## This is a test for --dynamic/-D option. ## Test llvm-nm dumping ELF file with valid .dynsym section. # RUN: yaml2obj --docnum=1 %s -o %t1.o # RUN: llvm-nm --dynamic %t1.o | \ # RUN: FileCheck %s --match-full-lines --strict-whitespace --check-prefix DYNSYM # RUN: llvm-nm -D %t1.o | \ # RUN: FileCheck %s --match-full-lines --strict-whitespace --check-prefix DYNSYM # DYNSYM: U globalsym # DYNSYM-NEXT: U localsym1 # DYNSYM-NEXT:0000000000000000 n localsym2 # DYNSYM-EMPTY: --- !ELF FileHeader: Class: ELFCLASS64 Data: ELFDATA2LSB Type: ET_DYN Machine: EM_X86_64 Sections: - Name: section Type: SHT_PROGBITS DynamicSymbols: - Name: localsym1 Type: STT_OBJECT - Name: localsym2 Section: section - Name: globalsym Type: STT_OBJECT Binding: STB_GLOBAL ## Test llvm-nm dumping ELF file without a .dynsym section. # RUN: yaml2obj --docnum=2 %s -o %t2.o # RUN: llvm-nm --dynamic %t2.o 2>&1 | \ # RUN: FileCheck %s --match-full-lines --strict-whitespace -DFILE=%t2.o --check-prefix NO-SYMS # NO-SYMS:[[FILE]]: no symbols # NO-SYMS-EMPTY: --- !ELF FileHeader: Class: ELFCLASS64 Data: ELFDATA2LSB Type: ET_DYN Machine: EM_X86_64 ## Test llvm-nm dumping ELF file with an empty .dynsym section. # RUN: yaml2obj --docnum=3 %s -o %t3.o # RUN: llvm-nm --dynamic %t3.o 2>&1 | \ # RUN: FileCheck %s --match-full-lines --strict-whitespace -DFILE=%t3.o --check-prefix NO-SYMS --- !ELF FileHeader: Class: ELFCLASS64 Data: ELFDATA2LSB Type: ET_DYN Machine: EM_X86_64 Sections: - Name: .dynsym Type: SHT_DYNSYM Size: 0 ## Check we print symbol versions, when they are available. ## A default version is one that is contained in the version table (SHT_GNU_versym) ## and only available for defined symbols. Check we use the "@@" prefix to print it. # RUN: yaml2obj --docnum=4 %s -o %t4-undef.o # RUN: llvm-nm --dynamic %t4-undef.o 2>&1 | \ # RUN: FileCheck %s -DFILE=%t4-undef.o -DTYPE=U \ # RUN: --check-prefixes=VERSIONED-SYMS,VERSIONED-UNDEF-SYMS # RUN: yaml2obj --docnum=4 -DINDEX=0x1 %s -o %t4-def.o # RUN: llvm-nm --dynamic %t4-def.o 2>&1 | \ # RUN: FileCheck %s -DFILE=%t4-def.o -DTYPE=r \ # RUN: --check-prefixes=VERSIONED-SYMS,VERSIONED-DEF-SYMS # VERSIONED-SYMS: [[TYPE]] globalversym # VERSIONED-SYMS-NEXT: [[TYPE]] localversym # VERSIONED-UNDEF-SYMS-NEXT: [[TYPE]] version2sym@v2 # VERSIONED-DEF-SYMS-NEXT: [[TYPE]] version2sym@@v2 # VERSIONED-SYMS-NEXT: [[TYPE]] version3sym@v3hidden # VERSIONED-SYMS-NEXT: [[TYPE]] version4sym@v4 # VERSIONED-SYMS-NEXT: [[TYPE]] version5sym@v5hidden --- !ELF FileHeader: Class: ELFCLASS64 Data: ELFDATA2LSB Type: ET_DYN Sections: - Name: .gnu.version Type: SHT_GNU_versym Flags: [ SHF_ALLOC ] ## 0x8000 is a special VERSYM_HIDDEN bit. Entries: [ 0, 0, 1, [[VERSYMENTRY=2]], 0x8003, 4, 0x8005 ] ShSize: [[VERSYMSIZE=]] - Name: .gnu.version_d Type: SHT_GNU_verdef Flags: [ SHF_ALLOC ] Link: .dynstr AddressAlign: 0x4 Info: 0x2 ShOffset: [[VERDEFOFFSET=]] Entries: - VersionNdx: 2 Names: - v2 - VersionNdx: 3 Names: - v3hidden - Name: .gnu.version_r Type: SHT_GNU_verneed Flags: [ SHF_ALLOC ] Link: .dynstr Info: 0x2 Dependencies: - Version: 1 File: file1.so Entries: - Name: v4 Hash: 0 Flags: 0 Other: 4 - Version: 1 File: file2.0 Entries: - Name: v5hidden Hash: 0 Flags: 0 