## Test that yaml2obj emits a .debug_loclists section when requested. ## a) Generate and verify a little endian DWARF32 .debug_loclists section in a 64-bit object file. # RUN: yaml2obj --docnum=1 -DENDIAN=ELFDATA2LSB %s -o %t1.dwarf32.le.o # RUN: llvm-readobj --sections --section-data %t1.dwarf32.le.o | \ # RUN: FileCheck -DSIZE=133 -DADDRALIGN=1 %s --check-prefixes=SHDR,DWARF32-LE # SHDR: Index: 1 # SHDR-NEXT: Name: .debug_loclists (1) # SHDR-NEXT: Type: SHT_PROGBITS (0x1) # SHDR-NEXT: Flags [ (0x0) # SHDR-NEXT: ] # SHDR-NEXT: Address: 0x0 # SHDR-NEXT: Offset: 0x40 # SHDR-NEXT: Size: [[SIZE]] # SHDR-NEXT: Link: 0 # SHDR-NEXT: Info: 0 # SHDR-NEXT: AddressAlignment: [[ADDRALIGN]] # SHDR-NEXT: EntrySize: 0 # DWARF32-LE-NEXT: SectionData ( # DWARF32-LE-NEXT: 0000: 3D000000 05000800 03000000 0C000000 |=...............| ## ^------- unit_length (4-byte) ## ^--- version (2-byte) ## ^- address_size (1-byte) ## ^- segment_selector_size (1-byte) ## ^------- offset_entry_count (4-byte) ## ^------- offsets[0] (4-byte) # DWARF32-LE-NEXT: 0010: 1B000000 2F000000 01B42402 B424A186 |..../.....$..$..| ## ^------- offsets[1] (4-byte) ## ^------- offsets[2] (4-byte) ## ^- DW_LLE_base_addressx ## ^--- operands[0] (ULEB128) 0x1234 ## ^- DW_LLE_startx_endx ## ^--- operands[0] (ULEB128) 0x1234 ## ^--- operands[1] (ULEB128) 0x4321 # DWARF32-LE-NEXT: 0020: 010411B4 249F0003 B424A186 0102117D |....$....$.....}| ## -- ## ^- location descriptions length (ULEB128) 0x04 ## ^- DW_OP_consts ## ^---- operands[0] (SLEB128) +0x1234 ## ^- DW_OP_stack_value ## ^- DW_LLE_end_of_list ## ^- DW_LLE_startx_length ## ^--- operands[0] (ULEB128) 0x1234 ## ^------ operands[1] (ULEB128) 0x4321 ## ^- location descriptions length (ULEB128) 0x02 ## ^- DW_OP_consts ## ^- operands[0] (SLEB128) -0x03 # DWARF32-LE-NEXT: 0030: 04B424A1 86010311 B4240005 0311B424 |..$......$.....$| ## ^- DW_LLE_offset_pair ## ^--- operands[0] (ULEB128) 0x1234 ## ^------ operands[1] (ULEB128) 0x4321 ## ^- location descriptions length (ULEB128) 0x03 ## ^- DW_OP_consts ## ^--- operands[0] (SLEB128) +0x1234 ## ^- DW_LLE_end_of_list ## ^- DW_LLE_default_location ## ^- location descriptions length (ULEB128) 0x03 ## ^- DW_OP_consts ## ^--- operands[0] (SLEB128) +0x1234 # DWARF32-LE-NEXT: 0040: 00400000 00050008 00020000 00080000 |.@..............| ## ^- DW_LLE_end_of_list ## ^-------- unit_length (4-byte) ## ^--- version (2-byte) ## ^- address_size (1-byte) ## ^- segment_selector_size (1-byte) ## ^-------- offset_entry_count (4-byte) ## ^----- offsets[0] (4-byte) # DWARF32-LE-NEXT: 0050: 00270000 00063412 00000000 00000734 |.'....4........4| ## -- ## ^-------- offsets[1] (4-byte) ## ^- DW_LLE_base_address ## ^----------------- operands[0] (8-byte) ## ^- DW_LLE_start_end ## ^- operands[0] (8-byte) # DWARF32-LE-NEXT: 0060: 12000000 00000021 43000000 00000003 |.......!C.......| ## --------------- ## ^----------------- operands[1] (8-byte) ## ^- location descriptions length (ULEB128) 0x03 # DWARF32-LE-NEXT: 0070: 11B42400 08341200 00000000 00A18601 |..$..4..........| ## ^- DW_OP_consts ## ^--- operands[0] (SLEB128) +0x1234 ## ^- DW_LLE_end_of_list ## ^- DW_LLE_start_length ## ^----------------- operands[0] (8-byte) ## ^----- operands[1] (LEB128) 0x4321 # DWARF32-LE-NEXT: 0080: 0311B424 00 |...$.