// RUN: %clang_cc1 -ffreestanding -fms-extensions -fms-compatibility -fms-compatibility-version=17.00 \ // RUN: -triple i686--windows -Oz -emit-llvm %s -o - \ // RUN: | FileCheck %s -check-prefixes CHECK,CHECK-I386,CHECK-INTEL // RUN: %clang_cc1 -ffreestanding -fms-extensions -fms-compatibility -fms-compatibility-version=17.00 \ // RUN: -triple thumbv7--windows -Oz -emit-llvm %s -o - \ // RUN: | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes CHECK,CHECK-ARM,CHECK-ARM-ARM64,CHECK-ARM-X64 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -ffreestanding -fms-extensions -fms-compatibility -fms-compatibility-version=17.00 \ // RUN: -triple x86_64--windows -Oz -emit-llvm -target-feature +cx16 %s -o - \ // RUN: | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes CHECK,CHECK-X64,CHECK-ARM-X64,CHECK-INTEL,CHECK-64 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -ffreestanding -fms-extensions -fms-compatibility -fms-compatibility-version=17.00 \ // RUN: -triple aarch64-windows -Oz -emit-llvm %s -o - \ // RUN: | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes CHECK-ARM-ARM64,CHECK-ARM-X64,CHECK-ARM64,CHECK-64 // intrin.h needs size_t, but -ffreestanding prevents us from getting it from // stddef.h. Work around it with this typedef. typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ size_t; #include #if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__) void test__stosb(unsigned char *Dest, unsigned char Data, size_t Count) { return __stosb(Dest, Data, Count); } // CHECK-I386: define{{.*}}void @test__stosb // CHECK-I386: tail call void @llvm.memset.p0i8.i32(i8* align 1 %Dest, i8 %Data, i32 %Count, i1 true) // CHECK-I386: ret void // CHECK-I386: } // CHECK-X64: define{{.*}}void @test__stosb // CHECK-X64: tail call void @llvm.memset.p0i8.i64(i8* align 1 %Dest, i8 %Data, i64 %Count, i1 true) // CHECK-X64: ret void // CHECK-X64: } void test__movsb(unsigned char *Dest, unsigned char *Src, size_t Count) { return __movsb(Dest, Src, Count); } // CHECK-I386-LABEL: define{{.*}} void @test__movsb // CHECK-I386: call { i8*, i8*, i32 } asm sideeffect "rep movsb", "={di},={si},={cx},0,1,2,~{memory},~{dirflag},~{fpsr},~{flags}"(i8* %Dest, i8* %Src, i32 %Count) // CHECK-I386: ret void // CHECK-I386: } // CHECK-X64-LABEL: define{{.*}} void @test__movsb // CHECK-X64: call { i8*, i8*, i64 } asm sideeffect "rep movsb", "={di},={si},={cx},0,1,2,~{memory},~{dirflag},~{fpsr},~{flags}"(i8* %Dest, i8* %Src, i64 %Count) // CHECK-X64: ret void // CHECK-X64: } void test__stosw(unsigned short *Dest, unsigned short Data, size_t Count) { return __stosw(Dest, Data, Count); } // CHECK-I386-LABEL: define{{.*}} void @test__stosw // CHECK-I386: call { i16*, i32 } asm sideeffect "rep stosw", "={di},={cx},{ax},0,1,~{memory},~{dirflag},~{fpsr},~{flags}"(i16 %Data, i16* %Dest, i32 %Count) // CHECK-I386: ret void // CHECK-I386: } // CHECK-X64-LABEL: define{{.*}} void @test__stosw // CHECK-X64: call { i16*, i64 } asm sideeffect "rep stosw", "={di},={cx},{ax},0,1,~{memory},~{dirflag},~{fpsr},~{flags}"(i16 %Data, i16* %Dest, i64 %Count) // CHECK-X64: ret void // CHECK-X64: } void test__movsw(unsigned short *Dest, unsigned short *Src, size_t Count) { return __movsw(Dest, Src, Count); } // CHECK-I386-LABEL: define{{.*}} void @test__movsw // CHECK-I386: call { i16*, i16*, i32 } asm sideeffect "rep movsw", "={di},={si},={cx},0,1,2,~{memory},~{dirflag},~{fpsr},~{flags}"(i16* %Dest, i16* %Src, i32 %Count) // CHECK-I386: ret void // CHECK-I386: } // CHECK-X64-LABEL: define{{.*}} void @test__movsw // CHECK-X64: call { i16*, i16*, i64 } asm sideeffect "rep movsw", "={di},={si},={cx},0,1,2,~{memory},~{dirflag},~{fpsr},~{flags}"(i16* %Dest, i16* %Src, i64 %Count) // CHECK-X64: ret void // CHECK-X64: } void test__stosd(unsigned long *Dest, unsigned long Data, size_t Count) { return __stosd(Dest, Data, Count); } // CHECK-I386-LABEL: define{{.*}} void @test__stosd // CHECK-I386: call { i32*, i32 } asm sideeffect "rep stosl", "={di},={cx},{ax},0,1,~{memory},~{dirflag},~{fpsr},~{flags}"(i32 %Data, i32* %Dest, i32 %Count) // CHECK-I386: ret void // CHECK-I386: } // CHECK-X64-LABEL: define{{.*}} void @test__stosd // CHECK-X64: call { i32*, i64 } asm sideeffect "rep stosl", "={di},={cx},{ax},0,1,~{memory},~{dirflag},~{fpsr},~{flags}"(i32 %Data, i32* %Dest, i64 %Count) // CHECK-X64: ret void // CHECK-X64: } void test__movsd(unsigned long *Dest, unsigned long *Src, size_t Count) { return __movsd(Dest, Src, Count); } // CHECK-I386-LABEL: define{{.*}} void @test__movsd // CHECK-I386: call { i32*, i32*, i32 } asm sideeffect "rep movsl", "={di},={si},={cx},0,1,2,~{memory},~{dirflag},~{fpsr},~{flags}"(i32* %Dest, i32* %Src, i32 %Count) // CHECK-I386: ret void // CHECK-I386: } // CHECK-X64-LABEL: define{{.*}} void @test__movsd // CHECK-X64: call { i32*, i32*, i64 } asm sideeffect "rep movsl", "={di},={si},={cx},0,1,2,~{memory},~{dirflag},~{fpsr},~{flags}"(i32* %Dest, i32* %Src, i64 %Count) // CHECK-X64: ret void // CHECK-X64: } #ifdef __x86_64__ void test__stosq(unsigned __int64 *Dest, unsigned __int64 Data, size_t Count) { return __stosq(Dest, Data, Count); } // CHECK-X64-LABEL: define{{.*}} void @test__stosq // CHECK-X64: call { i64*, i64 } asm sideeffect "rep stosq", "={di},={cx},{ax},0,1,~{memory},~{dirflag},~{fpsr},~{flags}"(i64 %Data, i64* %Dest, i64 %Count) // CHECK-X64: ret void // CHECK-X64: } void test__movsq(unsigned __int64 *Dest, unsigned __int64 *Src, size_t Count) { return __movsq(Dest, Src, Count); } // CHECK-X64-LABEL: define{{.*}} void @test__movsq // CHECK-X64: call { i64*, i64*, i64 } asm sideeffect "rep movsq", "={di},={si},={cx},0,1,2,~{memory},~{dirflag},~{fpsr},~{flags}"(i64* %Dest, i64* %Src, i64 %Count) // CHECK-X64: ret void // CHECK-X64: } #endif void test__ud2(void) { __ud2(); } // CHECK-INTEL-LABEL: define{{.*}} void @test__ud2() // CHECK-INTEL: call void @llvm.trap() void test__int2c(void) { __int2c(); } // CHECK-INTEL-LABEL: define{{.*}} void @test__int2c() // CHECK-INTEL: call void asm sideeffect "int $$0x2c", ""() #[[NORETURN:[0-9]+]] #endif void *test_ReturnAddress() { return _ReturnAddress(); } // CHECK-LABEL: define{{.*}}i8* @test_ReturnAddress() // CHECK: = tail call i8* @llvm.returnaddress(i32 0) // CHECK: ret i8* #if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined (__aarch64__) void *test_AddressOfReturnAddress() { return _AddressOfReturnAddress(); } // CHECK-INTEL-LABEL: define dso_local i8* @test_AddressOfReturnAddress() // CHECK-INTEL: = tail call i8* @llvm.addressofreturnaddress.p0i8() // CHECK-INTEL: ret i8* #endif unsigned char test_BitScanForward(unsigned long *Index, unsigned long Mask) { return _BitScanForward(++Index, Mask); } // CHECK: define{{.*}}i8 @test_BitScanForward(i32* {{[a-z_ ]*}}%Index, i32 {{[a-z_ ]*}}%Mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK: [[ISNOTZERO:%[a-z0-9._]+]] = icmp eq i32 %Mask, 0 // CHECK: br i1 [[ISNOTZERO]], label %[[END_LABEL:[a-z0-9._]+]], label %[[ISNOTZERO_LABEL:[a-z0-9._]+]] // CHECK: [[END_LABEL]]: // CHECK: [[RESULT:%[a-z0-9._]+]] = phi i8 [ 0, %[[ISZERO_LABEL:[a-z0-9._]+]] ], [ 1, %[[ISNOTZERO_LABEL]] ] // CHECK: ret i8 [[RESULT]] // CHECK: [[ISNOTZERO_LABEL]]: // CHECK: [[IDXGEP:%[a-z0-9._]+]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %Index, {{i64|i32}} 1 // CHECK: [[INDEX:%[0-9]+]] = tail call i32 @llvm.cttz.i32(i32 %Mask, i1 true) // CHECK: store i32 [[INDEX]], i32* [[IDXGEP]], align 4 // CHECK: br label %[[END_LABEL]] unsigned char test_BitScanReverse(unsigned long *Index, unsigned long Mask) { return _BitScanReverse(++Index, Mask); } // CHECK: define{{.*}}i8 @test_BitScanReverse(i32* {{[a-z_ ]*}}%Index, i32 {{[a-z_ ]*}}%Mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK: [[ISNOTZERO:%[0-9]+]] = icmp eq i32 %Mask, 0 // CHECK: br i1 [[ISNOTZERO]], label %[[END_LABEL:[a-z0-9._]+]], label %[[ISNOTZERO_LABEL:[a-z0-9._]+]] // CHECK: [[END_LABEL]]: // CHECK: [[RESULT:%[a-z0-9._]+]] = phi i8 [ 0, %[[ISZERO_LABEL:[a-z0-9._]+]] ], [ 1, %[[ISNOTZERO_LABEL]] ] // CHECK: ret i8 [[RESULT]] // CHECK: [[ISNOTZERO_LABEL]]: // CHECK: [[IDXGEP:%[a-z0-9._]+]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %Index, {{i64|i32}} 1 // CHECK: [[REVINDEX:%[0-9]+]] = tail call i32 @llvm.ctlz.i32(i32 %Mask, i1 true) // CHECK: [[INDEX:%[0-9]+]] = xor i32 [[REVINDEX]], 31 // CHECK: store i32 [[INDEX]], i32* [[IDXGEP]], align 4 // CHECK: br label %[[END_LABEL]] #if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__arm__) || defined(__aarch64__) unsigned char test_BitScanForward64(unsigned long *Index, unsigned __int64 Mask) { return _BitScanForward64(Index, Mask); } // CHECK-ARM-X64: define{{.*}}i8 @test_BitScanForward64(i32* {{[a-z_ ]*}}%Index, i64 {{[a-z_ ]*}}%Mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-X64: [[ISNOTZERO:%[a-z0-9._]+]] = icmp eq i64 %Mask, 0 // CHECK-ARM-X64: br i1 [[ISNOTZERO]], label %[[END_LABEL:[a-z0-9._]+]], label %[[ISNOTZERO_LABEL:[a-z0-9._]+]] // CHECK-ARM-X64: [[END_LABEL]]: // CHECK-ARM-X64: [[RESULT:%[a-z0-9._]+]] = phi i8 [ 0, %[[ISZERO_LABEL:[a-z0-9._]+]] ], [ 1, %[[ISNOTZERO_LABEL]] ] // CHECK-ARM-X64: ret i8 [[RESULT]] // CHECK-ARM-X64: [[ISNOTZERO_LABEL]]: // CHECK-ARM-X64: [[INDEX:%[0-9]+]] = tail call i64 @llvm.cttz.i64(i64 %Mask, i1 true) // CHECK-ARM-X64: [[TRUNC_INDEX:%[0-9]+]] = trunc i64 [[INDEX]] to i32 // CHECK-ARM-X64: store i32 [[TRUNC_INDEX]], i32* %Index, align 4 // CHECK-ARM-X64: br label %[[END_LABEL]] unsigned char test_BitScanReverse64(unsigned long *Index, unsigned __int64 Mask) { return _BitScanReverse64(Index, Mask); } // CHECK-ARM-X64: define{{.*}}i8 @test_BitScanReverse64(i32* {{[a-z_ ]*}}%Index, i64 {{[a-z_ ]*}}%Mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-X64: [[ISNOTZERO:%[0-9]+]] = icmp eq i64 %Mask, 0 // CHECK-ARM-X64: br i1 [[ISNOTZERO]], label %[[END_LABEL:[a-z0-9._]+]], label %[[ISNOTZERO_LABEL:[a-z0-9._]+]] // CHECK-ARM-X64: [[END_LABEL]]: // CHECK-ARM-X64: [[RESULT:%[a-z0-9._]+]] = phi i8 [ 0, %[[ISZERO_LABEL:[a-z0-9._]+]] ], [ 1, %[[ISNOTZERO_LABEL]] ] // CHECK-ARM-X64: ret i8 [[RESULT]] // CHECK-ARM-X64: [[ISNOTZERO_LABEL]]: // CHECK-ARM-X64: [[REVINDEX:%[0-9]+]] = tail call i64 @llvm.ctlz.i64(i64 %Mask, i1 true) // CHECK-ARM-X64: [[TRUNC_REVINDEX:%[0-9]+]] = trunc i64 [[REVINDEX]] to i32 // CHECK-ARM-X64: [[INDEX:%[0-9]+]] = xor i32 [[TRUNC_REVINDEX]], 63 // CHECK-ARM-X64: store i32 [[INDEX]], i32* %Index, align 4 // CHECK-ARM-X64: br label %[[END_LABEL]] #endif void *test_InterlockedExchangePointer(void * volatile *Target, void *Value) { return _InterlockedExchangePointer(Target, Value); } // CHECK: define{{.*}}i8* @test_InterlockedExchangePointer(i8** {{[a-z_ ]*}}%Target, i8* {{[a-z_ ]*}}%Value){{.