 addrspace(3)*)* {{@[^ ]+}} to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*) } // COMMON: [[BLG5:@__block_literal_global[^ ]*]] = internal addrspace(1) constant { i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } { i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast (void (i8 addrspace(4)*, i8 addrspace(3)*)* {{@[^ ]+}} to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*) } // COMMON: [[BLG6:@__block_literal_global[^ ]*]] = internal addrspace(1) constant { i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } { i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast (void (i8 addrspace(4)*, i8 addrspace(3)*, i8 addrspace(3)*, i8 addrspace(3)*)* {{@[^ ]+}} to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*) } // COMMON: [[BLG7:@__block_literal_global[^ ]*]] = internal addrspace(1) constant { i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } { i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast (void (i8 addrspace(4)*, i8 addrspace(3)*)* {{@[^ ]+}} to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*) } // COMMON: [[BLG8:@__block_literal_global[^ ]*]] = internal addrspace(1) constant { i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } { i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast (void (i8 addrspace(4)*)* [[INVG8:@[^ ]+]] to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*) } // COMMON: [[BLG9:@__block_literal_global[^ ]*]] = internal addrspace(1) constant { i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } { i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast (void (i8 addrspace(4)*, i8 addrspace(3)*)* [[INVG9:@[^ ]+]] to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*) } // COMMON: [[BLG10:@__block_literal_global[^ ]*]] = internal addrspace(1) constant { i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } { i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast (void (i8 addrspace(4)*)* {{@[^ ]+}} to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*) } // COMMON: [[BLG11:@__block_literal_global[^ ]*]] = internal addrspace(1) constant { i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } { i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast (void (i8 addrspace(4)*)* {{@[^ ]+}} to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*) } // Emits block literal [[BL_GLOBAL]], invoke function [[INV_G]] and global block variable @block_G // COMMON: define internal spir_func void [[INV_G]](i8 addrspace(4)* %{{.*}}, i8 addrspace(3)* %{{.*}}) const bl_t block_G = (bl_t) ^ (local void *a) {}; void callee(int id, __global int *out) { out[id] = id; } // COMMON-LABEL: define{{.*}} spir_kernel void @device_side_enqueue(i32 addrspace(1)* %{{.*}}, i32 addrspace(1)* %b, i32 %i) kernel void device_side_enqueue(global int *a, global int *b, int i) { // COMMON: %default_queue = alloca %opencl.queue_t* queue_t default_queue; // COMMON: %flags = alloca i32 unsigned flags = 0; // COMMON: %ndrange = alloca %struct.ndrange_t ndrange_t ndrange; // COMMON: %clk_event = alloca %opencl.clk_event_t* clk_event_t clk_event; // COMMON: %event_wait_list = alloca %opencl.clk_event_t* clk_event_t event_wait_list; // COMMON: %event_wait_list2 = alloca [1 x %opencl.clk_event_t*] clk_event_t event_wait_list2[] = {clk_event}; // COMMON: [[NDR:%[a-z0-9]+]] = alloca %struct.ndrange_t, align 4 // B32: %[[BLOCK_SIZES1:.*]] = alloca [1 x i32] // B64: %[[BLOCK_SIZES1:.*]] = alloca [1 x i64] // CHECK-LIFETIMES: %[[BLOCK_SIZES1:.*]] = alloca [1 x i64] // B32: %[[BLOCK_SIZES2:.*]] = alloca [1 x i32] // B64: %[[BLOCK_SIZES2:.*]] = alloca [1 x i64] // CHECK-LIFETIMES: %[[BLOCK_SIZES2:.*]] = alloca [1 x i64] // B32: %[[BLOCK_SIZES3:.*]] = alloca [1 x i32] // B64: %[[BLOCK_SIZES3:.*]] = alloca [1 x i64] // CHECK-LIFETIMES: %[[BLOCK_SIZES3:.*]] = alloca [1 x i64] // B32: %[[BLOCK_SIZES4:.*]] = alloca [1 x i32] // B64: %[[BLOCK_SIZES4:.*]] = alloca [1 x i64] // CHECK-LIFETIMES: %[[BLOCK_SIZES4:.*]] = alloca [1 x i64] // B32: %[[BLOCK_SIZES5:.