| ## ^- location descriptions length (ULEB128) 0x03 ## ^- DW_OP_consts ## ^--- operands[0] (SLEB128) +0x1234 ## ^- DW_LLE_end_of_list # DWARF32-LE-NEXT: ) --- !ELF FileHeader: Class: ELFCLASS64 Data: [[ENDIAN]] Type: ET_EXEC DWARF: debug_loclists: - Lists: - Entries: - Operator: DW_LLE_base_addressx Values: [ 0x1234 ] - Operator: DW_LLE_startx_endx Values: [ 0x1234, 0x4321 ] Descriptions: - Operator: DW_OP_consts Values: [ 0x1234 ] - Operator: DW_OP_stack_value - Operator: DW_LLE_end_of_list - Entries: - Operator: DW_LLE_startx_length Values: [ 0x1234, 0x4321 ] Descriptions: - Operator: DW_OP_consts ## Test a negative number (-3). Values: [ 0xfffffffffffffffd ] - Operator: DW_LLE_offset_pair Values: [ 0x1234, 0x4321 ] Descriptions: - Operator: DW_OP_consts Values: [ 0x1234 ] - Operator: DW_LLE_end_of_list - Entries: - Operator: DW_LLE_default_location Descriptions: - Operator: DW_OP_consts Values: [ 0x1234 ] - Operator: DW_LLE_end_of_list - Lists: - Entries: - Operator: DW_LLE_base_address Values: [ 0x1234 ] - Operator: DW_LLE_start_end Values: [ 0x1234, 0x4321 ] Descriptions: - Operator: DW_OP_consts Values: [ 0x1234 ] - Operator: DW_LLE_end_of_list - Entries: - Operator: DW_LLE_start_length Values: [ 0x1234, 0x4321 ] Descriptions: - Operator: DW_OP_consts Values: [ 0x1234 ] - Operator: DW_LLE_end_of_list ## b) Generate and verify a big endian DWARF32 .debug_loclists section in a 64-bit object file. # RUN: yaml2obj --docnum=1 -DENDIAN=ELFDATA2MSB %s -o %t.dwarf32.be.o # RUN: llvm-readobj --sections --section-data %t.dwarf32.be.o | \ # RUN: FileCheck -DSIZE=133 -DADDRALIGN=1 %s --check-prefixes=SHDR,DWARF32-BE # DWARF32-BE-NEXT: SectionData ( # DWARF32-BE-NEXT: 0000: 0000003D 00050800 00000003 0000000C |...=............| ## ^------- unit_length (4-byte) ## ^--- version (2-byte) ## ^- address_size (1-byte) ## ^- segment_selector_size (1-byte) ## ^------- offset_entry_count (4-byte) ## ^------- offsets[0] (4-byte) # DWARF32-BE-NEXT: 0010: 0000001B 0000002F 01B42402 B424A186 |......./..$..$..| ## ^------- offsets[1] (4-byte) ## ^------- offsets[2] (4-byte) ## ^- DW_LLE_base_addressx ## ^--- operands[0] (ULEB128) 0x1234 ## ^- DW_LLE_startx_endx ## ^--- operands[0] (ULEB128) 0x1234 ## ^--- operands[1] (ULEB128) 0x4321 # DWARF32-BE-NEXT: 0020: 010411B4 249F0003 B424A186 0102117D |....$....$.....}| ## -- ## ^- location descriptions length (ULEB128) 0x04 ## ^- DW_OP_consts ## ^---- operands[0] (SLEB128) +0x1234 ## ^- DW_OP_stack_value ## ^- DW_LLE_end_of_list ## ^- DW_LLE_startx_length ## ^--- operands[0] (ULEB128) 0x1234 ## ^------ operands[1] (ULEB128) 0x4321 ## ^- location descriptions length (ULEB128) 0x02 ## ^- DW_OP_consts ## ^- operands[0] (SLEB128) -0x03 # DWARF32-BE-NEXT: 0030: 04B424A1 86010311 B4240005 0311B424 |..$......$.....$| ## ^- DW_LLE_offset_pair ## ^--- operands[0] (ULEB128) 0x1234 ## ^------ operands[1] (ULEB128) 0x4321 ## ^- location descriptions length (ULEB128) 0x03 ## ^- DW_OP_consts ## ^--- operands[0] (SLEB128) +0x1234 ## ^- DW_LLE_end_of_list ## ^- DW_LLE_default_location ## ^- location descriptions length (ULEB128) 0x03 ## ^- DW_OP_consts ## ^--- operands[0] (SLEB128) +0x1234 # DWARF32-BE-NEXT: 0040: 00000000 40000508 00000000 02000000 |....@...........| ## ^- DW_LLE_end_of_list ## ^-------- unit_length (4-byte) ## ^--- version (2-byte) ## ^- address_size (1-byte) ## ^- segment_selector_size (1-byte) ## ^-------- offset_entry_count (4-byte) ## ^----- offsets[0] (4-byte) # DWARF32-BE-NEXT: 0050: 08000000 27060000 00000000 12340700 |....'........4..| ## -- ## ^-------- offsets[1] (4-byte) ## ^- DW_LLE_base_address ## ^----------------- operands[0] (8-byte) ## ^- DW_LLE_start_end ## ^- operands[0] (8-byte) # DWARF32-BE-NEXT: 0060: 00000000 00123400 00000000 00432103 |......4......C!.| ## --------------- ## ^----------------- operands[1] (8-byte) ## ^- location descriptions length (ULEB128) 0x03 # DWARF32-BE-NEXT: 0070: 11B42400 08000000 00000012 34A18601 |..