## This test checks the warning message when no user specified sections are ## found in the object file. ## Test relocatable file. # RUN: yaml2obj --docnum=1 %s -o %t.1.o # RUN: yaml2obj --docnum=2 %s -o %t.2.o ## - Warn for one section is found case. # RUN: llvm-objdump --reloc --section=single %t.2.o 2>&1 \ # RUN: | FileCheck --check-prefix=SINGLE-WARN %s ## - Don't warn twice for duplicate missing sections. # RUN: llvm-objdump --reloc --section=single --section=single %t.2.o 2>&1 \ # RUN: | FileCheck --check-prefixes=SINGLE-WARN --implicit-check-not=warning: %s ## - Don't warn if any user specified section is found. # RUN: llvm-objdump --reloc --section=.text1 --section=.text2 %t.2.o \ # RUN: | FileCheck --implicit-check-not=warning: %s ## - Warn for each specified section if none of them are found. # RUN: llvm-objdump --reloc --section=multi1 --section=multi2 %t.2.o 2>&1 \ # RUN: | FileCheck --check-prefix=MULTI-WARN %s ## - Don't warn if the specified section has no name. # RUN: llvm-objdump --reloc --section="" %t.2.o 2>&1 \ # RUN: | FileCheck --implicit-check-not=warning: %s ## - Warning for --section is applicable for various other options. # RUN: llvm-objdump --section-headers --section=single %t.2.o 2>&1 \ # RUN: | FileCheck --check-prefix=SINGLE-WARN %s # RUN: llvm-objdump --full-contents --section=single %t.2.o 2>&1 \ # RUN: | FileCheck --check-prefix=SINGLE-WARN %s ## Test archive file. # RUN: rm -f %t.a # RUN: llvm-ar rc %t.a %t.1.o %t.2.o ## - Warn for one section is found case. # RUN: llvm-objdump --reloc --section=single %t.a 2>&1 \ # RUN: | FileCheck --check-prefix=SINGLE-WARN %s ## - Don't warn if any user specified section is found. # RUN: llvm-objdump --reloc --section=.text1 %t.a \ # RUN: | FileCheck --implicit-check-not=warning: %s ## - Warn for each specified section if none of them are found. # RUN: llvm-objdump --reloc --section=multi1 --section=multi2 %t.a 2>&1 \ # RUN: | FileCheck --check-prefix=MULTI-WARN %s # SINGLE-WARN: warning: section 'single' mentioned in a -j/--section option, but not found in any input file # MULTI-WARN: warning: section 'multi1' mentioned in a -j/--section option, but not found in any input file # MULTI-WARN-NEXT: warning: section 'multi2' mentioned in a -j/--section option, but not found in any input file --- !ELF FileHeader: Class: ELFCLASS64 Data: ELFDATA2LSB Type: ET_REL Machine: EM_X86_64 Sections: - Name: .text1 Type: SHT_PROGBITS --- !ELF FileHeader: Class: ELFCLASS64 Data: ELFDATA2LSB Type: ET_REL Machine: EM_X86_64 Sections: - Name: .text2 Type: SHT_PROGBITS