*]] = alloca [1 x i32] // B64: %[[BLOCK_SIZES5:.*]] = alloca [1 x i64] // CHECK-LIFETIMES: %[[BLOCK_SIZES5:.*]] = alloca [1 x i64] // B32: %[[BLOCK_SIZES6:.*]] = alloca [3 x i32] // B64: %[[BLOCK_SIZES6:.*]] = alloca [3 x i64] // CHECK-LIFETIMES: %[[BLOCK_SIZES6:.*]] = alloca [3 x i64] // B32: %[[BLOCK_SIZES7:.*]] = alloca [1 x i32] // B64: %[[BLOCK_SIZES7:.*]] = alloca [1 x i64] // CHECK-LIFETIMES: %[[BLOCK_SIZES7:.*]] = alloca [1 x i64] // Emits block literal on stack and block kernel [[INVLK1]]. // COMMON: [[DEF_Q:%[0-9]+]] = load %opencl.queue_t{{.*}}*, %opencl.queue_t{{.*}}** %default_queue // COMMON: [[FLAGS:%[0-9]+]] = load i32, i32* %flags // COMMON: store i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast (void (i8 addrspace(4)*)* [[INVL1:@__device_side_enqueue_block_invoke[^ ]*]] to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i8 addrspace(4)** %block.invoke // B32: [[BL:%[0-9]+]] = bitcast <{ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)*, i32 addrspace(1)*, i32, i32 addrspace(1)* }>* %block to %struct.__opencl_block_literal_generic* // B64: [[BL:%[0-9]+]] = bitcast <{ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)*, i32 addrspace(1)*, i32 addrspace(1)*, i32 }>* %block to %struct.__opencl_block_literal_generic* // COMMON: [[BL_I8:%[0-9]+]] ={{.*}} addrspacecast %struct.__opencl_block_literal_generic* [[BL]] to i8 addrspace(4)* // COMMON-LABEL: call spir_func i32 @__enqueue_kernel_basic( // COMMON-SAME: %opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %struct.ndrange_t* byval(%struct.ndrange_t) [[NDR]]{{([0-9]+)?}}, // COMMON-SAME: i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast ({{.*}} [[INVLK1:[^ ]+_kernel]] to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), // COMMON-SAME: i8 addrspace(4)* [[BL_I8]]) enqueue_kernel(default_queue, flags, ndrange, ^(void) { a[i] = b[i]; }); // Emits block literal on stack and block kernel [[INVLK2]]. // COMMON: [[DEF_Q:%[0-9]+]] = load %opencl.queue_t{{.*}}*, %opencl.queue_t{{.*}}** %default_queue // COMMON: [[FLAGS:%[0-9]+]] = load i32, i32* %flags // COMMON: [[WAIT_EVNT:%[0-9]+]] ={{.*}} addrspacecast %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}** %event_wait_list to %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)* // COMMON: [[EVNT:%[0-9]+]] ={{.*}} addrspacecast %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}** %clk_event to %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)* // COMMON: store i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast (void (i8 addrspace(4)*)* [[INVL2:@__device_side_enqueue_block_invoke[^ ]*]] to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i8 addrspace(4)** %block.invoke // COMMON: [[BL:%[0-9]+]] = bitcast <{ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)*, i32{{.*}}, i32{{.*}}, i32{{.*}} }>* %block4 to %struct.__opencl_block_literal_generic* // COMMON: [[BL_I8:%[0-9]+]] ={{.*}} addrspacecast %struct.__opencl_block_literal_generic* [[BL]] to i8 addrspace(4)* // COMMON-LABEL: call spir_func i32 @__enqueue_kernel_basic_events // COMMON-SAME: (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %struct.ndrange_t* {{.*}}, i32 2, %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)* [[WAIT_EVNT]], %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)* [[EVNT]], // COMMON-SAME: i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast ({{.*}} [[INVLK2:[^ ]+_kernel]] to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), // COMMON-SAME: i8 addrspace(4)* [[BL_I8]]) enqueue_kernel(default_queue, flags, ndrange, 2, &event_wait_list, &clk_event, ^(void) { a[i] = b[i]; }); // COMMON-LABEL: call spir_func i32 @__enqueue_kernel_basic_events // COMMON-SAME: (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* {{%[0-9]+}}, i32 {{%[0-9]+}}, %struct.ndrange_t* {{.