$.........4...| ## ^- DW_OP_consts ## ^--- operands[0] (SLEB128) +0x1234 ## ^- DW_LLE_end_of_list ## ^- DW_LLE_start_length ## ^----------------- operands[0] (8-byte) ## ^----- operands[1] (LEB128) 0x4321 # DWARF32-BE-NEXT: 0080: 0311B424 00 |...$.| ## ^- location descriptions length (ULEB128) 0x03 ## ^- DW_OP_consts ## ^--- operands[0] (SLEB128) +0x1234 ## ^- DW_LLE_end_of_list # DWARF32-BE-NEXT: ) ## c) Generate and verify a little endian DWARF64 .debug_loclists section in a 64-bit object file. # RUN: yaml2obj --docnum=2 -DENDIAN=ELFDATA2LSB %s -o %t2.dwarf64.le.o # RUN: llvm-readobj --sections --section-data %t2.dwarf64.le.o | \ # RUN: FileCheck -DSIZE=47 -DADDRALIGN=1 %s --check-prefixes=SHDR,DWARF64-LE # DWARF64-LE-NEXT: SectionData ( # DWARF64-LE-NEXT: 0000: FFFFFFFF 23000000 00000000 05000800 |....#...........| ## ^------------------------- unit_length (12-byte) ## ^--- version (2-byte) ## ^- address_size (1-byte) ## ^- segment_selector_size (1-byte) # DWARF64-LE-NEXT: 0010: 02000000 10000000 00000000 1A000000 |................| ## ^------- offset_entry_count (4-byte) ## ^---------------- offsets[0] (8-byte) ## ^------- offsets[1] (8-byte) # DWARF64-LE-NEXT: 0020: 00000000 02B424A1 86010311 B42400 |......$......$.| ## -------- ## ^- DW_LLE_startx_endx ## ^--- operands[0] (ULEB128) 0x1234 ## ^------ operands[1] (ULEB128) 0x4321 ## ^- location descriptions length (ULEB128) 0x03 ## ^- DW_OP_consts ## ^--- operands[0] (SLEB128) +0x1234 ## ^- DW_LLE_end_of_list # DWARF64-LE-NEXT: ) --- !ELF FileHeader: Class: ELFCLASS64 Data: [[ENDIAN]] Type: ET_EXEC DWARF: debug_loclists: - Format: DWARF64 Lists: - Entries: - Operator: DW_LLE_startx_endx Values: [ 0x1234, 0x4321 ] Descriptions: - Operator: DW_OP_consts Values: [ 0x1234 ] - Entries: - Operator: DW_LLE_end_of_list ## d) Generate and verify a big endian DWARF64 .debug_loclists section in a 64-bit object file. # RUN: yaml2obj --docnum=2 -DENDIAN=ELFDATA2MSB %s -o %t2.dwarf64.be.o # RUN: llvm-readobj --sections --section-data %t2.dwarf64.be.o | \ # RUN: FileCheck -DSIZE=47 -DADDRALIGN=1 %s --check-prefixes=SHDR,DWARF64-BE # DWARF64-BE-NEXT: SectionData ( # DWARF64-BE-NEXT: 0000: FFFFFFFF 00000000 00000023 00050800 |...........#....| ## ^------------------------- unit_length (12-byte) ## ^--- version (2-byte) ## ^- address_size (1-byte) ## ^- segment_selector_size (1-byte) # DWARF64-BE-NEXT: 0010: 00000002 00000000 00000010 00000000 |................| ## ^------- offset_entry_count (4-byte) ## ^---------------- offsets[0] (8-byte) ## ^------- offsets[1] (8-byte) # DWARF64-BE-NEXT: 0020: 0000001A 02B424A1 86010311 B42400 |......$......$.| ## -------- ## ^- DW_LLE_startx_endx ## ^--- operands[0] (ULEB128) 0x1234 ## ^------ operands[1] (ULEB128) 0x4321 ## ^- location descriptions length (ULEB128) 0x03 ## ^- DW_OP_consts ## ^--- operands[0] (SLEB128) +0x1234 ## ^- DW_LLE_end_of_list # DWARF64-BE-NEXT: ) ## e) Test that the length, version, segment_selector_size, address_size, offset_entry_count, ## offsets and location descriptions length fields can be specified manually. # RUN: yaml2obj --docnum=3 %s -o %t3.o # RUN: llvm-readelf --hex-dump=.debug_loclists %t3.o | \ # RUN: FileCheck %s --check-prefix=OVERWRITE # OVERWRITE: Hex dump of section '.debug_loclists': # OVERWRITE-NEXT: 0x00000000 34120000 06000303 04000000 01000000 4............... ## ^------- unit_length (4-byte) 0x1234 ## ^--- version (2-byte) 0x06 ## ^- address_size (1-byte) 0x03 ## ^- segment_selector_size (1-byte) 0x03 ## ^------- offset_entry_count (4-byte) 0x04 ## ^------- offsets[0] (4-byte) 0x01 # OVERWRITE-NEXT: 0x00000010 02b424a1 8601a186 019f00 ..