*}}{ // CHECK: %[[TARGET:[0-9]+]] = bitcast i8** %Target to [[iPTR:i[0-9]+]]* // CHECK: %[[VALUE:[0-9]+]] = ptrtoint i8* %Value to [[iPTR]] // CHECK: %[[EXCHANGE:[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw xchg [[iPTR]]* %[[TARGET]], [[iPTR]] %[[VALUE]] seq_cst // CHECK: %[[RESULT:[0-9]+]] = inttoptr [[iPTR]] %[[EXCHANGE]] to i8* // CHECK: ret i8* %[[RESULT]] // CHECK: } void *test_InterlockedCompareExchangePointer(void * volatile *Destination, void *Exchange, void *Comparand) { return _InterlockedCompareExchangePointer(Destination, Exchange, Comparand); } // CHECK: define{{.*}}i8* @test_InterlockedCompareExchangePointer(i8** {{[a-z_ ]*}}%Destination, i8* {{[a-z_ ]*}}%Exchange, i8* {{[a-z_ ]*}}%Comparand){{.*}}{ // CHECK: %[[DEST:[0-9]+]] = bitcast i8** %Destination to [[iPTR]]* // CHECK: %[[EXCHANGE:[0-9]+]] = ptrtoint i8* %Exchange to [[iPTR]] // CHECK: %[[COMPARAND:[0-9]+]] = ptrtoint i8* %Comparand to [[iPTR]] // CHECK: %[[XCHG:[0-9]+]] = cmpxchg volatile [[iPTR]]* %[[DEST:[0-9]+]], [[iPTR]] %[[COMPARAND:[0-9]+]], [[iPTR]] %[[EXCHANGE:[0-9]+]] seq_cst seq_cst // CHECK: %[[EXTRACT:[0-9]+]] = extractvalue { [[iPTR]], i1 } %[[XCHG]], 0 // CHECK: %[[RESULT:[0-9]+]] = inttoptr [[iPTR]] %[[EXTRACT]] to i8* // CHECK: ret i8* %[[RESULT:[0-9]+]] // CHECK: } void *test_InterlockedCompareExchangePointer_nf(void * volatile *Destination, void *Exchange, void *Comparand) { return _InterlockedCompareExchangePointer_nf(Destination, Exchange, Comparand); } // CHECK: define{{.*}}i8* @test_InterlockedCompareExchangePointer_nf(i8** {{[a-z_ ]*}}%Destination, i8* {{[a-z_ ]*}}%Exchange, i8* {{[a-z_ ]*}}%Comparand){{.*}}{ // CHECK: %[[DEST:[0-9]+]] = bitcast i8** %Destination to [[iPTR]]* // CHECK: %[[EXCHANGE:[0-9]+]] = ptrtoint i8* %Exchange to [[iPTR]] // CHECK: %[[COMPARAND:[0-9]+]] = ptrtoint i8* %Comparand to [[iPTR]] // CHECK: %[[XCHG:[0-9]+]] = cmpxchg volatile [[iPTR]]* %[[DEST:[0-9]+]], [[iPTR]] %[[COMPARAND:[0-9]+]], [[iPTR]] %[[EXCHANGE:[0-9]+]] monotonic monotonic // CHECK: %[[EXTRACT:[0-9]+]] = extractvalue { [[iPTR]], i1 } %[[XCHG]], 0 // CHECK: %[[RESULT:[0-9]+]] = inttoptr [[iPTR]] %[[EXTRACT]] to i8* // CHECK: ret i8* %[[RESULT:[0-9]+]] // CHECK: } char test_InterlockedExchange8(char volatile *value, char mask) { return _InterlockedExchange8(value, mask); } // CHECK: define{{.*}}i8 @test_InterlockedExchange8(i8*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i8{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw xchg i8* %value, i8 %mask seq_cst // CHECK: ret i8 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK: } short test_InterlockedExchange16(short volatile *value, short mask) { return _InterlockedExchange16(value, mask); } // CHECK: define{{.*}}i16 @test_InterlockedExchange16(i16*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i16{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw xchg i16* %value, i16 %mask seq_cst // CHECK: ret i16 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK: } long test_InterlockedExchange(long volatile *value, long mask) { return _InterlockedExchange(value, mask); } // CHECK: define{{.*}}i32 @test_InterlockedExchange(i32*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i32{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw xchg i32* %value, i32 %mask seq_cst // CHECK: ret i32 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK: } char test_InterlockedExchangeAdd8(char volatile *value, char mask) { return _InterlockedExchangeAdd8(value, mask); } // CHECK: define{{.*}}i8 @test_InterlockedExchangeAdd8(i8*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i8{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw add i8* %value, i8 %mask seq_cst // CHECK: ret i8 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK: } short test_InterlockedExchangeAdd16(short volatile *value, short mask) { return _InterlockedExchangeAdd16(value, mask); } // CHECK: define{{.*}}i16 @test_InterlockedExchangeAdd16(i16*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i16{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw add i16* %value, i16 %mask seq_cst // CHECK: ret i16 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK: } long test_InterlockedExchangeAdd(long volatile *value, long mask) { return _InterlockedExchangeAdd(value, mask); } // CHECK: define{{.*}}i32 @test_InterlockedExchangeAdd(i32*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i32{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw add i32* %value, i32 %mask seq_cst // CHECK: ret i32 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK: } char test_InterlockedExchangeSub8(char volatile *value, char mask) { return _InterlockedExchangeSub8(value, mask); } // CHECK: define{{.*}}i8 @test_InterlockedExchangeSub8(i8*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i8{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw sub i8* %value, i8 %mask seq_cst // CHECK: ret i8 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK: } short test_InterlockedExchangeSub16(short volatile *value, short mask) { return _InterlockedExchangeSub16(value, mask); } // CHECK: define{{.*}}i16 @test_InterlockedExchangeSub16(i16*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i16{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw sub i16* %value, i16 %mask seq_cst // CHECK: ret i16 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK: } long test_InterlockedExchangeSub(long volatile *value, long mask) { return _InterlockedExchangeSub(value, mask); } // CHECK: define{{.*}}i32 @test_InterlockedExchangeSub(i32*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i32{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw sub i32* %value, i32 %mask seq_cst // CHECK: ret i32 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK: } char test_InterlockedOr8(char volatile *value, char mask) { return _InterlockedOr8(value, mask); } // CHECK: define{{.*}}i8 @test_InterlockedOr8(i8*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i8{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw or i8* %value, i8 %mask seq_cst // CHECK: ret i8 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK: } short test_InterlockedOr16(short volatile *value, short mask) { return _InterlockedOr16(value, mask); } // CHECK: define{{.*}}i16 @test_InterlockedOr16(i16*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i16{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw or i16* %value, i16 %mask seq_cst // CHECK: ret i16 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK: } long test_InterlockedOr(long volatile *value, long mask) { return _InterlockedOr(value, mask); } // CHECK: define{{.*}}i32 @test_InterlockedOr(i32*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i32{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw or i32* %value, i32 %mask seq_cst // CHECK: ret i32 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK: } char test_InterlockedXor8(char volatile *value, char mask) { return _InterlockedXor8(value, mask); } // CHECK: define{{.*}}i8 @test_InterlockedXor8(i8*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i8{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw xor i8* %value, i8 %mask seq_cst // CHECK: ret i8 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK: } short test_InterlockedXor16(short volatile *value, short mask) { return _InterlockedXor16(value, mask); } // CHECK: define{{.*}}i16 @test_InterlockedXor16(i16*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i16{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw xor i16* %value, i16 %mask seq_cst // CHECK: ret i16 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK: } long test_InterlockedXor(long volatile *value, long mask) { return _InterlockedXor(value, mask); } // CHECK: define{{.*}}i32 @test_InterlockedXor(i32*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i32{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw xor i32* %value, i32 %mask seq_cst // CHECK: ret i32 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK: } char test_InterlockedAnd8(char volatile *value, char mask) { return _InterlockedAnd8(value, mask); } // CHECK: define{{.*}}i8 @test_InterlockedAnd8(i8*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i8{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw and i8* %value, i8 %mask seq_cst // CHECK: ret i8 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK: } short test_InterlockedAnd16(short volatile *value, short mask) { return _InterlockedAnd16(value, mask); } // CHECK: define{{.*}}i16 @test_InterlockedAnd16(i16*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i16{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw and i16* %value, i16 %mask seq_cst // CHECK: ret i16 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK: } long test_InterlockedAnd(long volatile *value, long mask) { return _InterlockedAnd(value, mask); } // CHECK: define{{.*}}i32 @test_InterlockedAnd(i32*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i32{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw and i32* %value, i32 %mask seq_cst // CHECK: ret i32 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK: } char test_InterlockedCompareExchange8(char volatile *Destination, char Exchange, char Comperand) { return _InterlockedCompareExchange8(Destination, Exchange, Comperand); } // CHECK: define{{.*}}i8 @test_InterlockedCompareExchange8(i8*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Destination, i8{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Exchange, i8{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Comperand){{.*}}{ // CHECK: [[TMP:%[0-9]+]] = cmpxchg volatile i8* %Destination, i8 %Comperand, i8 %Exchange seq_cst seq_cst // CHECK: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = extractvalue { i8, i1 } [[TMP]], 0 // CHECK: ret i8 [[RESULT]] // CHECK: } short test_InterlockedCompareExchange16(short volatile *Destination, short Exchange, short Comperand) { return _InterlockedCompareExchange16(Destination, Exchange, Comperand); } // CHECK: define{{.*}}i16 @test_InterlockedCompareExchange16(i16*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Destination, i16{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Exchange, i16{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Comperand){{.*}}{ // CHECK: [[TMP:%[0-9]+]] = cmpxchg volatile i16* %Destination, i16 %Comperand, i16 %Exchange seq_cst seq_cst // CHECK: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = extractvalue { i16, i1 } [[TMP]], 0 // CHECK: ret i16 [[RESULT]] // CHECK: } long test_InterlockedCompareExchange(long volatile *Destination, long Exchange, long Comperand) { return _InterlockedCompareExchange(Destination, Exchange, Comperand); } // CHECK: define{{.*}}i32 @test_InterlockedCompareExchange(i32*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Destination, i32{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Exchange, i32{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Comperand){{.