*}}, i32 1, %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)* null, %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)* null, enqueue_kernel(default_queue, flags, ndrange, 1, 0, 0, ^(void) { return; }); // Emits global block literal [[BLG1]] and block kernel [[INVGK1]]. // COMMON: [[DEF_Q:%[0-9]+]] = load %opencl.queue_t{{.*}}*, %opencl.queue_t{{.*}}** %default_queue // COMMON: [[FLAGS:%[0-9]+]] = load i32, i32* %flags // CHECK-LIFETIMES: [[LIFETIME_PTR:%[0-9]+]] = bitcast [1 x i64]* %[[BLOCK_SIZES1]] to i8* // CHECK-LIFETIMES-NEXT: call void @llvm.lifetime.start.p0i8(i64 8, i8* nonnull [[LIFETIME_PTR]]) // CHECK-LIFETIMES-NEXT: getelementptr inbounds [1 x i64], [1 x i64]* %[[BLOCK_SIZES1]], i64 0, i64 0 // CHECK-LIFETIMES-LABEL: call spir_func i32 @__enqueue_kernel_varargs( // CHECK-LIFETIMES-NEXT: call void @llvm.lifetime.end.p0i8(i64 8, i8* nonnull [[LIFETIME_PTR]]) // B32: %[[TMP:.*]] = getelementptr [1 x i32], [1 x i32]* %[[BLOCK_SIZES1]], i32 0, i32 0 // B32: store i32 256, i32* %[[TMP]], align 4 // B64: %[[TMP:.*]] = getelementptr [1 x i64], [1 x i64]* %[[BLOCK_SIZES1]], i32 0, i32 0 // B64: store i64 256, i64* %[[TMP]], align 8 // COMMON-LABEL: call spir_func i32 @__enqueue_kernel_varargs( // COMMON-SAME: %opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %struct.ndrange_t* [[NDR]]{{([0-9]+)?}}, // COMMON-SAME: i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast ({{.*}} [[INVGK1:[^ ]+_kernel]] to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), // COMMON-SAME: i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BLG1]] to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 1, // B32-SAME: i32* %[[TMP]]) // B64-SAME: i64* %[[TMP]]) enqueue_kernel(default_queue, flags, ndrange, ^(local void *p) { return; }, 256); char c; // Emits global block literal [[BLG2]] and block kernel [[INVGK2]]. // COMMON: [[DEF_Q:%[0-9]+]] = load %opencl.queue_t{{.*}}*, %opencl.queue_t{{.*}}** %default_queue // COMMON: [[FLAGS:%[0-9]+]] = load i32, i32* %flags // CHECK-LIFETIMES: [[LIFETIME_PTR:%[0-9]+]] = bitcast [1 x i64]* %[[BLOCK_SIZES2]] to i8* // CHECK-LIFETIMES-NEXT: call void @llvm.lifetime.start.p0i8(i64 8, i8* nonnull [[LIFETIME_PTR]]) // CHECK-LIFETIMES-NEXT: getelementptr inbounds [1 x i64], [1 x i64]* %[[BLOCK_SIZES2]], i64 0, i64 0 // CHECK-LIFETIMES-LABEL: call spir_func i32 @__enqueue_kernel_varargs( // CHECK-LIFETIMES-NEXT: call void @llvm.lifetime.end.p0i8(i64 8, i8* nonnull [[LIFETIME_PTR]]) // B32: %[[TMP:.*]] = getelementptr [1 x i32], [1 x i32]* %[[BLOCK_SIZES2]], i32 0, i32 0 // B32: store i32 %{{.*}}, i32* %[[TMP]], align 4 // B64: %[[TMP:.*]] = getelementptr [1 x i64], [1 x i64]* %[[BLOCK_SIZES2]], i32 0, i32 0 // B64: store i64 %{{.*}}, i64* %[[TMP]], align 8 // COMMON-LABEL: call spir_func i32 @__enqueue_kernel_varargs( // COMMON-SAME: %opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %struct.ndrange_t* [[NDR]]{{([0-9]+)?}}, // COMMON-SAME: i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast ({{.*}} [[INVGK2:[^ ]+_kernel]] to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), // COMMON-SAME: i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BLG2]] to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 1, // B32-SAME: i32* %[[TMP]]) // B64-SAME: i64* %[[TMP]]) enqueue_kernel(default_queue, flags, ndrange, ^(local void *p) { return; }, c); // Emits global block literal [[BLG3]] and block kernel [[INVGK3]]. // COMMON: [[DEF_Q:%[0-9]+]] = load %opencl.queue_t{{.*}}*, %opencl.queue_t{{.*}}** %default_queue // COMMON: [[FLAGS:%[0-9]+]] = load i32, i32* %flags // COMMON: [[AD:%arraydecay[0-9]*]] = getelementptr inbounds [1 x %opencl.clk_event_t*], [1 x %opencl.clk_event_t*]* %event_wait_list2, i{{32|64}} 0, i{{32|64}} 0 // COMMON: [[WAIT_EVNT:%[0-9]+]] ={{.*}} addrspacecast %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}** [[AD]] to %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)* // COMMON: [[EVNT:%[0-9]+]] ={{.