$........ ## ^- DW_LLE_startx_endx ## ^--- operands[0] (ULEB128) 0x1234 ## ^------ operands[1] (ULEB128) 0x4321 ## ^------ location descriptions length (ULEB128) 0x4321 ## ^- DW_OP_stack_value ## ^- DW_LLE_end_of_list --- !ELF FileHeader: Class: ELFCLASS64 Data: ELFDATA2LSB Type: ET_EXEC DWARF: debug_loclists: - Length: 0x1234 Version: 6 AddressSize: 3 SegmentSelectorSize: 3 OffsetEntryCount: 4 Offsets: [ 0x01 ] Lists: - Entries: - Operator: DW_LLE_startx_endx Values: [ 0x1234, 0x4321 ] DescriptionsLength: 0x4321 Descriptions: - Operator: DW_OP_stack_value - Entries: - Operator: DW_LLE_end_of_list ## f) Test that location descriptions can be omitted from the YAML description. # RUN: yaml2obj --docnum=4 %s -o %t4.o # RUN: llvm-readelf --hex-dump=.debug_loclists %t4.o | \ # RUN: FileCheck %s --check-prefix=OMIT-DESCRIPTIONS # OMIT-DESCRIPTIONS: Hex dump of section '.debug_loclists': # OMIT-DESCRIPTIONS-NEXT: 0x00000000 42000000 05000800 01000000 04000000 B............... # OMIT-DESCRIPTIONS-NEXT: 0x00000010 02b424a1 86010003 b424a186 010004b4 ..$......$...... ## ^- DW_LLE_startx_endx ## ^--- operands[0] (ULEB128) 0x1234 ## ^------ operands[1] (ULEB128) 0x4321 ## ^- location descriptions length (ULEB128) 0x00 ## ^- DW_LLE_startx_length ## ^--- operands[0] (ULEB128) 0x1234 ## ^------ operands[1] (ULEB128) 0x4321 ## ^- location descriptions length (ULEB128) 0x00 ## ^- DW_LLE_offset_pair ## ^- operands[0] (ULEB128) 0x1234 # OMIT-DESCRIPTIONS-NEXT: 0x00000020 24a18601 00050007 34120000 00000000 $.......4....... ## -- ## ^----- operands[1] (ULEB128) 0x4321 ## ^- location descriptions length (ULEB128) 0x00 ## ^- DW_LLE_default_location ## ^- location descriptions length (ULEB128) 0x00 ## ^- DW_LLE_start_end ## ^---------------- operands[0] (8-byte) # OMIT-DESCRIPTIONS-NEXT: 0x00000030 21430000 00000000 00083412 00000000 !C........4..... ## ^---------------- operands[1] (8-byte) ## ^- location descriptions length (ULEB128) 0x00 ## ^- DW_LLE_start_length ## ^------------ operands[0] (8-byte) # OMIT-DESCRIPTIONS-NEXT: 0x00000040 0000a186 0100 ...... ## ---- ## ^------ operands[1] (ULEB128) 0x4321 ## ^- location descriptions length (ULEB128) 0x00 --- !ELF FileHeader: Class: ELFCLASS64 Data: ELFDATA2LSB Type: ET_EXEC DWARF: debug_loclists: - Lists: - Entries: - Operator: DW_LLE_startx_endx Values: [ 0x1234, 0x4321 ] - Operator: DW_LLE_startx_length Values: [ 0x1234, 0x4321 ] - Operator: DW_LLE_offset_pair Values: [ 0x1234, 0x4321 ] - Operator: DW_LLE_default_location - Operator: DW_LLE_start_end Values: [ 0x1234, 0x4321 ] - Operator: DW_LLE_start_length Values: [ 0x1234, 0x4321 ] ## g) Test that the default value of the address_size field in a 32-bit object file is 4. # RUN: yaml2obj --docnum=5 %s -o %t5.o # RUN: llvm-readelf --hex-dump=.debug_loclists %t5.o | \ # RUN: FileCheck %s --check-prefix=ADDRSIZE32 # ADDRSIZE32: Hex dump of section '.debug_loclists': # ADDRSIZE32-NEXT: 0x00000000 24000000 05000400 01000000 04000000 $............... ## ^- address_size (1-byte) 0x04 # ADDRSIZE32-NEXT: 0x00000010 06341200 00073412 00002143 00000008 .4....4...!C.... ## ^- DW_LLE_base_address ## ^-------- operands[0] (4-byte) ## ^- DW_LLE_start_end ## ^-------- operands[0] (4-byte) ## ^-------- operands[1] (4-byte) ## ^- counted location description ## ^- DW_LLE_start_length # ADDRSIZE32-NEXT: 0x00000020 34120000 a1860100 4....... ## ^------- operands[0] (4-byte) ## ^----- operands[1] (ULEB128) 0x4321 ## ^- counted