// RUN: %clang_cc1 -verify %s -std=c++17 -Weverything -Wno-deprecated -Wno-float-equal // RUN: %clang_cc1 -verify %s -std=c++2a -Wdeprecated static enum E1 {} e1, e1b; static enum E2 {} e2; static double d; extern void f(); extern bool b; void f() { void(e1 * e1); void(e1 * e2); // expected-warning {{arithmetic between different enumeration types}} void(e1 * d); // expected-warning {{arithmetic between enumeration type 'enum E1' and floating-point type 'double'}} void(d * e1); // expected-warning {{arithmetic between floating-point type 'double' and enumeration type 'enum E1'}} void(e1 + e1); void(e1 + e2); // expected-warning {{arithmetic between different enumeration types}} void(e1 + d); // expected-warning {{arithmetic between enumeration type 'enum E1' and floating-point type 'double'}} void(d + e1); // expected-warning {{arithmetic between floating-point type 'double' and enumeration type 'enum E1'}} #if __cplusplus > 201703L void(e1 <=> e1b); // expected-error {{include }} void(e1 <=> e2); // expected-error {{invalid operands}} void(e1 <=> d); // expected-error {{invalid operands}} void(d <=> e1); // expected-error {{invalid operands}} #endif void(e1 < e1b); void(e1 < e2); // expected-warning {{comparison of different enumeration types}} void(e1 < d); // expected-warning {{comparison of enumeration type 'enum E1' with floating-point type 'double'}} void(d < e1); // expected-warning {{comparison of floating-point type 'double' with enumeration type 'enum E1'}} void(e1 == e1b); void(e1 == e2); // expected-warning {{comparison of different enumeration types}} void(e1 == d); // expected-warning {{comparison of enumeration type 'enum E1' with floating-point type 'double'}} void(d == e1); // expected-warning {{comparison of floating-point type 'double' with enumeration type 'enum E1'}} void(b ? e1 : e1b); void(b ? e1 : e2); // expected-warning {{conditional expression between different enumeration types}} void(b ? e1 : d); // expected-warning {{conditional expression between enumeration type 'enum E1' and floating-point type 'double'}} void(b ? d : e1); // expected-warning {{conditional expression between floating-point type 'double' and enumeration type 'enum E1'}} void(e1 = e1b); void(e1 = e2); // expected-error {{incompatible}} void(e1 = d); // expected-error {{incompatible}} void(d = e1); // FIXME: Should we warn on this? void(e1 += e1b); // expected-error {{incompatible}} void(e1 += e2); // expected-error {{incompatible}} void(e1 += d); // expected-error {{incompatible}} void(d += e1); // expected-warning {{compound assignment of floating-point type 'double' from enumeration type 'enum E1'}} }