*}} addrspacecast %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}** %clk_event to %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)* // CHECK-LIFETIMES: [[LIFETIME_PTR:%[0-9]+]] = bitcast [1 x i64]* %[[BLOCK_SIZES3]] to i8* // CHECK-LIFETIMES-NEXT: call void @llvm.lifetime.start.p0i8(i64 8, i8* nonnull [[LIFETIME_PTR]]) // CHECK-LIFETIMES-NEXT: getelementptr inbounds [1 x i64], [1 x i64]* %[[BLOCK_SIZES3]], i64 0, i64 0 // CHECK-LIFETIMES-LABEL: call spir_func i32 @__enqueue_kernel_events_varargs( // CHECK-LIFETIMES-NEXT: call void @llvm.lifetime.end.p0i8(i64 8, i8* nonnull [[LIFETIME_PTR]]) // B32: %[[TMP:.*]] = getelementptr [1 x i32], [1 x i32]* %[[BLOCK_SIZES3]], i32 0, i32 0 // B32: store i32 256, i32* %[[TMP]], align 4 // B64: %[[TMP:.*]] = getelementptr [1 x i64], [1 x i64]* %[[BLOCK_SIZES3]], i32 0, i32 0 // B64: store i64 256, i64* %[[TMP]], align 8 // COMMON-LABEL: call spir_func i32 @__enqueue_kernel_events_varargs // COMMON-SAME: (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %struct.ndrange_t* {{.*}}, i32 2, %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}} [[WAIT_EVNT]], %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}} [[EVNT]], // COMMON-SAME: i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast ({{.*}} [[INVGK3:[^ ]+_kernel]] to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), // COMMON-SAME: i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BLG3]] to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 1, // B32-SAME: i32* %[[TMP]]) // B64-SAME: i64* %[[TMP]]) enqueue_kernel(default_queue, flags, ndrange, 2, event_wait_list2, &clk_event, ^(local void *p) { return; }, 256); // Emits global block literal [[BLG4]] and block kernel [[INVGK4]]. // COMMON: [[DEF_Q:%[0-9]+]] = load %opencl.queue_t{{.*}}*, %opencl.queue_t{{.*}}** %default_queue // COMMON: [[FLAGS:%[0-9]+]] = load i32, i32* %flags // COMMON: [[AD:%arraydecay[0-9]*]] = getelementptr inbounds [1 x %opencl.clk_event_t*], [1 x %opencl.clk_event_t*]* %event_wait_list2, i{{32|64}} 0, i{{32|64}} 0 // COMMON: [[WAIT_EVNT:%[0-9]+]] ={{.*}} addrspacecast %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}** [[AD]] to %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)* // COMMON: [[EVNT:%[0-9]+]] ={{.*}} addrspacecast %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}** %clk_event to %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)* // CHECK-LIFETIMES: [[LIFETIME_PTR:%[0-9]+]] = bitcast [1 x i64]* %[[BLOCK_SIZES4]] to i8* // CHECK-LIFETIMES-NEXT: call void @llvm.lifetime.start.p0i8(i64 8, i8* nonnull [[LIFETIME_PTR]]) // CHECK-LIFETIMES-NEXT: getelementptr inbounds [1 x i64], [1 x i64]* %[[BLOCK_SIZES4]], i64 0, i64 0 // CHECK-LIFETIMES-LABEL: call spir_func i32 @__enqueue_kernel_events_varargs( // CHECK-LIFETIMES-NEXT: call void @llvm.lifetime.end.p0i8(i64 8, i8* nonnull [[LIFETIME_PTR]]) // B32: %[[TMP:.*]] = getelementptr [1 x i32], [1 x i32]* %[[BLOCK_SIZES4]], i32 0, i32 0 // B32: store i32 %{{.*}}, i32* %[[TMP]], align 4 // B64: %[[TMP:.*]] = getelementptr [1 x i64], [1 x i64]* %[[BLOCK_SIZES4]], i32 0, i32 0 // B64: store i64 %{{.*}}, i64* %[[TMP]], align 8 // COMMON-LABEL: call spir_func i32 @__enqueue_kernel_events_varargs // COMMON-SAME: (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %struct.ndrange_t* {{.*}}, i32 2, %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)* [[WAIT_EVNT]], %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)* [[EVNT]], // COMMON-SAME: i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast ({{.*}} [[INVGK4:[^ ]+_kernel]] to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), // COMMON-SAME: i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BLG4]] to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 1, // B32-SAME: i32* %[[TMP]]) // B64-SAME: i64* %[[TMP]]) enqueue_kernel(default_queue, flags, ndrange, 2, event_wait_list2, &clk_event, ^(local void *p) { return; }, c); long l; // Emits global block literal [[BLG5]] and block kernel [[INVGK5]]. // COMMON: [[DEF_Q:%[0-9]+]] = load %opencl.queue_t{{.*}}*, %opencl.queue_t{{.