# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple x86_64 --x86-align-branch-boundary=32 --x86-align-branch=fused+jcc+jmp %s -o %t1 # RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple x86_64 --x86-branches-within-32B-boundaries %s -o %t2 # RUN: cmp %t1 %t2 # Check the general option --x86-branches-within-32B-boundaries is equivelent # to the fined options --x86-align-branch-boundary=32 --x86-align-branch=fused+jcc+jmp. .text .globl foo .p2align 5 foo: .p2align 5 .rept 30 int3 .endr js foo .p2align 5 .rept 30 int3 .endr jmp foo .p2align 5 .rept 30 int3 .endr jmp *%rcx .p2align 5 .rept 30 int3 .endr call foo .p2align 5 .rept 30 int3 .endr ret $0 .p2align 5 .rept 29 int3 .endr cmp %rax, %rbp je foo