location description --- !ELF FileHeader: Class: ELFCLASS32 Data: ELFDATA2LSB Type: ET_EXEC DWARF: debug_loclists: - Lists: - Entries: - Operator: DW_LLE_base_address Values: [ 0x1234 ] - Operator: DW_LLE_start_end Values: [ 0x1234, 0x4321 ] - Operator: DW_LLE_start_length Values: [ 0x1234, 0x4321 ] ## h) Test that the address_size field can be specified manually and the size of ## corresponding operands will be changed accordingly. # RUN: yaml2obj --docnum=6 %s -o %t6.o # RUN: llvm-readelf --hex-dump=.debug_loclists %t6.o | \ # RUN: FileCheck %s --check-prefix=ADDRSIZE32 --- !ELF FileHeader: Class: ELFCLASS64 Data: ELFDATA2LSB Type: ET_EXEC DWARF: debug_loclists: - AddressSize: 4 Lists: - Entries: - Operator: DW_LLE_base_address Values: [ 0x1234 ] - Operator: DW_LLE_start_end Values: [ 0x1234, 0x4321 ] - Operator: DW_LLE_start_length Values: [ 0x1234, 0x4321 ] ## i) Test that yaml2obj emits an error message if we try to assign an invalid value to ## 'AddressSize' when there is an entry whose operands contain address. # RUN: not yaml2obj -DOPERATOR=base_address -DVALUES=[0x01] --docnum=7 %s 2>&1 | \ # RUN: FileCheck -DOPERATOR=base_address %s --check-prefix=INVALID-ADDRSIZE # RUN: not yaml2obj -DOPERATOR=start_end -DVALUES=[0x01,0x02] --docnum=7 %s 2>&1 | \ # RUN: FileCheck -DOPERATOR=start_end %s --check-prefix=INVALID-ADDRSIZE # RUN: not yaml2obj -DOPERATOR=start_length -DVALUES=[0x01,0x02] --docnum=7 %s 2>&1 | \ # RUN: FileCheck -DOPERATOR=start_length %s --check-prefix=INVALID-ADDRSIZE # INVALID-ADDRSIZE: yaml2obj: error: unable to write address for the operator DW_LLE_[[OPERATOR]]: invalid integer write size: 3 --- !ELF FileHeader: Class: ELFCLASS64 Data: ELFDATA2LSB Type: ET_EXEC DWARF: debug_loclists: - AddressSize: 3 Lists: - Entries: - Operator: DW_LLE_[[OPERATOR]] Values: [[VALUES]] ## j) Test that yaml2obj emits an error message if we specify invalid numbers of operands ## for a location list encoding. # RUN: not yaml2obj -DOPERATOR=end_of_list -DVALUES=[0x01] --docnum=8 %s 2>&1 | \ # RUN: FileCheck -DOPERATOR=end_of_list -DACTUAL=1 -DEXPECTED=0 %s --check-prefix=INVALID-LLE-OPERANDS # RUN: not yaml2obj -DOPERATOR=base_addressx -DVALUES=[] --docnum=8 %s 2>&1 | \ # RUN: FileCheck -DOPERATOR=base_addressx -DACTUAL=0 -DEXPECTED=1 %s --check-prefix=INVALID-LLE-OPERANDS # RUN: not yaml2obj -DOPERATOR=startx_endx -DVALUES=[0x01] --docnum=8 %s 2>&1 | \ # RUN: FileCheck -DOPERATOR=startx_endx -DACTUAL=1 -DEXPECTED=2 %s --check-prefix=INVALID-LLE-OPERANDS # RUN: not yaml2obj -DOPERATOR=startx_length -DVALUES=[0x01] --docnum=8 %s 2>&1 | \ # RUN: FileCheck -DOPERATOR=startx_length -DACTUAL=1 -DEXPECTED=2 %s --check-prefix=INVALID-LLE-OPERANDS # RUN: not yaml2obj -DOPERATOR=offset_pair -DVALUES=[] --docnum=8 %s 2>&1 | \ # RUN: FileCheck -DOPERATOR=offset_pair -DACTUAL=0 -DEXPECTED=2 %s --check-prefix=INVALID-LLE-OPERANDS # RUN: not yaml2obj -DOPERATOR=default_location -DVALUES=[0x01] --docnum=8 %s 2>&1 | \ # RUN: FileCheck -DOPERATOR=default_location -DACTUAL=1 -DEXPECTED=0 %s --check-prefix=INVALID-LLE-OPERANDS # RUN: not yaml2obj -DOPERATOR=base_address -DVALUES=[0x01,0x02] --docnum=8 %s 2>&1 | \ # RUN: FileCheck -DOPERATOR=base_address -DACTUAL=2 -DEXPECTED=1 %s --check-prefix=INVALID-LLE-OPERANDS # RUN: not yaml2obj -DOPERATOR=start_end -DVALUES=[0x01,0x02,0x03] --docnum=8 %s 2>&1 | \ # RUN: FileCheck -DOPERATOR=start_end -DACTUAL=3 -DEXPECTED=2 %s --check-prefix=INVALID-LLE-OPERANDS # RUN: not yaml2obj -DOPERATOR=start_length -DVALUES=[0x01] --docnum=8 %s 2>&1 | \ # RUN: FileCheck -DOPERATOR=start_length -DACTUAL=1 -DEXPECTED=2 %s --check-prefix=INVALID-LLE-OPERANDS # INVALID-LLE-OPERANDS: yaml2obj: error: invalid number ([[ACTUAL]]) of operands for the operator: DW_LLE_[[OPERATOR]], [[EXPECTED]] expected --- !ELF FileHeader: Class: ELFCLASS64 Data: ELFDATA2LSB Type: ET_EXEC DWARF: debug_loclists: - Lists: - Entries: - Operator: DW_LLE_[[OPERATOR]] Values: [[VALUES]] ## k) Test that yaml2obj emits an error message if we specify invalid numbers of operands ## for a DWARF expression operator. # RUN: not yaml2obj --docnum=9 -DOPERATOR=consts -DVALUES=[0x01,0x02] %s 2>&1 | \ # RUN: FileCheck -DACTUAL=2 -DEXPECTED=1 -DOPERATOR=consts %s --check-prefix=INVALID-OP-OPERANDS # RUN: not yaml2obj --docnum=9 -DOPERATOR=stack_value -DVALUES=[0x01] %s 2>&1 | \ # RUN: FileCheck -DACTUAL=1 -DEXPECTED=0 -DOPERATOR=stack_value %s --check-prefix=INVALID-OP-OPERANDS # INVALID-OP-OPERANDS: yaml2obj: error: invalid number ([[ACTUAL]]) of operands for the operator: DW_OP_[[OPERATOR]], [[EXPECTED]] expected --- !ELF FileHeader: Class: ELFCLASS64 Data: ELFDATA2LSB Type: ET_EXEC DWARF: debug_loclists: - Lists: - Entries: - Operator: DW_LLE_startx_endx Values: [ 0x01, 0x02 ] Descriptions: - Operator: DW_OP_[[OPERATOR]] Values: [[VALUES]] ## l) Test that an empty list is allowed for a location list table. # RUN: yaml2obj --docnum=10 %s -o %t10.o # RUN: llvm-readelf --hex-dump=.debug_loclists %t10.o | \ # RUN: FileCheck %s --check-prefix=EMPTY-LIST # EMPTY-LIST: Hex dump of section '.debug_loclists': # EMPTY-LIST-NEXT: 0x00000000 08000000 05000800 00000000 ............ ## ^------- unit_length (4-byte) ## ^--- version (2-byte) ## ^- address_size (1-byte) ## ^- segment_selector_size (1-byte) ## ^------- offset_entry_count (4-byte) --- !ELF FileHeader: Class: ELFCLASS64 Data: ELFDATA2LSB Type: ET_EXEC DWARF: debug_loclists: - Lists: [] ## m) Generate the .debug_loclists section from raw section content. # RUN: yaml2obj --docnum=11 %s -o %t11.o # RUN: llvm-readobj --sections --section-data %t11.o | \ # RUN: FileCheck %s -DSIZE=3 -DADDRALIGN=0 --check-prefixes=SHDR,ARBITRARY-CONTENT # ARBITRARY-CONTENT: SectionData ( # ARBITRARY-CONTENT-NEXT: 0000: 112233 # ARBITRARY-CONTENT-NEXT: ) --- !ELF FileHeader: Class: ELFCLASS64 Data: ELFDATA2LSB Type: ET_EXEC Sections: - Name: .debug_loclists Type: SHT_PROGBITS Content: "112233" ## n) Generate the .debug_loclists section when the "Size" is specified. # RUN: yaml2obj --docnum=12 %s -o %t12.o # RUN: llvm-readelf --hex-dump=.debug_loclists %t12.o | \ # RUN: FileCheck %s --check-prefix=SIZE # SIZE: Hex dump of section '.debug_loclists': # SIZE-NEXT: 0x00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ # SIZE-EMPTY: --- !ELF FileHeader: Class: ELFCLASS64 Data: ELFDATA2LSB Type: ET_EXEC Sections: - Name: .debug_loclists Type: SHT_PROGBITS Size: 0x10 ## o) Test that yaml2obj emits an error message when both the "Size" and the ## "debug_loclists" entry are specified at the same time. # RUN: not yaml2obj --docnum=13 %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=ERROR # ERROR: yaml2obj: error: cannot specify section '.debug_loclists' contents in the 'DWARF' entry and the 'Content' or 'Size' in the 'Sections' entry at the same time --- !ELF FileHeader: Class: ELFCLASS64 Data: ELFDATA2LSB Type: ET_EXEC Sections: - Name: .debug_loclists Type: SHT_PROGBITS Size: 0x10 DWARF: debug_loclists: - Lists: [] ## p) Test that yaml2obj emits an error message when both the "Content" and the ## "debug_loclists" entry are specified at the same time. # RUN: not yaml2obj --docnum=14 %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=ERROR --- !ELF FileHeader: Class: ELFCLASS64 Data: ELFDATA2LSB Type: ET_EXEC Sections: - Name: .debug_loclists Type: SHT_PROGBITS Content: "00" DWARF: debug_loclists: - Lists: [] ## q) Test that all the properties can be overridden by the section header when ## the "debug_loclists" entry doesn't exist. # RUN: yaml2obj --docnum=15 %s -o %t15.o # RUN: llvm-readelf --sections %t15.o | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=OVERRIDDEN # OVERRIDDEN: [Nr] Name Type Address Off Size ES Flg Lk Inf Al # OVERRIDDEN: [ 1] .debug_loclists STRTAB 0000000000002020 000050 00000c 01 A 2 1 2 # OVERRIDDEN-NEXT: [ 2] .sec STRTAB 0000000000000000 00005c 000000 00 0 0 0 --- !ELF FileHeader: Class: ELFCLASS64 Data: ELFDATA2LSB Type: ET_EXEC Sections: - Name: .debug_loclists Type: SHT_STRTAB ## SHT_PROGBITS by default. Flags: [SHF_ALLOC] ## 0 by default. Link: .sec ## 0 by default. EntSize: 1 ## 0 by default. Info: 1 ## 0 by default. AddressAlign: 2 ## 0 by default. Address: 0x2020 ## 0x00 by default. Offset: 0x50 ## 0x40 for the first section. Size: 0x0c ## Set the "Size" so that we can reuse the check tag "OVERRIDDEN". - Name: .sec ## Linked by .debug_loclists. Type: SHT_STRTAB ## r) Test that all the properties can be overridden by the section header when ## the "debug_loclists" entry exists. # RUN: yaml2obj --docnum=16 %s -o %t16.o # RUN: llvm-readelf --sections %t16.o | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=OVERRIDDEN --- !ELF FileHeader: Class: ELFCLASS64 Data: ELFDATA2LSB Type: ET_EXEC Sections: - Name: .debug_loclists Type: SHT_STRTAB ## SHT_PROGBITS by default. Flags: [SHF_ALLOC] ## 0 by default. Link: .sec ## 0 by default. EntSize: 1 ## 0 by default. Info: 1 ## 0 by default. AddressAlign: 2 ## 1 by default. Address: 0x2020 ## 0x00 by default. Offset: 0x50 ## 0x40 for the first section. - Name: .sec ## Linked by .debug_loclists. Type: SHT_STRTAB DWARF: debug_loclists: - Lists: [] ## s) Test that the .debug_loclists section header is emitted if the "debug_loclists" ## entry is empty. # RUN: yaml2obj --docnum=17 %s -o %t17.o # RUN: llvm-readobj --sections --section-data %t17.o | \ # RUN: FileCheck -DSIZE=0 -DADDRALIGN=1 %s --check-prefixes=SHDR,EMPTY-CONTENT # EMPTY-CONTENT-NEXT: SectionData ( # EMPTY-CONTENT-NEXT: ) --- !ELF FileHeader: Class: ELFCLASS64 Data: ELFDATA2LSB Type: ET_EXEC DWARF: debug_loclists: [] ## t) Test that yaml2obj emits an error message if we use an unimplemented DWARF expression ## operator. # RUN: not yaml2obj --docnum=18 -DOP=0x01 %s 2>&1 | \ # RUN: FileCheck -DOP=0x1 %s --check-prefix=UNSUPPORTED-OP # UNSUPPORTED-OP: yaml2obj: error: DWARF expression: [[OP]] is not supported # RUN: not yaml2obj --docnum=18 -DOP=DW_OP_entry_value %s 2>&1 | \ # RUN: FileCheck -DOP=DW_OP_entry_value %s --check-prefix=UNSUPPORTED-OP --- !ELF FileHeader: Class: ELFCLASS64 Data: ELFDATA2LSB Type: ET_EXEC DWARF: debug_loclists: - Lists: - Entries: - Operator: DW_LLE_default_location Descriptions: - Operator: [[OP]] ## u) Test that we are able to generate a location list via raw binary data. # RUN: yaml2obj --docnum=19 %s -o %t19.o # RUN: llvm-readelf --hex-dump=.debug_loclists %t19.o | \ # RUN: FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CUSTOM-LIST # CUSTOM-LIST: Hex dump of section '.debug_loclists': # CUSTOM-LIST-NEXT: 0x00000000 2a000000 05000800 03000000 0c000000 *............... ## ^------- unit_length (4-byte) ## ^--- version (2-byte) ## ^- address_size (1-byte) ## ^- segment_selector_size (1-byte) ## ^------- offset_entry_count (4-byte) ## ^------- offsets[0] (4-byte) # CUSTOM-LIST-NEXT: 0x00000010 12000000 1a000000 02b424b4 24001234 ..........