# Test -r (--relative-only) and -s (--source-prefix). # UNSUPPORTED: system-windows RUN: rm -rf %t && mkdir %t && cd %t RUN: cp %S/Inputs/abs-path.gcno %S/Inputs/abs-path.gcda . RUN: llvm-cov gcov abs-path.gcda | FileCheck %s RUN: rm abs-path.c.gcov a.h.gcov CHECK: File '/tmp/c/abs-path.c' CHECK: File '/tmp/h/a.h' # If there is no source file with a relative path, nothing is dumped. RUN: llvm-cov gcov -r abs-path.gcda 2>&1 | count 0 RUN: llvm-cov gcov -r -s /t abs-path.gcda 2>&1 | count 0 RUN: not ls abs-path.c.gcov 2> /dev/null # -s strips a prefix from filenames and can change filtering of -r. RUN: llvm-cov gcov -r -s /tmp abs-path.gcda | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=STRIP1 --match-full-lines --strict-whitespace RUN: FileCheck %s --check-prefix=STRIP1_C < abs-path.c.gcov RUN: FileCheck %s --check-prefix=STRIP1_H < a.h.gcov # Test full option names. RUN: llvm-cov gcov --relative-only --source-prefix=/tmp abs-path.gcda | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=STRIP1 --match-full-lines --strict-whitespace STRIP1:File 'c/abs-path.c' STRIP1-NEXT:Lines executed:100.00% of 1 STRIP1-NEXT:Creating 'abs-path.c.gcov' STRIP1-EMPTY: STRIP1-NEXT:File 'h/a.h' STRIP1-NEXT:Lines executed:0.00% of 1 STRIP1-NEXT:Creating 'a.h.gcov' STRIP1_C: 0:Source:c/abs-path.c STRIP1_H: 0:Source:h/a.h RUN: llvm-cov gcov -r -s /tmp/h abs-path.gcda | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=STRIP2 STRIP2-NOT: File STRIP2: File 'a.h'