*}}{ // CHECK: [[TMP:%[0-9]+]] = cmpxchg volatile i32* %Destination, i32 %Comperand, i32 %Exchange seq_cst seq_cst // CHECK: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = extractvalue { i32, i1 } [[TMP]], 0 // CHECK: ret i32 [[RESULT]] // CHECK: } __int64 test_InterlockedCompareExchange64(__int64 volatile *Destination, __int64 Exchange, __int64 Comperand) { return _InterlockedCompareExchange64(Destination, Exchange, Comperand); } // CHECK: define{{.*}}i64 @test_InterlockedCompareExchange64(i64*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Destination, i64{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Exchange, i64{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Comperand){{.*}}{ // CHECK: [[TMP:%[0-9]+]] = cmpxchg volatile i64* %Destination, i64 %Comperand, i64 %Exchange seq_cst seq_cst // CHECK: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = extractvalue { i64, i1 } [[TMP]], 0 // CHECK: ret i64 [[RESULT]] // CHECK: } #if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__aarch64__) unsigned char test_InterlockedCompareExchange128( __int64 volatile *Destination, __int64 ExchangeHigh, __int64 ExchangeLow, __int64 *ComparandResult) { return _InterlockedCompareExchange128(++Destination, ++ExchangeHigh, ++ExchangeLow, ++ComparandResult); } // CHECK-64: define{{.*}}i8 @test_InterlockedCompareExchange128(i64*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Destination, i64{{[a-z_ ]*}}%ExchangeHigh, i64{{[a-z_ ]*}}%ExchangeLow, i64*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%ComparandResult){{.*}}{ // CHECK-64: %incdec.ptr = getelementptr inbounds i64, i64* %Destination, i64 1 // CHECK-64: %inc = add nsw i64 %ExchangeHigh, 1 // CHECK-64: %inc1 = add nsw i64 %ExchangeLow, 1 // CHECK-64: %incdec.ptr2 = getelementptr inbounds i64, i64* %ComparandResult, i64 1 // CHECK-64: [[DST:%[0-9]+]] = bitcast i64* %incdec.ptr to i128* // CHECK-64: [[CNR:%[0-9]+]] = bitcast i64* %incdec.ptr2 to i128* // CHECK-64: [[EH:%[0-9]+]] = zext i64 %inc to i128 // CHECK-64: [[EL:%[0-9]+]] = zext i64 %inc1 to i128 // CHECK-64: [[EHS:%[0-9]+]] = shl nuw i128 [[EH]], 64 // CHECK-64: [[EXP:%[0-9]+]] = or i128 [[EHS]], [[EL]] // CHECK-64: [[ORG:%[0-9]+]] = load i128, i128* [[CNR]], align 16 // CHECK-64: [[RES:%[0-9]+]] = cmpxchg volatile i128* [[DST]], i128 [[ORG]], i128 [[EXP]] seq_cst seq_cst // CHECK-64: [[OLD:%[0-9]+]] = extractvalue { i128, i1 } [[RES]], 0 // CHECK-64: store i128 [[OLD]], i128* [[CNR]], align 16 // CHECK-64: [[SUC1:%[0-9]+]] = extractvalue { i128, i1 } [[RES]], 1 // CHECK-64: [[SUC8:%[0-9]+]] = zext i1 [[SUC1]] to i8 // CHECK-64: ret i8 [[SUC8]] // CHECK-64: } #endif #if defined(__aarch64__) unsigned char test_InterlockedCompareExchange128_acq( __int64 volatile *Destination, __int64 ExchangeHigh, __int64 ExchangeLow, __int64 *ComparandResult) { return _InterlockedCompareExchange128_acq(Destination, ExchangeHigh, ExchangeLow, ComparandResult); } unsigned char test_InterlockedCompareExchange128_nf( __int64 volatile *Destination, __int64 ExchangeHigh, __int64 ExchangeLow, __int64 *ComparandResult) { return _InterlockedCompareExchange128_nf(Destination, ExchangeHigh, ExchangeLow, ComparandResult); } unsigned char test_InterlockedCompareExchange128_rel( __int64 volatile *Destination, __int64 ExchangeHigh, __int64 ExchangeLow, __int64 *ComparandResult) { return _InterlockedCompareExchange128_rel(Destination, ExchangeHigh, ExchangeLow, ComparandResult); } // CHECK-ARM64: define{{.*}}i8 @test_InterlockedCompareExchange128_acq({{.*}}) // CHECK-ARM64: cmpxchg volatile i128* %{{.*}}, i128 %{{.*}}, i128 %{{.*}} acquire acquire // CHECK-ARM64: define{{.*}}i8 @test_InterlockedCompareExchange128_nf({{.*}}) // CHECK-ARM64: cmpxchg volatile i128* %{{.*}}, i128 %{{.*}}, i128 %{{.*}} monotonic monotonic // CHECK-ARM64: define{{.*}}i8 @test_InterlockedCompareExchange128_rel({{.*}}) // CHECK-ARM64: cmpxchg volatile i128* %{{.*}}, i128 %{{.*}}, i128 %{{.*}} release monotonic #endif short test_InterlockedIncrement16(short volatile *Addend) { return _InterlockedIncrement16(++Addend); } // CHECK: define{{.*}}i16 @test_InterlockedIncrement16(i16*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Addend){{.*}}{ // CHECK: %incdec.ptr = getelementptr inbounds i16, i16* %Addend, {{i64|i32}} 1 // CHECK: [[TMP:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw add i16* %incdec.ptr, i16 1 seq_cst // CHECK: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = add i16 [[TMP]], 1 // CHECK: ret i16 [[RESULT]] // CHECK: } long test_InterlockedIncrement(long volatile *Addend) { return _InterlockedIncrement(++Addend); } // CHECK: define{{.*}}i32 @test_InterlockedIncrement(i32*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Addend){{.*}}{ // CHECK: %incdec.ptr = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %Addend, {{i64|i32}} 1 // CHECK: [[TMP:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw add i32* %incdec.ptr, i32 1 seq_cst // CHECK: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = add i32 [[TMP]], 1 // CHECK: ret i32 [[RESULT]] // CHECK: } short test_InterlockedDecrement16(short volatile *Addend) { return _InterlockedDecrement16(Addend); } // CHECK: define{{.*}}i16 @test_InterlockedDecrement16(i16*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Addend){{.*}}{ // CHECK: [[TMP:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw sub i16* %Addend, i16 1 seq_cst // CHECK: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = add i16 [[TMP]], -1 // CHECK: ret i16 [[RESULT]] // CHECK: } long test_InterlockedDecrement(long volatile *Addend) { return _InterlockedDecrement(Addend); } // CHECK: define{{.*}}i32 @test_InterlockedDecrement(i32*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Addend){{.*}}{ // CHECK: [[TMP:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw sub i32* %Addend, i32 1 seq_cst // CHECK: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = add i32 [[TMP]], -1 // CHECK: ret i32 [[RESULT]] // CHECK: } char test_iso_volatile_load8(char volatile *p) { return __iso_volatile_load8(p); } short test_iso_volatile_load16(short volatile *p) { return __iso_volatile_load16(p); } int test_iso_volatile_load32(int volatile *p) { return __iso_volatile_load32(p); } __int64 test_iso_volatile_load64(__int64 volatile *p) { return __iso_volatile_load64(p); } // CHECK: define{{.*}}i8 @test_iso_volatile_load8(i8*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%p) // CHECK: = load volatile i8, i8* %p // CHECK: define{{.*}}i16 @test_iso_volatile_load16(i16*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%p) // CHECK: = load volatile i16, i16* %p // CHECK: define{{.*}}i32 @test_iso_volatile_load32(i32*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%p) // CHECK: = load volatile i32, i32* %p // CHECK: define{{.*}}i64 @test_iso_volatile_load64(i64*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%p) // CHECK: = load volatile i64, i64* %p void test_iso_volatile_store8(char volatile *p, char v) { __iso_volatile_store8(p, v); } void test_iso_volatile_store16(short volatile *p, short v) { __iso_volatile_store16(p, v); } void test_iso_volatile_store32(int volatile *p, int v) { __iso_volatile_store32(p, v); } void test_iso_volatile_store64(__int64 volatile *p, __int64 v) { __iso_volatile_store64(p, v); } // CHECK: define{{.*}}void @test_iso_volatile_store8(i8*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%p, i8 {{[a-z_ ]*}}%v) // CHECK: store volatile i8 %v, i8* %p // CHECK: define{{.*}}void @test_iso_volatile_store16(i16*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%p, i16 {{[a-z_ ]*}}%v) // CHECK: store volatile i16 %v, i16* %p // CHECK: define{{.*}}void @test_iso_volatile_store32(i32*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%p, i32 {{[a-z_ ]*}}%v) // CHECK: store volatile i32 %v, i32* %p // CHECK: define{{.*}}void @test_iso_volatile_store64(i64*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%p, i64 {{[a-z_ ]*}}%v) // CHECK: store volatile i64 %v, i64* %p #if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__arm__) || defined(__aarch64__) __int64 test_InterlockedExchange64(__int64 volatile *value, __int64 mask) { return _InterlockedExchange64(value, mask); } // CHECK: define{{.*}}i64 @test_InterlockedExchange64(i64*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i64{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw xchg i64* %value, i64 %mask seq_cst // CHECK: ret i64 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK: } __int64 test_InterlockedExchangeAdd64(__int64 volatile *value, __int64 mask) { return _InterlockedExchangeAdd64(value, mask); } // CHECK: define{{.*}}i64 @test_InterlockedExchangeAdd64(i64*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i64{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw add i64* %value, i64 %mask seq_cst // CHECK: ret i64 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK: } __int64 test_InterlockedExchangeSub64(__int64 volatile *value, __int64 mask) { return _InterlockedExchangeSub64(value, mask); } // CHECK: define{{.*}}i64 @test_InterlockedExchangeSub64(i64*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i64{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw sub i64* %value, i64 %mask seq_cst // CHECK: ret i64 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK: } __int64 test_InterlockedOr64(__int64 volatile *value, __int64 mask) { return _InterlockedOr64(value, mask); } // CHECK: define{{.*}}i64 @test_InterlockedOr64(i64*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i64{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw or i64* %value, i64 %mask seq_cst // CHECK: ret i64 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK: } __int64 test_InterlockedXor64(__int64 volatile *value, __int64 mask) { return _InterlockedXor64(value, mask); } // CHECK: define{{.*}}i64 @test_InterlockedXor64(i64*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i64{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw xor i64* %value, i64 %mask seq_cst // CHECK: ret i64 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK: } __int64 test_InterlockedAnd64(__int64 volatile *value, __int64 mask) { return _InterlockedAnd64(value, mask); } // CHECK: define{{.*}}i64 @test_InterlockedAnd64(i64*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i64{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw and i64* %value, i64 %mask seq_cst // CHECK: ret i64 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK: } __int64 test_InterlockedIncrement64(__int64 volatile *Addend) { return _InterlockedIncrement64(Addend); } // CHECK: define{{.*}}i64 @test_InterlockedIncrement64(i64*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Addend){{.