$.$..4 ## ^------- offsets[1] (4-byte) ## ^------- offsets[2] (4-byte) ## ^- DW_LLE_startx_endx ## ^--- operands[0] (ULEB128) 0x1234 ## ^---- operands[1] (ULEB128) 0x1234 ## ^- location descriptions length (ULEB128) 0x00 ## ^--- custom list content # CUSTOM-LIST-NEXT: 0x00000020 567890ab cdefabcd ef123456 7890 Vx........4Vx. ## ------------- ## ^----------------- custom list content --- !ELF FileHeader: Class: ELFCLASS64 Data: ELFDATA2LSB Type: ET_EXEC DWARF: debug_loclists: - Lists: - Entries: - Operator: DW_LLE_startx_endx Values: [ 0x1234, 0x1234 ] - Content: '1234567890abcdef' - Content: 'abcdef1234567890' ## v) Test that yaml2obj emits an error message when 'Content' and 'Entries' are specified ## at the same time. # RUN: not yaml2obj --docnum=20 %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=ERR # ERR: YAML:{{.*}}: error: Entries and Content can't be used together # ERR-NEXT: - Entries: [] # ERR-NEXT: ^ --- !ELF FileHeader: Class: ELFCLASS64 Data: ELFDATA2LSB Type: ET_EXEC DWARF: debug_loclists: - Lists: - Entries: [] Content: '' ## w) Test that when the "OffsetEntryCount" is specified to be 0 and "Offsets" is not specified, ## the offsets array is not emitted. # RUN: yaml2obj --docnum=21 -DOFFSETENTRIES=0 %s -o %t21.o # RUN: llvm-readelf --hex-dump=.debug_loclists %t21.o | \ # RUN: FileCheck %s --check-prefix=NO-OFFSETS # NO-OFFSETS: Hex dump of section '.debug_loclists': # NO-OFFSETS-NEXT: 0x00000000 0e000000 05000800 00000000 01010201 ................ ## ^------- unit_length (4-byte) ## ^--- version (2-byte) ## ^- address_size (1-byte) ## ^- segment_selector_size (1-byte) ## ^------- offset_entry_count (4-byte) ## ^- DW_LLE_base_addressx ## ^- operands[0] (ULEB128) 0x01 ## ^- DW_LLE_startx_endx ## ^- operands[0] (ULEB128) 0x01 # NO-OFFSETS-NEXT: 0x00000010 0200 .. ## ^- operands[1] (ULEB128) 0x02 ## ^- location descriptions length (ULEB128) 0x00 --- !ELF FileHeader: Class: ELFCLASS64 Data: ELFDATA2LSB Type: ET_EXEC DWARF: debug_loclists: - OffsetEntryCount: [[OFFSETENTRIES=]] Offsets: [[OFFSETS=]] Lists: - Entries: - Operator: DW_LLE_base_addressx Values: [ 0x01 ] - Operator: DW_LLE_startx_endx Values: [ 0x01, 0x02 ] ## x) Test that when the "Offsets" entry is specified to be empty and the "OffsetEntryCount" is not specified, ## the offsets array will be omitted. # RUN: yaml2obj --docnum=21 -DOFFSETS=[] %s -o %t22.o # RUN: llvm-readelf --hex-dump=.debug_loclists %t22.o | \ # RUN: FileCheck %s --check-prefix=NO-OFFSETS ## y) Test that if "Offsets" is specified, the offsets array will be emitted accordingly, even when ## the "OffsetEntryCount" is specified to be 0. # RUN: yaml2obj --docnum=21 -DOFFSETENTRIES=0 -DOFFSETS=[0x01,0x02,0x03] %s -o %t23.o # RUN: llvm-readelf --hex-dump=.debug_loclists %t23.o | \ # RUN: FileCheck %s --check-prefix=OFFSETS # OFFSETS: Hex dump of section '.debug_loclists': # OFFSETS-NEXT: 0x00000000 0e000000 05000800 00000000 01000000 ................ ## ^------- unit_length (4-byte) ## ^--- version (2-byte) ## ^- address_size (1-byte) ## ^- segment_selector_size (1-byte) ## ^------- offset_entry_count (4-byte) ## ^------- offsets[0] (4-byte) # OFFSETS-NEXT: 0x00000010 02000000 03000000 01010201 0200 .............. ## ^------- offsets[1] (4-byte) ## ^------- offsets[2] (4-byte) ## ^- DW_LLE_base_addressx ## ^- operands[0] (ULEB128) 0x01 ## ^- DW_LLE_startx_endx ## ^- operands[0] (ULEB128) 0x01 ## ^- operands[1] (ULEB128) 0x02 ## ^- location descriptions length (ULEB128) 0x00