// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsanitize=implicit-unsigned-integer-truncation,implicit-signed-integer-truncation,implicit-integer-sign-change -fsanitize-recover=implicit-unsigned-integer-truncation,implicit-signed-integer-truncation,implicit-integer-sign-change -emit-llvm %s -o - -triple x86_64-linux-gnu | FileCheck %s -implicit-check-not="call void @__ubsan_handle_implicit_conversion" // If we have an enum, it will be promoted to an unsigned integer. // But both types are unsigned, and have same bitwidth. // So we should not emit any sanitization. Also, for inc/dec we currently assume // (assert) that we will only have cases where at least one of the types // is signed, which isn't the case here. typedef enum { a } b; b t0(b c) { c--; return c; }