*}}{ // CHECK: [[TMP:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw add i64* %Addend, i64 1 seq_cst // CHECK: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = add i64 [[TMP]], 1 // CHECK: ret i64 [[RESULT]] // CHECK: } __int64 test_InterlockedDecrement64(__int64 volatile *Addend) { return _InterlockedDecrement64(Addend); } // CHECK: define{{.*}}i64 @test_InterlockedDecrement64(i64*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Addend){{.*}}{ // CHECK: [[TMP:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw sub i64* %Addend, i64 1 seq_cst // CHECK: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = add i64 [[TMP]], -1 // CHECK: ret i64 [[RESULT]] // CHECK: } #endif #if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__) long test_InterlockedExchange_HLEAcquire(long volatile *Target, long Value) { // CHECK-INTEL: define{{.*}} i32 @test_InterlockedExchange_HLEAcquire(i32*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Target, i32{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Value) // CHECK-INTEL: call i32 asm sideeffect ".byte 0xf2 ; lock ; xchg $0, $1", "=r,=*m,0,*m,~{memory},~{dirflag},~{fpsr},~{flags}"(i32* %Target, i32 %Value, i32* %Target) return _InterlockedExchange_HLEAcquire(Target, Value); } long test_InterlockedExchange_HLERelease(long volatile *Target, long Value) { // CHECK-INTEL: define{{.*}} i32 @test_InterlockedExchange_HLERelease(i32*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Target, i32{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Value) // CHECK-INTEL: call i32 asm sideeffect ".byte 0xf3 ; lock ; xchg $0, $1", "=r,=*m,0,*m,~{memory},~{dirflag},~{fpsr},~{flags}"(i32* %Target, i32 %Value, i32* %Target) return _InterlockedExchange_HLERelease(Target, Value); } long test_InterlockedCompareExchange_HLEAcquire(long volatile *Destination, long Exchange, long Comparand) { // CHECK-INTEL: define{{.*}} i32 @test_InterlockedCompareExchange_HLEAcquire(i32*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Destination, i32{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Exchange, i32{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Comparand) // CHECK-INTEL: call i32 asm sideeffect ".byte 0xf2 ; lock ; cmpxchg $2, $1", "={ax},=*m,r,0,*m,~{memory},~{dirflag},~{fpsr},~{flags}"(i32* %Destination, i32 %Exchange, i32 %Comparand, i32* %Destination) return _InterlockedCompareExchange_HLEAcquire(Destination, Exchange, Comparand); } long test_InterlockedCompareExchange_HLERelease(long volatile *Destination, long Exchange, long Comparand) { // CHECK-INTEL: define{{.*}} i32 @test_InterlockedCompareExchange_HLERelease(i32*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Destination, i32{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Exchange, i32{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Comparand) // CHECK-INTEL: call i32 asm sideeffect ".byte 0xf3 ; lock ; cmpxchg $2, $1", "={ax},=*m,r,0,*m,~{memory},~{dirflag},~{fpsr},~{flags}"(i32* %Destination, i32 %Exchange, i32 %Comparand, i32* %Destination) return _InterlockedCompareExchange_HLERelease(Destination, Exchange, Comparand); } #endif #if defined(__x86_64__) __int64 test_InterlockedExchange64_HLEAcquire(__int64 volatile *Target, __int64 Value) { // CHECK-X64: define{{.*}} i64 @test_InterlockedExchange64_HLEAcquire(i64*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Target, i64{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Value) // CHECK-X64: call i64 asm sideeffect ".byte 0xf2 ; lock ; xchg $0, $1", "=r,=*m,0,*m,~{memory},~{dirflag},~{fpsr},~{flags}"(i64* %Target, i64 %Value, i64* %Target) return _InterlockedExchange64_HLEAcquire(Target, Value); } __int64 test_InterlockedExchange64_HLERelease(__int64 volatile *Target, __int64 Value) { // CHECK-X64: define{{.*}} i64 @test_InterlockedExchange64_HLERelease(i64*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Target, i64{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Value) // CHECK-X64: call i64 asm sideeffect ".byte 0xf3 ; lock ; xchg $0, $1", "=r,=*m,0,*m,~{memory},~{dirflag},~{fpsr},~{flags}"(i64* %Target, i64 %Value, i64* %Target) return _InterlockedExchange64_HLERelease(Target, Value); } __int64 test_InterlockedCompareExchange64_HLEAcquire(__int64 volatile *Destination, __int64 Exchange, __int64 Comparand) { // CHECK-X64: define{{.*}} i64 @test_InterlockedCompareExchange64_HLEAcquire(i64*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Destination, i64{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Exchange, i64{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Comparand) // CHECK-X64: call i64 asm sideeffect ".byte 0xf2 ; lock ; cmpxchg $2, $1", "={ax},=*m,r,0,*m,~{memory},~{dirflag},~{fpsr},~{flags}"(i64* %Destination, i64 %Exchange, i64 %Comparand, i64* %Destination) return _InterlockedCompareExchange64_HLEAcquire(Destination, Exchange, Comparand); } __int64 test_InterlockedCompareExchange64_HLERelease(__int64 volatile *Destination, __int64 Exchange, __int64 Comparand) { // CHECK-X64: define{{.*}} i64 @test_InterlockedCompareExchange64_HLERelease(i64*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Destination, i64{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Exchange, i64{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Comparand) // CHECK-X64: call i64 asm sideeffect ".byte 0xf3 ; lock ; cmpxchg $2, $1", "={ax},=*m,r,0,*m,~{memory},~{dirflag},~{fpsr},~{flags}"(i64* %Destination, i64 %Exchange, i64 %Comparand, i64* %Destination) return _InterlockedCompareExchange64_HLERelease(Destination, Exchange, Comparand); } #endif #if defined(__arm__) || defined(__aarch64__) char test_InterlockedExchangeAdd8_acq(char volatile *value, char mask) { return _InterlockedExchangeAdd8_acq(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i8 @test_InterlockedExchangeAdd8_acq(i8*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i8{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw add i8* %value, i8 %mask acquire // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i8 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } char test_InterlockedExchangeAdd8_rel(char volatile *value, char mask) { return _InterlockedExchangeAdd8_rel(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i8 @test_InterlockedExchangeAdd8_rel(i8*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i8{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw add i8* %value, i8 %mask release // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i8 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } char test_InterlockedExchangeAdd8_nf(char volatile *value, char mask) { return _InterlockedExchangeAdd8_nf(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i8 @test_InterlockedExchangeAdd8_nf(i8*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i8{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw add i8* %value, i8 %mask monotonic // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i8 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } short test_InterlockedExchangeAdd16_acq(short volatile *value, short mask) { return _InterlockedExchangeAdd16_acq(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i16 @test_InterlockedExchangeAdd16_acq(i16*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i16{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw add i16* %value, i16 %mask acquire // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i16 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } short test_InterlockedExchangeAdd16_rel(short volatile *value, short mask) { return _InterlockedExchangeAdd16_rel(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i16 @test_InterlockedExchangeAdd16_rel(i16*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i16{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw add i16* %value, i16 %mask release // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i16 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } short test_InterlockedExchangeAdd16_nf(short volatile *value, short mask) { return _InterlockedExchangeAdd16_nf(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i16 @test_InterlockedExchangeAdd16_nf(i16*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i16{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw add i16* %value, i16 %mask monotonic // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i16 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } long test_InterlockedExchangeAdd_acq(long volatile *value, long mask) { return _InterlockedExchangeAdd_acq(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i32 @test_InterlockedExchangeAdd_acq(i32*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i32{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw add i32* %value, i32 %mask acquire // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i32 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } long test_InterlockedExchangeAdd_rel(long volatile *value, long mask) { return _InterlockedExchangeAdd_rel(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i32 @test_InterlockedExchangeAdd_rel(i32*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i32{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw add i32* %value, i32 %mask release // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i32 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } long test_InterlockedExchangeAdd_nf(long volatile *value, long mask) { return _InterlockedExchangeAdd_nf(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i32 @test_InterlockedExchangeAdd_nf(i32*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i32{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw add i32* %value, i32 %mask monotonic // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i32 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } __int64 test_InterlockedExchangeAdd64_acq(__int64 volatile *value, __int64 mask) { return _InterlockedExchangeAdd64_acq(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i64 @test_InterlockedExchangeAdd64_acq(i64*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i64{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw add i64* %value, i64 %mask acquire // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i64 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } __int64 test_InterlockedExchangeAdd64_rel(__int64 volatile *value, __int64 mask) { return _InterlockedExchangeAdd64_rel(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i64 @test_InterlockedExchangeAdd64_rel(i64*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i64{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw add i64* %value, i64 %mask release // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i64 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } __int64 test_InterlockedExchangeAdd64_nf(__int64 volatile *value, __int64 mask) { return _InterlockedExchangeAdd64_nf(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i64 @test_InterlockedExchangeAdd64_nf(i64*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i64{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw add i64* %value, i64 %mask monotonic // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i64 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } char test_InterlockedExchange8_acq(char volatile *value, char mask) { return _InterlockedExchange8_acq(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i8 @test_InterlockedExchange8_acq(i8*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i8{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw xchg i8* %value, i8 %mask acquire // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i8 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } char test_InterlockedExchange8_rel(char volatile *value, char mask) { return _InterlockedExchange8_rel(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i8 @test_InterlockedExchange8_rel(i8*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i8{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw xchg i8* %value, i8 %mask release // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i8 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } char test_InterlockedExchange8_nf(char volatile *value, char mask) { return _InterlockedExchange8_nf(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i8 @test_InterlockedExchange8_nf(i8*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i8{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw xchg i8* %value, i8 %mask monotonic // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i8 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } short test_InterlockedExchange16_acq(short volatile *value, short mask) { return _InterlockedExchange16_acq(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i16 @test_InterlockedExchange16_acq(i16*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i16{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw xchg i16* %value, i16 %mask acquire // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i16 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } short test_InterlockedExchange16_rel(short volatile *value, short mask) { return _InterlockedExchange16_rel(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i16 @test_InterlockedExchange16_rel(i16*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i16{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw xchg i16* %value, i16 %mask release // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i16 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } short test_InterlockedExchange16_nf(short volatile *value, short mask) { return _InterlockedExchange16_nf(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i16 @test_InterlockedExchange16_nf(i16*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i16{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw xchg i16* %value, i16 %mask monotonic // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i16 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } long test_InterlockedExchange_acq(long volatile *value, long mask) { return _InterlockedExchange_acq(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i32 @test_InterlockedExchange_acq(i32*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i32{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw xchg i32* %value, i32 %mask acquire // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i32 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } long test_InterlockedExchange_rel(long volatile *value, long mask) { return _InterlockedExchange_rel(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i32 @test_InterlockedExchange_rel(i32*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i32{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw xchg i32* %value, i32 %mask release // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i32 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } long test_InterlockedExchange_nf(long volatile *value, long mask) { return _InterlockedExchange_nf(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i32 @test_InterlockedExchange_nf(i32*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i32{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw xchg i32* %value, i32 %mask monotonic // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i32 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } __int64 test_InterlockedExchange64_acq(__int64 volatile *value, __int64 mask) { return _InterlockedExchange64_acq(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i64 @test_InterlockedExchange64_acq(i64*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i64{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw xchg i64* %value, i64 %mask acquire // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i64 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } __int64 test_InterlockedExchange64_rel(__int64 volatile *value, __int64 mask) { return _InterlockedExchange64_rel(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i64 @test_InterlockedExchange64_rel(i64*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i64{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw xchg i64* %value, i64 %mask release // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i64 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } __int64 test_InterlockedExchange64_nf(__int64 volatile *value, __int64 mask) { return _InterlockedExchange64_nf(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i64 @test_InterlockedExchange64_nf(i64*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i64{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw xchg i64* %value, i64 %mask monotonic // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i64 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } char test_InterlockedCompareExchange8_acq(char volatile *Destination, char Exchange, char Comperand) { return _InterlockedCompareExchange8_acq(Destination, Exchange, Comperand); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i8 @test_InterlockedCompareExchange8_acq(i8*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Destination, i8{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Exchange, i8{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Comperand){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[TMP:%[0-9]+]] = cmpxchg volatile i8* %Destination, i8 %Comperand, i8 %Exchange acquire acquire // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = extractvalue { i8, i1 } [[TMP]], 0 // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i8 [[RESULT]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } char test_InterlockedCompareExchange8_rel(char volatile *Destination, char Exchange, char Comperand) { return _InterlockedCompareExchange8_rel(Destination, Exchange, Comperand); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i8 @test_InterlockedCompareExchange8_rel(i8*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Destination, i8{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Exchange, i8{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Comperand){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[TMP:%[0-9]+]] = cmpxchg volatile i8* %Destination, i8 %Comperand, i8 %Exchange release monotonic // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = extractvalue { i8, i1 } [[TMP]], 0 // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i8 [[RESULT]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } char test_InterlockedCompareExchange8_nf(char volatile *Destination, char Exchange, char Comperand) { return _InterlockedCompareExchange8_nf(Destination, Exchange, Comperand); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i8 @test_InterlockedCompareExchange8_nf(i8*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Destination, i8{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Exchange, i8{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Comperand){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[TMP:%[0-9]+]] = cmpxchg volatile i8* %Destination, i8 %Comperand, i8 %Exchange monotonic monotonic // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = extractvalue { i8, i1 } [[TMP]], 0 // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i8 [[RESULT]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } short test_InterlockedCompareExchange16_acq(short volatile *Destination, short Exchange, short Comperand) { return _InterlockedCompareExchange16_acq(Destination, Exchange, Comperand); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i16 @test_InterlockedCompareExchange16_acq(i16*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Destination, i16{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Exchange, i16{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Comperand){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[TMP:%[0-9]+]] = cmpxchg volatile i16* %Destination, i16 %Comperand, i16 %Exchange acquire acquire // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = extractvalue { i16, i1 } [[TMP]], 0 // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i16 [[RESULT]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } short test_InterlockedCompareExchange16_rel(short volatile *Destination, short Exchange, short Comperand) { return _InterlockedCompareExchange16_rel(Destination, Exchange, Comperand); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i16 @test_InterlockedCompareExchange16_rel(i16*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Destination, i16{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Exchange, i16{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Comperand){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[TMP:%[0-9]+]] = cmpxchg volatile i16* %Destination, i16 %Comperand, i16 %Exchange release monotonic // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = extractvalue { i16, i1 } [[TMP]], 0 // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i16 [[RESULT]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } short test_InterlockedCompareExchange16_nf(short volatile *Destination, short Exchange, short Comperand) { return _InterlockedCompareExchange16_nf(Destination, Exchange, Comperand); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i16 @test_InterlockedCompareExchange16_nf(i16*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Destination, i16{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Exchange, i16{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Comperand){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[TMP:%[0-9]+]] = cmpxchg volatile i16* %Destination, i16 %Comperand, i16 %Exchange monotonic monotonic // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = extractvalue { i16, i1 } [[TMP]], 0 // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i16 [[RESULT]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } long test_InterlockedCompareExchange_acq(long volatile *Destination, long Exchange, long Comperand) { return _InterlockedCompareExchange_acq(Destination, Exchange, Comperand); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i32 @test_InterlockedCompareExchange_acq(i32*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Destination, i32{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Exchange, i32{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Comperand){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[TMP:%[0-9]+]] = cmpxchg volatile i32* %Destination, i32 %Comperand, i32 %Exchange acquire acquire // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = extractvalue { i32, i1 } [[TMP]], 0 // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i32 [[RESULT]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } long test_InterlockedCompareExchange_rel(long volatile *Destination, long Exchange, long Comperand) { return _InterlockedCompareExchange_rel(Destination, Exchange, Comperand); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i32 @test_InterlockedCompareExchange_rel(i32*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Destination, i32{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Exchange, i32{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Comperand){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[TMP:%[0-9]+]] = cmpxchg volatile i32* %Destination, i32 %Comperand, i32 %Exchange release monotonic // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = extractvalue { i32, i1 } [[TMP]], 0 // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i32 [[RESULT]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } long test_InterlockedCompareExchange_nf(long volatile *Destination, long Exchange, long Comperand) { return _InterlockedCompareExchange_nf(Destination, Exchange, Comperand); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i32 @test_InterlockedCompareExchange_nf(i32*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Destination, i32{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Exchange, i32{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Comperand){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[TMP:%[0-9]+]] = cmpxchg volatile i32* %Destination, i32 %Comperand, i32 %Exchange monotonic monotonic // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = extractvalue { i32, i1 } [[TMP]], 0 // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i32 [[RESULT]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } __int64 test_InterlockedCompareExchange64_acq(__int64 volatile *Destination, __int64 Exchange, __int64 Comperand) { return _InterlockedCompareExchange64_acq(Destination, Exchange, Comperand); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i64 @test_InterlockedCompareExchange64_acq(i64*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Destination, i64{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Exchange, i64{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Comperand){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[TMP:%[0-9]+]] = cmpxchg volatile i64* %Destination, i64 %Comperand, i64 %Exchange acquire acquire // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = extractvalue { i64, i1 } [[TMP]], 0 // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i64 [[RESULT]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } __int64 test_InterlockedCompareExchange64_rel(__int64 volatile *Destination, __int64 Exchange, __int64 Comperand) { return _InterlockedCompareExchange64_rel(Destination, Exchange, Comperand); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i64 @test_InterlockedCompareExchange64_rel(i64*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Destination, i64{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Exchange, i64{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Comperand){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[TMP:%[0-9]+]] = cmpxchg volatile i64* %Destination, i64 %Comperand, i64 %Exchange release monotonic // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = extractvalue { i64, i1 } [[TMP]], 0 // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i64 [[RESULT]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } __int64 test_InterlockedCompareExchange64_nf(__int64 volatile *Destination, __int64 Exchange, __int64 Comperand) { return _InterlockedCompareExchange64_nf(Destination, Exchange, Comperand); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i64 @test_InterlockedCompareExchange64_nf(i64*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Destination, i64{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Exchange, i64{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Comperand){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[TMP:%[0-9]+]] = cmpxchg volatile i64* %Destination, i64 %Comperand, i64 %Exchange monotonic monotonic // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = extractvalue { i64, i1 } [[TMP]], 0 // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i64 [[RESULT]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } char test_InterlockedOr8_acq(char volatile *value, char mask) { return _InterlockedOr8_acq(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i8 @test_InterlockedOr8_acq(i8*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i8{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw or i8* %value, i8 %mask acquire // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i8 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } char test_InterlockedOr8_rel(char volatile *value, char mask) { return _InterlockedOr8_rel(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i8 @test_InterlockedOr8_rel(i8*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i8{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw or i8* %value, i8 %mask release // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i8 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } char test_InterlockedOr8_nf(char volatile *value, char mask) { return _InterlockedOr8_nf(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i8 @test_InterlockedOr8_nf(i8*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i8{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw or i8* %value, i8 %mask monotonic // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i8 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } short test_InterlockedOr16_acq(short volatile *value, short mask) { return _InterlockedOr16_acq(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i16 @test_InterlockedOr16_acq(i16*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i16{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw or i16* %value, i16 %mask acquire // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i16 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } short test_InterlockedOr16_rel(short volatile *value, short mask) { return _InterlockedOr16_rel(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i16 @test_InterlockedOr16_rel(i16*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i16{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw or i16* %value, i16 %mask release // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i16 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } short test_InterlockedOr16_nf(short volatile *value, short mask) { return _InterlockedOr16_nf(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i16 @test_InterlockedOr16_nf(i16*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i16{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw or i16* %value, i16 %mask monotonic // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i16 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } long test_InterlockedOr_acq(long volatile *value, long mask) { return _InterlockedOr_acq(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i32 @test_InterlockedOr_acq(i32*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i32{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw or i32* %value, i32 %mask acquire // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i32 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } long test_InterlockedOr_rel(long volatile *value, long mask) { return _InterlockedOr_rel(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i32 @test_InterlockedOr_rel(i32*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i32{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw or i32* %value, i32 %mask release // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i32 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } long test_InterlockedOr_nf(long volatile *value, long mask) { return _InterlockedOr_nf(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i32 @test_InterlockedOr_nf(i32*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i32{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw or i32* %value, i32 %mask monotonic // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i32 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } __int64 test_InterlockedOr64_acq(__int64 volatile *value, __int64 mask) { return _InterlockedOr64_acq(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i64 @test_InterlockedOr64_acq(i64*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i64{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw or i64* %value, i64 %mask acquire // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i64 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } __int64 test_InterlockedOr64_rel(__int64 volatile *value, __int64 mask) { return _InterlockedOr64_rel(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i64 @test_InterlockedOr64_rel(i64*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i64{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw or i64* %value, i64 %mask release // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i64 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } __int64 test_InterlockedOr64_nf(__int64 volatile *value, __int64 mask) { return _InterlockedOr64_nf(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i64 @test_InterlockedOr64_nf(i64*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i64{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw or i64* %value, i64 %mask monotonic // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i64 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } char test_InterlockedXor8_acq(char volatile *value, char mask) { return _InterlockedXor8_acq(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i8 @test_InterlockedXor8_acq(i8*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i8{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw xor i8* %value, i8 %mask acquire // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i8 