Other: 5 - Name: .dynsym Type: SHT_DYNSYM EntSize: [[ENTSIZE=]] DynamicSymbols: - Name: localversym Index: [[INDEX=]] - Name: globalversym Index: [[INDEX=]] - Name: version2sym Index: [[INDEX=]] - Name: version3sym Index: [[INDEX=]] - Name: version4sym Index: [[INDEX=]] - Name: version5sym Index: [[INDEX=]] ## In the following cases we check we report warnings when unable to read symbol version. ## Check that we still print unversioned symbol names. ## Case 1: check we report a warning when unable to read symbol versions ## from a broken SHT_GNU_verdef section. In this case its sh_offset ## field has a too large value that goes past the EOF. # RUN: yaml2obj --docnum=4 -DVERDEFOFFSET=0xffffffff %s -o %t4-broken-verdef.o # RUN: llvm-nm --dynamic %t4-broken-verdef.o 2>&1 | \ # RUN: FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=VERSION-ERR,VERSION-ERR1 # VERSION-ERR1: warning: unable to read symbol versions: cannot read content of SHT_GNU_verdef section with index 2: section [index 2] has a sh_offset (0xffffffff) + sh_size (0x38) that is greater than the file size (0x438) # VERSION-ERR2: warning: unable to read symbol versions: unable to read an entry with index 1 from SHT_GNU_versym section with index 1: section [index 1] has an invalid sh_size (255) which is not a multiple of its sh_entsize (2) # VERSION-ERR3: warning: unable to read symbol versions: unable to get a version for entry 3 of SHT_GNU_versym section with index 1: SHT_GNU_versym section refers to a version index 255 which is missing # VERSION-ERR-NEXT: U globalversym{{$}} # VERSION-ERR-NEXT: U localversym{{$}} # VERSION-ERR-NEXT: U version2sym{{$}} # VERSION-ERR-NEXT: U version3sym{{$}} # VERSION-ERR-NEXT: U version4sym{{$}} # VERSION-ERR-NEXT: U version5sym{{$}} ## Case 2: check we report a warning when we are unable to read a SHT_GNU_versym section entry. ## In this case, the section has a size that is not a multiple of its sh_entsize. # RUN: yaml2obj --docnum=4 -DVERSYMSIZE=0xff %s -o %t4-broken-versym.o # RUN: llvm-nm --dynamic %t4-broken-versym.o 2>&1 | \ # RUN: FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=VERSION-ERR,VERSION-ERR2 ## Case 3: check we report a warning when we are unable to get a version for a SHT_GNU_versym section entry. ## In this case the SHT_GNU_versym section refers to a version index 255 which is missing. # RUN: yaml2obj --docnum=4 -DVERSYMENTRY=0xff %s -o %t4-broken-index.o # RUN: llvm-nm --dynamic %t4-broken-index.o 2>&1 | \ # RUN: FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=VERSION-ERR,VERSION-ERR3 ## Case 4: check we report a warning when we are unable to get symbol flags. ## In this case the dynamic symbol table has a wrong sh_entsize and we can't read a symbol. # RUN: yaml2obj --docnum=4 -DENTSIZE=0xff %s -o %t4-broken-dynsym.o # RUN: not llvm-nm --dynamic %t4-broken-dynsym.o 2>&1 | \ # RUN: FileCheck %s -DFILE=%t4-broken-dynsym.o --check-prefix=VERSION-ERR4 # VERSION-ERR4: warning: unable to read symbol versions: unable to read flags for symbol with index 1: section [index 4] has invalid sh_entsize: expected 24, but got 255 # VERSION-ERR4: error: [[FILE]] section [index 4] has invalid sh_entsize: expected 24, but got 255