*}}** %default_queue // COMMON: [[FLAGS:%[0-9]+]] = load i32, i32* %flags // CHECK-LIFETIMES: [[LIFETIME_PTR:%[0-9]+]] = bitcast [1 x i64]* %[[BLOCK_SIZES5]] to i8* // CHECK-LIFETIMES-NEXT: call void @llvm.lifetime.start.p0i8(i64 8, i8* nonnull [[LIFETIME_PTR]]) // CHECK-LIFETIMES-NEXT: getelementptr inbounds [1 x i64], [1 x i64]* %[[BLOCK_SIZES5]], i64 0, i64 0 // CHECK-LIFETIMES-LABEL: call spir_func i32 @__enqueue_kernel_varargs( // CHECK-LIFETIMES-NEXT: call void @llvm.lifetime.end.p0i8(i64 8, i8* nonnull [[LIFETIME_PTR]]) // B32: %[[TMP:.*]] = getelementptr [1 x i32], [1 x i32]* %[[BLOCK_SIZES5]], i32 0, i32 0 // B32: store i32 %{{.*}}, i32* %[[TMP]], align 4 // B64: %[[TMP:.*]] = getelementptr [1 x i64], [1 x i64]* %[[BLOCK_SIZES5]], i32 0, i32 0 // B64: store i64 %{{.*}}, i64* %[[TMP]], align 8 // COMMON-LABEL: call spir_func i32 @__enqueue_kernel_varargs // COMMON-SAME: (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %struct.ndrange_t* [[NDR]]{{([0-9]+)?}}, // COMMON-SAME: i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast ({{.*}} [[INVGK5:[^ ]+_kernel]] to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), // COMMON-SAME: i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BLG5]] to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 1, // B32-SAME: i32* %[[TMP]]) // B64-SAME: i64* %[[TMP]]) enqueue_kernel(default_queue, flags, ndrange, ^(local void *p) { return; }, l); // Emits global block literal [[BLG6]] and block kernel [[INVGK6]]. // COMMON: [[DEF_Q:%[0-9]+]] = load %opencl.queue_t{{.*}}*, %opencl.queue_t{{.*}}** %default_queue // COMMON: [[FLAGS:%[0-9]+]] = load i32, i32* %flags // CHECK-LIFETIMES: [[LIFETIME_PTR:%[0-9]+]] = bitcast [3 x i64]* %[[BLOCK_SIZES6]] to i8* // CHECK-LIFETIMES-NEXT: call void @llvm.lifetime.start.p0i8(i64 24, i8* nonnull [[LIFETIME_PTR]]) // CHECK-LIFETIMES-NEXT: getelementptr inbounds [3 x i64], [3 x i64]* %[[BLOCK_SIZES6]], i64 0, i64 0 // CHECK-LIFETIMES-LABEL: call spir_func i32 @__enqueue_kernel_varargs( // CHECK-LIFETIMES-NEXT: call void @llvm.lifetime.end.p0i8(i64 24, i8* nonnull [[LIFETIME_PTR]]) // B32: %[[TMP:.*]] = getelementptr [3 x i32], [3 x i32]* %[[BLOCK_SIZES6]], i32 0, i32 0 // B32: store i32 1, i32* %[[TMP]], align 4 // B32: %[[BLOCK_SIZES62:.*]] = getelementptr [3 x i32], [3 x i32]* %[[BLOCK_SIZES6]], i32 0, i32 1 // B32: store i32 2, i32* %[[BLOCK_SIZES62]], align 4 // B32: %[[BLOCK_SIZES63:.*]] = getelementptr [3 x i32], [3 x i32]* %[[BLOCK_SIZES6]], i32 0, i32 2 // B32: store i32 4, i32* %[[BLOCK_SIZES63]], align 4 // B64: %[[TMP:.*]] = getelementptr [3 x i64], [3 x i64]* %[[BLOCK_SIZES6]], i32 0, i32 0 // B64: store i64 1, i64* %[[TMP]], align 8 // B64: %[[BLOCK_SIZES62:.*]] = getelementptr [3 x i64], [3 x i64]* %[[BLOCK_SIZES6]], i32 0, i32 1 // B64: store i64 2, i64* %[[BLOCK_SIZES62]], align 8 // B64: %[[BLOCK_SIZES63:.*]] = getelementptr [3 x i64], [3 x i64]* %[[BLOCK_SIZES6]], i32 0, i32 2 // B64: store i64 4, i64* %[[BLOCK_SIZES63]], align 8 // COMMON-LABEL: call spir_func i32 @__enqueue_kernel_varargs // COMMON-SAME: (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %struct.ndrange_t* [[NDR]]{{([0-9]+)?}}, // COMMON-SAME: i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast ({{.*}} [[INVGK6:[^ ]+_kernel]] to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), // COMMON-SAME: i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BLG6]] to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 3, // B32-SAME: i32* %[[TMP]]) // B64-SAME: i64* %[[TMP]]) enqueue_kernel(default_queue, flags, ndrange, ^(local void *p1, local void *p2, local void *p3) { return; }, 1, 2, 4); // Emits global block literal [[BLG7]] and block kernel [[INVGK7]]. // COMMON: [[DEF_Q:%[0-9]+]] = load %opencl.queue_t*, %opencl.queue_t** %default_queue // COMMON: [[FLAGS:%[0-9]+]] = load i32, i32* %flags // CHECK-LIFETIMES: [[LIFETIME_PTR:%[0-9]+]] = bitcast [1 x i64]* %[[BLOCK_SIZES7]] to i8* // CHECK-LIFETIMES-NEXT: call void @llvm.lifetime.start.p0i8(i64 8, i8* nonnull [[LIFETIME_PTR]]) // CHECK-LIFETIMES-NEXT: getelementptr inbounds [1 x i64], [1 x i64]* %[[BLOCK_SIZES7]], i64 0, i64 0 // CHECK-LIFETIMES-LABEL: call spir_func i32 @__enqueue_kernel_varargs( // CHECK-LIFETIMES-NEXT: call void @llvm.lifetime.end.p0i8(i64 8, i8* nonnull [[LIFETIME_PTR]]) // B32: %[[TMP:.