# RUN: yaml2obj %s -o %t # RUN: cp %t %t3 # RUN: llvm-objcopy --strip-debug %t %t2 # RUN: llvm-readobj --file-headers --sections --symbols %t2 | FileCheck %s # Verify that the previous run of llvm-objcopy has not modified the input. # RUN: cmp %t %t3 # RUN: llvm-objcopy -g %t %t2g # Verify that --strip-debug and -g produce the same output # RUN: cmp %t2 %t2g # RUN: llvm-strip --strip-debug %t3 # RUN: cmp %t2 %t3 # RUN: cp %t %t4 # RUN: llvm-strip -d %t4 # RUN: cmp %t2 %t4 # RUN: cp %t %t5 # RUN: llvm-strip -g %t5 # RUN: cmp %t2 %t5 # RUN: cp %t %t6 # RUN: llvm-strip -S %t6 # RUN: cmp %t2 %t6 # RUN: rm -f %t.a # RUN: llvm-ar crs %t.a %t # RUN: llvm-objcopy --strip-debug %t.a %t.a # RUN: llvm-ar p %t.a > %t7 # RUN: cmp %t2 %t7 # Verify that an archive with multiple object files is handled correctly. # RUN: cp %t %t.duplicate # RUN: cp %t2 %t.duplicate.stripped # RUN: rm -f %t.multiple-stripped-obj.a # RUN: llvm-ar crs %t.multiple-stripped-obj.a %t2 %t.duplicate.stripped # RUN: rm -f %t.multiple-obj.a # RUN: llvm-ar crs %t.multiple-obj.a %t %t.duplicate # RUN: llvm-objcopy --strip-debug %t.multiple-obj.a %t.multiple-obj.stripped.a # RUN: llvm-ar p %t.multiple-stripped-obj.a > %t.multiple-stripped-obj.a.dump # RUN: llvm-ar p %t.multiple-obj.stripped.a > %t.multiple-obj.stripped.a.dump # RUN: cmp %t.multiple-stripped-obj.a.dump %t.multiple-obj.stripped.a.dump # We can not use %t inside the patterns passed to FileCheck, # thus we have to use "recognizable" file names. # RUN: cp %t %t1.o # RUN: cp %s %t2.txt # RUN: cp %t %t3.o # RUN: rm -f %t.non-object.a # RUN: llvm-ar cr %t.non-object.a %t1.o %t2.txt %t3.o # RUN: llvm-ar t %t.non-object.a | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=NON-OBJECT-ARCHIVE-MEMBERS # NON-OBJECT-ARCHIVE-MEMBERS: 1.o # NON-OBJECT-ARCHIVE-MEMBERS-NEXT: 2.txt # NON-OBJECT-ARCHIVE-MEMBERS-NEXT: 3.o # RUN: cp %t.non-object.a %t.non-object.copy.a # RUN: not llvm-objcopy --strip-debug %t.non-object.a %t2.non-object.a 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=BAD-FORMAT # BAD-FORMAT: The file was not recognized as a valid object file # Verify that %t.non-object.a has not been modified. # RUN: cmp %t.non-object.a %t.non-object.copy.a # RUN: rm -f %t.thin.a # Copy %t to %t.thin.archive.member to avoid changing %t directly. # RUN: cp %t %t.thin.archive.member # RUN: llvm-ar crsT %t.thin.a %t.thin.archive.member # RUN: llvm-objcopy --strip-debug %t.thin.a %t2.thin.a # RUN: cat %t.thin.a | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=VERIFY-THIN-ARCHIVE # RUN: cat %t2.thin.a | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=VERIFY-THIN-ARCHIVE # VERIFY-THIN-ARCHIVE: ! # Verify that the member of a thin archive was properly modified. # RUN: cmp %t2 %t.thin.archive.member # RUN: rm -f %t.non-object.thin.a # RUN: llvm-ar crsT %t.non-object.thin.a %t1.o %t2.txt %t3.o # RUN: cp %t.non-object.thin.a %t.non-object.thin.copy.a # RUN: not llvm-objcopy --strip-debug %t.non-object.thin.a %t.non-object.thin.a 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=BAD-FORMAT # Verify that in the case of error thin archive and its memebers are not getting modified. # RUN: cmp %t.non-object.thin.a %t.non-object.thin.copy.a # RUN: cmp %t %t1.o # RUN: cmp %s %t2.txt # RUN: cmp %t %t3.o !ELF FileHeader: Class: ELFCLASS64 Data: ELFDATA2LSB Type: ET_REL Machine: EM_X86_64 Sections: - Name: .debugfoo Type: SHT_PROGBITS Content: "00000000" - Name: .zdebugfoo Type: SHT_PROGBITS Content: "00000000" - Name: .gdb_index Type: SHT_PROGBITS Content: "00000000" - Name: .text Type: SHT_PROGBITS Flags: [ SHF_ALLOC, SHF_EXECINSTR ] AddressAlign: 0x0000000000000010 Content: "00000000" Symbols: - Name: foo Section: .text Binding: STB_GLOBAL - Name: debugfoo Section: .debugfoo Binding: STB_GLOBAL - Name: filesymbol Type: STT_FILE # CHECK: SectionHeaderCount: 5 # CHECK: Name: .text # CHECK: Name: .symtab # CHECK: Name: .strtab # CHECK: Name: .shstrtab # Check that *only* foo is copied and not debugfoo or filesymbol. # CHECK: Symbols [ # CHECK-NEXT: Symbol { # CHECK-NEXT: Name: # CHECK-NEXT: Value: # CHECK-NEXT: Size: # CHECK-NEXT: Binding: # CHECK-NEXT: Type: # CHECK-NEXT: Other: # CHECK-NEXT: Section: Undefined # CHECK-NEXT: } # CHECK-NEXT: Symbol { # CHECK-NEXT: Name: foo # CHECK-NEXT: Value: # CHECK-NEXT: Size: # CHECK-NEXT: Binding: Global # CHECK-NEXT: Type: # CHECK-NEXT: Other: # CHECK-NEXT: Section: .text # CHECK-NEXT: } # CHECK-NEXT: ]