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } char test_InterlockedXor8_rel(char volatile *value, char mask) { return _InterlockedXor8_rel(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i8 @test_InterlockedXor8_rel(i8*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i8{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw xor i8* %value, i8 %mask release // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i8 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } char test_InterlockedXor8_nf(char volatile *value, char mask) { return _InterlockedXor8_nf(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i8 @test_InterlockedXor8_nf(i8*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i8{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw xor i8* %value, i8 %mask monotonic // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i8 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } short test_InterlockedXor16_acq(short volatile *value, short mask) { return _InterlockedXor16_acq(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i16 @test_InterlockedXor16_acq(i16*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i16{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw xor i16* %value, i16 %mask acquire // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i16 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } short test_InterlockedXor16_rel(short volatile *value, short mask) { return _InterlockedXor16_rel(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i16 @test_InterlockedXor16_rel(i16*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i16{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw xor i16* %value, i16 %mask release // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i16 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } short test_InterlockedXor16_nf(short volatile *value, short mask) { return _InterlockedXor16_nf(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i16 @test_InterlockedXor16_nf(i16*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i16{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw xor i16* %value, i16 %mask monotonic // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i16 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } long test_InterlockedXor_acq(long volatile *value, long mask) { return _InterlockedXor_acq(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i32 @test_InterlockedXor_acq(i32*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i32{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw xor i32* %value, i32 %mask acquire // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i32 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } long test_InterlockedXor_rel(long volatile *value, long mask) { return _InterlockedXor_rel(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i32 @test_InterlockedXor_rel(i32*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i32{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw xor i32* %value, i32 %mask release // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i32 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } long test_InterlockedXor_nf(long volatile *value, long mask) { return _InterlockedXor_nf(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i32 @test_InterlockedXor_nf(i32*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i32{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw xor i32* %value, i32 %mask monotonic // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i32 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } __int64 test_InterlockedXor64_acq(__int64 volatile *value, __int64 mask) { return _InterlockedXor64_acq(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i64 @test_InterlockedXor64_acq(i64*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i64{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw xor i64* %value, i64 %mask acquire // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i64 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } __int64 test_InterlockedXor64_rel(__int64 volatile *value, __int64 mask) { return _InterlockedXor64_rel(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i64 @test_InterlockedXor64_rel(i64*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i64{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw xor i64* %value, i64 %mask release // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i64 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } __int64 test_InterlockedXor64_nf(__int64 volatile *value, __int64 mask) { return _InterlockedXor64_nf(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i64 @test_InterlockedXor64_nf(i64*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i64{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw xor i64* %value, i64 %mask monotonic // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i64 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } char test_InterlockedAnd8_acq(char volatile *value, char mask) { return _InterlockedAnd8_acq(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i8 @test_InterlockedAnd8_acq(i8*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i8{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw and i8* %value, i8 %mask acquire // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i8 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } char test_InterlockedAnd8_rel(char volatile *value, char mask) { return _InterlockedAnd8_rel(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i8 @test_InterlockedAnd8_rel(i8*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i8{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw and i8* %value, i8 %mask release // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i8 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } char test_InterlockedAnd8_nf(char volatile *value, char mask) { return _InterlockedAnd8_nf(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i8 @test_InterlockedAnd8_nf(i8*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i8{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw and i8* %value, i8 %mask monotonic // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i8 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } short test_InterlockedAnd16_acq(short volatile *value, short mask) { return _InterlockedAnd16_acq(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i16 @test_InterlockedAnd16_acq(i16*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i16{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw and i16* %value, i16 %mask acquire // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i16 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } short test_InterlockedAnd16_rel(short volatile *value, short mask) { return _InterlockedAnd16_rel(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i16 @test_InterlockedAnd16_rel(i16*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i16{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw and i16* %value, i16 %mask release // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i16 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } short test_InterlockedAnd16_nf(short volatile *value, short mask) { return _InterlockedAnd16_nf(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i16 @test_InterlockedAnd16_nf(i16*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i16{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw and i16* %value, i16 %mask monotonic // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i16 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } long test_InterlockedAnd_acq(long volatile *value, long mask) { return _InterlockedAnd_acq(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i32 @test_InterlockedAnd_acq(i32*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i32{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw and i32* %value, i32 %mask acquire // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i32 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } long test_InterlockedAnd_rel(long volatile *value, long mask) { return _InterlockedAnd_rel(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i32 @test_InterlockedAnd_rel(i32*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i32{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw and i32* %value, i32 %mask release // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i32 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } long test_InterlockedAnd_nf(long volatile *value, long mask) { return _InterlockedAnd_nf(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i32 @test_InterlockedAnd_nf(i32*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i32{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw and i32* %value, i32 %mask monotonic // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i32 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } __int64 test_InterlockedAnd64_acq(__int64 volatile *value, __int64 mask) { return _InterlockedAnd64_acq(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i64 @test_InterlockedAnd64_acq(i64*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i64{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw and i64* %value, i64 %mask acquire // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i64 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } __int64 test_InterlockedAnd64_rel(__int64 volatile *value, __int64 mask) { return _InterlockedAnd64_rel(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i64 @test_InterlockedAnd64_rel(i64*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i64{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw and i64* %value, i64 %mask release // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i64 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } __int64 test_InterlockedAnd64_nf(__int64 volatile *value, __int64 mask) { return _InterlockedAnd64_nf(value, mask); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i64 @test_InterlockedAnd64_nf(i64*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%value, i64{{[a-z_ ]*}}%mask){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw and i64* %value, i64 %mask monotonic // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i64 [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } short test_InterlockedIncrement16_acq(short volatile *Addend) { return _InterlockedIncrement16_acq(Addend); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i16 @test_InterlockedIncrement16_acq(i16*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Addend){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[TMP:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw add i16* %Addend, i16 1 acquire // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = add i16 [[TMP]], 1 // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i16 [[RESULT]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } short test_InterlockedIncrement16_rel(short volatile *Addend) { return _InterlockedIncrement16_rel(Addend); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i16 @test_InterlockedIncrement16_rel(i16*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Addend){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[TMP:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw add i16* %Addend, i16 1 release // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = add i16 [[TMP]], 1 // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i16 [[RESULT]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } short test_InterlockedIncrement16_nf(short volatile *Addend) { return _InterlockedIncrement16_nf(Addend); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i16 @test_InterlockedIncrement16_nf(i16*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Addend){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[TMP:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw add i16* %Addend, i16 1 monotonic // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = add i16 [[TMP]], 1 // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i16 [[RESULT]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } long test_InterlockedIncrement_acq(long volatile *Addend) { return _InterlockedIncrement_acq(Addend); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i32 @test_InterlockedIncrement_acq(i32*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Addend){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[TMP:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw add i32* %Addend, i32 1 acquire // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = add i32 [[TMP]], 1 // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i32 [[RESULT]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } long test_InterlockedIncrement_rel(long volatile *Addend) { return _InterlockedIncrement_rel(Addend); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i32 @test_InterlockedIncrement_rel(i32*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Addend){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[TMP:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw add i32* %Addend, i32 1 release // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = add i32 [[TMP]], 1 // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i32 [[RESULT]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } long test_InterlockedIncrement_nf(long volatile *Addend) { return _InterlockedIncrement_nf(Addend); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i32 @test_InterlockedIncrement_nf(i32*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Addend){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[TMP:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw add i32* %Addend, i32 1 monotonic // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = add i32 [[TMP]], 1 // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i32 [[RESULT]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } __int64 test_InterlockedIncrement64_acq(__int64 volatile *Addend) { return _InterlockedIncrement64_acq(Addend); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i64 @test_InterlockedIncrement64_acq(i64*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Addend){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[TMP:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw add i64* %Addend, i64 1 acquire // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = add i64 [[TMP]], 1 // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i64 [[RESULT]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } __int64 test_InterlockedIncrement64_rel(__int64 volatile *Addend) { return _InterlockedIncrement64_rel(Addend); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i64 @test_InterlockedIncrement64_rel(i64*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Addend){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[TMP:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw add i64* %Addend, i64 1 release // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = add i64 [[TMP]], 1 // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i64 [[RESULT]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } __int64 test_InterlockedIncrement64_nf(__int64 volatile *Addend) { return _InterlockedIncrement64_nf(Addend); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i64 @test_InterlockedIncrement64_nf(i64*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Addend){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[TMP:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw add i64* %Addend, i64 1 monotonic // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = add i64 [[TMP]], 1 // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i64 [[RESULT]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } short test_InterlockedDecrement16_acq(short volatile *Addend) { return _InterlockedDecrement16_acq(Addend); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i16 @test_InterlockedDecrement16_acq(i16*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Addend){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[TMP:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw sub i16* %Addend, i16 1 acquire // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = add i16 [[TMP]], -1 // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i16 [[RESULT]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } short test_InterlockedDecrement16_rel(short volatile *Addend) { return _InterlockedDecrement16_rel(Addend); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i16 @test_InterlockedDecrement16_rel(i16*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Addend){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[TMP:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw sub i16* %Addend, i16 1 release // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = add i16 [[TMP]], -1 // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i16 [[RESULT]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } short test_InterlockedDecrement16_nf(short volatile *Addend) { return _InterlockedDecrement16_nf(Addend); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i16 @test_InterlockedDecrement16_nf(i16*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Addend){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[TMP:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw sub i16* %Addend, i16 1 monotonic // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = add i16 [[TMP]], -1 // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i16 [[RESULT]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } long test_InterlockedDecrement_acq(long volatile *Addend) { return _InterlockedDecrement_acq(Addend); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i32 @test_InterlockedDecrement_acq(i32*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Addend){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[TMP:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw sub i32* %Addend, i32 1 acquire // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = add i32 [[TMP]], -1 // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i32 [[RESULT]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } long test_InterlockedDecrement_rel(long volatile *Addend) { return _InterlockedDecrement_rel(Addend); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i32 @test_InterlockedDecrement_rel(i32*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Addend){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[TMP:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw sub i32* %Addend, i32 1 release // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = add i32 [[TMP]], -1 // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i32 [[RESULT]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } long test_InterlockedDecrement_nf(long volatile *Addend) { return _InterlockedDecrement_nf(Addend); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i32 @test_InterlockedDecrement_nf(i32*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Addend){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[TMP:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw sub i32* %Addend, i32 1 monotonic // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = add i32 [[TMP]], -1 // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i32 [[RESULT]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } __int64 test_InterlockedDecrement64_acq(__int64 volatile *Addend) { return _InterlockedDecrement64_acq(Addend); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i64 @test_InterlockedDecrement64_acq(i64*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Addend){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[TMP:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw sub i64* %Addend, i64 1 acquire // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = add i64 [[TMP]], -1 // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i64 [[RESULT]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } __int64 test_InterlockedDecrement64_rel(__int64 volatile *Addend) { return _InterlockedDecrement64_rel(Addend); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i64 @test_InterlockedDecrement64_rel(i64*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Addend){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[TMP:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw sub i64* %Addend, i64 1 release // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = add i64 [[TMP]], -1 // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i64 [[RESULT]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } __int64 test_InterlockedDecrement64_nf(__int64 volatile *Addend) { return _InterlockedDecrement64_nf(Addend); } // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: define{{.*}}i64 @test_InterlockedDecrement64_nf(i64*{{[a-z_ ]*}}%Addend){{.*}}{ // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[TMP:%[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw sub i64* %Addend, i64 1 monotonic // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = add i64 [[TMP]], -1 // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: ret i64 [[RESULT]] // CHECK-ARM-ARM64: } #endif void test__fastfail() { __fastfail(42); } // CHECK-LABEL: define{{.*}} void @test__fastfail() // CHECK-ARM: call void asm sideeffect "udf #251", "{r0}"(i32 42) #[[NORETURN:[0-9]+]] // CHECK-INTEL: call void asm sideeffect "int $$0x29", "{cx}"(i32 42) #[[NORETURN]] // CHECK-ARM64: call void asm sideeffect "brk #0xF003", "{w0}"(i32 42) #[[NORETURN:[0-9]+]] // Attributes come last. // CHECK: attributes #[[NORETURN]] = { noreturn{{.*}} }