*]] = getelementptr [1 x i32], [1 x i32]* %[[BLOCK_SIZES7]], i32 0, i32 0 // B32: store i32 0, i32* %[[TMP]], align 4 // B64: %[[TMP:.*]] = getelementptr [1 x i64], [1 x i64]* %[[BLOCK_SIZES7]], i32 0, i32 0 // B64: store i64 4294967296, i64* %[[TMP]], align 8 // COMMON-LABEL: call spir_func i32 @__enqueue_kernel_varargs // COMMON-SAME: (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %struct.ndrange_t* [[NDR]]{{([0-9]+)?}}, // COMMON-SAME: i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast ({{.*}} [[INVGK7:[^ ]+_kernel]] to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), // COMMON-SAME: i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BLG7]] to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 1, // B32-SAME: i32* %[[TMP]]) // B64-SAME: i64* %[[TMP]]) enqueue_kernel(default_queue, flags, ndrange, ^(local void *p) { return; }, 4294967296L); // Emits global block literal [[BLG8]] and invoke function [[INVG8]]. // The full type of these expressions are long (and repeated elsewhere), so we // capture it as part of the regex for convenience and clarity. // COMMON: store %struct.__opencl_block_literal_generic addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (%struct.__opencl_block_literal_generic addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BLG8]] to %struct.__opencl_block_literal_generic addrspace(1)*) to %struct.__opencl_block_literal_generic addrspace(4)*), %struct.__opencl_block_literal_generic addrspace(4)** %block_A void (^const block_A)(void) = ^{ return; }; // Emits global block literal [[BLG9]] and invoke function [[INVG9]]. // COMMON: store %struct.__opencl_block_literal_generic addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (%struct.__opencl_block_literal_generic addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BLG9]] to %struct.__opencl_block_literal_generic addrspace(1)*) to %struct.__opencl_block_literal_generic addrspace(4)*), %struct.__opencl_block_literal_generic addrspace(4)** %block_B void (^const block_B)(local void *) = ^(local void *a) { return; }; // Uses global block literal [[BLG8]] and invoke function [[INVG8]]. // COMMON: call spir_func void @__device_side_enqueue_block_invoke_11(i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BLG8]] to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*)) block_A(); // Emits global block literal [[BLG8]] and block kernel [[INVGK8]]. [[INVGK8]] calls [[INVG8]]. // COMMON: [[DEF_Q:%[0-9]+]] = load %opencl.queue_t{{.*}}*, %opencl.queue_t{{.*}}** %default_queue // COMMON: [[FLAGS:%[0-9]+]] = load i32, i32* %flags // COMMON-LABEL: call spir_func i32 @__enqueue_kernel_basic( // COMMON-SAME: %opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %struct.ndrange_t* byval(%struct.ndrange_t) [[NDR]]{{([0-9]+)?}}, // COMMON-SAME: i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast ({{.*}} [[INVGK8:[^ ]+_kernel]] to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), // COMMON-SAME: i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BLG8]] to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*)) enqueue_kernel(default_queue, flags, ndrange, block_A); // Uses block kernel [[INVGK8]] and global block literal [[BLG8]]. // COMMON: call spir_func i32 @__get_kernel_work_group_size_impl( // COMMON-SAME: i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast ({{.