%{ /** * bison_parser.y * defines bison_parser.h * outputs bison_parser.c * * Grammar File Spec: http://dinosaur.compilertools.net/bison/bison_6.html * */ /********************************* ** Section 1: C Declarations *********************************/ #include "sqllib.h" #include "bison_parser.h" #include "flex_lexer.h" #include using namespace hsql; int yyerror(StatementList** result, yyscan_t scanner, const char *msg) { StatementList* list = new StatementList(); list->isValid = false; list->parser_msg = strdup(msg); *result = list; return 0; } %} /********************************* ** Section 2: Bison Parser Declarations *********************************/ // Define the names of the created files %output "bison_parser.cpp" %defines "bison_parser.h" // Tell bison to create a reentrant parser %define api.pure full // Prefix the parser %define api.prefix {hsql_} %define api.token.prefix {SQL_} %define parse.error verbose // Specify code that is included in the generated .h and .c files %code requires { #ifndef YYtypeDEF_YY_SCANNER_T #define YYtypeDEF_YY_SCANNER_T typedef void* yyscan_t; #endif #define YYSTYPE HSQL_STYPE } // Define additional parameters for yylex (http://www.gnu.org/software/bison/manual/html_node/Pure-Calling.html) %lex-param { yyscan_t scanner } // Define additional parameters for yyparse %parse-param { hsql::StatementList** result } %parse-param { yyscan_t scanner } /********************************* ** Define all data-types (http://www.gnu.org/software/bison/manual/html_node/Union-Decl.html) *********************************/ %union { double fval; int64_t ival; char* sval; uint uval; hsql::Statement* statement; hsql::SelectStatement* select_stmt; hsql::ImportStatement* import_stmt; hsql::TableRef* table; hsql::Expr* expr; hsql::OrderDescription* order; hsql::OrderType order_type; hsql::LimitDescription* limit; hsql::StatementList* stmt_list; hsql::List* slist; hsql::List* expr_list; hsql::List* table_list; } /********************************* ** Token Definition *********************************/ %token NAME STRING COMPARISON %token FLOAT %token INT %token NOTEQUALS LESSEQ GREATEREQ /* SQL Keywords */ %token DISTINCT DATABASE NATURAL CONTROL BETWEEN SELECT %token HAVING OFFSET CREATE IMPORT RENAME DELETE INSERT %token UPDATE UNLOAD COLUMN ISNULL WHERE GROUP ORDER LIMIT %token INNER OUTER RIGHT CROSS USING TABLE INDEX ALTER FROM %token DESC JOIN LEFT FILE DROP LOAD INTO NULL LIKE TOP ASC %token CSV TBL NOT AND BY ON AS OR IN IS /********************************* ** Non-Terminal types (http://www.gnu.org/software/bison/manual/html_node/Type-Decl.html) *********************************/ %type statement_list %type statement %type select_statement %type import_statement %type table_name opt_alias alias file_path %type from_clause table_ref table_ref_atomic table_ref_name %type
join_clause join_table %type expr scalar_expr unary_expr binary_expr function_expr star_expr %type column_name literal int_literal num_literal string_literal %type comp_expr where_clause join_condition %type expr_list group_clause select_list %type table_ref_commalist %type order_by_clause %type limit_clause %type order_type %type import_file_type /****************************** ** Token Precedence and Associativity ** Precedence: lowest to highest ******************************/ %left OR %left AND %right NOT %right '=' EQUALS NOTEQUALS LIKE %nonassoc '<' '>' LESS GREATER LESSEQ GREATEREQ %nonassoc NOTNULL %nonassoc ISNULL %nonassoc IS /* sets precedence for IS NULL, etc */ %left '+' '-' %left '*' '/' '%' %left '^' /* Unary Operators */ %right UMINUS %left '[' ']' %left '(' ')' %left '.' %% /********************************* ** Section 3: Grammar Definition *********************************/ // Defines our general input. // TODO: Support list of statements input: statement_list opt_semicolon { *result = $1; } ; statement_list: statement { $$ = new StatementList($1); } | statement_list ';' statement { $1->push_back($3); $$ = $1; } ; // All types of statements // TODO: insert, delete, etc... statement: select_statement { $$ = $1; } | import_statement { $$ = $1; } ; /****************************** ** Import Statement ******************************/ import_statement: IMPORT FROM import_file_type FILE file_path INTO table_name { $$ = new ImportStatement(); $$->file_type = (ImportFileType) $3; $$->file_path = $5; $$->table_name = $7; } ; import_file_type: CSV { $$ = kImportCSV; } | TBL { $$ = kImportTbl; } ; file_path: string_literal { $$ = $1->name; } ; /****************************** ** Select Statement ******************************/ select_statement: SELECT select_list from_clause where_clause group_clause order_by_clause limit_clause { SelectStatement* s = new SelectStatement(); s->select_list = $2; s->from_table = $3; s->where_clause = $4; s->group_by = $5; s->order = $6; s->limit = $7; $$ = s; } | '(' select_statement ')' { $$ = $2; } ; select_list: expr_list ; from_clause: FROM table_ref { $$ = $2; } ; where_clause: WHERE expr { $$ = $2; } | /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } ; // TODO: having group_clause: GROUP BY expr_list { $$ = $3; } | /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } ; order_by_clause: ORDER BY expr order_type { $$ = new OrderDescription($4, $3); } | /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } ; order_type: ASC { $$ = kOrderAsc; } | DESC { $$ = kOrderDesc; } | /* empty */ { $$ = kOrderAsc; } ; limit_clause: LIMIT int_literal { $$ = new LimitDescription($2->ival, kNoOffset); delete $2; } | /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } ; /****************************** ** Expressions ******************************/ expr_list: expr { $$ = new List($1); } | expr_list ',' expr { $1->push_back($3); $$ = $1; } ; expr: '(' expr ')' { $$ = $2; } | scalar_expr | unary_expr | binary_expr | function_expr ; scalar_expr: column_name | star_expr | literal ; unary_expr: '-' expr { $$ = Expr::makeOpUnary(Expr::UMINUS, $2); } | NOT expr { $$ = Expr::makeOpUnary(Expr::NOT, $2); } ; binary_expr: comp_expr | expr '-' expr { $$ = Expr::makeOpBinary($1, '-', $3); } | expr '+' expr { $$ = Expr::makeOpBinary($1, '+', $3); } | expr '/' expr { $$ = Expr::makeOpBinary($1, '/', $3); } | expr '*' expr { $$ = Expr::makeOpBinary($1, '*', $3); } | expr '%' expr { $$ = Expr::makeOpBinary($1, '%', $3); } | expr '^' expr { $$ = Expr::makeOpBinary($1, '^', $3); } | expr AND expr { $$ = Expr::makeOpBinary($1, Expr::AND, $3); } | expr OR expr { $$ = Expr::makeOpBinary($1, Expr::OR, $3); } | expr LIKE expr { $$ = Expr::makeOpBinary($1, Expr::LIKE, $3); } | expr NOT LIKE expr { $$ = Expr::makeOpBinary($1, Expr::NOT_LIKE, $4); } ; comp_expr: expr '=' expr { $$ = Expr::makeOpBinary($1, '=', $3); } | expr NOTEQUALS expr { $$ = Expr::makeOpBinary($1, Expr::NOT_EQUALS, $3); } | expr '<' expr { $$ = Expr::makeOpBinary($1, '<', $3); } | expr '>' expr { $$ = Expr::makeOpBinary($1, '>', $3); } | expr LESSEQ expr { $$ = Expr::makeOpBinary($1, Expr::LESS_EQ, $3); } | expr GREATEREQ expr { $$ = Expr::makeOpBinary($1, Expr::GREATER_EQ, $3); } ; function_expr: NAME '(' expr ')' { $$ = Expr::makeFunctionRef($1, $3); } ; column_name: NAME { $$ = Expr::makeColumnRef($1); } | NAME '.' NAME { $$ = Expr::makeColumnRef($1, $3); } ; literal: string_literal | num_literal ; string_literal: STRING { $$ = Expr::makeLiteral($1); } ; num_literal: FLOAT { $$ = Expr::makeLiteral($1); } | int_literal ; int_literal: INT { $$ = Expr::makeLiteral($1); } ; star_expr: '*' { $$ = new Expr(kExprStar); } ; /****************************** ** Table ******************************/ table_ref: table_ref_atomic | table_ref_atomic ',' table_ref_commalist { $3->push_back($1); auto tbl = new TableRef(kTableCrossProduct); tbl->list = $3; $$ = tbl; } ; table_ref_atomic: table_ref_name | '(' select_statement ')' alias { auto tbl = new TableRef(kTableSelect); tbl->select = $2; tbl->alias = $4; $$ = tbl; } | join_clause ; table_ref_commalist: table_ref_atomic { $$ = new List($1); } | table_ref_commalist ',' table_ref_atomic { $1->push_back($3); $$ = $1; } ; table_ref_name: table_name opt_alias { auto tbl = new TableRef(kTableName); tbl->name = $1; tbl->alias = $2; $$ = tbl; } ; table_name: NAME | NAME '.' NAME ; alias: AS NAME { $$ = $2; } | NAME ; opt_alias: alias | /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } /****************************** ** Join Statements ******************************/ join_clause: join_table JOIN join_table ON join_condition { $$ = new TableRef(kTableJoin); $$->left = $1; $$->right = $3; $$->join_condition = $5; $$->join_type = kJoinInner; } ; join_table: '(' select_statement ')' alias { auto tbl = new TableRef(kTableSelect); tbl->select = $2; tbl->alias = $4; $$ = tbl; } | table_ref_name; join_condition: expr ; /****************************** ** Misc ******************************/ opt_semicolon: ';' | /* empty */ ; %% /********************************* ** Section 4: Additional C code *********************************/ /* empty */