*}} [[INVGK8]] to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), // COMMON-SAME: i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BLG8]] to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*)) unsigned size = get_kernel_work_group_size(block_A); // Uses global block literal [[BLG8]] and invoke function [[INVG8]]. Make sure no redundant block literal and invoke functions are emitted. // COMMON: call spir_func void @__device_side_enqueue_block_invoke_11(i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BLG8]] to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*)) block_A(); // Make sure that block invoke function is resolved correctly after sequence of assignements. // COMMON: store %struct.__opencl_block_literal_generic addrspace(4)* // COMMON-SAME: addrspacecast (%struct.__opencl_block_literal_generic addrspace(1)* // COMMON-SAME: bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BL_GLOBAL]] to %struct.__opencl_block_literal_generic addrspace(1)*) // COMMON-SAME: to %struct.__opencl_block_literal_generic addrspace(4)*), // COMMON-SAME: %struct.__opencl_block_literal_generic addrspace(4)** %b1, bl_t b1 = block_G; // COMMON: store %struct.__opencl_block_literal_generic addrspace(4)* // COMMON-SAME: addrspacecast (%struct.__opencl_block_literal_generic addrspace(1)* // COMMON-SAME: bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BL_GLOBAL]] to %struct.__opencl_block_literal_generic addrspace(1)*) // COMMON-SAME: to %struct.__opencl_block_literal_generic addrspace(4)*), // COMMON-SAME: %struct.__opencl_block_literal_generic addrspace(4)** %b2, bl_t b2 = b1; // COMMON: call spir_func void @block_G_block_invoke(i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* // COMMON-SAME: bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BL_GLOBAL]] to i8 addrspace(1)*) // COOMON-SAME: to i8 addrspace(4)*), i8 addrspace(3)* null) b2(0); // Uses global block literal [[BL_GLOBAL]] and block kernel [[INV_G_K]]. [[INV_G_K]] calls [[INV_G]]. // COMMON: call spir_func i32 @__get_kernel_preferred_work_group_size_multiple_impl( // COMMON-SAME: i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast ({{.*}} [[INV_G_K:[^ ]+_kernel]] to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), // COMMON-SAME: i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BL_GLOBAL]] to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*)) size = get_kernel_preferred_work_group_size_multiple(b2); void (^block_C)(void) = ^{ callee(i, a); }; // Emits block literal on stack and block kernel [[INVLK3]]. // COMMON: store i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast (void (i8 addrspace(4)*)* [[INVL3:@__device_side_enqueue_block_invoke[^ ]*]] to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i8 addrspace(4)** %block.invoke // COMMON: [[DEF_Q:%[0-9]+]] = load %opencl.queue_t{{.*}}*, %opencl.queue_t{{.*}}** %default_queue // COMMON: [[FLAGS:%[0-9]+]] = load i32, i32* %flags // COMMON: [[BL_I8:%[0-9]+]] ={{.*}} addrspacecast %struct.__opencl_block_literal_generic* {{.*}} to i8 addrspace(4)* // COMMON-LABEL: call spir_func i32 @__enqueue_kernel_basic( // COMMON-SAME: %opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %struct.ndrange_t* byval(%struct.ndrange_t) [[NDR]]{{([0-9]+)?}}, // COMMON-SAME: i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast ({{.*}} [[INVLK3:[^ ]+_kernel]] to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), // COMMON-SAME: i8 addrspace(4)* [[BL_I8]]) enqueue_kernel(default_queue, flags, ndrange, block_C); // Emits global block literal [[BLG9]] and block kernel [[INVGK9]]. [[INVGK9]] calls [[INV9]]. // COMMON: call spir_func i32 @__get_kernel_work_group_size_impl( // COMMON-SAME: i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast ({{.*}} [[INVGK9:[^ ]+_kernel]] to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), // COMMON-SAME: i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BLG9]] to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*)) size = get_kernel_work_group_size(block_B); // Uses global block literal [[BLG8]] and block kernel [[INVGK8]]. Make sure no redundant block literal ind invoke functions are emitted. // COMMON: call spir_func i32 @__get_kernel_preferred_work_group_size_multiple_impl( // COMMON-SAME: i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast ({{.*}} [[INVGK8]] to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), // COMMON-SAME: i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BLG8]] to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*)) size = get_kernel_preferred_work_group_size_multiple(block_A); // Uses global block literal [[BL_GLOBAL]] and block kernel [[INV_G_K]]. [[INV_G_K]] calls [[INV_G]]. // COMMON: call spir_func i32 @__get_kernel_preferred_work_group_size_multiple_impl( // COMMON-SAME: i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast ({{.*}} [[INV_G_K:[^ ]+_kernel]] to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), // COMMON-SAME: i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BL_GLOBAL]] to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*)) size = get_kernel_preferred_work_group_size_multiple(block_G); // Emits global block literal [[BLG10]] and block kernel [[INVGK10]]. // COMMON: call spir_func i32 @__get_kernel_max_sub_group_size_for_ndrange_impl(%struct.ndrange_t* {{[^,]+}}, // COMMON-SAME: i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast ({{.*}} [[INVGK10:[^ ]+_kernel]] to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), // COMMON-SAME: i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BLG10]] to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*)) size = get_kernel_max_sub_group_size_for_ndrange(ndrange, ^(){}); // Emits global block literal [[BLG11]] and block kernel [[INVGK11]]. // COMMON: call spir_func i32 @__get_kernel_sub_group_count_for_ndrange_impl(%struct.ndrange_t* {{[^,]+}}, // COMMON-SAME: i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast ({{.*}} [[INVGK11:[^ ]+_kernel]] to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), // COMMON-SAME: i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BLG11]] to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*)) size = get_kernel_sub_group_count_for_ndrange(ndrange, ^(){}); } // COMMON: define internal spir_kernel void [[INVLK1]](i8 addrspace(4)* %0) #{{[0-9]+}} { // COMMON: entry: // COMMON: call spir_func void @__device_side_enqueue_block_invoke(i8 addrspace(4)* %0) // COMMON: ret void // COMMON: } // COMMON: define internal spir_kernel void [[INVLK2]](i8 addrspace(4)*{{.*}}) // COMMON: define internal spir_kernel void [[INVGK1]](i8 addrspace(4)*{{.*}}, i8 addrspace(3)*{{.*}}) // COMMON: define internal spir_kernel void [[INVGK2]](i8 addrspace(4)*{{.*}}, i8 addrspace(3)*{{.*}}) // COMMON: define internal spir_kernel void [[INVGK3]](i8 addrspace(4)*{{.*}}, i8 addrspace(3)*{{.*}}) // COMMON: define internal spir_kernel void [[INVGK4]](i8 addrspace(4)*{{.*}}, i8 addrspace(3)*{{.*}}) // COMMON: define internal spir_kernel void [[INVGK5]](i8 addrspace(4)*{{.*}}, i8 addrspace(3)*{{.*}}) // COMMON: define internal spir_kernel void [[INVGK6]](i8 addrspace(4)* %0, i8 addrspace(3)* %1, i8 addrspace(3)* %2, i8 addrspace(3)* %3) #{{[0-9]+}} { // COMMON: entry: // COMMON: call spir_func void @__device_side_enqueue_block_invoke_9(i8 addrspace(4)* %0, i8 addrspace(3)* %1, i8 addrspace(3)* %2, i8 addrspace(3)* %3) // COMMON: ret void // COMMON: } // COMMON: define internal spir_kernel void [[INVGK7]](i8 addrspace(4)*{{.*}}, i8 addrspace(3)*{{.*}}) // COMMON: define internal spir_func void [[INVG8]](i8 addrspace(4)*{{.*}}) // COMMON: define internal spir_func void [[INVG9]](i8 addrspace(4)*{{.*}}, i8 addrspace(3)* %{{.*}}) // COMMON: define internal spir_kernel void [[INVGK8]](i8 addrspace(4)*{{.*}}) // COMMON: define internal spir_kernel void [[INV_G_K]](i8 addrspace(4)*{{.*}}, i8 addrspace(3)*{{.*}}) // COMMON: define internal spir_kernel void [[INVLK3]](i8 addrspace(4)*{{.*}}) // COMMON: define internal spir_kernel void [[INVGK9]](i8 addrspace(4)*{{.*}}, i8 addrspace(3)*{{.*}}) // COMMON: define internal spir_kernel void [[INVGK10]](i8 addrspace(4)*{{.*}}) // COMMON: define internal spir_kernel void [[INVGK11]](i8 addrspace(4)*{{.*}})